Source code

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 * Copyright 2013 Brigham Young University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.models.gibbs;

import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;
import org.fest.util.VisibleForTesting;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import edu.byu.nlp.classify.eval.Predictions;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MultiAnnDatasetLabeler;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MultiAnnModel;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MultiAnnModelBuilders.AbstractMultiAnnModelBuilder;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MultiAnnState;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.MultiAnnState.CollapsedMultiAnnState;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.PriorSpecification;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.TrainableMultiAnnModel;
import edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.models.gibbs.BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.DiagonalizationMethod;
import edu.byu.nlp.math.Math2;
import edu.byu.nlp.stats.RandomGenerators;
import edu.byu.nlp.util.DoubleArrays;
import edu.byu.nlp.util.IntArrayCounter;
import edu.byu.nlp.util.Matrices;
import edu.byu.nlp.util.MatrixAverager;

 * @author rah67  
 * docWeight
public class BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModel extends TrainableMultiAnnModel {

    private static final boolean USE_LOG_JOINT_FOR_COEFFS = false;

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModel.class);

    private final PriorSpecification priors;

    // Reference to data
    final Dataset data;

    // Assignment counter
    private final IntArrayCounter yMarginals;
    private final IntArrayCounter mMarginals;
    private final MatrixAverager ymMarginals;

    // Assignments
    private final int[] y; // inferred 'true' label assignments
    // len(y)=numdocs, type(y[i])=label
    private final int[] m; // features-only-ML label assignments
    // len(m)=numdocs, type(m[i])=label

    // Sufficient statistics
    private final double[] logCountOfY; // (replaces theta)
    private final double[][] countOfMAndX; // (replaces phi)
    private final double[][] logCountOfYAndM; // (replaces mu)
    private final double[][][] countOfJYAndA; // (replaces alpha)

    // Cached values for efficiency
    private final double[] logSumCountOfYAndM; // log \sum_k countOfYAndM[y][k]
    private final double[] numFeaturesPerM; // \sum_f b_\phi + x[i][f]
    private final double[][] numAnnsPerJAndY; // [annotator][y]; \sum_k' countOfJYAndA[j][y][k']
                                              // (similar to numFeaturesPerM)

    // Also cached, but part of the data (no need to update)
    private final double[] docSize;
    private final int[][][] a; // count of annotations [doc][annotator][label]
    private final int[][] docJCount; // [doc][annotator]; num of anns per annotator per doc; (similar
                                     // to docSize)

    private double temp;
    private double[] lambdas;

    private final RandomGenerator rnd;

    // cached between drawing new samples
    private MultiAnnState currentSample = null;

    // true labels for debugging
    int[] gold;

    private Map<String, Integer> instanceIndices;

    private Map<Integer, Integer> instanceLabels;

    // Builder pattern
    public static class ModelBuilder extends AbstractMultiAnnModelBuilder {
        protected MultiAnnModel build(PriorSpecification priors, Dataset data, Map<String, Integer> instanceIndices,
                Map<Integer, Integer> instanceLabels, int[][][] a, int[] y, int[] m, double[] logCountOfY,
                double[][] logCountOfYAndM, double[][] countOfMAndX, double[][][] countOfJYAndA,
                double[] logSumCountOfYAndM, double[] numFeaturesPerM, double[] docSize, double[][] numAnnsPerJAndY,
                int[][] docJCount, double initialTemp, double[] lambdas, int[] gold, RandomGenerator rnd) {
            return new BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModel(priors, data, instanceIndices, instanceLabels, a, y, m,
                    logCountOfY, logCountOfYAndM, countOfMAndX, countOfJYAndA, logSumCountOfYAndM, numFeaturesPerM,
                    docSize, numAnnsPerJAndY, docJCount, initialTemp, lambdas, gold, rnd);

    BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModel(PriorSpecification priors, Dataset data, Map<String, Integer> instanceIndices,
            Map<Integer, Integer> instanceLabels, int[][][] a, int[] y, int[] m, double[] logCountOfY,
            double[][] logCountOfYAndM, double[][] countOfMAndX, double[][][] countOfJYAndAnn,
            double[] logSumCountOfYAndM, double[] numFeaturesPerM, double[] docSize, double[][] numAnnsPerJAndY,
            int[][] docJCount, double initialTemp, double[] lambdas, int[] gold, RandomGenerator rnd) {
        this.priors = priors; = data;
        this.instanceIndices = instanceIndices;
        this.instanceLabels = instanceLabels;
        this.a = a;
        this.logCountOfYAndM = logCountOfYAndM;
        this.countOfJYAndA = countOfJYAndAnn;
        this.y = y;
        this.m = m;
        this.logCountOfY = logCountOfY;
        this.countOfMAndX = countOfMAndX;
        this.logSumCountOfYAndM = logSumCountOfYAndM;
        this.numFeaturesPerM = numFeaturesPerM;
        this.docSize = docSize;
        this.numAnnsPerJAndY = numAnnsPerJAndY;
        this.docJCount = docJCount;
        this.temp = initialTemp;
        this.lambdas = lambdas; = gold;
        this.rnd = rnd;
        // marginal counters
        this.yMarginals = new IntArrayCounter(y.length, logCountOfY.length);
        this.mMarginals = new IntArrayCounter(m.length, logCountOfY.length);
        this.ymMarginals = new MatrixAverager(logCountOfY.length, logCountOfY.length);
        marginalCountersIncrement(); // include initial values

    public double getDocumentWeight(int docIndex) {
        return lambdas == null ? 1 : lambdas[docIndex];

    public int numAnnotators() {
        return countOfJYAndA.length;

    public int numLabels() {
        return data.getInfo().getNumClasses();

    public MultiAnnState getCurrentState() {
        if (currentSample == null) {
            currentSample = new CollapsedMultiAnnState(y, m, logCountOfY, countOfMAndX, logCountOfYAndM,
                    countOfJYAndA, data, instanceIndices, rnd);
        return currentSample;

    public IntArrayCounter getMarginalYs() {
        return yMarginals;

    public IntArrayCounter getMarginalMs() {
        return mMarginals;

    public MatrixAverager getMarginalYMs() {
        return ymMarginals;

    public double[][] confusionMatrixY() {
        return BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.confusionMatrix(null, gold, y, numLabels(), data);

    public double[][] confusionMatrixM() {
        return BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.confusionMatrix(null, gold, m, numLabels(), data);

    public double getTemp() {
        return temp;

    public void setTemp(double temp) {
        this.temp = temp;
        // this indicates a change in sampling settings and triggers a history reset
        marginalCountersIncrement(); // initialize with y state

    private void marginalCountersReset() {

    private void marginalCountersIncrement() {

    double[] getLogCountOfY() {
        return logCountOfY;

    double[][] getCountOfMAndX() {
        return countOfMAndX;

    double[][] getLogCountOfYAndM() {
        return logCountOfYAndM;

    double[][][] getCountOfJYAndA() {
        return countOfJYAndA;

    double[] getLogSumCountOfYAndM() {
        return logSumCountOfYAndM;

    double[] getNumFeaturesPerM() {
        return numFeaturesPerM;

    double[][] getNumAnnsPerJAndY() {
        return numAnnsPerJAndY;

    int[][][] getA() {
        return a;

    int[] getY() {
        return y;

    int[] getM() {
        return m;

    double[] docSize() {
        return docSize;

    int[][] docJCount() {
        return docJCount;

    public PriorSpecification getPriors() {
        return priors;

    public void sample() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            blockSampleYAndM(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());
        // average over marginal dist for y, m, and mu

    public void blockSampleYAndM(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);
        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);
        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());
        if (temp != 1.0) {
            DoubleArrays.divideToSelf(coeffs, temp);
        int choice = RandomGenerators.nextIntUnnormalizedLogProbs(rnd, coeffs);
        int nextY = choice / numLabels();
        int nextM = choice % numLabels();
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);
        assert BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.hasCorrectCounts(y, m, logCountOfY, countOfJYAndA, a,
                numAnnsPerJAndY, docJCount, countOfMAndX, numFeaturesPerM, docSize, logCountOfYAndM,
                logSumCountOfYAndM, numAnnotators(), numLabels(), data.getInfo().getNumFeatures(), data, priors);

     * sample from y, marginalizing out m
    public void sampleY() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            sampleY(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());
        // average over marginal dist for y, m, and mu

    public void sampleY(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);
        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);
        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());
        if (temp != 1.0) {
            DoubleArrays.divideToSelf(coeffs, temp);

        // marginalize m
        double[] yPosterior = new double[numLabels()];
        int cIndex = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < yPosterior.length; k++) {
            for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < yPosterior.length; kPrime++) {
                yPosterior[k] += coeffs[cIndex++];

        int nextY = RandomGenerators.nextIntUnnormalizedProbs(rnd, yPosterior);
        int nextM = m[docIndex];
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);
        assert BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.hasCorrectCounts(y, m, logCountOfY, countOfJYAndA, a,
                numAnnsPerJAndY, docJCount, countOfMAndX, numFeaturesPerM, docSize, logCountOfYAndM,
                logSumCountOfYAndM, numAnnotators(), numLabels(), data.getInfo().getNumFeatures(), data, priors);

     * sample from m, marginalizing out y
    public void sampleM() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            sampleM(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());
        // average over marginal dist for y, m, and mu

    public void sampleM(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);
        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);
        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());
        if (temp != 1.0) {
            DoubleArrays.divideToSelf(coeffs, temp);

        // marginalize m
        double[] mPosterior = new double[numLabels()];
        int cIndex = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < mPosterior.length; k++) {
            for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < mPosterior.length; kPrime++) {
                mPosterior[kPrime] += coeffs[cIndex++];

        int nextY = y[docIndex];
        int nextM = RandomGenerators.nextIntUnnormalizedProbs(rnd, mPosterior);
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);
        assert BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.hasCorrectCounts(y, m, logCountOfY, countOfJYAndA, a,
                numAnnsPerJAndY, docJCount, countOfMAndX, numFeaturesPerM, docSize, logCountOfYAndM,
                logSumCountOfYAndM, numAnnotators(), numLabels(), data.getInfo().getNumFeatures(), data, priors);

     * Does the same thing as sample, but instead of sampling from each complete conditional in turn,
     * takes the max
    public void maximize() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            blockMaximizeYAndM(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());

    public void blockMaximizeYAndM(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);
        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);

        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());

        int choice = DoubleArrays.argMax(coeffs);
        int nextY = choice / numLabels();
        int nextM = choice % numLabels();
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);

     * Finds the argmax assignment to M (marginalizing over Y).
     * NOTE: this may need mathematical justification.
    public void maximizeM() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            maximizeM(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());

    public void maximizeM(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);

        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);
        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());


        double[] mPosterior = new double[numLabels()];
        int cIndex = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < mPosterior.length; k++) {
            for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < mPosterior.length; kPrime++) {
                mPosterior[kPrime] += coeffs[cIndex++];

        int nextY = y[docIndex];
        int nextM = DoubleArrays.argMax(mPosterior);
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);

     * Finds the argmax assignment to Y (marginalizing over M).
     * NOTE: this may need mathematical justification.
    public void maximizeY() {
        currentSample = null; // invalidate cached values
        // enumerate instances
        int docIndex = 0;
        for (DatasetInstance instance : data) {
            maximizeY(docIndex, instance.asFeatureVector());

    public void maximizeY(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);

        decrementCounts(docIndex, instance, lambda);
        double[] coeffs = computeCoefficients(docIndex, instance, numAnnotators(), numLabels());


        double[] yPosterior = new double[numLabels()];
        int cIndex = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < yPosterior.length; k++) {
            for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < yPosterior.length; kPrime++) {
                yPosterior[k] += coeffs[cIndex++];

        int nextY = DoubleArrays.argMax(yPosterior);
        int nextM = m[docIndex];
        incrementCounts(docIndex, instance, nextY, nextM, lambda);

     * For some normalization constant c, computes log p(y, m) + c for all y and m, the result of
     * which is stored in a linearized array s.t. for any given value of y, all values of m are stored
     * contiguously and sequentially, i.e. y=0, m=2 is indexed at location 2; y=0, m=3 is indexed at
     * location 3, etc.
    double[] computeCoefficients(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector instance, int numAnnotators, int numLabels) {

            return computeCoefficientsUsingJoint(instance, docIndex);
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(docIndex);
        double[] ySums = BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.computeYSums(docIndex, instanceLabels, logCountOfY,
                countOfJYAndA, numAnnsPerJAndY, a, docJCount, numAnnotators, lambda);
        double[] mSums = BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.computeMSums(instance, docSize[docIndex], countOfMAndX,
                numFeaturesPerM, numLabels, lambda);
        double[][] ymSums = BlockCollapsedMultiAnnModelMath.computeYMSums(docIndex, logSumCountOfYAndM,
                logCountOfYAndM, numLabels, lambda);
        // double[] coeff1 = computeCoefficientsUsingJoint(instance, docIndex);
        // double[] coeff2 = computeCoefficients(ySums, mSums, logCountOfYAndM, logSumCountOfYAndM,
        // instance, docIndex);
        // DoubleArrays.logNormalizeToSelf(coeff1);
        // DoubleArrays.expToSelf(coeff1);
        // DoubleArrays.logNormalizeToSelf(coeff2);
        // DoubleArrays.expToSelf(coeff2);
        // if (!DoubleArrays.equals(coeff1, coeff2, 1e-8)) {
        // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(coeff1));top
        // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(coeff2));
        // logger.severe("Not the same!");
        // } else {
        // }
        return computeCoefficients(ySums, mSums, ymSums, instance, docIndex);

    static double[] computeCoefficients(double[] ySums, double[] mSums, double[][] ymSums,
            SparseFeatureVector instance, int i) {
        double[] coeffs = new double[ySums.length * mSums.length];
        int coeffIdx = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < ySums.length; c++) {
            for (int d = 0; d < mSums.length; d++) {
                // n.b. no -logSumCountOfYAndM[c] here, because we take care of that in the ysums
                coeffs[coeffIdx++] = ySums[c] + mSums[d] + ymSums[c][d];
        return coeffs;

    double[] computeCoefficientsUsingJoint(SparseFeatureVector instance, int i) {
        double lambda = getDocumentWeight(i);
        int numLabels = numLabels();
        double[] coeffs = new double[numLabels * numLabels];
        int coeffIdx = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < numLabels; c++) {
            for (int d = 0; d < numLabels; d++) {
                incrementCounts(i, instance, c, d, lambda);
                coeffs[coeffIdx++] = logJoint();
                decrementCounts(i, instance, lambda);
        return coeffs;

    public double logJoint() {
        double logJoint = 0.0;
        /* theta */
        // the following term is constant and may be dropped (and is in the complete conditionals, 
        // so it must be dropped here, too, if they are to match)
        // logJoint -= Gamma.logGamma(DoubleArrays.sum(DoubleArrays.exp(logCountOfY))); 
        for (int k = 0; k < logCountOfY.length; k++) {
            logJoint += Gamma.logGamma(Math.exp(logCountOfY[k]));

        /* mu */
        // TODO(rhaertel): could use GammaFuntions.logBeta here and elsewhere. Note,
        // however that we may have some values that we've cached for the complete
        // conditionals that make "manual" computation faster. If, however, we are only
        // caching such values for this computation, it is probably not worth the
        // maintenance burden.
        for (int k = 0; k < logCountOfYAndM.length; k++) {
            logJoint -= Gamma.logGamma(Math.exp(logSumCountOfYAndM[k]));
            for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < logCountOfYAndM.length; kPrime++) {
                logJoint += Gamma.logGamma(Math.exp(logCountOfYAndM[k][kPrime]));

        /* phi */
        for (int k = 0; k < countOfMAndX.length; k++) {
            logJoint -= Gamma.logGamma(numFeaturesPerM[k]);
            for (int f = 0; f < countOfMAndX[k].length; f++) {
                logJoint += Gamma.logGamma(countOfMAndX[k][f]);

        /* alpha */
        for (int j = 0; j < countOfJYAndA.length; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < countOfJYAndA[j].length; k++) {
                logJoint -= Gamma.logGamma(numAnnsPerJAndY[j][k]);
                for (int kPrime = 0; kPrime < countOfJYAndA[j][k].length; kPrime++) {
                    logJoint += Gamma.logGamma(countOfJYAndA[j][k][kPrime]);

        return logJoint;

    // Important : also updates y[docIndex] and m[docIndex]
    void incrementCounts(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector doc, int nextY, int nextM, double lambda) {
        y[docIndex] = nextY;
        int numAnnotators = numAnnotators();
        int numLabels = numLabels();
        // "before" sanity check
        assert isValidLogSumCountOfYAndM(nextY, logCountOfYAndM, logSumCountOfYAndM);

        logCountOfY[nextY] = Math.log(Math.exp(logCountOfY[nextY]) + lambda);
        for (int j = 0; j < numAnnotators; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < numLabels; k++) {
                assert lambda == 1 : "lambdas should only be non-1 for unannotated documents, but is " + lambda
                        + ". This should never happen.";
                countOfJYAndA[j][nextY][k] += a[docIndex][j][k];
            numAnnsPerJAndY[j][nextY] += docJCount[docIndex][j];

        m[docIndex] = nextM;
        doc.scaleAndAddTo(countOfMAndX[nextM], lambda);
        numFeaturesPerM[nextM] += docSize[docIndex] * lambda; // neither instances nor docsizes are scaled 
        logCountOfYAndM[nextY][nextM] = Math.log(Math.exp(logCountOfYAndM[nextY][nextM]) + lambda);
        logSumCountOfYAndM[nextY] = Math.log(Math.exp(logSumCountOfYAndM[nextY]) + lambda);
        // "after" sanity check + 1
        assert isValidLogSumCountOfYAndM(nextY, logCountOfYAndM, logSumCountOfYAndM);

    void decrementCounts(int docIndex, SparseFeatureVector doc, double lambda) {
        int curY = y[docIndex];
        int numAnnotators = numAnnotators();
        int numLabels = numLabels();
        // "before" sanity check
        assert isValidLogSumCountOfYAndM(curY, logCountOfYAndM, logSumCountOfYAndM);

        logCountOfY[curY] = Math.log(Math.exp(logCountOfY[curY]) - lambda);
        for (int j = 0; j < numAnnotators; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < numLabels; k++) {
                assert lambda == 1 : "lambdas should only be non-1 for unannotated documents, but is " + lambda
                        + ". This should never happen.";
                countOfJYAndA[j][curY][k] -= a[docIndex][j][k];
            numAnnsPerJAndY[j][curY] -= docJCount[docIndex][j];

        int curM = m[docIndex];
        doc.scaleAndSubtractFrom(countOfMAndX[curM], lambda);
        numFeaturesPerM[curM] -= docSize[docIndex] * lambda;
        logCountOfYAndM[curY][curM] = Math.log(Math.exp(logCountOfYAndM[curY][curM]) - lambda);
        logSumCountOfYAndM[curY] = Math.log(Math.exp(logSumCountOfYAndM[curY]) - lambda);
        // "after" sanity check
        assert isValidLogSumCountOfYAndM(curY, logCountOfYAndM, logSumCountOfYAndM);

    private static boolean isValidLogSumCountOfYAndM(int c, double[][] logCountOfYAndM,
            double[] logSumCountOfYAndM) {
        double q1 = Math.exp(logSumCountOfYAndM[c]);
        double q2 = DoubleArrays.sum(DoubleArrays.exp(logCountOfYAndM[c]));
        return Math2.doubleEquals(q1, q2, 1e-9);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Map<String, Integer> getInstanceIndices() {
        return instanceIndices;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public DatasetLabeler getIntermediateLabeler() {
        final MultiAnnModel thisModel = this;
        return new DatasetLabeler() {
            public Predictions label(Dataset trainingInstances, Dataset heldoutInstances) {
                return new MultiAnnDatasetLabeler(thisModel, new PrintWriter(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream()), true,
                        DiagonalizationMethod.NONE, false, 0, trainingInstances, rnd).label(trainingInstances,
