Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (C) 2015, University of Kansas Center for Research
 * Specify Software Project,, Biodiversity Institute,
 * 1345 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, USA
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package edu.ku.brc.ui;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Stack;

import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout;

import edu.ku.brc.exceptions.UIException;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.GhostGlassPane;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.dnd.SimpleGlassPane;
import edu.ku.brc.ui.tmanfe.SearchReplacePanel;
import edu.ku.brc.util.FileCache;

 * This class manages all things UI. It is the central clearing house for UI components.
 * Meaning you can register various UI components by name and then get them later.<br><br>
 * <br>
 * Using the <i>getMostRecentFrame</i> method<br>
 * You <i>SHOULD</i> set the RECENTFRAME ui component when you are in a dialog and then any error dialogs
 * can be parented to your dialog. But if you set it you MUST set it back to null. (NOte if you forget it will always return
 * the TOPFRAME, but don't rely on this)
 * @code_status Complete
 * @author rods
public class UIRegistry {
    // Static Data Members
    protected static final String MISSING_FACTORY_MSG = "The object has not been set for the ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace. This class can be used without first setting a factory implementing this interface.";
    protected static final String EMBEDDED_DB_PATH = "embedded.dbpath";
    protected static final String MOBILE_EMBEDDED_DB_PATH = "mobile.embedded.dbpath";
    protected static final String EMBEDDED_DB_DIR = "SPECIFY_DATA";

    protected static final boolean debugPaths = false;

    public static final String FRAME = "frame";
    public static final String MENUBAR = "menubar";
    public static final String TOOLBAR = "toolbar";
    public static final String GLASSPANE = "glasspane";
    public static final String MAINPANE = "mainpane";
    public static final String RECENTFRAME = "recentframe";

    // Standard Actions
    public static final String UNDO = "Undo";
    public static final String REDO = "Redo";
    public static final String CUT = "Cut";
    public static final String COPY = "Copy";
    public static final String PASTE = "Paste";
    public static final String FIND = "Find";
    public static final String INSERT = "Insert";
    public static final String ADD = "Add";
    public static final String DELETE = "Delete";
    public static final String Clear = "Clear";

    public static final String LONGTERM_CACHE_MAP = "longterm-cache-map.xml";

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UIRegistry.class);
    protected static final UIRegistry instance = new UIRegistry();

    protected static Rectangle frameRect = null;
    protected static GhostGlassPane oldGlassPane = null;
    protected static boolean showingGlassPane = false;
    protected static boolean isRelease = false;
    protected static boolean isTesting = false;
    protected static int STD_WAIT_TIME = 2000; // 2 Seconds
    public static int STD_FONT_SIZE = 20; // 20 point size

    protected static Boolean isEmbedded = null;
    protected static Boolean isMobile = null;

    // Data Members
    protected HashMap<String, Component> components = new HashMap<String, Component>();
    protected Window topWindow = null;
    protected Stack<Window> windowStack = new Stack<Window>();

    protected HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JComponent>> uiItems = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JComponent>>();

    protected Font baseFont = null;
    protected Font defaultFont = null;

    protected FileCache longTermCache = null;
    protected FileCache shortTermCache = null;
    protected FileCache formsCache = null;
    protected JStatusBar statusBar = null;

    protected String defaultWorkingPath = null;
    protected String userDataDir = null;
    protected String appDataDir = null;
    protected String appName = null;

    // Resource Management
    protected ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null;
    protected Stack<ResBundleInfo> resBundleStack = new Stack<ResBundleInfo>();
    protected String resourceName = "resources";
    protected Locale resourceLocale = Locale.getDefault();
    protected Locale platformLocale = Locale.getDefault();
    protected static boolean doShowAllResStrErors = false;

    protected ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace viewbasedFactory = null;

    protected HashMap<String, Action> actionMap = new HashMap<String, Action>();

    // Undo / Redo Helpers
    protected static UndoAction undoAction; // these three are special
    protected static RedoAction redoAction;
    protected static LaunchFindReplaceAction launchFindReplaceAction;

    protected HashMap<Object, Action> actions = null;

    // XXX Doing the whole permanentFocusOwner owner thing is a kludge until 
    // we really understand the right way to do Cut Copy Paste
    protected static Component permanentFocusOwner = null;

    static {
        // Insurance for non-English Locales
        try {
            ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources", Locale.getDefault()); //$NON-NLS-1$

        } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {

        instance.baseFont = new JLabel("").getFont();
        instance.baseFont = instance.baseFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN);

        final KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
        focusManager.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
                String propName = e.getPropertyName();
                if (propName.equals("permanentFocusOwner")) {
                    permanentFocusOwner = focusManager.getFocusOwner();
                System.out.println(propName+"  "+
                        ( focusManager.getFocusOwner() != null ? focusManager.getFocusOwner().hashCode():"")+
                        "  FO: ["+(focusManager.getFocusOwner() != null ? focusManager.getFocusOwner().getClass().getSimpleName() : "NULL")+"]"+
                        " PERM: ["+(permanentFocusOwner != null ? permanentFocusOwner.getClass().getSimpleName() : "NULL")+"]");//+" perm: "+permanentFocusOwner);
                if (focusManager.getFocusOwner() instanceof GetSetValueIFace)
                    System.out.println("-> "+((GetSetValueIFace)focusManager.getFocusOwner()).getValue());
                if (("focusOwner".equals(propName)) && undoAction != null && redoAction != null) {
                    if (focusManager.getFocusOwner() instanceof UndoableTextIFace) {

                        UndoableTextIFace undoableText = (UndoableTextIFace) focusManager.getFocusOwner();
                        if (undoableText != null) {
                            //System.err.println("Hooking up undo manager for "+undoableText);
                    } else if (focusManager.getFocusOwner() instanceof JTextComponent) {

     * Default private constructor for singleton.
    private UIRegistry() {
        if (resourceBundle == null) {
            resourceBundle = getResourceBundle(resourceName);

     * Returns the singleton.
     * @return the singleton instance
    public static UIRegistry getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * @return the string for the current version number from the resources file (e.g. 6.2.10)
    public static String getAppVersion() {
        return getResourceString("SPECIFY_VERSION");

     * @return true if the install version number matches the jar version number.
    public static boolean doesAppversionsMatch() {
        String install4J = UIHelper.getInstall4JInstallString();
        String resAppVersion = getAppVersion();

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(install4J) || StringUtils.isEmpty(resAppVersion)
                || !resAppVersion.equals(install4J)) {
            showLocalizedError("APPVER_MISMATCH", install4J, resAppVersion);
            return false;
        return true;

     * @return the platformLocale
    public static Locale getPlatformLocale() {
        return instance.platformLocale;

     * If, to handle I18N issues with java loading of properties files, we load the properties files 'manually',
     * the following 2 methods could be used.
     * @param name
     * @param locale
     * @return
    /*private static String getResourcePropertiesFileName(final String name, final Locale locale)
       return "C:\\workspace\\XSpTrnk\\src\\" + name + "_" + locale.getLanguage() + ".properties";

     * @param name
     * @param locale
     * @return
    /*public static ResourceBundle getPropertyResourceBundleFromFileinConfigDir(final String name, final Locale locale)
      String resFileName = getResourcePropertiesFileName(name, locale);
      return new PropertyResourceBundle(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(resFileName)), "UTF-8"));
       } catch (Exception ex)
      return ResourceBundle.getBundle(name);

     * Loads and returns a resource Bundle.
     * @param name the name of the Bundle
     * @return the resource bundle object
    public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(final String name) {
        ResourceBundle resBundle = null;
        try {
            // I know this seems like an odd think to check,
            // but I want it to initialize itself at start up and also be able to set a new on later.
            // this was the only way.
            if (instance == null || instance.resourceLocale == null) {
                resBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(name, new UTF8Control());
                /* If properties files are stored in config dir and not loaded as resources:
                resBundle =  getPropertyResourceBundleFromFileinConfigDir(name, Locale.getDefault());            
            } else {
                try {
                    resBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(name, instance.resourceLocale, new UTF8Control());
                    /* if properties are stored in config dir and not loaded as resources:
                    resBundle =  getPropertyResourceBundleFromFileinConfigDir(name, instance.resourceLocale);
                } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
                    resBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(name, Locale.ENGLISH, new UTF8Control());
        } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
            log.error("Couldn't find Resource Bundle Name[" + name + "]", ex);
        return resBundle;

     * @return the resourceLocale
    public Locale getResourceLocale() {
        return resourceLocale;

     * @param resourceLocale the resourceLocale to set
    public static void setResourceLocale(Locale resourceLocale) {
        if (!instance.resourceLocale.equals(resourceLocale)) {
            instance.resourceLocale = resourceLocale;
            instance.resourceBundle = getResourceBundle(instance.resourceName);

     * Pushes the Resource Info onto the stack (internal because of the 'new')
     * @param name the name of the resource
     * @param rb the resource bundle
     * @return the same res bundle
    protected ResourceBundle pushInternal(final String name, final ResourceBundle rb) {
        resBundleStack.push(new ResBundleInfo(name, rb));
        return rb;

     * Pushes the Resource Info onto the stack.
     * @param name the name of the resource
     * @param rb the resource bundle
     * @return the same res bundle
    public static ResourceBundle push(final String name, final ResourceBundle rb) {
        instance.pushInternal(instance.resourceName, instance.resourceBundle);
        instance.resourceBundle = rb;
        instance.resourceName = name;
        return rb;

     * Loads a Resource Bundle by name and pushes it onto the Res bundle stack.
     * @param resName the name of the res bundle to load.
     * @return the loaded resource bundle or null if not found
    public static ResourceBundle loadAndPushResourceBundle(final String resName) {
        ResourceBundle rb = getResourceBundle(resName);
        if (rb != null) {
            push(resName, rb);
        } else {
            log.error("Unable to load ResourceBundle[" + resName + "]");
        return rb;

     * Pops a Resource Bundle off the stack.
     * @return the res bundle
    public static ResourceBundle popResourceBundle() {
        if (instance.resBundleStack.size() > 0) {
            ResBundleInfo rbi = instance.resBundleStack.pop();
            instance.resourceBundle = rbi.getResBundle();
            instance.resourceName = rbi.getName();
        } else {
            log.error("Tried to pop empty ResourceBundle Stack");
        return instance.resourceBundle;

     *  Return the current ResourceBundle.
     * @return the current ResourceBundle
    protected static ResourceBundle getResourceBundleInternal() {
        return instance.getResourceBundle();

     * Returns the main ResourceBundle.
     * @return Returns the main ResourceBundle
    public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
        return resourceBundle;

     * Returns the reourceName.
     * @return Returns the reourceName.
    public String getResourceName() {
        return resourceName;

     * Sets the resource name.
     * @param resourceName The reourceName to set.
    public void setResourceName(final String resourceName) {
        this.resourceName = resourceName;

     * Returns a localized string from the resource bundle (masks the thrown exception).
     * @param key the key to look up
     * @return  Returns a localized string from the resource bundle
    protected String getResourceStringInternal(final String key) {
        try {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key)) {
                log.warn("The key [" + key + "] was null/empty for localization");
                return "";
            return resourceBundle.getString(key);

        } catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
            if (resBundleStack.size() == 0 || doShowAllResStrErors) {
                log.warn("Couldn't find key[" + key + "] in resource bundle [" + resourceName + "]");

            for (int i = resBundleStack.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                ResBundleInfo ri = resBundleStack.elementAt(i);
                try {
                    return ri.getResBundle().getString(key);

                } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
                    if (i == 0 || doShowAllResStrErors) {
                        //log.error("Couldn't find key["+key+"] in resource bundle ["+ri.getName()+"]");
            return key;

     * This will enable the showing of all getResourceString ResourceBundle look up errors no matter
     * the level. Otherwise it only shows the error when it is not found at all.
     * @param doShowAllResStrErors the doShowAllResStrErors to set
    public static void setDoShowAllResStrErors(boolean doShowAllResStrErors) {
        UIRegistry.doShowAllResStrErors = doShowAllResStrErors;

     * Returns a localized string from the resource bundle (masks the thrown exception).
     * @param key the key to look up
     * @return  Returns a localized string from the resource bundle
    public static String getResourceString(final String key) {
        return instance.getResourceStringInternal(key);

     * Returns a localized string from the resource bundle that has a format.
     * @param key the key to look up
     * @param params the object to be inserted into the string
     * @return  Returns a localized string from the resource bundle
    public static String getFormattedResStr(final String key, final Object... params) {
        return String.format(instance.getResourceStringInternal(key), params);

     * @return the getPermanentFocusOwner
    public static Component getPermanentFocusOwner() {
        return permanentFocusOwner;

     * Returns whether this is a release.
     * @return whether this is a release.
    public static boolean isRelease() {
        return isRelease;

     * Sets whether this is a release.
     * @param isRelease the isRelease to set
    public static void setRelease(boolean isRelease) {
        UIRegistry.isRelease = isRelease;

     * @return the isTesting
    public static boolean isTesting() {
        return isTesting;

     * @param isTesting the isTesting to set
    public static void setTesting(boolean isTesting) {
        UIRegistry.isTesting = isTesting;

     * @return the statusBar
    public static JStatusBar getStatusBar() {
        return instance.statusBar;

     * @param statusBar the statusBar to set
    public static void setStatusBar(JStatusBar statusBar) {
        instance.statusBar = statusBar;

     * Set the working directory. It is not recommended to use this because the working directory will automatically be created.
     * @param defaultWorkingPath the new and different working directory.
    public static void setDefaultWorkingPath(final String defaultWorkingPath) {
        File path = new File(defaultWorkingPath);
        String defPath = defaultWorkingPath;
        try {
            defPath = path.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (IOException e) {

        dumpCanonicalPath("setDefaultWorkingPath", defPath);
        instance.defaultWorkingPath = defPath;

     * Returns the "working" directory which is platform specific. It will create one if one is not created
     * <b>NOTE: The application name must be set first.</b><br>
     * One Windows it is ...\<i>&lt;user name&gt;</i>\Application Data\&lt;application name&gt;<br>
     * On Unix based platforms it will create a directory of the "application name" with a "." in front. 
     * For example: <code>/home/john/.specify</code>
     * @return Returns the "working" directory which is platform specific.
    public static String getDefaultWorkingPath() {

        if (instance.defaultWorkingPath == null) {
            File file = new File(".");
            instance.defaultWorkingPath = UIHelper.stripSubDirs(file.getAbsolutePath(), 1);
            log.debug("Working Path not set, setting it to[" + instance.defaultWorkingPath + "]");
        //log.debug("Def Working Path["+instance.defaultWorkingPath+"]");

        if (debugPaths) {
            try {
                log.debug("************************ getDefaultWorkingPath: Canonical["
                        + (new File(instance.defaultWorkingPath).getCanonicalPath()) + "]");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        return instance.defaultWorkingPath;

     * Creates a File object for a Sub-Directory inside the Default Working Path Directory.
     * If the directory doesn't exist you can have it created.  
     * @param dirName the new or existing directory name
     * @param createIt true to create it if it doesn't exist, false doesn't create it
     * @return a File object to the the directory
    public static File getAppDataSubDir(final String dirName, final boolean createIt) {
        File newDir = new File(getAppDataDir() + File.separator + dirName);
        if (!newDir.exists() && createIt) {
            if (!newDir.mkdirs()) {
                return null;
        return newDir;

     * @param appDataDir
    public static void setBaseAppDataDir(final String appDataDir) {
        dumpCanonicalPath("setBaseAppDataDir", appDataDir);
        instance.appDataDir = appDataDir;

     * This method will create the "working" directory for the application.
     * @return the the working directory where local preferences and other files are saved.
    public static String getAppDataDir() {
        File dir;
        //log.debug("1 AppDataDir["+instance.appDataDir+"]");
        if (instance.appDataDir == null) {
            dir = new File(getUserHomeAppDir());
        } else {
            //log.debug("2 AppDataDir["+instance.appDataDir+"]");
            if (instance.appDataDir.equals(".")) {
                //log.debug("************* dot");
                dir = new File(UIHelper.stripSubDirs((new File(".").getAbsolutePath()), 1) + File.separator
                        + instance.appName);
            } else {
                //log.debug("3 AppDataDir["+instance.appDataDir+"]");
                dir = new File(instance.appDataDir + File.separator + instance.appName);

        if (!dir.exists()) {
            if (!dir.mkdir()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create data directory for " + instance.appName + " ["
                        + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
        if (debugPaths) {
            try {
                log.debug("************************ setDefaultWorkingPath: [" + dir.getCanonicalPath() + "]");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            return dir.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
        return dir.getAbsolutePath();

     * Gets the location of Application directory by calling {@link getUserHomeDir()} that is platform specific and requires the "application name" be set first. 
     * @return the string to a platform specify user data directory for the application name.
    public static String getUserHomeAppDir() {
        assert (instance.appName == null);

        return getUserHomeDir() + File.separator + instance.appName;

     * Get the "user" based working directory that is platform specific. 
     * @return the string to a platform specify user data directory
     * Get the "user" based working directory that is platform specific. When in Mobile 'mode'
     * it returns the DefaultWorkingPath, when in Standard app mode it uses the 'Default User Home Dir"
     * which is the platform specific true home directory.
     * @return the string to a platform specify user data directory
    public static String getUserHomeDir() {
        //log.error("isMobile() "+isMobile()+"["+UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath()+"]");

        return isMobile() ? UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath() : getDefaultUserHomeDir();

     * @return
    public static String getDefaultUserHomeDir() {
        String homeDir = System.getProperty("user.home");

        UIHelper.OSTYPE osType = UIHelper.getOSType();
        if (osType == UIHelper.OSTYPE.Windows) {
            String appDataLoc = System.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA");

            return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(appDataLoc) ? appDataLoc : homeDir;

        } else if (osType == UIHelper.OSTYPE.MacOSX) {
            String docPath = homeDir + File.separator + "Documents"; // Not Localized

            if (new File(docPath).exists()) {
                return docPath;
        // else
        return homeDir;

    public static void dumpPaths() {
        String mobile = "";
        try {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getMobileEmbeddedDBPath())) {
                mobile = (new File(getMobileEmbeddedDBPath())).getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (IOException ex) {

        if (debugPaths) {
            log.debug("AppDataDir:                  " + getAppDataDir());
            log.debug("UserHomeAppDir:              " + getUserHomeAppDir());
            log.debug("UserHomeDir:                 " + getUserHomeDir());

            log.debug("DefaultEmbeddedDBPath:       " + getDefaultEmbeddedDBPath());
            log.debug("DefaultMobileEmbeddedDBPath: " + getEmbeddedDBPath());
            log.debug("MobileEmbeddedDBPath:        " + mobile);
            log.debug("DefaultWorkingPath:          " + getDefaultWorkingPath());
            //log.debug("MobileMachineDir:            "+DBConnection.getMobileMachineDir("<database name>"));

     * Returns the current application name.
     * @return the current application name.
    public static String getAppName() {
        return instance.appName;

     * Sets the application name and this name cannot be changed (meaning it can only be set once).
     * @param appName the application name (it is best if it doesn't have a space in the middle)
    public static void setAppName(final String appName) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(appName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(instance.appName)) {
            instance.appName = appName;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("You cannot set the app name twice or with an empty string!");

     * Registers a uicomp.
     * @param category the category to be registered
     * @param name the name
     * @param uiComp the ui component
     * @throws UIException throws exception if it is already registered
    public static void registerUI(final String category, final String name, final JComponent uiComp)
            throws UIException {
        HashMap<String, JComponent> compsHash = instance.uiItems.get(category);
        if (compsHash == null) {
            compsHash = new HashMap<String, JComponent>();
            instance.uiItems.put(category, compsHash);
        if (compsHash.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new UIException(
                    "UI component with Name[" + name + "] has already been registered to [" + category + "].");
        compsHash.put(name, uiComp);

     * Unregisters a uicomp.
     * @param category the category to be registered
     * @param name the name
     * @throws UIException throws exception if it is not registered
    public static void unregisterUI(final String category, final String name) throws UIException {
        HashMap<String, JComponent> compsHash = instance.uiItems.get(category);
        if (compsHash == null) {
            throw new UIException("Couldn't find UI Category with Name[" + category + "].");
        JComponent comp = compsHash.get(name);
        if (comp == null) {
            throw new UIException("Couldn't find UI component with Name[" + name + "].");

     * Returns a UI component by name.
     * @param name the name of the component to be retrieved
     * @return a UI component by name
    public static Component get(final String name) {
        return instance.components.get(name);

     * Returns a UI component by name.
     * @param altName the name of the component to be retrieved
     * @return a UI component by name
    public static Window getTopWindow() {
        return instance.topWindow;

    public static void setTopWindow(final Window window) {
        instance.topWindow = window;

     * Returns the most recent frame to be used, but note that there is no magic here. You
     * must set the the most recent frame in order for it to be used by someone else. The one
     * thing it does do for you, is that if you forgot to set it and someone else uses it it does
     * check to make sure it is not null AND visible. If either of these are true then it returns the TOPFRAME.
     * @return Returns the most recent frame to be used, but note that there is no magic here. You
     * must set the the most recent frame in order for it to be used by someone else. The one
     * thing it does do for you, is that if you forgot to set it and someone else uses it it does
     * check to make sure it is not null AND visible. If either of these are true then it returns the TOPFRAME.
    public static Window getMostRecentWindow() {
        Window recent = instance.windowStack.size() > 0 ? instance.windowStack.peek() : null;
        return recent == null || !recent.isVisible() ? instance.topWindow : recent;

     * Pushes Window onto the Stack.
     * @param window pushed onto the Window stack
    public static void pushWindow(final Window window) {

     * Pops Window off the Stack.
     * @param window the window
     * @return pops window off the window stack
    public static Window popWindow(final Window requester) {
        if (instance.windowStack.size() > 0) {
            int index = instance.windowStack.indexOf(requester);
            if (index == -1) {
                log.error("Trying to pop Window not on the stack ");

            } else if (index < instance.windowStack.size() - 1) {
                log.error("Popping Window lower on Window stack than the Top [" + (instance.windowStack.size() - 1)
                        + "] poping index[" + index + "]");
                // Now Pop other windows so it does get out of wack
                while (instance.windowStack.peek() != requester) {
            } else {
                return instance.windowStack.pop();
        } else {
            log.error("Trying to pop Window off an empty stack.");
        return null;

     * Formats an Internationalized string with a variable argument list.
     * @param key the I18N key
     * @param args the list args
     * @return a formatted string
    public static String getLocalizedMessage(final String key, final Object... args) {
        return String.format(getResourceString(key), args);

     * Returns the ViewBasedFacory for the application.
     * @return the ViewBasedFacory for the application
    public static ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace getViewbasedFactory() {
        if (instance.viewbasedFactory == null) {
            String className = System.getProperty("edu.ku.brc.ui.ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace", null);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(className)) {
                try {
                    instance.viewbasedFactory = (ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace) Class.forName(className)

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    InternalError error = new InternalError(
                            "Can't instantiate ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace factory " + className);
                    throw error;

            } else {
                throw new InternalError(MISSING_FACTORY_MSG);

        return instance.viewbasedFactory;

     * Displays a dialog dialog with a parameterized localized message.
     * @param iconType the type of icon to use (Question, Error, etc)
     * @param titleKey the title localize key
     * @param msgKey the message localize key
     * @param args any args
    public static void showLocalizedMsg(final int iconType, final String titleKey, final String msgKey,
            final Object... args) {
                (args.length == 0 ? getResourceString(msgKey) : String.format(getResourceString(msgKey), args)),
                getResourceString(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(titleKey) ? titleKey : "WARNING"), iconType);

     * Displays a Warning dialog with a non-localized error message.
     * @param titleKey the title localize key
     * @param msgKey the message localize key
     * @param args any args
    public static void showLocalizedMsg(final String msgKey) {
        showLocalizedMsg(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, "WARNING", msgKey);

     * Displays a Warning dialog with a non-localized error message.
     * @param titleKey the title localize key
     * @param msgKey the message localize key
     * @param args any args
    public static void showLocalizedMsg(final String titleKey, final String msgKey, final Object... args) {
        showLocalizedMsg(JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, titleKey, msgKey, args);

     * Asks Yes or No question using a JOptionPane
     * @param yesKey the resource key for the Yes button
     * @param noKey the resource key for the No button
     * @param nonL10NMsg the message or question NOT Localized
     * @param titleKey the resource key for the Dialog Title
     * @return JOptionPane.NO_OPTION or JOptionPane.YES_OPTION
    public static int askYesNoLocalized(final String yesKey, final String noKey, final String nonL10NMsg,
            final String titleKey) {
        int userChoice = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION;
        Object[] options = { getResourceString(yesKey), getResourceString(noKey) };

        userChoice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(UIRegistry.getMostRecentWindow(), nonL10NMsg,
                getResourceString(titleKey), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options,
        return userChoice;

     * Asks Yes, No, Cancel question using a JOptionPane
     * @param yesKey the resource key for the Yes button
     * @param noKey the resource key for the No button
     * @param cancelKey the resource key for the Cancel button
     * @param nonL10NMsg the message or question NOT Localized
     * @param titleKey the resource key for the Dialog Title
     * @return JOptionPane.NO_OPTION or JOptionPane.YES_OPTION
    public static int askYesNoLocalized(final String yesKey, final String noKey, final String cancelKey,
            final String nonL10NMsg, final String titleKey) {
        int userChoice = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION;
        Object[] options = { getResourceString(yesKey), getResourceString(noKey), getResourceString(cancelKey) };

        userChoice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(UIRegistry.getMostRecentWindow(), nonL10NMsg,
                getResourceString(titleKey), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
                options, options[0]);
        return userChoice;

     * Displays a dialog with a text field. 
     * @param lblKey the L10N key for the text field label
     * @param titleKey the L10N key for the title
     * @param msgKey optional message to be displayed, can be null or empty string
     * @param doMustHaveValue indicates that the dialog will only have an OK and will no close until a value is entered.
     * @return the string entered into the dialog.
    public static String askForString(final String lblKey, final String titleKey, final String msgKey,
            final boolean doMustHaveValue) {
        CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
        PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(
                new FormLayout("p,2px,f:p:g", "p" + (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(msgKey) ? ",4px,p:g" : "")));
        final ValTextField vt = new ValTextField(32);

        pb.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel(lblKey), cc.xy(1, 1));
        pb.add(vt, cc.xy(3, 1));
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(msgKey)) {
            pb.add(UIHelper.createI18NLabel(msgKey), cc.xyw(1, 3, 3));


        final CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Frame) null, getResourceString(titleKey), true,
                doMustHaveValue ? CustomDialog.OK_BTN : CustomDialog.OKCANCEL, pb.getPanel());

        vt.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
            public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {


        return vt.getText();

     * Displays an error dialog with a non-localized error message.
     * @param msg the message
    public static void showError(final String msg) {
        showError(null, msg);

     * Displays an error dialog with a non-localized error message.
     * @param dlgType Dialog type error or warning
     * @param msg the message
    public static void showError(final Integer dlgType, final String msg) {

        String titleKey = dlgType != null && dlgType == JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ? "WARNING"
                : "UIRegistry.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR_TITLE";
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(UIRegistry.getTopWindow(), msg, getResourceString(titleKey),
                dlgType == null ? JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE : dlgType);

     * Displays an error dialog with a non-localized error message in a non-modal dialog.
     * @param msg the message
    public static void showErrorNonModal(final String msg) {

        CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
        PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g", "f:p:g"));
        pb.add(UIHelper.createLabel(msg), cc.xy(1, 1));

        CustomDialog dlg = new CustomDialog((Frame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow(),
                getResourceString("UIRegistry.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR_TITLE"), false, CustomDialog.OK_BTN,


     * Displays an error dialog with a localized error message.
     * @param key the bundle key for the message
    public static void showLocalizedError(final String key) {
        showError(null, getResourceString(key));

     * Displays an error dialog with a localized error message.
     * @param dlgType Dialog type error or warning
     * @param key the bundle key for the message
    public static void showLocalizedError(final Integer dlgType, final String key) {
        showError(dlgType, getResourceString(key));

     * Displays an error dialog with a localized error message.
     * @param key the bundle key for the message
     * @param args args for the message
    public static void showLocalizedError(final String key, final Object... args) {
        showError(String.format(getResourceString(key), args));

     * Displays an error dialog with a localized error message.
     * @param dlgType Dialog type error or warning
     * @param key the bundle key for the message
     * @param args args for the message
    public static void showLocalizedError(final Integer dlgType, final String key, final Object... args) {
        showError(dlgType, String.format(getResourceString(key), args));

     * Sets the ViewBasedFacory for the application.
     * @param viewbasedFactory the factory
    /*public static void setViewbasedFactory(ViewBasedDialogFactoryIFace viewbasedFactory)
    instance.viewbasedFactory = viewbasedFactory;

     * Registers a uiComp into the applications.
     * @param name the name of the UI component to be registered
     * @param uiComp the UI component to be registered
    public static void register(final String name, final Component uiComp) {
        if (uiComp != null) {
            if (instance.components.get(name) == null) {
                instance.components.put(name, uiComp);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Registering a uiComp with an existing name[" + name + "]");
        } else {
            throw new NullPointerException("Trying to register a null UI Component!");

     * Unregisters a uiComp from the application.
     * @param name the name of the UI component to be unregistered
    public static void unregister(final String name) {
        if (name != null) {
            if (instance.components.get(name) != null) {
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unregistering a uiComp that has been registered [" + name + "]");
        } else {
            throw new NullPointerException("Trying to unregister with a null name!");

     * Displays a message in the status bar (Note: this updates on the SwingThread via SwingUtilities)
     * @param text the text to be displayed
    public static void displayStatusBarText(final String text) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (instance.statusBar != null) {
                    instance.statusBar.setText(text == null ? "" : text);

     * Displays a message in the status bar (Note: this updates on the SwingThread via SwingUtilities)
     * @param text the text to be displayed
    public static void displayStatusBarErrMsg(final String text) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (instance.statusBar != null && text != null) {

     * Displays a message in the status bar. (Note: this updates on the SwingThread via SwingUtilities)
     * @param key the key of the string that is to appear in the status bar. The resource string will be looked up
     * @param args for the message
    public static void displayLocalizedStatusBarText(final String key, final Object... args) {
        if (key == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Call to displayLocalizedStatusBarText cannot be null!");

        String localizedStr = instance.getResourceStringInternal(key);
        assert localizedStr != null : "Localized String for key[" + key + "]";

        displayStatusBarText(String.format(localizedStr, args));


     * Displays an error message in the status bar. (Note: this updates on the SwingThread via SwingUtilities)
     * @param key the key of the string that is to appear in the status bar. The resource string will be looked up
     * @param args for the message
    public static void displayLocalizedStatusBarError(final String key, final Object... args) {
        if (key == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Call to displayLocalizedStatusBarText cannot be null!");

        String localizedStr = instance.getResourceStringInternal(key);
        assert localizedStr != null : "Localized String for key[" + key + "]";

        displayStatusBarErrMsg(String.format(localizedStr, args));


     * Repaints the top most frame.
    public static void forceTopFrameRepaint() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                JFrame frame = ((JFrame) instance.topWindow);
                assert frame != null : "The top frame has not been registered";

     * Returns the glass pane from the mgr.
     * @return Returns the glass pane from the mgr
    public static GhostGlassPane getGlassPane() {
        return ((GhostGlassPane) instance.components.get(GLASSPANE));

     * Display an Error dialog.
     * @param msg the message to be displayed
    public static void displayErrorDlg(final String msg) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), msg, getResourceString("Error"),

     * Display an Error dialog that gets its string from the resource bundle.
     * @param msg the message to be displayed
    public static void displayErrorDlgLocalized(final String key, Object... args) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), String.format(getResourceString(key), args),
                getResourceString("Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

     * Display an Information dialog that gets its string from the resource bundle.
     * @param key the message to be displayed
     * @param args for formatting msg
    public static void displayInfoMsgDlgLocalized(final String key, Object... args) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), String.format(getResourceString(key), args),
                getResourceString("INFORMATION"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

     * Display an Information dialog that gets its string from the resource bundle.
     * @param msg the already localized message to be displayed
    public static void displayInfoMsgDlg(final String msg) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), msg, getResourceString("INFORMATION"),

     * Display an Confirmation Dialog where everything comes from the bundle.
     * @param titleKey the key to the dialog title
     * @param msgKey the key to the dialog message
     * @param keyBtn1 the key to the first button 
     * @param keyBtn2 the key to the second button
     * @param iconOption the icon to show
     * @return true is YES false if NO
    public static boolean displayConfirm(final String title, final String msg, final String keyBtn1, // Yes
            final String keyBtn2, // No
            final int iconOption) {
        // Custom button text
        // NOTE: clicking the 'X' returns a -1
        Object[] options = { keyBtn1, keyBtn2 };

        return JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
                iconOption, null, options, options[1]) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;

     * Display an Confirmation Dialog where everything comes from the bundle.
     * @param titleKey the key to the dialog title
     * @param msgKey the key to the dialog message
     * @param keyBtn1 the key to the first button 
     * @param keyBtn2 the key to the second button
     * @param iconOption the icon to show
     * @return true is YES false if NO
    public static boolean displayConfirmLocalized(final String titleKey, final String msgKey, final String keyBtn1,
            final String keyBtn2, final int iconOption) {
        return displayConfirm(getResourceString(titleKey), getResourceString(msgKey), getResourceString(keyBtn1),
                getResourceString(keyBtn2), iconOption);

     * Display an Confirmation Dialog where everything comes from the bundle.
     * @param titleKey the key to the dialog title
     * @param msgKey the key to the dialog message
     * @param keyBtn1 the key to the first button 
     * @param keyBtn2 the key to the second button
     * @param keyBtn3 the key to the third button
     * @param iconOption the icon to show
    public static int displayConfirm(final String title, final String msg, final String keyBtn1, // Yes
            final String keyBtn2, // No
            final String keyBtn3, // Cancel
            final int iconOption) {
        // Custom button text
        Object[] options = { keyBtn1, keyBtn2, keyBtn3 };

        return JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(getMostRecentWindow(), msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
                iconOption, null, options, options[2]);

     * Display an Confirmation Dialog where everything comes from the bundle.
     * @param titleKey the key to the dialog title
     * @param msgKey the key to the dialog message
     * @param keyBtn1 the key to the first button 
     * @param keyBtn2 the key to the second button
     * @param keyBtn3 the key to the third button
     * @param iconOption the icon to show
    public static int displayConfirmLocalized(final String titleKey, final String msgKey, final String keyBtn1,
            final String keyBtn2, final String keyBtn3, final int iconOption) {
        return displayConfirm(getResourceString(titleKey), getResourceString(msgKey), getResourceString(keyBtn1),
                getResourceString(keyBtn2), getResourceString(keyBtn3), iconOption);

    // File Cache Section

     * Returns the longTermCache.
     * @return the longTermCache.
    public static FileCache getLongTermFileCache() {
        synchronized (instance) {
            if (instance.longTermCache == null) {
                try {
                    instance.longTermCache = new FileCache("longTerm.Cache");

                    // set the cache size to 20 MB
                    instance.longTermCache.setMaxCacheSize(20); // 20 megabytes

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(UIRegistry.class, ex);
        return instance.longTermCache;

     * Sets the longTermCache.
     * @param longTermCache The longTermCache to set.
    public static void setLongTermFileCache(FileCache longTermCache) {
        instance.longTermCache = longTermCache;

     * Gets the shortTermCache.
     * @return the shortTermCache.
    public static FileCache getShortTermFileCache() {
        synchronized (instance) {
            if (instance.shortTermCache == null) {
                try {
                    instance.shortTermCache = new FileCache();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(UIRegistry.class, ex);
        return instance.shortTermCache;

     * Sets the shortTermCache.
     * @param shortTermCache The shortTermCache to set.
    public static void setShortTermFileCache(FileCache shortTermCache) {
        instance.shortTermCache = shortTermCache;

     * Returns the forms cache.
     * @return the forms cache.
    public static FileCache getFormsCache() {
        synchronized (instance) {
            if (instance.formsCache == null) {
                try {
                    instance.formsCache = new FileCache("forms.Cache");
                    // turn off enforcement of the max cache size
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(UIRegistry.class, ex);
        return instance.formsCache;

     * Sets the forms cache.
     * @param formsCache The forms cache to set.
    public static void setFormsCache(FileCache formsCache) {
        instance.formsCache = formsCache;

     * Creates the initial font mapping from the base font size to the other sizes.
     * @param clazz the class of the component
     * @param baseFontArg the base font size
    protected static void adjustAllFonts(final Font oldBaseFont, final Font baseFontArg) {
        if (oldBaseFont != null && baseFontArg != null) {
            int fontSize = baseFontArg.getSize();
            int oldFontSize = oldBaseFont.getSize();
            String family = baseFontArg.getFamily();

            UIDefaults uiDefaults = UIManager.getDefaults();
            Enumeration<Object> e = uiDefaults.keys();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                Object key = e.nextElement();
                if (key.toString().endsWith(".font")) {
                    FontUIResource fontUIRes = (FontUIResource) uiDefaults.get(key);
                    if (fontSize != fontUIRes.getSize() || !family.equals(fontUIRes.getFamily())) {
                        UIManager.put(key, new FontUIResource(new Font(family, fontUIRes.getStyle(),
                                fontSize + (fontUIRes.getSize() - oldFontSize))));

     * Check the font against the System base font.
     * @param font the new font.
     * @return the original System Base font if the family name and size matches. For some OSs the actual
     * System Base Font is different than creating it.
    public static Font adjustPerDefaultFont(final Font font) {
        return font.getFamily().equals(instance.defaultFont.getFamily())
                && instance.defaultFont.getSize() == font.getSize() ? instance.defaultFont : font;

     * Return the base font for the UI component.
     * @return the base font for the UI.
    public static Font getBaseFont() {
        return instance.baseFont != null ? instance.baseFont : UIHelper.createLabel("").getFont();

     * Sets the base font and builds all the control's fonts.
     * @param newBaseFont the new font
    public static void setBaseFont(final Font newBaseFont) {
        if (instance.baseFont != newBaseFont && instance.baseFont != null) {
            adjustAllFonts(instance.baseFont, newBaseFont);
        instance.baseFont = newBaseFont;

     * @param defaultFont the default font
    public static void setDefaultFont(Font defaultFont) {
        instance.defaultFont = defaultFont;

     * @return the default font
    public static Font getDefaultFont() {
        return instance.defaultFont;

    //-- Glass Pane Buffered Image
    protected static SoftReference<BufferedImage> glassPaneBufferedImageSR;

     * Reads in the disciplines file (is loaded when the class is loaded).
     * @return Reads in the disciplines file (is loaded when the class is loaded).
    public static BufferedImage getGlassPaneBufferedImage(final int width, final int height) {
        BufferedImage bufImg = null;

        if (glassPaneBufferedImageSR != null) {
            bufImg = glassPaneBufferedImageSR.get();

        if (bufImg != null) {
            if (bufImg.getWidth() != width && bufImg.getHeight() != height) {
                bufImg = null;

        if (bufImg == null) {
            glassPaneBufferedImageSR = new SoftReference<BufferedImage>(
                    new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB));

        return glassPaneBufferedImageSR.get();

     * Writes a string message into the BufferedImage on GlassPane and sets the main component's visibility to false and
     * shows the GlassPane.
     * @param msg the message
     * @param pointSize the Font point size for the message to be writen in
    public static GhostGlassPane writeGlassPaneMsg(final String msg, final int pointSize) {
        GhostGlassPane glassPane = getGlassPane();
        if (glassPane != null) {


        Component mainComp = get(MAINPANE);
        if (mainComp != null && glassPane != null) {
            JFrame frame = (JFrame) get(FRAME);
            frameRect = frame.getBounds();

            int y = 0;
            JMenuBar menuBar = null;
            Dimension size = mainComp.getSize();
            if (UIHelper.getOSType() != UIHelper.OSTYPE.MacOSX) {
                menuBar = frame.getJMenuBar();
                size.height += menuBar.getSize().height;
                y += menuBar.getSize().height;
            BufferedImage buffer = getGlassPaneBufferedImage(size.width, size.height);
            Graphics2D g2 = buffer.createGraphics();
            if (menuBar != null) {
            g2.translate(0, y);
            g2.translate(0, -y);

            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 128));
            g2.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);

            g2.setFont(new Font((new JLabel()).getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, pointSize));
            FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();

            int tw = fm.stringWidth(msg);
            int th = fm.getHeight();
            int tx = (size.width - tw) / 2;
            int ty = (size.height - th) / 2;

            int expand = 20;
            int arc = expand * 2;
            g2.fillRoundRect(tx - (expand / 2), ty - fm.getAscent() - (expand / 2), tw + expand, th + expand, arc,

            g2.drawRoundRect(tx - (expand / 2), ty - fm.getAscent() - (expand / 2), tw + expand, th + expand, arc,

            g2.drawString(msg, tx, ty);

            glassPane.setPoint(new Point(0, 0), GhostGlassPane.ImagePaintMode.ABSOLUTE);
            glassPane.setOffset(new Point(0, 0));


            //Using paintImmediately fixes problems with glass pane not showing, such as for workbench saves initialed
            //during workbench or app shutdown. Don't know if there is a better way to fix it.
            showingGlassPane = true;

        return glassPane;

     * Clears the GlassPane, meaning it sets the mainComp visible again and sets the GlassPane to be hidden.
    public synchronized static void clearGlassPaneMsg() {
        Component mainComp = UIRegistry.get(UIRegistry.MAINPANE);
        if (mainComp != null && getGlassPane() != null && getGlassPane().isVisible()) {

            Frame frame = (JFrame) get(FRAME);
        showingGlassPane = false;

     * @return
    public static boolean isShowingGlassPane() {
        return showingGlassPane;

     * @param msg
     * @param pointSize
    public static SimpleGlassPane writeSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String msg, final int pointSize) {
        return writeSimpleGlassPaneMsg(msg, pointSize, false);

     * @param msg
     * @param pointSize
     * @param isDblClickProgBar
     * @return
    public static SimpleGlassPane writeSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String msg, final int pointSize,
            final boolean isDblClickProgBar) {
        SimpleGlassPane glassPane = new SimpleGlassPane(msg, pointSize, false, isDblClickProgBar);

        JStatusBar statusBar = UIRegistry.getStatusBar();
        if (statusBar != null) {
            glassPane.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, statusBar.getSize().height, 0));

        oldGlassPane = UIRegistry.getGlassPane();
        if (oldGlassPane != null) {

        if (glassPane != null && UIRegistry.getTopWindow() != null) {
            ((JFrame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow()).setGlassPane(glassPane);
            showingGlassPane = true;

        } else {
            oldGlassPane = null;
            showingGlassPane = false;

        return glassPane;

     * Fades screen and writes message to screen
     * @param localizedMsg the already localized message
    public static void writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String localizedMsg) {
        writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(localizedMsg, null, null, null, false);

     * Fades screen and writes message to screen
     * @param localizedMsg the already localized message
     * @param textColor the color of the text
    public static void writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String localizedMsg, final Color textColor) {
        writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(localizedMsg, null, textColor, null, false);

     * Fades screen and writes message to screen
     * @param localizedMsg the already localized message
     * @param milliseconds the number of milliseconds to pause showing the message
     * @param doHideOnClick true to hide message on user click
    public static void writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String localizedMsg, final Integer milliseconds,
            final boolean doHideOnClick) {
        writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(localizedMsg, milliseconds, null, null, doHideOnClick);

     * Fades screen and writes message to screen
     * @param localizedMsg the already localized message
     * @param milliseconds the number of milliseconds to pause showing the message
     * @param textColor the color of the text
     * @param pointSize the point size to draw the text
     * @param doHideOnClick true to hide message on user click
    public static void writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String localizedMsg, final Integer milliseconds,
            final Color textColor, final Integer pointSize, final boolean doHideOnClick) {
        writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(localizedMsg, milliseconds, textColor, pointSize, doHideOnClick, null);

     * Fades screen and writes message to screen
     * @param localizedMsg the already localized message
     * @param milliseconds the number of milliseconds to pause showing the message
     * @param textColor the color of the text
     * @param pointSize the point size to draw the text
     * @param yTextPos set the the 'y' position of the text
    public static void writeTimedSimpleGlassPaneMsg(final String localizedMsg, final Integer milliseconds,
            final Color textColor, final Integer pointSize, final boolean doHideOnClick, final Integer yTextPos) {
        final SimpleGlassPane sgp = UIRegistry.writeSimpleGlassPaneMsg(localizedMsg,
                pointSize == null ? STD_FONT_SIZE : pointSize);
        if (sgp != null) {

        SwingWorker<Integer, Integer> msgWorker = new SwingWorker<Integer, Integer>() {
            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see javax.swing.SwingWorker#doInBackground()
            protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(milliseconds != null ? milliseconds : STD_WAIT_TIME);

                } catch (Exception ex) {

                return null;

            protected void done() {

                if (sgp != null) {


                if (textColor == Color.RED) {
                } else {


    public synchronized static void clearSimpleGlassPaneMsg() {
        if (oldGlassPane != null) {
            ((JFrame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow()).setGlassPane(oldGlassPane);
        } else {
            Component glassPane = ((JFrame) UIRegistry.getTopWindow()).getGlassPane();
            if (glassPane != null) {
        oldGlassPane = null;
        showingGlassPane = false;

     * @param isMobile
    public static void setMobile(final boolean isMobile) {
        UIRegistry.isMobile = isMobile;

     * @return
    public static boolean isMobile() {
        return isMobile != null && isMobile;

     * @return the isEmbedded
    public static Boolean isEmbedded() {
        return isEmbedded != null && isEmbedded;

     * @param isEmbedded the isEmbedded to set
    public static void setEmbedded(final Boolean isEmbedded) {
        UIRegistry.isEmbedded = isEmbedded;

     * Sets the path to the embedded DB.
     * @param path the path.
    public static void setEmbeddedDBPath(final String path) {
        dumpCanonicalPath("setEmbeddedDBDir", path);

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) {
            System.setProperty(EMBEDDED_DB_PATH, path);

     * @return the path to the embedded DB
    public static String getEmbeddedDBPath() {
        return System.getProperty(EMBEDDED_DB_PATH);

     * @param desc
     * @param path
    private static void dumpCanonicalPath(final String desc, final String path) {
        dumpCanonicalPath(desc, new File(path));

     * @param desc
     * @param path
    private static void dumpCanonicalPath(final String desc, final File path) {
        if (debugPaths) {
            try {
                log.debug("***** dumpCanonicalPath: " + desc + ": [" + path.getCanonicalPath() + "]");
            } catch (Exception ex) {

     * @return a default path to the embedded DB when it is suppose to be on the local machine.
    public static String getDefaultEmbeddedDBPath() {
        dumpCanonicalPath("getDefaultEmbeddedDBPath", getAppDataDir() + File.separator + EMBEDDED_DB_DIR);
        return UIRegistry.getAppDataDir() + File.separator + EMBEDDED_DB_DIR;

     * @return a default path to the embedded DB when it is suppose to be on removable media. 
     * Sos it is placed relative to the executable.
    public static String getDefaultMobileEmbeddedDBPath() {
                UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath() + File.separator + EMBEDDED_DB_DIR);
        return UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath() + File.separator + EMBEDDED_DB_DIR;

     * @return a default path to the embedded DB when it is suppose to be on removable media. 
     * Sos it is placed relative to the executable.
    public static String getDefaultMobileEmbeddedDBPath(final String dbName) {
                UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath() + File.separator + dbName);

        String path = UIRegistry.getDefaultWorkingPath();

        String mobileRelativePath = System.getProperty("mobilesrcdir");
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mobileRelativePath)) {
            if (!path.endsWith(File.separator) && !mobileRelativePath.startsWith(File.separator)) {
                path += File.separator;
            path += mobileRelativePath;

        return path + File.separator + dbName;

     * Sets the path to the embedded DB.
     * @param path the path.
    public static void setMobileEmbeddedDBPath(final String path) {
        dumpCanonicalPath("setMobileEmbeddedDBPath", path);

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) {
            System.setProperty(MOBILE_EMBEDDED_DB_PATH, path);

     * @return the path to the embedded DB
    public static String getMobileEmbeddedDBPath() {
        return System.getProperty(MOBILE_EMBEDDED_DB_PATH);

    //-- Undo / Redo and Other Action Stuff

     * Returns an Action by name.
     * @param name the name of the action
    public static Action getAction(final String name) {
        return instance.actionMap.get(name);

     * Register's an action.
     * @param name thee name of the action
     * @param action the action 
     * @return the action passed in
    public static Action registerAction(final String name, final Action action) {
        if (instance.actionMap.get(name) == null) {
            instance.actionMap.put(name, action);

        } else {
            log.error("Action with name[" + name + "] is already registered.");
        return action;

     * Register's an action.
     * @param name thee name of the action
     * @param action the action 
     * @return the action passed in
    public static void unregisterAction(final String name) {
        if (instance.actionMap.get(name) != null) {

        } else {
            log.error("Couldn't find Action with name[" + name + "].");

     * Adds Key navigation bindings to a component. (Is this needed?)
     * @param comp the component
    public void addNavBindings(JComponent comp) {
        InputMap inputMap = comp.getInputMap();

        //Ctrl-b to go backward one character
        KeyStroke key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_B, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
        inputMap.put(key, DefaultEditorKit.backwardAction);

        //Ctrl-f to go forward one character
        key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
        inputMap.put(key, DefaultEditorKit.forwardAction);

        //Ctrl-p to go up one line
        key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
        inputMap.put(key, DefaultEditorKit.upAction);

        //Ctrl-n to go down one line
        key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
        inputMap.put(key, DefaultEditorKit.downAction);

    // Create the edit menu
    public JMenu createEditMenu() {
        JMenu menu = new JMenu(getResourceString("EDIT"));
        // Undo and redo are actions of our own creation.
        undoAction = (UndoAction) makeAction(UndoAction.class, this, "Undo", null, null, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_Z),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Z, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        register(UNDO, menu.add(undoAction));
        actionMap.put(UNDO, undoAction);
        redoAction = (RedoAction) makeAction(RedoAction.class, this, "Redo", null, null, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_Y),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Y, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        register(REDO, menu.add(redoAction));
        actionMap.put(REDO, redoAction);

        // These actions come from the default editor kit.  Get the ones we want
        // and stick them in the menu.
        Action cutAction = makeAction(DefaultEditorKit.CutAction.class, null, "Cut", null,
                "Cut selection to clipboard", // I18N ????
                new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_X),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_X, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        register(CUT, menu.add(cutAction));
        actionMap.put(CUT, cutAction);

        Action copyAction = makeAction(DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction.class, null, "Copy", null,
                "Copy selection to clipboard", new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_C),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_C, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        register(COPY, menu.add(copyAction));
        actionMap.put(COPY, copyAction);

        Action pasteAction = makeAction(DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction.class, null, "Paste", null,
                "Paste contents of clipboard", new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_V),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_V, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        register(PASTE, menu.add(pasteAction));
        actionMap.put(PASTE, pasteAction);

        Action selectAllAction = makeAction(SelectAllAction.class,
                                       "Select All",
                                       "Select all text",
                                       new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_A),
                                       KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        launchFindReplaceAction = (LaunchFindReplaceAction) makeAction(LaunchFindReplaceAction.class, this, "Find",
                null, null, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_F),
                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()));
        //        launchFindReplaceAction.setEnabled(false);
        //        register(FIND, menu.add(launchFindReplaceAction));
        //        actionMap.put(FIND, launchFindReplaceAction);

        register(FIND, menu.add(launchFindReplaceAction));
        actionMap.put(FIND, launchFindReplaceAction);

        return menu;

     * Enables/Disables Cut/Copy/Paste.
     * @param enable true/false
    public static void enableCutCopyPaste(final boolean enable) {

     * @param actionClass
     * @param owner
     * @param name
     * @param icon
     * @param toolTip
     * @param mnemonicKeyCode
     * @param acceleratorKey
     * @return
    public Action makeAction(Class<?> actionClass, Object owner, String name, ImageIcon icon, String toolTip,
            Integer mnemonicKeyCode, KeyStroke acceleratorKey) {
        Action a = null;
        try {
            Constructor<?> c;
            if (owner != null) {
                // If the class is an inner class, its constuctor takes a hidden
                // parameter, an object of it enclosing class.
                c = actionClass.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { owner.getClass() });
                a = (Action) c.newInstance(new Object[] { owner });
            } else {
                c = actionClass.getConstructor((Class<?>[]) null);
                a = (Action) c.newInstance((Object[]) null);
            return makeAction(a, name, icon, toolTip, mnemonicKeyCode, acceleratorKey);

        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            System.err.println("actionClass argument " + actionClass + " does not implement Action");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println(e + " -- while trying to make an instance of " + actionClass);
            try {
                // Output a list of constructors available for this class.
                Constructor<?>[] cc = actionClass.getConstructors();
                for (int i = 0; i < cc.length; i++) {
            } catch (Exception ee) {
        return a;

     * @param action
     * @param name
     * @param icon
     * @param toolTip
     * @param mnemonicKeyCode
     * @param acceleratorKey
     * @return
    public Action makeAction(Action action, String name, ImageIcon icon, String toolTip, Integer mnemonicKeyCode,
            KeyStroke acceleratorKey) {
        if (name != null)
            action.putValue(Action.NAME, name);

        if (icon != null)
            action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icon);

        if (toolTip != null)
            action.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, toolTip);

        if (mnemonicKeyCode != null)
            action.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonicKeyCode);

        if (acceleratorKey != null)
            action.putValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, acceleratorKey);

        return action;

    // This nested class is the child of desperation. If SelectAllAction was a
    // public static nested class of DefaultEditorKit as CopyAction is, this
    // hack wouldn't be needed.
    /*public class SelectAllAction extends AbstractAction
    private final Action realAction = getActionByName(DefaultEditorKit.selectAllAction);
    public SelectAllAction()
    public SelectAllAction(final UIRegistry uic)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

    // The following two methods allow us to find an
    // action provided by the editor kit by its name.
    /*public HashMap<Object, Action> createActionTable(JTextComponent textComponent) 
    actions = new HashMap<Object, Action>();
    Action[] actionsArray = textComponent.getActions();
    for (int i = 0; i < actionsArray.length; i++) 
        Action a = actionsArray[i];
        actions.put(a.getValue(Action.NAME), a);
    return actions;

     * Returns an action name.
     * @param altName
     * @return
    /*private Action getActionByName(String name) 
    return actions.get(name);

    //-- An interface for all those wanting to play nice with
    //-- the undo mechanism
    public interface UndoableTextIFace {
         * @return the UndoManager
        public UndoManager getUndoManager();

         * @return the JTextComponent that does undo
        public JTextComponent getTextComponent();

    //-- The UndoAction
    public class UndoAction extends AbstractAction {
        protected UndoManager undoManager = null;

        public UndoAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            try {
                if (undoManager.canUndo()) {

            } catch (CannotUndoException ex) {

        protected void updateUndoState() {
            if (undoManager != null && undoManager.canUndo()) {
                putValue(Action.NAME, undoManager.getUndoPresentationName());
            } else {
                putValue(Action.NAME, "Undo");

         * @return the undo
        public UndoManager getUndoManager() {
            return undoManager;

         * @param undo the undo to set
        public void setUndoManager(UndoManager undo) {
            this.undoManager = undo;
            setEnabled(undo != null);

    //-- The RedoAction
    public class RedoAction extends AbstractAction {
        protected UndoManager undoManager = null;

        public RedoAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            try {
                if (undoManager.canRedo()) {
            } catch (CannotRedoException ex) {
                log.error("Unable to redo: " + ex);

        protected void updateRedoState() {
            if (undoManager != null && undoManager.canRedo()) {
                putValue(Action.NAME, undoManager.getRedoPresentationName());
            } else {
                putValue(Action.NAME, "Redo");

         * @return the undo
        public UndoManager getUndoManager() {
            return undoManager;

         * @param undo
         *            the undo to set
        public void setUndoManager(UndoManager undo) {
            this.undoManager = undo;
            setEnabled(undo != null);

    //-- The LaunchFindAction  Action
    public class LaunchFindReplaceAction extends AbstractAction {
        protected SearchReplacePanel searchReplacePanel = null;

        public LaunchFindReplaceAction() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            log.debug("Ctrl-f hit from with UIRegistry - passing action onto the SearchReplacePanel");
            if (this.isEnabled()) {
                if (searchReplacePanel != null) {
                } else {
                    log.error("search panel is null");

        public void removeSearchPanel() {
            this.searchReplacePanel = null;

         * @return the undo
        public SearchReplacePanel getSearchReplacePanel() {
            return searchReplacePanel;

        public void setSearchReplacePanel(SearchReplacePanel panel) {
            this.searchReplacePanel = panel;
            if (panel == null) {

    //--  Listens for edits that can be undone.
    public class UICUndoableEditListener implements UndoableEditListener {
        protected UndoManager undoManager;

        public UICUndoableEditListener(final UndoManager undoManager) {
            this.undoManager = undoManager;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener#undoableEditHappened(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent)
        public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent e) {
            //Remember the edit and update the menus.
            /*if (undoManager != null)
            if (undoAction != null)
            if (redoAction != null)

     * @return the redoAction
    public static RedoAction getRedoAction() {
        return redoAction;

     * @return the undoAction
    public static UndoAction getUndoAction() {
        return undoAction;

     * @return the launchFindReplaceAction
    public static LaunchFindReplaceAction getLaunchFindReplaceAction() {
        return launchFindReplaceAction;

    public static void disableFindFromEditMenu() {

    public static void enableFind(final SearchReplacePanel findPanel, final boolean enable) {

     * @param undoableText
    public void hookUpUndoableEditListener(final UndoableTextIFace undoableText) {
                .addUndoableEditListener(new UICUndoableEditListener(undoableText.getUndoManager()));

     * @param nameStr
     * @param enable
     * @param selected
    public static void enableActionAndMenu(final String nameStr, final boolean enable, final Boolean selected) {
        Action action = UIRegistry.getAction(nameStr);
        if (action != null) {

        Component comp = UIRegistry.get(nameStr);
        if (comp instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) {
            ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) comp).setEnabled(enable);
            if (selected != null) {
                ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) comp).setSelected(selected);

        } else if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
            ((JMenuItem) comp).setEnabled(enable);

    //-- Inner Classes
    class ResBundleInfo {
        protected String name;
        protected ResourceBundle resBundle;

        public ResBundleInfo(String name, ResourceBundle resBundle) {
   = name;
            this.resBundle = resBundle;

         * @return the name
        public String getName() {
            return name;

         * @return the resBundle
        public ResourceBundle getResBundle() {
            return resBundle;
