Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/** Copyright  2015 Holger Steffan H.St. Soft
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in file 'license', which is part of this source code
 * package. */
package de.hstsoft.sdeep.model;

import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

import de.hstsoft.sdeep.util.Utils;

/** @author Holger Steffan created: 26.02.2015 */
public class TerrainGeneration {

    private static final String WORLD_ORIGIN_POINT = "WorldOriginPoint";
    private static final String PLAYER_POSITION = "playerPosition";
    private static final String WORLD_SEED = "worldSeed";
    private static final String NODES = "Nodes";

    private int worldSeed;
    private Position worldOrigin = null;
    private Position playerPosition = null;
    private ArrayList<TerrainNode> terrainNodes = new ArrayList<>();

    public int getWorldSeed() {
        return this.worldSeed;

    public Position getPlayerPosition() {
        return this.playerPosition;

    public Position getWorldOrigin() {
        return this.worldOrigin;

    public ArrayList<TerrainNode> getTerrainNodes() {
        return this.terrainNodes;

    public static TerrainGeneration parse(JSONObject json) {
        TerrainGeneration terrainGeneration = new TerrainGeneration();

        JSONObject origin = (JSONObject) json.get(WORLD_ORIGIN_POINT);
        terrainGeneration.worldOrigin = Position.parseVector(origin);

        JSONObject playerPosition = (JSONObject) json.get(PLAYER_POSITION);
        terrainGeneration.playerPosition = Position.parseVector(playerPosition);

        terrainGeneration.worldSeed = Utils.toInt(json.get(WORLD_SEED).toString());

        JSONObject nodes = (JSONObject) json.get(NODES);
        Iterator<?> iter = nodes.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>);

            String key = entry.getKey().toString();
            JSONObject node = (JSONObject) nodes.get(entry.getKey().toString());
            TerrainNode terrainNode = TerrainNode.parseNode(key, node);


        return terrainGeneration;

    public ArrayList<TerrainNode> getTerrainNodes(Shape shape) {

        ArrayList<TerrainNode> retVal = new ArrayList<>();
        for (TerrainNode node : terrainNodes) {

            float x = node.getPositionOffset().x - 128;
            float y = node.getPositionOffset().z - 128;
            Rectangle2D terrainBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, 256, 256);
            boolean intersects = shape.intersects(terrainBounds);
            if (intersects)

        return retVal;
