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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Copyright (C) Michael J. Meyer

 * Created on April 18, 2002, 12:19 PM

package cz.paulrz.montecarlo.random;

import org.apache.commons.math.random.BitsStreamGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.MersenneTwister;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath;

 * <p>Generator for the Sobol sequence. Uses the Gray code counter and bitwise
 * operations for very fast point generation.</p>
 * <p/>
 * <p>Use N=2^n-1, n=1,2,... points for QMC integration.
 * At N=2^n-1 the Gray code counter G(k) is in sync with the integer sequence
 * k=1,2,... again, that is { G(1),...,G(N) }={ 1,...,N }.</p>
 * <p/>
 * <p><b>Dimension:</b> the Sobol generator is implemented only in dimension
 * at most 300. The current implementation relies on primitive polynomials
 * and initialization numbers from the book [J]:
 * <i>Monte Carlo Methods in Finance</i> by Peter Jaeckel, Wiley,
 * ISNB 047149741X. The CD sold with the book contains millions of
 * primitive polynomials allowing you to extend the generator to millions of
 * dimensions.</p>
 * <p/>
 * <p>If the dimension is small low discrepancy sequences are significantly
 * better Monte Carlo integrators than uniform sequences while this advantage
 * seems to fade as the dimension increases at least if the number N of points
 * is restricted to values that are realistic in applications.</p>
 * <p/>
 * <p>This would argue that we apply the Sobol sequence to a small number of
 * important dimensions while driving the remaining dimensions with a uniform
 * sequence. On the other hand [J] presents evidence that the Sobol sequence
 * keeps up with the uniform sequence at any number N of points even in high
 * dimensions if the initialization numbers are chosen properly.</p>
 * <p/>
 * <p>In this regard it should be noted that even the best uniform random number
 * generator, the Mersenne Twister is only known to deliver an equidistributed
 * sequence up to dimension 623. If the sequence is not equidistributed
 * we do not know wether the Monte Carlo integral converges to the true integral
 * as the number N of points inreases to infinity. Low discrepancy sequences on
 * the other hand are equidistributed in every dimension and so the Monte
 * Carlo integral is guarenteed to converge to the true value of the integral.
 * </p>
 * <p/>
 * <p>The reader is advised to consult [J] for a detailed description of
 * techniques to reduce effective dimensionality and much additional
 * source code related to Monte Carlo simulation. It is an excellent reference
 * on the topic.</p>
 * @author Michael J. Meyer
public final class Sobol extends BitsStreamGenerator {

    static final int bits = 32; // we are using 32 bit integers
    static final long N = 4294967296L; // 2^32

    long[][] v; // v[k] - array of direction numbers for dimension k

    int[][] p; // p[k] - coefficient array of the k-th primitive polynomial

    int[] g; // g[k] - degree of the k-th primitive polynomial

    long[] x_int; // current vector of Sobol integers

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void setSeed(int seed) {
        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void setSeed(int[] seed) {
        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void setSeed(long seed) {
        //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

     * Generate next pseudorandom number.
     * <p>This method is the core generation algorithm. It is used by all the
     * public generation methods for the various primitive types {@link
     * #nextBoolean()}, {@link #nextBytes(byte[])}, {@link #nextDouble()},
     * {@link #nextFloat()}, {@link #nextGaussian()}, {@link #nextInt()},
     * {@link #next(int)} and {@link #nextLong()}.</p>
     * @param bits number of random bits to produce
     * @return random bits generated
    protected int next(int bits) {
        return 0; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.

    public double nextDouble() {
        return nextPoint()[0];

    private double nextGaussian = Double.NaN;

    public double nextGaussian() {
        final double random;
        if (Double.isNaN(nextGaussian)) {
            // generate a new pair of gaussian numbers
            final double[] xs = nextPoint();
            final double x = xs[0];
            final double y = xs[1];
            final double alpha = 2 * FastMath.PI * x;
            final double r = FastMath.sqrt(-2 * FastMath.log(y));
            random = r * FastMath.cos(alpha);
            nextGaussian = r * FastMath.sin(alpha);
        } else {
            // use the second element of the pair already generated
            random = nextGaussian;
            nextGaussian = Double.NaN;

        return random;

    public String getName() {
        return "Sobol Sequence";


     * Print binary string representation of a positive integer n.
     * Most significant digit leftmost as usual.
    static void printbin(int n) {
        if (n > 0) {
            printbin(n / 2);
            System.out.print(n % 2);

     * The Gray code of n.
    public static int gray(int n) {
        return n ^ (n / 2);

     * <p>A primitive polynomial p(x) modulo 2 is encoded by a pair of numbers
     * (d,n) as follows: d=degree(p), the leading and trailing coefficient of p
     * are 1 and the intermediate coefficients are the bits of n in the binary
     * representation of n: for example the polynomial</p>
     * <p/>
     * <center> 1+x+x^2+x^4+x^5 </center>
     * <p/>
     * <p> with coefficients (1)1101(1) is encoded as (5,n) with n=1101=13.
     * In other words the least significant bit of n corresponds to the
     * second highest power of x etc.</p>
     * <p/>
     * <p> The routine allocates the coefficient array prim_pol[k] of this
     * polynomial and writes the coefficients into the array with powers of x
     * decreasing left to right.</p>
     * @param d,n encodings of polynomial
     * @param k   polynomial to be stored as prim_pol[k]
    void read_prim_pol(int d, int n, int k) {
        p[k] = new int[d + 1];

        int j = 0;
        p[k][d] = 1;
        while (n > 0) {
            p[k][d - j] = n % 2;
            n = n / 2;
        p[k][0] = 1;


     * ****************************************************************************
     * <p/>
     * <p/>
     * *****************************************************************************

    private int dim;
    private int index;

    private double[] x;
    private double[] z;

     * @param dim dimension of the Sobol sequence.
    public Sobol(int dim) throws Exception {
        this.dim = dim;
        if (dim > 300) {
            throw new Exception("Sobol sequence only implemented for dimension at most 300." + "\nExiting.");

        // array of polynomial degrees and coefficient arrays
        g = new int[dim];
        p = new int[dim][];
        // degree zero
        g[0] = 0;
        p[0] = new int[1];
        p[0][0] = 1;
        // positive degree polynomials read from pp
        int k = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < pp.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < pp[i].length; j++)
                if (k < dim) {
                    g[k] = i + 1;
                    read_prim_pol(g[k], pp[i][j], k);
                } else

        /* DEBUG: print the primitive polynomials:
        System.out.println("\nPrimitive polynomials:\n");
            for(int j=0;j<=g[k];j++)System.out.print(p[k][j]);

        // initialize the array of direction integers
        v = new long[dim][bits];
        for (int j = 0; j < bits; j++)
            v[0][j] = (1L << (bits - j - 1));

        if (dim > 1)
            v[1][0] = (1L << bits - 1);

        if (dim > 2) {
            v[2][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[2][1] = (1L << bits - 2);

        if (dim > 3) {
            v[3][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[3][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[3][2] = (7L << bits - 3);

        if (dim > 4) {
            v[4][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[4][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[4][2] = (5L << bits - 3);

        if (dim > 5) {
            v[5][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[5][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[5][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[5][3] = (1L << bits - 4);

        if (dim > 6) {
            v[6][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[6][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[6][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[6][3] = (7L << bits - 4);

        if (dim > 7) {
            v[7][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[7][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[7][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[7][3] = (9L << bits - 4);
            v[7][4] = (9L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 8) {
            v[8][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[8][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[8][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[8][3] = (7L << bits - 4);
            v[8][4] = (21L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 9) {
            v[9][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[9][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[9][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[9][3] = (11L << bits - 4);
            v[9][4] = (27L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 10) {
            v[10][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[10][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[10][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[10][3] = (3L << bits - 4);
            v[10][4] = (29L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 11) {
            v[11][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[11][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[11][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[11][3] = (13L << bits - 4);
            v[11][4] = (3L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 12) {
            v[12][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[12][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[12][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[12][3] = (1L << bits - 4);
            v[12][4] = (15L << bits - 5);

        if (dim > 13) {
            v[13][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[13][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[13][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[13][3] = (9L << bits - 4);
            v[13][4] = (23L << bits - 5);
            v[13][5] = (37L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 14) {
            v[14][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[14][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[14][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[14][3] = (13L << bits - 4);
            v[14][4] = (11L << bits - 5);
            v[14][5] = (7L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 15) {
            v[15][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[15][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[15][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[15][3] = (5L << bits - 4);
            v[15][4] = (19L << bits - 5);
            v[15][5] = (33L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 16) {
            v[16][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[16][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[16][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[16][3] = (13L << bits - 4);
            v[16][4] = (25L << bits - 5);
            v[16][5] = (5L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 17) {
            v[17][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[17][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[17][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[17][3] = (13L << bits - 4);
            v[17][4] = (15L << bits - 5);
            v[17][5] = (39L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 18) {
            v[18][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[18][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[18][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[18][3] = (11L << bits - 4);
            v[18][4] = (7L << bits - 5);
            v[18][5] = (11L << bits - 6);

        if (dim > 19) {
            v[19][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[19][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[19][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[19][3] = (7L << bits - 4);
            v[19][4] = (3L << bits - 5);
            v[19][5] = (23L << bits - 6);
            v[19][6] = (79L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 20) {
            v[20][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[20][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[20][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[20][3] = (15L << bits - 4);
            v[20][4] = (17L << bits - 5);
            v[20][5] = (63L << bits - 6);
            v[20][6] = (13L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 21) {
            v[21][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[21][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[21][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[21][3] = (3L << bits - 4);
            v[21][4] = (25L << bits - 5);
            v[21][5] = (17L << bits - 6);
            v[21][6] = (115L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 22) {
            v[22][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[22][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[22][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[22][3] = (9L << bits - 4);
            v[22][4] = (31L << bits - 5);
            v[22][5] = (29L << bits - 6);
            v[22][6] = (17L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 23) {
            v[23][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[23][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[23][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[23][3] = (15L << bits - 4);
            v[23][4] = (29L << bits - 5);
            v[23][5] = (15L << bits - 6);
            v[23][6] = (41L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 24) {
            v[24][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[24][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[24][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[24][3] = (9L << bits - 4);
            v[24][4] = (5L << bits - 5);
            v[24][5] = (21L << bits - 6);
            v[24][6] = (119L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 25) {
            v[25][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[25][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[25][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[25][3] = (5L << bits - 4);
            v[25][4] = (1L << bits - 5);
            v[25][5] = (27L << bits - 6);
            v[25][6] = (33L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 26) {
            v[26][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[26][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[26][2] = (3L << bits - 3);
            v[26][3] = (1L << bits - 4);
            v[26][4] = (23L << bits - 5);
            v[26][5] = (13L << bits - 6);
            v[26][6] = (75L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 27) {
            v[27][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[27][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[27][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[27][3] = (7L << bits - 4);
            v[27][4] = (19L << bits - 5);
            v[27][5] = (25L << bits - 6);
            v[27][6] = (105L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 28) {
            v[28][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[28][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[28][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[28][3] = (5L << bits - 4);
            v[28][4] = (21L << bits - 5);
            v[28][5] = (9L << bits - 6);
            v[28][6] = (7L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 29) {
            v[29][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[29][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[29][2] = (1L << bits - 3);
            v[29][3] = (15L << bits - 4);
            v[29][4] = (5L << bits - 5);
            v[29][5] = (49L << bits - 6);
            v[29][6] = (59L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 30) {
            v[30][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[30][1] = (3L << bits - 2);
            v[30][2] = (5L << bits - 3);
            v[30][3] = (15L << bits - 4);
            v[30][4] = (17L << bits - 5);
            v[30][5] = (19L << bits - 6);
            v[30][6] = (21L << bits - 7);

        if (dim > 31) {
            v[31][0] = (1L << bits - 1);
            v[31][1] = (1L << bits - 2);
            v[31][2] = (7L << bits - 3);
            v[31][3] = (11L << bits - 4);
            v[31][4] = (13L << bits - 5);
            v[31][5] = (29L << bits - 6);
            v[31][6] = (3L << bits - 7);

        // random initialization in dimension bigger than 32
        MersenneTwister mt = new MersenneTwister();
        for (k = 32; k < dim; k++) {
            for (int l = 0; l < g[k]; l++) {
                double u = mt.nextDouble();
                long f = (1L << l + 1), n = (int) (f * u);
                while (n % 2 == 0) {
                    u = mt.nextDouble();
                    n = (int) (f * u);

                v[k][l] = (n << (bits - l - 1));
        } // end direction integer initialization

        // computation of direction integer v_kl for k>=degree[k]
        for (k = 1; k < dim; k++)
            for (int l = g[k]; l < bits; l++) {
                long n = (v[k][l - g[k]] >> g[k]);
                for (int j = 1; j <= g[k]; j++)
                    if (p[k][j] != 0)
                        n = n ^ v[k][l - j];

                v[k][l] = n;


        // initialize the vector of Sobol integers and Sobol points
        index = 1;
        x_int = new long[dim];
        for (k = 0; k < dim; k++)
            x_int[k] = v[k][0];

        x = new double[dim];
        for (k = 0; k < dim; k++)
            x[k] = ((double) x_int[k]) / N;

    }// end constructor

     * ****************************************************************************
     * <p/>
     * <p/>
     * *****************************************************************************

    public void restart() {
        index = 1;
        // return the integer vector to the initial state
        for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++)
            x_int[k] = v[k][0];

     * The next Sobol point in the unit cube [0,1]^dim.
    public double[] nextPoint() {
        // find the rightmost zero bit of index
        int j = 0, n = index;
        while (n % 2 == 1) {
            n = n >> 1;

        for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
            x_int[k] ^= v[k][j];
            x[k] = ((double) x_int[k]) / N;

        return x;


     * The list pp of primitive polynomials, pp[j] is the array of encodings n of
     * primitive polynomials of degree j+1. The polynomial p(x)=1 of degree zero
     * is dealt with separately
    public static final int[][] pp = {
            //degree 1    
            { 0 },
            // degree 2
            { 1 },
            // degree 3
            { 1, 2 },
            // degree 4
            { 1, 4 },
            //degree 5
            { 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14 },
            //degree 6
            { 1, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 },
            // degree 7
            { 1, 4, 7, 8, 14, 19, 21, 28, 31, 32, 37, 41, 42, 50, 55, 56, 59, 62 },
            // degree 8
            { 14, 21, 22, 38, 47, 49, 50, 52, 56, 67, 70, 84, 97, 103, 115, 122 },
            // degree 9
            { 8, 13, 16, 22, 25, 44, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 67, 74, 81, 82, 87, 91, 94, 103, 104, 109, 122, 124, 137,
                    138, 143, 145, 152, 157, 167, 173, 176, 181, 182, 185, 191, 194, 199, 218, 220, 227, 229, 230,
                    234, 236, 241, 244, 253 },
            //degree 10
            { 4, 13, 19, 22, 50, 55, 64, 69, 98, 107, 115, 121, 127, 134, 140, 145, 152, 158, 161, 171, 181, 194,
                    199, 203, 208, 227, 242, 251, 253, 265, 266, 274, 283, 289, 295, 301, 316, 319, 324, 346, 352,
                    361, 367, 382, 395, 398, 400, 412, 419, 422, 426, 428, 433, 446, 454, 457, 472, 493, 505, 508 },
            //degree 11
            { 2, 11, 21, 22, 35, 49, 50, 56, 61, 70, 74, 79, 84, 88, 103, 104, 112, 115, 117, 122, 134, 137, 146,
                    148, 157, 158, 162, 164, 168, 173, 185, 186, 191, 193, 199, 213, 214, 220, 227, 236, 242, 251,
                    256, 259, 265, 266, 276, 292, 304, 310, 316, 319, 322, 328, 334, 339, 341, 345, 346, 362, 367,
                    372, 375, 376, 381, 385, 388, 392, 409, 415, 416, 421, 428, 431, 434, 439, 446, 451, 453, 457,
                    458, 471, 475, 478, 484, 493, 494, 499, 502, 517, 518, 524, 527, 555, 560, 565, 569, 578, 580,
                    587, 589, 590, 601, 607, 611, 614, 617, 618, 625, 628, 635, 641, 647, 654, 659, 662, 672, 675,
                    682, 684, 689, 695, 696, 713, 719, 724, 733, 734, 740, 747, 749, 752, 755, 762, 770, 782, 784,
                    787, 789, 793, 796, 803, 805, 810, 815, 824, 829, 830, 832, 841, 847, 849, 861, 871, 878, 889,
                    892, 901, 908, 920, 923, 942, 949, 950, 954, 961, 968, 971, 973, 979, 982, 986, 998, 1001, 1010,
                    1012 },
            // degree 12
            { 41, 52, 61, 62, 76, 104, 117, 131, 143, 145, 157, 167, 171, 176, 181, 194, 217, 236 }

    }; // end pp

} // end Sobol