Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Java Statistics.  A java library providing power/sample size estimation for
 * the general linear model.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Regents of the University of Colorado.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BisectionSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.CholeskyDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

import edu.cudenver.bios.distribution.ChiSquareTerm;
import edu.cudenver.bios.distribution.NonCentralFDistribution;
import edu.cudenver.bios.distribution.WeightedSumOfNoncentralChiSquaresDistribution;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.FixedRandomMatrix;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtilities;
import edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtils;
import edu.cudenver.bios.power.PowerErrorEnum;
import edu.cudenver.bios.power.PowerException;
import edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.GLMMTestFactory.Test;
import edu.cudenver.bios.utils.Logger;

import static edu.cudenver.bios.matrix.MatrixUtilities.forceSymmetric;

 * Class representing the distribution of the non-centrality parameter in
 * the general linear multivariate model.  Used by the GLMMPowerCalculator class
 * for computing unconditional and quantile power.
 * @see edu.cudenver.bios.power.GLMMPowerCalculator
 * @author Sarah Kreidler
public class NonCentralityDistribution {
    private static final String NOT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE = "Unfortunately, there is no solution for this combination of input parameters. "
            + "A matrix that arose during the computation is not positive definite. "
            + "It may be possible to reduce expected covariate/response correlations "
            + "and obtain a soluble combination.";

    private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 10000;
    private static final double ACCURACY = 0.001;
    // intermediate forms
    protected RealMatrix T1 = null;
    protected RealMatrix FT1 = null;
    protected RealMatrix S = null;
    protected RealMatrix mzSq = null;
    protected double H1;
    protected double H0 = 0;
    int qF;
    int a;
    double N;
    double[] sEigenValues;
    int sStar = 0;
    // indicates if an "exact" cdf should be calculated via Davie's algorithm or
    // with the Satterthwaite approximation from Glueck & Muller
    protected boolean exact;

    // cache input parameters - needed for dynamic reset of sample size and beta matrix
    protected Test test;
    protected RealMatrix FEssence;
    protected RealMatrix FtFinverse;
    protected int perGroupN;
    protected FixedRandomMatrix CFixedRand;
    protected RealMatrix U;
    protected RealMatrix thetaNull;
    protected RealMatrix beta;
    protected RealMatrix sigmaError;
    protected RealMatrix sigmaG;

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(NonCentralityDistribution.class);

     * Function calculating the difference between the probability of a target quantile
     * and the  (used by the bisection solver from Apache Commons Math)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction
    private class NonCentralityQuantileFunction implements UnivariateFunction {
        protected double quantile;

        public NonCentralityQuantileFunction(double quantile) {
            this.quantile = quantile;

        public double value(double n) {
            try {
                return cdf(n) - quantile;
            } catch (PowerException pe) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(pe.getMessage(), pe);

     * Create a non-centrality distribution for the specified inputs.
     * @param params GLMM input parameters
     * @param exact if true, Davie's algorithm will be used to compute the cdf,
     * otherwise a Satterthwaite style approximation is used.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    public NonCentralityDistribution(Test test, RealMatrix FEssence, RealMatrix FtFinverse, int perGroupN,
            FixedRandomMatrix CFixedRand, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull, RealMatrix beta,
            RealMatrix sigmaError, RealMatrix sigmaG, boolean exact) throws PowerException {
        debug("CREATING NonCentralityDistribution");
        debug("begin parameters");
        debug("test: " + test);
        debug("FEssence:", FEssence);
        debug("FtFinverse:", FtFinverse);
        debug("perGroupN: " + perGroupN);
        debug("CFixedRand:", CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix());
        debug("U:", U);
        debug("thetaNull:", thetaNull);
        debug("beta:", beta);
        debug("sigmaError:", sigmaError);
        debug("sigmaG:", sigmaG);
        debug("exact: " + exact);
        debug("end parameters");

        initialize(test, FEssence, FtFinverse, perGroupN, CFixedRand, U, thetaNull, beta, sigmaError, sigmaG,

     * Pre-calculate intermediate matrices, perform setup, etc.
    private void initialize(Test test, RealMatrix FEssence, RealMatrix FtFinverse, int perGroupN,
            FixedRandomMatrix CFixedRand, RealMatrix U, RealMatrix thetaNull, RealMatrix beta,
            RealMatrix sigmaError, RealMatrix sigmaG, boolean exact) throws PowerException {
        debug("entering initialize");

        // reset member variables
        this.T1 = null;
        this.FT1 = null;
        this.S = null;
        this.mzSq = null;
        this.H0 = 0;
        this.sStar = 0;

        // cache inputs
        this.test = test;
        this.FEssence = FEssence;
        this.FtFinverse = FtFinverse;
        this.perGroupN = perGroupN;
        this.CFixedRand = CFixedRand;
        this.U = U;
        this.thetaNull = thetaNull;
        this.beta = beta;
        this.sigmaError = sigmaError;
        this.sigmaG = sigmaG;

        // calculate intermediate matrices
        //        RealMatrix FEssence = params.getDesignEssence().getFullDesignMatrixFixed();
        // TODO: do we ever get here with values that can cause integer overflow,
        //       and if so, does it matter?
        this.N = (double) FEssence.getRowDimension() * perGroupN;
        this.exact = exact;
        try {
            // TODO: need to calculate H0, need to adjust H1 for Unirep
            // get design matrix for fixed parameters only
            qF = FEssence.getColumnDimension();
            // a = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix().getRowDimension();

            // get fixed contrasts
            RealMatrix Cfixed = CFixedRand.getFixedMatrix();
            RealMatrix CGaussian = CFixedRand.getRandomMatrix();

            // build intermediate terms h1, S
            if (FtFinverse == null) {
                FtFinverse = new LUDecomposition(FEssence.transpose().multiply(FEssence)).getSolver().getInverse();
                debug("FEssence", FEssence);
                debug("FtFinverse = (FEssence transpose * FEssence) inverse", FtFinverse);
            } else {
                debug("FtFinverse", FtFinverse);

            RealMatrix PPt = Cfixed.multiply(FtFinverse.scalarMultiply(1 / (double) perGroupN))
            debug("Cfixed", Cfixed);
            debug("n = " + perGroupN);
            debug("PPt = Cfixed * FtF inverse * (1/n) * Cfixed transpose", PPt);

            T1 = forceSymmetric(new LUDecomposition(PPt).getSolver().getInverse());
            debug("T1 = PPt inverse", T1);

            FT1 = new CholeskyDecomposition(T1).getL();
            debug("FT1 = Cholesky decomposition (L) of T1", FT1);

            // calculate theta difference
            //            RealMatrix thetaNull = params.getTheta();
            RealMatrix C = CFixedRand.getCombinedMatrix();
            //            RealMatrix beta = params.getScaledBeta();
            //            RealMatrix U = params.getWithinSubjectContrast();

            // thetaHat = C * beta * U
            RealMatrix thetaHat = C.multiply(beta.multiply(U));
            debug("C", C);
            debug("beta", beta);
            debug("U", U);
            debug("thetaHat = C * beta * U", thetaHat);

            // thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull
            RealMatrix thetaDiff = thetaHat.subtract(thetaNull);
            debug("thetaNull", thetaNull);
            debug("thetaDiff = thetaHat - thetaNull", thetaDiff);

            // TODO: specific to HLT or UNIREP
            RealMatrix sigmaStarInverse = getSigmaStarInverse(U, sigmaError, test);
            debug("sigmaStarInverse", sigmaStarInverse);

            RealMatrix H1matrix = thetaDiff.transpose().multiply(T1).multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse);
            debug("H1matrix = thetaDiff transpose * T1 * thetaDiff * sigmaStarInverse", H1matrix);

            H1 = H1matrix.getTrace();
            debug("H1 = " + H1);

            // Matrix which represents the non-centrality parameter as a linear combination of chi-squared r.v.'s.
            S = FT1.transpose().multiply(thetaDiff).multiply(sigmaStarInverse).multiply(thetaDiff.transpose())
                    .multiply(FT1).scalarMultiply(1 / H1);
            debug("S = FT1 transpose * thetaDiff * sigmaStar inverse * thetaDiff transpose * FT1 * (1/H1)", S);

            // We use the S matrix to generate the F-critical, numerical df's, and denominator df's
            // for a central F distribution.  The resulting F distribution is used as an approximation
            // for the distribution of the non-centrality parameter.
            // See formulas 18-21 and A8,A10 from Glueck & Muller (2003) for details.
            EigenDecomposition sEigenDecomp = new EigenDecomposition(S);
            sEigenValues = sEigenDecomp.getRealEigenvalues();
            // calculate H0
            if (sEigenValues.length > 0)
                H0 = H1 * (1 - sEigenValues[0]);
            if (H0 <= 0)
                H0 = 0;

            // count the # of positive eigen values
            for (double value : sEigenValues) {
                if (value > 0)
            // TODO: throw error if sStar is <= 0
            // TODO: NO: throw error if sStar != sEigenValues.length instead???
            double stddevG = Math.sqrt(sigmaG.getEntry(0, 0));
            RealMatrix svec = sEigenDecomp.getVT();
            mzSq = svec.multiply(FT1.transpose()).multiply(CGaussian).scalarMultiply(1 / stddevG);
            for (int i = 0; i < mzSq.getRowDimension(); i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < mzSq.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                    double entry = mzSq.getEntry(i, j);
                    mzSq.setEntry(i, j, entry * entry); // TODO: is there an apache function to do this?

            debug("exiting initialize normally");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("exiting initialize abnormally", e);

            throw new PowerException(e.getMessage(), PowerErrorEnum.INVALID_DISTRIBUTION_NONCENTRALITY_PARAMETER);

     * Reset the total sample size on an existing noncentrality distribution
     * @param perGroupN new per group sample size
    public void setPerGroupSampleSize(int perGroupN) throws PowerException {
        initialize(test, FEssence, FtFinverse, perGroupN, CFixedRand, U, thetaNull, beta, sigmaError, sigmaG,

     * Reset the beta matrix on an existing noncentrality distribution
     * @param beta the new beta matrix
    public void setBeta(RealMatrix beta) throws PowerException {
        initialize(test, FEssence, FtFinverse, perGroupN, CFixedRand, U, thetaNull, beta, sigmaError, sigmaG,

     * Calculate the probability P(W < w), where W follows the distribution of
     * the non-centrality parameter
     * @param w critical point for which to calculate cumulative probability
     * @return P(W < w)
    public double cdf(double w) throws PowerException {
        if (H1 <= 0 || w <= H0)
            return 0;
        if (H1 - w <= 0)
            return 1;
        ArrayList<ChiSquareTerm> chiSquareTerms = new ArrayList<ChiSquareTerm>();

        try {
            double b0 = 1 - w / H1;
            double m1Positive = 0;
            double m1Negative = 0;
            double m2Positive = 0;
            double m2Negative = 0;
            int numPositive = 0;
            int numNegative = 0;
            double nu;
            double delta;
            double lambda;
            double lastPositiveNoncentrality = 0; // for special cases
            double lastNegativeNoncentrality = 0; // for special cases

            // add in the first chi-squared term in the estimate of the non-centrality
            // (expressed as a sum of weighted chi-squared r.v.s)
            // initial chi-square term is central (delta=0) with N-qf df, and lambda = b0
            nu = N - qF;
            lambda = b0;
            delta = 0;
            chiSquareTerms.add(new ChiSquareTerm(lambda, nu, delta));
            // accumulate terms
            if (lambda > 0) {
                // positive terms
                lastPositiveNoncentrality = delta;
                m1Positive += lambda * (nu + delta);
                m2Positive += lambda * lambda * 2 * (nu + 2 * delta);
            } else if (lambda < 0) {
                // negative terms - we take absolute value of lambda where needed
                lastNegativeNoncentrality = delta;
                m1Negative += -1 * lambda * (nu + delta);
                m2Negative += lambda * lambda * 2 * (nu + 2 * delta);

            // accumulate the remaining terms
            for (int k = 0; k < sStar; k++) {
                if (k < sStar) {
                    // for k = 1 (well, 0 in java array terms and 1 in the paper) to sStar, chi-square term is
                    // non-central (delta = mz^2), 1 df, lambda = (b0 - kth eigen value of S)
                    nu = 1;
                    lambda = b0 - sEigenValues[k];
                    delta = mzSq.getEntry(k, 0);
                    chiSquareTerms.add(new ChiSquareTerm(lambda, nu, delta));
                } else {
                    // for k = sStar+1 to a, chi-sqaure term is non-central (delta = mz^2), 1 df,
                    // lambda = b0
                    nu = 1;
                    lambda = b0;
                    delta = mzSq.getEntry(k, 0);
                    chiSquareTerms.add(new ChiSquareTerm(lambda, nu, delta));
                // accumulate terms
                if (lambda > 0) {
                    // positive terms
                    lastPositiveNoncentrality = delta;
                    m1Positive += lambda * (nu + delta);
                    m2Positive += lambda * lambda * 2 * (nu + 2 * delta);
                } else if (lambda < 0) {
                    // negative terms - we take absolute value of lambda where needed
                    lastNegativeNoncentrality = delta;
                    m1Negative += -1 * lambda * (nu + delta);
                    m2Negative += lambda * lambda * 2 * (nu + 2 * delta);
                // Note, we deliberately ignore terms for which lambda == 0

            // handle special cases
            if (numNegative == 0)
                return 0;
            if (numPositive == 0)
                return 1;

            // special cases
            if (numNegative == 1 && numPositive == 1) {
                double Nstar = N - qF + a - 1;
                double Fstar = w / (Nstar * (H1 - w));
                if (lastPositiveNoncentrality >= 0 && lastNegativeNoncentrality == 0) {
                    // handle special case: CGaussian = 0, s* = 1
                    NonCentralFDistribution nonCentralFDist = new NonCentralFDistribution(Nstar, 1,
                    return nonCentralFDist.cdf(Fstar);
                } else if (lastPositiveNoncentrality == 0 && lastNegativeNoncentrality > 0) {
                    // handle special case: CGaussian = 1
                    NonCentralFDistribution nonCentralFDist = new NonCentralFDistribution(1, Nstar,
                    return 1 - nonCentralFDist.cdf(1 / Fstar);

            if (exact) {
                WeightedSumOfNoncentralChiSquaresDistribution dist = new WeightedSumOfNoncentralChiSquaresDistribution(
                        chiSquareTerms, ACCURACY);
                return dist.cdf(0);
            } else {
                // handle general case - Satterthwaite approximation
                double nuStarPositive = 2 * (m1Positive * m1Positive) / m2Positive;
                double nuStarNegative = 2 * (m1Negative * m1Negative) / m2Negative;
                double lambdaStarPositive = m2Positive / (2 * m1Positive);
                double lambdaStarNegative = m2Negative / (2 * m1Negative);

                // create a central F to approximate the distribution of the non-centrality parameter
                FDistribution centralFDist = new FDistribution(nuStarPositive, nuStarNegative);
                // return power based on the non-central F
                return centralFDist.cumulativeProbability(
                        (nuStarNegative * lambdaStarNegative) / (nuStarPositive * lambdaStarPositive));
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("exiting cdf abnormally", e);

            throw new PowerException(e.getMessage(),

     * For this non-centrality distribution, W, this function returns the critical value, w,
     * such that P(W < w).
     * @param probability desired value of P(W < w)
     * @return critical w such that P(W < w)
    public double inverseCDF(double probability) {
        if (H1 <= 0)
            return 0;

        BisectionSolver solver = new BisectionSolver();
        NonCentralityQuantileFunction quantFunc = new NonCentralityQuantileFunction(probability);

        try {
            return solver.solve(MAX_ITERATIONS, quantFunc, H0, H1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to determine non-centrality quantile: " + e.getMessage());

     * Calculate the inverse of the sigma star matrix
     * @param params GLMM input parameters
     * @return sigma star inverse
    private RealMatrix getSigmaStarInverse(RealMatrix U, RealMatrix sigmaError, Test test) {
        // sigma* = U'*sigmaE*U
        RealMatrix sigmaStar = forceSymmetric(U.transpose().multiply(sigmaError).multiply(U));
        debug("U", U);
        debug("sigmaError", sigmaError);
        debug("sigmaStar = U transpose * sigmaError * U", sigmaStar);

        if (!MatrixUtils.isPositiveDefinite(sigmaStar)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(NOT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE);

        if (test == Test.HOTELLING_LAWLEY_TRACE) {
            return new LUDecomposition(sigmaStar).getSolver().getInverse();
        } else {
            // stat should only be UNIREP (uncorrected, box, GG, or HF) at this point
            // (exception is thrown by valdiateParams otherwise)
            int b = sigmaStar.getColumnDimension();
            // get discrepancy from sphericity for unirep test
            double sigmaStarTrace = sigmaStar.getTrace();
            double sigmaStarSquaredTrace = sigmaStar.multiply(sigmaStar).getTrace();
            double epsilon = (sigmaStarTrace * sigmaStarTrace) / ((double) b * sigmaStarSquaredTrace);
            RealMatrix identity = org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(b);
            return identity.scalarMultiply((double) b * epsilon / sigmaStarTrace);

     * Get the upper integral bound
     * @return H1
    public double getH1() {
        return H1;

     * Get the lower integral bound
     * @return H0
    public double getH0() {
        return H0;

     * A convenience method for DEBUG logging of a message.
     * @param message The message.
    private static void debug(Object message) {

     * A convenience method for DEBUG logging of a message
     * and a throwable.
     * @param message The message.
     * @param t       The throwable.
    private static void debug(Object message, Throwable t) {
        LOGGER.debug(message, t);

     * A convenience method for DEBUG logging of a matrix
     * with a label.
     * @param label      The label.
     * @param realMatrix The matrix.
    private static void debug(String label, RealMatrix realMatrix) {
        LOGGER.debug(MatrixUtilities.logMessageSupplier(label, realMatrix));