Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Massachusetts General Hospital 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
 * are made available under the terms of the i2b2 Software License v2.1 
 * which accompanies this distribution.  
 * Contributors: 
 *     Wensong Pan

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.DTOFactory;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.psm.query.ConstrainDateType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.psm.query.ItemType.ConstrainByDate;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.query.ui.QueryConstraints;

 * Class: QueryConceptTreeData.
 * A data holder class for QueryConceptTreePanel.

public class QueryConceptTreePanelData implements QueryConstraints {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(QueryConceptTreePanelData.class);

    private boolean exclude = false;

    public void exclude(boolean b) {
        exclude = b;

    public boolean exclude() {
        return exclude;

    private String timing = "ANY";

    public void timing(String str) {
        timing = str;

    public String timing() {
        return timing;

    private int startYear = -1;

    public void startYear(int i) {
        startYear = i;

    public int startYear() {
        return startYear;

    private int startMonth = -1;

    public void startMonth(int i) {
        startMonth = i;

    public int startMonth() {
        return startMonth;

    private int startDay = -1;

    public void startDay(int i) {
        startDay = i;

    public int startDay() {
        return startDay;

    private long startTime = -1;

    public void startTime(long l) {
        startTime = l;

    public long startTime() {
        return startTime;

    private int endYear = -1;

    public void endYear(int i) {
        endYear = i;

    public int endYear() {
        return endYear;

    private int endMonth = -1;

    public void endMonth(int i) {
        endMonth = i;

    public int endMonth() {
        return endMonth;

    private int endDay = -1;

    public void endDay(int i) {
        endDay = i;

    public int endDay() {
        return endDay;

    private long endTime = -1;

    public void endTime(long l) {
        endTime = l;

    public long endTime() {
        return endTime;

    private boolean includePrincipleVisit = true;

    public void includePrincipleVisit(boolean b) {
        includePrincipleVisit = b;

    public boolean includePrincipleVisit() {
        return includePrincipleVisit;

    private boolean includeSecondaryVisit = true;

    public void includeSecondaryVisit(boolean b) {
        includeSecondaryVisit = b;

    public boolean includeSecondaryVisit() {
        return includeSecondaryVisit;

    private boolean includeAdmissionVisit = true;

    public void includeAdmissionVisit(boolean b) {
        includeAdmissionVisit = b;

    public boolean includeAdmissionVisit() {
        return includeAdmissionVisit;

    private int occurrenceTimes = 1;

    public void setOccurrenceTimes(int i) {
        occurrenceTimes = i;

    public int getOccurrenceTimes() {
        return occurrenceTimes;

    private int accuracyScale = 100;

    public void setAccuracyScale(int i) {
        accuracyScale = i;

    public int getAccuracyScale() {
        return accuracyScale;

    private ArrayList<QueryConceptTreeNodeData> items = null;

    public QueryConceptTreePanelData() {
        items = new ArrayList<QueryConceptTreeNodeData>();

    public ConstrainByDate writeTimeConstraint() {
        ConstrainByDate timeConstrain = new ConstrainByDate();
        DTOFactory dtoFactory = new DTOFactory();

        TimeZone tz = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone();
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
        int zt_offset = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / 60000;"Timezone: " + tz.getID() + " : " + zt_offset);

        if (startTime() != -1) {
            ConstrainDateType constraindateType = new ConstrainDateType();
            XMLGregorianCalendar xmlC = dtoFactory.getXMLGregorianCalendarDate(startYear(), startMonth() + 1,

        if (endTime() != -1) {
            ConstrainDateType constraindateType = new ConstrainDateType();
            XMLGregorianCalendar xmlC = dtoFactory.getXMLGregorianCalendarDate(endYear(), endMonth() + 1, endDay());
        return timeConstrain;

    public ArrayList<QueryConceptTreeNodeData> getItems() {
        return items;

    public boolean hasModifier = false;

    public ConstrainByDate writeTimeConstrain(ConstrainDateType from, ConstrainDateType to) {
        ConstrainByDate timeConstrain = new ConstrainByDate();
        DTOFactory dtoFactory = new DTOFactory();

        // ConstrainDateType constraindateType = new ConstrainDateType();
        // constraindateType.setValue(dtoFactory.getXMLGregorianCalendarDate(
        // endYear(),
        // endMonth(), endDay()));
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        if (from != null) {
            startYear = from.getValue().getYear();
            startMonth = from.getValue().getMonth();
            startDay = from.getValue().getDay();
            cal.set(startYear, startMonth, startDay);
            startTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); // new Date(startYear,
            // startMonth,
            // startDay).getTime();
            // startTime(from.getTime().
        if (to != null) {
            endYear = to.getValue().getYear();
            endMonth = to.getValue().getMonth();
            endDay = to.getValue().getDay();
            cal.set(endYear, endMonth, endDay);
            endTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); // new Date(startYear, startMonth,
            // startDay).getTime();

        return timeConstrain;
