Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See LICENSE file in project root for terms.

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Transient;

 * Entity Dictionary maps JSON API Entity beans to/from Entity type names.
 * @see Include#type
public class EntityDictionary {

    protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Class<?>> bindJsonApiToEntity = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    protected final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, EntityBinding> entityBindings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    protected final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Class<?>> bindEntityRoots = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

     * Instantiates a new Entity dictionary.
    public EntityDictionary() {
        // Do nothing

    protected EntityBinding entityBinding(Class<?> entityClass) {
        EntityBinding entityBinding = entityBindings.get(lookupEntityClass(entityClass));
        return entityBinding == null ? EntityBinding.EMPTY_BINDING : entityBinding;

     * Returns the binding class for a given entity name.
     * @param entityName entity name
     * @return binding class
    public Class<?> getBinding(String entityName) {
        return bindJsonApiToEntity.get(entityName);

     * Returns the entity name for a given binding class.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @return binding class
    public String getBinding(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return entityBinding(entityClass).jsonApi;

     * Returns the name of the id field.
     * @param entityClass Entity class
     * @return id field name
    public String getIdFieldName(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return entityBinding(entityClass).getIdFieldName();

     * Get all bindings.
     * @return the bindings
    public Set<Class<?>> getBindings() {
        return entityBindings.keySet();

     * Get the list of attribute names for an entity.
     * @param entityClass entity name
     * @return List of attribute names for entity
    public List<String> getAttributes(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return entityBinding(entityClass).attrs;

     * Get the list of attribute names for an entity.
     * @param entity entity instance
     * @return List of attribute names for entity
    public List<String> getAttributes(Object entity) {
        return getAttributes(entity.getClass());

     * Get the list of relationship names for an entity.
     * @param entityClass entity name
     * @return List of relationship names for entity
    public List<String> getRelationships(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return entityBinding(entityClass).relationships;

     * Get the list of relationship names for an entity.
     * @param entity entity instance
     * @return List of relationship names for entity
    public List<String> getRelationships(Object entity) {
        return getRelationships(entity.getClass());

     * Get the type of relationship from a relation.
     * @param cls Entity class
     * @param relation Name of relationship field
     * @return Relationship type. RelationshipType.NONE if is none found.
    public RelationshipType getRelationshipType(Class<?> cls, String relation) {
        final ConcurrentHashMap<String, RelationshipType> types = entityBinding(cls).relationshipTypes;
        if (types == null) {
            return RelationshipType.NONE;
        final RelationshipType type = types.get(relation);
        return (type == null) ? RelationshipType.NONE : type;

     * If a relationship is bidirectional, returns the name of the peer relationship in the peer entity.
     * @param cls the cls
     * @param relation the relation
     * @return relation inverse
    public String getRelationInverse(Class<?> cls, String relation) {
        final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> mappings = entityBinding(cls).relationshipToInverse;
        if (mappings != null) {
            final String mapping = mappings.get(relation);

            if (mapping != null && !mapping.equals("")) {
                return mapping;

         * This could be the owning side of the relation.  Let's see if the entity referenced in the relation
         * has a bidirectional reference that is mapped to the given relation.
        final Class<?> inverseType = getParameterizedType(cls, relation);
        final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> inverseMappings = entityBinding(inverseType).relationshipToInverse;

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> inverseMapping : inverseMappings.entrySet()) {
            String inverseRelationName = inverseMapping.getKey();
            String inverseMappedBy = inverseMapping.getValue();

            if (relation.equals(inverseMappedBy)
                    && getParameterizedType(inverseType, inverseRelationName).equals(lookupEntityClass(cls))) {
                return inverseRelationName;

        return "";

     * Get the type of relationship from a relation.
     * @param entity Entity instance
     * @param relation Name of relationship field
     * @return Relationship type. RelationshipType.NONE if is none found.
    public RelationshipType getRelationshipType(Object entity, String relation) {
        return getRelationshipType(entity.getClass(), relation);

     * Get a type for a field on an entity.
     * @param entityClass Entity class
     * @param identifier Field to lookup type
     * @return Type of entity
    public Class<?> getType(Class<?> entityClass, String identifier) {
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, Class<?>> fieldTypes = entityBinding(entityClass).fieldsToTypes;
        return fieldTypes == null ? null : fieldTypes.get(identifier);

     * Get a type for a field on an entity.
     * @param entity Entity instance
     * @param identifier Field to lookup type
     * @return Type of entity
    public Class<?> getType(Object entity, String identifier) {
        return getType(entity.getClass(), identifier);

     * Retrieve the parameterized type for the given field.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return Entity type for field otherwise null.
    public Class<?> getParameterizedType(Class<?> entityClass, String identifier) {
        return getParameterizedType(entityClass, identifier, 0);

     * Retrieve the parameterized type for the given field.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @param paramIndex the index of the parameterization
     * @return Entity type for field otherwise null.
    public Class<?> getParameterizedType(Class<?> entityClass, String identifier, int paramIndex) {
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessibleObject> fieldOrMethods = entityBinding(entityClass).fieldsToValues;
        if (fieldOrMethods == null) {
            return null;
        AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod = fieldOrMethods.get(identifier);
        if (fieldOrMethod == null) {
            return null;

        Type type;

        if (fieldOrMethod instanceof Method) {
            type = ((Method) fieldOrMethod).getGenericReturnType();
        } else {
            type = ((Field) fieldOrMethod).getGenericType();

        if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            return (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[paramIndex];

        return getType(entityClass, identifier);

     * Retrieve the parameterized type for the given field.
     * @param entity Entity instance
     * @param identifier Field to lookup
     * @return Entity type for field otherwise null.
    public Class<?> getParameterizedType(Object entity, String identifier) {
        return getParameterizedType(entity.getClass(), identifier);

     * Retrieve the parameterized type for the given field.
     * @param entity Entity instance
     * @param identifier Field to lookup
     * @param paramIndex the index of the parameterization
     * @return Entity type for field otherwise null.
    public Class<?> getParameterizedType(Object entity, String identifier, int paramIndex) {
        return getParameterizedType(entity.getClass(), identifier, paramIndex);

     * Get the true field/method name from an alias.
     * @param entityClass Entity name
     * @param alias Alias to convert
     * @return Real field/method name as a string. null if not found.
    public String getNameFromAlias(Class<?> entityClass, String alias) {
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> map = entityBinding(entityClass).aliasesToFields;
        if (map != null) {
            return map.get(alias);
        return null;

     * Get the true field/method name from an alias.
     * @param entity Entity instance
     * @param alias Alias to convert
     * @return Real field/method name as a string. null if not found.
    public String getNameFromAlias(Object entity, String alias) {
        return getNameFromAlias(entity.getClass(), alias);

     * Initialize an entity.
     * @param <T>   the type parameter
     * @param entity Entity to initialize
    public <T> void initializeEntity(T entity) {
        if (entity != null) {
            Initializer<T> initializer = entityBinding(entity.getClass()).getInitializer();
            if (initializer != null) {

     * Bind a particular initializer to a class.
     * @param <T>   the type parameter
     * @param initializer Initializer to use for class
     * @param cls Class to bind initialization
    public <T> void bindInitializer(Initializer<T> initializer, Class<T> cls) {

     * Returns whether or not an entity is shareable.
     * @param entityClass the entity type to check for the shareable permissions
     * @return true if entityClass is shareable.  False otherwise.
    public boolean isShareable(Class<?> entityClass) {
        SharePermission share = (SharePermission) getFirstAnnotation(entityClass,
        return share != null;

     * Add given Entity bean to dictionary.
     * @param cls Entity bean class
    public void bindEntity(Class<?> cls) {
        Annotation annotation = getFirstAnnotation(cls, Arrays.asList(Include.class, Exclude.class));
        Include include = annotation instanceof Include ? (Include) annotation : null;
        Exclude exclude = annotation instanceof Exclude ? (Exclude) annotation : null;
        if (exclude != null) {
            log.trace("Exclude {}", cls.getName());
        if (include == null) {
            log.trace("Missing include {}", cls.getName());
        String type;
        if ("".equals(include.type())) {
            type = WordUtils.uncapitalize(cls.getSimpleName());
        } else {
            type = include.type();
        Class<?> duplicate = bindJsonApiToEntity.put(type, cls);
        if (duplicate != null && !duplicate.equals(cls)) {
            log.error("Duplicate binding {} for {}, {}", type, cls, duplicate);
            throw new DuplicateMappingException(type + " " + cls.getName() + ":" + duplicate.getName());

        entityBindings.putIfAbsent(lookupEntityClass(cls), new EntityBinding(cls, type));
        if (include.rootLevel()) {

     * Return annotation from class, parents or package.
     * @param record the record
     * @param annotationClass the annotation class
     * @param <A> genericClass
     * @return the annotation
    public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(PersistentResource record, Class<A> annotationClass) {
        return getAnnotation(record.getResourceClass(), annotationClass);

     * Return annotation from class, parents or package.
     * @param recordClass the record class
     * @param annotationClass the annotation class
     * @param <A> genericClass
     * @return the annotation
    public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<?> recordClass, Class<A> annotationClass) {
        A annotation = null;
        for (Class<?> cls = recordClass; annotation == null && cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) {
            annotation = cls.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
        // no class annotation, try packages
        for (Package pkg = recordClass.getPackage(); annotation == null
                && pkg != null; pkg = getParentPackage(pkg)) {
            annotation = pkg.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
        return annotation;

    public <A extends Annotation> Collection<Method> getTriggers(Class<?> cls, Class<A> annotationClass,
            String fieldName) {
        return entityBinding(cls).getTriggers(annotationClass, fieldName);

    private static Package getParentPackage(Package pkg) {
        String name = pkg.getName();
        int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.');
        return idx == -1 ? null : Package.getPackage(name.substring(0, idx));

     * Return a single annotation from field or accessor method.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @param annotationClass given annotation type
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @param <A> genericClass
     * @return annotation found
    public <A extends Annotation> A getAttributeOrRelationAnnotation(Class<?> entityClass, Class<A> annotationClass,
            String identifier) {
        AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod = entityBinding(entityClass).fieldsToValues.get(identifier);
        if (fieldOrMethod == null) {
            return null;
        return fieldOrMethod.getAnnotation(annotationClass);

     * Return multiple annotations from field or accessor method.
     * @param <A>   the type parameter
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @param annotationClass given annotation type
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return annotation found or null if none found
    public <A extends Annotation> A[] getAttributeOrRelationAnnotations(Class<?> entityClass,
            Class<A> annotationClass, String identifier) {
        AccessibleObject fieldOrMethod = entityBinding(entityClass).fieldsToValues.get(identifier);
        if (fieldOrMethod == null) {
            return null;
        return fieldOrMethod.getAnnotationsByType(annotationClass);

     * Return first matching annotation from class, parents or package.
     * @param entityClass Entity class type
     * @param annotationClassList List of sought annotations
     * @return annotation found
    public static Annotation getFirstAnnotation(Class<?> entityClass,
            List<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotationClassList) {
        Annotation annotation = null;
        for (Class<?> cls = entityClass; annotation == null && cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) {
            for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass : annotationClassList) {
                annotation = cls.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
                if (annotation != null) {
        // no class annotation, try packages
        for (Package pkg = entityClass.getPackage(); annotation == null
                && pkg != null; pkg = getParentPackage(pkg)) {
            for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass : annotationClassList) {
                annotation = pkg.getAnnotation(annotationClass);
                if (annotation != null) {
        return annotation;

     * Is root.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @return the boolean
    public boolean isRoot(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return bindEntityRoots.contains(entityClass);

     * Gets id.
     * @param value the value
     * @return the id
    public String getId(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        try {
            AccessibleObject idField = null;
            for (Class<?> cls = value.getClass(); idField == null && cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) {
                idField = entityBinding(cls).getIdField();
            if (idField instanceof Field) {
                return String.valueOf(((Field) idField).get(value));
            if (idField instanceof Method) {
                return String.valueOf(((Method) idField).invoke(value, (Object[]) null));
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            return null;

     * Returns type of id field.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @return ID type
    public Class<?> getIdType(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return entityBinding(entityClass).getIdType();

     * Returns annotations applied to the ID field.
     * @param value the value
     * @return Collection of Annotations
    public Collection<Annotation> getIdAnnotations(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;

        AccessibleObject idField = entityBinding(value.getClass()).getIdField();
        if (idField != null) {
            return Arrays.asList(idField.getDeclaredAnnotations());

        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Find an arbitrary method.
     * @param entityClass the entity class
     * @param name the name
     * @param paramClass the param class
     * @return method method
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException the no such method exception
    public static Method findMethod(Class<?> entityClass, String name, Class<?>... paramClass)
            throws NoSuchMethodException {
        Method m = entityClass.getMethod(name, paramClass);
        int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
        if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers)
                || (m.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class) && !m.isAnnotationPresent(ComputedAttribute.class))) {
            throw new NoSuchMethodException(name);
        return m;

     * Follow for this class or super-class for Entity annotation.
     * @param objClass provided class
     * @return class with Entity annotation
    public Class<?> lookupEntityClass(Class<?> objClass) {
        for (Class<?> cls = objClass; cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) {
            if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) {
                return cls;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Entity " + objClass);

     * Retrieve the accessible object for a field from a target object.
     * @param target the object to get
     * @param fieldName the field name to get or invoke equivalent get method
     * @return the value
    public AccessibleObject getAccessibleObject(Object target, String fieldName) {
        Class<?> targetClass = lookupEntityClass(target.getClass());
        return getAccessibleObject(targetClass, fieldName);

     * Retrieve the accessible object for a field.
     * @param targetClass the object to get
     * @param fieldName the field name to get or invoke equivalent get method
     * @return the value
    public AccessibleObject getAccessibleObject(Class<?> targetClass, String fieldName) {
        ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessibleObject> map = entityBinding(targetClass).accessibleObject;
        return map.get(fieldName);