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/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 TU Dortmund
 * This file is part of LearnLib,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.learnlib.algorithms.dhc.mealy;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;

import net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy;
import net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MutableMapping;
import net.automatalib.words.Alphabet;
import net.automatalib.words.Word;

import com.github.misberner.buildergen.annotations.GenerateBuilder;

import de.learnlib.algorithms.features.globalsuffixes.GlobalSuffixLearner.GlobalSuffixLearnerMealy;
import de.learnlib.api.AccessSequenceTransformer;
import de.learnlib.api.LearningAlgorithm.MealyLearner;
import de.learnlib.api.MembershipOracle;
import de.learnlib.counterexamples.GlobalSuffixFinder;
import de.learnlib.counterexamples.GlobalSuffixFinders;
import de.learnlib.oracles.DefaultQuery;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @author Maik Merten 
public class MealyDHC<I, O>
        implements MealyLearner<I, O>, AccessSequenceTransformer<I>, GlobalSuffixLearnerMealy<I, O> {

    public static class BuilderDefaults {
        public static <I, O> GlobalSuffixFinder<? super I, ? super Word<O>> suffixFinder() {
            return GlobalSuffixFinders.RIVEST_SCHAPIRE;

        public static <I, O> Collection<? extends Word<I>> initialSplitters() {
            return null;

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MealyDHC.class);

    private final Alphabet<I> alphabet;
    private final MembershipOracle<I, Word<O>> oracle;
    private LinkedHashSet<Word<I>> splitters = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private CompactMealy<I, O> hypothesis;
    private MutableMapping<Integer, QueueElement<I, O>> accessSequences;
    private GlobalSuffixFinder<? super I, ? super Word<O>> suffixFinder;

    private static class QueueElement<I, O> {
        private Integer parentState;
        private QueueElement<I, O> parentElement;
        private I transIn;
        private O transOut;
        private int depth;

        private QueueElement(Integer parentState, QueueElement<I, O> parentElement, I transIn, O transOut) {
            this.parentState = parentState;
            this.parentElement = parentElement;
            this.transIn = transIn;
            this.transOut = transOut;
            this.depth = (parentElement != null) ? parentElement.depth + 1 : 0;

     * Constructor, provided for backwards compatibility reasons.
     * @param alphabet the learning alphabet
     * @param oracle the learning membership oracle
    public MealyDHC(Alphabet<I> alphabet, MembershipOracle<I, Word<O>> oracle) {
        this(alphabet, oracle, GlobalSuffixFinders.RIVEST_SCHAPIRE, null);

     * Constructor.
     * @param alphabet the learning alphabet
     * @param oracle the learning membership oracle
     * @param suffixFinder the {@link GlobalSuffixFinder suffix finder} to use for analyzing counterexamples
     * @param initialSplitters the initial set of splitters, {@code null} or an empty collection will result
     * in the set of splitters being initialized as the set of alphabet symbols (interpreted as {@link Word}s) 
    @GenerateBuilder(defaults = BuilderDefaults.class, builderFinal = false)
    public MealyDHC(Alphabet<I> alphabet, MembershipOracle<I, Word<O>> oracle,
            GlobalSuffixFinder<? super I, ? super Word<O>> suffixFinder,
            Collection<? extends Word<I>> initialSplitters) {
        this.alphabet = alphabet; = oracle;
        this.suffixFinder = suffixFinder;
        // ensure that the first k splitters are the k alphabet symbols,
        // in correct order (this is required by scheduleSuccessors)
        for (I symbol : alphabet) {
        if (initialSplitters != null) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.learnlib.api.LearningAlgorithm#startLearning()
    public void startLearning() {
        // initialize structure to store state output signatures
        Map<List<Word<O>>, Integer> signatures = new HashMap<>();

        // set up new hypothesis machine
        hypothesis = new CompactMealy<>(alphabet);

        // initialize exploration queue
        Queue<QueueElement<I, O>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

        // initialize storage for access sequences
        accessSequences = hypothesis.createDynamicStateMapping();

        // first element to be explored represents the initial state with no predecessor
        queue.add(new QueueElement<I, O>(null, null, null, null));

        Interner<Word<O>> deduplicator = Interners.newStrongInterner();

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            // get element to be explored from queue
            QueueElement<I, O> elem = queue.poll();

            // determine access sequence for state
            Word<I> access = assembleAccessSequence(elem);

            // assemble queries
            ArrayList<DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>>> queries = new ArrayList<>(splitters.size());
            for (Word<I> suffix : splitters) {
                queries.add(new DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>>(access, suffix));

            // retrieve answers

            // assemble output signature
            List<Word<O>> sig = new ArrayList<>(splitters.size());
            for (DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>> query : queries) {

            Integer sibling = signatures.get(sig);

            if (sibling != null) {
                // this element does not possess a new output signature
                // create a transition from parent state to sibling
                hypothesis.addTransition(elem.parentState, elem.transIn, sibling, elem.transOut);
            } else {
                // this is actually an observably distinct state! Progress!
                // Create state and connect via transition to parent
                Integer state = elem.parentElement == null ? hypothesis.addInitialState() : hypothesis.addState();
                if (elem.parentElement != null) {
                    hypothesis.addTransition(elem.parentState, elem.transIn, state, elem.transOut);
                signatures.put(sig, state);
                accessSequences.put(state, elem);

                scheduleSuccessors(elem, state, queue, sig);

    private Word<I> assembleAccessSequence(QueueElement<I, O> elem) {
        List<I> word = new ArrayList<>(elem.depth);

        QueueElement<I, O> pre = elem.parentElement;
        I sym = elem.transIn;
        while (pre != null && sym != null) {
            sym = pre.transIn;
            pre = pre.parentElement;

        return Word.fromList(word);

    private void scheduleSuccessors(QueueElement<I, O> elem, Integer state, Queue<QueueElement<I, O>> queue,
            List<Word<O>> sig) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.size(); ++i) {
            // retrieve I/O for transition
            I input = alphabet.getSymbol(i);
            O output = sig.get(i).getSymbol(0);

            // create successor element and schedule for exploration
            queue.add(new QueueElement<>(state, elem, input, output));

    private void checkInternalState() {
        if (hypothesis == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No hypothesis learned yet");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.learnlib.api.LearningAlgorithm#refineHypothesis(de.learnlib.oracles.DefaultQuery)
    public boolean refineHypothesis(DefaultQuery<I, Word<O>> ceQuery) {

        Collection<? extends Word<I>> ceSuffixes = suffixFinder.findSuffixes(ceQuery, this, hypothesis, oracle);

        return addSuffixesUnchecked(ceSuffixes);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.learnlib.api.LearningAlgorithm#getHypothesisModel()
    public CompactMealy<I, O> getHypothesisModel() {
        return hypothesis;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.learnlib.api.AccessSequenceTransformer#transformAccessSequence(net.automatalib.words.Word)
    public Word<I> transformAccessSequence(Word<I> word) {
        Integer state = hypothesis.getSuccessor(hypothesis.getInitialState(), word);
        return assembleAccessSequence(accessSequences.get(state));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.learnlib.api.AccessSequenceTransformer#isAccessSequence(net.automatalib.words.Word)
    public boolean isAccessSequence(Word<I> word) {
        Word<I> canonical = transformAccessSequence(word);
        return canonical.equals(word);

    public Collection<? extends Word<I>> getGlobalSuffixes() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(splitters);

    public boolean addGlobalSuffixes(Collection<? extends Word<I>> newGlobalSuffixes) {

        return addSuffixesUnchecked(newGlobalSuffixes);

    protected boolean addSuffixesUnchecked(Collection<? extends Word<I>> newSuffixes) {
        int oldSize = hypothesis.size();

        for (Word<I> suf : newSuffixes) {
            if (!splitters.contains(suf)) {
                logger.trace("Added suffix: {}", suf);


        return (hypothesis.size() != oldSize);
