Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 Stefan Profanter. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying
 * materials are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 which accompanies
 * this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors: Stefan Profanter - initial API and implementation, Year: 2012
package edu.tum.cs.vis.model.util.algorithm;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.DecompositionSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector;

import edu.tum.cs.ias.knowrob.utils.ThreadPool;
import edu.tum.cs.vis.model.Model;
import edu.tum.cs.vis.model.util.Curvature;
import edu.tum.cs.vis.model.util.Triangle;
import edu.tum.cs.vis.model.util.Vertex;

 * Accumulator class. Ported from trimesh2 (2.12).
 * @author Stefan Profanter
abstract class ACCUM {
     * The accumulaor functor
    public abstract void a(final Model m, HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, Vertex v0, Vertex c, float w,
            Vertex v);

 * Accumulator class for curvature accumulation. Ported from trimesh2 (2.12).
 * @author Stefan Profanter
class AccumCurv extends ACCUM {

    public void a(final Model m, HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, Vertex v0, Vertex c, float w, Vertex v) {
        Curvature curv = curvatures.get(v);
        Curvature curv0 = curvatures.get(v0);
        if (curv == null || curv0 == null)
        float ncurv[] = CurvatureCalculation.proj_curv(curv.getPrincipleDirectionMax(),
                curv.getPrincipleDirectionMin(), curv.getCurvatureMax(), 0, curv.getCurvatureMin(),
                curv0.getPrincipleDirectionMax(), curv0.getPrincipleDirectionMin());
        Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f(ncurv);

 * Methods to calculate curvature for vertices.
 * Ported from trimesh2 (2.12) (Szymon Rusinkiewicz Princeton University)
 * @author Stefan Profanter
public class CurvatureCalculation {

     * Calculate curvature for each vertex of model
     * @param curvatures
     *            resulting vertex curvature mapping
     * @param m
     *            model to calculate curvature for
    private static void calculateCurvature(final HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, final Model m) {

        // Set up an initial coordinate system with min and max curvature as u and v per vertex
        for (int i = 0; i < m.getTriangles().size(); i++) {
            Triangle t = m.getTriangles().get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                Vertex v = t.getPosition()[j];
                Curvature c = new Curvature();
                curvatures.put(v, c);
                c.setPrincipleDirectionMax(new Vector3f(t.getPosition()[(j + 1) % 3]));
        for (Iterator<Vertex> it = m.getVertices().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Vertex v =;

            Curvature c = curvatures.get(v);
            if (c == null) {
                // vertex isn't referenced in any triangle

            Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f();
            tmp.cross(c.getPrincipleDirectionMax(), v.getNormalVector());

            tmp = new Vector3f();
            tmp.cross(v.getNormalVector(), c.getPrincipleDirectionMax());


        // Compute curvature per-face

        List<Callable<Void>> threads = new LinkedList<Callable<Void>>();

        final int interval = 500;

        for (int start = 0; start < m.getTriangles().size(); start += interval) {
            final int st = start;
            threads.add(new Callable<Void>() {

                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    int end = Math.min(st + interval, m.getTriangles().size());
                    for (int i = st; i < end; i++) {
                        calculateCurvatureForTriangle(curvatures, m.getTriangles().get(i));
                    return null;



        // Compute principal directions and curvatures at each vertex
        for (int i = 0; i < m.getVertices().size(); i++) {
            Curvature c = curvatures.get(m.getVertices().get(i));
            Vector3f pdirRet[] = new Vector3f[2];
            float kRet[] = new float[2];

            diagonalize_curv(c.getPrincipleDirectionMax(), c.getPrincipleDirectionMin(), c.getCurvatureMax(),
                    c.getCurvatureMinMax(), c.getCurvatureMin(), m.getVertices().get(i).getNormalVector(), pdirRet,

     * Calculate curvature for vertices of triangle
     * @param curvatures
     *            vertex curvature mapping
     * @param tri
     *            triangle to calculate curvature for
    static void calculateCurvatureForTriangle(HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, Triangle tri) {
        // Edges
        Vector3f e[] = tri.getEdges();

        // N-T-B coordinate system per face
        Vector3f t = new Vector3f(e[0]);
        Vector3f n = new Vector3f();
        n.cross(e[0], e[1]);
        Vector3f b = new Vector3f();
        b.cross(n, t);

        // Estimate curvature based on variation of normals
        // along edges
        float m[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
        double w[][] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

            float u = e[j].dot(t);
            float v = e[j].dot(b);
            w[0][0] += u * u;
            w[0][1] += u * v;
            // w[1][1] += v*v + u*u;
            // w[1][2] += u*v;
            w[2][2] += v * v;
            Vector3f dn = new Vector3f(tri.getPosition()[(j + 2) % 3].getNormalVector());
            dn.sub(tri.getPosition()[(j + 1) % 3].getNormalVector());
            float dnu =;
            float dnv =;
            m[0] += dnu * u;
            m[1] += dnu * v + dnv * u;
            m[2] += dnv * v;
        w[1][1] = w[0][0] + w[2][2];
        w[1][2] = w[0][1];

        RealMatrix coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(w, false);
        DecompositionSolver solver = new LUDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();
        if (!solver.isNonSingular()) {

        RealVector constants = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { m[0], m[1], m[2] }, false);
        RealVector solution = solver.solve(constants);

        m[0] = (float) solution.getEntry(0);
        m[1] = (float) solution.getEntry(1);
        m[2] = (float) solution.getEntry(2);

        // Push it back out to the vertices
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            Vertex vj = tri.getPosition()[j];

            float c1, c12, c2;
            float ret[] = proj_curv(t, b, m[0], m[1], m[2], curvatures.get(vj).getPrincipleDirectionMax(),
            c1 = ret[0];
            c12 = ret[1];
            c2 = ret[2];

            Curvature c = curvatures.get(vj);

            double wt;
            if (j == 0)
                wt = tri.getCornerarea().x / vj.getPointarea();
            else if (j == 1)
                wt = tri.getCornerarea().y / vj.getPointarea();
                wt = tri.getCornerarea().z / vj.getPointarea();

            synchronized (c) {
                c.setCurvatureMax((float) (c.getCurvatureMax() + wt * c1));
                c.setCurvatureMinMax((float) (c.getCurvatureMinMax() + wt * c12));
                c.setCurvatureMin((float) (c.getCurvatureMin() + wt * c2));

     * Calculate curvature for each vertex of model
     * @param curvatures
     *            resulting vertex curvature mapping
     * @param m
     *            model to calculate curvature for
    public static void calculateCurvatures(HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, final Model m) {

        if (m.getVertices().size() == 0)
        calculateCurvature(curvatures, m);
        setCurvatureHueSaturation(curvatures, m, 0.05f);

     * Ported from trimesh2 (2.12) (Szymon Rusinkiewicz Princeton University)
     * Compute the area "belonging" to each vertex or each corner of a triangle (defined as Voronoi
     * area restricted to the 1-ring of a vertex, or to the triangle).
     * @param m
     *            Model to calculate voronoi area for
    private static void calculateVoronoiArea(final Model m) {
        // Compute from faces

        List<Callable<Void>> threads = new LinkedList<Callable<Void>>();

        final int interval = 500;

        for (Vertex v : m.getVertices())

        /*for (int start = 0; start < m.getTriangles().size(); start++) {

        for (int start = 0; start < m.getTriangles().size(); start += interval) {
            final int st = start;
            threads.add(new Callable<Void>() {

                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    int end = Math.min(st + interval, m.getTriangles().size());
                    for (int i = st; i < end; i++) {
                    return null;



     * Calculate voronoi area for triangle and its vertices
     * @param t
     *            triangle
    static void calculateVoronoiAreaForTriangle(Triangle t) {
        // Edges
        Vector3f e[] = t.getEdges();

        // Compute corner weights
        Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f();
        tmp.cross(e[0], e[1]);
        float area = 0.5f * tmp.length();
        float l2[] = { e[0].lengthSquared(), e[1].lengthSquared(), e[2].lengthSquared() };
        float ew[] = { l2[0] * (l2[1] + l2[2] - l2[0]), l2[1] * (l2[2] + l2[0] - l2[1]),
                l2[2] * (l2[0] + l2[1] - l2[2]) };
        t.setCornerarea(new Vector3f());
        boolean ok = false;
        if (ew[0] <= 0.0f) {
            float d1 = e[0].dot(e[2]);
            float d2 = e[0].dot(e[1]);
            if (d1 != 0 && d2 != 0) {
                t.getCornerarea().y = -0.25f * l2[2] * area / d1;
                t.getCornerarea().z = -0.25f * l2[1] * area / d2;
                t.getCornerarea().x = area - t.getCornerarea().y - t.getCornerarea().z;
                ok = true;
        } else if (ew[1] <= 0.0f) {
            float d1 = e[1].dot(e[0]);
            float d2 = e[1].dot(e[2]);
            if (d1 != 0 && d2 != 0) {
                t.getCornerarea().z = -0.25f * l2[0] * area / d1;
                t.getCornerarea().x = -0.25f * l2[2] * area / d2;
                t.getCornerarea().y = area - t.getCornerarea().z - t.getCornerarea().x;
                ok = true;
        } else if (ew[2] <= 0.0f) {

            float d1 = e[2].dot(e[1]);
            float d2 = e[2].dot(e[0]);
            if (d1 != 0 && d2 != 0) {
                t.getCornerarea().x = -0.25f * l2[1] * area / d1;
                t.getCornerarea().y = -0.25f * l2[0] * area / d2;
                t.getCornerarea().z = area - t.getCornerarea().x - t.getCornerarea().y;
                ok = true;
        if (!ok) {
            float ewscale = 0.5f * area / (ew[0] + ew[1] + ew[2]);
            t.getCornerarea().x = ewscale * (ew[1] + ew[2]);
            t.getCornerarea().y = ewscale * (ew[2] + ew[0]);
            t.getCornerarea().z = ewscale * (ew[0] + ew[1]);
        synchronized (t.getPosition()[0]) {
            t.getPosition()[0].setPointarea(t.getPosition()[0].getPointarea() + t.getCornerarea().x);
        synchronized (t.getPosition()[1]) {
            t.getPosition()[1].setPointarea(t.getPosition()[1].getPointarea() + t.getCornerarea().y);
        synchronized (t.getPosition()[2]) {
            t.getPosition()[2].setPointarea(t.getPosition()[2].getPointarea() + t.getCornerarea().z);

     * Given a curvature tensor, find principal directions and curvatures. Makes sure that pdir1 and
     * pdir2 are perpendicular to normal
     * returns pdir1
    private static void diagonalize_curv(final Vector3f old_u, final Vector3f old_v, float ku, float kuv, float kv,
            final Vector3f new_norm, Vector3f pdir[], float k[]) {
        Vector3f r_old_u = new Vector3f(), r_old_v = new Vector3f();
        rot_coord_sys(old_u, old_v, new_norm, r_old_u, r_old_v);

        float c = 1, s = 0, tt = 0;
        if (kuv != 0.0f) {
            // Jacobi rotation to diagonalize
            float h = 0.5f * (kv - ku) / kuv;
            tt = (float) ((h < 0.0f) ? 1.0f / (h - Math.sqrt(1.0f + h * h)) : 1.0f / (h + Math.sqrt(1.0f + h * h)));
            c = (float) (1.0f / Math.sqrt(1.0f + tt * tt));
            s = tt * c;

        k[0] = ku - tt * kuv;
        k[1] = kv + tt * kuv;

        if (Math.abs(k[0]) >= Math.abs(k[1])) {
            pdir[0] = r_old_u;
        } else {
            float kt = k[0];
            k[0] = k[1];
            k[1] = kt;

            pdir[0] = r_old_u;
        pdir[1] = new Vector3f();
        pdir[1].cross(new_norm, pdir[0]);

     * Diffuse the curvatures across the mesh
     * @param m
     *            the main model
     * @param curvatures
     *            map assigning a curvature to each vertex of the model
     * @param sigma
     *            smoothing sigma
    private static void diffuse_curv(Model m, HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, float sigma) {
        int nv = m.getVertices().size();

        float invsigma2 = (float) (1.0f / Math.pow(sigma, 2));

        Vertex[] cflt = new Vertex[nv];
        // TODO #pragma omp parallel
            // Thread-local flags
            Map<Vertex, Long> flags = new HashMap<Vertex, Long>(nv);
            AtomicLong flag_curr = new AtomicLong(0);

            // TODO #pragma omp for
            ACCUM accumCurv = new AccumCurv();
            for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
                cflt[i] = new Vertex(0, 0, 0);
                diffuse_vert_field(m, curvatures, flags, flag_curr, accumCurv, i, invsigma2, cflt[i]);

            // TODO #pragma omp for
            for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
                Vertex v = m.getVertices().get(i);
                Curvature c = curvatures.get(v);
                Vector3f pdir[] = new Vector3f[] { c.getPrincipleDirectionMax(), c.getPrincipleDirectionMin() };
                float k[] = new float[] { c.getCurvatureMax(), c.getCurvatureMin() };
                diagonalize_curv(c.getPrincipleDirectionMax(), c.getPrincipleDirectionMin(), cflt[i].x, cflt[i].y,
                        cflt[i].z, v.getNormalVector(), pdir, k);
        } // #pragma omp parallel

     * Diffuse a vector field at 1 vertex, weighted by a Gaussian of width 1/sqrt(invsigma2) Ported
     * from trimesh2 (2.12)
    private static void diffuse_vert_field(final Model m, HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures,
            Map<Vertex, Long> flags, AtomicLong flag_curr, final ACCUM accum, int v, float invsigma2, Vertex flt) {
        Vertex vert = m.getVertices().get(v);
        if (vert.getNeighbors().size() == 0) {
            // flt.set(0, 0, 0);
            accum.a(m, curvatures, vert, flt, 1.0f, vert);

        // flt.set(0, 0, 0);
        accum.a(m, curvatures, vert, flt, vert.getPointarea(), vert);
        float sum_w = vert.getPointarea();
        final Vector3f nv = vert.getNormalVector();

        long flag_curr_val = flag_curr.incrementAndGet();
        flags.put(vert, flag_curr_val);
        LinkedList<Vertex> boundary = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
        while (boundary.size() > 0) {
            Vertex n = boundary.pop();
            if (flags.get(n) != null && flags.get(n) == flag_curr_val)
            flags.put(n, flag_curr_val);
            if ( <= 0.0f)
            // Gaussian weight
            float w = wt(n, vert, invsigma2);
            if (w == 0.0f)
            // Downweight things pointing in different directions
            w *=;
            // Surface area "belonging" to each point
            w *= n.getPointarea();
            // Accumulate weight times field at neighbor
            accum.a(m, curvatures, vert, flt, w, n);
            sum_w += w;
            for (Vertex nn : n.getNeighbors()) {
                if (flags.get(nn) != null && flags.get(nn) == flag_curr_val)
        flt.scale(1 / sum_w);

     * Reproject a curvature tensor from the basis spanned by old_u and old_v (which are assumed to
     * be unit-length and perpendicular) to the new_u, new_v basis. returns [new_ku, new_kuv,
     * new_kv]
    static float[] proj_curv(final Vector3f old_u, final Vector3f old_v, float old_ku, float old_kuv, float old_kv,
            final Vector3f new_u, final Vector3f new_v) {
        Vector3f r_new_u = new Vector3f(), r_new_v = new Vector3f();
        Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f();
        tmp.cross(old_u, old_v);
        rot_coord_sys(new_u, new_v, tmp, r_new_u, r_new_v);

        float u1 =;
        float v1 =;
        float u2 =;
        float v2 =;
        float ret[] = new float[3];
        ret[0] = old_ku * u1 * u1 + old_kuv * (2.0f * u1 * v1) + old_kv * v1 * v1;
        ret[1] = old_ku * u1 * u2 + old_kuv * (u1 * v2 + u2 * v1) + old_kv * v1 * v2;
        ret[2] = old_ku * u2 * u2 + old_kuv * (2.0f * u2 * v2) + old_kv * v2 * v2;
        return ret;

     * Rotate a coordinate system to be perpendicular to the given normal
    private static void rot_coord_sys(final Vector3f old_u, final Vector3f old_v, final Vector3f new_norm,
            Vector3f new_u, Vector3f new_v) {

        Vector3f old_norm = new Vector3f();
        old_norm.cross(old_u, old_v);
        float ndot =;
        if (ndot <= -1.0f) {
        Vector3f perp_old = new Vector3f(new_norm);
        Vector3f tmp = new Vector3f(old_norm);

        Vector3f dperp = new Vector3f(old_norm);
        dperp.scale(1.0f / (1 + ndot));

        tmp = new Vector3f(dperp);

        tmp = new Vector3f(dperp);

     * Calculate hue and saturation for curvature properties.
     * @param curvatures
     *            maps curvatures to vertices
     * @param smoothSigma
     *            Sigma value for smoothing the curvature. Set to 0 to disable smoothing.
     * @param m
     *            model needed to calculate hue saturation scale
    private static void setCurvatureHueSaturation(HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, Model m,
            float smoothSigma) {
        if (smoothSigma > 0.0f) {
            float scaledSigma = smoothSigma * m.feature_size();
            diffuse_curv(m, curvatures, scaledSigma);

        float cscale = 120.0f * typical_scale(curvatures, m);
        cscale = cscale * cscale;
        int nv = m.getVertices().size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
            Curvature c = curvatures.get(m.getVertices().get(i));
            float H = 0.5f * (c.getCurvatureMax() + c.getCurvatureMin()); // mean curvature
            float K = c.getCurvatureMax() * c.getCurvatureMin(); // gaussian curvature
            float h = (float) (4.0f / 3.0f * Math.abs(Math.atan2(H * H - K, H * H * Math.signum(H))));
            float s = (float) ((2 / Math.PI) * Math.atan((2.0f * H * H - K) * cscale));

     * Compute a "typical scale" for the mesh: computed as 1% of the reciprocal of the 10-th
     * percentile curvature
     * @param curvatures
     *            Curvature values for each vertex
     * @param m
     *            main model
     * @return typical scale value for the mesh
    private static float typical_scale(HashMap<Vertex, Curvature> curvatures, Model m) {
        float frac = 0.1f;
        float mult = 0.01f;

        int nv = m.getVertices().size();
        int nsamp = Math.min(nv, 500);
        if (nsamp == 0)
            return 0;

        float samples[] = new float[nsamp * 2];
        int idx = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nsamp; i++) {
            int ind = (int) (Math.random() * nv);

            samples[idx++] = Math.abs(curvatures.get(m.getVertices().get(ind)).getCurvatureMax());
            samples[idx++] = Math.abs(curvatures.get(m.getVertices().get(ind)).getCurvatureMin());

        int which = (int) (frac * samples.length);

        float f = 0;
        if (samples[which] == 0.0f || Float.isNaN(samples[which])) {
            f = mult * m.getBoundingSphere().getR();
            // logger.warn("Couldn't determine typical scale. Using bsphere value: " + f + ".");
        } else {
            f = mult / samples[which];
        return f;

     * Approximation to Gaussian... Used in filtering.
     * Ported from trimesh2 (2.12)
     * @return gaussian approximation
    private static float wt(Point3f p1, Point3f p2, float invsigma2) {
        float d2 = invsigma2 * p1.distanceSquared(p2);
        return (float) ((d2 >= 9.0f) ? 0.0f : Math.exp(-0.5f * d2));
        // return (d2 >= 25.0f) ? 0.0f : exp(-0.5f*d2);