Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Massachusetts General Hospital 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
 * are made available under the terms of the i2b2 Software License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution. 
 * Contributors:
 *       Lori Phillips

import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2DAOException;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.db.JDBCUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.DTOFactory;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.xml.XMLUtil;

public class PMDbDao extends JdbcDaoSupport {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PMDbDao.class);

    private SimpleJdbcTemplate jt;
    private String database = "";

    public PMDbDao() throws I2B2Exception {
        DataSource ds = null;
        Connection conn = null;
        try {
            ds = PMUtil.getInstance().getDataSource("java:/PMBootStrapDS");
            //      database = ds.getConnection().getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
        } catch (I2B2Exception e2) {
            log.error("bootstrap ds failure: " + e2.getMessage());
            throw e2;
            //      } catch (SQLException e2) {
            //         log.error("bootstrap ds failure: " + e2.getMessage());
            //throw e2;

        try {
            conn = ds.getConnection();
            database = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
            conn = null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            conn = null;
            log.error("Error geting database name:" + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            conn = null;

        this.jt = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(ds);
        //   ds = null;

    public List<DBInfoType> getUser(String userId, String caller) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        return getUser(userId, caller, null, true);
        /*String sql =  "select * from pm_user_data where user_id = ? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
           queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(), userId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
           throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting User Data");
        return queryResult;   

    public List<DBInfoType> getEnvironmentData(String domainId) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from pm_hive_params where domain_id = ? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getEnvironmentParams(), domainId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getEnvironment(String domainId) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from pm_hive_data where active='1' and status_cd <> 'D'";

        if (domainId != null)
            sql += " and domain_id = ?";

        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            log.debug("Start query");
            if (domainId == null)
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getEnvironment());
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getEnvironment(), domainId);
            log.debug("Query Size: " + queryResult.size());
            log.debug("End query");
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getRole(String userId, String project) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select  distinct" + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pur.PROJECT_ID" + "         when 'PROJECT_ID' then pur.PROJECT_ID"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_ID," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pur.USER_ID" + "         when 'USER_ID' then pur.USER_ID"
                + "         else null" + "    end as USER_ID," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pur.USER_ROLE_CD" + "         when 'USER_ROLE_CD' then pur.USER_ROLE_CD"
                + "         else null" + "    end as USER_ROLE_CD" + " from "
                + "    pm_project_user_roles pur, pm_role_requirement rr" + " where " + "    pur.status_cd<>'D' and"
                + "    rr.status_cd<>'D' and" + "    pur.user_id = ? and"
                + (project != null ? "    pur.project_id = ? and" : "")
                + "    (rr.read_hivemgmt_CD = '@') OR (upper(rr.read_hivemgmt_CD) =  upper(pur.USER_ROLE_CD)) and"
                + "    upper(rr.table_cd) =  'PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES'";
        //      String sql =  "select * from pm_project_user_roles where user_id=? and project_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            if (project == null)
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), userId);
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), userId, project);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getRole(String userId) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        return getRole(userId, null);
        String sql =  "select * from pm_project_user_roles where user_id=? and status_cd<>'D' order by project_id ";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
           queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), userId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
           throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;   

    public List<DBInfoType> getProject(Object utype, boolean ignoreDeleted) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select  distinct" + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_ID"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_ID' then pd.PROJECT_ID" + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_ID,"
                + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_NAME"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_NAME' then pd.PROJECT_NAME" + "         else null"
                + "    end as PROJECT_NAME," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_WIKI" + "         when 'PROJECT_WIKI' then pd.PROJECT_WIKI"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_WIKI," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_PATH" + "         when 'PROJECT_PATH' then pd.PROJECT_PATH"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_PATH," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_KEY" + "         when 'PROJECT_KEY' then pd.PROJECT_KEY"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_KEY," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_DESCRIPTION' then pd.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" + "         else null"
                + "    end as PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" + " from "
                + "    pm_project_data pd, pm_project_user_roles pur, pm_role_requirement rr" + " where "
                + "    pur.status_cd<>'D' and" + (ignoreDeleted ? "    pd.STATUS_CD<>'D' and " : "")
                + "    rr.status_cd<>'D' and" + "     pd.project_ID = ? and" +
                //"     pd.project_path = ? and" +
                "    (rr.read_hivemgmt_CD = '@') OR (upper(rr.read_hivemgmt_CD) =  upper(pur.USER_ROLE_CD)) and"
                + "    pd.PROJECT_ID = pur.project_id and" + "    upper(rr.table_cd) =  'PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES'";

        //      String sql =  "select * from pm_project_data where project_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProject(), ((ProjectType) utype).getId()); //, ((ProjectType) utype).getPath());
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getUserProject(String user) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {

        String sql = "select  distinct" + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_ID"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_ID' then pd.PROJECT_ID" + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_ID,"
                + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_NAME"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_NAME' then pd.PROJECT_NAME" + "         else null"
                + "    end as PROJECT_NAME," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_WIKI" + "         when 'PROJECT_WIKI' then pd.PROJECT_WIKI"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_WIKI," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_PATH" + "         when 'PROJECT_PATH' then pd.PROJECT_PATH"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_PATH," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_KEY" + "         when 'PROJECT_KEY' then pd.PROJECT_KEY"
                + "         else null" + "    end as PROJECT_KEY," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                + "         when '@'   then pd.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION"
                + "         when 'PROJECT_DESCRIPTION' then pd.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" + "         else null"
                + "    end as PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" + " from "
                + "    pm_project_data pd, pm_project_user_roles pur, pm_role_requirement rr" + " where "
                + "    pd.status_cd<>'D'  and" + "    pur.status_cd<>'D' and" + "    rr.status_cd<>'D' and"
                + "     pur.user_ID = ? and" + "    pd.PROJECT_ID = pur.PROJECT_ID and"
                + "    (rr.read_hivemgmt_CD = '@') OR (upper(rr.read_hivemgmt_CD) =  upper(pur.USER_ROLE_CD)) and"
                + "    pd.PROJECT_ID = pur.project_id and" + "    upper(rr.table_cd) =  'PM_PROJECT_DATA'";

        //      String sql =  "select distinct pd.* from pm_project_data pd, pm_project_user_roles pur where pd.project_id=pur.project_id and pur.user_id = ?  and pur.status_cd<>'D' and pd.status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProject(), user);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getProjectUserParams(String projectId, String userId)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from pm_project_user_params where project_id=? and user_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProjectUserParams(), projectId, userId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getProjectParams(String projectId) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from pm_project_params where project_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
        //log.debug(sql  + projectId );
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProjectParams(), projectId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getCell(String cell, String project, boolean ignoreDeleted)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        log.debug("Searching for cell: " + cell + " within project " + project);
        try {
            if (cell.equals("@")) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_cell_data where project_path = ?";
                if (ignoreDeleted)
                    sql += " and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getCell(), project);
            } else if ((cell.equals("@") && !project.equals("/"))) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_cell_data where project_path = ?";
                if (ignoreDeleted)
                    sql += " and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getCell(), project);

            } else {
                String sql = "select * from pm_cell_data where cell_id = ? and project_path = ?";
                if (ignoreDeleted)
                    sql += " and status_cd<>'D'";

                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getCell(), cell, project);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getApproval(ApprovalType approval, boolean ignoreDeleted)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        String sql = "select a.* from pm_approvals a ";
        String sqlWhere = " where a.object_cd = 'APPROVAL' ";
        String sqlFrom = "";
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            if (approval.getId() != null) {
                sqlWhere += "and a.approval_id = ? ";
                if (ignoreDeleted)
                    sqlWhere += "and a.status_cd<>'D' ";
            } else {
                // Search if user and project are set
                String foundUser = "", foundProject = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < approval.getSearch().size(); i++) {
                    if (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("USER"))
                        foundUser = approval.getSearch().get(i).getValue().toUpperCase();
                    if (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("PROJECT"))
                        foundUser = approval.getSearch().get(i).getValue().toUpperCase();

                if ((foundUser != "") && (foundProject != "")) {
                    sqlFrom += ", pm_project_user_params p ";
                    sqlWhere += "and a.STATUS_CD = 'A' and p.STATUS_CD = 'A' and "
                            + "p.PARAM_NAME_CD = 'APPROVAL_ID' and p.VALUE = a.APPROVAL_ID and p.USER_ID = ? and p.PROJECT_ID = ?";

                for (int i = 0; i < approval.getSearch().size(); i++) {
                    if ((approval.getSearch() != null)
                            && (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("NAME"))) {
                        sqlWhere += "and UPPER(a.approval_name) = ? ";
                        if (ignoreDeleted)
                            sqlWhere += "and a.status_cd<>'D' ";
                        //   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval(), approval.getActivationDate());            

                    if ((approval.getSearch() != null)
                            && (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("ACTIVATION_DATE"))) {
                        sqlWhere += "and a.activation_date = ? ";
                        if (ignoreDeleted)
                            sqlWhere += "and a.status_cd<>'D' ";
                        //   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval(), approval.getActivationDate());            

                    } else if ((approval.getSearch() != null) && ((foundUser == "") || (foundProject == ""))
                            && (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("USER"))) {
                        sqlFrom += ", pm_user_params p ";
                        sqlWhere += "and a.STATUS_CD = 'A' and p.STATUS_CD = 'A' and "
                                + "p.PARAM_NAME_CD = 'APPROVAL_ID' and p.VALUE = a.APPROVAL_ID and p.USER_ID = ? ";
                        //sql =  "select a.* from pm_approvals a, pm_user_params p where a.STATUS_CD = 'A' and p.STATUS_CD = 'A' and " +
                        //"p.PARAM_NAME_CD = 'APPROVAL' and p.VALUE = a.OBJECT_CD and p.USER_ID = ? ";
                        //   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval(), approval.getSearch().get(0).getValue());            
                    } else if ((approval.getSearch() != null) && ((foundUser == "") || (foundProject == ""))
                            && (approval.getSearch().get(i).getBy().equalsIgnoreCase("PROJECT"))) {
                        sqlFrom += ", pm_project_params p ";
                        sqlWhere += "and a.STATUS_CD = 'A' and p.STATUS_CD = 'A' and "
                                + "p.PARAM_NAME_CD = 'APPROVAL_ID' and p.VALUE = a.APPROVAL_ID and p.PROJECT_ID = ? ";

                        //sql =  "select a.* from pm_approvals a, pm_project_params p where a.STATUS_CD = 'A' and p.STATUS_CD = 'A' and " +
                        //"p.PARAM_NAME_CD = 'APPROVAL' and p.VALUE = a.OBJECT_CD and p.PROJECT_ID = ? ";
                        //   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval(), approval.getSearch().get(0).getValue());            
            sql += sqlFrom + sqlWhere;
            log.debug("My sql statement: " + sql);
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval(), al.toArray());

        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getCellParam(String cellId, String project) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from  pm_cell_params where cell_id = ? and  project_path = ? and status_cd<>'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), cellId, project);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    private boolean validateRole(String caller, String isrole, String project) throws I2B2DAOException {

        List response = null;

        if (isrole.equalsIgnoreCase("admin")) {
            try {
                String sql = "select * from pm_project_user_roles where project_id=? and user_id=? and status_cd<>'D' order by project_id";
                response = jt.query(sql, getRole(), "@", caller);
                //response = getRole(caller, project);
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting role data for validateRole");

            Iterator it = response.iterator();

            while (it.hasNext()) {
                RoleType user = (RoleType);
                if (user.getRole().equalsIgnoreCase("ADMIN")) {
                    return (true);
            return false;

        try {
            response = getRole(caller, project);
        } catch (I2B2DAOException e1) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting user data for setuser");
        } catch (I2B2Exception e1) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting user data for setuser");

        Iterator it = response.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            RoleType role = (RoleType);
            if (role.getRole().toLowerCase().equals(isrole)) {
                return (true);
        return false;

    // All user Process
    public List<DBInfoType> getUser(String user, String caller, String password, boolean ignoreDeleted)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {

        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        if (caller == null) {
            sql = "select * from pm_user_data where user_id = ?  "
                    + (password != null ? "    and password = ? " : "");
            if (ignoreDeleted)
                sql += " and status_cd<>'D'";

            try {
                if (password == null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(true), user);
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(false), user, password);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting userdata with password");
        } else {
            sql = "select  distinct" + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pud.USER_ID"
                    + "         when 'USER_ID' then pud.USER_ID" + "         else null" + "    end as USER_ID,"
                    + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)" + "         when '@'   then pud.FULL_NAME"
                    + "         when 'FULL_NAME' then pud.FULL_NAME" + "         else null"
                    + "    end as FULL_NAME," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                    + "         when '@'   then pud.PASSWORD" + "         when 'PASSWORD' then pud.PASSWORD"
                    + "         else null" + "    end as PASSWORD," + "    case  upper(rr.COLUMN_CD)"
                    + "         when '@'   then pud.EMAIL" + "         when 'EMAIL' then pud.EMAIL"
                    + "         else null" + "    end as EMAIL " + " from "
                    + "     pm_user_data pud, pm_role_requirement rr" + " where " +
                    //"    pur.status_cd<>'D' and" +
                    "    rr.status_cd<>'D' and" + (ignoreDeleted ? "    pud.STATUS_CD<>'D' and " : "") +
                    //"    pur.USER_ID = ? and " +
                    "    pud.user_id = ? and" + (password != null ? "    password = ? and" : "")
                    + "    (rr.read_hivemgmt_CD = '@') and" + //OR (upper(rr.read_hivemgmt_CD) =  upper(pur.USER_ROLE_CD)) and" +
                    "    upper(rr.table_cd) =  'PM_USER_DATA'";

            try {
                if (password == null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(true), user);
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(false), user, password);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error in getting userdata with password");
        //      String sql =  "select * from pm_user_data where user_id = ? and password  = ? and status_cd <> 'D'";
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);

        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getAllProjectRequest(String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "admin", null))) {
            sql = "select * from pm_project_request where status_cd<>'D'";
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProjectRequest());

        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getAllUser(String project, String caller) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "admin", null))) {
            sql = "select * from pm_user_data where status_cd<>'D'";
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUser(false));

        return queryResult;

    public int setUser(final UserType userdata, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) {
            try {
                if ((getUser(userdata.getUserName(), caller, null, false) == null)
                        || (getUser(userdata.getUserName(), caller, null, false).size() == 0)) {
                    String addSql = "insert into pm_user_data "
                            + "(user_id, full_name, email, password, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userdata.getUserName(), userdata.getFullName(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else if (userdata.getPassword() != null) {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_user_data "
                            + "set full_name = ?, email = ?, password = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where user_id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userdata.getFullName(), userdata.getEmail(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, userdata.getUserName());
                } else {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_user_data "
                            + "set full_name = ?, email = ?,  change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where user_id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userdata.getFullName(), userdata.getEmail(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, userdata.getUserName());

                // Deal with is_admin
                String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                        + " set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, userdata.getUserName(),
                if (userdata.isIsAdmin() == true) {
                    try {
                        addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, "@", userdata.getUserName(), "ADMIN",
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "@",
                                userdata.getUserName(), "ADMIN");

            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao update setuser failed for: " + userdata.getUserName());
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int deleteUser(final String user, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) {
            try {
                String addSql = "update pm_user_data "
                        + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where user_id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, user);

                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("User not updated, does it exist?");

            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public List<DBInfoType> setProjectRequest(final ProjectRequestType groupdata, String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            String clob = null;

            if (groupdata.getRequestXml() != null) {
                clob = groupdata.getRequestXml();
                BlobType blobType = (BlobType)groupdata.getRequestXml();
                for (int i=0; i < blobType.getContent().size(); i++)
                   clob  = (String) blobType.getContent().get(i);
                   //Clob myclob = (Clob) blobType.getContent().get(i);
                   //   int len = (int) myclob.length();
                   //   clob = myclob.getSubString(Long.parseLong("1"),len);
                   //            blobType.getContent().add(
                   //               JDBCUtil.getClobString(clob));
                   //      rData.setRequestXml(blobType);
            String addSql = "insert into pm_project_request "
                    + "(title, request_xml, project_id, change_date, entry_date, submit_char, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
            numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getTitle(), clob, (project == null ? "@" : project),
                    Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, caller, "A");

            if (numRowsAdded != 0) {
                addSql = "select  *  from pm_project_request where id =  ( select max(id) from pm_project_request)";

                queryResult = jt.query(addSql, getProjectRequest());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);

        return queryResult;


    public int setPassword(final String password, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        try {
            String addSql = "update pm_user_data "
                    + "set password = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where user_id = ?";

            numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, password, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, caller);

            if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                throw new I2B2DAOException("User not updated, does it exist?");

        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);

        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    // All Cell Process
    public List<DBInfoType> getCell(String cell, String project, String owner) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException { 
       String sql =  "select * from cell_data where cell_id = ? and project_path = ? and owner_id = ?";
       // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
       List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
       try {
     queryResult = jt.query(sql, getCell(), cell, project, owner);
       } catch (DataAccessException e) {
     throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
       return queryResult;   

    public List<DBInfoType> getAllApproval(String project, String caller) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        sql = "select * from pm_approvals where status_cd<>'D'";
        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval());

        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getAllCell(String project, String caller) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        sql = "select * from pm_cell_data where status_cd<>'D'";
        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getCell());

        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getSession(String userId, String sessionID) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = "select * from pm_user_session where user_id = ? and session_id = ?";
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        log.debug("Searching for " + userId + " with session id of " + sessionID);
        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getSession(), userId, sessionID);
        return queryResult;

    public boolean verifyNotLockedOut(String userId) {

        String sql = null;
        //get results count max
        sql = "select * from pm_global_params where status_cd = 'A' and param_name_cd ='PM_LOCKED_MAX_COUNT'";

        int resultmax = 10;

        try {
            List<DBInfoType> queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam());
            Iterator it = queryResult.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                ParamType user = (ParamType);
                resultmax = Integer.parseInt(user.getValue());
        } catch (Exception e) {


        sql = "select * from pm_global_params where status_cd = 'A' and param_name_cd ='PM_LOCKED_WAIT_TIME'";

        int waittime = 2;

        try {
            List<DBInfoType> queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam());
            Iterator it = queryResult.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                ParamType user = (ParamType);
                waittime = Integer.parseInt(user.getValue());
        } catch (Exception e) {


        if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle"))
            sql = "select count(*) as badlogin from pm_user_login where user_id = ? and "
                    + " attempt_cd = 'BADPASSWORD' and " + "(entry_date + interval '" + waittime
                    + "' minute)  >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
        else if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("Microsoft sql server"))
            sql = "select count(*) as badlogin from pm_user_login where user_id = ? and "
                    + " attempt_cd = 'BADPASSWORD' and " + "dateadd(minute, " + waittime
                    + ", entry_date)  >= getdate() ";
        else if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("postgresql"))
            sql = "select count(*) as badlogin from pm_user_login where user_id = ? and "
                    + " attempt_cd = 'BADPASSWORD' and " + "(entry_date + cast('" + waittime
                    + " minutes' as interval))  >= now() ";

        int results = jt.queryForInt(sql, userId);

        //int results = 0;

        if (results >= resultmax)
            return true;
            return false;

    public int setLoginAttempt(String userId, String attemptCd) {
        String addSql = "insert into pm_user_login "
                + "(user_id, attempt_cd, changeby_char, entry_date, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,'A')";

        int numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userId, attemptCd, userId, Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

        return numRowsAdded;

    public int setSession(String userId, String sessionId, int timeout) {
        String addSql = "insert into pm_user_session "
                + "(user_id, session_id, changeby_char, entry_date, expired_date) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        now.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, timeout);
        int numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userId, sessionId, userId, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),

        return numRowsAdded;

    public int removeSession(String userId, String sessionId) {
        String addSql = "delete from pm_user_session " + " where session_id = ? and user_id =?";
        int numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, userId, sessionId);

        addSql = "delete from pm_user_session " + " where expired_date  > ?";
        int numRowsAdded2 = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

        return numRowsAdded;

    public int updateSession(String userId, String sessionId, int timeout) {
        int numRowsAdded = -1;
        String addSql = "update pm_user_session set expired_date = ? " + " where session_id = ? and user_id =?";
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        now.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, timeout);

        try {

            numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, now.getTime(), sessionId, userId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                if (e.getMessage().contains("deadlock") || e.getMessage().contains("try restarting transaction")
                        || e.getMessage().contains("failed to resume the transaction")) {
                    int tosleep = new Random().nextInt(2000);
                    log.warn("Transaction rolled back. Restarting transaction.");
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, now.getTime(), sessionId, userId);
                } else {
                    throw e;
            } catch (Exception ee) {


        return numRowsAdded;

    public int setCell(final CellDataType groupdata, String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "manager", project))) {
                    "Setting cell with ID of " + groupdata.getId() + " and path of " + groupdata.getProjectPath());
            if ((getCell(groupdata.getId(), groupdata.getProjectPath(), false) == null)
                    || (getCell(groupdata.getId(), groupdata.getProjectPath(), false).size() == 0)) {

                String addSql = "insert into pm_cell_data "
                        + "(cell_id, project_path, name, url, method_cd, can_override, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getId(),
                        (groupdata.getProjectPath() == null ? "@" : groupdata.getProjectPath()),
                        groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getUrl(), groupdata.getMethod(),
                        (groupdata.isCanOverride() == null ? 1 : groupdata.isCanOverride() ? 1 : 0),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
            } else {
                //user already exists, lets try to update
                String addSql = "update pm_cell_data "
                        + "set name = ?, url = ?, method_cd = ?, can_override = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where cell_id = ? and  project_path = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getUrl(), groupdata.getMethod(),
                        (groupdata.isCanOverride() == null ? 1 : groupdata.isCanOverride() ? 1 : 0),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, groupdata.getId(), groupdata.getProjectPath());
        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int deleteCell(String cell, String project, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "manager", project))) {
            try {
                String addSql = "update pm_cell_data "
                        + "set status_cd = 'D' where project_path = ? and cell_id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((project == null || project.equals("")) ? "@" : project), cell);

                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("Cell not updated, does it exist?");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int setApproval(final ApprovalType groupdata, String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "manager", project))) {

            if ((getApproval(groupdata, false) == null) || (getApproval(groupdata, false).size() == 0)) {

                String addSql = "insert into pm_approvals "
                        + "(approval_id, approval_name, approval_description, approval_activation_date, approval_expiration_date, object_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getId(), groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getDescription(),
                        groupdata.getActivationDate(), groupdata.getExpirationDate(), groupdata.getObjectCd(),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
            } else {
                //user already exists, lets try to update
                String addSql = "update pm_approvals "
                        + "set approval_name = ?, approval_description = ?, approval_activation_date = ?, approval_expiration_date = ?, object_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where approval_id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getDescription(),
                        groupdata.getActivationDate(), groupdata.getExpirationDate(), groupdata.getObjectCd(),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, groupdata.getId());

        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int deleteApproval(String id, String project, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "manager", project))) {
            try {
                String addSql = "update pm_approvals " + "set status_cd = 'D' where approval_id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, id);

                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("approval not updated, does it exist?");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public List<DBInfoType> getAllProject(String project, String caller) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) {
            sql = "select * from pm_project_data where status_cd<>'D'";
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getProject());

        return queryResult;

    public int setProject(final ProjectType groupdata, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) {

            if ((getProject(groupdata, false) == null) || (getProject(groupdata, false).size() == 0)) {
                String addSql = "insert into pm_project_data "
                        + "(project_id, project_name, project_key, project_path, project_description, project_wiki, changeby_char, change_date, entry_date, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getId(), groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getKey(),
                        groupdata.getPath(), groupdata.getDescription(), groupdata.getWiki(), caller,
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), "A");
            } else {
                //project already exists, lets try to update
                String addSql = "update pm_project_data "
                        + "set project_name = ?, project_key = ?, project_wiki = ?, project_description = ?, project_path = ?, changeby_char = ?, change_date = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where project_id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, groupdata.getName(), groupdata.getKey(), groupdata.getWiki(),
                        groupdata.getDescription(), groupdata.getPath(), caller, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public List<DBInfoType> getAllParam(Object utype, String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        String sql = null;
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;

        //      if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null))
        //   {
        if (utype instanceof ProjectType) {
            if (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_project_params where status_cd<>'D' and project_id = ? order by project_id";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ProjectType) utype).getId());

            } else {
                ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

                sql = "select * from pm_project_user_params where status_cd<>'D' ";

                if (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null) // || !((UserType) utype).getUserName().equals(""))
                    sql += " and user_id=?";
                    al.add(((ProjectType) utype).getUserName());
                    //sql =  "select * from pm_user_params where status_cd<>'D' order by user_id";
                    //queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUserParams());            

                if (((ProjectType) utype).getPath() != null) {
                    sql += " and project_id=?";
                    al.add(((ProjectType) utype).getPath());

                if (((ProjectType) utype).getParam() != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().size(); i++) {
                        if (((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(i).getName() != null) {
                            sql += " and param_name_cd=?";
                            al.add((((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(i).getName()));
                        if (((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(i).getValue() != null) {
                            sql += " and value=?";
                            al.add((((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(i).getValue()));

                log.debug("My SQL: " + sql);
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), al.toArray());

                if (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null && !((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals("") )
                   sql =  "select * from pm_project_user_params where project_id=? and user_id = ? and status_cd<>'D'";
                   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ProjectType) utype).getId(), ((ProjectType) utype).getUserName());
                } else {
                   sql =  "select * from pm_project_params where project_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
                   queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ProjectType) utype).getId());
        } else if (utype instanceof UserType) {
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            sql = "select * from pm_user_params where status_cd<>'D' ";

            if (((UserType) utype).getUserName() != null) // || !((UserType) utype).getUserName().equals(""))
                sql += " and user_id=?";
                al.add(((UserType) utype).getUserName());
                //sql =  "select * from pm_user_params where status_cd<>'D' order by user_id";
                //queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUserParams());            

            if (((UserType) utype).getParam() != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ((UserType) utype).getParam().size(); i++) {
                    if (((UserType) utype).getParam().get(i).getName() != null) {
                        sql += " and param_name_cd=?";
                        al.add((((UserType) utype).getParam().get(i).getName()));
                    if (((UserType) utype).getParam().get(i).getValue() != null) {
                        if (database.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle"))
                            sql += " and to_char(value)=?";
                            sql += " and value=?";

                        al.add((((UserType) utype).getParam().get(i).getValue()));

            queryResult = jt.query(sql, getUserParams(), al.toArray());
        } else if (utype instanceof ApprovalType) {
            if (((ApprovalType) utype).getId() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_approvals where  status_cd<>'D' order by id";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getApproval());
            } else {
                sql = "select * from pm_approvals_params where id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ApprovalType) utype).getId());
        } else if (utype instanceof ConfigureType) {
            if (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_hive_data where status_cd<>'D' order by domain_id";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getEnvironment());
            } else {
                sql = "select * from pm_hive_params where domain_id=? and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId());
        } else if (utype instanceof GlobalDataType) {
            if (((GlobalDataType) utype).getProjectPath() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_global_params where  status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam());
            } else {
                sql = "select * from pm_global_params where project_path = ? and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((GlobalDataType) utype).getProjectPath());

        } else if (utype instanceof CellDataType) {
            if (((CellDataType) utype).getProjectPath() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_cell_params where status_cd<>'D' order by project_path";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam());

            } else {
                sql = "select * from pm_cell_params where project_path=? and cell_id=?  and status_cd<>'D'";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((CellDataType) utype).getProjectPath(),
                        ((CellDataType) utype).getId());
        } else if (utype instanceof RoleType) {
            String addsql = " and user_id = '" + caller + "' ";
            if ((validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) || (validateRole(caller, "manager", project))) {
                addsql = "";
            if (((RoleType) utype).getProjectId() == null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_project_user_roles where status_cd<>'D' " + addsql + " order by project_id";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole());

            } else if (((RoleType) utype).getUserName() != null) {
                sql = "select * from pm_project_user_roles where project_id=? and user_id=? and status_cd<>'D' "
                        + addsql + " order by project_id";
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                        ((RoleType) utype).getUserName());

            } else {
                sql = "select * from pm_project_user_roles where project_id=? and status_cd<>'D' " + addsql;
                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId());
            //   }

        return queryResult;

    public List<DBInfoType> getParam(Object utype, boolean showStatus) throws I2B2Exception, I2B2DAOException {
        // + domainId + projectId + ownerId);
        List<DBInfoType> queryResult = null;
        try {
            if (utype instanceof ProjectType) {
                if (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null
                        && !((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals("")) {
                    String sql = "select * from pm_project_user_params where id=?  "
                            + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                    if (((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());

                } else {
                    String sql = "select * from pm_project_params where id=?  "
                            + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                    if (((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof GlobalDataType) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_global_params where id=? "
                        + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                if (((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getGlobal(), ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof ApprovalType) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_approval_params where id=? "
                        + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                if (((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof UserType) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_user_params where id=? "
                        + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                if (((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof CellDataType) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_cell_params where id=? "
                        + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                if (((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                    queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof RoleType) {
                String sql = "select * from pm_project_user_roles where project_id=? and user_id=? "
                        + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                queryResult = jt.query(sql, getRole(), ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                        ((RoleType) utype).getUserName());

            } else if (utype instanceof ConfigureType) {
                if (((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().isEmpty() == false) // || (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId()).size() == 0))
                    String sql = "select * from pm_hive_params where id=? "
                            + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                    if (((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getParam(), ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());

                } else {
                    String sql = "select * from pm_hive_data where active = '1' and domain_id=? "
                            + (showStatus == false ? "" : " and status_cd<>'D'");

                    if (((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId() != null)
                        queryResult = jt.query(sql, getEnvironment(), ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId());
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        return queryResult;

    public int setParam(Object utype, String project, String name, String caller)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;
        log.debug("Caller: " + caller);
        log.debug("Project: " + project);

        if ((utype instanceof UserType) && (caller.equals(((UserType) utype).getUserName()))) {
            log.debug("Searching for existing User Param");

            if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                String addSql = "insert into pm_user_params "
                        + "(user_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                log.debug("Ading new User Param");
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((UserType) utype).getUserName(),
                        ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                        ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                        ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
            } else {
                //user already exists, lets try to update
                String addSql = "update pm_user_params "
                        + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where changeby_char = ? and id = ? ";
                log.debug("Updating  User Param");

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                        ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                        caller, ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("Record does not exist or access denied.");

        } else if ((utype instanceof ProjectType) && (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null)
                && (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals(caller))) {
            if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_params "
                        + "(project_id, user_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getId(), ((ProjectType) utype).getUserName(),
                        ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                        ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                        ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                        Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
            } else {
                //user already exists, lets try to update
                String addSql = "update pm_project_user_params "
                        + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?,   status_cd = 'A' where changeby_char = ? and id = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                        ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                        caller, ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("Record does not exist or access denied.");

        } else if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null) || validateRole(caller, "manager", project)) {
            if (utype instanceof ParamsType) {

            } else if (utype instanceof UserType) {
                log.debug("Searching for existing User Param");

                if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                    String addSql = "insert into pm_user_params "
                            + "(user_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    log.debug("Ading new User Param");
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((UserType) utype).getUserName(),
                            ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                            ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_user_params "
                            + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?, status_cd = 'A' where id = ? ";
                    log.debug("Updating  User Param");

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                            ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                            caller, ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof ProjectType) {
                log.debug("Testing to see if username is set: " + ((ProjectType) utype).getUserName());
                if ((((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null)
                        && (!((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals(""))) {
                    if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_params "
                                + "(project_id, user_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getId(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getUserName(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                    } else {
                        //user already exists, lets try to update
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_params "
                                + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where id = ?";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else {
                    if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_params "
                                + "(project_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getId(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                    } else {
                        //user already exists, lets try to update
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_params "
                                + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where id = ?";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof CellDataType) {
                if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                    String addSql = "insert into pm_cell_params "
                            + "(cell_id, datatype_cd, project_path, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((CellDataType) utype).getId(),
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getProjectPath(),
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_cell_params "
                            + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof ApprovalType) {
                if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                    String addSql = "insert into pm_approval_params "
                            + "(approval_id, datatype_cd, object_cd, param_name_cd, value, activation_date, expiration_date, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ApprovalType) utype).getId(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getObjectCd(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getActivationDate(), ((ApprovalType) utype).getExpirationDate(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_approval_params "
                            + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?,  status_cd = 'A' where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof GlobalDataType) {
                if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                    String addSql = "insert into pm_global_params "
                            + "(  param_name_cd, datatype_cd, project_path, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getProjectPath(),
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else {
                    //user already exists, lets try to update
                    String addSql = "update pm_global_params "
                            + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, project_path = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?, status_cd = 'A' where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getProjectPath(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            } else if (utype instanceof ConfigureType) {
                if (((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().isEmpty() == false) // || (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId()).size() == 0))
                    if ((getParam(utype, false) == null) || (getParam(utype, false).size() == 0)) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_hive_params "
                                + "(domain_id, datatype_cd, param_name_cd, value, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        log.debug("Ading new Hive Param");
                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId(),
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getName(),
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                    } else {
                        //user already exists, lets try to update
                        String addSql = "update pm_hive_params "
                                + "set value = ?, datatype_cd = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?, status_cd = 'A' where id = ? ";
                        log.debug("Updating  Hive Param");

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getValue(),
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getDatatype(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else if (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId() == null) // || (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId()).size() == 0))
                    //user already exists, lets try to update

                    String addSql = "";
                    if ((((ConfigureType) utype).isActive() != null)
                            && (((ConfigureType) utype).isActive() == true)) {
                        addSql = "update pm_hive_data "
                                + "set  status_cd = 'D', active = 0, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where status_cd = 'A'";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller);

                    addSql = "insert into pm_hive_data "
                            + "(  domain_id, environment_cd, domain_name, helpurl, active, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, PMUtil.getInstance().generateMessageId(),
                            ((ConfigureType) utype).getEnvironment(), ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainName(),
                            ((ConfigureType) utype).getHelpURL(), ((ConfigureType) utype).isActive(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } else {

                    String addSql = "update pm_hive_data "
                            + "set environment_cd = ?,  domain_name = ?,  helpurl = ?,  active = ?, change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?, status_cd = 'A' where domain_id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, ((ConfigureType) utype).getEnvironment(),
                            ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainName(), ((ConfigureType) utype).getHelpURL(),
                            ((ConfigureType) utype).isActive(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId());
            } else if (utype instanceof RoleType) {
                try {
                    // First try to insert if fails than update
                    String addSql2 = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                            + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                    numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql2, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId().trim(),
                            ((RoleType) utype).getUserName().trim(), ((RoleType) utype).getRole().trim(),
                            Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String addSql2 = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                            + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                    numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql2, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(),
                            ((RoleType) utype).getRole());

                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_AGG"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_LDS"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId().trim(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName().trim(), "DATA_OBFSC",
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_AGG"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_LDS"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_OBFSC");

                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_LDS"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_AGG", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_LDS"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_AGG");

                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_LDS", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_LDS");

                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_DEID", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "DATA_DEID");

                //admin track
                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("MANAGER"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("ADMIN"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "USER", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    //admin track
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("MANAGER"))
                            || (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("ADMIN"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "USER");

                try {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("ADMIN"))) {
                        String addSql = "insert into pm_project_user_roles "
                                + "(  project_id, user_id, user_role_cd, change_date, entry_date, changeby_char, status_cd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "MANAGER", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
                                Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, "A");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("ADMIN"))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                                + " set status_cd = 'A', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ?  where  project_id = ? and user_id = ? and user_role_cd = ?";
                        numRowsAdded += jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(), ((RoleType) utype).getUserName(), "MANAGER");

        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int deleteParam(Object utype, final String project, String caller)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;
        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null) || validateRole(caller, "manager", project)) {
            try {

                if (utype instanceof UserType) {
                    String addSql = "update pm_user_params "
                            + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeBy_char = ? where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else

                if (utype instanceof ProjectType) {
                    if ((((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null)
                            && (!((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals(""))) {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_params "
                                + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());

                    } else {
                        String addSql = "update pm_project_params "
                                + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else if (utype instanceof ConfigureType) {

                    if (((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().isEmpty() == false) // || (((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId()).size() == 0))
                        String addSql = "update pm_hive_params "
                                + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());

                    } else {
                        String addSql = "update pm_hive_data "
                                + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where domain_id = ? and active = 0";

                        numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                                ((ConfigureType) utype).getDomainId());
                } else if (utype instanceof CellDataType) {
                    String addSql = "update pm_cell_params "
                            + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((CellDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else if (utype instanceof ApprovalType) {
                    String addSql = "update pm_approval_params "
                            + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((ApprovalType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else if (utype instanceof GlobalDataType) {
                    String addSql = "update pm_global_params "
                            + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where id = ?";

                    numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller,
                            ((GlobalDataType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
                } else if (utype instanceof RoleType) {

                    if (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_PROT")) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_PROT", caller, utype);
                    } else if (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_DEID")) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_PROT", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_DEID", caller, utype);
                    } else if (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_LDS")) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_PROT", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_DEID", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_LDS", caller, utype);
                    } else if (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_AGG")) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_PROT", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_DEID", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_LDS", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_AGG", caller, utype);
                    } else if (((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("DATA_OBFSC")) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_PROT", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_DEID", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_LDS", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_AGG", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("DATA_OBFSC", caller, utype);
                    //admin track
                    if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("MANAGER"))) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("MANAGER", caller, utype);
                    } else if ((((RoleType) utype).getRole().equals("USER"))) {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("MANAGER", caller, utype);
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole("USER", caller, utype);
                    } else {
                        numRowsAdded += executeRemoveRole(((RoleType) utype).getRole(), caller, utype);


                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("not updated, does it exist?");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        } else if ((utype instanceof UserType) && (caller.equals(((UserType) utype).getUserName()))) {
            String addSql = "update pm_user_params "
                    + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?  where user_id = ? and changeby_char = ? and id = ?";

            numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, caller,
                    ((UserType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Record does not exist or access denied.");
        } else if ((utype instanceof ProjectType) && (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName() != null)
                && (((ProjectType) utype).getUserName().equals(caller))) {
            String addSql = "update pm_project_user_params "
                    + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ? where user_id = ? and changeby_char = ? and id = ?";

            numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, caller,
                    ((ProjectType) utype).getParam().get(0).getId());
            if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Record does not exist or access denied.");

        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int executeRemoveRole(String role, String caller, Object utype) {
        String addSql = "update pm_project_user_roles "
                + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ?, changeby_char = ? where user_role_cd = ? and project_id = ? and user_id = ?";

        return jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), caller, role, ((RoleType) utype).getProjectId(),
                ((RoleType) utype).getUserName());

    public int deleteProject(final Object project, String caller) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {
        int numRowsAdded = 0;

        if (validateRole(caller, "admin", null)) {
            try {
                String addSql = "update pm_project_data "
                        + "set status_cd = 'D', change_date = ? where project_id = ? and project_path = ? and changeby_char = ?";

                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), ((ProjectType) project).getId(),
                        ((ProjectType) project).getPath(), caller);

                if (numRowsAdded == 0)
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("Project not updated, does it exist?");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao deleteuser failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        } else {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Access Denied for " + caller);
        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    private ParameterizedRowMapper getEnvironmentParams() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<HiveParamData> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<HiveParamData>() {
            public HiveParamData mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                HiveParamData eData = new HiveParamData();

                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getProject() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectType>() {
            public ProjectType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ProjectType rData = new ProjectType();
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getCell() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<CellDataType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<CellDataType>() {
            public CellDataType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                CellDataType rData = new CellDataType();
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getProjectRequest() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectRequestType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectRequestType>() {
            public ProjectRequestType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ProjectRequestType rData = new ProjectRequestType();
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                Date date = rs.getDate("entry_date");

                if (date == null)

                Clob clob = rs.getClob("request_xml");
                if (clob != null) {
                   try {
                      BlobType blobType = new BlobType();
                   } catch (IOException ioe)
                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getApproval() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ApprovalType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ApprovalType>() {
            public ApprovalType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ApprovalType rData = new ApprovalType();
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                Date date = rs.getDate("approval_activation_date");

                if (date == null)

                date = rs.getDate("approval_expiration_date");
                if (date == null)

                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getParam() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ParamType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ParamType>() {
            public ParamType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ParamType eData = new ParamType();
                log.debug("setting name");
                return eData;
        return map;

    public static XMLGregorianCalendar long2Gregorian(long date) {
        DatatypeFactory dataTypeFactory;
        try {
            dataTypeFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
        } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
        return dataTypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(gc);

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getGlobal() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<GlobalDataType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<GlobalDataType>() {
            public GlobalDataType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();

                GlobalDataType eData = new GlobalDataType();

                log.debug("setting name");
                ParamType param = new ParamType();
                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getUserParams() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<UserParamData> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<UserParamData>() {
            public UserParamData mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                UserParamData eData = new UserParamData();
                log.debug("Found a user/param: " + rs.getString("user_id") + ":" + rs.getString("param_name_cd"));
                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getProjectUserParams() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectUserParamData> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ProjectUserParamData>() {
            public ProjectUserParamData mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ProjectUserParamData eData = new ProjectUserParamData();

                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getProjectParams() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ParamType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ParamType>() {
            public ParamType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                ParamType eData = new ParamType();

                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getSession() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<SessionData> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<SessionData>() {
            public SessionData mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                SessionData rData = new SessionData();
                //            DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();


                Date date = rs.getTimestamp("expired_date");
                if (date == null)

                date = rs.getTimestamp("entry_date");
                if (date == null)

                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getUserLogin() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<SessionData> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<SessionData>() {
            public SessionData mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                SessionData rData = new SessionData();
                //            DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();


                Date date = rs.getTimestamp("expired_date");
                if (date == null)

                date = rs.getTimestamp("entry_date");
                if (date == null)

                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getRole() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<RoleType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<RoleType>() {
            public RoleType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                RoleType rData = new RoleType();

                return rData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getEnvironment() {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<ConfigureType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ConfigureType>() {
            public ConfigureType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                ConfigureType eData = new ConfigureType();

                return eData;
        return map;

    private ParameterizedRowMapper getUser(final boolean includePassword) {
        ParameterizedRowMapper<UserType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<UserType>() {
            public UserType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                UserType userData = new UserType();
                try {
                    userData.setIsAdmin(validateRole(userData.getUserName(), "ADMIN", null));
                } catch (I2B2DAOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                if (includePassword) {
                    PasswordType pass = new PasswordType();

                return userData;
        return map;
