Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This software is released under the University of Illinois/Research and Academic Use License. See
 * the LICENSE file in the root folder for details. Copyright (c) 2016
 * Developed by: The Cognitive Computation Group University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.temporal.normalizer.main.timex2interval;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.temporal.normalizer.main.timex2interval.KnowledgeBase.*;

 * Created by zhilifeng on 3/22/17.
 * This class provides methods to normalize temporal string that contains a specific time of a day,
 * e.g. "10:30"
public class TimeOfDay {
    // Here we get rid of timezone phrases, currently didn't deal with the offset
    // TODO: add support to offset

     * This function convert a phrase with time zone
     * @param phrase
     * @return
    public static String converter(String phrase) {
        Set<String> zoneIds = DateTimeZone.getAvailableIDs();

        for (String zoneId : zoneIds) {
            String longName = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zoneId).getDisplayName();
            phrase = phrase.replace(longName.toLowerCase(), "");
            String[] zoneList = zoneId.split("/");
            // Because we have zone like UTC/GMT+1
            for (String zone : zoneList) {
                phrase = phrase.replace(zone.toLowerCase(), "");
        // EST wasn't in the canonical ID list in Joda time
        phrase = phrase.replace("est", "");
        phrase = phrase.trim().replaceAll(" +", " ");
        return phrase;

     * Convert a phrase with a specific time to timex3 format
     * @param start anchor time
     * @param temporalPhrase
     * @return
    public static TimexChunk timeRule(DateTime start, TemporalPhrase temporalPhrase) {
        String phrase = temporalPhrase.getPhrase();
        phrase = phrase.trim().toLowerCase().replace(" +", " ");
        phrase = converter(phrase);

        TimexChunk tc = new TimexChunk();
        tc.addAttribute(TimexNames.type, TimexNames.TIME);

        Pattern timePattern = Pattern.compile(timePatternStr);
        Matcher timePatternMatch = timePattern.matcher(phrase);
        boolean timeMatchFound = timePatternMatch.find();
        if (timeMatchFound) {
            String whole =;
            String hour =;
            String minute =;
            String second =;
            String amPm =;

            if (hour != null && hour.length() == 1) {
                hour = "0" + hour;
            if (minute != null && minute.length() == 1) {
                minute = "0" + minute;
            if (second != null && second.length() == 1) {
                second = "0" + second;

            String res = "";

            if (hour == null) {
                return null;

            else if (minute == null) {
                if (amPm == null) {
                    return null;
                } else {
                    amPm = amPm.replace(".", "");
                    if (amPm.equals("am")) {
                        res = "T" + hour;
                    } else {
                        res = "T" + (12 + Integer.parseInt(hour));

            else if (second == null) {
                if (amPm == null) {
                    res = "T" + hour + minute;
                } else {
                    amPm = amPm.replace(".", "");
                    if (amPm.equals("am")) {
                        res = "T" + hour + minute;
                    } else {
                        res = "T" + (12 + Integer.parseInt(hour)) + minute;

            else {
                if (amPm == null) {
                    res = "T" + hour + minute + second;
                } else {
                    amPm = amPm.replace(".", "");
                    if (amPm.equals("am")) {
                        res = "T" + hour + minute + second;
                    } else {
                        res = "T" + (12 + Integer.parseInt(hour)) + minute + second;

            String residual = StringUtils.difference(whole, phrase);
            if (residual.length() > 0) {
                residual = residual.trim().replace(" +", " ").toLowerCase();
                TimexChunk date = TimexNormalizer
                        .normalize(new TemporalPhrase(residual, temporalPhrase.getTense()));
                if (date != null) {
                    res = date.getAttribute(TimexNames.value) + res;
            } else {
                DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
                String dateStr = fmt.print(start);
                res = dateStr + res;
            tc.addAttribute(TimexNames.value, res);
            return tc;

        return null;


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TemporalPhrase temporalPhrase = new TemporalPhrase(" 4 a.m. eastern standard time 2013-03-07", "past");
        TimexChunk tc = TimeOfDay.timeRule(new DateTime(), temporalPhrase);
