Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * maps4cim - a real world map generator for CiM 2
 * Copyright 2013 - 2014 Sebastian Straub
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.nx42.maps4cim.header;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Date;

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import de.nx42.maps4cim.config.Config;
import de.nx42.maps4cim.config.header.HeaderDef.BuildingSet;
import de.nx42.maps4cim.util.DateUtils;
import de.nx42.maps4cim.util.java2d.BitmapUtil;

 * Contains all available information of the map header.
 * Can parse headers of existing maps and write a new header based on the
 * provided data.
 * For a detailed description of the map file format, see
 * @author Sebastian Straub <>
public class CustomHeader extends Header {

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomHeader.class);

    // Static contents

    /** the first 7 bytes of a default user-generated map: fd 77 fc b6 e8 fe fe */
    protected static final byte[] introDefault = hex("fd 77 fc b6 e8 fe fe");
    /** the first 7 bytes of a default user-generated map: fd 77 fc b6 e8 fe fe */
    protected static final byte[] introDefaultEur = hex("fd 77 fd c9 84 fe fe");
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#introDefault}: "GameState+SerializableMetaData" */
    protected static final String staticString01 = "GameState+SerializableMetaData";
    /** the default date that is used in the unused date fields: 2013-04-01 08:00:00 */
    protected static final Date unusedDateDefault = DateUtils.getDateUTC(2013, 4, 1, 8, 0, 0);
    /** the initial time (in .net "ticks") worked on the map. should be 0, of course */
    protected static final long workTimeDefault = 42;
    /** binary data which follows {@link CustomHeader#workTime2}: 00 00 01 fe fe */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary01 = hex("00 00 01 fe fe");
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#staticBinary01}: "PlayerData" */
    protected static final String staticString02 = "PlayerData";
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#mapName}: "EnvX14". only for european building set */
    protected static final String staticString02eur01 = "EnvX14";
    /** default width of the map preview image */
    protected static final int pngWidth = 256;
    /** default height of the map preview image */
    protected static final int pngHeight = 256;
    /** binary data which follows {@link CustomHeader#png}:
    ff 00 64 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 64 00 64 01 00 00 */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary02 = hex(
            "ff 00 64 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 64 00 64 01 00 00");
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#staticBinary02}: "cim2.europe".
    only for european building set */
    protected static final String staticString02eur02 = "cim2.europe";
    /** binary data which follows {@link CustomHeader#staticString02eur02}: 00 04 53 8a.
    only for european building set */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary02eur = hex("00 04 53 8a");
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#staticBinary02}: "Editor Player" */
    protected static final String staticString03 = "Editor Player";
    /** binary data which follows the gap after {@link CustomHeader#staticString03}:
    ff ff 00 00 ff 00 00 ff 00 fe fe */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary03 = hex("ff ff 00 00 ff 00 00 ff 00 fe fe");
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#staticBinary03}: "CompanyData" */
    protected static final String staticString04 = "CompanyData";
    /** the String after {@link CustomHeader#staticString04}: "Editor Company" */
    protected static final String staticString05 = "Editor Company";
    /** the String after the gap that follows {@link CustomHeader#staticString05}:
    "GameState+SerializableTerrainData" */
    protected static final String staticString06 = "GameState+SerializableTerrainData";
    /** binary data which follows {@link CustomHeader#staticString06}: 00 00 04 */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary04 = hex("00 00 04");
    /** the Strings after {@link CustomHeader#staticBinary04}, in this order */
    protected static final String[] staticStrings07 = { "Grass", "Rough Grass", "Mud", "Dirt", "Ruined", "Cliff",
            "Pavement" };
    /** binary data which follows {@link CustomHeader#staticString07}: 00 00 08 01 */
    protected static final byte[] staticBinary05 = hex("00 00 08 01");

    // Instance Data

    /** the first 2-7 bytes of the file */
    protected byte[] intro;
    /** the first unused date value, usually set to 2013-04-01 08:00:00 */
    protected Date unusedDate1;
    /** the second unused date value, usually set to 2013-04-01 08:00:00 */
    protected Date unusedDate2;
    /** the last time the map has been saved */
    protected Date lastSaved;
    /** the time when the map has been created */
    protected Date mapCreated;
    /** the time that has been spent on the map in the map editor. or something
    like that. distinction to {@link CustomHeader#workTime2} unknown */
    protected long workTime1;
    /** the time that has been spent on the map in the map editor. or something
    like that. distinction to {@link CustomHeader#workTime1} unknown */
    protected long workTime2;
    /** the name of the map (equals the file name without the ".map"-extension */
    protected String mapName;
    /** the length of the embedded map overview PNG (as int24 in 3 bytes).
    causes errors, if not equal to {@link CustomHeader#png}.length */
    protected byte[] pngLength;
    /** the embedded map overview, as binary PNG */
    protected byte[] png;

    // configuration

    /** the building set to use for this map */
    protected BuildingSet buildingSet;

    public CustomHeader(BuildingSet buildingSet) {

        // defaults
        this.unusedDate1 = unusedDateDefault;
        this.unusedDate2 = unusedDateDefault;
        this.lastSaved = new Date();
        this.mapCreated = new Date();
        this.workTime1 = workTimeDefault;
        this.workTime2 = workTimeDefault;
        this.mapName = "maps4cim";
        this.png = getDefaultPNG();
        this.pngLength = int24write(png.length);

    public CustomHeader() {

    public CustomHeader(Config conf) {
        // init defaults

        // load config
        if (conf.header != null) {
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty( {
                this.mapName =;
            if (conf.header.created != null) {
                this.mapCreated = conf.header.created;
            if (conf.header.modified != null) {
                this.lastSaved = conf.header.modified;
            if (conf.header.buildingSet != null) {

    private CustomHeader(int empty) {
        // creates an empty object...

    public void setBuildingSet(BuildingSet b) {
        this.buildingSet = b;
        if (buildingSet == BuildingSet.AMERICAN) {
            this.intro = introDefault;
        } else if (buildingSet == BuildingSet.EUROPEAN) {
            this.intro = introDefaultEur;
        } else {
            this.buildingSet = BuildingSet.AMERICAN;
            this.intro = introDefault;
            log.warn("Building set {} was not recognized, falling back to " + "default (american) building set",

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see Header#generateHeader()
    public byte[] generateHeader() throws IOException {

        // first part
        ByteArrayDataOutput outP1 = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(4096);

        // static intro
        // gap of 4 bytes
        outP1.write(new byte[4]);

        // dates and timestamps

        // static data

        // map name
        if (buildingSet == BuildingSet.EUROPEAN) {

        // map overview image

        // static data
        if (buildingSet == BuildingSet.EUROPEAN) {
        outP1.write(new byte[34]);

        // second part
        ByteArrayDataOutput outP2 = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(256);

        // static data
        for (String s : staticStrings07) {

        // combine the parts
        ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(4352);

        byte[] p1 = outP1.toByteArray();
        // fill with 0s until next next free index % 4096 = 0
        out.write(new byte[((p1.length / 4096) + 1) * 4096 - p1.length]);

        byte[] p2 = outP2.toByteArray();
        // fill with 0s until 256 bytes are filled after the beginning of p2
        out.write(new byte[256 - p2.length]);

        // return combined result
        return out.toByteArray();

    // static stuff

    protected static byte[] getDefaultPNG() {
        BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(pngWidth, pngHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

        try {
            return BitmapUtil.writePng(bi);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Could not convert buffered image to PNG byte[]", e);
            return null;

     * Draws a simple default preview image
     * @param bi the image to draw into
     * @return the modified buffered image (not required, changes are written
     * inplace)
    protected static BufferedImage drawMaps4cimThumb(BufferedImage bi) {
        Graphics2D ig2 = bi.createGraphics();

        Font font = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 36);
        String title = "maps4cim";
        FontMetrics fontMetrics = ig2.getFontMetrics();
        int stringWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(title);
        int stringHeight = fontMetrics.getAscent();
        ig2.drawString(title, (pngWidth - stringWidth) / 2, pngHeight / 2 + stringHeight / 4);

        Font fontSmall = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 15);
        String subtitle = "another map rendered with";
        FontMetrics fontMetrics2 = ig2.getFontMetrics();
        int string2Width = fontMetrics2.stringWidth(subtitle);
        ig2.drawString(subtitle, (pngWidth - string2Width) / 2, pngHeight / 2 - stringHeight);

        return bi;

     * Converts a default java int32 to the more exotic int24 (3 bytes)
     * @param int32 integer to convert. any int > 2^24 will be capped
     * @return int24-representation of the input, as byte[3]
    public static byte[] int24write(int int32) {
        return new byte[] { (byte) (int32 >>> 16), (byte) (int32 >>> 8), (byte) (int32) };

     * Converts a String to the binary format that is used in the map's header.
     * Note that Unicode chars are not supported.
     * @param s the String to convert
     * @return the binary representation of this String
    public static byte[] formatHeaderString(CharSequence s) {
        int len = s.length();
        byte[] result = new byte[len * 2 + 3];

        result[2] = (byte) len;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            result[i * 2 + 4] = (byte) s.charAt(i);

        return result;

     * Converts the string argument into an array of bytes using
     * javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary
     * Whitespaces within hex Strings are allowed & ignored!
     * @param hex
     * @return
    protected static byte[] hex(final String hex) {
        return DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(hex.replaceAll("\\s+", ""));

    public static CustomHeader newEmpty() {
        return new CustomHeader(0);

    // Getters and Setters

     * @return the unusedDate1
    public Date getUnusedDate1() {
        return unusedDate1;

     * @param unusedDate1 the unusedDate1 to set
    public void setUnusedDate1(Date unusedDate1) {
        this.unusedDate1 = unusedDate1;

     * @return the unusedDate2
    public Date getUnusedDate2() {
        return unusedDate2;

     * @param unusedDate2 the unusedDate2 to set
    public void setUnusedDate2(Date unusedDate2) {
        this.unusedDate2 = unusedDate2;

     * @return the lastSaved
    public Date getLastSaved() {
        return lastSaved;

     * @param lastSaved the lastSaved to set
    public void setLastSaved(Date lastSaved) {
        this.lastSaved = lastSaved;

     * @return the mapCreated
    public Date getMapCreated() {
        return mapCreated;

     * @param mapCreated the mapCreated to set
    public void setMapCreated(Date mapCreated) {
        this.mapCreated = mapCreated;

     * @return the workTime1
    public long getWorkTime1() {
        return workTime1;

     * @param workTime1 the workTime1 to set
    public void setWorkTime1(long workTime1) {
        this.workTime1 = workTime1;

     * @return the workTime2
    public long getWorkTime2() {
        return workTime2;

     * @param workTime2 the workTime2 to set
    public void setWorkTime2(long workTime2) {
        this.workTime2 = workTime2;

     * @return the mapName
    public String getMapName() {
        return mapName;

     * @param mapName the mapName to set
    public void setMapName(String mapName) {
        this.mapName = mapName;

     * @return the pngLength
    public byte[] getPngLength() {
        return pngLength;

     * @param pngLength the pngLength to set
    public void setPngLength(byte[] pngLength) {
        this.pngLength = pngLength;

     * @return the png
    public byte[] getPng() {
        return png;

     * @param png the png to set
    public void setPng(byte[] png) {
        this.png = png;
