Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 Copyright (C) 2012 The Stanford MobiSocial Laboratory
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

import edu.stanford.muse.datacache.BlobStore;
import edu.stanford.muse.exceptions.CancelledException;
import edu.stanford.muse.exceptions.MboxFolderNotReadableException;
import edu.stanford.muse.exceptions.NoDefaultFolderException;
import edu.stanford.muse.index.Archive;
import edu.stanford.muse.index.EmailDocument;
import edu.stanford.muse.util.EmailUtils;
import edu.stanford.muse.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.muse.util.Util;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.util.*;

/** important class -- this is the primary class used by clients to fetch email with muse.
 * fetches email from multiple accounts.
 * here's the flow for more elaborate options (custom servers, multiple accounts):
 * call the add*accounts to specify the accounts.
 * then call getFolderInfosAsJson(idx) for each account to get the folder list if needed.
 * then call setupFetchers()
 * then call fetchAndIndexEmails() */

public class MuseEmailFetcher {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MuseEmailFetcher.class);

    private transient List<MTEmailFetcher> fetchers;
    public transient List<EmailStore> emailStores = new ArrayList<>();

    /////////////////////////// account setup stuff

    /** clear current emailstores */
    public synchronized void clearAccounts() {
        emailStores = new ArrayList<EmailStore>();
        fetchers = new ArrayList<MTEmailFetcher>();

    private synchronized void addEmailStore(EmailStore stores) // should we call this addAccount
        int initialSize = emailStores.size();
        // we could check for duplicates here
        emailStores.add(stores);"Email fetcher went from " + initialSize + " stores to " + emailStores.size());

    /** sets up fetchers for the emailstores */
    public void setupFetchers(int last_N_msgs) {
        // create the fetchers (not connecting yet)
        fetchers = new ArrayList<MTEmailFetcher>();
        for (EmailStore store : emailStores) {
            MTEmailFetcher f = new MTEmailFetcher(1, store, last_N_msgs);
            fetchers.add(f); // # of threads

    public int totalMessagesInSelectedFolders() {
        int n = 0;
        for (MTEmailFetcher fetcher : fetchers)
            n += fetcher.getTotalMessagesInAllFolders();
        return n;


    public int getNAccounts() {
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(emailStores))
            return 0;
        return emailStores.size();

    public String getFolderInfosAsJson(int accountIdx) {
        return emailStores.get(accountIdx).getFolderInfosAsJson();

    public boolean folderInfosAvailable(int accountIdx) {
        return emailStores.get(accountIdx).isFolderCountReadingComplete();

    public List<FolderInfo> readFoldersInfos(int accountIdx, String foldersAndCountsCacheDir) {
        EmailStore store = emailStores.get(accountIdx);
        try {
            store.doneReadingFolderCounts = false;
            return store.folderInfos;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            store.doneReadingFolderCounts = true;
            String failMessage = getUserDisplayableMessageForException(store, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(failMessage);

    public String getDisplayName(int accountIdx) {
        return emailStores.get(accountIdx).getDisplayName();

     * set up account for a server-based a/c, either:
     * a) <server, login, password> for an a/c where the imap server is specified.
     * or if server is null:
     * b) <email addr, password> for a standard server like G/Y/H/Stanford
     * c) <email addr, password> for an a/c whose info is known to Thunderbird
     * Note: emailAddress is slightly overloaded (can be a plain login name also in case server is specified)
     * imapServer is ignored (and can be null) for a well-known email address like Gmail/Y/H/Stanford etc.
     * @throws JSONException 
     * returns true if the a/c was actually created.
    public synchronized JSONObject addServerAccount(String server, String protocol, String defaultFolderName,
            String emailAddress, String password, boolean sentOnly) throws JSONException {
        String loginName = emailAddress;
        EmailStore emailStore;
        // if emailaddress is from a known domain, set up imap/pop server
        boolean is_gmail_or_gapps = emailAddress.endsWith("") || emailAddress.endsWith("")
                || "".equals(server);
        if (is_gmail_or_gapps)// check for 'cos this could be a gapps account without ending in we want same config. in this case
            server = "";
            protocol = "imaps";
            defaultFolderName = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail";
  "adding gmail or gapps account for " + emailAddress);

        if ("".equals(server)) // bellarmine special
            defaultFolderName = "Sent items";
            protocol = "imaps";

        // guess the server if we have a null server
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(server) && !Util.nullOrEmpty(emailAddress)) {
            emailAddress = emailAddress.trim();
            if (emailAddress.endsWith("") || emailAddress.endsWith("")) {
                server = "";
                defaultFolderName = "INBOX";
                loginName = emailAddress; // special case for hotmail
            } else if (emailAddress.endsWith("") || emailAddress.endsWith("")) {
                server = "";
                protocol = "imaps";
                defaultFolderName = "Sent";
            } else if (emailAddress.endsWith("")) {
                // monica special
                server = "".equals(emailAddress) ? ""
                        : "";
                protocol = "imaps";
                //            protocol = "imap";
                defaultFolderName = "Sent";
            } else if (emailAddress.endsWith("")) {
                String login = EmailUtils.getLoginFromEmailAddress(emailAddress);
                server = login + "";
                protocol = "imaps";
                defaultFolderName = "Sent";

        // saw some logs that people just typed in server name as "gmail"
        // so help them out a bit
        if ("gmail".equalsIgnoreCase(server))
            server = "";
        else if ("yahoo".equalsIgnoreCase(server) || "ymail".equalsIgnoreCase(server))
            server = "";
        else if ("hotmail".equalsIgnoreCase(server) || "microsoft".equalsIgnoreCase(server)
                || "live".equalsIgnoreCase(server))
            server = "";

        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

        // if still no server, we don't know what do
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(server)) {
            result.put("status", 1);
            result.put("errorMessage", "No server found");
            return result;

        // set up the server

        // only imap/pop
        // we don't want to support plain imap/pop and get into explaining the security implications to end-users
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(protocol)) {
            protocol = "imaps";
            if (server.startsWith("pop"))
                protocol = "pop3s";

        ImapPopConnectionOptions connection = new ImapPopConnectionOptions(protocol, server, -1, loginName,
        emailStore = new ImapPopEmailStore(connection, emailAddress);
        if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(defaultFolderName)) {
            if (sentOnly) {
                result.put("defaultFolder", defaultFolderName);
                int count = -1;
                try {
                    count = emailStore.getNMessages(defaultFolderName);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.warn("Exception reading #messages for " + defaultFolderName);
                    Util.print_exception(e, log);
                result.put("defaultFolderCount", count);

        String s = doConnect(emailStore);
        if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(s)) {
            result.put("status", 1);
            result.put("errorMessage", s);
        } else
            result.put("status", 0);
        return result;

    /** add mbox stores, given comma separated email directories. 
     * if localFolders, sets the display name of the store to "Local Folders" instead of the full path 
     * @throws MboxFolderNotReadableException */
    public synchronized String addMboxAccount(String accountKey, String mailDirs, boolean localFolders)
            throws IOException, MboxFolderNotReadableException {
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(mailDirs))
            return null;
        EmailStore emailStore = new MboxEmailStore(accountKey, localFolders ? "Local Folders" : mailDirs, mailDirs);
        return doConnect(emailStore);

    private String doConnect(EmailStore emailStore) {
        // now actual login
        try {
            if (emailStore != null) {
      "Successful login for account: " + emailStore);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return getUserDisplayableMessageForException(emailStore, e);

        return "";

    /** utility method for converting an exception encountered in this fetcher to something that can be shown to the user */
    private static String getUserDisplayableMessageForException(EmailStore store, Exception e) {
        String failMessage;

        if (e instanceof AuthenticationFailedException) {
            failMessage = "Invalid password for " + store.getDisplayName() + ". Please try again.";
            log.warn("Login failed, cause: " + failMessage + "\n" + Util.stackTrace(e));
        } else if (e instanceof MessagingException) {
            Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            if (cause != null && cause instanceof UnknownHostException) {
                if (store instanceof ImapPopEmailStore) {
                    ImapPopEmailStore ipes = (ImapPopEmailStore) store;
                    failMessage = "Unable to contact host: " + ipes.getServerHostname();
                } else
                    failMessage = "Unknown Host. Not expected with a " + store.getClass().getName() + ". Hmmm...";
            } else {
                String server = "";
                if (store instanceof ImapPopEmailStore) {
                    ImapPopEmailStore ipes = (ImapPopEmailStore) store;
                    server = "Unknown server: " + ipes.getServerHostname();
                failMessage = "Unable to communicate with server " + server + ": " + e.getMessage() + ". \n";
                if (cause != null)
                    failMessage += "Cause: " + cause + "\n";
            log.warn("Login failed, cause: " + failMessage + "\n" + Util.stackTrace(e));
        } else {
            Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            failMessage = "Internal error, " + cause;
            log.error("Exception trying to access folders: \n" + e + " : " + Util.stackTrace(e));
        return failMessage;

    /** sets up folderInfo's for each fetcher based on the given request params in allFolders (or using default if useDefaultFolders)
     * selectedFolders folders are in the <account name>^-^<folder name> format from folders.jsp
     * if using default folders, selectedFolders can be null
    private void setupFoldersForFetchers(List<MTEmailFetcher> fetchers, String[] selectedFolders,
            boolean useDefaultFolders)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, MessagingException, NoDefaultFolderException {
        // now compute foldersForEachFetcher
        Map<String, Integer> accountNameToFetcherIdx = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        List<List<String>> foldersForEachFetcher = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < fetchers.size(); i++) {
            accountNameToFetcherIdx.put(emailStores.get(i).getDisplayName(), i);
            foldersForEachFetcher.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (selectedFolders != null) {
            // convert iso8859 to utf-8, e.g. see
            // important to convert encoding for unicode folders
            // convert iso8859 to utf-8, e.g. see
            // and
            // and

            // tokenize the folder params to separate account name from folder name
            String accountNameToFolderNameSeparator = "^-^";
            for (String folder : selectedFolders) {
                // example: folder = GMail^-^MyFolder

                int idx = folder.indexOf(accountNameToFolderNameSeparator);
                if (idx == -1) {
                    log.error("Bad folder name received: " + folder);
                String accountName = folder.substring(0, idx); // example: GMail
                String folderName = folder.substring(idx + accountNameToFolderNameSeparator.length()); // example: MyFolder
                Integer I = accountNameToFetcherIdx.get(accountName);
                if (I == null) {
                    log.error("Bad account name: " + accountName + " in folder name: " + folder);

        // now we have foldersForEachFetcher
        // fetchers could be run concurrently.
        // but... need to worry about synchronizing filedatastore
        // since all fetchers share it
        for (int i = 0; i < fetchers.size(); i++) {
            MTEmailFetcher fetcher = fetchers.get(i);

            List<String> foldersForThisFetcher = foldersForEachFetcher.get(i);
            boolean usingDefault = false;
            if (useDefaultFolders && (foldersForThisFetcher == null || foldersForThisFetcher.size() == 0)) {
                foldersForThisFetcher = fetcher.getDefaultFolderNames();
                usingDefault = true;

            if (foldersForThisFetcher == null || foldersForThisFetcher.size() == 0)

            for (String folder : foldersForThisFetcher)

            if (usingDefault) {
                for (FolderInfo fi : fetcher.folderInfos)
                    if (fi.messageCount == -1)
                        throw new NoDefaultFolderException(fetcher.toString(), fi.longName);

    /** ensures passwords do not get saved with serialization */
    public void wipePasswords() {
        if (emailStores == null)
        for (EmailStore store : emailStores)

    /** returns the effective userKey we should use -- usually just the key of the first email store. might have more sophisticated mapping policies in the future.  */
    public String getEffectiveUserKey() {
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(emailStores))
            return "";

        String userKey = "";
        // go through the stores till we have a non-empty key
        for (EmailStore store : emailStores) {
            String e = store.emailAddress;
            if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(e)) {
                userKey = e;
        return userKey;

    /** key method to fetch actual email messages. can take a long time.
     * @param session is used only to set the status provider object. callers who do not need to track status can leave it as null
     * @param selectedFolders is in the format <account name>^-^<folder name>
     * @param session is used only to put a status object in. can be null in which case status object is not set.
     * emailDocs, addressBook and blobstore
     * @throws NoDefaultFolderException 
     * */
    public void fetchAndIndexEmails(Archive archive, String[] selectedFolders, boolean useDefaultFolders,
            FetchConfig fetchConfig, HttpSession session) throws MessagingException, InterruptedException,
            IOException, JSONException, NoDefaultFolderException, CancelledException {

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (session != null)
            session.setAttribute("statusProvider", new StaticStatusProvider("Starting to process messages..."));

        boolean op_cancelled = false, out_of_mem = false;

        BlobStore attachmentsStore = archive.getBlobStore();
        fetchConfig.downloadAttachments = fetchConfig.downloadAttachments && attachmentsStore != null;

        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(fetchers)) {
            log.warn("Trying to fetch email with no fetchers, setup not called ?");

        setupFoldersForFetchers(fetchers, selectedFolders, useDefaultFolders);

        List<FolderInfo> fetchedFolderInfos = new ArrayList<FolderInfo>();

        // one fetcher will aggregate everything
        FetchStats stats = new FetchStats();
        MTEmailFetcher aggregatingFetcher = null;

        // a fetcher is one source, like an account or a top-level mbox dir. A fetcher could include multiple folders.
        long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (MTEmailFetcher fetcher : fetchers) {
            // in theory, different iterations of this loop could be run in parallel ("archive" access will be synchronized)

            if (session != null)
                session.setAttribute("statusProvider", fetcher);

  "Memory status before fetching emails: " + Util.getMemoryStats());

            List<FolderInfo> foldersFetchedByThisFetcher =; // this is the big call, can run for a long time. Note: running in the same thread, its not fetcher.start();

            // if fetcher was cancelled or out of mem, bail out of all fetchers
            // but don't abort immediately, only at the end, after addressbook has been built for at least the processed messages
            if (fetcher.isCancelled()) {
      "NOTE: fetcher operation was cancelled");
                op_cancelled = true;

            if (fetcher.mayHaveRunOutOfMemory()) {
                log.warn("Fetcher operation ran out of memory " + fetcher);
                out_of_mem = true;


            if (aggregatingFetcher == null && !Util.nullOrEmpty(foldersFetchedByThisFetcher))
                aggregatingFetcher = fetcher; // first non-empty fetcher

            if (aggregatingFetcher != null)

            // add the indexed folders to the stats
            EmailStore store = fetcher.getStore();
            String fetcherDescription = store.displayName + ":" + store.emailAddress;
            for (FolderInfo fi : fetchedFolderInfos)
                stats.selectedFolders.add(new Pair<>(fetcherDescription, fi));

        if (op_cancelled)
            throw new CancelledException();
        if (out_of_mem)
            throw new OutOfMemoryError();

        if (aggregatingFetcher != null) {
            stats.importStats = aggregatingFetcher.stats;
            if (aggregatingFetcher.mayHaveRunOutOfMemory())
                throw new OutOfMemoryError();
        aggregatingFetcher = null; // save memory

        long endTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long elapsedMillis = endTimeMillis - startTimeMillis; + " ms for fetch+index, Memory status: " + Util.getMemoryStats());

        List<EmailDocument> allEmailDocs = (List) archive.getAllDocs(); // note: this is all archive docs, not just the ones that may have been just imported


        if (allEmailDocs.size() == 0)
            log.warn("0 messages from email fetcher");


        // create a new address book   
        if (session != null)
            session.setAttribute("statusProvider", new StaticStatusProvider("Building address book..."));
        AddressBook addressBook = EmailDocument.buildAddressBook(allEmailDocs, archive.ownerEmailAddrs,
                archive.ownerNames);"Address book stats: " + addressBook.getStats());
        if (session != null)
            session.setAttribute("statusProvider", new StaticStatusProvider("Finishing up..."));

        // we shouldn't really have dups now because the archive ensures that only unique docs are added
        // move sorting to archive.postprocess? 

        // report stats
        stats.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime();

        stats.userKey = "USER KEY UNUSED"; // (String) JSPHelper.getSessionAttribute(session, "userKey");
        stats.fetchAndIndexTimeMillis = elapsedMillis;

        updateStats(archive, addressBook, stats);
        if (session != null)
            session.removeAttribute("statusProvider");"Fetch+index complete: " + Util.commatize(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");


    public Collection<String> getDataErrors() {
        Collection<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        if (fetchers == null)
            return result;

        for (MTEmailFetcher fetcher : fetchers) {
            if (fetcher != null && fetcher.getDataErrors() != null)
        return result;

    /** this should probably move to */
    private void updateStats(Archive archive, AddressBook addressBook, FetchStats stats) {
        Collection<EmailDocument> allEmailDocs = (Collection) archive.getAllDocs();
        // the rest of this is basically stats collection
        int nSent = 0, nReceived = 0;
        for (EmailDocument ed : allEmailDocs) {
            Pair<Boolean, Boolean> p = addressBook.isSentOrReceived(ed.getToCCBCC(), ed.from);
            boolean sent = p.getFirst();
            boolean received = p.getSecond();
            if (sent)
            if (received)
        stats.dataErrors = getDataErrors();
        stats.nMessagesInArchive = allEmailDocs.size();
        /* compute stats for time range */
        if (allEmailDocs.size() > 0) {
            Pair<Date, Date> p = EmailUtils.getFirstLast(allEmailDocs);
            stats.firstMessageDate = p.getFirst().getTime();
            stats.lastMessageDate = p.getSecond().getTime();
        archive.addStats(stats);"Fetcher stats: " + stats);

    public String toString() {
        int nFetchers = Util.nullOrEmpty(fetchers) ? 0 : fetchers.size();
        return "Muse email fetcher with " + nFetchers + " fetcher(s)";