dao.AdvSearchDAO.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for dao.AdvSearchDAO.java


 * Copyright 2015 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
package dao;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import models.Dataset;
import models.FlowJob;
import models.Metric;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate;
import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
import play.libs.F.Promise;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.libs.ws.*;

import java.util.*;

public class AdvSearchDAO extends AbstractMySQLOpenSourceDAO {
    public final static String GET_DATASET_SOURCES = "SELECT source "
            + "FROM dict_dataset GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY count(*) DESC";

    public final static String GET_FLOW_APPCODES = "SELECT DISTINCT app_code "
            + "FROM cfg_application GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1";

    public final static String GET_DATASET_SCOPES = "SELECT DISTINCT parent_name "
            + "FROM dict_dataset WHERE parent_name is not null order by 1;";

    public final static String GET_DATASET_TABLE_NAMES_BY_SCOPE = "SELECT DISTINCT name "
            + "FROM dict_dataset WHERE parent_name in (:scopes)";

    public final static String GET_FLOW_NAMES_BY_APP = "SELECT DISTINCT f.flow_name "
            + "FROM flow f JOIN cfg_application a on f.app_id = a.app_id WHERE app in (:apps)";

    public final static String GET_DATASET_TABLE_NAMES = "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM dict_dataset ORDER BY 1";

    public final static String GET_FLOW_NAMES = "SELECT DISTINCT flow_name FROM flow ORDER BY 1";

    public final static String GET_JOB_NAMES = "SELECT DISTINCT job_name " + "FROM flow_job GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1";

    public final static String GET_DATASET_FIELDS = "SELECT DISTINCT field_name "
            + "FROM dict_field_detail ORDER BY 1";

    public final static String GET_DATASET_FIELDS_BY_TABLE_NAMES = "SELECT DISTINCT f.field_name "
            + "FROM dict_field_detail f join dict_dataset d on f.dataset_id = d.id where d.name regexp";

            + "id, name, source, urn, `schema` FROM dict_dataset where id in ( "
            + "SELECT dataset_id FROM comments WHERE MATCH(text) against ('*$keyword*' in BOOLEAN MODE) ) "
            + "UNION ALL SELECT id, name, source, urn, `schema` from dict_dataset "
            + "WHERE id in ( SELECT DISTINCT dataset_id FROM " + "dict_dataset_field_comment WHERE comment_id in "
            + "(SELECT id FROM field_comments where MATCH(comment) against ('*$keyword*' in BOOLEAN MODE))) "
            + "ORDER BY 2 LIMIT ?, ?";

    public final static String ADVSEARCH_RANK_CLAUSE = " ORDER BY CASE WHEN $condition1 THEN 0 "
            + "WHEN $condition2 THEN 2 WHEN $condition3 THEN 3 WHEN $condition4 THEN 4 ELSE 9 END, "
            + "CASE WHEN urn LIKE 'teradata://DWH_%' THEN 2 WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/tracking/%' THEN 1 "
            + "WHEN urn LIKE 'teradata://DWH/%' THEN 3 WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/databases/%' THEN 4 "
            + "WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/dervied/%' THEN 5 ELSE 99 END, urn";

            + "id, name, source, `schema`, urn, FROM_UNIXTIME(source_modified_time) as modified "
            + "FROM dict_dataset WHERE id IN ( " + "SELECT dataset_id FROM comments WHERE MATCH(text) "
            + "AGAINST ('*$keyword*' in BOOLEAN MODE) and dataset_id in ($id_list)) "
            + "UNION ALL SELECT id, name, source, `schema`, urn, FROM_UNIXTIME(source_modified_time) as modified "
            + "FROM dict_dataset WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT dataset_id FROM "
            + "dict_dataset_field_comment WHERE comment_id in "
            + "(SELECT id FROM field_comments where MATCH(comment) against ('*$keyword*' in BOOLEAN MODE)) ) "
            + "ORDER BY 2 LIMIT ?, ?;";

    public final static String ADV_SEARCH_FLOW = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS "
            + "a.app_code, f.flow_id, f.flow_name, f.flow_path, f.flow_group FROM flow f "
            + "JOIN cfg_application a on f.app_id = a.app_id ";

    public final static String ADV_SEARCH_JOB = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS "
            + "a.app_code, f.flow_name, f.flow_path, f.flow_group, j.flow_id, j.job_id, "
            + "j.job_name, j.job_path, j.job_type "
            + "FROM flow_job j JOIN flow f on j.app_id = f.app_id  AND j.flow_id = f.flow_id "
            + "JOIN cfg_application a on j.app_id = a.app_id ";

    public final static String ADV_SEARCH_METRIC = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS metric_id, "
            + "metric_name, metric_description, dashboard_name, metric_group, metric_category, "
            + "metric_sub_category, metric_level, metric_source_type, metric_source, "
            + "metric_source_dataset_id, metric_ref_id_type, metric_ref_id, metric_type, metric_grain, "
            + "metric_display_factor, metric_display_factor_sym, metric_good_direction, "
            + "metric_formula, dimensions, owners, tags, urn, metric_url, wiki_url, scm_url, 0 as watch_id "
            + "FROM dict_business_metric ";

    public static List<String> getDatasetSources() {
        return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_DATASET_SOURCES, String.class);

    public static List<String> getDatasetScopes() {
        return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_DATASET_SCOPES, String.class);

    public static List<String> getTableNames(String scopes) {
        List<String> tables = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(scopes)) {
            String[] scopeArray = scopes.split(",");
            List<String> scopeList = Arrays.asList(scopeArray);
            Map<String, List> param = Collections.singletonMap("scopes", scopeList);
            NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(
            tables = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_DATASET_TABLE_NAMES_BY_SCOPE, param, String.class);
        } else {
            tables = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_DATASET_TABLE_NAMES, String.class);

        return tables;

    public static List<String> getFields(String tables) {
        String query = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tables)) {
            String[] tableArray = tables.split(",");
            query += "'";
            for (int i = 0; i < tableArray.length; i++) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    query += tableArray[i];
                } else {
                    query += "|" + tableArray[i];
            query += "' order by 1";
        } else {
            query = GET_DATASET_FIELDS;

        return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(query, String.class);

    public static List<String> getFlowApplicationCodes() {
        return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_FLOW_APPCODES, String.class);

    public static List<String> getFlowNames(String applications) {
        List<String> flowNames = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(applications)) {
            String[] appArray = applications.split(",");
            List<String> appList = Arrays.asList(appArray);
            Map<String, List> param = Collections.singletonMap("apps", appList);
            NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(
            flowNames = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_FLOW_NAMES_BY_APP, param, String.class);
        } else {
            flowNames = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_FLOW_NAMES, String.class);

        return flowNames;

    public static List<String> getFlowJobNames() {
        return getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_JOB_NAMES, String.class);

    public static ObjectNode elasticSearch(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        Long count = 0L;
        List<Dataset> pagedDatasets = new ArrayList<>();
        ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
        queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
        queryNode.put("size", size);

        JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateDatasetAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt);

        if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) {
            queryNode.set("query", searchNode);
        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("category", "Datasets");
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);

        if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
            JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
            if (hitsNode != null) {
                if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                    count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
                if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                    JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                    if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                        Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                        if (arrayIterator != null) {
                            while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                                JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                                if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                    Dataset dataset = new Dataset();
                                    dataset.id = node.get("_id").asLong();
                                    if (node.has("_source")) {
                                        JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                        if (sourceNode != null) {
                                            if (sourceNode.has("name")) {
                                                dataset.name = sourceNode.get("name").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("source")) {
                                                dataset.source = sourceNode.get("source").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("urn")) {
                                                dataset.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("schema")) {
                                                dataset.schema = sourceNode.get("schema").asText();
        resultNode.put("count", count);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));
        return resultNode;

    public static ObjectNode elasticSearchMetric(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        Long count = 0L;
        List<Metric> pagedMetrics = new ArrayList<>();
        ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
        queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
        queryNode.put("size", size);

        JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateMetricAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt);

        if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) {
            queryNode.set("query", searchNode);

        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("category", "Metrics");
        resultNode.put("isMetrics", true);
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);

        if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
            JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
            if (hitsNode != null) {
                if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                    count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
                if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                    JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                    if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                        Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                        if (arrayIterator != null) {
                            while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                                JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                                if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                    Metric metric = new Metric();
                                    metric.id = node.get("_id").asInt();
                                    if (node.has("_source")) {
                                        JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                        if (sourceNode != null) {
                                            if (sourceNode.has("metric_name")) {
                                                metric.name = sourceNode.get("metric_name").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("metric_description")) {
                                                metric.description = sourceNode.get("metric_description").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("dashboard_name")) {
                                                metric.dashboardName = sourceNode.get("dashboard_name").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("metric_group")) {
                                                metric.group = sourceNode.get("metric_group").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("metric_category")) {
                                                metric.category = sourceNode.get("metric_category").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("urn")) {
                                                metric.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("metric_source")) {
                                                metric.source = sourceNode.get("metric_source").asText();
                                                if (StringUtils.isBlank(metric.source)) {
                                                    metric.source = null;
                                            metric.schema = sourceNode.toString();
        resultNode.put("count", count);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedMetrics));
        return resultNode;

    public static ObjectNode elasticSearchFlowJobs(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        Long count = 0L;
        List<FlowJob> pagedFlows = new ArrayList<>();
        ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
        queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
        queryNode.put("size", size);

        JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateFlowJobAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt);

        if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) {
            queryNode.set("query", searchNode);

        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("category", "Flows");
        resultNode.put("isFlowJob", true);
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);

        if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
            JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
            if (hitsNode != null) {
                if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                    count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
                if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                    JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                    if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                        Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                        if (arrayIterator != null) {
                            while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                                JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                                if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                    FlowJob flowJob = new FlowJob();
                                    if (node.has("_source")) {
                                        JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                        if (sourceNode != null) {
                                            if (sourceNode.has("app_code")) {
                                                flowJob.appCode = sourceNode.get("app_code").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("app_id")) {
                                                flowJob.appId = sourceNode.get("app_id").asInt();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("flow_id")) {
                                                flowJob.flowId = sourceNode.get("flow_id").asLong();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("flow_name")) {
                                                flowJob.flowName = sourceNode.get("flow_name").asText();
                                                flowJob.displayName = flowJob.flowName;
                                            if (sourceNode.has("flow_path")) {
                                                flowJob.flowPath = sourceNode.get("flow_path").asText();
                                            if (sourceNode.has("flow_group")) {
                                                flowJob.flowGroup = sourceNode.get("flow_group").asText();
                                            flowJob.link = "#/flows/name/" + flowJob.appCode + "/"
                                                    + Long.toString(flowJob.flowId) + "/page/1?urn="
                                                    + flowJob.flowGroup;
                                            flowJob.path = flowJob.appCode + "/" + flowJob.flowPath;

                                            flowJob.schema = sourceNode.toString();
        resultNode.put("count", count);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedFlows));
        return resultNode;

    public static ObjectNode search(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        int count = 0;
        List<String> scopeInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> scopeNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> tableInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> tableNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> fieldAnyList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> fieldAllList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> fieldNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        String fieldAllIDs = "";
        String comments = "";

        if (searchOpt != null && (searchOpt.isContainerNode())) {
            if (searchOpt.has("scope")) {
                JsonNode scopeNode = searchOpt.get("scope");
                if (scopeNode != null && scopeNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (scopeNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode scopeInNode = scopeNode.get("in");
                        if (scopeInNode != null) {
                            String scopeInStr = scopeInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(scopeInStr)) {
                                String[] scopeInArray = scopeInStr.split(",");
                                if (scopeInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : scopeInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (scopeNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode scopeNotInNode = scopeNode.get("not");
                        if (scopeNotInNode != null) {
                            String scopeNotInStr = scopeNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(scopeNotInStr)) {
                                String[] scopeNotInArray = scopeNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (scopeNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : scopeNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("table")) {
                JsonNode tableNode = searchOpt.get("table");
                if (tableNode != null && tableNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (tableNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode tableInNode = tableNode.get("in");
                        if (tableInNode != null) {
                            String tableInStr = tableInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableInStr)) {
                                String[] tableInArray = tableInStr.split(",");
                                if (tableInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : tableInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (tableNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode tableNotInNode = tableNode.get("not");
                        if (tableNotInNode != null) {
                            String tableNotInStr = tableNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableNotInStr)) {
                                String[] tableNotInArray = tableNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (tableNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : tableNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("fields")) {
                JsonNode fieldNode = searchOpt.get("fields");
                if (fieldNode != null && fieldNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (fieldNode.has("any")) {
                        JsonNode fieldAnyNode = fieldNode.get("any");
                        if (fieldAnyNode != null) {
                            String fieldAnyStr = fieldAnyNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldAnyStr)) {
                                String[] fieldAnyArray = fieldAnyStr.split(",");
                                if (fieldAnyArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : fieldAnyArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (fieldNode.has("all")) {
                        JsonNode fieldAllNode = fieldNode.get("all");
                        if (fieldAllNode != null) {
                            String fieldAllStr = fieldAllNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldAllStr)) {
                                String[] fieldAllArray = fieldAllStr.split(",");
                                if (fieldAllArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : fieldAllArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (fieldNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode fieldNotInNode = fieldNode.get("not");
                        if (fieldNotInNode != null) {
                            String fieldNotInStr = fieldNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldNotInStr)) {
                                String[] fieldNotInArray = fieldNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (fieldNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : fieldNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            String datasetSources = "";
            if (searchOpt.has("sources")) {
                JsonNode sourcesNode = searchOpt.get("sources");
                if (sourcesNode != null) {
                    datasetSources = sourcesNode.asText();

            boolean needAndKeyword = false;
            int fieldQueryIndex = 0;
            if (fieldAllList.size() > 0) {
                String fieldAllQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT f1.dataset_id FROM dict_field_detail f1 ";
                String fieldWhereClause = " WHERE ";
                for (String field : fieldAllList) {
                    if (fieldQueryIndex == 1) {
                        fieldWhereClause += "f1.field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%' ";
                    } else {
                        fieldAllQuery += "JOIN dict_field_detail f" + fieldQueryIndex + " ON f"
                                + (fieldQueryIndex - 1) + ".dataset_id = f" + fieldQueryIndex + ".dataset_id ";
                        fieldWhereClause += " and f" + fieldQueryIndex + ".field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%' ";

                fieldAllQuery += fieldWhereClause;
                List<Map<String, Object>> rows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(fieldAllQuery);
                for (Map row : rows) {

                    fieldAllIDs += (Long) row.get("dataset_id") + ",";
                if (fieldAllIDs.length() > 0) {
                    fieldAllIDs = fieldAllIDs.substring(0, fieldAllIDs.length() - 1);
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(fieldAllIDs)) {
                    fieldAllIDs = Integer.toString(0);


            List<Dataset> pagedDatasets = new ArrayList<Dataset>();
            final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getJdbcTemplate();
            javax.sql.DataSource ds = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource();
            DataSourceTransactionManager tm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds);

            TransactionTemplate txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(tm);

            ObjectNode result;

            if (searchOpt.has("comments")) {
                JsonNode commentsNode = searchOpt.get("comments");
                if (commentsNode != null) {
                    comments = commentsNode.asText();
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(comments)) {
                        if (scopeInList.size() == 0 && scopeNotInList.size() == 0 && tableInList.size() == 0
                                && tableNotInList.size() == 0 && fieldAllList.size() == 0
                                && fieldAnyList.size() == 0 && fieldNotInList.size() == 0) {
                            final String commentsQueryStr = SEARCH_DATASETS_BY_COMMENTS_WITH_PAGINATION
                                    .replace("$keyword", comments);

                            result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() {
                                public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                                    List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
                                    rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(commentsQueryStr, (page - 1) * size, size);

                                    for (Map row : rows) {

                                        Dataset ds = new Dataset();
                                        ds.id = (Long) row.get("id");
                                        ds.name = (String) row.get("name");
                                        ds.source = (String) row.get("source");
                                        ds.urn = (String) row.get("urn");
                                        ds.schema = (String) row.get("schema");
                                    long count = 0;
                                    try {
                                        count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class);
                                    } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                                        Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

                                    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
                                    resultNode.put("count", count);
                                    resultNode.put("page", page);
                                    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                                    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
                                    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));

                                    return resultNode;
                            return result;

            String query = "";
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(comments)) {
                query = "SELECT DISTINCT d.id FROM dict_dataset d";
            } else {
                query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " + "DISTINCT d.id, d.name, d.schema, d.source, d.urn, "
                        + "FROM_UNIXTIME(d.source_modified_time) as modified FROM dict_dataset d";
            if (fieldAllList.size() > 0 || fieldAnyList.size() > 0 || fieldNotInList.size() > 0) {
                String fieldQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT dataset_id FROM dict_field_detail f WHERE (";
                query += " WHERE d.id IN ( ";
                query += fieldQuery;
                String whereClause = "";
                boolean fieldNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (fieldAnyList.size() > 0) {
                    whereClause = " (";
                    int indexForAnyList = 0;
                    for (String field : fieldAnyList) {
                        if (indexForAnyList == 0) {
                            whereClause += "f.field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%'";
                        } else {
                            whereClause += " or f.field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%'";
                    whereClause += " ) ";
                    fieldNeedAndKeyword = true;
                    query += whereClause;
                if (fieldAllList.size() > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldAllIDs)) {
                    if (fieldNeedAndKeyword) {
                        whereClause = " and (";
                    } else {
                        whereClause = " (";
                    whereClause += "f.dataset_id IN (" + fieldAllIDs + ")";
                    whereClause += " ) ";
                    query += whereClause;
                    fieldNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (fieldNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (fieldNeedAndKeyword) {
                        whereClause = " and ( f.dataset_id not in (select dataset_id from dict_field_detail where";
                    } else {
                        whereClause = " ( f.dataset_id not in (select dataset_id from dict_field_detail where";
                    int indexForNotInList = 0;
                    for (String field : fieldNotInList) {
                        if (indexForNotInList == 0) {
                            whereClause += " field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%'";
                        } else {
                            whereClause += " or field_name LIKE '%" + field + "%'";
                    whereClause += " )) ";
                    query += whereClause;
                    fieldNeedAndKeyword = true;
                needAndKeyword = true;
                query += ") )";

            if (scopeInList.size() > 0 || scopeNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " and";
                } else {
                    query += " where";
                boolean scopeNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (scopeInList.size() > 0) {
                    query += " d.parent_name in (";
                    scopeNeedAndKeyword = true;
                    int indexForScopeInList = 0;
                    for (String scope : scopeInList) {
                        if (indexForScopeInList == 0) {
                            query += "'" + scope + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + scope + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                if (scopeNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (scopeNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " and d.parent_name not in (";
                    } else {
                        query += " d.parent_name not in (";
                    int indexForScopeNotInList = 0;
                    for (String scope : scopeNotInList) {
                        if (indexForScopeNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "'" + scope + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + scope + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;
            String condition1 = "";
            String condition2 = "";
            String condition3 = "";
            String condition4 = "";

            if (tableInList.size() > 0 || tableNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " and";
                } else {
                    query += " where";
                boolean tableNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (tableInList.size() > 0) {
                    query += " (";
                    int indexForTableInList = 0;
                    for (String table : tableInList) {
                        if (indexForTableInList == 0) {
                            query += "d.name LIKE '%" + table + "%'";
                        } else {
                            condition1 += " or ";
                            condition2 += " or ";
                            condition3 += " or ";
                            condition4 += " or ";
                            query += " or d.name LIKE '%" + table + "%'";
                        condition1 += "name = '" + table + "'";
                        condition2 += "name LIKE '" + table + "%'";
                        condition3 += "name LIKE '%" + table + "'";
                        condition4 += "name LIKE '%" + table + "%'";
                    query += " ) ";
                    tableNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (tableNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (tableNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " and (";
                    } else {
                        query += " (";
                    int indexForTableNotInList = 0;
                    for (String table : tableNotInList) {
                        if (indexForTableNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "d.name NOT LIKE '%" + table + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and d.name NOT LIKE '%" + table + "%'";
                    query += " ) ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(datasetSources)) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " and";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE";
                query += " d.source in (";
                String[] dataestSourceArray = datasetSources.split(",");
                for (int i = 0; i < dataestSourceArray.length; i++) {
                    query += "'" + dataestSourceArray[i] + "'";
                    if (i != (dataestSourceArray.length - 1)) {
                        query += ",";
                query += ")";
            if ((tableInList.size() > 0 || tableNotInList.size() > 0) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition1)
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition2) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition3)
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(condition4)) {
                query += ADVSEARCH_RANK_CLAUSE.replace("$condition1", condition1).replace("$condition2", condition2)
                        .replace("$condition3", condition3).replace("$condition4", condition4);
            } else {
                query += " ORDER BY CASE WHEN urn LIKE 'teradata://DWH_%' THEN 2 "
                        + "WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/tracking/%' THEN 1 "
                        + "WHEN urn LIKE 'teradata://DWH/%' THEN 3 "
                        + "WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/databases/%' THEN 4 "
                        + "WHEN urn LIKE 'hdfs://data/dervied/%' THEN 5 ELSE 99 end, urn";
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(comments)) {
                query += " LIMIT " + (page - 1) * size + ", " + size;
                final String queryString = query;

                result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() {
                    public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                        List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
                        rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(queryString);

                        for (Map row : rows) {

                            Dataset ds = new Dataset();
                            ds.id = (Long) row.get("id");
                            ds.name = (String) row.get("name");
                            ds.source = (String) row.get("source");
                            ds.urn = (String) row.get("urn");
                            ds.schema = (String) row.get("schema");
                        long count = 0;
                        try {
                            count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class);
                        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                            Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

                        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
                        resultNode.put("count", count);
                        resultNode.put("page", page);
                        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                        resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
                        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));

                        return resultNode;
                return result;
            } else {
                String datasetIDStr = "";
                final String queryString = query;

                datasetIDStr = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() {
                    public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                        List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
                        rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(queryString);
                        String idsString = "";

                        for (Map row : rows) {

                            Long id = (Long) row.get("id");
                            idsString += Long.toString(id) + ",";
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(idsString)) {
                            idsString = idsString.substring(0, idsString.length() - 1);
                        return idsString;
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(datasetIDStr)) {
                    resultNode.put("count", 0);
                    resultNode.put("page", page);
                    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                    resultNode.put("totalPages", 0);
                    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(""));
                    return resultNode;
                final String commentsQueryWithConditionStr = DATASET_BY_COMMENT_PAGINATION_IN_CLAUSE
                        .replace("$keyword", comments).replace("$id_list", datasetIDStr);
                result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() {
                    public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                        List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
                        rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(commentsQueryWithConditionStr, (page - 1) * size, size);

                        for (Map row : rows) {

                            Dataset ds = new Dataset();
                            ds.id = (Long) row.get("id");
                            ds.name = (String) row.get("name");
                            ds.source = (String) row.get("source");
                            ds.urn = (String) row.get("urn");
                            ds.schema = (String) row.get("schema");
                        long count = 0;
                        try {
                            count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class);
                        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                            Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

                        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
                        resultNode.put("count", count);
                        resultNode.put("page", page);
                        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                        resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
                        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));

                        return resultNode;
                return result;
        resultNode.put("count", 0);
        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", 0);
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(""));
        return resultNode;

    public static ObjectNode searchFlows(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        int count = 0;
        List<String> appcodeInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> appcodeNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> flowInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> flowNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> jobInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> jobNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (searchOpt != null && (searchOpt.isContainerNode())) {
            if (searchOpt.has("appcode")) {
                JsonNode appcodeNode = searchOpt.get("appcode");
                if (appcodeNode != null && appcodeNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (appcodeNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode appcodeInNode = appcodeNode.get("in");
                        if (appcodeInNode != null) {
                            String appcodeInStr = appcodeInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appcodeInStr)) {
                                String[] appcodeInArray = appcodeInStr.split(",");
                                if (appcodeInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : appcodeInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (appcodeNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode appcodeNotInNode = appcodeNode.get("not");
                        if (appcodeNotInNode != null) {
                            String appcodeNotInStr = appcodeNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appcodeNotInStr)) {
                                String[] appcodeNotInArray = appcodeNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (appcodeNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : appcodeNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("flow")) {
                JsonNode flowNode = searchOpt.get("flow");
                if (flowNode != null && flowNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (flowNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode flowInNode = flowNode.get("in");
                        if (flowInNode != null) {
                            String flowInStr = flowInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(flowInStr)) {
                                String[] flowInArray = flowInStr.split(",");
                                if (flowInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : flowInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (flowNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode flowNotInNode = flowNode.get("not");
                        if (flowNotInNode != null) {
                            String flowNotInStr = flowNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(flowNotInStr)) {
                                String[] flowNotInArray = flowNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (flowNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : flowNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("job")) {
                JsonNode jobNode = searchOpt.get("job");
                if (jobNode != null && jobNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (jobNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode jobInNode = jobNode.get("in");
                        if (jobInNode != null) {
                            String jobInStr = jobInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobInStr)) {
                                String[] jobInArray = jobInStr.split(",");
                                if (jobInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : jobInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (jobNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode jobNotInNode = jobNode.get("not");
                        if (jobNotInNode != null) {
                            String jobNotInStr = jobNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobNotInStr)) {
                                String[] jobNotInArray = jobNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (jobNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : jobNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            boolean needAndKeyword = false;

            final List<FlowJob> pagedFlows = new ArrayList<FlowJob>();
            final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getJdbcTemplate();
            javax.sql.DataSource ds = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource();
            DataSourceTransactionManager tm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds);

            TransactionTemplate txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(tm);

            ObjectNode result;
            String query = null;
            if (jobInList.size() > 0 || jobNotInList.size() > 0) {
                query = ADV_SEARCH_JOB;
            } else {
                query = ADV_SEARCH_FLOW;

            if (appcodeInList.size() > 0 || appcodeNotInList.size() > 0) {
                boolean appcodeNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (appcodeInList.size() > 0) {
                    int indexForAppcodeInList = 0;
                    for (String appcode : appcodeInList) {
                        if (indexForAppcodeInList == 0) {
                            query += "WHERE a.app_code in ('" + appcode + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + appcode + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                    appcodeNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (appcodeNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (appcodeNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    } else {
                        query += " WHERE ";
                    int indexForAppcodeNotInList = 0;
                    for (String appcode : appcodeNotInList) {
                        if (indexForAppcodeNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "a.app_code not in ('" + appcode + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + appcode + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (flowInList.size() > 0 || flowNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " AND ";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE ";
                boolean flowNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (flowInList.size() > 0) {
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForFlowInList = 0;
                    for (String flow : flowInList) {
                        if (indexForFlowInList == 0) {
                            query += "f.flow_name LIKE '%" + flow + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " or f.flow_name LIKE '%" + flow + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                    flowNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (flowNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (flowNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForFlowNotInList = 0;
                    for (String flow : flowNotInList) {
                        if (indexForFlowNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "f.flow_name NOT LIKE '%" + flow + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and f.flow_name NOT LIKE '%" + flow + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (jobInList.size() > 0 || jobNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " AND ";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE ";
                query += "( ";
                boolean jobNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (jobInList.size() > 0) {
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForJobInList = 0;
                    for (String job : jobInList) {
                        if (indexForJobInList == 0) {
                            query += "j.job_name LIKE '%" + job + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " or j.job_name LIKE '%" + job + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                    jobNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (jobNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (jobNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForJobNotInList = 0;
                    for (String job : jobNotInList) {
                        if (indexForJobNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "j.job_name NOT LIKE '%" + job + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and j.job_name NOT LIKE '%" + job + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                query += " ) ";

            query += " LIMIT " + (page - 1) * size + ", " + size;
            final String queryString = query;

            result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() {
                public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                    List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
                    rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(queryString);

                    for (Map row : rows) {

                        FlowJob flow = new FlowJob();
                        flow.appCode = (String) row.get("app_code");
                        flow.flowName = (String) row.get("flow_name");
                        flow.flowPath = (String) row.get("flow_path");
                        flow.flowGroup = (String) row.get("flow_group");
                        flow.jobName = (String) row.get("job_name");
                        flow.jobPath = (String) row.get("job_path");
                        flow.flowId = (Long) row.get("flow_id");
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(flow.jobName)) {
                            flow.displayName = flow.jobName;
                        } else {
                            flow.displayName = flow.flowName;
                        flow.link = "#/flows/name/" + flow.appCode + "/" + Long.toString(flow.flowId)
                                + "/page/1?urn=" + flow.flowGroup;
                        flow.path = flow.appCode + "/" + flow.flowPath;
                    long count = 0;
                    try {
                        count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class);
                    } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                        Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

                    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
                    resultNode.put("count", count);
                    resultNode.put("page", page);
                    resultNode.put("isFlowJob", true);
                    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
                    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedFlows));

                    return resultNode;
            return result;
        resultNode.put("count", 0);
        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", 0);
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(""));
        return resultNode;

    public static ObjectNode searchMetrics(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        int count = 0;
        List<String> dashboardInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> dashboardNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> groupInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> groupNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> categoryInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> categoryNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> metricInList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> metricNotInList = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (searchOpt != null && (searchOpt.isContainerNode())) {
            if (searchOpt.has("dashboard")) {
                JsonNode dashboardNode = searchOpt.get("dashboard");
                if (dashboardNode != null && dashboardNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (dashboardNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode dashboardInNode = dashboardNode.get("in");
                        if (dashboardInNode != null) {
                            String dashboardInStr = dashboardInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dashboardInStr)) {
                                String[] dashboardInArray = dashboardInStr.split(",");
                                if (dashboardInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : dashboardInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (dashboardNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode dashboardNotInNode = dashboardNode.get("not");
                        if (dashboardNotInNode != null) {
                            String dashboardNotInStr = dashboardNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dashboardNotInStr)) {
                                String[] dashboardNotInArray = dashboardNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (dashboardNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : dashboardNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("group")) {
                JsonNode groupNode = searchOpt.get("group");
                if (groupNode != null && groupNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (groupNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode groupInNode = groupNode.get("in");
                        if (groupInNode != null) {
                            String groupInStr = groupInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(groupInStr)) {
                                String[] groupInArray = groupInStr.split(",");
                                if (groupInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : groupInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (groupNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode groupNotInNode = groupNode.get("not");
                        if (groupNotInNode != null) {
                            String groupNotInStr = groupNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(groupNotInStr)) {
                                String[] groupNotInArray = groupNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (groupNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : groupNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("cat")) {
                JsonNode categoryNode = searchOpt.get("cat");
                if (categoryNode != null && categoryNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (categoryNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode categoryInNode = categoryNode.get("in");
                        if (categoryInNode != null) {
                            String categoryInStr = categoryInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(categoryInStr)) {
                                String[] categoryInArray = categoryInStr.split(",");
                                if (categoryInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : categoryInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (categoryNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode categoryNotInNode = categoryNode.get("not");
                        if (categoryNotInNode != null) {
                            String categoryNotInStr = categoryNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(categoryNotInStr)) {
                                String[] categoryNotInArray = categoryNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (categoryNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : categoryNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            if (searchOpt.has("metric")) {
                JsonNode metricNode = searchOpt.get("metric");
                if (metricNode != null && metricNode.isContainerNode()) {
                    if (metricNode.has("in")) {
                        JsonNode metricInNode = metricNode.get("in");
                        if (metricInNode != null) {
                            String metricInStr = metricInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(metricInStr)) {
                                String[] metricInArray = metricInStr.split(",");
                                if (metricInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : metricInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
                    if (metricNode.has("not")) {
                        JsonNode metricNotInNode = metricNode.get("not");
                        if (metricNotInNode != null) {
                            String metricNotInStr = metricNotInNode.asText();
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(metricNotInStr)) {
                                String[] metricNotInArray = metricNotInStr.split(",");
                                if (metricNotInArray != null) {
                                    for (String value : metricNotInArray) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {

            boolean needAndKeyword = false;

            final List<Metric> pagedMetrics = new ArrayList<Metric>();
            final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getJdbcTemplate();
            javax.sql.DataSource ds = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource();
            DataSourceTransactionManager tm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds);

            TransactionTemplate txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(tm);

            ObjectNode result;
            String query = ADV_SEARCH_METRIC;

            if (dashboardInList.size() > 0 || dashboardNotInList.size() > 0) {
                boolean dashboardNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (dashboardInList.size() > 0) {
                    int indexForDashboardInList = 0;
                    for (String dashboard : dashboardInList) {
                        if (indexForDashboardInList == 0) {
                            query += "WHERE dashboard_name in ('" + dashboard + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + dashboard + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                    dashboardNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (dashboardNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (dashboardNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    } else {
                        query += " WHERE ";
                    int indexForDashboardNotInList = 0;
                    for (String dashboard : dashboardNotInList) {
                        if (indexForDashboardNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "dashboard_name not in ('" + dashboard + "'";
                        } else {
                            query += ", '" + dashboard + "'";
                    query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (groupInList.size() > 0 || groupNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " AND ";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE ";
                query += "( ";
                boolean groupNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (groupInList.size() > 0) {
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForGroupInList = 0;
                    for (String group : groupInList) {
                        if (indexForGroupInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_group LIKE '%" + group + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " or metric_group LIKE '%" + group + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                    groupNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (groupNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (groupNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForGroupNotInList = 0;
                    for (String group : groupNotInList) {
                        if (indexForGroupNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_group NOT LIKE '%" + group + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and metric_group NOT LIKE '%" + group + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (categoryInList.size() > 0 || categoryNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " AND ";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE ";
                query += "( ";
                boolean categoryNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (categoryInList.size() > 0) {
                    int indexForCategoryInList = 0;
                    query += "( ";
                    for (String category : categoryInList) {
                        if (indexForCategoryInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_category LIKE '%" + category + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " or metric_category LIKE '%" + category + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                    categoryNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (categoryNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (categoryNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForCategoryNotInList = 0;
                    for (String category : categoryNotInList) {
                        if (indexForCategoryNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_category NOT LIKE '%" + category + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and metric_category NOT LIKE '%" + category + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                query += ") ";
                needAndKeyword = true;

            if (metricInList.size() > 0 || metricNotInList.size() > 0) {
                if (needAndKeyword) {
                    query += " AND ";
                } else {
                    query += " WHERE ";
                query += "( ";
                boolean metricNeedAndKeyword = false;
                if (metricInList.size() > 0) {
                    int indexForMetricInList = 0;
                    query += " ( ";
                    for (String metric : metricInList) {
                        if (indexForMetricInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_name LIKE '%" + metric + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " or metric_name LIKE '%" + metric + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                    metricNeedAndKeyword = true;
                if (metricNotInList.size() > 0) {
                    if (metricNeedAndKeyword) {
                        query += " AND ";
                    query += "( ";
                    int indexForMetricNotInList = 0;
                    for (String metric : metricNotInList) {
                        if (indexForMetricNotInList == 0) {
                            query += "metric_name NOT LIKE '%" + metric + "%'";
                        } else {
                            query += " and metric_name NOT LIKE '%" + metric + "%'";
                    query += ") ";
                query += " )";

            query += " LIMIT " + (page - 1) * size + ", " + size;
            final String queryString = query;

            result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() {
                public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                    List<Metric> pagedMetrics = jdbcTemplate.query(queryString, new MetricRowMapper());

                    long count = 0;
                    try {
                        count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class);
                    } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                        Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

                    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
                    resultNode.put("count", count);
                    resultNode.put("page", page);
                    resultNode.put("isMetrics", true);
                    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
                    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
                    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedMetrics));

                    return resultNode;
            return result;
        resultNode.put("count", 0);
        resultNode.put("page", page);
        resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
        resultNode.put("totalPages", 0);
        resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(""));
        return resultNode;
