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 * Copyright (c) 2014. Escalon System-Entwicklung, Dietrich Schulten
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package de.escalon.hypermedia.spring;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import de.escalon.hypermedia.action.ActionDescriptor;
import org.springframework.hateoas.Link;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Represents an http affordance for purposes of a ReST service as described by
 * <a href="">Web Linking rfc5988</a>. Additionally includes hints for the http method
 * and expected request body.
 * <p>Created by dschulten on 07.09.2014.</p>
 * @see <a href="">Link-Template Header</a>
public class Affordance extends Link {

    private List<ActionDescriptor> actionDescriptors = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
    private MultiValueMap<String, String> linkParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();

    private UriTemplateComponents uriTemplateComponents;

     * Creates affordance, action descriptors and link param values may be added later.
     * @param uriTemplate
     * @param rels
    public Affordance(String uriTemplate, String... rels) {
        this(new PartialUriTemplate(uriTemplate), new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>(), rels);

     * Creates affordance, action descriptors and link header params may be added later.
     * @param uriTemplate
     * @param rels
    public Affordance(PartialUriTemplate uriTemplate, List<ActionDescriptor> actionDescriptors, String... rels) {
        super(uriTemplate.stripOptionalVariables(actionDescriptors)); // keep only required and expanded variables
        this.uriTemplateComponents = uriTemplate.unexpandedComponents();
        Assert.noNullElements(rels, "null rels are not allowed");
        for (String rel : rels) {

    private Affordance(String uriTemplate, MultiValueMap<String, String> linkParams,
            List<ActionDescriptor> actionDescriptors) {
        this.linkParams = linkParams;
        this.actionDescriptors = actionDescriptors;

    public Affordance(String href) {

    public List<ActionDescriptor> getActionDescriptors() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(actionDescriptors);

     * The relation type of the link.
     * @param rel IANA-registered type or extension relation type.
    public void addRel(String rel) {
        linkParams.add("rel", rel);

     * The "type" parameter, when present, is a hint indicating what the
     * media type of the result of dereferencing the link should be.  Note
     * that this is only a hint; for example, it does not override the
     * Content-Type header of a HTTP response obtained by actually following
     * the link.  There MUST NOT be more than one type parameter in a link-
     * value.
     * @param mediaType to set
    public void setType(String mediaType) {
        if (mediaType != null)
            linkParams.set("type", mediaType);

     * The "hreflang" parameter, when present, is a hint indicating what the
     * language of the result of dereferencing the link should be.  Note
     * that this is only a hint; for example, it does not override the
     * Content-Language header of a HTTP response obtained by actually
     * following the link.  Multiple "hreflang" parameters on a single link-
     * value indicate that multiple languages are available from the
     * indicated resource.
     * @param hreflang to add
    public void addHreflang(String hreflang) {
        linkParams.add("hreflang", hreflang);

     * The "title" parameter, when present, is used to label the destination
     * of a link such that it can be used as a human-readable identifier
     * (e.g., a menu entry) in the language indicated by the Content-
     * Language header (if present).  The "title" parameter MUST NOT appear
     * more than once in a given link-value; occurrences after the first
     * MUST be ignored by parsers.
     * @param title to set
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        if (title != null)
            linkParams.set("title", title);
        else {

     * The "title*" parameter can be used to encode this label in a
     * different character set, and/or contain language information as per
     * [RFC5987].  The "title*" parameter MUST NOT appear more than once in
     * a given link-value; occurrences after the first MUST be ignored by
     * parsers.  If the parameter does not contain language information, its
     * language is indicated by the Content-Language header (when present).
     * @param titleStar to set
    public void setTitleStar(String titleStar) {
        if (titleStar != null)
            linkParams.set("title*", titleStar);

     * The "media" parameter, when present, is used to indicate intended
     * destination medium or media for style information (see
     * [W3C.REC-html401-19991224], Section 6.13).  Note that this may be
     * updated by [W3C.CR-css3-mediaqueries-20090915]).  Its value MUST be
     * quoted if it contains a semicolon (";") or comma (","), and there
     * MUST NOT be more than one "media" parameter in a link-value.
     * @param mediaDesc to set
    public void setMedia(String mediaDesc) {
        if (mediaDesc != null)
            linkParams.set("media", mediaDesc);

     * The "rev" parameter has been used in the past to indicate that the
     * semantics of the relationship are in the reverse direction.  That is,
     * a link from A to B with REL="X" expresses the same relationship as a
     * link from B to A with REV="X". "rev" is deprecated by this
     * specification because it often confuses authors and readers; in most
     * cases, using a separate relation type is preferable.
     * @param rev to set
    public void setRev(String rev) {
        if (rev != null)
            linkParams.set("rev", rev);

     * By default, the context of a link conveyed in the Link header field
     * is the IRI of the requested resource.
     * When present, the anchor parameter overrides this with another URI,
     * such as a fragment of this resource, or a third resource (i.e., when
     * the anchor value is an absolute URI).  If the anchor parameter's
     * value is a relative URI, parsers MUST resolve it as per [RFC3986],
     * Section 5.  Note that any base URI from the body's content is not
     * applied.
     * @param anchor base uri to define
    public void setAnchor(String anchor) {
        if (anchor != null)
            linkParams.set("anchor", anchor);

     * Adds link-extension params.
     * @param paramName of link-extension
     * @param values    one or more values to add
    public void addLinkParam(String paramName, String... values) {
        for (String value : values) {
            linkParams.add(paramName, value);

     * Gets header name of the affordance, either Link or Link-Header.
     * @return header name
    public String getHeaderName() {
        String headerName;
        if (uriTemplateComponents.hasVariables()) {
            headerName = "Link-Template";
        } else {
            headerName = "Link";
        return headerName;

    public String asHeader() {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> linkParamEntry : linkParams.entrySet()) {
            if (result.length() != 0) {
                result.append("; ");
            if ("rel".equals(linkParamEntry.getKey())) {
                result.append("\"").append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(linkParamEntry.getValue(), " "))
            } else {
                StringBuilder linkParams = new StringBuilder();
                for (String value : linkParamEntry.getValue()) {
                    if (linkParams.length() != 0) {
                        linkParams.append("; ");



        String linkHeader = "<" + getHref() + ">; ";

        return result.insert(0, linkHeader).toString();

    public String toString() {
        return getHeaderName() + ": " + asHeader();

    public Affordance withRel(String rel) {
        linkParams.set("rel", rel);
        return new Affordance(this.getHref(), linkParams, actionDescriptors);

    public Affordance withSelfRel() {
        if (!linkParams.get("rel").contains(Link.REL_SELF)) {
            linkParams.add("rel", Link.REL_SELF);
        return new Affordance(this.getHref(), linkParams, actionDescriptors);

    public Affordance expand(Object... arguments) {
        return new Affordance(super.expand(arguments).getHref(), linkParams, actionDescriptors);

    public Affordance expand(Map<String, ? extends Object> arguments) {
        return new Affordance(super.expand(arguments).getHref(), linkParams, actionDescriptors);

    public List<String> getRels() {
        final List<String> rels = linkParams.get("rel");
        return rels == null ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(rels);

    public String getRel() {
        return linkParams.getFirst("rel");

    public void setActionDescriptors(List<ActionDescriptor> actionDescriptors) {
        this.actionDescriptors = actionDescriptors;