Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * software for projectmanagement and documentation
 * @FeatureDomain                Collaboration 
 * @author                       Michael Schreiner <>
 * @category                     collaboration
 * @copyright                    Copyright (c) 2014, Michael Schreiner
 * @license             Mozilla Public License 2.0
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
package de.yaio.commons.cli;

import de.yaio.commons.config.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.*;

 * baseclass for configuration
 * @author                       Michael Schreiner <>
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
public class CmdLineHelper {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CmdLineHelper.class);

    // must be instantiated after LOGGER because it is used in constructor
    protected static final CmdLineHelper instance = new CmdLineHelper();

    protected CommandLine commandLine;
    protected String[] cmdLineArgs;
    protected Options availiableCmdLineOptions;

    protected Configuration configuration;

    protected CmdLineHelper() {

     * Bugfix-Class because Options.getOptions returns only shortoptions
     * @FeatureDomain                Configuration
     * @package                      base
     * @author                       Michael Schreiner <>
     * @copyright                    Copyright (c) 2013, Michael Schreiner
     * @license             Mozilla Public License 2.0
     * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     * file, You can obtain one at
    public static class CommandlineOptions extends Options {

        /** a protected (not private!!!) map of the options with the long key */
        protected Map<String, Option> mylongOpts = new HashMap<String, Option>();

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * create CommandlineOptions 
         * Bugfix-Class because Options.getOptions returns only shortoptions
        public CommandlineOptions() {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("new FixedOptions");

         * Retrieve a read-only list of options in this set
         * override original because this only retrieved the shortoptions
         * @return                       read-only Collection of {@link Option} objects in this descriptor
        public Collection<Option> getOptions() {
            // get the hacked Options
            Collection<Option> myCollection = new ArrayList<Option>(super.getOptions());
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("getOptions: " + "orig " + myCollection.size() + ": " + myCollection);

            // add my LongOptions
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("getOptions: " + "new " + myCollection.size() + ": " + myCollection);

            return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(myCollection);

        * Adds an option instance 
        * if it has only longopt, add it to mylongOpts
        * @param opt                    the option that is to be added
        * @return                       the resulting Options instance
        public Options addOption(final Option opt) {

            // add to my longopts
            if (opt.getOpt() == null || "".equals(opt.getOpt()) && opt.hasLongOpt()) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("addOption: " + "toMyLongOption " + mylongOpts.size() + ": " + opt);
                mylongOpts.put(opt.getLongOpt(), opt);
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("addOption: " + "only to shortOption because of " + opt.getOpt() + " : " + opt);
            return this;


     * return new Instance of CommandlineOptions
     * @return                       a new instance to define CommandlineOptions
    public static CommandlineOptions getNewOptionsInstance() {
        return new CommandlineOptions();

     * return the current static CmdLineHelper-instance
     * @return                       the current CmdLineHelper-instance
     * @throws Exception             parse/io-Exceptions possible
    public static CmdLineHelper getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * return current CMD-Args
     * @return                       String[] - current CMD-Args
    public String[] getCmdLineArgs() {
        return this.cmdLineArgs;

     * set current CMD-Args (throws exception if already set)- updates cmdLineArgs
     * @param cmdLineArgs            current CMD-Args
    public void setCmdLineArgs(final String[] cmdLineArgs) {
        if (this.cmdLineArgs != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "initCommandLine: " + "cant set commandLine cmdLineArgs, " + "because they are already set");
        this.cmdLineArgs = cmdLineArgs;

     * checks weather Commandline is valid
     * @return                       boolean - valid Commandline?
    public boolean validateCmdLine() {
        return true;

     * return current parsed CLI-Commandline (if not set, call initCommandLine)
     * @return                       CommandLine - current CLI-Commandline
    public CommandLine getCommandLine() {
        // check weather exists
        if (commandLine == null) {

        return commandLine;

     * <h1>Bereich:</h1>
     *     Tools - CLI-Handling
     * <h1>Funktionalitaet:</h1>
     *     liefert die verfuegbaren CLI-Optionen
     * <h1>Nebenwirkungen:</h1>
     *     Rueckgabe als Options
     * @return                       Options
    public Options getAvailiableCmdLineOptions() {
        return this.availiableCmdLineOptions;

     * <h1>Bereich:</h1>
     *     Tools - CLI-Config
     * <h1>Funktionalitaet:</h1>
     *     konfiguriert die verfuegbaren Base-CLI-Optionen
     * <h1>Nebenwirkungen:</h1>
     *     aktualisiert availiableCmdLineOptions
     * @param availiableCmdLineOptions Options
    public void addAvailiableBaseCmdLineOptions(final Options availiableCmdLineOptions) {
        // Config-File
        Option configOption = new Option(null, "config", true, "comma separated list of JobConfig property files");

        // Hilfe-ConfigurationOption
        Option helpOption = new Option("h", "help", false, "usage");

        // debug-ConfigurationOption
        Option debugOption = new Option(null, "debug", false, "debug");

     * <h1>Bereich:</h1>
     *     Tools - CLI-Handling
     * <h1>Funktionalitaet:</h1>
     *     erzeugt aus den CMD-Args ein CLI-Commandline-Object
     * <h1>Nebenwirkungen:</h1>
     *     Rueckgabe als CommandLine
     * @param cmdArgs                Parameter aus z.B. main
     * @param availiableCmdLineOptions verfuegbare CLI-Optionen
     * @return                       CommandLine
     * @throws ParseException        pase-Exceptions possible
    public static CommandLine createCommandLineFromCmdArgs(final String[] cmdArgs,
            final Options availiableCmdLineOptions) throws ParseException {
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
        return parser.parse(availiableCmdLineOptions, cmdArgs);

     * <h1>Bereich:</h1>
     *     Tools - CLI-Config
     * <h1>Funktionalitaet:</h1>
     *     konfiguriert die verfuegbaren CLI-Optionen
     * <h1>Nebenwirkungen:</h1>
     *     Rueckgabe als Options
     * @param newAvailiableCmdLineOptions cmd-options to add to availiableCmdLineOptions 
    public void addAvailiableCmdLineOptions(final Options newAvailiableCmdLineOptions) {
        if (commandLine != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "cant add availiableCmdLineOptions "
                    + "because commandLine already set");

        if (newAvailiableCmdLineOptions != null) {
            // add new Options
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "add commandLineOptions:"
                        + newAvailiableCmdLineOptions.getOptions().size());
                LOGGER.debug("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "add commandLineOptions:"
                        + newAvailiableCmdLineOptions.getOptions());
                LOGGER.debug("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "add commandLineOptions:"
                        + newAvailiableCmdLineOptions.getRequiredOptions());
                LOGGER.debug("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + " details:" + newAvailiableCmdLineOptions);
            for (Object newOption : newAvailiableCmdLineOptions.getOptions()) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "add commandLineOption: " + (Option) newOption);
                availiableCmdLineOptions.addOption((Option) newOption);
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("done addAvailiableCmdLineOptions: " + "with commandLineOptions:"
                        + newAvailiableCmdLineOptions);


    protected void initConfigurator() {

     * <h1>Bereich:</h1>
     *     Tools - CLI-Config
     * <h1>Funktionalitaet:</h1>
     *     konfiguriert die verfuegbaren CLI-Optionen
     * <h1>Nebenwirkungen:</h1>
     *     updates availiableCmdLineOptions
    protected void createAvailiableCmdLineOptions() {
        if (availiableCmdLineOptions != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("createAvailiableCmdLineOptions: "
                    + "cant create availiableCmdLineOptions " + "because availiableCmdLineOptions already set");
        availiableCmdLineOptions = getNewOptionsInstance();

    protected void initCommandLine() {
        if (commandLine != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("initCommandLine: " + "commandline already set");
        if (cmdLineArgs == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "initCommandLine: " + "cant init commandLine " + "because cmdLineArgs not set");
        if (availiableCmdLineOptions == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "initCommandLine: " + "cant init commandLine because " + "availiableCmdLineOptions not set");

        // create commandline
        try {
            this.commandLine = createCommandLineFromCmdArgs(cmdLineArgs, availiableCmdLineOptions);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("initCommandLine: " + "cant init commandLine because "
                    + "cmdLineArgs are invalid:" + cmdLineArgs.toString());

        // validate

     * return the current configFile from option config
     * @return                       the configFile from option config
    public String getConfigFile() {
        // check
        if (commandLine == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("getConfigFile: cant get configfile because commandLine is not set");
        return commandLine.getOptionValue("config");
