Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Authors: Man-Wai MAK and Wing-Lung Henry LEUNG, Dept. of EIE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
 * Version: 1.0
 * Date: March 2015
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
 * file 'license.txt', which is part of this source code package.

package edu.polyu.screamalert;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.collections.Buffer;
import org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.CircularFifoBuffer;

import edu.polyu.mfcc.MFCC;
import edu.polyu.pitch.VoiceQuality;
import edu.polyu.pitch.YinPitchDetector;
import edu.polyu.svm.SVMdetector;
import edu.polyu.utils.GMailSender;
import edu.polyu.utils.MyLocationListener;
import edu.polyu.utils.Vec;
import edu.polyu.utils.Wave;
import edu.polyu.vad.VAD;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.telephony.SmsManager;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class SoundProcessing {

    /* Android objects */
    static Notification noti;
    static Context thisContext;
    static NotificationManager notificationManager;
    static ProgressDialog calibrateDialog;
    static int calibrateProgress;
    static Intent mainIntent;
    static PendingIntent pIntent;
    static Handler handler;

    /* Variables related to audio recording */
    static AudioRecord recorder;
    static boolean isRecording = false;
    static int recordBufferSize; // Device-dependent record buffer size in bytes; 1280 on Galaxy S4 and Nexus 5;
    // 4096 on Galaxy W; 8192 on Zopo
    static int startFrm;
    static Thread recordingThread; // Runnable thread for recording audio
    static Buffer frmBuf; // Buffer storing K latest frames of audio signals */

    /* Variables related to time-domain samples */
    static short[] shortData; // 16bit audio samples
    static int numFrames;
    static ArrayList<short[]> bufferedShortData; // Multiple frames of audio samples
    static int curFrm; // Current analysis frame

    /* Variables related to SVM classifier */
    static String svmType; // Type of SVM, here we use "RbfSVM"   
    static String paraFile; // Parameter file of SVM detector
    static SVMdetector svmd;

    /* Variables and circular buffers related to MFCC */
    static int K = 5; // No. of mfcc vectors for computing delta mfcc (must be odd number)
    static int numMfcc = Config.NUM_MFCC; // No. of MFCCs (excluding delta and delta-delta) per frames
    static double frameRate = Config.FRAME_RATE; // Frame rate in Hz
    static int samplePerFrm = Config.SAMPLE_PER_FRM; // Frame size
    static int frameShift = (int) (Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE / frameRate); // (16000/125) = 128
    static int nSubframePerBuf; // No. of subframes per recording buffer (device-dependent)
    static int nSubframePerMfccFrame = samplePerFrm / frameShift; // 512/128 = 4
    static float[] x;
    static float[] subx; // Samples in a sub-frame
    static ArrayList<float[]> subframeList; // Contains a set of subframes to be processed
    static MFCC mfcc;
    static Buffer ccBuf; // Buffer storing K mfcc vectors
    static Buffer dccBuf; // Buffer storing K delta-mfcc vectors

    /* Pitch detector and circular buffer for estimating jitter and shimmer features */
    static YinPitchDetector pDet;
    static Buffer piBuf;
    static Buffer pkBuf;
    static double mu_z[];
    static double sigma_z[];

    /* Storage for acoustic vectors that contain sound */
    static ArrayList<double[]> aList;

    /* Variables related to VAD and sound event detection */
    static int minNumSndFrms = Config.MIN_NUM_SND_FRMS; // Minimum no. of subframes in a sound event 
    static double vadThreshold; // VAD threshold and energy of sound frames for estimating the threshold
    static short[] vadShortData; // Samples for estimating the VAD threshold
    static ArrayList<short[]> vadBufferedShortData;
    static ArrayList<Double> vadBufEnergy; // Array containing the energy profile for estimating the VAD threshold
    static boolean isPreparingVAD; // Used for signaling the vadThread that enough frames have been collect for estimating VAD threshold
    static Thread vadThread; // Runnable thread for computing energy profile for estimating VAD threshold
    static VAD vad; // VAD object for detecting the start and end of sound event   
    static double energy = 0.0; // Accumulated energy and average energy of detected sound events
    static int enBufSize = Config.ENBUFSIZE;
    static Buffer enBuf; // Circular buffer storing energy profile of the latest K frames

    /** Variables related to file IO */
    static FileOutputStream os = null;
    static String fullTmpFilename;

    /** LocationListener Object */
    static MyLocationListener gps;

     * Method for finding the Audio Recorder of this device. Return an AudioRecord object
    public static AudioRecord findAudioRecord() {
        try {
            recordBufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE, Config.RECORDER_CHANNELS,
            nSubframePerBuf = recordBufferSize / frameShift / 2; // e.g., 8192/128/2 = 32             
            System.out.println("recordBufferSize: " + recordBufferSize);
            if (recordBufferSize != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) {
                // check if we can instantiate and have a success
                AudioRecord recorder = new AudioRecord(AudioSource.DEFAULT, Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE,
                        Config.RECORDER_CHANNELS, Config.RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING, recordBufferSize);
                if (recorder.getState() == AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED) {
                    return recorder;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        Toast.makeText(thisContext, "Fail to create AudioRecord object", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        return null;

     * Create objects, circular buffers, and Android's objects. This function should be called in the 
     * onCreate() method of the Android Activity class. All objects are gender-independent.
    public static void initialize(Context context) {
        thisContext = context;
        x = new float[samplePerFrm];
        subx = new float[frameShift]; // Samples in a sub-frame
        mfcc = new MFCC(samplePerFrm, Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE, numMfcc);
        ccBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(K); // Buffer storing K mfcc vectors
        dccBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(K); // Buffer storing K delta-mfcc vectors
        pDet = new YinPitchDetector(Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE, samplePerFrm);
        piBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(K);
        pkBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(K);
        mu_z = new double[] { VoiceQuality.JITTER_MEAN, VoiceQuality.SHIMMER_MEAN }; // Jitter and shimmer mean
        sigma_z = new double[] { VoiceQuality.JITTER_STD, VoiceQuality.SHIMMER_STD }; // Jitter and shimmer stddev
        aList = new ArrayList<double[]>();
        enBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(enBufSize); // Circular buffer storing energy profile of the latest K frames
        frmBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(K); // Buffer storing K latest frames of audio signals */

        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
            ccBuf.add(new double[numMfcc + 1]); // Initialize MFCC FIFO buffers
            dccBuf.add(new double[numMfcc + 1]); // Initialize delta MFCC FIFO buffers
            piBuf.add(-1.0D); // Initialize pitch FIFO buffer for computing jitter and shimmer
            pkBuf.add(0.0D); // Initialize peak amplitude FIFO buffer for computing shimmer
            frmBuf.add(new double[samplePerFrm]); // Initialize frame buffer
        for (int k = 0; k < enBufSize; k++) {
            enBuf.add(new double[1]); // Initialize energy buffer
        mainIntent = new Intent(thisContext, SoundProcessingSetting.class);
        mainIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);
        pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(thisContext, 0, mainIntent, 0); // Go back to MainActivity when user press the notification
        noti = new NotificationCompat.Builder(thisContext)
                        thisContext.getString(R.string.app_name) + " " + thisContext.getString(R.string.running))
        noti.flags = Notification.FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE;
        if (SoundProcessingActivity.thisActivity == null)
            calibrateDialog = new ProgressDialog(Exchanger.thisContext);
            calibrateDialog = new ProgressDialog(SoundProcessingActivity.thisActivity);

     * Called by and Starting point of this class.
     * Initialize FIFO buffers, find VAD threshold (if not done yet) and start recording audio
    public static void startRecord(final Context context, boolean started) {
        bufferedShortData = new ArrayList<short[]>();
        subframeList = new ArrayList<float[]>();
        recorder = findAudioRecord();
        if (recorder == null) {
            System.out.println("Recorder Unavailable");
        } else {
            curFrm = 0;
            startFrm = 0;
            isRecording = true;
            handler = new Handler();
            if (started) {
                vad = new VAD(Exchanger.vadThreshold, Config.endEventTh); // Note: this part will be executed when startRecord is 
                // called by SoundProcessingService.onStartCommand()
      ; // A VAD threshold has been defined, start detection right away.
            } else {
                setupVAD(); // Will be execute when called by calibrateClick() and onOffClick()

     * Note: AudioRecorder object could be null if the service is running in background while performing 
     * calibration (possibly bug in this app). One solution is the check whether the reference `recorder` is
     * null. It works for that part (see below) but the other references could also become null (reason unknown).
     * The best solution is to forbit users to perform calibration while sound processing service is running in
     * the background.
    public static void setupVAD() {
        calibrateProgress = 0;
        vadShortData = new short[recordBufferSize / 2];
        vadBufferedShortData = new ArrayList<short[]>();
        vadBufEnergy = new ArrayList<Double>(); // Storing energy profile
        isPreparingVAD = true;
        vadThreshold = Config.VAD_DEFAULT_TH; // Default VAD threshold 
        Exchanger.vadThUpdated = false; // Will be set to true after the vadThreshold has been updated.
        vadThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { // Execute if vadThread == 0, see below
            public void run() {
                int vadCounter = 0; // Count how many times the following loop runs so that we can ignore the first K frames
                while (isPreparingVAD) { // Will become false when computeVadThreshold thread is run
                    if (recorder == null) {
                        System.out.println("Recorder: recorder is null");
                    } else {
              , 0, recordBufferSize / 2); // Fill vadShortData[]
                        SoundProcessingActivity.waveformView.updateAudioData(vadShortData); // Display current waveform
                    numFrames = vadBufferedShortData.get(0).length / samplePerFrm; // No. of frames in vadShortData (no frame overlapping)
                    for (int n = 0; n < numFrames; n++) {
                        int k = 0;
                        float[] x = new float[samplePerFrm];
                        for (int i = (n * samplePerFrm); i < (n + 1) * samplePerFrm; i++) { // Copy one frame to x[]
                            x[k] = (float) vadBufferedShortData.get(0)[i];
                        if (vadCounter > K) { // Ignore the first K frames
                            double currEnergy = MFCC.compLogEnergy(x);
                            System.out.println("VadCounter: " + vadCounter + "; currEnergy: " + currEnergy);
                System.out.println("VAD: Finish preparing VAD.");
        if (vadThreshold == Config.VAD_DEFAULT_TH) { // We need to estimate threshold
  ; // Note: this is always true in this version of the app, see code above
  ; // Execute run() of updateCalibrateDialog      
        } else {
            vad = new VAD(vadThreshold, Config.endEventTh); // Create VAD object for detecting start and end of events
  ; // A VAD threshold has been defined, start detection right away.

    static Runnable updateCalibrateDialog = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            int updateInterval = (int) (Config.STABILIZE_TIME + Config.RECORD_TIME) * 10; // Time (in ms) for each update of the progress bar
            int stbTime = (int) Config.STABILIZE_TIME * 10; // Time (in ms) for the A/D to stabilize
            calibrateDialog.setProgress(calibrateProgress += 1);
            if (calibrateProgress == 100) {
                calibrateProgress = 0;
      ; // Execute run() in computeVadThreshold after STABILIZE_TIME+RECORD_TIME seconds so 
                // that vadThread will have enough time to collect background sound
            } else if (calibrateProgress == stbTime) {
                vadThread.start(); // Start estimating VAD threshold after STABILIZE_TIME seconds
                handler.postDelayed(updateCalibrateDialog, updateInterval);
            } else {
                handler.postDelayed(updateCalibrateDialog, updateInterval); // The first 2 seconds is for the A/D converter to stabilize

    static Runnable computeVadThreshold = new Runnable() { // Execute if necessary to estimate VAD threshold
        public void run() {
            isPreparingVAD = false; // This will cause vadThread to stop recording
            try {
                vadThread.join(); // Wait for vadThread to finish so that no more
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { // energy will be added to vadBufEnergy
            double vadEnergy = 0;
            for (double e : vadBufEnergy) {
                vadEnergy += e;
            vadEnergy /= vadBufEnergy.size(); // Get averagy energy in the energy profile
            double stddev = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vadBufEnergy.size(); i++) {
                stddev += (vadBufEnergy.get(i) - vadEnergy) * (vadBufEnergy.get(i) - vadEnergy);

             * Use the mean and stddev to set the VAD threshold is not good for Nexus 5,
             * because the background noise recorded by this device has high energy variance. Specifically,
             * the device records high-energy noise between 0 and 1.6 seconds and high noise variation after 6 seconds.
             * A better strategy is to limit the VAD threshold as follows.
            double th1 = vadEnergy + Config.VAD_STD_FACTOR * Math.sqrt(stddev / vadBufEnergy.size());
            double th2 = vadEnergy * Config.VAD_MEAN_FACTOR;
            vadThreshold = (th1 < th2) ? th1 : th2; // Set vad threshold to the min of th1 and th2
            System.out.printf("th1 = %.3f; th2 = %.3f\n", th1, th2);

            String contentStr = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "VAD Threshold: %.3f", vadThreshold);
            sendNotification(thisContext, 2, contentStr);

            for (double e : vadBufEnergy) {
                System.out.printf("VAD: %.2f\n", e);
            System.out.printf("VAD: %.2f, %.2f, %d\n", vadEnergy, Math.sqrt(stddev / vadBufEnergy.size()),
            System.out.println("VAD: Threshold = " + vadThreshold);
            Exchanger.vadThreshold = vadThreshold;
            if (vad == null)
                vad = new VAD(vadThreshold, Config.endEventTh); // Create VAD object once the threshold is found
            else {
                vad.setThreshold(vadThreshold); // Update current energy threshold of current VAD object

  ; // Execute run() in startDetection. Do it here so that we can be
            // sure that VAD has been setup
            Exchanger.vadThUpdated = true; // Acknowledge SoundProcessingActivity.calibrateClick (if it is running) 
            // that the VAD threshold has been updated
            Toast.makeText(thisContext, String.format("VAD Threshold: %.2f", vadThreshold), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

    static Runnable startDetection = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (recordingThread != null) {
                recordingThread = null;
            recordingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { // Thread for recording audio for sound detection
                public void run() { // Execute when recordingThread is started
                    try {
                        executeMainLoop(thisContext); // Execute sound detection main loop and write audio data to file   
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            }, "AudioRecorder Thread");
            recordingThread.start(); // Start recording audio and sound detection

     * This is the main loop of the activity/service. It captures the audio, save the
     * audio data to a temp binary file for debugging. It divides each analysis
     * frame into a number of subframes and advances the processing frame index
     * by one subframe for each iteration. The number of subframes per analysis frame
     * depends on the frameShift. For example, if frameShift is 128 samples and an
     * analysis frame has 512 samples, the no. of subframes is 512/128 = 4. If
     * the VAD detector detects a sound event, the mean and stddev of 
     *        MFCC+dMFCC+ddMFCC+jitter+shimmer+djitter+dshimmer 
     * of the whole sound event are concatenated and passed to an SVM detector. If
     * the SVM score is larger than decisionTh, a notification showing scream sound is
     * detected will be sent to the Android Notification; otherwise the
     * notification will show non-scream sound.
    private static void executeMainLoop(Context context) throws Exception {
        try {
            os = new FileOutputStream(getTempFilename());
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        paraFile = Exchanger.SVM_PARA_FILE;
        int dim = numMfcc * 3 + 2; // (=38) MFCC+dMFCC+ddMFCC+jitter+shimmer without energy, dEnergy, and ddEnergy 
        svmd = new SVMdetector(dim * 2, Config.SVM_TYPE, 0.0); // Create an SVM detector, input vector contains both mean and stddev vectors
        AssetManager assetManager = context.getResources().getAssets(); // Use AsstManager to load SVM detector parameters into memory
        svmd.createSVMdetector(; // Load parameter file to SVM detector

        while (isRecording) {
            shortData = new short[recordBufferSize / 2]; // Main loop of sound detector
            if (recorder == null) {
                System.out.println("Recorder: null recorder in executeMainLoop");
            } else {
      , 0, recordBufferSize / 2); // Read audio and fill in shortData[] buffer in short int format
                bufferedShortData.add(shortData); // Add to ArrayList for processing 
      ; // Start processing data in bufferedShortData
                SoundProcessingActivity.waveformView.updateAudioData(shortData); // Display current waveform

    static Runnable processData = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            while (bufferedShortData.size() >= 1) { // Still have data to process.
                for (int n = 0; n < nSubframePerBuf; n++) { // Process audio signal in ArrayList and shift by one subframe each time
                    int k = 0;
                    subx = new float[frameShift]; // Allocate buffer to store data in one subframe in float.
                    for (int i = (n * frameShift); i < (n + 1) * frameShift; i++) {
                        subx[k] = bufferedShortData.get(0)[i];
                    subframeList.add(subx); // Add the current subframe to the subframe list. Later, a number of
                } // subframes will be concatenated to form a analysis frame for extracting MFCC
      ; // Start detecting event
                bufferedShortData.remove(0); // Remove the buffer after it has been processed.


    static Runnable detectEvent = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            String fullTmpFilename = getTempFilename();
            double duration = 0.0;
            String decision = "Nonscream"; // Default decision
            while (subframeList.size() >= nSubframePerMfccFrame) { // Need at least nSubframePerMfccFrame to get one analysis frame
                x = extractOneFrameFromList(nSubframePerMfccFrame); // Extract nSubframePerMfccFrame (4) from the subframe list to form one analysis frame
                frmBuf.add(x); // Add current frame to FIFO buffer for computing MFCC if event has started         
                double[] en = new double[1];
                en[0] = MFCC.compLogEnergy(x); // Compute energy of current frame
                enBuf.add(en); // Add current energy to FIFO buffer for VAD

                if (curFrm >= enBufSize) { // Start the VAD process once we have enough frames in the energy profile
                    vad.update(enBuf, VAD.MODE_ALL); // Update VAD status and prepare for detecting the start of sound event
                    SoundProcessingActivity.energyTextView.setText(String.format("E = %.2f", en[0])); // Display energy value
                    if (vad.isEventStarted() == true) { // Check if event already started                     
                        energy += en[0];
                        writeSubframeToFile(fullTmpFilename, x); // Write the first subframe to file for debugging
                        if (startFrm == 0) { // Check if it is the first detection of this event, making 
                            startFrm = curFrm - Config.ROLL_BACK; // sure that tList has enough frames for rolling back
                            rollBackAcousticVectors(); // Convert the current and last R-1 frames to acoustic vector
                        } else {
                            aList.add(compAcousticVector(x)); // Not first detected; append the acoustic vector of the current frame
                            if (aList.size() > 7500) { // Event should not exceed 1 minute
                                vad.setEndOfEvent(); // Force the event to end
                        if (vad.isEventEnded() == true) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < Config.endEventTh; i++) {// Event has ended, roll-back endEventTh frames
                                if (aList.size() > 0) { // Avoid remove element from empty list
                                    aList.remove(aList.size() - 1); // Remove the tailing silence frames in aList
                            double score = getEventScore(aList); // Classify the event and send notification to Android
                            if (score > Config.MIN_SCORE) { // Send notification to Android
                                energy /= aList.size();
                                duration = aList.size() / frameRate;
                                SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
                                double decisionTh = Double.parseDouble(prefs.getString("sensitivity", "-0.25"));
                                decision = (score > decisionTh) ? "Scream" : "Nonscream";
                                String contentStr = String.format(Locale.getDefault(),
                                        "%s: %.2fs E: %.2f Scr: %.3f", decision, duration, energy, score);
                                sendNotification(thisContext, 3, contentStr);
                                System.out.println("Decision: " + contentStr);
                                Toast.makeText(thisContext, contentStr, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                                if (score > decisionTh) {
                                    gps = new MyLocationListener(thisContext);
                                    gps.removeLocationUpdates(); // Save battery
                            try {
                                os.close(); // Close the temp binary file
                                os = null; // So that the next iteration will open it (see above).
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                            if (score > Config.MIN_SCORE) { // Saving event to wave file and score to log file
                                SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
                                boolean logScore = prefs.getBoolean("logScore", false);
                                boolean saveEvent = prefs.getBoolean("saveEvent", false);
                                String eventID = getEventID();
                                if (saveEvent) {
                                    String fullname = getFullname(eventID);
                                    Wave.copyTmpfileToWavfile(fullTmpFilename, fullname + ".wav",
                                            Config.RECORDER_SAMPLERATE, recordBufferSize);
                                if (logScore) {
                                    saveScoreToTextFile(eventID, Config.LOG_FILE_NAME, score, duration, decision);
                                Wave.deleteTempFile(fullTmpFilename); // Delete the temp file
                            vad.reset(); // Prepare for the next event 
                            startFrm = 0;
                            energy = 0.0; // Reset for the next sound event
                if (curFrm == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                    curFrm = enBufSize;
                subframeList.remove(0); // Remove the current subframe to shift the next frame by one subframe
            /*** END of while loop for sound detection ***/

     * Convert the acoustic features from the ArrayList into an SVM input vector, 
     * and present the vector to the SVM detector. If the number of frames is too
     * small, the function return the minimum score, which will cause the SVM detector
     * to output "Non-scream"
    private static double getEventScore(ArrayList<double[]> aList) {
        int numFrms = aList.size();
        double[] vec; // Input vector to SVM
        double score = Config.MIN_SCORE; // SVM score
        if (numFrms > minNumSndFrms) { // If the detected event is long enough
            vec = Vec.getInputVector(aList, numMfcc * 3, mu_z, sigma_z); // Get mean and stddev from ArrayList and perform Znorm on jitter and shimmer
            score = svmd.getScore(vec); // Compute SVM score
        System.out.printf("Score: No. of Sound subframes = %d; Score = %f\n", numFrms, score);
        return score;

    private static void sendNotification(Context context, int notiID, String contentStr) {
        notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        Notification noti = new NotificationCompat.Builder(Exchanger.thisContext).setContentTitle("Scream Detector")
        //n1.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;
        //noti.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
        notificationManager.notify(notiID, noti);

    private static void rollBackAcousticVectors() {
        int i = 0;
        Iterator<float[]> it = frmBuf.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (i < enBufSize - Config.ROLL_BACK) {
            } else {
                aList.add(compAcousticVector(; // Store the acoustic vector in aList for SVM classification

    private static double[] compAcousticVector(float[] x) {
        double[] cc = mfcc.doMFCC(x); // Compute MFCC
        ccBuf.add(cc); // Add to FIFO buffer for computing delta MFCC
        double[] dcc = mfcc.compDeltaMfcc(ccBuf, numMfcc + 1); // Compute delta MFCC
        double[] ddcc = mfcc.compDeltaMfcc(dccBuf, numMfcc + 1); // Compute delta delta MFCC

        /* newFeatures */
        double pitch = (double) pDet.getPitch(x).getPitch();
        double jitter = VoiceQuality.getJitter(piBuf); // Compute jitter of current frame
        pkBuf.add((double) getAbsMax(x));
        double shimmer = VoiceQuality.getShimmer(piBuf, pkBuf); // Compute shimmer of current frame
        double vq[] = new double[2];
        vq[0] = jitter;
        vq[1] = shimmer;

        /* Validation of expected output after implementation of new features */
        System.out.println("piBuf: " + piBuf.toString());
        System.out.println("pkBuf: " + pkBuf.toString());
        System.out.printf("Jitter: %f \n", jitter);
        System.out.printf("Shimmer: %f \n", shimmer);

        return (Vec.concateVectors(cc, dcc, ddcc, vq)); // Concatenate 3 vectors to form an acoustic vector, ignore energy, de, and dee

    private static float[] extractOneFrameFromList(int M) {
        float x[] = new float[samplePerFrm];
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < subframeList.get(i).length; j++) {
                x[n] = subframeList.get(i)[j];
        return x;

    private static void prepareTempFile() {
        String filepath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
        File file = new File(filepath, Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER);
        if (!file.exists()) {
        File tempFile = new File(filepath, Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE);
        if (tempFile.exists()) {

    private static String getTempFilename() {
        String filepath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
        File file = new File(filepath, Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER);
        return (file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE);

     * This method use the date and time information (from Date object) as the
     * event ID It will also append the path of the external storage directory
     * as the prefix.
    private static String getEventID() {
        Date now = new Date();
        return ("" + now.getTime());

     * Return the full name of a wave file to be saved, with full path to the SD
     * card as prefix. Create folder if necessary
    private static String getFullname(String eventID) {
        String filepath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
        File file = new File(filepath, Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER);
        if (!file.exists()) {
        return file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + eventID;

     * Save event ID and score to a log file.
    private static void saveScoreToTextFile(String eventID, String logFilename, double score, double duration,
            String decision) {
        String filepath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
        File file = new File(filepath, Config.AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER);
        if (!file.exists()) {
        String fullname = file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + logFilename;
        try {
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fullname, true));
            String dec = (decision.equals("Scream") ? "S" : "NS");
            pw.printf("%s,%.2f,%.3f,%s\n", eventID, duration, score, dec);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    private static byte[] short2byte(short[] sData) {
        int shortArrsize = sData.length;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[shortArrsize * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < shortArrsize; i++) {
            bytes[i * 2] = (byte) (sData[i] & 0x00FF);
            bytes[(i * 2) + 1] = (byte) (sData[i] >> 8);
        return bytes;


    /** newFeatures */
    private static float getAbsMax(float array[]) {
        float max = 0.0F;
        for (float y : array) {
            if (y > max) {
                max = y;
        return max;

     * Stop the recording activity
    public static void stopRecording() {
        if (null != recorder) {
            if (vadThread != null) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            isRecording = false;
            recorder = null;
            if (recordingThread != null) { // recordingThread could be null if the user press the Stop button
                try { // before the startDetection Runnable is executed.
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            recordingThread = null;
            vadShortData = null;
            vadBufferedShortData = null;
            vadBufEnergy = null;
            if (bufferedShortData != null) {
            if (subframeList != null) {

    private static void writeSubframeToFile(String filename, float[] x) {
        short[] xWav = new short[frameShift]; // Advance by frameShift for each computation of MFCC
        for (int i = 0; i < frameShift; i++) {
            xWav[i] = (short) x[i]; // Get the first subframe from x[] for writing to file
        byte[] soundData = short2byte(xWav); // Convert current subframe into byte array for saving to wavefile
        try {
            if (os == null) {
                os = new FileOutputStream(filename); // Make sure it is open before writing
            os.write(soundData); // Write audio data to temp binary file. 
        } catch (IOException e) {


    private static void sendSMS() {
        SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Exchanger.thisContext);
        Boolean enableSMS = prefs.getBoolean("enableSMS", false);
        String phoneNumber = prefs.getString("phoneNumber", null);
        TelephonyManager phoneMgr = (TelephonyManager) thisContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
        if (enableSMS == true && phoneNumber != null && phoneNumber.trim().length() > 0
                && phoneMgr.getSimState() != TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT) {
            SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault();
            smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, "Scream detected. Longitude: " + gps.getLongitude()
                    + "; Latitude: " + gps.getLatitude() + ". Please try to contact the mobile user", null, null);

    private static void callPhone() {
        SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Exchanger.thisContext);
        String phoneNumber = prefs.getString("phoneNumber", null);
        Boolean enableCall = prefs.getBoolean("enableCall", false);
        if (phoneNumber != null && enableCall) {
            if (phoneNumber.trim().length() > 0) { // Avoid empty string or white spaces in the preference field
                TelephonyManager phoneMgr = (TelephonyManager) thisContext
                if (phoneMgr.getCallState() == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE
                        && phoneMgr.getSimState() != TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT) {
                    Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
                    callIntent.setData(Uri.parse("tel:" + phoneNumber));

    private static void sendEmail() {
        SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(Exchanger.thisContext);
        Boolean enableEmail = prefs.getBoolean("enableEmail", false);
        String toEmailAdd = prefs.getString("emailToAddress", null); // Recipient of the email
        String fromEmailAdd = prefs.getString("emailFromAddress", null); // Sender of email
        String fromPassword = prefs.getString("emailFromPassword", null); // Password of the email sender account
        System.out.println("Email: Preparing email");
        String emailBody = "Scream detected. Longitude: " + gps.getLongitude() + "; Latitude: " + gps.getLatitude()
                + ". Please try to contact the mobile user";

        if (enableEmail) {
            if (fromEmailAdd.trim().length() > 0 && fromPassword.trim().length() > 0) {
                try {
                    GMailSender sender = new GMailSender(fromEmailAdd, fromPassword);
                    sender.sendMail("Scream Detected", emailBody, fromEmailAdd, toEmailAdd);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.e("SendMail", e.getMessage(), e);

