Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2004-2009 Tobias Gierke <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.dao;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException;

import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Blueprint;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.ItemWithQuantity;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Prerequisite;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.RequiredMaterial;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.Requirements;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.datamodel.SkillTree;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.Activity;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.BlueprintType;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.InventoryGroup;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.InventoryType;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.TypeActivityMaterials;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.db.datamodel.TypeMaterial;
import de.codesourcery.eve.skills.exceptions.NoTech1VariantException;

public class BlueprintTypeDAO extends HibernateDAO<BlueprintType, Long> implements IBlueprintTypeDAO {

    public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BlueprintTypeDAO.class);

    // Key is blueprint product's invTypeId
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Blueprint> blueprintByProductCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private ISkillTreeDAO skillTreeDAO;
    private ITypeActivityMaterialsDAO typeActivityMaterialsDAO;

    public BlueprintTypeDAO() {

    private BlueprintType getBlueprintTypeFor(final InventoryType type) {

        return execute(new HibernateCallback<BlueprintType>() {

            public BlueprintType doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session.createQuery("from BlueprintType where productType = :type");

                query.setParameter("type", type);
                return getExactlyOneResult((List<BlueprintType>) query.list());

    public Blueprint getBlueprintByProduct(InventoryType type) {
        Blueprint existing = blueprintByProductCache.get(type.getId());
        if (existing == null) {
            existing = createBlueprint(getBlueprintTypeFor(type));
            blueprintByProductCache.putIfAbsent(type.getId(), existing);
        return existing;

    public List<ItemWithQuantity> getRefiningOutcome(InventoryType item) {

        if (item == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("item cannot be NULL");

        log.debug("getRefiningOutcome(): item=" + item);

        List<ItemWithQuantity> result = fetchRefiningMaterials(item);
        log.debug("getRefiningOutcome(): Item " + item + " refines into " + result.size() + " materials.");
        return result;

    protected MaterialRequirements fetchRequirements(final Activity activity, final BlueprintType blueprint) {
        if (activity == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("activity cannot be NULL");

        if (blueprint == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("blueprint cannot be NULL");

        if (activity == Activity.REFINING) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Unsupported activity " + activity + " - use fetchRefiningMaterials() instead");

        final InventoryType bluePrintType = blueprint.getBlueprintType();

         * note: TypeActivityMaterials belongs to a database view that has been removed
         * from the EVE DB dump and is now split across two tables , 
         * ramTypeRequirements and invTypeMaterials.
         * invTypeMaterials - holds references to all materials that are not
         * subject to manufacturing waste. If something has no entry here, 
         * it cannot be produced / reprocessed. THIS TABLE USES THE PRODUCT TYPE ID (NOT THE
         * ramTypeRequirements - holds references to all materials that are
         * subject to manufacturing waste as well as all skill requirements etc.

        // fetch extra/special requirements first
        final List<TypeActivityMaterials> extraMaterials = execute(
                new HibernateCallback<List<TypeActivityMaterials>>() {

                    public List<TypeActivityMaterials> doInSession(Session session) {
                        final Query query = session.createQuery("from TypeActivityMaterials " + // SELECT ... FROM ramTypeRequirements
                        "where typeID = :type and activityID = :activity");

                        query.setParameter("type", bluePrintType);
                        query.setParameter("activity", activity, Hibernate.custom(ActivityUserType.class));
                        return (List<TypeActivityMaterials>) query.list();

        /* Add stuff from "simple materials" table
         * only if we're trying to manufacture a T1 item.
         * Since the "simple materials" table resembles
         * reprocessing data as well, ignore it when 
         * manufacturing items with tech level >1 since
         * they will yield the mats used for production 
         * of the corresponding T1 items which is WRONG.
        List<TypeActivityMaterials> simpleRequirements = new ArrayList<>();
        if (activity == Activity.MANUFACTURING) {
            simpleRequirements = getSimpleRequirements(blueprint, extraMaterials);
        return new MaterialRequirements(simpleRequirements, extraMaterials);

    protected static final class MaterialRequirements implements Iterable<TypeActivityMaterials> {
        public final List<TypeActivityMaterials> rawMats;
        public final List<TypeActivityMaterials> extraMats;

        public MaterialRequirements(List<TypeActivityMaterials> simpleMats, List<TypeActivityMaterials> extraMats) {
            this.rawMats = simpleMats;
            this.extraMats = extraMats;

        public boolean isSimpleMaterial(TypeActivityMaterials mat) {
            return contains(rawMats, mat);

        public boolean isExtraMaterial(TypeActivityMaterials mat) {
            return contains(extraMats, mat);

        private static boolean contains(List<TypeActivityMaterials> list, TypeActivityMaterials mat) {
            for (TypeActivityMaterials candidate : list) {
                if (candidate.getRequiredType().equals(mat.getRequiredType())
                        && mat.getActivity().equals(candidate.getActivity())) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        public Iterator<TypeActivityMaterials> iterator() {
            final List<TypeActivityMaterials> all = new ArrayList<>(this.rawMats);
            return all.iterator();

    private List<TypeActivityMaterials> getSimpleRequirements(BlueprintType blueprint,
            List<TypeActivityMaterials> extraMaterials) {
         * While Jercy's method looks fine to me for T1 manufacturing, it seems
         * to be slightly more complicated for T2.
         * For example, looking at the Tritanium requirement to build 1 unit of
         * Medium Shield Transporter II.
         * invTypeMaterials will give you a figure of 1660 tritanium. However,
         * the actual job quote asks for just 336 Tritanium.
         * The difference is due to the requirement for the T1 module. Looking
         * up the T1 version in invTypeMaterials indicates that the T1 module
         * requires 1355 tritanium.
         * 1660-1355 = 305. Adding the 10% ME wastage on top gets you to the 336
         * Tritanium requested by the quote.
         * The key to this is the recycle field in ramTypeRequirements. This
         * field is 1 for the T1 module requirement, but 0 for everything else.
         * Which gives us the differentiation as to why we have to remove the
         * Tritanium in the T1 module, but not that in the R.A.M. - Shield Tech.
         * So it looks like we actually need three elements to make up the full
         * manufacturing requirement:
         * Step (1): Records from ramTypeRequirements for activityID=1,typeID=blueprintTypeID        
         * Step (2): Records from invTypeMaterials for typeID=productTypeID 
         * Step (3): Records from invTypeMaterials for typeID=requiredTypeID from (2) where recycle=1
         * ( (2)-(3) )*wasteFactor then becomes your Raw Materials 
         * (1) becomes your Extra Materials and Skills (differentiated by the categoryID of the requiredTypeID)

        final Map<InventoryType, TypeActivityMaterials> allMaterials = new HashMap<>();

        // step (2)
        final List<ItemWithQuantity> simpleMaterials = fetchRefiningMaterials(blueprint.getProductType());

        for (ItemWithQuantity mat : simpleMaterials) {
            final TypeActivityMaterials simpleMaterial = toTypeActivityMaterial(blueprint, mat);

            // all materials from this table
            // are subject to manufacturing waste (BPM waste,skill waste and station standings waste)

            allMaterials.put(simpleMaterial.getRequiredType(), simpleMaterial);

        // since the invTypeMaterials always holds the
        // total production/reprocessing amount for a given item, we 
        // need to subtract the materials required for
        // producing any recycleable 'special' materials of the item

        for (TypeActivityMaterials specialMaterial : extraMaterials) {
            if (!specialMaterial.isRecycle()) {

            final List<ItemWithQuantity> t1Parts = fetchRefiningMaterials(specialMaterial.getRequiredType());
            for (ItemWithQuantity mat : t1Parts) {
                final TypeActivityMaterials existing = allMaterials.get(mat.getType());

                if (existing != null) {
                    existing.setQuantity(existing.getQuantity() - mat.getQuantity());

        // remove everything with a negative quantity here
        final Iterator<Map.Entry<InventoryType, TypeActivityMaterials>> it = allMaterials.entrySet().iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final TypeActivityMaterials mat =;
            if (mat.getQuantity() <= 0) {
        return new ArrayList<>(allMaterials.values());

    private TypeActivityMaterials toTypeActivityMaterial(BlueprintType blueprint, ItemWithQuantity mat) {
        final TypeActivityMaterials simpleMaterial = new TypeActivityMaterials();

        return simpleMaterial;

    private List<ItemWithQuantity> fetchRefiningMaterials(final InventoryType item) {
        final List<TypeMaterial> materials = execute(new HibernateCallback<List<TypeMaterial>>() {

            public List<TypeMaterial> doInSession(Session session) {
                // query invTypeMaterials table
                final Query query = session.createQuery("from TypeMaterial " + "where typeID = :type");

                query.setParameter("type", item);
                return (List<TypeMaterial>) query.list();

        final List<ItemWithQuantity> result = new ArrayList<ItemWithQuantity>();
        for (TypeMaterial m : materials) {
            result.add(new ItemWithQuantity(m.getType(), m.getQuantity()));
        return result;

    protected Requirements createRequirements(Activity activity, BlueprintType blueprint) {
        final MaterialRequirements requirementsFromDB = fetchRequirements(activity, blueprint);

        final Requirements requirements = new Requirements(activity);

        System.out.println("---- Simple mats required for " + blueprint);
        System.out.println(StringUtils.join(requirementsFromDB.rawMats, "\n"));
        System.out.println("---- Extra mats required for " + blueprint);
        System.out.println(StringUtils.join(requirementsFromDB.extraMats, "\n"));

         * Process raw materials (taken from invTypeMaterials table)
        for (TypeActivityMaterials material : requirementsFromDB.rawMats) {
            if (material.getRequiredType().isSkill()) {
                final Prerequisite r = toSkillPrerequisite(material);
            } else {
                final RequiredMaterial mat = new RequiredMaterial(material.getRequiredType(),

                if (activity == Activity.MANUFACTURING) {
                    // ignore bogus data in dump
                    if (material.getQuantity() <= 0) {

                    if (material.isSubjectToManufacturingWaste()
                            || isSubjectToManufacturingWaste(blueprint, material)) {
                    } else {


         * Process extra materials (taken from ramTypeActivities table)
        for (TypeActivityMaterials material : requirementsFromDB.extraMats) {
            if (material.getRequiredType().isSkill()) {
                final Prerequisite r = toSkillPrerequisite(material);
            } else {
                final RequiredMaterial mat = new RequiredMaterial(material.getRequiredType(),

                if (activity == Activity.MANUFACTURING) {
                    // ignore bogus data in dump
                    if (material.getQuantity() <= 0) {

                     * Special case since Odyssey: Extra materials also present 
                     * in the simple material list are subject to PE waste _ONLY_
                    if (requirementsFromDB.isSimpleMaterial(material)) {
                    } else {
        return requirements;

    private Prerequisite toSkillPrerequisite(TypeActivityMaterials requirement) {
        final Prerequisite r = new Prerequisite();

        final int lvl = requirement.getQuantity();
        if (lvl <= 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Requirement " + requirement + " with skill lvl <= 0 ?");
        return r;

    So where exactly in the database dump DO you find 
    the attribute that says wether a material is "raw" or "extra" 
    for each specific blueprint (or item) ?
    An attribute does not exist but you can 
    determine whether a material is raw or extra by 
    examining table typeActivityMaterials in the data dump.
    The data we need to look at is 
    activityID 1 for the blueprintTypeID and 
    activityID 6 for the productTypeID that the blueprint in question produces.
    a.) A material is raw if the activity 6 qty is greater than or equal to the activty 1 qty.
    b.) A material is extra if activity 6 does not exist for the activity 1 typeID.
    Ignore any activity 6 typeIDs that don't have an activity 1 counterpart.             
    protected boolean isSubjectToManufacturingWaste(final BlueprintType blueprint,
            final TypeActivityMaterials requirement) {
        // select quantity for activity 6 of the product 
        // the BP produces and of the material in question

        final List<TypeActivityMaterials> typeActivityForProduct = execute(
                new HibernateCallback<List<TypeActivityMaterials>>() {

                    public List<TypeActivityMaterials> doInSession(Session session) {
                        final Query query = session.createQuery("from TypeActivityMaterials "
                                + "where typeID = :type and activityID = :activity and"
                                + " requiredTypeID = :requiredType");

                        query.setParameter("type", blueprint.getProductType());
                        query.setParameter("requiredType", requirement.getRequiredType());
                        query.setParameter("activity", Activity.REFINING, Hibernate.custom(ActivityUserType.class));
                        return (List<TypeActivityMaterials>) query.list();

        if (typeActivityForProduct.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        if (typeActivityForProduct.size() != 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Internal error for " + requirement.getType()
                    + ", expected exactly one result but got " + typeActivityForProduct);
        final TypeActivityMaterials mat = typeActivityForProduct.get(0);

        if (mat.getQuantity() >= requirement.getQuantity()) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected Map<Activity, Requirements> fetchRequirements(final BlueprintType blueprint) {

        final Map<Activity, Requirements> result = new HashMap<Activity, Requirements>();

        result.put(Activity.MANUFACTURING, createRequirements(Activity.MANUFACTURING, blueprint));

        if (blueprint.getTechLevel() == 1) { // only Tech1 BPs can be used for invention
            result.put(Activity.INVENTION, createRequirements(Activity.INVENTION, blueprint));
        return result;

    public List<Blueprint> getBlueprintsByProductName(final String name) {
        final List<BlueprintType> types = execute(new HibernateCallback<List<BlueprintType>>() {

            public List<BlueprintType> doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session
                        .createQuery("select b from " + "BlueprintType b inner join InventoryType t "
                                + "on b.productType = t where t.typeName like :name");

                query.setParameter("name", name);
                return (List<BlueprintType>) query.list();

        final List<Blueprint> result = new ArrayList<Blueprint>();

        for (BlueprintType print : types) {

        return result;

    public Blueprint getBlueprint(final InventoryType blueprint) {
        final BlueprintType type = execute(new HibernateCallback<BlueprintType>() {

            public BlueprintType doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session.createQuery("from BlueprintType where blueprintTypeID = :type");

                query.setParameter("type", blueprint.getId());
                try {
                    return getExactlyOneResult((List<BlueprintType>) query.list());
                } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                    log.error("failed to locate blueprint " + blueprint);
                    throw e;

        return createBlueprint(type);

    public List<Blueprint> getBlueprintsByProductGroup(final InventoryGroup group) {

        return execute(new HibernateCallback<List<Blueprint>>() {

            public List<Blueprint> doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session.createQuery(" select b from " + "BlueprintType b , InventoryType t "
                        + " where b.productType = t.typeId and t.groupId = :group");

                query.setParameter("group", group);

                final List<BlueprintType> types = (List<BlueprintType>) query.list();

                final List<Blueprint> result = new ArrayList<Blueprint>();

                for (BlueprintType type : types) {

                return result;

    protected Blueprint createBlueprint(final BlueprintType type) {
        return new Blueprint(type) {

            protected Map<Activity, Requirements> fetchRequirements() {
                return BlueprintTypeDAO.this.fetchRequirements(type);

    protected SkillTree getSkillTree() {
        return skillTreeDAO.getSkillTree();

    public void setSkillTreeDAO(ISkillTreeDAO skillTreeDAO) {
        this.skillTreeDAO = skillTreeDAO;

    public Blueprint getBlueprintByName(final String name) {
        return execute(new HibernateCallback<Blueprint>() {

            public Blueprint doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session.createQuery(" select b from " + "BlueprintType b , InventoryType t "
                        + " where b.blueprintType = t.typeId and = :blueprintName");

                query.setParameter("blueprintName", name);

                final List<BlueprintType> types = (List<BlueprintType>) query.list();

                if (types.size() == 1) {
                    return createBlueprint(types.get(0));

                throw new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException("Expected one blueprint with name '" + name + "'",
                        1, types.size());

    public List<Blueprint> getTech2Variations(final Blueprint blueprint) {

        if (blueprint.getTechLevel() != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method requires a Tech1 blueprint");
         * [...] you take the invBlueprintTypes.productTypeID field for the 
         * tech 1 blueprint and look it up in invMetaTypes.parentTypeID 
         * with invMetaTypes.metaGroup='2' 
         * that will give you the tech 2 items that can be invented.       

        return execute(new HibernateCallback<List<Blueprint>>() {

            public List<Blueprint> doInSession(Session session) {
                final Query query = session.createQuery(" select b from " + "BlueprintType b , InventoryMetaType g "
                        + " where g.metaGroupId = 2 and g.parentType = :product " + " and b.productType =");

                query.setParameter("product", blueprint.getType().getProductType());

                final List<BlueprintType> types = (List<BlueprintType>) query.list();

                final List<Blueprint> result = new ArrayList<Blueprint>();

                for (BlueprintType type : types) {

                return result;

    public Blueprint getTech1Variation(final Blueprint tech2Blueprint) throws NoTech1VariantException {
        return getTech1Variation(tech2Blueprint.getType());

    protected Blueprint getTech1Variation(final BlueprintType tech2Blueprint) throws NoTech1VariantException {

        if (tech2Blueprint.getTechLevel() != 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method requires a Tech2 blueprint");
         * [...] you take the invBlueprintTypes.productTypeID field for the 
         * tech 1 blueprint and look it up in invMetaTypes.parentTypeID 
         * with invMetaTypes.metaGroup='2' 
         * that will give you the tech 2 items that can be invented.       

        return execute(new HibernateCallback<Blueprint>() {

            public Blueprint doInSession(Session session) {

                final Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select b.* from " + "invBlueprintTypes b , invMetaTypes g " + " where g.typeID = "
                                + tech2Blueprint.getProductType().getId() + " and b.productTypeID = g.parentTypeID")

                final List<BlueprintType> types = (List<BlueprintType>) query.list();

                if (types.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new NoTech1VariantException(tech2Blueprint);
                } else if (types.size() > 1) {
                    throw new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException(
                            "Unable to find Tech1 variant of " + tech2Blueprint.getBlueprintType(), 1,
                return createBlueprint(types.get(0));
