Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * #%L
 * Ridge Detection plugin for ImageJ
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Thorsten Wagner (ImageJ java plugin), 1996-1998 Carsten Steger (original C code), 1999 R. Balasubramanian (detect lines code to incorporate within GRASP)
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <>.
 * #L%
package de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger;

import ij.IJ;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;

public class Link {

    public static final double MAX_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE = Math.PI / 6.0;
    // public static final double MAX_LINE_EXTENSION = 2.5*sigma;

     * This table contains the three appropriate neighbor pixels that the
     * linking algorithm must examine. It is indexed by the octant the current
     * line angle lies in, e.g., 0 if the angle in degrees lies within
     * [-22.5,22.5].
    final static int[][][] dirtab = new int[][][] { { { 1, 0 }, { 1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } },
            { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } }, { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { -1, 1 } }, { { -1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { -1, 0 } },
            { { -1, 0 }, { -1, 1 }, { -1, -1 } }, { { -1, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, -1 } },
            { { 0, -1 }, { -1, -1 }, { 1, -1 } }, { { 1, -1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, 0 } } };

     * This table contains the two neighbor pixels that the linking algorithm
     * should examine and mark as processed in case there are double responses.
    final static int[][][] cleartab = new int[][][] { { { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } }, { { -1, 1 }, { 1, -1 } },
            { { -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 } }, { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 } }, { { 1, -1 }, { -1, 1 } },
            { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 } }, { { 1, 1 }, { -1, -1 } } };

     * Compute the response of the operator with sub-pixel accuracy by using the
     * facet model to interpolate the pixel accurate responses.
    private double interpolate_response(float[] resp, int x, int y, double px, double py, int width, int height) {
        double i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9;
        double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
        double d, dr, dc, drr, drc, dcc;
        double xx, yy;

        i1 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
        i2 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), y, width)];
        i3 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
        i4 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
        i5 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width)];
        i6 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
        i7 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
        i8 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), y, width)];
        i9 = resp[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
        t1 = i1 + i2 + i3;
        t2 = i4 + i5 + i6;
        t3 = i7 + i8 + i9;
        t4 = i1 + i4 + i7;
        t5 = i2 + i5 + i8;
        t6 = i3 + i6 + i9;
        d = (-i1 + 2 * i2 - i3 + 2 * i4 + 5 * i5 + 2 * i6 - i7 + 2 * i8 - i9) / 9;
        dr = (t3 - t1) / 6;
        dc = (t6 - t4) / 6;
        drr = (t1 - 2 * t2 + t3) / 6;
        dcc = (t4 - 2 * t5 + t6) / 6;
        drc = (i1 - i3 - i7 + i9) / 4;
        xx = px - x;
        yy = py - y;
        return d + xx * dr + yy * dc + xx * xx * drr + xx * yy * drc + yy * yy * dcc;

     * Calculate the closest point to (px,py) on the line (lx,ly) + t*(dx,dy)
     * and return the result in (cx,cy), plus the parameter in t.
    private void closest_point(double lx, double ly, double dx, double dy, double px, double py, MutableDouble cx,
            MutableDouble cy, MutableDouble t) {
        double mx, my, den, nom, tt;
        mx = px - lx;
        my = py - ly;
        den = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        nom = mx * dx + my * dy;
        if (den != 0)
            tt = nom / den;
            tt = 0;
        cx.setValue(lx + tt * dx);
        cy.setValue(ly + tt * dy);

     * Interpolate the gradient of the gradient images gradx and grady with
     * width width at the point (px,py) using linear interpolation, and return
     * the result in (gx,gy).
    private void interpolate_gradient(float[] gradx, float[] grady, double px, double py, int width,
            MutableDouble gx, MutableDouble gy) {
        int gix, giy, gpos;
        double gfx, gfy, gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2, gx3, gy3, gx4, gy4;

        gix = (int) Math.floor(px);
        giy = (int) Math.floor(py);

        gfx = px % 1.0;
        gfy = py % 1.0;
        gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix, giy, width);
        gx1 = gradx[gpos];
        gy1 = grady[gpos];
        gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix + 1, giy, width);
        gx2 = gradx[gpos];
        gy2 = grady[gpos];
        gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix, giy + 1, width);
        gx3 = gradx[gpos];
        gy3 = grady[gpos];
        gpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(gix + 1, giy + 1, width);
        gx4 = gradx[gpos];
        gy4 = grady[gpos];
        gx.setValue((1 - gfy) * ((1 - gfx) * gx1 + gfx * gx2) + gfy * ((1 - gfx) * gx3 + gfx * gx4));
        gy.setValue((1 - gfy) * ((1 - gfx) * gy1 + gfx * gy2) + gfy * ((1 - gfx) * gy3 + gfx * gy4));

     * This function links the line points into lines. The input to this
     * function are the response of the filter, i.e., the second directional
     * derivative along (nx[l],ny[l]), contained in eigval[l], and the sub-pixel
     * position of each line point, contained in (px[l],py[l]). The parameters
     * low and high are the hysteresis thresholds for the linking, while width
     * and height are the dimensions of the five float-images. The linked lines
     * are returned in result, and the number of lines detected is returned in
     * num_result.
    public void compute_contours(byte[] ismax, float[] eigval, float[] normx, float[] normy, float[] posx,
            float[] posy, float[] gradx, float[] grady, Lines contours, MutableInt num_result, double sigma,
            boolean extend_lines, int mode, double low, double high, int width, int height, Junctions junctions) {
        int i = 0, j = 0, k, l, it, pos, nextpos, nexti;
        int begin, end;
        int x, y;
        int octant, last_octant;
        int[] label;
        int num_cont, num_pnt;
        int size_cont, size_pnt;
        float[] row, col, trow, tcol;
        float[] angle, tangle;
        float[] resp, tresp;
        Junction[] junc;
        int num_junc, size_junc;
        Line[] cont;
        Line tmp_cont;
        LinesUtil.contour_class cls;
        double max;
        int maxx, maxy;
        int nextx, nexty;
        double nx, ny;
        double alpha, nextalpha, diff, mindiff, dist, mindist;
        double beta, last_beta, diff1, diff2;
        double px, py, nextpx = 0, nextpy = 0;
        double dx, dy;
        float tmp;
        int area;
        int[] indx;
        int indx_max;
        boolean nextismax;
        Crossref[] cross;
        int m = 0, max_line, num_add;
        MutableInt num_line = new MutableInt();
        double length, response;
        Offset[] line;
        double mx, my, gx, gy, s, end_angle = 0, end_resp = 0;
        MutableDouble t = new MutableDouble();
        float[] extx, exty;
        boolean add_ext;
        Region seg = new Region();
        Chord[] rl;
        Width w = new Width();

         * The image label contains information on the pixels that have been
         * processed by the linking algorithm.
        label = new int[(width * height)];
        java.util.Arrays.fill(label, 0); // Vermutlich nicht notwendig, da
        // standardmig 0.

         * The image indx is an index into the table of all pixels that possibly
         * could be starting points for new lines. It is used to quickly
         * determine the next starting point of a line.
        indx = new int[(width * height)];
        java.util.Arrays.fill(indx, 0);

        num_cont = 0;
        num_junc = 0;
        size_cont = LinesUtil.INITIAL_SIZE;
        size_pnt = LinesUtil.INITIAL_SIZE;
        size_junc = LinesUtil.INITIAL_SIZE;
        cont = new Line[size_cont];
        for (int o = 0; o < cont.length; o++) {
            cont[o] = new Line();
        row = new float[size_pnt];
        col = new float[size_pnt];
        angle = new float[size_pnt];
        resp = new float[size_pnt];
        junc = new Junction[size_junc];
        for (int o = 0; o < junc.length; o++) {
            junc[o] = new Junction();

        /* Select all pixels that can be starting points for lines. */
        Threshold.threshold(ismax, 2, width, height, seg);

        /* Count the number of possible starting points. */
        area = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < seg.num; i++)
            area += seg.rl[i].ce - seg.rl[i].cb + 1;

        /* Create the index of possible starting points. */
        cross = new Crossref[area];
        for (int o = 0; o < cross.length; o++) {
            cross[o] = new Crossref();
        k = 0;
        rl = seg.rl;
        for (i = 0; i < seg.num; i++) {
            x = rl[i].r;
            for (y = rl[i].cb; y <= rl[i].ce; y++) {
                pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width);
                cross[k].x = (short) x;
                cross[k].y = (short) y;
                cross[k].value = eigval[pos];
                cross[k].done = false;

        // qsort(cross,area,sizeof(*cross),compare_crossrefs);
        for (i = 0; i < area; i++)
            indx[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(cross[i].x, cross[i].y, width)] = i + 1;

        /* Link lines points. */
        indx_max = 0;
        for (;;) {
             * Contour class unknown at this point; therefore assume both ends
             * free.
            cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_no_junc;
            /* Search for next starting point. */
            while (indx_max < area && cross[indx_max].done)
            /* Stop if no feasible starting point exists. */
            if (indx_max == area)
            max = cross[indx_max].value;
            maxx = cross[indx_max].x;
            maxy = cross[indx_max].y;
            if (max == 0.0)

            /* Add starting point to the line. */
            num_pnt = 0;
            pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(maxx, maxy, width);
            label[pos] = (num_cont + 1);
            if (!(indx[pos] == 0))
                cross[(indx[pos] - 1)].done = true;
            row[num_pnt] = posx[pos];
            col[num_pnt] = posy[pos];
            /* Select line direction. */
            nx = -normy[pos];
            ny = normx[pos];
            alpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
            if (alpha < 0.0)
                alpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
            if (alpha >= Math.PI)
                alpha -= Math.PI;
            octant = (int) (Math.floor(4.0 / Math.PI * alpha + 0.5)) % 4;
             * Select normal to the line. The normal points to the right of the
             * line as the line is traversed from 0 to num-1. Since the points
             * are sorted in reverse order before the second iteration, the
             * first beta actually has to point to the left of the line!
            beta = alpha + Math.PI / 2.0;
            if (beta >= 2.0 * Math.PI)
                beta -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
            angle[num_pnt] = (float) beta;
            resp[num_pnt] = (float) interpolate_response(eigval, maxx, maxy, posx[pos], posy[pos], width, height);
            /* Mark double responses as processed. */
            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                nextx = maxx + cleartab[octant][i][0];
                nexty = maxy + cleartab[octant][i][1];
                if (nextx < 0 || nextx >= height || nexty < 0 || nexty >= width)
                nextpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(nextx, nexty, width);
                if (ismax[nextpos] > 0) {
                    nx = -normy[nextpos];
                    ny = normx[nextpos];
                    nextalpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                    if (nextalpha < 0.0)
                        nextalpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                    if (nextalpha >= Math.PI)
                        nextalpha -= Math.PI;
                    diff = Math.abs(alpha - nextalpha);
                    if (diff >= Math.PI / 2.0)
                        diff = Math.PI - diff;
                    if (diff < MAX_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE) {
                        label[nextpos] = (num_cont + 1);
                        if (!(indx[nextpos] == 0))
                            cross[(indx[nextpos] - 1)].done = true;

            for (it = 1; it <= 2; it++) {
                if (it == 1) {
                     * Search along the initial line direction in the first
                     * iteration.
                    x = maxx;
                    y = maxy;
                    pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width);
                    nx = -normy[pos];
                    ny = normx[pos];
                    alpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                    if (alpha < 0.0)
                        alpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                    if (alpha >= Math.PI)
                        alpha -= Math.PI;
                    last_octant = (int) (Math.floor(4.0 / Math.PI * alpha + 0.5)) % 4;
                    last_beta = alpha + Math.PI / 2.0;
                    if (last_beta >= 2.0 * Math.PI)
                        last_beta -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
                } else {
                    /* Search in the opposite direction in the second iteration. */
                    x = maxx;
                    y = maxy;
                    pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width);
                    nx = -normy[pos];
                    ny = normx[pos];
                    alpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                    if (alpha < 0.0)
                        alpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                    if (alpha >= Math.PI)
                        alpha -= Math.PI;
                    last_octant = (int) (Math.floor(4.0 / Math.PI * alpha + 0.5)) % 4 + 4;
                    last_beta = alpha + Math.PI / 2.0;
                    if (last_beta >= 2.0 * Math.PI)
                        last_beta -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
                if (it == 2) {
                    /* Sort the points found in the first iteration in reverse. */
                    for (i = 0; i < num_pnt / 2; i++) {
                        tmp = row[i];
                        row[i] = row[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                        row[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                        tmp = col[i];
                        col[i] = col[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                        col[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                        tmp = angle[i];
                        angle[i] = angle[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                        angle[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                        tmp = resp[i];
                        resp[i] = resp[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                        resp[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;

                /* Now start adding appropriate neighbors to the line. */
                for (;;) {
                    pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width);
                    nx = -normy[pos];
                    ny = normx[pos];
                    px = posx[pos];
                    py = posy[pos];
                    /* Orient line direction w.r.t. the last line direction. */
                    alpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                    if (alpha < 0.0)
                        alpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                    if (alpha >= Math.PI)
                        alpha -= Math.PI;
                    octant = (int) (Math.floor(4.0 / Math.PI * alpha + 0.5)) % 4;
                    switch (octant) {
                    case 0:
                        if (last_octant >= 3 && last_octant <= 5)
                            octant = 4;
                    case 1:
                        if (last_octant >= 4 && last_octant <= 6)
                            octant = 5;
                    case 2:
                        if (last_octant >= 4 && last_octant <= 7)
                            octant = 6;
                    case 3:
                        if (last_octant == 0 || last_octant >= 6)
                            octant = 7;
                    last_octant = octant;

                    /* Determine appropriate neighbor. */
                    nextismax = false;
                    nexti = 1;
                    mindiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        nextx = x + dirtab[octant][i][0];
                        nexty = y + dirtab[octant][i][1];
                        if (nextx < 0 || nextx >= height || nexty < 0 || nexty >= width)
                        nextpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(nextx, nexty, width);
                        if (ismax[nextpos] == 0)
                        nextpx = posx[nextpos];
                        nextpy = posy[nextpos];
                        dx = nextpx - px;
                        dy = nextpy - py;
                        dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                        nx = -normy[nextpos];
                        ny = normx[nextpos];
                        nextalpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                        if (nextalpha < 0.0)
                            nextalpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                        if (nextalpha >= Math.PI)
                            nextalpha -= Math.PI;
                        diff = Math.abs(alpha - nextalpha);
                        if (diff >= Math.PI / 2.0)
                            diff = Math.PI - diff;
                        diff = dist + diff;
                        if (diff < mindiff) {
                            mindiff = diff;
                            nexti = i;
                        if (!(ismax[nextpos] == 0))
                            nextismax = true;

                    /* Mark double responses as processed. */
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                        nextx = x + cleartab[octant][i][0];
                        nexty = y + cleartab[octant][i][1];
                        if (nextx < 0 || nextx >= height || nexty < 0 || nexty >= width)
                        nextpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(nextx, nexty, width);
                        if (ismax[nextpos] > 0) {
                            nx = -normy[nextpos];
                            ny = normx[nextpos];
                            nextalpha = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                            if (nextalpha < 0.0)
                                nextalpha += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                            if (nextalpha >= Math.PI)
                                nextalpha -= Math.PI;
                            diff = Math.abs(alpha - nextalpha);
                            if (diff >= Math.PI / 2.0)
                                diff = Math.PI - diff;
                            if (diff < MAX_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE) {
                                label[nextpos] = (num_cont + 1);
                                if (!(indx[nextpos] == 0))
                                    cross[(indx[nextpos] - 1)].done = true;

                    /* Have we found the end of the line? */
                    if (!nextismax)
                    /* If not, add the neighbor to the line. */
                    x += dirtab[octant][nexti][0];
                    y += dirtab[octant][nexti][1];
                    if (num_pnt >= size_pnt) {
                        size_pnt = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_pnt * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                        float[] newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < row.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = row[o];
                        row = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < col.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = col[o];
                        col = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < angle.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = angle[o];
                        angle = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < resp.length; o++) {
                            resp[o] = resp[o];
                        resp = newArr;
                    pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width);
                    row[num_pnt] = posx[pos];
                    col[num_pnt] = posy[pos];

                     * Orient normal to the line direction w.r.t. the last
                     * normal.
                    nx = normx[pos];
                    ny = normy[pos];
                    beta = Math.atan2(ny, nx);
                    if (beta < 0.0)
                        beta += 2.0 * Math.PI;
                    if (beta >= Math.PI)
                        beta -= Math.PI;
                    diff1 = Math.abs(beta - last_beta);
                    if (diff1 >= Math.PI)
                        diff1 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff1;
                    diff2 = Math.abs(beta + Math.PI - last_beta);
                    if (diff2 >= Math.PI)
                        diff2 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff2;
                    if (diff1 < diff2) {
                        angle[num_pnt] = (float) beta;
                        last_beta = beta;
                    } else {
                        angle[num_pnt] = (float) (beta + Math.PI);
                        last_beta = beta + Math.PI;

                    resp[num_pnt] = (float) interpolate_response(eigval, x, y, posx[pos], posy[pos], width, height);

                     * If the appropriate neighbor is already processed a
                     * junction point is found.
                    if (label[pos] > 0) {
                        if (num_junc >= size_junc) {
                            size_junc = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_junc * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                            Junction[] junch = new Junction[size_junc];
                            for (int o = 0; o < junch.length; o++) {
                                if (o < junc.length)
                                    junch[o] = junc[o];
                                    junch[o] = new Junction();
                            junc = junch;
                        /* Look for the junction point in the other line. */
                        k = label[pos] - 1;
                        if (k == num_cont) {
                            /* Line intersects itself. */
                            for (j = 0; j < num_pnt - 1; j++) {
                                if (row[j] == posx[pos] && col[j] == posy[pos]) {
                                    if (j == 0) {
                                        /* Contour is closed. */
                                        cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed;
                                        for (i = 0; i < num_pnt / 2; i++) {
                                            tmp = row[i];
                                            row[i] = row[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                                            row[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                                            tmp = col[i];
                                            col[i] = col[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                                            col[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                                            tmp = angle[i];
                                            angle[i] = angle[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                                            angle[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                                            tmp = resp[i];
                                            resp[i] = resp[(num_pnt - 1 - i)];
                                            resp[(num_pnt - 1 - i)] = tmp;
                                        it = 2;
                                    } else {
                                        if (it == 2) {
                                            /* Determine contour class. */
                                            if (cls == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc)
                                                cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc;
                                                cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc;
                                            /* Index j is the correct index. */
                                            junc[num_junc].cont1 = num_cont;
                                            junc[num_junc].cont2 = num_cont;
                                            junc[num_junc].pos = j;
                                            junc[num_junc].x = posx[pos];
                                            junc[num_junc].y = posy[pos];
                                        } else {
                                            /* Determine contour class. */
                                            cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc;
                                             * Index num_pnt-1-j is the correct
                                             * index since the line is going to
                                             * be sorted in reverse.
                                            junc[num_junc].cont1 = num_cont;
                                            junc[num_junc].cont2 = num_cont;
                                            junc[num_junc].pos = num_pnt - 1 - j;
                                            junc[num_junc].x = posx[pos];
                                            junc[num_junc].y = posy[pos];
                             * Mark this case as being processed for the
                             * algorithm below.
                            j = -1;
                        } else {

                            for (j = 0; j < cont[k].num; j++) {
                                if (cont[k].row[j] == posx[pos] && cont[k].col[j] == posy[pos])
                             * If no point can be found on the other line a
                             * double response must have occured. In this case,
                             * find the nearest point on the other line and add
                             * it to the current line.
                            if (j == cont[k].num) {
                                mindist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                                j = -1;
                                for (l = 0; l < cont[k].num; l++) {
                                    dx = posx[pos] - cont[k].row[l];
                                    dy = posy[pos] - cont[k].col[l];
                                    dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                    if (dist < mindist) {
                                        mindist = dist;
                                        j = l;
                                 * Add the point with index j to the current
                                 * line.
                                if (num_pnt >= size_pnt) {
                                    size_pnt = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_pnt * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                                    float[] newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                                    for (int o = 0; o < row.length; o++) {
                                        newArr[o] = row[o];
                                    row = newArr;
                                    newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                                    for (int o = 0; o < col.length; o++) {
                                        newArr[o] = col[o];
                                    col = newArr;
                                    newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                                    for (int o = 0; o < angle.length; o++) {
                                        newArr[o] = angle[o];
                                    angle = newArr;
                                    newArr = new float[size_pnt];
                                    for (int o = 0; o < resp.length; o++) {
                                        resp[o] = resp[o];
                                    resp = newArr;

                                row[num_pnt] = cont[k].row[j];
                                col[num_pnt] = cont[k].col[j];
                                beta = cont[k].angle[j];
                                if (beta >= Math.PI)
                                    beta -= Math.PI;
                                diff1 = Math.abs(beta - last_beta);
                                if (diff1 >= Math.PI)
                                    diff1 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff1;
                                diff2 = Math.abs(beta + Math.PI - last_beta);
                                if (diff2 >= Math.PI)
                                    diff2 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff2;
                                if (diff1 < diff2)
                                    angle[num_pnt] = (float) beta;
                                    angle[num_pnt] = (float) (beta + Math.PI);
                                resp[num_pnt] = cont[k].response[j];
                         * Add the junction point only if it is not one of the
                         * other line's endpoints.
                        if (j > 0 && j < cont[k].num - 1) {
                            /* Determine contour class. */
                            if (it == 1)
                                cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc;
                            else if (cls == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc)
                                cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc;
                                cls = LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc;
                            /* Add the new junction. */

                            junc[num_junc].cont1 = k;
                            junc[num_junc].cont2 = num_cont;
                            junc[num_junc].pos = j;
                            junc[num_junc].x = row[(num_pnt - 1)];
                            junc[num_junc].y = col[(num_pnt - 1)];
                    label[pos] = (num_cont + 1);
                    if (!(indx[pos] == 0))
                        cross[(indx[pos] - 1)].done = true;

            if (num_pnt > 1) {
                /* Only add lines with at least two points. */
                if (num_cont >= size_cont) {
                    size_cont = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_cont * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                    Line[] conth = new Line[size_cont];
                    for (int o = 0; o < conth.length; o++) {
                        // true ? (conth[o] = cont[0]) : (conth[o] = new
                        // contour());
                        if (o < cont.length)
                            conth[o] = cont[o];
                            conth[o] = new Line();
                    cont = conth;
                cont[num_cont] = new Line();

                cont[num_cont].row = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(row, num_pnt);
                cont[num_cont].col = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(col, num_pnt);
                cont[num_cont].angle = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(angle, num_pnt);
                cont[num_cont].response = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(resp, num_pnt);

                cont[num_cont].width_r = null;
                cont[num_cont].width_l = null;
                cont[num_cont].asymmetry = null;
                cont[num_cont].intensity = null;
                cont[num_cont].num = num_pnt;
            } else {
                 * Delete the point from the label image; we can use maxx and
                 * maxy as the coordinates in the label image in this case.
                for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
                    for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
                        pos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(maxx + i, height), LinesUtil.BC(maxy + j, width),
                        if (label[pos] == num_cont + 1)
                            label[pos] = 0;

         * Now try to extend the lines at their ends to find additional
         * junctions.
        if (extend_lines) {
            /* Sign by which the gradient has to be multiplied below. */
            if (mode == LinesUtil.MODE_LIGHT)
                s = 1;
                s = -1;
            double MAX_LINE_EXTENSION = 2.5 * sigma;
            length = MAX_LINE_EXTENSION;
            max_line = (int) Math.ceil(length * 3);
            line = new Offset[max_line];
            for (int o = 0; o < line.length; o++) {
                line[o] = new Offset();
            extx = new float[max_line];
            exty = new float[max_line];
            for (i = 0; i < num_cont; i++) {
                tmp_cont = cont[i];
                num_pnt = tmp_cont.num;
                if (num_pnt == 1)
                if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed)
                trow = tmp_cont.row;
                tcol = tmp_cont.col;
                tangle = tmp_cont.angle;
                tresp = tmp_cont.response;
                /* Check both ends of the line (it==-1: start, it==1: end). */
                for (it = -1; it <= 1; it += 2) {
                     * Determine the direction of the search line. This is done
                     * by using the normal to the line (angle). Since this
                     * normal may point to the left of the line (see below) we
                     * have to check for this case by comparing the normal to
                     * the direction of the line at its respective end point.
                    if (it == -1) {
                        /* Start point of the line. */
                        if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc
                                || tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc)
                        dx = trow[1] - trow[0];
                        dy = tcol[1] - tcol[0];
                        alpha = tangle[0];
                        nx = Math.cos(alpha);
                        ny = Math.sin(alpha);
                        if (nx * dy - ny * dx < 0) {
                            /* Turn the normal by +90 degrees. */
                            mx = -ny;
                            my = nx;
                        } else {
                            /* Turn the normal by -90 degrees. */
                            mx = ny;
                            my = -nx;
                        px = trow[0];
                        py = tcol[0];
                        response = tresp[0];
                    } else {
                        /* End point of the line. */
                        if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc
                                || tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc)
                        dx = trow[(num_pnt - 1)] - trow[(num_pnt - 2)];
                        dy = tcol[(num_pnt - 1)] - tcol[(num_pnt - 2)];
                        alpha = tangle[(num_pnt - 1)];
                        nx = Math.cos(alpha);
                        ny = Math.sin(alpha);
                        if (nx * dy - ny * dx < 0) {
                            /* Turn the normal by -90 degrees. */
                            mx = ny;
                            my = -nx;
                        } else {
                            /* Turn the normal by +90 degrees. */
                            mx = -ny;
                            my = nx;
                        px = trow[(num_pnt - 1)];
                        py = tcol[(num_pnt - 1)];
                        response = tresp[(num_pnt - 1)];
                     * Determine the current pixel and calculate the pixels on
                     * the search line.
                    x = (int) Math.floor(px + 0.5);
                    y = (int) Math.floor(py + 0.5);
                    dx = px - x;
                    dy = py - y;
                    w.bresenham(mx, my, dx, dy, length, line, num_line);
                     * Now determine whether we can go only uphill (bright
                     * lines) or downhill (dark lines) until we hit another
                     * line.
                    num_add = 0;
                    add_ext = false;
                    for (k = 0; k < num_line.intValue(); k++) {
                        nextx = x + line[k].x;
                        nexty = y + line[k].y;
                        MutableDouble hnextpx = new MutableDouble(nextpx);
                        MutableDouble hnextpy = new MutableDouble(nextpy);
                        closest_point(px, py, mx, my, (double) nextx, (double) nexty, hnextpx, hnextpy, t);
                        nextpx = hnextpx.getValue();
                        nextpy = hnextpy.getValue();
                         * Ignore points before or less than half a pixel away
                         * from the true end point of the line.
                        if (t.getValue() <= 0.5)
                         * Stop if the gradient can't be interpolated any more
                         * or if the next point lies outside the image.
                        if (nextpx < 0 || nextpy < 0 || nextpx >= height - 1 || nextpy >= width - 1 || nextx < 0
                                || nexty < 0 || nextx >= height || nexty >= width)
                        MutableDouble hgx = new MutableDouble();
                        MutableDouble hgy = new MutableDouble();
                        interpolate_gradient(gradx, grady, nextpx, nextpy, width, hgx, hgy);
                        gx = hgx.getValue();
                        gy = hgy.getValue();
                         * Stop if we can't go uphill anymore. This is
                         * determined by the dot product of the line direction
                         * and the gradient. If it is smaller than 0 we go
                         * downhill (reverse for dark lines).
                        nextpos = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(nextx, nexty, width);
                        if (s * (mx * gx + my * gy) < 0 && label[nextpos] == 0)
                        /* Have we hit another line? */
                        if (label[nextpos] > 0) {
                            m = label[nextpos] - 1;
                            /* Search for the junction point on the other line. */
                            mindist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                            j = -1;
                            for (l = 0; l < cont[m].num; l++) {
                                dx = nextpx - cont[m].row[l];
                                dy = nextpy - cont[m].col[l];
                                dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                                if (dist < mindist) {
                                    mindist = dist;
                                    j = l;
                             * This should not happen... But better safe than
                             * sorry...
                            if (mindist > 3.0) {
                            extx[num_add] = cont[m].row[j];
                            exty[num_add] = cont[m].col[j];
                            end_resp = cont[m].response[j];
                            end_angle = cont[m].angle[j];
                            beta = end_angle;
                            if (beta >= Math.PI)
                                beta -= Math.PI;
                            diff1 = Math.abs(beta - alpha);
                            if (diff1 >= Math.PI)
                                diff1 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff1;
                            diff2 = Math.abs(beta + Math.PI - alpha);
                            if (diff2 >= Math.PI)
                                diff2 = 2.0 * Math.PI - diff2;
                            if (diff1 < diff2)
                                end_angle = beta;
                                end_angle = beta + Math.PI;
                            add_ext = true;
                        } else {
                            extx[num_add] = (float) nextpx;
                            exty[num_add] = (float) nextpy;
                    if (add_ext) {
                        /* Make room for the new points. */
                        num_pnt += num_add;
                        float[] newArr = new float[num_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < trow.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = trow[o];
                        trow = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[num_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < tcol.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = tcol[o];
                        tcol = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[num_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < tangle.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = tangle[o];
                        tangle = newArr;

                        newArr = new float[num_pnt];
                        for (int o = 0; o < tresp.length; o++) {
                            newArr[o] = tresp[o];
                        tresp = newArr;

                        tmp_cont.row = trow;
                        tmp_cont.col = tcol;
                        tmp_cont.angle = tangle;
                        tmp_cont.response = tresp;
                        tmp_cont.num = num_pnt;
                        if (it == -1) {
                            /* Move points on the line up num_add places. */
                            for (k = num_pnt - 1 - num_add; k >= 0; k--) {
                                trow[(k + num_add)] = trow[k];
                                tcol[(k + num_add)] = tcol[k];
                                tangle[(k + num_add)] = tangle[k];
                                tresp[(k + num_add)] = tresp[k];
                            /* Insert points at the beginning of the line. */
                            for (k = 0; k < num_add; k++) {
                                trow[k] = extx[(num_add - 1 - k)];
                                tcol[k] = exty[(num_add - 1 - k)];
                                tangle[k] = (float) alpha;
                                tresp[k] = (float) response;
                            tangle[0] = (float) end_angle;
                            tresp[0] = (float) end_resp;
                            /* Adapt indices of the previously found junctions. */
                            for (k = 0; k < num_junc; k++) {
                                if (junc[k].cont1 == i)
                                    junc[k].pos += num_add;
                        } else {
                            /* Insert points at the end of the line. */
                            for (k = 0; k < num_add; k++) {
                                trow[(num_pnt - num_add + k)] = extx[k];
                                tcol[(num_pnt - num_add + k)] = exty[k];
                                tangle[(num_pnt - num_add + k)] = (float) alpha;
                                tresp[(num_pnt - num_add + k)] = (float) response;
                            tangle[(num_pnt - 1)] = (float) end_angle;
                            tresp[(num_pnt - 1)] = (float) end_resp;
                        /* If necessary, make room for the new junction. */
                        if (num_junc >= size_junc) {
                            size_junc = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_junc * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                            Junction[] junch = new Junction[size_junc];
                            for (int o = 0; o < junch.length; o++) {
                                if (o < junc.length)
                                    junch[o] = junc[o];
                                    junch[o] = new Junction();
                            junc = junch;

                         * Add the junction point only if it is not one of the
                         * other line's endpoints.
                        if (j > 0 && j < cont[m].num - 1) {
                            if (it == -1) {
                                if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc)
                            } else {
                                if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc)
                            junc[num_junc].cont1 = m;
                            junc[num_junc].cont2 = i;
                            junc[num_junc].pos = j;
                            if (it == -1) {
                                junc[num_junc].x = trow[0];
                                junc[num_junc].y = tcol[0];
                            } else {
                                junc[num_junc].x = trow[(num_pnt - 1)];
                                junc[num_junc].y = tcol[(num_pnt - 1)];


        /* Done with linking. Now split the lines at the junction points. */
        for (i = 0; i < num_junc; i += k) {
            j = junc[i].cont1;
            tmp_cont = cont[j];
            num_pnt = tmp_cont.num;
            /* Count how often line j needs to be split. */
            for (k = 0; junc[(i + k)].cont1 == j && i + k < num_junc; k++)

            if (k == 1 && tmp_cont.row[0] == tmp_cont.row[(num_pnt - 1)]
                    && tmp_cont.col[0] == tmp_cont.col[(num_pnt - 1)]) {
                 * If only one junction point is found and the line is closed it
                 * only needs to be rearranged cyclically, but not split.
                begin = junc[i].pos;
                trow = tmp_cont.row;
                tcol = tmp_cont.col;
                tangle = tmp_cont.angle;
                tresp = tmp_cont.response;
                tmp_cont.row = new float[num_pnt];
                tmp_cont.col = new float[num_pnt];
                tmp_cont.angle = new float[num_pnt];
                tmp_cont.response = new float[num_pnt];
                for (l = 0; l < num_pnt; l++) {
                    pos = begin + l;
                    /* Skip starting point so that it is not added twice. */
                    if (pos >= num_pnt)
                        pos = begin + l - num_pnt + 1;
                    tmp_cont.row[l] = trow[pos];
                    tmp_cont.col[l] = tcol[pos];
                    tmp_cont.angle[l] = tangle[pos];
                    tmp_cont.response[l] = tresp[pos];
                /* Modify contour class. */

            } else {
                /* Otherwise the line has to be split. */
                for (l = 0; l <= k; l++) {
                    if (l == 0)
                        begin = 0;
                        begin = junc[(i + l - 1)].pos;
                    if (l == k)
                        end = tmp_cont.num - 1;
                        end = junc[(i + l)].pos;
                    num_pnt = end - begin + 1;
                    if (num_pnt == 1 && k > 1) {
                        /* Do not add one point segments. */
                    if (num_cont >= size_cont) {
                        size_cont = (int) Math.floor((double) (size_cont * LinesUtil.REALLOC_FACTOR));
                        Line[] conth = new Line[size_cont];
                        for (int o = 0; o < cont.length; o++) {
                            conth[o] = cont[o];
                        cont = conth;
                    cont[num_cont] = new Line();

                    cont[num_cont].row = new float[num_pnt];
                    cont[num_cont].col = new float[num_pnt];
                    cont[num_cont].angle = new float[num_pnt];
                    cont[num_cont].response = new float[num_pnt];

                    System.arraycopy(tmp_cont.row, begin, cont[num_cont].row, 0, num_pnt);

                    System.arraycopy(tmp_cont.col, begin, cont[num_cont].col, 0, num_pnt);

                    System.arraycopy(tmp_cont.angle, begin, cont[num_cont].angle, 0, num_pnt);

                    System.arraycopy(tmp_cont.response, begin, cont[num_cont].response, 0, num_pnt);

                    cont[num_cont].width_r = null;
                    cont[num_cont].width_l = null;
                    cont[num_cont].asymmetry = null;
                    cont[num_cont].intensity = null;
                    cont[num_cont].num = num_pnt;
                    /* Modify contour class. */
                    if (l == 0) {
                        if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc
                                || tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc)
                    } else if (l == k) {
                        if (tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc
                                || tmp_cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_both_junc)
                    } else {
                cont[j] = cont[--num_cont];

        /* Finally, check whether all angles point to the right of the line. */
        for (i = 0; i < num_cont; i++) {
            tmp_cont = cont[i];
            num_pnt = tmp_cont.num;
            if (num_pnt > 1) {
                trow = tmp_cont.row;
                tcol = tmp_cont.col;
                tangle = tmp_cont.angle;
                 * One point of the contour is enough to determine the
                 * orientation.

                k = (num_pnt - 1) / 2;
                 * The next few lines are ok because lines have at least two
                 * points.
                dx = trow[(k + 1)] - trow[k];
                dy = tcol[(k + 1)] - tcol[k];
                nx = Math.cos(tangle[k]);
                ny = Math.sin(tangle[k]);
                 * If the angles point to the left of the line they have to be
                 * adapted. The orientation is determined by looking at the
                 * z-component of the cross-product of (dx,dy,0) and (nx,ny,0).
                if (nx * dy - ny * dx < 0) {
                    for (j = 0; j < num_pnt; j++) {
                        tangle[j] += Math.PI;
                        if (tangle[j] >= 2 * Math.PI)
                            tangle[j] -= 2 * Math.PI;

        for (Line c : cont) {
            if (c != null && c.getContourClass() != null) {


        for (Junction jun : junc) {
            if (jun != null && !(jun.cont1 == 0 && jun.cont2 == 0)) {
