Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright (C) 2013, DECOIT GmbH
 *   This file is part of VISA Topology-Editor.
 *   VISA Topology-Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 *   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 *   any later version.
 *   VISA Topology-Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 *   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 *   more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 *   VISA Topology-Editor. If not, see <>.


import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

// TODO make this class an RDFObject and store it in the RDF model

 * This class represents an IP network in the topology. It allows finding free
 * IP addresses in the network to use for new interfaces added to it.
 * @author Thomas Rix
public class IPNetwork implements IJSON {
    private IPAddress networkAddress;
    private int subnetMask;
    private IPVersion version;
    private BigInteger maxIPAddressCount;
    private HashMap<String, IPAddress> addressesInUse;
    private BigInteger nextAddressMask;
    private BigInteger lastAddressMask;

     * Construct a new network object. The provided address must match the
     * address notation of the specified IP version.
     * @param pNetworkAddress String notation of the network IP address, must be
     *            valid for the provided IP version
     * @param pSubnetMaskLength Bit length of the subnet mask used for this
     *            network
     * @param pVersion Version of the Internet Protocol which will be used for
     *            this network
    public IPNetwork(String pNetworkAddress, int pSubnetMaskLength, IPVersion pVersion) {
        int deviceMaskLength = pVersion.getAddressBitCount() - pSubnetMaskLength;

        if (deviceMaskLength >= 0 && deviceMaskLength <= pVersion.getAddressBitCount()) {
            // Calculate maximum number of device addresses in this network
            maxIPAddressCount = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(deviceMaskLength);
            // Subtract network and broadcast addresses
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid subnet mask length provided");

        addressesInUse = new HashMap<>();

        version = pVersion;
        subnetMask = pSubnetMaskLength;
        networkAddress = new IPAddress(pNetworkAddress, version);
        nextAddressMask = incrAddressMask(networkAddress.toBigIntBitmask(), BigInteger.ONE);
        lastAddressMask = incrAddressMask(networkAddress.toBigIntBitmask(), maxIPAddressCount);

     * Return the IP network address of this network
     * @return The IP network address
    public IPAddress getNetworkAddress() {
        return networkAddress;

     * Return the string notation of the IP network address of this network
     * @return The string notation of the IP network address
    public String getNetworkAddressString() {
        return networkAddress.getAddressString();

     * Return the bit length of the subnet mask used for this network
     * @return The bit length of the subnet mask
    public int getSubnetMaskLength() {
        return subnetMask;

     * Return the Internet Protocol version used for this network
     * @return The Internet Protocol version used for this network
    public IPVersion getVersion() {
        return version;

     * Mark the provided IP address as in-use. The specified address must be in
     * the string notation matching the IP version of this network and not be
     * in-use when calling this method. Providing an already in-use address will
     * cause an exception.
     * @param pAddress The IP address to mark as in-use
     * @return The added IP address object
    public IPAddress addIPAddress(String pAddress) {
        IPAddress newAddr = new IPAddress(pAddress, version);

        if (!isAddressInNetworkRange(newAddr)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address not in address range of this network");

        if (!addressesInUse.containsKey(newAddr.getAddressString())) {
            addressesInUse.put(newAddr.getAddressString(), newAddr);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("IP address already in use");

        return newAddr;

     * Remove the in-use mark of the provided IP address. If the removed IP
     * address was lower than the current next free IP address pointer, the
     * pointer will be set to this address. The IP address object should not be
     * used anymore after calling this method, it could result in a corrupted
     * topology or RDF model.
     * @param pIPA The IP address to mark as free
    public void removeIPAddress(IPAddress pIPA) {

        if (nextAddressMask.compareTo(pIPA.toBigIntBitmask()) > 0) {
            nextAddressMask = pIPA.toBigIntBitmask();

     * This method returns the next free IP address in this network. If no free
     * addresses are available, it will return null.
     * @return Next free IP address, null if no free address is available
    public IPAddress getFreeIPAddress() {
        IPAddress newAddr;
        boolean cannotFindFreeAddress = false;

        do {
            // If no free address can be found, return null
            if (cannotFindFreeAddress) {
                return null;

            newAddr = new IPAddress(nextAddressMask, version);
            try {
            } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                // Next address would be out of range, so we break the loop by
                // returning null if the current address is already in use
                cannotFindFreeAddress = true;
        } while (addressesInUse.containsKey(newAddr.getAddressString()));

        return newAddr;

     * Test if the provided address is located in the address range for this network
     * @param pAddress
     * @return true if the address is in range, false otherwise
    public boolean isAddressInNetworkRange(IPAddress pAddress) {
        // Check if the provided address is greater than the network address and
        // less than or equal to the last valid address in this network
        return (pAddress.toBigIntBitmask().compareTo(networkAddress.toBigIntBitmask()) > 0
                && pAddress.toBigIntBitmask().compareTo(lastAddressMask) <= 0);

    public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException {
        JSONObject rv = new JSONObject();

        rv.put("address", networkAddress.toJSON());
        rv.put("subnetMask", subnetMask);
        rv.put("version", version.toString());

        return rv;

     * Increment the next free address pointer by 1. If the pointer leaves the
     * address range of this network an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the pointer leaves the address range of
     *             this network
    private void incrNextAddressMask() {
        BigInteger tmpMask = incrAddressMask(nextAddressMask, BigInteger.ONE);

        if (tmpMask.compareTo(lastAddressMask) > 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("New address not in address range of this network");

        nextAddressMask = tmpMask;

     * Increment the provided address bit mask by the specified amount and
     * return it. Since {@link java.math.BigInteger BigInteger} objects are
     * immutable this method will return a new object. The provided object will
     * remain unchanged.
     * @param pMask The mask of the address which will be incremented
     * @param pAmount The amount which will be added to the address
     * @return The incremented bit mask
    private BigInteger incrAddressMask(BigInteger pMask, BigInteger pAmount) {
        return pMask.add(pAmount);