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 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Stanford MobiSocial Laboratory
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package edu.stanford.muse.util;

import edu.stanford.muse.Config;
import edu.stanford.muse.datacache.Blob;
import edu.stanford.muse.datacache.BlobStore;
import edu.stanford.muse.index.*;

import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class EmailUtils {
    public static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EmailUtils.class);
    private static<String, String> dbpedia = null;
    public static long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 1000L * 3600 * 24;

    /** Returns the part before @ in an email address, e.g. => hangal.
     * Returns the full string if the input does not have @, or null if the input is null. */
    private static String getAccountNameFromEmailAddress(String email) {
        if (email == null)
            return null;
        int idx = email.indexOf("@");
        return (idx < 0) ? email : email.substring(0, idx);

    /** get a list of possible names, like "First Last" from "" etc */
    public static List<String> parsePossibleNamesFromEmailAddress(String email) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (email == null)
            return result;
        String strippedEmail = getAccountNameFromEmailAddress(email);

        // handle addrs like mondy_dana%umich-mts.mailnet@mit-multics.arp, in this case strip out the part after %
        int idx = strippedEmail.indexOf("%");
        if (idx >= 0)
            strippedEmail = strippedEmail.substring(0, idx);

        // 2 sets of splitters, one containing just periods, other just underscores.
        // most people have periods, but at least Dell has underscores
        String[] splitters = new String[] { ".", "_" };
        for (String splitter : splitters) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strippedEmail, splitter);
            int nTokens = st.countTokens();
            // allow only first.last or first.middle.last
            if (nTokens < 2 || nTokens > 3)

            String possibleName = "";
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String token = st.nextToken();
                if (Util.hasOnlyDigits(token))
                    return result; // abort immediately if only numbers, we don't want things like
                possibleName += Util.capitalizeFirstLetter(token) + " "; // optionally we could upper case first letter of each token.
            possibleName = possibleName.trim(); // remove trailing space
        return result;

    private static class DBpediaTypes {
        //these are types identified from DBpedia that may contain some predictable tokens and omitting types with any possible tokens like TVShows and Bands
        //also omitting types that are not very different from other types like, Company and AutomobileEngine|Device

     * best effort to toString something about the given message.
     * use only for diagnostics, not for user-visible messages.
     * treads defensively, this can be called to report on a badly formatted message.
    public static String formatMessageHeader(MimeMessage m) throws MessagingException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("To: ");
        if (m == null) {
            log.warn("Trying to format null message!?");
            return "Null message";
        try {
            Address[] tos = m.getAllRecipients();
            if (tos != null)
                for (Address a : tos)
                    sb.append(a.toString() + " ");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Util.print_exception(e, log);

        sb.append("From: ");
        try {
            Address[] froms = m.getFrom();
            if (froms != null)
                for (Address a : froms)
                    sb.append(a.toString() + " ");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Util.print_exception(e, log);

        try {
            sb.append("Subject: " + m.getSubject());
            sb.append("Message-ID: " + m.getMessageID());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Util.print_exception(e, log);

        return sb.toString();

    // clean the dates
    public static void cleanDates(Collection<? extends Document> docs) {
        Date now = new Date();
        long time = now.getTime() + 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60L; // allow 1 day after current time 
        Date cutoff = new Date(time);

        Date earliestDate = new Date();
        Date latestDate = null;

        // compute earliest and latest dates. ignore dates after cutoff
        for (Document d : docs) {
            if (d instanceof DatedDocument) {
                DatedDocument dd = (DatedDocument) d;
                if ( == null ||

                if (
                    earliestDate =;

                if (latestDate == null)
                    latestDate =;
                else if (
                    latestDate =;

        for (Document d : docs) {
            if (d instanceof DatedDocument) {
                DatedDocument dd = (DatedDocument) d;
                if ( == null)
           = earliestDate;
                if ( {
                    log.warn("Warning: date is beyond current time " + CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(
                            + ", changing to last reasonable date, "
                            + CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(latestDate));
           = latestDate;

    // strips the Re: of subjects
    private static String normalizedSubject(String subject) {
        String originalSubject = subject.toLowerCase();
        String result = originalSubject;
        // Strip all variations of re: Re: RE: etc... by converting subject to lowercase
        // but don't lose case on original subject
        subject = subject.toLowerCase();

        if (subject.startsWith("re ") && subject.length() > "re ".length())
            result = originalSubject.substring("re ".length());
        if (subject.startsWith("re: ") && subject.length() > "re: ".length())
            result = originalSubject.substring("re: ".length());
        return result;

    public static String emailAddrsToString(String[] addrs) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(addrs.length + " addresses: ");
        for (String s : addrs)
            sb.append(s + " ");
        return sb.toString();

    // removes re: fwd etc from a subject line
    public static String cleanupSubjectLine(String subject) {
        if (subject == null)
            return null;
        // first strip mailing list name if any, at the beginning of the subject,
        // otherwise terms like [prpl-devel] appear very frequently
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subject);
        String firstToken = "";

        // firstToken is empty or the first non [mailing-list] first token
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            firstToken = st.nextToken();
            String f = firstToken.toLowerCase();
            // these are the common patterns i've seen in subject lines
            if ("re".equals(f) || "re:".equals(f) || "fwd".equals(f) || "fwd:".equals(f) || "[fwd".equals(f)
                    || "[fwd:".equals(f))
            // strip mailing list stuff as well
            if (f.startsWith("[") && f.endsWith("]") && f.length() < Indexer.MAX_MAILING_LIST_NAME_LENGTH)


        // firstToken is empty or the first non [mailing-list], non re/fwd/etc token
        String result = firstToken + " ";
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())
            result += st.nextToken() + " ";

        return result;

    /** returns just the first message for each thread */
    public static List<EmailDocument> threadHeaders(List<EmailDocument> emails) {
        // map maps normalized subject to a list of threads that all have that thread
        Map<String, List<EmailThread>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<EmailThread>>();

        for (EmailDocument email : emails) {
            String normalizedSubject = normalizedSubject(email.getSubjectWithoutTitle());

            List<EmailThread> threads = map.get(normalizedSubject);
            if (threads == null) {
                threads = new ArrayList<EmailThread>();
                map.put(normalizedSubject, threads);

            EmailThread existingThread = null;
            for (EmailThread thread : threads) {
                if (thread.belongsToThisThread(email)) {
                    existingThread = thread;

            if (existingThread != null)
                threads.add(new EmailThread(email, normalizedSubject)); // new emailthread based on this message

        System.out.println(map.keySet().size() + " unique subjects");

        List<EmailDocument> result = new ArrayList<EmailDocument>();

        for (String normalizedSubject : map.keySet()) {
            List<EmailThread> threads = map.get(normalizedSubject);
            System.out.print("Subject: " + normalizedSubject.replaceAll("\n", "") + ": ");
            System.out.print(threads.size() + " thread(s), : ");
            for (EmailThread et : threads) {
                System.out.print(et.size() + " ");

        System.out.println(emails.size() + " emails reduced to " + result.size() + " threads");

        return result;

    //   From - Tue Sep 29 11:38:30 2009
    private static SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss yyyy");
    // Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:53:17 -0800 (PST)
    private static SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
    private static Base64 base64encoder;
    public static Random rng = new Random(0);

    static {
        // if file separator is /, then newline must be \n, otherwise \r\n
        byte b[] = "/".equals(File.separator) ? new byte[] { (byte) 10 } : new byte[] { (byte) 13, (byte) 10 };
        base64encoder = new Base64(76, b);

    private static void printHeaderToMbox(EmailDocument ed, PrintWriter mbox)
            throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
        /* is the official ref. */
        Date d = != null ? : new Date();
        String s = sdf1.format(d);
        mbox.println("From - " + s);
        mbox.println("Date: " + sdf2.format(d) + " +0000 GMT"); // watch out, this might not be the right date format
        mbox.println("From: " + ed.getFromString());
        mbox.println("To: " + ed.getToString());
        String cc = ed.getCcString();
        if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(cc))
            mbox.println("Cc: " + cc);
        String bcc = ed.getBccString();
        if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(bcc))
            mbox.println("Bcc: " + bcc);

        mbox.println("Subject: " + ed.description);
        mbox.println("Message-ID: " + ed.messageID);
        mbox.println("X-Muse-Folder: " + ed.folderName);
        if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(ed.comment)) {
            String comment = ed.comment;
            comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", " ");
            comment = comment.replaceAll("\r", " ");
            mbox.println("X-Muse-Comment: " + comment);
        if (ed.isLiked())
            mbox.println("X-Muse-Liked: 1");

    /** this is an export for other tools to process the message text or names. Writes files called <n>.fill and <n>.names in the givne dir */
    public static void dumpMessagesAndNamesToDir(Archive archive, Collection<EmailDocument> docs, String dir)
            throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException {
        File f = new File(dir);
        int i = 0;
        for (EmailDocument ed : docs) {
            try {
                String m = ed.description + "\n\n" + archive.getContents(ed, false /* full message */);
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(dir + File.separatorChar + i + ".full"));

                Set<String> allEntities = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                allEntities.addAll(Arrays.asList(archive.getAllNamesInDoc(ed, true)).stream().map(n -> n.text)
                allEntities.addAll(Arrays.asList(archive.getAllNamesInDoc(ed, false)).stream().map(n -> n.text)

                pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(dir + File.separatorChar + i + ".names"));

                String s = "";
                for (String e : allEntities) {
                    e = e.toLowerCase();
                    e = e.replaceAll(" ", "_");
                    s += e + " ";
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Unable to save contents of message: " + ed);
                Util.print_exception(e, log);

     * header is printed in mbox format, then each of the given contents sequentially
     * if blobStore is null, attachments are not printed. could make this better by allowing text/html attachments.
    public static void printToMbox(Archive archive, EmailDocument ed, PrintWriter mbox, BlobStore blobStore,
            boolean stripQuoted) {
        String contents = "";
        try {
            printHeaderToMbox(ed, mbox);
            contents = archive.getContents(ed, stripQuoted);
            printBodyAndAttachmentsToMbox(contents, ed, mbox, blobStore);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Util.print_exception(e, log);

    private static void printBodyAndAttachmentsToMbox(String contents, EmailDocument ed, PrintWriter mbox,
            BlobStore blobStore) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
        String frontier = "----=_Part_";
        List<Blob> attachments = null;
        if (ed != null)
            attachments = ed.attachments;
        boolean hasAttachments = !Util.nullOrEmpty(attachments) && blobStore != null;
        boolean isI18N = Util.isI18N(contents);

        if (!hasAttachments && !isI18N) {
        } else {
             * This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
             * ------=_Part_
             * Content-Type: text/plain;
             * charset="iso-8859-1"
             * Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

            mbox.println("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" + frontier + "\"\n"); // blank line

            mbox.println("This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"); // blank line

            mbox.println("--" + frontier);
            mbox.println("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
            mbox.println("Content-Encoding: quoted-printable\n"); // need blank line after this
            try {
                byte encodedBytes[] = QuotedPrintableCodec.decodeQuotedPrintable(contents.getBytes());
                for (byte by : encodedBytes)
                    mbox.print((char) by);
            } catch (DecoderException de) {
                log.warn("Exception trying to toString contents!" + de);
            //         mbox.println("--" + frontier + "--");

            // probably need to fix: other types of charset, encodings
            if (blobStore != null && attachments != null) {
                for (Blob b : attachments) {
                    mbox.println("--" + frontier);
                    mbox.println("Content-type: " + b.contentType);
                    mbox.println("Content-transfer-encoding: base64");
                    mbox.println("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" + b.filename + "\"\n");

                    byte bytes[] = blobStore.getDataBytes(b);
                    byte encodedBytes[] = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes, true);
                    for (byte by : encodedBytes)
                        mbox.print((char) by);
                // note: the --frontier-- line is needed only at the very end, after all attachments -- NOT after each attachment.
                // this used to be a bug.
                mbox.println("--" + frontier + "--\n");

    /** gets the part before @ in the address */
    public static String getLoginFromEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
        if (emailAddress == null)
            return null;
        int idx = emailAddress.indexOf("@");
        if (idx < 0)
            return emailAddress;
        return emailAddress.substring(0, idx);

    private static Pattern parensPattern = Pattern.compile("\\(.*\\)");
    private static Pattern sqBracketsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[.*\\]");

    // hopefully people don't have any of these words in their names... note, should be lowercase

     * normalizes the given person name, by stripping whitespace at either end, normalizes spaces, so exactly 1 space between tokens.
     * returns null if not a valid name or has a banned word/string or is a single word name
     * retains case of the input as is.
     * returns same case
    public static String cleanPersonName(String name) {
        // be careful with case, we want name to remain in its original case
        if (name == null)
            return null;
        name = name.trim();

        if (name.indexOf("@") >= 0) // an email addr, not a real name -- we dunno what's happening, just return it as is, just lowercasing it.
            return name.toLowerCase();

        // a surprising number of names in email headers start and end with a single quote
        // if so, strip it.
        if (name.startsWith("'") && name.endsWith("'"))
            name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);
        if (name.startsWith("\"") && name.endsWith("\""))
            name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);

        // check if it has any characters at all
        boolean allNonAlpha = true;
        for (char c : name.toCharArray()) {
            if (Character.isAlphabetic(c)) {
                allNonAlpha = false;

        // all non-alphabet? return nothing, because its likely a junk name like "(" or "((" (yes, we see plenty of those!)
        if (allNonAlpha)
            return null;

        // Strip stuff inside parens, e.g. sometimes names are like:
        // foo bar (at home) - or -
        // foo bar [some Dept]
        Matcher m1 = parensPattern.matcher(name);
        name = m1.replaceAll("");
        Matcher m2 = sqBracketsPattern.matcher(name);
        name = m2.replaceAll("");
        name = name.trim();

        // normalize spaces
        // return null if name has banned words - e.g. ben s's email has different people with the "name" (IPM Return requested)
        String result = "";
        for (String t : Util.tokenize(name)) {
            if (DictUtils.bannedWordsInPeopleNames.contains(t.toLowerCase())) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Will not consider name (because it has a banned word): " + name);
                return null;
            result += t + " ";

        result = result.trim(); // very important, we've added a space after the last token above

        String lowerCaseName = name.toLowerCase();
        for (String bannedString : DictUtils.bannedStringsInPeopleNames)
            if (lowerCaseName.indexOf(bannedString) >= 0) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Will not consider name due to banned string: " + name + " due to string: "
                            + bannedString);
                return null;

        if (Util.tokenize(name).size() < 2) {
            return null; // single word names should not be considered for merging

        return result;

    // removes dups from the input list
    public static List<String> removeMailingLists(List<String> in) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String s : in) {
            s = s.toLowerCase();
            if (s.indexOf("@yahoogroups") >= 0 || s.indexOf("@googlegroups") >= 0 || s.indexOf("@lists.") >= 0
                    || s.indexOf("@mailman") >= 0 || s.indexOf("no-reply") >= 0 || s.indexOf("do-not-reply") >= 0) {
                log.debug("Dropping mailing list or junk address: " + s);
        return result;

    // removes obviously bad names from the input list. used only by grouper.
    public static List<String> removeIncorrectNames(List<String> in) {

        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String s : in) {
            s = EmailUtils.cleanPersonName(s);
            if (s == null)
        return result;

    /** try to get the last name */
    public static String getLastName(String fullName) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fullName);
        String lastToken = null;
        int nRealTokens = 0;
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = st.nextToken();
            if ("jr".equalsIgnoreCase(token))
            // i don't actually know anyone with these suffixes, but in honor william gates III
            if ("i".equalsIgnoreCase(token) || "ii".equalsIgnoreCase(token) || "iii".equalsIgnoreCase(token)
                    || "iv".equalsIgnoreCase(token) || "v".equalsIgnoreCase(token))
            lastToken = token;

        if (nRealTokens < 2)
            return null; // not two names
        if (lastToken.length() < 2)
            return null; // don't know what is happening
        return lastToken;

    private final static Set<String> secondLevelDomains = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    private final static String[] secondLevelDomainsArray = new String[] { "ac", "co" };
    private final static String[] serviceProvidersArray = new String[] { "hotmail", "gmail", "yahoo", "live", "msn",
            "pacbell", "vsnl", "comcast", "rediffmail" };
    private final static Set<String> serviceProviders = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    static {
        for (String s : secondLevelDomainsArray)
        for (String s : serviceProvidersArray)

    /** try to get the last name */
    public static String getOrg(String email) {
        if (!email.contains("@"))
            return null;

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(email, "@. !");
        List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();

        while (st.hasMoreTokens())
        if (tokens.size() < 3)
            return null; // must have at least 3 tokens :
        String org = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 2).toLowerCase();
        if (secondLevelDomains.contains(org))
            org = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 3);
        if (serviceProviders.contains(org))
            return null;

        return org;

    public static void main1(String args[]) throws IOException {

        String test[] = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "",
                "" };
        for (String s : test)
            System.out.println(s + " org is: " + getOrg(s));
        String test1[] = new String[] { "bill gates iii", "Bill gates", "William H. Gates", "Ian Vo", "Ian V" };
        for (String s : test1)
            System.out.println(s + " lastname is: " + getLastName(s));

    public static Pair<Date, Date> getFirstLast(Collection<? extends DatedDocument> allDocs) {
        return getFirstLast(allDocs, false);

    // compute the begin and end date of the corpus
    public static Pair<Date, Date> getFirstLast(Collection<? extends DatedDocument> allDocs,
            boolean ignoreInvalidDates) {
        // compute the begin and end date of the corpus
        Date first = null;
        Date last = null;

        if (allDocs == null)
            return null;

        for (DatedDocument ed : allDocs) {
            Date d =;
            if (d == null) {
                // drop this $ed$
                EmailUtils.log.warn("Warning: null date on email: " + ed.getHeader());

            // ignore invalid date if asked
            if (ignoreInvalidDates)
                if (EmailFetcherThread.INVALID_DATE.equals(d))

            if (first == null || d.before(first))
                first = d;
            if (last == null || d.after(last))
                last = d;

        return new Pair<Date, Date>(first, last);

    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> List<T> removeDupsAndSort(List<T> docs) {"-----------------------Detecting duplicates-------------------");
        Set<T> set = new LinkedHashSet<T>();

        // maintain a map so when we find a duplicate, we can toString both the dup and the original
        Map<T, T> map = new LinkedHashMap<T, T>();
        for (T ed : docs) {
            if (map.get(ed) != null)
      "Duplicate messages:\n\t" + ed + "\n\t" + map.get(ed));
            map.put(ed, ed);

        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        //      for (EmailDocument ed: result)
        //         System.out.println ("doc: " + ed);"Removed duplicates from " + docs.size() + " messages: " + (docs.size() - result.size())
                + " removed, " + result.size() + " left");

        return result;

    public static boolean allDocsAreDatedDocs(Collection<? extends Document> ds) {
        for (Document d : ds)
            if (!(d instanceof DatedDocument))
                return false;
        return true;

    public static List<LinkInfo> getLinksForDocs(Collection<? extends Document> ds) {
        // extract links from the given docs
        List<LinkInfo> links = new ArrayList<LinkInfo>();
        if (ds == null)
            return links;

        for (Document d : ds)
            if (d.links != null)
        return links;

    public static int countAttachmentsInDocs(Collection<EmailDocument> docs) {
        int count = 0;
        if (docs == null)
            return 0;
        for (EmailDocument ed : docs)
            if (ed.attachments != null)
                count += ed.attachments.size();
        return count;

    public static int countImageAttachmentsInDocs(Collection<EmailDocument> docs) {
        int count = 0;
        if (docs == null)
            return 0;
        for (EmailDocument ed : docs)
            if (ed.attachments != null)
                for (Blob b : ed.attachments)
                    if (Util.is_image_filename(b.filename)) // consider looking at b.contentType as well
        return count;

    public static int countDocumentAttachmentsInDocs(Collection<EmailDocument> docs) {
        int count = 0;
        if (docs == null)
            return 0;
        for (EmailDocument ed : docs)
            if (ed.attachments != null)
                for (Blob b : ed.attachments)
                    if (Util.is_doc_filename(b.filename)) // consider looking at b.contentType as well
        return count;

    public static int getMessageCount(List<Pair<String, Integer>> foldersAndCounts) {
        int totalMessageCount = 0;
        for (Pair<String, Integer> p : foldersAndCounts)
            if (!"[Gmail]/All Mail".equals(p.getFirst())) // don't count special case of gmail/all mail
                totalMessageCount += p.getSecond();
        return totalMessageCount;

    public static List<Date> datesForDocs(Collection<? extends DatedDocument> c) {
        List<Date> result = new ArrayList<Date>();
        for (DatedDocument d : c)
        return result;

    public static void maskEmailDomain(Collection<EmailDocument> docs, AddressBook ab) {
        for (EmailDocument e : docs) {

    /** returns set of all messages that have one of these attachments */
    public static Set<? super EmailDocument> getDocsForAttachments(Collection<EmailDocument> docs,
            Collection<Blob> blobs) {
        Set<EmailDocument> result = new LinkedHashSet<EmailDocument>();
        if (docs == null || blobs == null)
            return result;

        for (EmailDocument ed : docs) {
            if (ed.attachments == null)
            for (Blob b : ed.attachments) {
                if (blobs.contains(b)) {
                    break; // no need to check its other attachments
        return result;

    /** given a set of emailAddress's, returns a map of email address -> docs containing it, from within the given docs.
      * return value also contains email addresses with 0 hits in the archive
     * emailAddress should all be lower case. */
    public static Map<String, Set<Document>> getDocsForEAs(Collection<Document> docs, Set<String> emailAddresses) {
        Map<String, Set<Document>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<Document>>();
        if (emailAddresses == null)
            return map;

        for (String email : emailAddresses)
            map.put(email, new LinkedHashSet<Document>());

        for (Document doc : docs) {
            if (!(doc instanceof EmailDocument))
            EmailDocument ed = (EmailDocument) doc;
            List<String> docAddrs = ed.getAllAddrs();
            for (String addr : docAddrs) {
                String cAddr = addr.toLowerCase(); // canonical addr
                if (emailAddresses.contains(cAddr)) {
                    Set<Document> set = map.get(cAddr); // can't be null as we've already created a hash entry for each address

        return map;

     * little util method get an array of all own addrs, given 1 addr and some alternate ones.
     * alternateaddrs could have multiple addrs, separated by whitespace or commas
     * either of the inputs could be null
    public static Set<String> parseAlternateEmailAddrs(String alternateAddrs) {
        Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(alternateAddrs))
            return result;

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(alternateAddrs, "\t ,");
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())

        // log own addrs
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String s : result)
            sb.append(s + " "); + " own email addresses: " + sb);
        return result;

     * returns contact -> {in_dates, out_dates} map.
     * not responsible for dups, i.e. dedup should have been done before.
     * we can consider caching this on contacts directly if it becomes a performance problem.
    public static Map<Contact, Pair<List<Date>, List<Date>>> computeContactToDatesMap(AddressBook ab,
            Collection<EmailDocument> list) {
        Map<Contact, Pair<List<Date>, List<Date>>> result = new LinkedHashMap<Contact, Pair<List<Date>, List<Date>>>();

        // note that we'll add the same date twice if the same contact has 2 different email addresses present on the message.
        // consider changing this if needed.
        for (EmailDocument ed : list) {
            String senderEmail = ed.getFromEmailAddress();
            if (Util.nullOrEmpty(senderEmail))
                senderEmail = "------ <NONE> -------"; // dummy, we want to process the other addresses even if sender is not available

            List<String> allEmails = ed.getAllAddrs();
            for (String email : allEmails) {
                if ( == null)
                    continue; // no date, no point processing

                Contact c = ab.lookupByEmail(email);
                if (c == null)
                    continue; // shouldn't happen, but defensive

                Pair<List<Date>, List<Date>> p = result.get(c);
                if (p == null) {
                    p = new Pair<List<Date>, List<Date>>(new ArrayList<Date>(), new ArrayList<Date>()); // not seen this contact before
                    result.put(c, p);

                if (senderEmail.equals(email))
        return result;

    /** normalizeNewlines should already have been called on text */
    public static String getOriginalContent(String text) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text));

        // stopper for the tokenize when we meet a line that needs to be ignored
        String stopper = " . ";

        // we'll maintain line and nextLine for lookahead. needed e.g. for the "on .... wrote:" detection below
        String originalLine = null;
        String nextLine = br.readLine();

        while (true) {
            originalLine = nextLine;
            if (originalLine == null)
            nextLine = br.readLine();

             * Yahoo replies look like this. they don't use the quote character.
             * --
             * This is another test. Another president's name is Barack Obama.
             * ________________________________
             * From: Sudheendra Hangal <>
             * To: sd sdd <>
             * etc.
             * --
             * so lets eliminate everything after a line that goes ________________________________
             * i.e. at least 20 '_' chars, and the following line has a colon

            // do all checking ops on effective line, but don't modify original line, because we want to use it verbatim in the result.
            // effectiveLine is taken before replacing everything after a >, because we may want to look for a marker like "forwarded message" after a > as well.
            String effectiveLine = originalLine.trim();

            // nuke everything after >. this is the only modification to the original line
            originalLine = originalLine.replaceAll("^\\s*>.*$", stopper); // 

            // now a series of checks to stop copying of the input to result
            if (effectiveLine.length() > 20 && Util.hasOnlyOneChar(effectiveLine, '_') && nextLine != null
                    && nextLine.indexOf(":") > 0)

            // eliminate everything after the line "On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Sudheendra Hangal <> wrote:"
            // however, sometimes this line has wrapped around on two lines, so we use the nextLine lookahead if it's present
            if ((effectiveLine.startsWith("On ") && effectiveLine.endsWith("wrote:"))
                    || (effectiveLine.startsWith("On ") && effectiveLine.length() < 80
                            && (nextLine != null && nextLine.trim().endsWith("wrote:")))) {

            // look for forward separator
            String lowercaseLine = effectiveLine.toLowerCase();
            if (lowercaseLine.startsWith("Begin forwarded message:"))
            if (effectiveLine.startsWith("---") && effectiveLine.endsWith("---")
                    && (lowercaseLine.contains("forwarded message") || lowercaseLine.contains("original message")))


            // be careful, need to ensure that result is same as original text if nothing was stripped.
            // this is important because indexer will avoid redoing NER etc. if stripped content is exactly the same as the original.
            if (nextLine == null) {
                // we're at end of input, append \n only if original text had it.
                if (text.endsWith("\n"))
            } else

        return result.toString();

    private static void testGetOriginalContent() throws IOException {
        String x = "abc\r\nrxyz\rde\n";
        System.out.println("s = " + x + "\n" + x.length());

        x = x.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n");
        System.out.println("s = " + x + "\n" + x.length());
        x = x.replaceAll("\r", "\n");
        System.out.println("s = " + x + "\n" + x.length());

        String s = "This is a test\nsecond line\n"; // testing with 4 trailing newlines, this was causing a problem
        String s1 = getOriginalContent(s);
        System.out.println("s = " + s);
        System.out.println("s1 = " + s1);
        System.out.println("equals = " + s.equals(s1));
        if (!s.equals(s1))
            throw new RuntimeException();

    // text is an email message, returns a sanitized version of it
    // after stripping away signatures etc.
    public static String cleanupEmailMessage(String text) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text));
        while (true) {
            String line = br.readLine();
            if (line == null)
            line = line.trim();
            if (line.equals("--")) // strip all lines including and after signature

            if (line.contains("Original message") || line.contains("Forwarded message")) {
                int idx1 = line.indexOf("-----");
                int idx2 = line.lastIndexOf("-----");
                if (idx1 >= 0 && idx2 >= 0 && idx1 != idx2)

            if (line.startsWith("On ") && line.endsWith("wrote:"))

            result.append(line + "\n");

        return result.toString();

    public static List<String> emailAddrs(Address[] as) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (as == null)
            return result;

        for (Address a : as) {
            String email = ((InternetAddress) a).getAddress();
            if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(email))
        return result;

    public static List<String> personalNames(Address[] as) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (as == null)
            return result;

        for (Address a : as) {
            String name = ((InternetAddress) a).getPersonal();
            if (!Util.nullOrEmpty(name))
        return result;

    /** thread a collection of emails */
    public static Collection<Collection<EmailDocument>> threadEmails(Collection<EmailDocument> docs) {
        Map<String, Collection<EmailDocument>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Collection<EmailDocument>>();
        for (EmailDocument ed : docs) {
            // compute a canonical thread id, based on the cleaned up subject line (removing re: fwd: etc) and the description.
            // in the future, could consider date ranges too, e.g. don't consider messages more than N days apart as the same thread
            // even if they have the same subject and recipients
            // for gmail only -- there is a thread id directly in gmail which can potentially be used 
            String canonicalSubject = cleanupSubjectLine(ed.description);
            // we prob. don't care about canonical case for subject

            List<String> addrs = emailAddrs(;
            String threadId = canonicalSubject + " " + Util.join(addrs, ",");
            // canonical id for the thread.
            Collection<EmailDocument> messagesForThisThread = map.get(threadId);
            if (messagesForThisThread == null) {
                messagesForThisThread = new ArrayList<EmailDocument>();
                map.put(threadId, messagesForThisThread);
        return map.values();

    /** returns a histogram of the dates, bucketed in quantum of quantum, going backwards from endTime */
    public static List<Integer> histogram(List<Date> dates, long endTime, long quantumMillis) {
        ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // input dates may not be sorted, but doesn't matter
        for (Date d : dates) {
            int slot = (int) ((endTime - d.getTime()) / quantumMillis);

            // ensure list has enough capacity because there may be gaps
            while (result.size() <= slot)

            // result.size() is at least slot+1    
            Integer I = result.get(slot);
            result.set(slot, I + 1);

        return result;

    private static void testLookupNormalizer() {
        Pair<String, String>[] tests = new Pair[] { new Pair<>("bernstein", "bernstein"),
                new Pair<>("charles, bernstein", "bernstein charles"), new Pair<>("James H McGill", "james mcgill"),
                new Pair<>("Wetterwald Julien", "julien wetterwald"), new Pair<>("Barack H. Obama", "barack obama"),
                new Pair<>("George H W, Bush", "bush george"),
                //committee is a banned word in people names
                new Pair<>("Justice committee", null),
                new Pair<>("''''093- 'Wetterwald Jul-ien\"''''", "'''093- 'wetterwald jul-ien\"'''") };
        for (Pair<String, String> p : tests) {
            String np = normalizePersonNameForLookup(p.getFirst());
            if ((np == null && p.second != null) || (np != null && p.second == null)
                    || (np != null && p.second != null && !np.equals(p.getSecond()))) {
                System.err.println("Test fail!! Expected: " + p.second + " found: " + np + " -- for: " + p.first);
        System.err.println("All tests done!");

     * normalizes names.
     * orders words in the name alphabetically.
     * this is different from normalizePersonName, which actually
     * changes the display name shown to the user. e.g. in that method
     * "'Seng Keat'" becomes "Seng Keat" (stripping the quotes) and
     * "Teh, Seng Keat" becomes "Seng Keat Teh"
     * in contrast this method changes the (internal) name **for the purposes of lookup only**
     * it mangles the name, so it should never be displayed to the user.
     * it canonicalizes the name by ordering all the words in the name alphabetically
     * there is exactly one space between each word in the output, with no spaces at the end.
     * e.g.
     * Wetterwald Julien becomes julien wetterwald
     * both names are still retained in the contact.
     * if there are at least 2 names with multiple letters, then single letter initials are dropped.
     * Obama Barack becomes barack obama (all hail the chief!)
     * Barack H Obama also becomes barack obama
     * we assume these forms are really the same person, so they must be looked up consistently.
     * this is somewhat aggressive entity resolution. reconsider if it is found to relate unrelated people...
    public static String normalizePersonNameForLookup(String name) {
        if (name == null)
            return null;

        String originalName = name;

        name = cleanPersonName(name);
        //cleanPersonName returns null for singlw word names for some reason
        if (name == null) {
            if (originalName.indexOf(' ') == -1) {
                name = originalName;
                name = name.toLowerCase();
                name = name.replaceAll("^\\W+|\\W+$", "");
                return name;
            return null;
        // remove all periods and commas
        // in future: consider removing all non-alpha, non-number chars.
        // but should we also remove valid quote chars in names like O'Melveny
        // also be careful of foreign names
        name = name.replaceAll("\\.", " "); // make sure to escape the period, replaceAll's first param is a regex!
        name = name.replaceAll(",", " ");

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name);
        if (st.countTokens() <= 1) {
            return name;

        // gather all the words in the name into tokens and sort it
        List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())

        if (tokens.size() > 2) {
            int nOneLetterTokens = 0, nMultiLetterTokens = 0;
            for (String t : tokens) {
                if (t.length() > 1)

            // if we have at least 2 multi-letter names, then ignore initials
            if (nMultiLetterTokens >= 2 && nOneLetterTokens >= 1)
                for (Iterator<String> it = tokens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    String t =;
                    if (t.length() == 1)
                        it.remove(); // this is an initial, remove it.

        // enable variants
        tokens =;

        // cat all the tokens, one space in between, no space at the end
        String cname = Util.join(tokens, " ");
         * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         * for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++)
         * {
         * sb.append(tokens.get(i));
         * if (i < tokens.size()-1)
         * sb.append (" ");
         * }

        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(cname)) {
            // unlikely case, but can happen if input string was "" or just periods and commas
            // we don't know whats going in in that case, just be safe and return the original name
            // better to return the original name than cause merging and confusion with an empty normalized name
            return originalName;

        return cname;

    public static String uncanonicaliseName(String str) {
        if (str == null)
            return null;
        List<String> sws = Arrays.asList("but", "be", "with", "such", "then", "for", "no", "will", "not", "are",
                "and", "their", "if", "this", "on", "into", "a", "there", "in", "that", "they", "was", "it", "an",
                "the", "as", "at", "these", "to", "of");

        str = str.replaceAll("^\\W+|\\W+$", "");
        String res = "";
        String[] tokens = str.split("\\s+");
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            String token = tokens[i];
            if (sws.contains(token.toLowerCase())) {
                res += token;
            } else {
                if (token.length() > 1)
                    res += token.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1) + token.substring(1);
                    res += token.toUpperCase();
            if (i < (tokens.length - 1))
                res += " ";
        return res;

    /** normalizes email address: strips away blanks and quotes, lower cases. must be used before put/get into AddressBook.emailToContact.
     * we often see junk like '' (including the start and end quote characters), which this method strips away */
    public static String cleanEmailAddress(String e) {
        if (e == null)
            return null;

        e = e.trim().toLowerCase();
        while (e.startsWith("'") || e.startsWith("\"")) {
            e = e.substring(1);
            e = e.trim();
        while (e.endsWith("'") || e.endsWith("\"")) {
            e = e.substring(0, e.length() - 1);
            e = e.trim();

        return e;

     * Similar to normalizePersonNameForLookup but return a list of tokens in the name.
     * @param name
     * @return list of tokens in the name
    public static List<String> normalizePersonNameForLookupAsList(String name) {
        if (name == null)
            return null;

        name = cleanPersonName(name);
        if (name == null)
            return null;
        // remove all periods and commas
        // in future: consider removing all non-alpha, non-number chars.
        // but should we also remove valid quote chars in names like O'Melveny
        // also be careful of foreign names
        name = name.replaceAll("\\.", " "); // make sure to escape the period, replaceAll's first param is a regex!
        name = name.replaceAll(",", " ");

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name);

        // gather all the words in the name into tokens and sort it
        List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())

        if (tokens.size() > 2) {
            int nOneLetterTokens = 0, nMultiLetterTokens = 0;
            for (String t : tokens) {
                if (t.length() > 1)

            // if we have at least 2 multi-letter names, then ignore initials
            if (nMultiLetterTokens >= 2 && nOneLetterTokens >= 1)
                for (Iterator<String> it = tokens.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    String t =;
                    if (t.length() == 1)
                        it.remove(); // this is an initial, remove it.

        return tokens;

    /** Filters the contact for specifically people. */
    public static List<Contact> getPeople(Archive archive) {
        AddressBook ab = archive.addressBook;
        List<Document> docs = archive.getAllDocs();
        //recognise as mailing list when none of the owner addresses is in the from or to addresses.
        Set<String> ownEAs = archive.ownerEmailAddrs;
        System.err.println("OwnEAs: " + ownEAs);

        //list of mailing list addresses.
        Set<String> maillists = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Document doc : docs) {
            EmailDocument ed = (EmailDocument) doc;
            List<String> addrs = ed.getAllAddrs();
            boolean notmaillist = false;
            if (addrs != null)
                for (String ea : addrs)
                    if (ownEAs.contains(ea)) {
                        notmaillist = true;
            if (!notmaillist) {
                System.err.println("Adding ea to mailing lists: " + ed.getToString());

        //sometimes mailing lists may also contain the owner email address.
        //should there be one more filter for corporate?  

        List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
        for (Contact c : ab.allContacts()) {
            boolean ml = false;
            for (String email : c.emails)
                if (maillists.contains(email)) {
                    ml = true;
            if (!ml)
        return contacts;

     * Cleans and returns names from contacts.
     * For svm model training file generation, an additional filtering step of ptype score over dbpedia>0.7 is employed.
     * Note: this is not efficient call, dont call it often. As it has to read and analyse dbpedia for better filtering of names.
     * @return name -> type, type in the case of addressbook names, type is only person.
    public static Map<String, String> getNames(List<Contact> contacts) {
        int allsize = contacts.size();
        Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (Contact c : contacts) {
            if (c.names != null)
                for (String n : c.names) {
                    //dont trust single word names, may contain phrases like Mom, Dad
                    if (n == null || n.split("\\s+").length == 1)
                    String cn = edu.stanford.muse.util.Util.cleanName(n);
                    if (cn != null)
                        names.put(cn, "Person");
        System.err.println("All contacts size: " + allsize + ", good-names: " + names.size());

        return names;

    public static String cleanEmailContent(String content) {
        String[] lines = content.split("\\n");
        String cont = "";
        for (String line : lines) {
            if (line.contains("wrote:")) {
            cont += line + "\n";

        content = cont;
        //only double line breaks are considered EOS.
        content = content.replaceAll("^>+.*", "");
        content = content.replaceAll("\\n\\n", ". ");
        content = content.replaceAll("\\n", " ");
        return content;

    private static Map<String, String> sample(Map<String, String> full, double p) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        Map<String, String> sample = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (String e : full.keySet()) {
            if (rand.nextDouble() < p)
                sample.put(e, full.get(e));
        return sample;

    private static String cleanDBPediaRoad(String title) {
        String[] words = title.split(" ");
        String lw = words[words.length - 1];
        String ct = "";
        boolean hasNumber = false;
        for (Character c : lw.toCharArray())
            if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
                hasNumber = true;
        if (words.length == 1 || !hasNumber)
            ct = title;
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) {
                ct += words[i];
                if (i < words.length - 2)
                    ct += " ";
        return ct;

    private static Map<String, String> readDBpedia(double p, String typesFile) {
        if (dbpedia != null) {
            if (p == 1)
                return dbpedia;
                return new<>(sample(dbpedia, p));
        if (typesFile == null)
            typesFile = Config.DBPEDIA_INSTANCE_FILE;
        //dbpedia = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        //we want to be able to access elements in the map in a case-sensitive manner, this is a way to do that.
        dbpedia = new<>();
        int d = 0, numPersons = 0, lines = 0;
        try {
            InputStream is = Config.getResourceAsStream(typesFile);
            if (is == null) {
                log.warn("DBpedia file resource could not be read!!");
                return dbpedia;

            //true argument for BZip2CompressorInputStream so as to load the whole file content into memory
            LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(new BZip2CompressorInputStream(is, true), "UTF-8"));
            while (true) {
                String line = lnr.readLine();
                if (line == null)
                if (lines++ % 1000000 == 0)
          "Processed " + lines + " lines of approx. 3.02M in " + typesFile);

                if (line.contains("GivenName"))

                String[] words = line.split("\\s+");
                String r = words[0];

                 * The types file contains lines like this:
                 * National_Bureau_of_Asian_Research Organisation|Agent
                 * National_Bureau_of_Asian_Research__1 PersonFunction
                 * National_Bureau_of_Asian_Research__2 PersonFunction
                 * Which leads to classifying "National_Bureau_of_Asian_Research" as PersonFunction and not Org.
                if (r.contains("__")) {
                //if it still contains this, is a bad title.
                if (r.equals("") || r.contains("__")) {
                String type = words[1];
                //Royalty names, though tagged person are very weird, contains roman characters and suffixes like of_Poland e.t.c.
                if (type.equals("PersonFunction") || type.equals("Royalty|Person|Agent"))
                //in places there are things like: Shaikh_Ibrahim,_Iraq
                if (type.endsWith("Settlement|PopulatedPlace|Place"))
                    r = r.replaceAll(",_.*", "");

                //its very dangerous to remove things inside brackets as that may lead to terms like
                //University_(Metrorail_Station) MetroStation|Place e.t.c.
                //so keep them, or just skip this entry all together
                //We are not considering single word tokens any way, so its OK to remove things inside the brackets
                //removing stuff in brackets may cause trouble when blind matching entities
                //r = r.replaceAll("_\\(.*?\\)", "");
                String title = r.replaceAll("_", " ");

                String badSuffix = "|Agent";
                if (type.endsWith(badSuffix) && type.length() > badSuffix.length())
                    type = type.substring(0, type.length() - badSuffix.length());
                if (type.endsWith("|Person"))
                type = type.intern(); // type strings are repeated very often, so intern

                if (type.equals("Road|RouteOfTransportation|Infrastructure|ArchitecturalStructure|Place")) {
                    //System.err.print("Cleaned: "+title);
                    title = cleanDBPediaRoad(title);
                    //System.err.println(" to "+title);
                dbpedia.put(title, type);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        }"Read " + dbpedia.size() + " names from DBpedia, " + numPersons + " people name. dropped: " + d);

        return new<>(sample(dbpedia, p));

    public static Map<String, String> readDBpedia() {
        return readDBpedia(1.0, null);

    public static void main(String[] args) {