Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 WebMapReduce Developers
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrSubstitutor;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubnodeConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.exec.*;

import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.thrift.CompilationException;
import edu.stolaf.cs.wmrserver.thrift.ValidationException;

 * Provides methods to prepare and package transform (map or reduce) executables
 * from users' code. Applies library code, compiles, and generates scripts as
 * necessary for the desired language.
public class TransformProcessor {
    private HierarchicalConfiguration m_wmrConfig;
    private File m_tempDir;
    private File m_jobTempDir;
    private File m_languageConfDir;
    private String m_jobName;

     * Constructs a new TransformProcessor that will reference the given
     * language configuration and use the given temp directory.
     * @param wmrConfig   The language configuration for WebMapReduce
     * @param langConfDir The directory containing language support files
     * @param tempDir     The directory in which to store processed files
     * @param jobName     The name of the job, used in the script's filename
    public TransformProcessor(HierarchicalConfiguration wmrConfig, File languageConfDir, File tempDir,
            String jobName) {
        m_wmrConfig = wmrConfig;
        m_languageConfDir = languageConfDir;
        m_tempDir = tempDir;
        m_jobName = jobName;
        m_jobTempDir = null;

     * Prepares and writes a mapper script to the local filesystem, returning
     * its path. Adds a shebang (#!) and wrapper code appropriate for the script
     * language to the provided reducer source to produce the script.
     * @param mapperSource The mapper code provided by the user
     * @param language     The language of the mapper, one specified in the
     *                     WebMapReduce language configuration
     * @return The path to the script
    public File prepareMapperPackage(String mapperSource, String language)
            throws IOException, ValidationException, CompilationException {
        return prepareTransformPackage(TransformType.MAPPER, mapperSource, language);

     * Prepares and writes a reducer script to the local filesystem, returning
     * its path. Adds a shebang (#!) and wrapper code appropriate for the script
     * language to the provided reducer source to produce the script.
     * @param reducerSource The reducer code provided by the user
     * @param language      The language of the reducer, one specified in the
     *                      WebMapReduce language configuration
     * @return The path to the script
    public File prepareReducerPackage(String reducerSource, String language)
            throws IOException, ValidationException, CompilationException {
        return prepareTransformPackage(TransformType.REDUCER, reducerSource, language);

    public File getPackageDir() throws IOException {
        return getJobTempDir();

    private File getJobTempDir() throws IOException {
        if (m_jobTempDir == null) {
            // Thanks to
            final File sysTempDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
            File newTempDir;
            final int maxAttempts = 9;
            int attemptCount = 0;
            do {
                if (attemptCount > maxAttempts) {
                    throw new IOException(
                            "The highly improbable has occurred! " + "Failed to create a unique temporary "
                                    + "directory after " + maxAttempts + " attempts.");
                String dirName = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                newTempDir = new File(sysTempDir, dirName);
            } while (newTempDir.exists());

            if (newTempDir.mkdirs()) {
                m_jobTempDir = newTempDir;
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Could not create local temporary directory.");


        return m_jobTempDir;

     * Internal implementation of #prepareMapperPackage() and
     * #prepareReducerPackage() that works for either, determined by the
     * transformType argument.
    protected File prepareTransformPackage(TransformType transformType, String transformSource, String language)
            throws IOException, ValidationException, CompilationException {
        // Get the given language's configuration, checking whether the language
        // exists in the configuration in the first place
        SubnodeConfiguration languageConf;
        try {
            languageConf = m_wmrConfig.configurationAt(language);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new ValidationException("Specified source code language is not recognized.", language);

        // Get the transform type in string form ("mapper" or "reducer") for use
        // in messages, etc.
        String transformTypeString = transformType.toString().toLowerCase();

        // Wrap source in library code as appropriate
        transformSource = wrap(languageConf, transformTypeString, transformSource);

        // Create temp directory to store transform package
        File jobTempDir = getJobTempDir();
        File jobTransformDir = new File(jobTempDir, transformTypeString);
        if (!jobTransformDir.mkdir()) {
            throw new IOException("Could not create " + transformTypeString + " temporary directory:\n"
                    + jobTransformDir.toString());

        // Write processed transform source to disk
        String scriptExtension = languageConf.getString("extension", "");
        if (!scriptExtension.isEmpty())
            scriptExtension = "." + scriptExtension;
        File transformFile = writeTransformSource(transformTypeString, jobTransformDir, scriptExtension,

        // Copy extra library files unless otherwise specified
        boolean copyLibraryFiles = languageConf.getBoolean("copyLibraryFiles", true);
        if (copyLibraryFiles) {
            copyLibraryFiles(languageConf, jobTransformDir);

        // Compile if specified
        File srcTransformFile = transformFile;
        transformFile = compile(languageConf, transformTypeString, transformFile, jobTransformDir);
        if (!transformFile.equals(srcTransformFile))

        // Return the path to the final transform file, relativized to the temp dir
        return relativizeFile(transformFile, getJobTempDir());

    private String wrap(SubnodeConfiguration languageConf, String transformTypeString, String transformSource)
            throws IOException {
        // Get any wrapping code appropriate for the specified language,
        // including the shebang

        StrBuilder prefix = new StrBuilder();
        StrBuilder suffix = new StrBuilder();

        // Include the shebang???
        String interp = languageConf.getString("interpreter");
        if (interp != null && !interp.isEmpty())
            prefix.append("#!" + languageConf.getString("interpreter") + "\n");

        // Get the file extension appropriate for the language
        String scriptExtension = languageConf.getString("extension", "");
        if (!scriptExtension.isEmpty())
            scriptExtension = "." + scriptExtension;

        // Include the wrapper libraries, which potentially handle I/O, etc.
        File libDir = getLibraryDirectory(languageConf);
        if (libDir != null) {
            if (!libDir.isDirectory() || !libDir.canRead())
                throw new IOException("Library directory for " + transformTypeString + " did not exist "
                        + "or was not readable: " + libDir.toString());

            Reader libReader = null;
            try {
                File libFile = new File(libDir, transformTypeString + "-prefix" + scriptExtension);
                if (libFile.isFile() && libFile.canRead()) {
                    libReader = new FileReader(libFile);
                    IOUtils.copy(libReader, prefix.asWriter());

                libFile = new File(libDir, transformTypeString + "-suffix" + scriptExtension);
                if (libFile.isFile() && libFile.canRead()) {
                    libReader = new FileReader(libFile);
                    IOUtils.copy(libReader, suffix.asWriter());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new IOException("Could not add the wrapper library to the " + transformTypeString
                        + " code due to an exception.", ex);
            } finally {

        return prefix.toString() + "\n" + transformSource + "\n" + suffix.toString();

    private File writeTransformSource(String transformTypeString, File jobTransformDir, String scriptExtension,
            String transformSource) throws IOException {
        // Write the script to a temporary file
        File scriptFile = new File(jobTransformDir, "job-" + transformTypeString + scriptExtension);
        if (!scriptFile.createNewFile()) {
            throw new IOException("Could not create " + transformTypeString + " file.");

        try {
            FileUtils.writeStringToFile(scriptFile, transformSource);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new IOException("Could not write " + transformTypeString + " code to disk.", ex);

        // Change file permissions on the new file to ensure it is accessible
        try {
            scriptFile.setExecutable(true, false);
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            throw new IOException("Could not assign permissions to " + transformTypeString + " file.", ex);

        return scriptFile;

    private File compile(SubnodeConfiguration languageConf, String transformTypeString, File srcTransformFile,
            File jobTransformDir) throws CompilationException, IOException {
        // Determine correct compiler, returning if none specified
        String compiler = languageConf.getString("compiler-" + transformTypeString, "");
        if (compiler.isEmpty())
            compiler = languageConf.getString("compiler", "");
        if (compiler.isEmpty())
            return srcTransformFile;

        // Determine destination filename
        File compiledTransformFile = new File(jobTransformDir, "compiled-job-" + transformTypeString);

        // Create map to replace ${wmr:...} variables.
        // NOTE: Commons Configuration's built-in interpolator does not work here
        //  for some reason.
        File jobTempDir = getJobTempDir();
        Hashtable<String, String> variableMap = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        File libDir = getLibraryDirectory(languageConf);
        variableMap.put("wmr:lib.dir", (libDir != null) ? libDir.toString() : "");
        variableMap.put("wmr:src.dir", relativizeFile(srcTransformFile.getParentFile(), jobTempDir).toString());
        variableMap.put("wmr:src.file", relativizeFile(srcTransformFile, jobTempDir).toString());
        variableMap.put("wmr:dest.dir", relativizeFile(jobTransformDir, jobTempDir).toString());
        variableMap.put("wmr:dest.file", relativizeFile(compiledTransformFile, jobTempDir).toString());

        // Replace variables in compiler string
        compiler = StrSubstitutor.replace(compiler, variableMap);

        // Run the compiler

        CommandLine compilerCommand = CommandLine.parse(compiler);
        DefaultExecutor exec = new DefaultExecutor();
        ExecuteWatchdog dog = new ExecuteWatchdog(60000); // 1 minute
        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PumpStreamHandler pump = new PumpStreamHandler(output);
        exec.setExitValues(null); // Can't get the exit code if it throws exception

        int exitStatus = -1;
        try {
            exitStatus = exec.execute(compilerCommand);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // NOTE: Exit status is still -1 in this case, since exception was thrown
            throw new CompilationException("Compiling failed for " + transformTypeString, exitStatus,
                    new String(output.toByteArray()));

        // Check for successful exit

        if (exitStatus != 0)
            throw new CompilationException("Compiling failed for " + transformTypeString, exitStatus,
                    new String(output.toByteArray()));

        // Check that output exists and is readable, and make it executable

        if (!compiledTransformFile.isFile())
            throw new CompilationException(
                    "Compiler did not output a " + transformTypeString
                            + " executable (or it was not a regular file).",
                    exitStatus, new String(output.toByteArray()));

        if (!compiledTransformFile.canRead())
            throw new IOException(StringUtils.capitalize(transformTypeString)
                    + " executable output from compiler was not readable: " + compiledTransformFile.toString());

        if (!compiledTransformFile.canExecute())
            compiledTransformFile.setExecutable(true, false);

        return compiledTransformFile;

    private void copyLibraryFiles(SubnodeConfiguration languageConf, File jobTransformDir) throws IOException {
        // Get the library directory, returning if not specified
        File libDir = getLibraryDirectory(languageConf);
        if (libDir == null)

        // Get the file extension appropriate for the language
        String scriptExtension = languageConf.getString("extension", "");
        if (!scriptExtension.isEmpty())
            scriptExtension = "." + scriptExtension;

        // Create a file filter to exclude prefix/suffix files
        String pattern = "^(mapper|reducer)-(prefix|suffix)" + Pattern.quote(scriptExtension) + "$";
        FileFilter libFilter = new NotFileFilter(new RegexFileFilter(pattern));

        // Copy filtered contents of library directory
        FileUtils.copyDirectory(libDir, jobTransformDir, libFilter);

    private File relativizeFile(File file, File relativeToFile) {
        URI fileURI = file.toURI();
        URI rtURI = relativeToFile.getAbsoluteFile().toURI();
        return new File(rtURI.relativize(fileURI).getPath());

    private File getLibraryDirectory(SubnodeConfiguration languageConf) {
        String libDirString = languageConf.getString("library", "");
        if (libDirString.isEmpty())
            return null;
        File libDir = new File(libDirString);
        if (!libDir.isAbsolute())
            libDir = new File(m_languageConfDir, libDirString);
        return libDir;

 * Specifies whether a transform is a mapper or reducer.
enum TransformType {