Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2016 Fraunhofer Institut IOSB, Fraunhoferstr. 1, D 76131
 * Karlsruhe, Germany.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.serialize;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.formatter.DataArrayResult;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.formatter.DataArrayValue;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.Datastream;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.MultiDatastream;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.Thing;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.DatastreamBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.FeatureOfInterestBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.HistoricalLocationBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.LocationBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.MultiDatastreamBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.ObservationBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.ObservedPropertyBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.SensorBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.ThingBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.builder.UnitOfMeasurementBuilder;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.core.Entity;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.core.EntitySet;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.core.EntitySetImpl;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.model.ext.TimeInstant;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.path.EntityType;
import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.util.TestHelper;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;

 * @author jab
public class EntityFormatterTest {

    public final ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();

    public void setUp() {

    public void tearDown() {

    public void writeThing_Basic_Success() throws IOException {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "\"\": 1,\n"
                + "\"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "\"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Locations\",\n"
                + "\"Datastreams@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Datastreams\",\n"
                + "\"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "\"name\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n" + "\"description\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n"
                + "\"properties\": {\n" + "\"owner\": \"John Doe\",\n" + "\"color\": \"Silver\"\n" + "}\n" + "}";
        Thing entity = new ThingBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "Things(1)/Locations"))
                .setDatastreams(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Datastream, "Things(1)/Datastreams"))
                .setHistoricalLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Thing, "Things(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setName("This thing is an oven.").setDescription("This thing is an oven.")
                .addProperty("owner", "John Doe").addProperty("color", "Silver").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeThings_Basic_Success() throws IOException {
        String thing = "{\n" + "\"\": 1,\n" + "\"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "\"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Locations\",\n"
                + "\"Datastreams@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Datastreams\",\n"
                + "\"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "\"name\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n" + "\"description\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n"
                + "\"properties\": {\n" + "\"owner\": \"John Doe\",\n" + "\"color\": \"Silver\"\n" + "}\n" + "}";
        String expResult = "{ \"value\":[\n" + thing + ",\n" + thing + "]}";
        Thing entity = new ThingBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "Things(1)/Locations"))
                .setDatastreams(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Datastream, "Things(1)/Datastreams"))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Things(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setName("This thing is an oven.").setDescription("This thing is an oven.")
                .addProperty("owner", "John Doe").addProperty("color", "Silver").build();
        EntitySet<Thing> things = new EntitySetImpl<>(EntityType.Thing);
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntityCollection(things)));

    public void writeThing_CompletelyEmpty_Success() throws IOException {
        String expResult = "{}";
        Thing entity = new ThingBuilder().build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeThings_WithExpandedDatastream_Success() throws IOException {
        String thing = "{\n" + "\"\": 1,\n" + "\"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "\"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Locations\",\n" + "\"Datastreams@iot.count\":1,\n"
                + "\"Datastreams\": [\n" + "{\n" + "   \"\":1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"unitOfMeasurement\": {\n" + "      \"name\": \"degree Celsius\",\n"
                + "      \"symbol\": \"C\",\n"
                + "      \"definition\": \"\"\n" + "   },\n"
                + "   \"observationType\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"observedArea\": {\n" + "      \"type\": \"Polygon\",\n"
                + "      \"coordinates\": [[[100.0,0.0],[101.0,0.0],[101.0,1.0],[100.0,1.0],[100.0,0.0]]]\n"
                + "   },\n" + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\"" + "}\n" + "],\n"
                + "\"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "\"name\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n" + "\"description\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n"
                + "\"properties\": {\n" + "\"owner\": \"John Doe\",\n" + "\"color\": \"Silver\"\n" + "}\n" + "}";
        String expResult = "{ " + "\"@iot.count\": 1,\n" + "\"value\":[\n" + thing + "]}";
        Thing entity = new ThingBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "Things(1)/Locations"))
                .addDatastream(new DatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                        .setName("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                        .setDescription("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                                new UnitOfMeasurementBuilder().setName("degree Celsius").setSymbol("C")
                        .setObservedArea(TestHelper.getPolygon(2, 100, 0, 101, 0, 101, 1, 100, 1, 100, 0))
                        .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 1, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15,
                                30, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC))
                        .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 01, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30,
                                0, DateTimeZone.UTC))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Things(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setName("This thing is an oven.").setDescription("This thing is an oven.")
                .addProperty("owner", "John Doe").addProperty("color", "Silver").build();
        EntitySet<Thing> things = new EntitySetImpl<>(EntityType.Thing);
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntityCollection(things)));

    public void writeThing_WithExpandedDatastream_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "\"\": 1,\n"
                + "\"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "\"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Locations\",\n"
                + "\"Datastreams\": [{\"\":123}],\n"
                + "\"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "\"name\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n" + "\"description\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n"
                + "\"properties\": {\n" + "\"owner\": \"John Doe\",\n" + "\"color\": \"Silver\"\n" + "}\n" + "}";
        Thing entity = new ThingBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "Things(1)/Locations"))
                .addDatastream(new DatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(123)).build())
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Things(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setName("This thing is an oven.").setDescription("This thing is an oven.")
                .addProperty("owner", "John Doe").addProperty("color", "Silver").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));
        expResult = "{\n" + "  \"\": 1,\n" + "  \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "  \"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/Locations\",\n" + "  \"Datastreams\": [],\n"
                + "  \"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Things(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "  \"name\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n" + "  \"description\": \"This thing is an oven.\",\n"
                + "  \"properties\": {\n" + "    \"owner\": \"John Doe\",\n" + "    \"color\": \"Silver\"\n"
                + "  }\n" + "}";
        entity = new ThingBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "Things(1)/Locations"))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Things(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setName("This thing is an oven.").setDescription("This thing is an oven.")
                .addProperty("owner", "John Doe").addProperty("color", "Silver").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeLocation_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Things@iot.navigationLink\": \"Locations(1)/Things\",\n"
                + "   \"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Locations(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/vnd.geo+json\"" + "}";
        Entity entity = new LocationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThings(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Thing, "Locations(1)/Things"))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Locations(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeLocation_WithGeoJsonLocation_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Things@iot.navigationLink\": \"Locations(1)/Things\",\n"
                + "   \"HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Locations(1)/HistoricalLocations\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/vnd.geo+json\"" + ",\n" + "   \"location\": \n" + "   {\n"
                + "      \"type\": \"Feature\",\n" + "      \"geometry\":\n" + "      {\n"
                + "         \"type\": \"Point\",\n" + "         \"coordinates\": [-114.06,51.05]\n" + "      }\n"
                + "   }\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new LocationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThings(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Thing, "Locations(1)/Things"))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.HistoricalLocation, "Locations(1)/HistoricalLocations"))
                .setLocation(TestHelper.getFeatureWithPoint(-114.06, 51.05)).build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeHistoricalLocation_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Locations@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Locations\",\n"
                + "   \"Thing@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing\",\n"
                + "   \"time\": \"2015-01-25T19:00:00.000Z\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new HistoricalLocationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setLocations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Location, "HistoricalLocations(1)/Locations"))
                .setThing(new ThingBuilder().setNavigationLink("HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing").build())
                .setTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstant(2015, 01, 25, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.forOffsetHours(-7),
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeDatastream_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Thing@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing\",\n"
                + "   \"Sensor@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"ObservedProperty@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"unitOfMeasurement\": \n" + "   {\n" + "      \"name\": \"degree Celsius\",\n"
                + "      \"symbol\": \"C\",\n"
                + "      \"definition\": \"\"\n" + "   },\n"
                + "   \"observationType\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new DatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThing(new ThingBuilder().setNavigationLink("HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing").build())
                .setSensor(new SensorBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/Sensor").build())
                        new ObservedPropertyBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty").build())
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "Datastreams(1)/Observations"))
                .setName("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setDescription("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setUnitOfMeasurement(new UnitOfMeasurementBuilder().setName("degree Celsius").setSymbol("C")
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 1, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 01, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeDatastream_WithEmptyUnitOfMeasurement_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Thing@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing\",\n"
                + "   \"Sensor@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"ObservedProperty@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"unitOfMeasurement\": \n" + "   {\n" + "      \"name\": null,\n"
                + "      \"symbol\": null,\n" + "      \"definition\": null\n" + "   },\n"
                + "   \"observationType\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new DatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThing(new ThingBuilder().setNavigationLink("HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing").build())
                .setSensor(new SensorBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/Sensor").build())
                        new ObservedPropertyBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty").build())
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "Datastreams(1)/Observations"))
                .setName("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setDescription("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 1, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 01, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeDatastream_WithObservedAreaGeoJsonPolygon_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Thing@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing\",\n"
                + "   \"Sensor@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"ObservedProperty@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"Datastreams(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.\",\n"
                + "   \"unitOfMeasurement\": \n" + "   {\n" + "      \"name\": \"degree Celsius\",\n"
                + "      \"symbol\": \"C\",\n"
                + "      \"definition\": \"\"\n" + "   },\n"
                + "   \"observationType\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"observedArea\": \n" + "   {\n" + "      \"type\": \"Polygon\",\n"
                + "      \"coordinates\": [[[100.0,0.0],[101.0,0.0],[101.0,1.0],[100.0,1.0],[100.0,0.0]]]\n"
                + "   },\n" + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new DatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThing(new ThingBuilder().setNavigationLink("HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing").build())
                .setSensor(new SensorBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/Sensor").build())
                        new ObservedPropertyBuilder().setNavigationLink("Datastreams(1)/ObservedProperty").build())
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "Datastreams(1)/Observations"))
                .setName("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setDescription("This is a datastream measuring the temperature in an oven.")
                .setUnitOfMeasurement(new UnitOfMeasurementBuilder().setName("degree Celsius").setSymbol("C")
                .setObservedArea(TestHelper.getPolygon(2, 100, 0, 101, 0, 101, 1, 100, 1, 100, 0))
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 1, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 01, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeMultiDatastream_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Thing@iot.navigationLink\": \"HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing\",\n"
                + "   \"Sensor@iot.navigationLink\": \"MultiDatastreams(1)/Sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"ObservedProperties@iot.navigationLink\": \"MultiDatastreams(1)/ObservedProperties\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"MultiDatastreams(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a datastream measuring the wind.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a datastream measuring wind direction and speed.\",\n"
                + " \"unitOfMeasurements\": [\n" + "  {\n" + "   \"name\": \"DegreeAngle\",\n"
                + "   \"symbol\": \"deg\",\n"
                + "   \"definition\": \"\"\n"
                + "  },\n" + "  {\n" + "   \"name\": \"MeterPerSecond\",\n" + "   \"symbol\": \"m/s\",\n"
                + "   \"definition\": \"\"\n"
                + "  }\n" + " ],\n"
                + "   \"observationType\": \"\",\n"
                + " \"multiObservationDataTypes\": [\n"
                + "  \"\",\n"
                + "  \"\"\n" + " ],\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-03-01T13:00:00.000Z/2015-05-11T15:30:00.000Z\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new MultiDatastreamBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setThing(new ThingBuilder().setNavigationLink("HistoricalLocations(1)/Thing").build())
                .setSensor(new SensorBuilder().setNavigationLink("MultiDatastreams(1)/Sensor").build())
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "MultiDatastreams(1)/Observations"))
                        new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.ObservedProperty, "MultiDatastreams(1)/ObservedProperties"))
                .setName("This is a datastream measuring the wind.")
                .setDescription("This is a datastream measuring wind direction and speed.")
                .addUnitOfMeasurement(new UnitOfMeasurementBuilder().setName("DegreeAngle").setSymbol("deg")
                .addUnitOfMeasurement(new UnitOfMeasurementBuilder().setName("MeterPerSecond").setSymbol("m/s")
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 1, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInterval(2014, 03, 01, 13, 0, 0, 2015, 05, 11, 15, 30, 0,
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeSensor_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Datastreams@iot.navigationLink\": \"Sensors(1)/Datastreams\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/pdf\",\n"
                + "   \"metadata\": \"\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new SensorBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setDatastreams(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Datastream, "Sensors(1)/Datastreams"))
                .setName("TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor").setDescription("TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor")
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeSensor_EmptyDatastreamsCollection_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/pdf\",\n"
                + "   \"metadata\": \"\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new SensorBuilder().setId(new LongId(1)).setSelfLink("")
                .setDatastreams(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Datastream))
                .setName("TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor").setDescription("TMP36 - Analog Temperature sensor")
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeObservedPropertyBasic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Datastreams@iot.navigationLink\": \"ObservedProperties(1)/Datastreams\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"The dewpoint temperature is the temperature to which the air must be cooled, at constant pressure, for dew to form. As the grass and other objects near the ground cool to the dewpoint, some of the water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water on the objects.\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"DewPoint Temperature\",\n"
                + "   \"definition\": \"\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new ObservedPropertyBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setDatastreams(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Datastream, "ObservedProperties(1)/Datastreams"))
                        "The dewpoint temperature is the temperature to which the air must be cooled, at constant pressure, for dew to form. As the grass and other objects near the ground cool to the dewpoint, some of the water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water on the objects.")
                .setName("DewPoint Temperature").setDefinition("").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeObservation_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink\": \"Observations(1)/FeatureOfInterest\",\n"
                + "   \"Datastream@iot.navigationLink\":\"Observations(1)/Datastream\",\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-12-31T11:59:59.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-12-31T19:59:59.000Z\",\n" + "   \"result\": 70.40\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new ObservationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setFeatureOfInterest(new FeatureOfInterestBuilder()
                .setDatastream(new DatastreamBuilder().setNavigationLink("Observations(1)/Datastream").build())
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstantUTC(2014, 12, 31, 11, 59, 59))
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstantUTC(2014, 12, 31, 19, 59, 59))
                .setResult(new BigDecimal("70.40")).build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeObservation_WithEmptyResultTime_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink\": \"Observations(1)/FeatureOfInterest\",\n"
                + "   \"Datastream@iot.navigationLink\":\"Observations(1)/Datastream\",\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-12-31T11:59:59.000Z\",\n" + "   \"resultTime\": null,\n"
                + "   \"result\": \"70.4\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new ObservationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setFeatureOfInterest(new FeatureOfInterestBuilder()
                .setDatastream(new DatastreamBuilder().setNavigationLink("Observations(1)/Datastream").build())
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstantUTC(2014, 12, 31, 11, 59, 59))
                .setResultTime(new TimeInstant(null)).setResult("70.4").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeObservation_WithEmptyDatastream_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink\": \"Observations(1)/FeatureOfInterest\",\n"
                + "   \"phenomenonTime\": \"2014-12-31T11:59:59.000Z\",\n"
                + "   \"resultTime\": \"2014-12-31T19:59:59.000Z\",\n" + "   \"result\": \"70.4\"\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new ObservationBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setFeatureOfInterest(new FeatureOfInterestBuilder()
                .setDatastream(new DatastreamBuilder().build())
                .setPhenomenonTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstantUTC(2014, 12, 31, 11, 59, 59))
                .setResultTime(TestHelper.createTimeInstantUTC(2014, 12, 31, 19, 59, 59)).setResult("70.4").build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeObservation_DataArray() throws IOException {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "    \"@iot.count\": 108,\n" + "    \"@iot.nextLink\": \"nextLinkHere\",\n"
                + "    \"value\": [\n" + "        {\n"
                + "            \"Datastream@iot.navigationLink\": \"navLinkHere\",\n"
                + "            \"components\": [\n" + "                \"id\",\n"
                + "                \"phenomenonTime\",\n" + "                \"result\"],\n"
                + "            \"dataArray@iot.count\": 2,\n" + "            \"dataArray\": [\n"
                + "                [\n" + "                    446,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    48],\n"
                + "                [\n" + "                    447,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    49\n"
                + "                ]\n" + "            ]\n" + "        },\n" + "        {\n"
                + "            \"Datastream@iot.navigationLink\": \"navLinkHere\",\n"
                + "            \"components\": [\n" + "                \"id\",\n"
                + "                \"phenomenonTime\",\n" + "                \"result\"\n" + "            ],\n"
                + "            \"dataArray@iot.count\": 2,\n" + "            \"dataArray\": [\n"
                + "                [\n" + "                    448,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    1\n"
                + "                ],\n" + "                [\n" + "                    449,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    2\n"
                + "                ]\n" + "            ]\n" + "        },\n" + "        {\n"
                + "            \"MultiDatastream@iot.navigationLink\": \"navLinkHere\",\n"
                + "            \"components\": [\n" + "                \"id\",\n"
                + "                \"phenomenonTime\",\n" + "                \"result\"\n" + "            ],\n"
                + "            \"dataArray@iot.count\": 2,\n" + "            \"dataArray\": [\n"
                + "                [\n" + "                    444,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    5\n"
                + "                ],\n" + "                [\n" + "                    445,\n"
                + "                    \"2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z\",\n" + "                    6\n"
                + "                ]\n" + "            ]\n" + "        }\n" + "    ]\n" + "}\n" + "";

        List<String> components = new ArrayList<>();

        Datastream ds1 = new DatastreamBuilder().setNavigationLink("navLinkHere").build();

        DataArrayValue dav1 = new DataArrayValue(ds1, components);
        dav1.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 446, "2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z", 48 }));
        dav1.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 447, "2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z", 49 }));

        Datastream ds2 = new DatastreamBuilder().setNavigationLink("navLinkHere").build();

        DataArrayValue dav2 = new DataArrayValue(ds2, components);
        dav2.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 448, "2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z", 1 }));
        dav2.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 449, "2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z", 2 }));

        MultiDatastream mds1 = new MultiDatastreamBuilder().setNavigationLink("navLinkHere").build();

        DataArrayValue dav3 = new DataArrayValue(mds1, components);
        dav3.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 444, "2010-12-23T10:20:00.000Z", 5 }));
        dav3.getDataArray().add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 445, "2010-12-23T10:21:00.000Z", 6 }));

        DataArrayResult source = new DataArrayResult();

        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeObject(source)));

    public void writeFeatureOfInterst_Basic_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"FeaturesOfInterest(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a weather station.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a weather station.\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/vnd.geo+json\"" + "}";
        Entity entity = new FeatureOfInterestBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "FeaturesOfInterest(1)/Observations"))
                .setName("This is a weather station.").setDescription("This is a weather station.")
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    public void writeFeatureOfInterst_WithGeoJsonPointFeature_Success() throws Exception {
        String expResult = "{\n" + "   \"\": 1,\n"
                + "   \"@iot.selfLink\": \"\",\n"
                + "   \"Observations@iot.navigationLink\": \"FeaturesOfInterest(1)/Observations\",\n"
                + "   \"name\": \"This is a weather station.\",\n"
                + "   \"description\": \"This is a weather station.\",\n"
                + "   \"encodingType\": \"application/vnd.geo+json\"" + ",\n" + "   \"feature\": \n" + "   {\n"
                + "      \"type\": \"Feature\",\n" + "      \"geometry\":\n" + "      {\n"
                + "         \"type\": \"Point\",\n" + "         \"coordinates\": [-114.06,51.05]\n" + "      }\n"
                + "   }\n" + "}";
        Entity entity = new FeatureOfInterestBuilder().setId(new LongId(1))
                .setObservations(new EntitySetImpl(EntityType.Observation, "FeaturesOfInterest(1)/Observations"))
                .setName("This is a weather station.").setDescription("This is a weather station.")
                .setFeature(TestHelper.getFeatureWithPoint(-114.06, 51.05)).build();
        assert (jsonEqual(expResult, new EntityFormatter().writeEntity(entity)));

    private boolean jsonEqual(String string1, String string2) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().configure(DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS, true);
        try {
            JsonNode json1 = mapper.readTree(string1);
            JsonNode json2 = mapper.readTree(string2);
            return json1.equals(json2);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(EntityFormatterTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        return false;
