Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012. betterFORM Project -
 * Licensed under the terms of BSD License

package de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.bind;

import de.betterform.xml.dom.DOMUtil;
import de.betterform.xml.ns.NamespaceConstants;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.Initializer;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.XFormsConstants;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.XFormsElement;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsBindingException;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsComputeException;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.Instance;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.Model;
import de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.ModelItem;
import de.betterform.xml.xpath.XPathReferenceFinder;
import de.betterform.xml.xpath.impl.saxon.XPathCache;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import java.util.*;

 * Implementation of XForms Model Bind Element.
 * @version $Id: 3479 2008-08-19 10:44:53Z joern $
public class Bind extends XFormsElement implements Binding, DefaultAction {

    private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(Bind.class);

    private String locationPath;
    private String instanceId;

    private String type;
    private String readonly;
    private String required;
    private String relevant;
    private String calculate;
    private String constraint;
    private List constraints;
    private String p3ptype;
    private Map<String, String> customMIPs;

    private XPathReferenceFinder referenceFinder;
    private Set readonlyReferences;
    private Set requiredReferences;
    private Set relevantReferences;
    private Set calculateReferences;
    private Set constraintReferences;
    private HashMap<String, Set> customMIPReferences;

    protected List nodeset;

    private static final short TYPE = 0;
    private static final short READONLY = 1;
    private static final short REQUIRED = 2;
    private static final short RELEVANT = 3;
    private static final short CONSTRAINT = 4;
    private static final short CALCULATE = 5;

    private static final String COMBINE_NOT_SUPPORTED = null;
    private static final String COMBINE_ALL = "and";
    private static final String COMBINE_ONE = "or";

    private static final String TYPE_COMBINE = COMBINE_ALL;
    private static final String CONSTRAINT_COMBINE = COMBINE_ALL;
    private static final String RELEVANT_COMBINE = COMBINE_ALL;

    private static final String REQUIRED_COMBINE = COMBINE_ONE;
    private static final String READONLY_COMBINE = COMBINE_ONE;

     * Creates a new Bind object.
     * @param element the DOM Element annotated by this object
     * @param model   the parent Model object
    public Bind(Element element, Model model) {
        super(element, model);
        this.constraints = new ArrayList();
        // register with model

     * Updates the childEvaluationContext
     * @throws XFormsException in case an XPathException happens during evaluation
    public void updateXPathContext() throws XFormsException {

        List inscopeContext = evalInScopeContext();

        // if(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()){
        // NodeWrapper info = (NodeWrapper) parentNodeset.get(0);
        // LOGGER.debug(this + " bound to Node:" + info.getUnderlyingNode());
        // LOGGER.debug("in scope xpath context for " + this + " = " +
        // BindingResolver.getExpressionPath(this,repeatItemId));
        // }

        final String relativeExpr = getBindingExpression();
        try {
            if (relativeExpr != null) {
                if (this.nodeset == null) {
                    this.nodeset = new ArrayList();
                } else {
                    // When rebuild is called we should clear the list before adding all the nodes again.
                for (int i = 0; i < inscopeContext.size(); ++i) {
                    this.nodeset.addAll(XPathCache.getInstance().evaluate(inscopeContext, i + 1, relativeExpr,
                            getPrefixMapping(), xpathFunctionContext));
            } else {
                this.nodeset = inscopeContext;
        } catch (XFormsException e) {
            throw new XFormsComputeException(e.getMessage(),, null);

    // implementation of 'de.betterform.xml.xforms.model.bind.Binding'
    public List getNodeset() {

        return this.nodeset;

    public int getPosition() {
        return 1;

     * Returns the binding expression.
     * @return the binding expression.
    public String getBindingExpression() {
        if (BindingUtil.hasRef(this.element)) {
            return getXFormsAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE);
        return getXFormsAttribute(NODESET_ATTRIBUTE);

     * Returns the id of the binding element.
     * @return the id of the binding element.
    public String getBindingId() {

     * Returns the enclosing element.
     * @return the enclosing element.
    public Binding getEnclosingBinding() {
        Element parentElement = (Element) this.element.getParentNode();

        if (parentElement.getLocalName().equals(XFormsConstants.MODEL)) {
            return null;

        return (Binding) parentElement.getUserData("");

     * Returns the location path.
     * @return the location path.
    public String getLocationPath() {
        return this.locationPath;

     * Returns the model id of the binding element.
     * @return the model id of the binding element.
    public String getModelId() {
        return this.model.getId();

    public boolean hasBindingExpression() {
        if (getBindingExpression() != null)
            return true;
            return false;

    // convenience

     * Returns the instance id of the binding element.
     * @return the instance id of the binding element.
    public String getInstanceId() {
        return this.instanceId;

    // bind members

     * Returns the <code>type</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>type</code> attribute.
    public String getDatatype() {
        return this.type;

     * Returns the <code>readonly</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>readonly</code> attribute.
    public String getReadonly() {
        return this.readonly;

     * Returns the <code>required</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>required</code> attribute.
    public String getRequired() {
        return this.required;

     * Returns the <code>relevant</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>relevant</code> attribute.
    public String getRelevant() {
        return this.relevant;

     * Returns the <code>calculate</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>calculate</code> attribute.
    public String getCalculate() {
        return this.calculate;

     * Returns the <code>constraint</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>constraint</code> attribute.
    public String getConstraint() {
        return this.constraint;

    public List getConstraints() {
        return this.constraints;

    public Map<String, String> getCustomMIPs() {
        return this.customMIPs;

     * Returns the <code>p3ptype</code> attribute.
     * @return the <code>p3ptype</code> attribute.
     * @deprecated deprecated without replacement
    public String getP3PType() {
        return this.p3ptype;

     * Assigns an XPath reference finder.
     * @param referenceFinder the XPath reference finder.
    public void setReferenceFinder(XPathReferenceFinder referenceFinder) {
        this.referenceFinder = referenceFinder;

     * Returns the set of all node names referenced by the <code>readonly</code> expression.
     * @return the set of all node names referenced by the <code>readonly</code> expression.
    public Set getReadonlyReferences() {
        return this.readonlyReferences;

     * Returns the set of all node names referenced by the <code>required</code> expression.
     * @return the set of all node names referenced by the <code>required</code> expression.
    public Set getRequiredReferences() {
        return this.requiredReferences;

     * Returns the set of all node names referenced by the <code>relevant</code> expression.
     * @return the set of all node names referenced by the <code>relevant</code> expression.
    public Set getRelevantReferences() {
        return this.relevantReferences;

     * Returns the set of all node names referenced by the <code>calculate</code> expression.
     * @return the set of all node names referenced by the <code>calculate</code> expression.
    public Set getCalculateReferences() {
        return this.calculateReferences;

     * Returns the set of all node names referenced by the <code>constraint</code> expression.
     * @return the set of all node names referenced by the <code>constraint</code> expression.
    public Set getConstraintReferences() {
        return this.constraintReferences;

    public Set getCustomMIPReferences(String customMIP) {
        return this.customMIPReferences.get(customMIP);

    public Map<String, Set> getCustomMIPsReferences() {
        return this.customMIPReferences;

    // implementation of ''

     * Performs the implementation specific default action for this event.
     * @param event the event.
    public void performDefault(Event event) {
        if (event.getType().equals(XFormsEventNames.BINDING_EXCEPTION)) {
            getLogger().error(this + " binding exception: " + ((XMLEvent) event).getContextInfo());

    // lifecycle methods

     * Performs element init.
     * @throws XFormsException if any error occurred during init.
    public void init() throws XFormsException {
        Initializer.initializeBindElements(getModel(), getElement(), this.referenceFinder);

     * Performs element disposal.
     * @throws XFormsException if any error occurred during disposal.
    public void dispose() throws XFormsException {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug(this + " dispose");


    // lifecycle template methods

     * Initializes the default action.
    protected void initializeDefaultAction() {
        this.container.getXMLEventService().registerDefaultAction(, XFormsEventNames.BINDING_EXCEPTION,

     * Initializes the binding context.
     * @throws XFormsException if any error occured during binding context init.
    protected void initializeBindingContext() throws XFormsException {
        // resolve location path and instance id
        this.locationPath = this.container.getBindingResolver().resolve(this);
        this.instanceId = this.model.computeInstanceId(this.locationPath);
        if (this.instanceId == null) {
            throw new XFormsBindingException("wrong instance id",, this.locationPath);

        // get type attributes
        //todo:support combination
        this.p3ptype = getXFormsAttribute(P3PTYPE_ATTRIBUTE);

        try {
            //            this.type = getXFormsAttribute(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
            this.type = getMIP(TYPE);

            // get model item attributes and analyze path structure
            this.readonly = getMIP(READONLY);
            if (this.readonly != null) {
                this.readonlyReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.readonly, getPrefixMapping(),

            this.required = getMIP(REQUIRED);
            if (this.required != null) {
                this.requiredReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.required, getPrefixMapping(),

            this.relevant = getMIP(RELEVANT);
            if (this.relevant != null) {
                this.relevantReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.relevant, getPrefixMapping(),

            this.calculate = getMIP(CALCULATE);
            if (this.calculate != null) {
                this.calculateReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.calculate, getPrefixMapping(),


            this.constraint = getMIP(CONSTRAINT);
            if (this.constraint != null) {
                this.constraintReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.constraint, getPrefixMapping(),

            this.customMIPs = getCustomMIPAttributes();
            if (!this.customMIPs.isEmpty()) {
                this.customMIPReferences = new HashMap<String, Set>();
                for (String key : this.customMIPs.keySet()) {
                    this.customMIPReferences.put(key, this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.customMIPs.get(key),
                            getPrefixMapping(), this.container));

        } catch (XFormsComputeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (XFormsException e) {
            throw new XFormsComputeException(e.getMessage(),, null);

     * Initializes all bound model items.
     * @throws XFormsException if any error occured during model item init.
    protected void initializeModelItems() throws XFormsException {
        Instance instance = getModel().getInstance(getInstanceId());
        List nodeset = getNodeset();
        if (nodeset != null && nodeset.size() > 0) {
            Iterator iterator = instance.iterateModelItems(nodeset, false);
            if (iterator != null) {
                ModelItem modelItem;
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    modelItem = (ModelItem);
                    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOGGER.debug(this + " init: model item for "
                                + DOMUtil.getCanonicalPath((Node) modelItem.getNode()));

                    // 4.2.1 - 4.b applying model item properties to each node


     * Initializes the model item properties of the specified model item.
     * @param item the model item.
     * @throws XFormsException if any error occured during model item properties init.
    protected void initializeModelItemProperties(ModelItem item) throws XFormsException {
        DeclarationView declaration = item.getDeclarationView();

        if (this.type != null) {
            if (declaration.getDatatype() != null) {
                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'type' already present at model item",,

            if (!this.model.getValidator().isSupported(this.type)) {
                throw new XFormsBindingException("datatype '" + this.type + "' is not supported",,
            if (!this.model.getValidator().isKnown(this.type)) {
                throw new XFormsBindingException("datatype '" + this.type + "' is unknown",,;


        if (this.readonly != null) {
            if (declaration.getReadonly() != null) {
                this.readonly = declaration.getReadonly() + " " + COMBINE_ONE + " " + this.readonly;
                //                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'readonly' already present at model item",,;
            this.readonlyReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.readonly, getPrefixMapping(),

        if (this.required != null) {
            if (declaration.getRequired() != null) {
                this.required = declaration.getRequired() + " " + COMBINE_ONE + " " + this.required;
                //                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'required' already present at model item",,;
            this.requiredReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.required, getPrefixMapping(),

        if (this.relevant != null) {
            if (declaration.getRelevant() != null) {
                this.relevant = declaration.getRelevant() + " " + COMBINE_ONE + " " + this.relevant;
                //                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'relevant' already present at model item",,;
            this.relevantReferences = this.referenceFinder.getReferences(this.relevant, getPrefixMapping(),

        if (this.calculate != null) {
            if (declaration.getCalculate() != null) {
                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'calculate' already present at model item",,


        //should be: declaration.addConstraint(this.
        //        if(this.constraints.size() != 0){
        //        }
        if (this.constraint != null) {
            if (declaration.getConstraint() != null) {
                /* TODO ADAPT ME TO LIST ME*/
                this.constraint = declaration.getConstraint() + " " + COMBINE_ALL + " " + this.constraint;

            /* TODO REMOVE ME*/

        if (this.p3ptype != null) {
            if (declaration.getP3PType() != null) {
                throw new XFormsBindingException("property 'p3ptype' already present at model item",,



     * Disposes the default action.
    protected void disposeDefaultAction() {
        this.container.getXMLEventService().deregisterDefaultAction(, XFormsEventNames.BINDING_EXCEPTION,

     * Returns the logger object.
     * @return the logger object.
    protected Log getLogger() {
        return LOGGER;

    private void registerConstraints() {
        String s = getXFormsAttribute("constraint");
        if (s != null) {
            this.constraints.add(new ConstraintAttribute(this.element));
        NodeList nl = this.element.getElementsByTagNameNS(NamespaceConstants.BETTERFORM_NS, "constraint");
        int len = nl.getLength();
        Element e;
        String id;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            e = (Element) nl.item(i);
            id = this.container.generateId();
            e.setAttribute("id", id);
            this.constraints.add(new ConstraintElement(e, this.model));


    private String getMIP(short MIPType) {
        String s = null;
        switch (MIPType) {
        case TYPE:
            return getValueForMip("type", null);
        case READONLY:
            return getValueForMip("readonly", "or");
        case REQUIRED:
            return getValueForMip("required", "or");
        case RELEVANT:
            return getValueForMip("relevant", "or");
        case CALCULATE:
            return getValueForMip("calculate", null);
        case CONSTRAINT:
            return getValueForMip("constraint", "and");
            return null;

    private String getValueForMip(String mip, String combine) {
        Element e;
        int len = 0;
        NodeList nl = null;
        // calculate and type cannot be combined
        if (combine == null) {
            String s = getXFormsAttribute(mip);
            if (s != null) {
                return s;
            if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
                if (this.element.getElementsByTagNameNS(NamespaceConstants.BETTERFORM_NS, mip).getLength() != 0) {
                    LOGGER.warn("<bf:" + mip + "> is not supported. Use @" + mip + " on bind element instead");
        } else {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");
            //check for existence of standard xforms mip attribute
            String s = getXFormsAttribute(mip);
            if (s != null) {

            nl = this.element.getElementsByTagNameNS(NamespaceConstants.BETTERFORM_NS, mip);
            len = nl.getLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                e = (Element) nl.item(i);
                if (s != null) {
                    buf.append(" ").append(combine).append(" ");
                //                buf.append(e.getAttribute(XFormsConstants.VALUE_ATTRIBUTE));
                if (i < len - 1) {
                    buf.append(" ").append(combine).append(" ");
            if (buf.length() != 0) {
                return buf.toString();

        return null;

    private String getMIPAttributeOrElement(Element e) {
        String mipValue = e.getAttribute(XFormsConstants.VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (mipValue != "") {
            //value attribute takes precedence if present
            return mipValue;
        } else {
            Element valueElem = DOMUtil.findFirstChildNS(e, NamespaceConstants.BETTERFORM_NS, "value");
            return DOMUtil.getElementValue(valueElem).trim();

// end of class