Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Mogwai ERDesigner. Copyright (C) 2002 The Mogwai Project.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
 * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package de.erdesignerng.util;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import de.erdesignerng.model.CascadeType;
import de.erdesignerng.visual.EditorMode;

 * Class for handling application preferences, LRU-files and so on.
 * @author $Author: mirkosertic $
 * @version $Date: 2009-03-13 15:40:33 $
public class ApplicationPreferences {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApplicationPreferences.class);

    private static final String LRUPREFIX = "file_";

    private static final String CLASSPATHPREFIX = "classpath_";

    private static final String LRCPREFIX = "lrc_";

    private static final String RPCPREFIX = "rpc_";

    private static final String GRIDSIZE = "gridsize";

    private static final String XMLINDENTATION = "xmlindentation";

    private static final String TABLEGRIDWIDTHAFTERREVERSEENGINEERING = "tablegridwidthafterre";

    private static final String AUTOMATICRELATIONATTRIBUTEPATTERN = "automaticrelationattributepattern";

    private static final String ONUPDATEDEFAULT = "onupdatedefault";

    private static final String ONDELETEDEFAULT = "onupdatedefault";

    private static final String WINDOWSTATEPREFIX = "windowstate_";

    private static final String WINDOWXPREFIX = "windowx_";

    private static final String WINDOWYPREFIX = "windowy_";

    private static final String WINDOWWIDTHPREFIX = "windowswidth_";

    private static final String WINDOWHEIGHTPREFIX = "windowheight_";

    private static final String INTELLIGENTLAYOUT = "intelligentlayout_";

    private static final String LAYOUT = "layout";

    private static final String EDITORMODE = "editormode";

    private final int size;

    private final List<File> recentlyUsedFiles = new ArrayList<>();

    private final List<File> classpathfiles = new ArrayList<>();

    private final List<ConnectionDescriptor> recentlyUsedConnections = new ArrayList<>();

    private final Preferences preferences;

    private int gridSize;

    private int xmlIndentation;

    private ConnectionDescriptor repositoryConnection;

    private final Map<String, String> windowDefinitions = new HashMap<>();

    private File baseDir;

    private boolean intelligentLayout = true;

    private String automaticRelationAttributePattern;

    private CascadeType onUpdateDefault;

    private CascadeType onDeleteDefault;

    private byte[] windowLayout;

    private int gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering;

    private EditorMode editorMode;

    private static ApplicationPreferences me;

    public synchronized static ApplicationPreferences getInstance() {

        if (me == null) {
            try {
                me = new ApplicationPreferences();
            } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error loading preferences", e);
        return me;

    protected ApplicationPreferences() throws BackingStoreException {

        preferences = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(ApplicationPreferences.class);
        List<String> theNames = Arrays.asList(preferences.keys());
        for (String theName : theNames) {

            // Locate the window defaults here
            if (theName.startsWith("window")) {
                windowDefinitions.put(theName, preferences.get(theName, null));
            if (theName.startsWith(LRUPREFIX)) {
                File theFile = new File(preferences.get(theName, ""));
                if ((theFile.exists()) && (!recentlyUsedFiles.contains(theFile))) {
            if (theName.startsWith(CLASSPATHPREFIX)) {
                File theFile = new File(preferences.get(theName, ""));
                if (theFile.exists()) {


        if (theNames.contains(RPCPREFIX + "DIALECT")) {
            String theDialect = preferences.get(RPCPREFIX + "DIALECT", "");
            String theURL = preferences.get(RPCPREFIX + "URL", "");
            String theUser = preferences.get(RPCPREFIX + "USER", "");
            String theDriver = preferences.get(RPCPREFIX + "DRIVER", "");
            String thePass = preferences.get(RPCPREFIX + "PASS", "");

            repositoryConnection = new ConnectionDescriptor(null, theDialect, theURL, theUser, theDriver, thePass,

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            if (theNames.contains(LRCPREFIX + "DIALECT_" + i)) {
                String theAlias = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "ALIAS_" + i, "");
                String theDialect = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "DIALECT_" + i, "");
                String theURL = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "URL_" + i, "");
                String theUser = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "USER_" + i, "");
                String theDriver = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "DRIVER_" + i, "");
                String thePass = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "PASS_" + i, "");
                String thePrompt = preferences.get(LRCPREFIX + "PROMPT_" + i, "");
                boolean theBooleanPrompt = false;
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(thePrompt)) {
                    theBooleanPrompt = Boolean.parseBoolean(thePrompt);

                ConnectionDescriptor theConnection = new ConnectionDescriptor(theAlias, theDialect, theURL, theUser,
                        theDriver, thePass, theBooleanPrompt);
                if (!recentlyUsedConnections.contains(theConnection)) {

        size = 20;
        gridSize = preferences.getInt(GRIDSIZE, 10);
        intelligentLayout = preferences.getBoolean(INTELLIGENTLAYOUT, true);
        automaticRelationAttributePattern = preferences.get(AUTOMATICRELATIONATTRIBUTEPATTERN, "FK_{0}_{1}");
        windowLayout = preferences.getByteArray(LAYOUT, new byte[0]);
        gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering = preferences.getInt(TABLEGRIDWIDTHAFTERREVERSEENGINEERING, 8);
        xmlIndentation = preferences.getInt(XMLINDENTATION, 4);

        onUpdateDefault = CascadeType.fromString(preferences.get(ONUPDATEDEFAULT, CascadeType.NOTHING.toString()));
        onDeleteDefault = CascadeType.fromString(preferences.get(ONDELETEDEFAULT, CascadeType.NOTHING.toString()));

        String theMode = preferences.get(EDITORMODE, null);
        if (theMode == null) {
            editorMode = EditorMode.CLASSIC;
        } else {
            editorMode = EditorMode.valueOf(theMode);

     * Add a file to the least recently used (LRU) files list.
     * @param aFile the file to add
    public void addRecentlyUsedFile(File aFile) {

        if (!recentlyUsedFiles.contains(aFile)) {
            if (recentlyUsedFiles.size() > size) {
        } else {
            recentlyUsedFiles.add(0, aFile);

     * Add a last used connection to the list.
     * @param aConnection the connection
    public void addRecentlyUsedConnection(ConnectionDescriptor aConnection) {
        if (!recentlyUsedConnections.contains(aConnection)) {
            if (recentlyUsedConnections.size() > size) {
        } else {
            recentlyUsedConnections.add(0, aConnection);


    public List<File> getRecentlyUsedFiles() {
        return recentlyUsedFiles;

    public List<ConnectionDescriptor> getRecentlyUsedConnections() {
        return recentlyUsedConnections;

    public List<File> getClasspathFiles() {
        return classpathfiles;

     * @return the gridSize
    public int getGridSize() {
        return gridSize;

     * @param gridSize the gridSize to set
    public void setGridSize(int gridSize) {
        this.gridSize = gridSize;

     * Save the preferences.
     * @throws BackingStoreException is thrown if the operation fails
    public void store() throws BackingStoreException {

        String[] theNames = preferences.childrenNames();
        for (String theName : theNames) {
            if (theName.startsWith(LRUPREFIX)) {
            if (theName.startsWith(LRCPREFIX)) {
            if (theName.startsWith(CLASSPATHPREFIX)) {
            if (theName.startsWith(RPCPREFIX)) {

        for (int i = 0; i < recentlyUsedFiles.size(); i++) {
            preferences.put(LRUPREFIX + i, recentlyUsedFiles.get(i).toString());

        for (int i = 0; i < recentlyUsedConnections.size(); i++) {
            ConnectionDescriptor theConnection = recentlyUsedConnections.get(i);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theConnection.getAlias())) {
                preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "ALIAS_" + i, theConnection.getAlias());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "DIALECT_" + i, theConnection.getDialect());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "URL_" + i, theConnection.getUrl());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "USER_" + i, theConnection.getUsername());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "DRIVER_" + i, theConnection.getDriver());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "PASS_" + i, theConnection.getPassword());
            preferences.put(LRCPREFIX + "PROMPT_" + i, Boolean.toString(theConnection.isPromptForPassword()));

        for (int i = 0; i < classpathfiles.size(); i++) {
            preferences.put(CLASSPATHPREFIX + i, classpathfiles.get(i).toString());

        preferences.putInt(GRIDSIZE, gridSize);
        preferences.putInt(XMLINDENTATION, xmlIndentation);
        preferences.put(AUTOMATICRELATIONATTRIBUTEPATTERN, automaticRelationAttributePattern);
        preferences.putBoolean(INTELLIGENTLAYOUT, intelligentLayout);
        preferences.put(ONUPDATEDEFAULT, onUpdateDefault.toString());
        preferences.put(ONDELETEDEFAULT, onDeleteDefault.toString());
        preferences.putByteArray(LAYOUT, windowLayout);
        preferences.putInt(TABLEGRIDWIDTHAFTERREVERSEENGINEERING, gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering);

        if (repositoryConnection != null) {
            preferences.put(RPCPREFIX + "DIALECT", repositoryConnection.getDialect());
            preferences.put(RPCPREFIX + "URL", repositoryConnection.getUrl());
            preferences.put(RPCPREFIX + "USER", repositoryConnection.getUsername());
            preferences.put(RPCPREFIX + "DRIVER", repositoryConnection.getDriver());
            preferences.put(RPCPREFIX + "PASS", repositoryConnection.getPassword());

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> theWindowEntry : windowDefinitions.entrySet()) {
            preferences.put(theWindowEntry.getKey(), theWindowEntry.getValue());

        preferences.put(EDITORMODE, editorMode.toString());


    public ClassLoader createDriverClassLoader() {

        final URL[] theUrls = new URL[classpathfiles.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < classpathfiles.size(); i++) {
            try {
                theUrls[i] = classpathfiles.get(i).toURI().toURL();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                // This will never happen

        return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>) () -> new URLClassLoader(theUrls,

     * @return the repositoryConnection
    public ConnectionDescriptor getRepositoryConnection() {
        return repositoryConnection;

     * @param repositoryConnection the repositoryConnection to set
    public void setRepositoryConnection(ConnectionDescriptor repositoryConnection) {
        this.repositoryConnection = repositoryConnection;

     * Update the last position of a window.
     * @param aAlias  the alias of the window
     * @param aWindow the window
    public void updateWindowDefinition(String aAlias, JFrame aWindow) {
        windowDefinitions.put(WINDOWSTATEPREFIX + aAlias, "" + aWindow.getExtendedState());
        updateWindowLocation(aAlias, aWindow);
        updateWindowSize(aAlias, aWindow);

     * Set the current window state as stored by updateWindowDefinition.
     * @param aAlias the alias of the window
     * @param aFrame the window
    public void setWindowState(String aAlias, JFrame aFrame) {

        if (windowDefinitions.containsKey(WINDOWSTATEPREFIX + aAlias)) {
            try {
                aFrame.setExtendedState(Integer.parseInt(windowDefinitions.get(WINDOWSTATEPREFIX + aAlias)));
                setWindowLocation(aAlias, aFrame);
                setWindowSize(aAlias, aFrame);

            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

    public void updateWindowLocation(String aAlias, Window aWindow) {
        Point theLocation = aWindow.getLocation();
        windowDefinitions.put(WINDOWXPREFIX + aAlias, "" + theLocation.x);
        windowDefinitions.put(WINDOWYPREFIX + aAlias, "" + theLocation.y);

    public void updateWindowSize(String aAlias, Window aWindow) {
        Dimension theSize = aWindow.getSize().getSize();
        windowDefinitions.put(WINDOWWIDTHPREFIX + aAlias, "" + theSize.width);
        windowDefinitions.put(WINDOWHEIGHTPREFIX + aAlias, "" + theSize.height);

    public void setWindowSize(String aAlias, Window aWindow) {
        try {
            int width = Integer.parseInt(windowDefinitions.get(WINDOWWIDTHPREFIX + aAlias));
            int height = Integer.parseInt(windowDefinitions.get(WINDOWHEIGHTPREFIX + aAlias));

            aWindow.setSize(width, height);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // If no old size is known, an Exception is thrown
            // This can be ignored

    public void setWindowLocation(String aAlias, Window aWindow) {
        try {
            int x = Integer.parseInt(windowDefinitions.get(WINDOWXPREFIX + aAlias));
            int y = Integer.parseInt(windowDefinitions.get(WINDOWYPREFIX + aAlias));

            // Only set the size and location if its within the available
            // screen resolution
            Dimension theCurrentScreenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
            if (x < theCurrentScreenSize.width && y < theCurrentScreenSize.height) {
                aWindow.setLocation(x, y);
        } catch (HeadlessException | NumberFormatException e) {
            // If no old location is known, an Exception is thrown
            // This can be ignored

     * @return the baseDir
    public File getBaseDir() {
        return baseDir;

     * @param baseDir the baseDir to set
    public void setBaseDir(File baseDir) {
        this.baseDir = baseDir;

     * @return the intelligentLayout
    public boolean isIntelligentLayout() {
        return intelligentLayout;

     * @param intelligentLayout the intelligentLayout to set
    public void setIntelligentLayout(boolean intelligentLayout) {
        this.intelligentLayout = intelligentLayout;

    public File getRelativeFile(String aName) {
        if (baseDir != null) {
            return new File(baseDir, aName);
        return new File(aName);

     * Get the directory where the report templates are located.
     * @return the directory
    public File getReportsDirectory() {
        return getRelativeFile("reports");

     * Test if we are running in development mode.
     * @return true, if in development mode; false else
    public boolean isInDevelopmentMode() {
        String theVersionNumber = MavenPropertiesLocator.getERDesignerVersionInfo();

        return theVersionNumber.equals(MavenPropertiesLocator.CANNOT_IDENTIFY_VERSION);

     * Get the directory where the datatype configuration is located.
     * @return the directory
    public File getDatatypeConfigDirectory() {
        File theUserHomeFile = SystemUtils.getUserHome();
        if (theUserHomeFile == null) {
            return getRelativeFile("dataTypes");

        String theVersionNumber = MavenPropertiesLocator.getERDesignerVersionInfo();
        if (theVersionNumber.equals(MavenPropertiesLocator.CANNOT_IDENTIFY_VERSION)) {
            theVersionNumber = "development";
        theVersionNumber = theVersionNumber.replace(".", "_");
        theVersionNumber = theVersionNumber.replace(" ", "_");
        theVersionNumber = theVersionNumber.replace("-", "_");

        File theMogwaiHome = new File(theUserHomeFile, ".mogwai");
        File theVersionHome = new File(theMogwaiHome, theVersionNumber);
        return new File(theVersionHome, "dataTypes");

     * Get the online help pdf file.
     * @return the file
     * @throws java.lang.Exception
    public URI getOnlineHelpPDFFile() throws Exception {
        return new URL("").toURI();

    public String getAutomaticRelationAttributePattern() {
        return automaticRelationAttributePattern;

    public void setAutomaticRelationAttributePattern(String automaticRelationAttributePattern) {
        this.automaticRelationAttributePattern = automaticRelationAttributePattern;

    public CascadeType getOnUpdateDefault() {
        return onUpdateDefault;

    public void setOnUpdateDefault(CascadeType onUpdateDefault) {
        this.onUpdateDefault = onUpdateDefault;

    public CascadeType getOnDeleteDefault() {
        return onDeleteDefault;

    public void setOnDeleteDefault(CascadeType onDeleteDefault) {
        this.onDeleteDefault = onDeleteDefault;

    public byte[] getWindowLayout() {
        return windowLayout;

    public void setWindowLayout(byte[] windowLayout) {
        this.windowLayout = windowLayout;

    public int getGridWidthAfterReverseEngineering() {
        return gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering;

    public void setGridWidthAfterReverseEngineering(int gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering) {
        this.gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering = gridWidthAfterReverseEngineering;

    public int getXmlIndentation() {
        return xmlIndentation;

    public void setXmlIndentation(int xmlIndentation) {
        this.xmlIndentation = xmlIndentation;

    public EditorMode getEditorMode() {
        return editorMode;

    public void setEditorMode(EditorMode editorMode) {
        this.editorMode = editorMode;