Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The Lecture2Go software is based on the liferay portal 6.1.1 
 * <>
 * Lecture2Go <> is an open source 
 * platform for media management and distribution. Our goal is to 
 * support the free access to knowledge because this is a component 
 * of each democratic society. The open source software is aimed at 
 * academic institutions and has to strengthen the blended learning.
 * All Lecture2Go plugins are continuously being developed and improved.
 * For more details please visit <>
 * @Autor Lecture2Go Team
 * @Version 1.0
 * @Contact
 * Copyright (c) 2013 University of Hamburg / Computer and Data Center (RRZ)
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>. 
package de.uhh.l2g.dao;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator;

import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Facility;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Host;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Lectureseries;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Mark;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Metadata;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Producer;
import de.uhh.l2g.beans.Video;
import de.uhh.l2g.util.FFmpegManager;
import de.uhh.l2g.util.L2goPropsUtil;
import de.uhh.l2g.util.Security;
import de.uhh.l2g.util.VideoGenerationDateComparator;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * The Class VideoDao.
public class VideoDao extends JdbcDaoSupport implements IVideoDao {

    /** The utility bean factory. */
    private XmlBeanFactory utilityBeanFactory;

     * Gets the utility bean factory.
     * @return the utility bean factory
    public XmlBeanFactory getUtilityBeanFactory() {
        return utilityBeanFactory;

     * Sets the utility bean factory.
     * @param utilityBeanFactory the new utility bean factory
    public void setUtilityBeanFactory(XmlBeanFactory utilityBeanFactory) {
        this.utilityBeanFactory = utilityBeanFactory;

    /** The return list. */
    public List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();

    /** The return list2. */
    private List<Video> returnList2 = new ArrayList<Video>();

     * Gets the host dao.
     * @return the host dao
    public HostDao getHostDao() {
        return hostDao;

     * Sets the host dao.
     * @param hostDao the new host dao
    public void setHostDao(HostDao hostDao) {
        this.hostDao = hostDao;

     * Gets the producer dao.
     * @return the producer dao
    public ProducerDao getProducerDao() {
        return producerDao;

     * Sets the producer dao.
     * @param producerDao the new producer dao
    public void setProducerDao(ProducerDao producerDao) {
        this.producerDao = producerDao;

     * Gets the lectureseries dao.
     * @return the lectureseries dao
    public LectureseriesDao getLectureseriesDao() {
        return lectureseriesDao;

     * Sets the lectureseries dao.
     * @param lectureseriesDao the new lectureseries dao
    public void setLectureseriesDao(LectureseriesDao lectureseriesDao) {
        this.lectureseriesDao = lectureseriesDao;

     * Gets the metadata dao.
     * @return the metadata dao
    public MetadataDao getMetadataDao() {
        return metadataDao;

     * Sets the metadata dao.
     * @param metadataDao the new metadata dao
    public void setMetadataDao(MetadataDao metadataDao) {
        this.metadataDao = metadataDao;

     * Gets the segment dao.
     * @return the segment dao
    public SegmentDao getSegmentDao() {
        return segmentDao;

     * Sets the segment dao.
     * @param segmentDao the new segment dao
    public void setSegmentDao(SegmentDao segmentDao) {
        this.segmentDao = segmentDao;

     * Gets the facility dao.
     * @return the facility dao
    public FacilityDao getFacilityDao() {
        return facilityDao;

     * Sets the facility dao.
     * @param facilityDao the new facility dao
    public void setFacilityDao(FacilityDao facilityDao) {
        this.facilityDao = facilityDao;

    /** The office dao. */
    private OfficeDao officeDao;

     * Gets the office dao.
     * @return the office dao
    public OfficeDao getOfficeDao() {
        return officeDao;

     * Sets the office dao.
     * @param officeDao the new office dao
    public void setOfficeDao(OfficeDao officeDao) {
        this.officeDao = officeDao;

    /** The facility dao. */
    private FacilityDao facilityDao;

    /** The host dao. */
    private HostDao hostDao;

    /** The producer dao. */
    private ProducerDao producerDao;

    /** The lectureseries dao. */
    private LectureseriesDao lectureseriesDao;

    /** The metadata dao. */
    private MetadataDao metadataDao;

    /** The segment dao. */
    private SegmentDao segmentDao;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#deleteAll()
     * Delete all.
    public void deleteAll() {

        JdbcTemplate delete = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        delete.update("DELETE from video");
        delete.update("DELETE from video_facility");

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#deleteById(int)
     * Delete by id.
     * @param id the id
    public void deleteById(int id) {

        JdbcTemplate delete = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        delete.update("DELETE from video where id=?", new Object[] { id });
        delete.update("DELETE from video_facility WHERE videoId=?", new Object[] { id });

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#getAll()
     * Gets the all.
     * @return the all
    public List<Video> getAll() {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> videoList = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video ORDER BY ID ASC",
                new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return videoList;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#getById(int)
     * Gets the by id.
     * @param id the id
     * @return the by id
    public List<Video> getById(int id) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> returnList = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE id=?",
                new Object[] { id }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return returnList;

     * Gets the by id for download.
     * @param id the id
     * @return the by id for download
    public List<Video> getByIdForDownload(int id) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> returnList = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE id=?",
                new Object[] { id }, new VideoRowMapper());
        return returnList;

     * Gets the by s url.
     * @param surl the surl
     * @return the by s url
    public List<Video> getBySUrl(String surl) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE surl=?",
                new Object[] { surl }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by producer id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @return the by producer id
    public List<Video> getByProducerId(int remoteUserId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String request = "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE producerId=? ORDER BY id DESC";
        List<Video> result = select.query(request, new Object[] { remoteUserId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Count by producer id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @return the int
    public int countByProducerId(int remoteUserId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        int result = select.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video WHERE producerId=? ORDER BY id DESC",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId });
        return result;

     * Gets the video list for segments by user id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @return the video list for segments by user id
    public List<Video> getVideoListForSegmentsByUserId(int remoteUserId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String request = "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video, segment_user_video WHERE ( = segment_user_video.videoId AND segment_user_video.userId = ?) GROUP BY id DESC";
        List<Video> result = select.query(request, new Object[] { remoteUserId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Gets the by producer id and lectureseries id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the by producer id and lectureseries id
    public List<Video> getByProducerIdAndLectureseriesId(int remoteUserId, int lectureseriesId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( producerId=? AND lectureseriesId=?) ORDER BY id DESC",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId, lectureseriesId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Count by producer id and lectureseries id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the int
    public int countByProducerIdAndLectureseriesId(int remoteUserId, int lectureseriesId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        int result = select.queryForInt(
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video WHERE ( producerId=? AND lectureseriesId=?) ORDER BY id DESC",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId, lectureseriesId });
        return result;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#create(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int, int, int)
     * Creates the.
     * @param title the title
     * @param tags the tags
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param ownerId the owner id
     * @param producerId the producer id
     * @param containerFormat the container format
     * @param filename the filename
     * @param resolution the resolution
     * @param duration the duration
     * @param hostId the host id
     * @param metadataId the metadata id
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param citation2go the citation2go
    public void create(String title, String tags, int lectureseriesId, int ownerId, int producerId,
            String containerFormat, String filename, String resolution, String duration, int hostId, int metadataId,
            int facilityId, int citation2go) {

        JdbcTemplate insert = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
                "INSERT INTO video (title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, metadataId, facilityId, citation2go) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                new Object[] { title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename,
                        resolution, duration, hostId, metadataId, facilityId, citation2go });

     * Creates the and return generated id.
     * @param title the title
     * @param tags the tags
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param ownerId the owner id
     * @param producerId the producer id
     * @param containerFormat the container format
     * @param filename the filename
     * @param resolution the resolution
     * @param duration the duration
     * @param hostId the host id
     * @param metadataId the metadata id
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param citation2go the citation2go
     * @return the int
    public int createAndReturnGeneratedId(String title, String tags, int lectureseriesId, int ownerId,
            int producerId, String containerFormat, String filename, String resolution, String duration, int hostId,
            int metadataId, int facilityId, int citation2go) {
        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = this.getJdbcTemplate();
        PreparedStatementCreator pscInsert = null;
        //initialize parameters
        try {
            String[] parameter = { title, tags, lectureseriesId + "", ownerId + "", producerId + "",
                    containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId + "", metadataId + "", facilityId + "",
                    citation2go + "" };
            pscInsert = new Video_INSERT_PreparedStatement(this.getJdbcTemplate(), parameter);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

        KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();
        jdbcTemplate.update(pscInsert, keyHolder);

        Number n = keyHolder.getKey();
        int i = n.intValue();
        return i;

     * Sets the upload date.
     * @param d the d
     * @param vId the v id
    public void updateUploadDate(Date d, int vId) {
        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET uploadDate=? WHERE id=?", new Object[] { d, vId });

    public void updateFileSize(Long fSize, int vId) {
        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET fileSize=? WHERE id=?", new Object[] { fSize, vId });

     * Update by id.
     * @param title the title
     * @param tags the tags
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param ownerId the owner id
     * @param producerId the producer id
     * @param containerFormat the container format
     * @param filename the filename
     * @param resolution the resolution
     * @param duration the duration
     * @param hostId the host id
     * @param textId the text id
     * @param filesize the filesize
     * @param generationDate the generation date
     * @param openAccess the open access
     * @param downloadAllawed the download allawed
     * @param metadataId the metadata id
     * @param surl the surl
     * @param hits the hits
     * @param permittedToSegment the permitted to segment
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param citation2go the citation2go
     * @param id the id
    public void updateById(String title, String tags, int lectureseriesId, int ownerId, int producerId,
            String containerFormat, String filename, String resolution, String duration, int hostId, int textId,
            Long filesize, String generationDate, boolean openAccess, boolean downloadAllawed, int metadataId,
            String surl, int hits, boolean permittedToSegment, int facilityId, int citation2go, int id) {
        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
                "UPDATE video SET title=?, tags=?, lectureseriesId=?, ownerId=?, producerId=?, containerFormat=?, filename=?, resolution=?, duration=?, hostId=?, textId=?, filesize=?, generationDate=?, openAccess=?, downloadLink=?, metadataId=?, surl=?, hits=?, permittedToSegment=?, facilityId=?, citation2go=? WHERE id=?",
                new Object[] { title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename,
                        resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadAllawed,
                        metadataId, surl, hits, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go, id });

     * Gets the by producer and video filename.
     * @param producer the producer
     * @param videoFileName the video file name
     * @return the by producer and video filename
    public List<Video> getByProducerAndVideoFilename(Producer producer, String videoFileName) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( filename=? AND producerId=? )",
                new Object[] { videoFileName, producer.getId() }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Activate openaccess.
     * @param id the id
    public void activateOpenaccess(int id) {

        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET openAccess=true, surl=null WHERE id=?", new Object[] { id });

     * Deactivate openaccess.
     * @param id the id
    public void deactivateOpenaccess(int id) {

        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        Video v = this.getById(id).iterator().next();
        String secureFileName = Security.createSecureFileName() + "." + v.getFilenameFormat();
        update.update("UPDATE video SET openAccess=false, surl='" + secureFileName + "' WHERE id=?",
                new Object[] { id });

     * Activate download.
     * @param id the id
    public void activateDownload(int id) {

        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET downloadLink=true WHERE id=?", new Object[] { id });

     * Deactivate download.
     * @param id the id
    public void deactivateDownload(int id) {

        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET downloadLink=false WHERE id=?", new Object[] { id });

     * Gets the by filename.
     * @param filename the filename
     * @return the by filename
    public List<Video> getByFilename(String filename) {
        String fn = "'%" + filename + "%'";
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video  WHERE filename LIKE ?",
                new Object[] { fn }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access.
     * @return the by open access
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccess() {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE openAccess=1 ORDER BY generationDate DESC",
                new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access and duration not null.
     * @return the by open access and duration not null
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndDurationNotNull() {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE (openAccess=1 AND duration!='') ORDER BY generationDate DESC",
                new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access and lectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param order the order
     * @return the by open access and lectureseries id
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndLectureseriesId(Integer lectureseriesId, String order) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE (openAccess=1 AND lectureseriesId=?) ORDER BY generationDate "
                        + order,
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the ids by open access and lectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param order the order
     * @return the ids by open access and lectureseries id
    public List<?> getIdsByOpenAccessAndLectureseriesId(Integer lectureseriesId, String order) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        return select.queryForList(
                "SELECT id FROM video WHERE (openAccess=1 AND lectureseriesId=?) ORDER BY generationDate " + order,
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId });

     * Gets the by open access and counter.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @return the by open access and counter
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndCounter(Integer start, Integer ende) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE openAccess=1 ORDER BY generationDate DESC LIMIT ?, ?;",
                new Object[] { start, ende }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access and counter and facility id.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the by open access and counter and facility id
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndCounterAndFacilityId(Integer start, Integer ende, Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT * FROM video, video_facility WHERE (video.openAccess=1 AND AND video_facility.facilityId=?) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?;",
                new Object[] { facilityId, start, ende }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access and counter and facility id and parent id.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param parentId the parent id
     * @return the by open access and counter and facility id and parent id
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndCounterAndFacilityIdAndParentId(Integer start, Integer ende,
            Integer facilityId, Integer parentId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT * FROM video, video_facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND ( AND video_facility.facilityId=?) OR ( AND video_facility.facilityId=?) ) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?;",
                new Object[] { facilityId, parentId, start, ende }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by open access and facility id.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the by open access and facility id
    public List<Video> getByOpenAccessAndFacilityId(Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT * FROM video, video_facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND AND video_facility.facilityId=? ) ORDER BY id DESC;",
                new Object[] { facilityId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the by facility id.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the by facility id
    public List<Video> getByFacilityId(Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT * FROM video, video_facility WHERE AND video_facility.facilityId=? ORDER BY id DESC;",
                new Object[] { facilityId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Count videos from facility.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the int
    public int countVideosFromFacility(Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        int i = select.queryForInt(
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video, video_facility WHERE AND video_facility.facilityId=?;",
                new Object[] { facilityId });

        return i;

     * Gets the by open facility id.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the by open facility id
    public List<Video> getByOpenFacilityId(Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT * FROM video, video_facility WHERE ( AND video_facility.facilityId=? ) ORDER BY id DESC;",
                new Object[] { facilityId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the number open access lectureseries.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param tree the tree
     * @return the number open access lectureseries
    public Integer getNumberOpenAccessLectureseries(Integer facilityId, String tree) {
        //use jdbc template
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        //prepare query
        String sqlquery = "";
        //prepare facilities list 
        //get all sub-facilitye from input-id
        List<Facility> einList = null;
        String partEinQuery = "";

        //if facilityId choosen
        if (facilityId != 0) {
            einList = facilityDao.getByParentId(facilityId);
            //add parentId-facility himself to list
            Facility ein = facilityDao.getById(facilityId).iterator().next();
            //now get all videos for each facility from list
            //prepare string for sql-query
            Iterator<Facility> iE = einList.iterator();
            partEinQuery = "(";
            while (iE.hasNext()) {
                Facility e =;
                partEinQuery += "video_facility.facilityId=" + e.getId() + " || ";
            // and update part query
            partEinQuery += "video_facility.facilityId=" + facilityId + ")";
            sqlquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND AND "
                    + partEinQuery + " AND AND facility.typ='" + tree
                    + "' ) GROUP BY lectureseriesId ORDER BY video.generationDate DESC ";
        } else {
            sqlquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND AND AND  facility.typ='"
                    + tree + "') GROUP BY lectureseriesId ORDER BY video.generationDate DESC ";

        return jdbst.queryForList(sqlquery).size();

     * Gets the all lectureseries whith openaccess videos.
     * @param tree the tree
     * @return the all lectureseries whith openaccess videos
    private final List<Lectureseries> getAllLectureseriesWhithOpenaccessVideos(String tree) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String sql = "";
        List<Lectureseries> rList;
        if (tree.equals("all")) {
            sql = "SELECT number, eventType, eventCategory,, shortDesc, longDesc, semesterName, language, facultyName, instructorsString,, password, approved FROM lectureseries, video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( AND video.openAccess=1 AND AND GROUP BY lectureseriesId ";
            rList = select.query(sql, new LectureseriesRowMapper());
        } else {
            sql = "SELECT number, eventType, eventCategory,, shortDesc, longDesc, semesterName, language, facultyName, instructorsString,, password, approved FROM lectureseries, video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( AND video.openAccess=1 AND AND AND facility.typ=?) GROUP BY lectureseriesId ";
            rList = select.query(sql, new Object[] { tree }, new LectureseriesRowMapper());
        return rList;

     * Gets the open access videos.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param tree the tree
     * @return the open access videos
    public List<Video> getOpenAccessVideos(Integer start, Integer ende, Integer facilityId, String tree) {
        //use jdbc template
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        //Prepare part query for lectureseries
        //get all lectureseries open access videos
        List<Lectureseries> lectureseriesList = getAllLectureseriesWhithOpenaccessVideos(tree);
        Iterator<Lectureseries> iC = lectureseriesList.iterator();

        //for every lectureseriesId get latest video - tree 1
        String partVideoIdQuery = "";
        partVideoIdQuery += "(";
        while (iC.hasNext()) {
            Lectureseries c =;
            if (iC.hasNext())
                partVideoIdQuery += "" + getLatestOpenAccessVideoIdFromLectureseriesId(c.getId()) + " OR ";
                partVideoIdQuery += "" + getLatestOpenAccessVideoIdFromLectureseriesId(c.getId());
        partVideoIdQuery += ") AND ";

        if (partVideoIdQuery.equals("() AND "))
            partVideoIdQuery = "";

        //prepare facilities list 
        //get all sub-facilitye from input-id
        List<Facility> einList = null;
        String partEinQuery = "";
        //prepare query
        String sqlquery = "";
        //if facilityId choosen
        if (facilityId != 0) {
            einList = facilityDao.getByParentId(facilityId);
            //add parentId-facility himself to list
            Facility ein = facilityDao.getById(facilityId).iterator().next();
            //now get all videos for each facility from list
            //prepare string for sql-query
            Iterator<Facility> iE = einList.iterator();
            partEinQuery = "(";
            while (iE.hasNext()) {
                Facility e =;
                partEinQuery += "vf.facilityId=" + e.getId() + " OR ";
            // and update part query
            partEinQuery += "vf.facilityId=" + facilityId + ")";

            //check tree
            if (tree.equals("all"))
                sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f, video_facility vf WHERE ( "
                        + partVideoIdQuery + " AND " + partEinQuery
                        + " AND AND AND ) GROUP BY v.lectureseriesId ORDER BY v.generationDate DESC ";
                sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f, video_facility vf WHERE ( "
                        + partVideoIdQuery + " AND " + partEinQuery
                        + " AND AND f.typ='" + tree
                        + "' AND AND GROUP BY v.lectureseriesId ORDER BY v.generationDate DESC ";
        } else {
            //check tree
            if (tree.equals("all"))
                sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f, video_facility vf WHERE ( "
                        + partVideoIdQuery
                        + " AND AND AND ) GROUP BY v.lectureseriesId ORDER BY v.generationDate DESC ";
                sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f, video_facility vf WHERE ( "
                        + partVideoIdQuery + " AND AND f.typ='" + tree
                        + "' AND AND ) GROUP BY v.lectureseriesId ORDER BY v.generationDate DESC ";
        //and prepare with output - limit
        sqlquery += "LIMIT ? , ?;";

        return jdbst.query(sqlquery, new Object[] { start, ende },
                new VideoResultProducerListRowMapper(hostDao, producerDao, segmentDao));

     * Gets the latest videos.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param tree the tree
     * @return the latest videos
    public List<Video> getLatestVideos(int start, int ende, int facilityId, String tree) {
        List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        try {
            Iterator<Video> i = getOpenAccessVideos(start, ende, facilityId, tree).iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Video o =;
                Video vid = new Video();
                //if conference, get latest lecture
                if (tree.equals("tree1") || tree.equals("all"))
                    vid = getLatestVideoFromlectureseriesId(o.getLectureseriesId());

                if (vid.getId() != 0)
            Comparator<Video> comparator = new VideoGenerationDateComparator();
            java.util.Collections.sort(returnList, comparator);
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) {

        return returnList;

     * Gets the open access videos by facility id.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the open access videos by facility id
    public List<Video> getOpenAccessVideosByFacilityId(Integer facilityId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());

        List<Video> result = null;

        // if facilityId==0, select all
        if (facilityId == 0) {
            result = select.query(
                    "SELECT, video.title, video.tags, video.lectureseriesId, video.ownerId, video.producerId, video.containerFormat, video.filename, video.resolution, video.duration, video.hostId, video.textId, video.filesize, video.generationDate, video.openAccess, video.downloadLink, video.metadataId, video.surl, video.hits, video.uploadDate, video.permittedToSegment, video.facilityId, video.citation2go FROM video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND AND AND facility.typ!='tree2' ) GROUP BY lectureseriesId ORDER BY video.generationDate DESC;",
                    new VideoRowMapper());
        } else {
            result = select.query(
                    "SELECT, video.title, video.tags, video.lectureseriesId, video.ownerId, video.producerId, video.containerFormat, video.filename, video.resolution, video.duration, video.hostId, video.textId, video.filesize, video.generationDate, video.openAccess, video.downloadLink, video.metadataId, video.surl, video.hits, video.uploadDate, video.permittedToSegment, video.facilityId, video.citation2go FROM video, video_facility, facility WHERE ( video.openAccess=1 AND AND video_facility.facilityId=? AND AND facility.typ!='tree2' ) GROUP BY lectureseriesId ORDER BY video.generationDate DESC;",
                    new Object[] { facilityId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Gets the by producer id and counter.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @return the by producer id and counter
    public List<Video> getByProducerIdAndCounter(Integer remoteUserId, Integer start, Integer ende) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f WHERE (v.producerId=? AND AND AND ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?;",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId, start, ende },
                new VideoResultProducerListRowMapper(hostDao, producerDao, segmentDao));
        return result;

     * Gets the by producer id and counter andlectureseries id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the by producer id and counter andlectureseries id
    public List<Video> getByProducerIdAndCounterAndlectureseriesId(Integer remoteUserId, Integer start,
            Integer ende, Integer lectureseriesId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.generationDate, v.filename, v.surl, f.typ, v.hostId, v.producerId, v.lectureseriesId FROM video v, lectureseries l, metadata m, facility f WHERE (v.producerId=? AND v.lectureseriesId=? AND AND AND ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?;",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId, lectureseriesId, start, ende },
                new VideoResultProducerListRowMapper(hostDao, producerDao, segmentDao));
        return result;

     * Gets the video result search list by splitted search word.
     * @param word the word
     * @param limit the limit
     * @return the video result search list by splitted search word
    public List<Video> getVideoResultSearchListBySplittedSearchWord(String word, int limit) {

        List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        Iterator<Video> i;

        // split the search string and add all results to the return list
        String[] splitSearchWord = word.split(" ");

        // clean the list first
        int count = 0;

        // search for in particular words
        for (int z = 0; z < splitSearchWord.length; z++) {
            List<Video> result = null;
            // find it!
            String splittedword = splitSearchWord[z];
            String like = "%" + splittedword + "%";
            String query = "SELECT, video.title,  metadata.creator,, video.filename, video.generationDate, facility.typ, video.lectureseriesId, video.metadataId, video.hostId, video.producerId "
                    + "FROM video, metadata, lectureseries, facility " + "WHERE ( " + "( video.openAccess=1 AND "
                    + "video.metadataId = AND " + "video.lectureseriesId = AND "
                    + " ) AND " + "(( LIKE ? ) OR "
                    + "( lectureseries.number LIKE ? ) OR " + "( lectureseries.instructorsString LIKE ? ) OR "
                    + "( video.title LIKE ? ) OR " + "( video.tags LIKE ? ) OR " + "( metadata.creator LIKE ? ) OR "
                    + "( metadata.description LIKE ? ) " + ")" + ");";

            result = select.query(query, new Object[] { like, like, like, like, like, like, like },
                    new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());

            i = result.iterator();
            // if results more than $limit, don't save them to the result list

            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Video vid =;
                if (count <= limit) {
                    if (vid.getId() != 0 && !videoPresentInReturnList2(vid) && !videoPresentInReturnList(vid)) {

        returnList = returnList2;

        return returnList;

     * Gets the video result search list by search word.
     * @param word the word
     * @param limit the limit
     * @return the video result search list by search word
    public List<Video> getVideoResultSearchListBySearchWord(String word, int limit) {
        String like = "%" + word + "%";
        returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());

        Iterator<Video> i;
        List<Video> result = null;

        String query = "SELECT DISTINCT, video.title,  metadata.creator,, video.filename, video.generationDate, facility.typ, video.lectureseriesId, video.metadataId, video.hostId, video.producerId "
                + "FROM video, metadata, lectureseries, facility " + "WHERE ( "
                + "( video.openAccess=1 AND video.metadataId = AND video.lectureseriesId = AND ) "
                + "AND (" + "( video.title LIKE ? ) OR " + "( LIKE ? ) OR "
                + "( metadata.description LIKE ? ) OR " + "( lectureseries.instructorsString LIKE ? ) OR "
                + "( video.tags LIKE ? ) OR " + "( metadata.creator LIKE ? ) OR "
                + "( lectureseries.number LIKE ? ) " + ")" + ")"
                + "ORDER BY video.generationDate DESC, ASC;";

        result = select.query(query, new Object[] { like, like, like, like, like, like, like },
                new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());

        i = result.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Video vid =;
            if (vid.getId() != 0)

        return returnList;

     * Video present in return list.
     * @param video the video
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean videoPresentInReturnList(Video video) {

        boolean returN = false;
        Iterator<Video> i = returnList.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Video vid =;
            if (vid.getId() == video.getId())
                returN = true;
        return returN;

     * Video present in return list2.
     * @param video the video
     * @return true, if successful
    private boolean videoPresentInReturnList2(Video video) {

        boolean returN = false;
        Iterator<Video> i = returnList2.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Video vid =;
            if (vid.getId() == video.getId())
                returN = true;
        return returN;

     * Gets the open access videos by lectureseries number.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param sort the sort
     * @return the open access videos by lectureseries number
    public List<Video> getOpenAccessVideosByLectureseriesNumber(Integer lectureseriesId, String sort) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = null;
        result = select.query(
                "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.filename,  v.generationDate, f.typ, v.lectureseriesId, v.metadataId, v.hostId, v.producerId FROM  video v, metadata m, lectureseries l, facility f  WHERE (v.lectureseriesId=? AND v.openAccess=1 AND v.metadataId = AND v.lectureseriesId = AND  ) ORDER BY generationDate "
                        + sort,
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId }, new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());
        return result;

     * Gets the open access videos by lectureseries number.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param sort the sort
     * @return the open access videos by lectureseries number
    public List<Video> getOpenAccessVideosByLectureseriesNumberAndFillWP(Integer lectureseriesId, String sort) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = null;
        result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=1 ) ORDER BY generationDate "
                        + sort,
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Increment hits for video.
     * @param video the video
    public void incrementHitsForVideo(Video video) {
        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        update.update("UPDATE video SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id=?", new Object[] { video.getId() });

     * Gets the closed access videos by lectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param sort the sort
     * @return the closed access videos by lectureseries id
    public List<Video> getClosedAccessVideosByLectureseriesId(Integer lectureseriesId, String sort) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = null;
        result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=0 AND surl>'') ORDER BY generationDate "
                        + sort,
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Gets the first lacture fromlectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the first lacture fromlectureseries id
    public Video getFirstVideoFromlectureseriesId(Integer lectureseriesId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List vidL = select.queryForList(
                "SELECT id FROM video WHERE (generationDate=(SELECT MIN(generationDate) FROM video WHERE lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=1) AND lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=1) ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1",
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId, lectureseriesId });
        ListOrderedMap lid = (ListOrderedMap) vidL.listIterator().next();
        Integer id = (Integer) lid.get("id");
        Video vid = this.getByIdNP(id).iterator().next();
        return vid;

     * Gets the latest lacture fromlectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the latest lacture fromlectureseries id
    public Video getLatestVideoFromlectureseriesId(Integer lectureseriesId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List vidL = select.queryForList(
                "SELECT id FROM video WHERE (generationDate=(SELECT MAX(generationDate) FROM video WHERE lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=1) AND lectureseriesId=? AND openAccess=1) ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1",
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId, lectureseriesId });
        ListOrderedMap lid = (ListOrderedMap) vidL.listIterator().next();
        Integer id = (Integer) lid.get("id");
        Video vid = this.getByIdNP(id).iterator().next();
        return vid;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see de.uhh.l2g.dao.IVideoDao#getById(int)
     * Gets the by id.
     * @param id the id
     * @return the by id
    public List<Video> getByIdNP(int id) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> returnList = select.query(
                "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.filename,  v.generationDate, f.typ, v.lectureseriesId, v.metadataId, v.hostId, v.producerId FROM video v, metadata m, lectureseries l, facility f  WHERE ( = ? AND v.metadataId = AND v.lectureseriesId = AND  )",
                new Object[] { id }, new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());
        return returnList;

     * Gets the latest open access video id from lectureseries id.
     * @param id the id
     * @return the latest open access video id from lectureseries id
    public Integer getLatestOpenAccessVideoIdFromLectureseriesId(Integer id) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String sql = "SELECT FROM video WHERE ( lectureseriesId=? AND video.openaccess= '1' AND generationDate=(SELECT max(generationDate) FROM video WHERE lectureseriesId=? AND openaccess = '1' ) ) GROUP BY generationDate ";
        return select.queryForInt(sql, new Object[] { id, id });

     * Gets the video list by lectureseries id and producer.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param producerId the producer id
     * @return the video list by lectureseries id and producer
    public List<Video> getVideoListByLectureseriesIdAndProducer(int lectureseriesId, int producerId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( lectureseriesId = ? AND producerId =?)",
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId, producerId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return result;

     * Gets the number videos by lectureseries id and producer.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @param producerId the producer id
     * @return the number videos by lectureseries id and producer
    public int getNumberVideosByLectureseriesIdAndProducer(int lectureseriesId, int producerId) {
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<?> retNum = jdbst.queryForList("SELECT id FROM video WHERE ( lectureseriesId = ? AND producerId =?)",
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId, producerId });
        return retNum.size();

     * Gets the locked by producer id.
     * @param remoteUserId the remote user id
     * @return the locked by producer id
    public List<Video> getLockedByProducerId(int remoteUserId) {

        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE ( producerId=? AND downloadLink=0 ) ORDER BY id DESC",
                new Object[] { remoteUserId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Gets the locked by lectureseries id.
     * @param lectureseriesId the lectureseries id
     * @return the locked by lectureseries id
    public List<Video> getLockedByLectureseriesId(int lectureseriesId) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video WHERE lectureseriesId=? AND downloadLink=0 ORDER BY id DESC",
                new Object[] { lectureseriesId }, new VideoRowMapper());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

     * Filename exists.
     * @param filename the filename
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean filenameExists(String filename) {
        String fn = "'%" + filename + "%'";
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> result = select.query(
                "SELECT id, title, tags, lectureseriesId, ownerId, producerId, containerFormat, filename, resolution, duration, hostId, textId, filesize, generationDate, openAccess, downloadLink, metadataId, surl, hits, uploadDate, permittedToSegment, facilityId, citation2go FROM video  WHERE filename LIKE ?",
                new Object[] { fn }, new VideoRowMapper());
        boolean returN = false;
        if (result.size() > 0)
            returN = true;

        return returN;

     * Gets the facility idfor video.
     * @param videoId the video id
     * @return the facility idfor video
    public int getFacilityIdforVideo(int videoId) {
        int facilityId;
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        int parentId = select.queryForInt("SELECT facilityId FROM video_facility WHERE videoId = ?",
                new Object[] { videoId });
        facilityId = select.queryForInt("SELECT parentId FROM facility WHERE id = ?", new Object[] { parentId });
        return facilityId;

     * Fill video list with properties.
     * @param videoList the video list
     * @return the list
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public List<Video> fillVideoListWithProperties(List<Video> videoList) throws IOException {
        ListIterator<Video> it = videoList.listIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Video objectVideo =;
            Host objectHost = hostDao.getById(objectVideo.getHostId()).iterator().next();
            Producer objectProducer = producerDao.getByUserId(objectVideo.getProducerId()).iterator().next();
            try {
                Lectureseries lectureseries = lectureseriesDao.getById(objectVideo.getLectureseriesId()).iterator()
            } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) {
            Metadata metadata = metadataDao.getById(objectVideo.getMetadataId()).iterator().next();

            // prepare video short name
            String video_shortname = objectVideo.getShortTitle();
            if (video_shortname.length() > 45)
                video_shortname = video_shortname.substring(0, 45) + "...";
            objectVideo.setShortName(metadata.getCreator().split(" ")[metadata.getCreator().split(" ").length - 1]);


            List<Mark> segmentList = segmentDao.getMarkByVideoId(objectVideo.getId());
            if (segmentList.size() != 0)

            try {
                // images
                String image = "";
                String imageSmall = "";
                String imageMedium = "";
                String videoPfad = "";

                if (objectVideo.isOpenaccess()) {
                    videoPfad = L2goPropsUtil.get("") + "/" + objectHost.getServerRoot()
                            + "/" + objectProducer.getHomeDir() + "/" + objectVideo.getFilename();
                    image = objectVideo.getPreffix() + ".jpg";
                    imageSmall = objectVideo.getPreffix() + "_s.jpg";
                    imageMedium = objectVideo.getPreffix() + "_m.jpg";
                } else {
                    videoPfad = L2goPropsUtil.get("") + "/" + objectHost.getServerRoot()
                            + "/" + objectProducer.getHomeDir() + "/" + objectVideo.getSecureFilename();
                    image = objectVideo.getSPreffix() + ".jpg";
                    imageSmall = objectVideo.getSPreffix() + "_s.jpg";
                    imageMedium = objectVideo.getSPreffix() + "_m.jpg";

                // set thumbnail
                //if audio file
                if (objectVideo.getUploadType().equals("audio")) {
                            + L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.theme.root.path") + "/images/l2go/audio_only_big.png");
                            + L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.theme.root.path")
                            + "/images/l2go/audio_only_small.png");
                            + L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.theme.root.path")
                            + "/images/l2go/audio_only_medium.png");

                //is video
                if (objectVideo.getUploadType().equals("video")) {
                    File videoFile = new File(videoPfad);
                    if (videoFile.isFile()) {
                        if (!((FFmpegManager) getUtilityBeanFactory().getBean("ffmgepManager"))
                                .thumbnailsExists(objectVideo)) {
                            // create thumbnail
                            String thumbnailLocation = L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.images.system.path") + "/"
                                    + image;
                            ((FFmpegManager) getUtilityBeanFactory().getBean("ffmgepManager"))
                                    .createThumbnail(videoPfad, thumbnailLocation);
                        objectVideo.setImage(L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.web.root") + "/images/" + image);
                                .setImageSmall(L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.web.root") + "/images/" + imageSmall);
                                L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.web.root") + "/images/" + imageMedium);
                    } else {
                        String img = L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.web.root")
                                + L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.theme.root.path") + "/images/l2go/noimage.jpg";

                // date
                // extract time and date from the originalFileName
                String[] parameter = objectVideo.getGenerationDate().split("\\_");
                // check parameter 3 - this is the date
                String l2gDate = parameter[0];
                String l2gTime = parameter[1];
                        l2gDate.split("\\-")[2] + "." + l2gDate.split("\\-")[1] + "." + l2gDate.split("\\-")[0]
                                + " - " + l2gTime.split("\\-")[0] + ":" + l2gTime.split("\\-")[1]);
                        l2gDate.split("\\-")[2] + "." + l2gDate.split("\\-")[1] + "." + l2gDate.split("\\-")[0]);

                // set preffix and filename
                String preffix = "";
                String filename = "";
                if (objectVideo.isOpenaccess()) {
                    preffix = objectVideo.getPreffix();
                    filename = objectVideo.getFilename();
                } else {
                    preffix = objectVideo.getSPreffix();
                    filename = objectVideo.getSecureFilename();

                String homedirPath = "";
                homedirPath = L2goPropsUtil.get("") + "/" + objectHost.getServerRoot()
                        + "/" + objectProducer.getHomeDir() + "/" + preffix;

                //additional files
                try {
                    File mp4File = new File(homedirPath + ".mp4");
                    File mp3File = new File(homedirPath + ".mp3");
                    File m4vFile = new File(homedirPath + ".m4v");
                    File pdfFile = new File(homedirPath + ".pdf");
                    File m4aFile = new File(homedirPath + ".m4a");
                    if (mp4File.isFile())
                    if (mp3File.isFile())
                    if (m4vFile.isFile())
                    if (pdfFile.isFile())
                    if (m4aFile.isFile())
                } catch (Exception e) {

                String webhome = L2goPropsUtil.get("lecture2go.web.home");
                try {
                    if (webhome.contains("localhost"))
                        webhome += "/web/lecture2go";
                    if ((facilityDao.getByVideoId(objectVideo.getId()).iterator().next()).getTyp().equals("tree1"))
                        objectVideo.setUrl(webhome + "/l2go/-/v/" + objectVideo.getId());
                } catch (NoSuchElementException nseex) {

                if (!objectVideo.isOpenaccess())
                    objectVideo.setSecureUrl(webhome + "/lecture/-/sv/" + objectVideo.getSPreffix());

                String streamUrl = "";
                String streamIosUrl = "";
                String streamAndroidUrl = "";

                //base url
                String url = "";

                //wowza stream 
                if (objectVideo.getStreamType().equals("wowza")) {//TODO stream type into context.xml
                    if (objectVideo.getUploadType().equals("audio"))
                        url = objectHost.getProtokoll() + "://" + objectHost.getStreamer() + "/vod/_definst_/mp3:"
                                + objectVideo.getFacilityId() + "l2g" + objectProducer.getHomeDir() + "/"
                                + filename;
                        url = objectHost.getProtokoll() + "://" + objectHost.getStreamer() + "/vod/_definst_/mp4:"
                                + objectVideo.getFacilityId() + "l2g" + objectProducer.getHomeDir() + "/"
                                + filename;

                    streamUrl = url + "/manifest.f4m"; //normal
                    streamIosUrl = url + "/playlist.m3u8"; //iOS   
                    streamAndroidUrl = url + "/playlist.m3u8"; //android
                objectVideo.setStreamUrl(streamUrl); //normal
                objectVideo.setStreamIosUrl(streamIosUrl); //normal
                objectVideo.setStreamAndroidUrl(streamAndroidUrl); //normal

                //has chapters
                if (segmentDao.getChapterByVideoId(objectVideo.getId()).size() > 0)

                //has comments
                if (segmentDao.getCommentsByVideoId(objectVideo.getId()).size() > 0)

                //set office

            } catch (Exception e) {
        return videoList;

     * Gets the popular videos rnd.
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param limit the limit
     * @return the popular videos rnd
    public List<Video> getPopularVideosRnd(Integer facilityId, Integer limit) {

        List<Video> liste = new ArrayList<Video>();
        List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        String sqlquery = "";
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        // ohne Facility
        if (facilityId == 0) {
            sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.filename,  v.generationDate, f.typ, v.lectureseriesId, v.metadataId, v.hostId, v.producerId FROM videohitlist vh, video v, metadata m, lectureseries l, facility f WHERE ( = AND v.metadataId = AND v.lectureseriesId = AND GROUP BY";
            liste = jdbst.query(sqlquery, new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());

        //Die Liste Randomisieren

        // Die ersten i-Rauspicken (je nachdem wie viele Angezeigt werden sollen), Pruefung auf Listengroesse wichtig falls Liste < Anzeiggroesse
        for (int i = 0; i < limit && i < liste.size(); i++) {
            if (liste.get(i) != null)

        return returnList;

     * Gets the popular videos.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the popular videos
    public List<Video> getPopularVideos(Integer start, Integer ende) {

        List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        String sqlquery = "";
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());

        // no facility
        sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, m.creator,, v.filename,  v.generationDate, f.typ, v.lectureseriesId, v.metadataId, v.hostId, v.producerId FROM videohitlist vh, video v, metadata m, lectureseries l, facility f WHERE ( = AND v.metadataId = AND v.lectureseriesId = AND ORDER BY hitsperday DESC LIMIT ?, ?";
        returnList = jdbst.query(sqlquery, new Object[] { start, ende }, new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());

        return returnList;

     * Creates the popular video list.
    public void createPopularVideoList() {
        List<Video> returnList = new ArrayList<Video>();
        JdbcTemplate jdbst = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String sqlquery = "SELECT, v.title, v.tags, v.lectureseriesId, v.ownerId, v.producerId, v.containerFormat, v.filename, v.resolution, v.duration, v.hostId, v.textId, v.filesize, v.generationDate, v.openAccess, v.downloadLink, v.metadataId, v.surl, v.hits, v.uploadDate, v.permittedToSegment, v.facilityId, v.citation2go FROM video v WHERE v.openAccess=1 AND v.hits > 20 ORDER BY hits DESC ";
        returnList = jdbst.query(sqlquery, new VideoRowMapper());

        JdbcTemplate delete = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        delete.update("DELETE FROM videohitlist");

        Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        long msnow = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

        Date d1 = new Date();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm");

        for (Video v : returnList) {
            try {
                d1 = df.parse(v.getGenerationDate());
                long ms1 = d1.getTime();
                int hits = v.getHits();
                long timeinms = msnow - ms1;

                // Durschnittswerte berechnen

                //Berechne alter des Videos in...
                long days = timeinms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); //...Tagen
                long week = timeinms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); //...Wochen
                long month = timeinms / 2628000000l; //....Monaten
                long year = timeinms / (2628000000l * 12l); //....Jahren

                //Berechne die Hits pro...
                int clicksperday = calcHitsPro(days, hits);
                int clicksperweek = calcHitsPro(week, hits);
                int clickspermonth = calcHitsPro(month, hits);
                int clicksperyear = calcHitsPro(year, hits);

                createOneHit(v.getId(), clicksperday, clicksperweek, clickspermonth, clicksperyear);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                System.out.println("Simple Date Parsen Error!!");


     * Creates the last video list.
     * @param start the start
     * @param ende the ende
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @param tree the tree
    public void createLastVideoList(int start, int ende, int facilityId, String tree) {
        List<Video> vlist = this.getLatestVideos(start, ende, facilityId, tree);
        //refresh the whole video list in the table
        JdbcTemplate jq = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        jq.update("DELETE FROM lastvideolist");
        ListIterator<Video> vIt = vlist.listIterator();
        while (vIt.hasNext()) {
            Video v =;
            //save videos in table
            jq.update("INSERT INTO lastvideolist (videoId) VALUES(?)", new Object[] { v.getId() });

     * Gets the last videos from list.
     * @return the last video list
    public List<Video> getLastVideoList(int first, int last) {
        JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        List<Video> videoList = select.query(
                "SELECT, v.title,  m.creator,, v.filename, v.generationDate, f.typ, v.lectureseriesId, v.metadataId, v.hostId, v.producerId FROM video v, metadata m, lectureseries l, facility f, lastvideolist lhl WHERE (v.openAccess=1 AND AND v.metadataId = AND v.lectureseriesId = AND LIMIT ?, ?;",
                new Object[] { first, last }, new VideoResultSearchRowMapper());
        return videoList;

    //Durchschnittswerte Berechnung. 
     * Calc hits pro.
     * @param einheit the einheit
     * @param hits the hits
     * @return the int
    private int calcHitsPro(long einheit, int hits) {
        if (einheit >= 1)
            return (int) (hits / einheit); //Hits pro Einheit (tag, woche, monat, jahr...)
            return hits; //else: Das Video ist noch kein volles Jahr vollen Monat etc alt.

     * Delete video from video hit list by id.
     * @param id the id
    public void deleteVideoFromVideoHitListById(int id) {
        JdbcTemplate delete = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        String sqlquery = "DELETE FROM videohitlist WHERE id=?";
        delete.update(sqlquery, new Object[] { id });

     * Creates the one hit.
     * @param id the id
     * @param hitsperday the hitsperday
     * @param hitsperweek the hitsperweek
     * @param hitspermonth the hitspermonth
     * @param hitsperyear the hitsperyear
    public void createOneHit(int id, int hitsperday, int hitsperweek, int hitspermonth, int hitsperyear) {
        JdbcTemplate insert = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
                "INSERT INTO videohitlist (id, hitsperday, hitsperweek, hitspermonth, hitsperyear ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
                new Object[] { id, hitsperday, hitsperweek, hitspermonth, hitsperyear });

     * Update facility id in table by id.
     * @param id the id
     * @param facilityId the facility id
     * @return the int
    public int updateFacilityIdInTableById(int id, int facilityId) {
        JdbcTemplate update = new JdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
        int ret = update.update("UPDATE video SET facilityId=? WHERE id=?", new Object[] { facilityId, id });
        return ret;
