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 * Copyright 2015 DECOIT GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary;

import de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary.exception.DictionaryPathException;
import de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary.parser.DictionaryParser;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import lombok.ToString;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.BidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap.UnmodifiableBidiMap;

 * Single instance of a CBOR-XML dictionary.
 * May be loaded with one or more dictionary description files. An object of this class
 * should be obtained using the {@link DictionaryProvider} class, which provides a singleton
 * Dictionary instance.<br>
 * This class provides methods to find a specific element or attribute entry inside this dictionary.
 * The target entry is defined by a dictionary path. The dictionary path describes a path from namespace
 * to the target element or attribute. It looks like these:<br>
 * A path defines a single NAMESPACE to start the search at. The namespace is followed by one or more ELEMENTNAMEs separated by plus signs.
 * Such a path will look for the dictionary entry of the last ELEMENTNAME. If an attribute of ELEMENTNAME is the desired target entry instead of the
 * element itself, the path may be suffixed by a single @ATTRIBUTENAME where ATTRIBUTENAME if the XML name of the target attribute.
 * @author Thomas Rix (
public class Dictionary {
    private static final Pattern FULL_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(

    private final BidiMap<String, DictionaryNamespace> namespaces;

     * Create a new empty dictionary.
     * Constructor is package private because a dictionary should be provided by
     * the {@link DictionaryProvider}.
    Dictionary() {
        this.namespaces = new DualHashBidiMap<>();

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("Dictionary constructed:");

     * Load a dictionary from an input file.
     * This method extends the existing dictionary, existing mappings will not be removed.
     * The only exception from that rule is if the input file overrides existing mappings.
     * @param inFile File to read the dictionary from
     * @throws IOException if the file cannot be read
    public void extendDictionary(Path inFile) throws IOException {
        DictionaryParser dp = new DictionaryParser(this);

     * Load a dictionary from an input file.
     * This method removes all existing mapping before loading the new ones from the input file.
     * @param inFile File to read the dictionary from
     * @throws IOException if the file cannot be read
    public void replaceDictionary(Path inFile) throws IOException {

     * Lookup the CBOR data item representation for the provided attribute XML namespace URI.
     * The actual CBOR data item may be retrieved by calling getCborName() on the returned
     * object.
     * @param xmlName XML name string
     * @return Dictionary entry for the specified attribute
    public DictionaryNamespace lookupNamespace(String xmlName) {
        return this.namespaces.get(xmlName);

     * Lookup the XML namespace URI for the specified CBOR data item representation.
     * The actual XML namespace URI may be retrieved by calling getXmlName() on the returned
     * object.
     * @param cborName CBOR data item
     * @return Dictionary entry for the specified namespace
    public DictionaryNamespace reverseLookupNamespace(DataItem cborName) {
        DictionaryNamespace tmpDsa = new DictionaryNamespace(cborName);
        String key = this.namespaces.getKey(tmpDsa);

        return this.namespaces.get(key);

     * Add a new namespace to this dictionary.
     * @param dns Namespace object
    public void addNamespace(DictionaryNamespace dns) {
        if (dns == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dictionary namespace must not be null");

        String prevKey = this.namespaces.getKey(dns);
        DictionaryNamespace prev = this.namespaces.put(dns.getXmlName(), dns);

        if (prevKey != null) {
            log.warn("Two namespaces with same CBOR mapping: old:" + prevKey + ", new:" + dns.getXmlName());
        if (prev != null) {
            log.warn("Previous namespace mapping overridden: " + dns.getXmlName() + ", Namespace:"
                    + prev.toString());

     * Remove the namespace identified by the specified XML name from this dictionary.
     * @param xmlName XML name string
    public void removeNamespace(String xmlName) {

     * Remove all entries from this dictionary.
    public void clear() {

     * Evaluate a dictionary path and return the dictionary entry for the target element.
     * If the target element or any element on the path (including namespace) does not exist in the dictionary,
     * this method will return null.
     * @param path Dictionary path to evaluate
     * @return Dictionary element of target element or null
     * @throws DictionaryPathException if the provided path cannot be evaluated
    public DictionarySimpleElement findElementByPath(final String path) throws DictionaryPathException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new DictionaryPathException("Null reference for dictionary path");

        Matcher m = Dictionary.FULL_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(path);

        // Test if provided path is valid
        if (m.matches()) {
            String namespace =;
            String[] elements ="\\+");

            // Get namespace entry from dictionary
            DictionaryNamespace nsEntry = this.lookupNamespace(namespace);

            // Only continue if namespace entry exists, otherwise return null
            if (nsEntry != null) {
                // Read the first element
                DictionarySimpleElement eEntry = nsEntry.lookupElement(elements[0]);

                // Iterate over the remaining elements
                for (int i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
                    // If previous entry was a complex element, read the next and continue. Otherwise return null.
                    if (eEntry instanceof DictionaryComplexElement) {
                        DictionaryComplexElement complexEntry = (DictionaryComplexElement) eEntry;

                        eEntry = complexEntry.lookupNestedElement(elements[i]);
                    } else {
                        return null;

                // Return the last element entry
                // Will be the target element if it exists in the dictionary. Otherwise it is null.
                return eEntry;
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            throw new DictionaryPathException("Cannot evaluate dictionary path: " + path);

     * Evaluate a dictionary path and return the dictionary entry for the target attribute.
     * If the target attribute or any element on the path (including namespace) does not exist in the dictionary,
     * this method will return null.
     * @param path Dictionary path to evaluate
     * @return Dictionary element of target attribute or null
     * @throws DictionaryPathException if the provided path cannot be evaluated
    public DictionarySimpleAttribute findAttributeByPath(final String path) throws DictionaryPathException {
        DictionarySimpleElement targetElement = this.findElementByPath(path);

        if (targetElement != null) {
            Matcher m = Dictionary.FULL_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(path);

            // Test if provided path is valid (it should be at this point) and fill groups
            if (m.matches()) {
                String attribute =;

                if (attribute != null) {
                    return targetElement.lookupAttribute(attribute);
                } else {
                    throw new DictionaryPathException("Path specifies no target attribute: " + path);

        return null;

     * Return an immutable view of the namespaces map for testing purposes.
     * @return Immutable map view
    BidiMap<String, DictionaryNamespace> getUnmodifiableNamespaces() {
        return UnmodifiableBidiMap.unmodifiableBidiMap(this.namespaces);