Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * FindBugs - Find Bugs in Java programs
 * Copyright (C) 2006, University of Maryland
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA

package edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui2;

import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.Plugin;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.PluginException;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.SystemProperties;

 * Saves all the stuff that should be saved for each run, like recent projects,
 * previous comments, the current docking layout and the sort order
 * For project related things, look in ProjectSettings
 * @author Dan
 * GUISaveState uses the Preferences API, don't look for a file anywhere, there
 * isn't one, well... there might be, but its all system dependent where it is
 * and how its stored
public class GUISaveState {

    private static GUISaveState instance;

    private static final String SORTERTABLELENGTH = "Sorter Length";
    private static final String PREVCOMMENTSSIZE = "Previous Comments Size";
    private static final String DOCKINGLAYOUT = "Docking Layout";
    private static final String FRAME_BOUNDS = "Frame Bounds";
    private static final String EXTENDED_WINDOW_STATE = "ExtendedWindowState";

    static final int MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS = 10;

    private static final Sortables[] DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADERS = new Sortables[] { Sortables.CATEGORY,
            Sortables.BUGCODE, Sortables.TYPE, Sortables.DIVIDER, Sortables.BUG_RANK };

    private static final String[] RECENTPROJECTKEYS = new String[MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS];

    private static final int MAXNUMPREVCOMMENTS = 10;

    private static final String[] COMMENTKEYS = new String[MAXNUMPREVCOMMENTS];

    private static final String NUMPROJECTS = "NumberOfProjectsToLoad";
    private static final String STARTERDIRECTORY = "Starter Directory";
    private static final String SPLIT_MAIN = "MainSplit";
    private static final String SPLIT_TREE_COMMENTS = "TreeCommentsSplit";
    private static final String SPLIT_TOP = "TopSplit";
    private static final String SPLIT_SUMMARY_NEW = "SummarySplitNew";
    private static final String TAB_SIZE = "TabSize";
    private static final String FONT_SIZE = "FontSize";
    private static final String PACKAGE_PREFIX_SEGEMENTS = "PackagePrefixSegments";
    private static final String ENABLED_PLUGINS = "EnabledPlugins";
    private static final String DISABLED_PLUGINS = "DisabledPlugins";
    private static final String CUSTOM_PLUGINS = "CustomPlugins";

    static {
        for (int x = 0; x < RECENTPROJECTKEYS.length; x++) {
            RECENTPROJECTKEYS[x] = "Project" + x;
        for (int x = 0; x < COMMENTKEYS.length; x++) {
            COMMENTKEYS[x] = "Comment" + x;

    private int splitMain;
    private int splitTreeComments;
    private int splitTop;
    private int splitSummary;

    private File starterDirectoryForLoadBugs;

     * List of previous comments by the user.
    private LinkedList<String> previousComments;

    private boolean useDefault = false;

    private SorterTableColumnModel starterTable;

    private Sortables[] sortColumns;

    private ArrayList<File> recentFiles;

    // private ArrayList<File> recentAnalyses;
    private byte[] dockingLayout;

    private Rectangle frameBounds;

    /** For Windows mainly - whether the window was maximized or not */
    private int extendedWindowState;

    private int tabSize; // Tab size in the source code display.

    private float fontSize; // Font size of entire GUI.

    private int packagePrefixSegments;

    private List<String> enabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>();
    private List<String> disabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<URI> customPlugins = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();

    private static String[] generateSorterKeys(int numSorters) {
        String[] result = new String[numSorters];
        for (int x = 0; x < result.length; x++) {
            result[x] = "Sorter" + x;
        return result;

    public static synchronized GUISaveState getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new GUISaveState();
        return instance;

    public static void loadInstance() {
        GUISaveState newInstance = new GUISaveState();
        newInstance.recentFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
        Preferences p = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(GUISaveState.class);

        newInstance.tabSize = p.getInt(TAB_SIZE, 4);

        newInstance.fontSize = p.getFloat(FONT_SIZE, 12.0f);

        newInstance.starterDirectoryForLoadBugs = new File(
                p.get(GUISaveState.STARTERDIRECTORY, SystemProperties.getProperty("user.dir")));

        int prevCommentsSize = p.getInt(GUISaveState.PREVCOMMENTSSIZE, 0);

        for (int x = 0; x < prevCommentsSize; x++) {
            String comment = p.get(GUISaveState.COMMENTKEYS[x], "");

        int size = Math.min(MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS, p.getInt(GUISaveState.NUMPROJECTS, 0));
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
            newInstance.addRecentFile(new File(p.get(GUISaveState.RECENTPROJECTKEYS[x], "")));

        int sorterSize = p.getInt(GUISaveState.SORTERTABLELENGTH, -1);
        if (sorterSize != -1) {
            ArrayList<Sortables> sortColumns = new ArrayList<Sortables>();
            String[] sortKeys = GUISaveState.generateSorterKeys(sorterSize);
            for (int x = 0; x < sorterSize; x++) {
                Sortables s = Sortables.getSortableByPrettyName(p.get(sortKeys[x], "*none*"));

                if (s == null) {
                    if (MainFrame.GUI2_DEBUG) {
                        System.err.println("Sort order was corrupted, using default sort order");
                    newInstance.useDefault = true;
            if (!newInstance.useDefault) {
                // add in default columns
                Set<Sortables> missingSortColumns = new HashSet<Sortables>(Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADERS));
                newInstance.sortColumns = sortColumns.toArray(new Sortables[sortColumns.size()]);
        } else {
            newInstance.useDefault = true;

        newInstance.dockingLayout = p.getByteArray(DOCKINGLAYOUT, new byte[0]);

        String boundsString = p.get(FRAME_BOUNDS, null);
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 650);
        if (boundsString != null) {
            String[] a = boundsString.split(",", 4);
            if (a.length > 0) {
                try {
                    r.x = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(a[0]));
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    assert true;
            if (a.length > 1) {
                try {
                    r.y = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(a[1]));
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    assert true;
            if (a.length > 2) {
                try {
                    r.width = Math.max(40, Integer.parseInt(a[2]));
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    assert true;
            if (a.length > 3) {
                try {
                    r.height = Math.max(40, Integer.parseInt(a[3]));
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    assert true;
        newInstance.frameBounds = r;
        newInstance.extendedWindowState = p.getInt(EXTENDED_WINDOW_STATE, Frame.NORMAL);

        newInstance.splitMain = p.getInt(SPLIT_MAIN, 400);
        newInstance.splitSummary = p.getInt(SPLIT_SUMMARY_NEW, 400);
        newInstance.splitTop = p.getInt(SPLIT_TOP, -1);
        newInstance.splitTreeComments = p.getInt(SPLIT_TREE_COMMENTS, 250);
        newInstance.packagePrefixSegments = p.getInt(PACKAGE_PREFIX_SEGEMENTS, 3);

        String plugins = p.get(CUSTOM_PLUGINS, "");
        if (plugins.length() > 0) {
            for (String s : plugins.split(" ")) {
                try {
                    URI u = new URI(s);
                } catch (PluginException e) {
                    assert true;
                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                    assert true;

        String enabledPluginsString = p.get(ENABLED_PLUGINS, "");
        String disabledPluginsString = p.get(DISABLED_PLUGINS, "");
        newInstance.enabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(enabledPluginsString.split(",")));
        newInstance.disabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(disabledPluginsString.split(",")));

        instance = newInstance;

    static void clear() {
        Preferences p = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(GUISaveState.class);
        try {
        } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
        instance = new GUISaveState();

    private GUISaveState() {
        recentFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
        previousComments = new LinkedList<String>();

    public int getTabSize() {
        return tabSize;

    public void setTabSize(int tabSize) {
        this.tabSize = tabSize;

    public int getPackagePrefixSegments() {
        return packagePrefixSegments;

    public void setPackagePrefixSegments(int packagePrefixSegments) {
        this.packagePrefixSegments = packagePrefixSegments;

    public byte[] getDockingLayout() {
        return dockingLayout;

    public void setDockingLayout(byte[] dockingLayout) {
        this.dockingLayout = dockingLayout;

     * This should be the method called to add a reused file for the recent
     * menu.
    public void fileReused(File f) {
        if (!recentFiles.contains(f)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Selected a recent project that doesn't exist?");
        } else {

     * This should be the method used to add a file for the recent menu.
     * @param f
    public void addRecentFile(File f) {
        if (null != f) {

     * Returns the list of recent files.
     * @return the list of recent files
    public ArrayList<File> getRecentFiles() {
        return recentFiles;

     * Call to remove a file from the list.
     * @param f
    public void fileNotFound(File f) {
        if (!recentFiles.contains(f)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Well no wonder it wasn't found, its not in the list.");
        } else {


     * The file to start the loading of Bugs from.
     * @return Returns the starterDirectoryForLoadBugs.
    public File getStarterDirectoryForLoadBugs() {
        return starterDirectoryForLoadBugs;

     * @param f
     *            The starterDirectoryForLoadBugs to set.
    public void setStarterDirectoryForLoadBugs(File f) {
        this.starterDirectoryForLoadBugs = f;

    public void save() {
        Preferences p = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(GUISaveState.class);

        p.putInt(TAB_SIZE, tabSize);

        p.putFloat(FONT_SIZE, fontSize);

        try {
            p.put(STARTERDIRECTORY, starterDirectoryForLoadBugs.getCanonicalPath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
        int sorterLength = MainFrame.getInstance().getSorter().getColumnCount();
        ArrayList<Sortables> sortables = MainFrame.getInstance().getSorter().getOrder();
        p.putInt(GUISaveState.SORTERTABLELENGTH, sorterLength);

        String[] sorterKeys = GUISaveState.generateSorterKeys(sorterLength);
        for (int x = 0; x < sorterKeys.length; x++) {
            p.put(sorterKeys[x], sortables.get(x).prettyName);

        p.putInt(GUISaveState.PREVCOMMENTSSIZE, previousComments.size());

        for (int x = 0; x < previousComments.size(); x++) {
            String comment = previousComments.get(x);
            p.put(GUISaveState.COMMENTKEYS[x], comment);

        int size = recentFiles.size();
        while (recentFiles.size() > MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS) {

        p.putInt(GUISaveState.NUMPROJECTS, Math.min(size, MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS));
        for (int x = 0; x < Math.min(size, MAXNUMRECENTPROJECTS); x++) {
            File file = recentFiles.get(x);
            p.put(GUISaveState.RECENTPROJECTKEYS[x], file.getAbsolutePath());

        p.putByteArray(DOCKINGLAYOUT, dockingLayout);

                frameBounds.x + "," + frameBounds.y + "," + frameBounds.width + "," + frameBounds.height);
        p.putInt(EXTENDED_WINDOW_STATE, extendedWindowState);

        p.putInt(SPLIT_MAIN, splitMain);
        p.putDouble(SPLIT_SUMMARY_NEW, splitSummary);
        p.putInt(SPLIT_TOP, splitTop);
        p.putInt(SPLIT_TREE_COMMENTS, splitTreeComments);
        p.putInt(PACKAGE_PREFIX_SEGEMENTS, packagePrefixSegments);

        p.put(ENABLED_PLUGINS, StringUtils.join(enabledPlugins, ','));
        p.put(DISABLED_PLUGINS, StringUtils.join(disabledPlugins, ','));
        p.put(CUSTOM_PLUGINS, StringUtils.join(customPlugins, ' '));

     * @return Returns the previousComments.
    public LinkedList<String> getPreviousComments() {
        return previousComments;

     * @param previousComments
     *            The previousComments to set.
    public void setPreviousComments(LinkedList<String> previousComments) {
        this.previousComments = previousComments;

     * @return Returns the frame bounds Rectangle.
    public Rectangle getFrameBounds() {
        return frameBounds;

     * @param frameBounds
     *            The frame bourds Rectangle to set.
    public void setFrameBounds(Rectangle frameBounds) {
        this.frameBounds = frameBounds;

    public int getExtendedWindowState() {
        return extendedWindowState;

    public void setExtendedWindowState(int extendedWindowState) {
        this.extendedWindowState = extendedWindowState & ~Frame.ICONIFIED; // never save iconified state

     * @return Returns the fontSize.
    public float getFontSize() {
        return fontSize;

     * @param fontSize
     *            The fontSize to set.
    public void setFontSize(float fontSize) {
        this.fontSize = fontSize;

     * @return Returns the location of the main divider.
    public int getSplitMain() {
        return splitMain;

     * @param splitMain
     *            The location of the main divider to set.
    public void setSplitMain(int splitMain) {
        this.splitMain = splitMain;

     * @return Returns the location of the summary divider.
    public int getSplitSummary() {
        return splitSummary;

     * @param splitSummary
     *            The location of the summar divider to set.
    public void setSplitSummary(int splitSummary) {
        this.splitSummary = splitSummary;

     * @return Returns the location of the top divider.
    public int getSplitTop() {
        return splitTop;

     * @param splitTop
     *            The location of the top divider to set.
    public void setSplitTop(int splitTop) {
        this.splitTop = splitTop;

    public void setPluginsEnabled(List<String> enabledPlugins, List<String> disabledPlugins) {
        this.enabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(enabledPlugins);
        this.disabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(disabledPlugins);

    public void setPluginEnabled(String url) {

    public List<String> getEnabledPlugins() {
        return enabledPlugins;

    public Collection<URI> getCustomPlugins() {
        return customPlugins;

    public boolean addCustomPlugin(URL u) {
        try {
            return customPlugins.add(u.toURI());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error converting to uri: " + u, e);

    public List<String> getDisabledPlugins() {
        return disabledPlugins;

    public boolean removeCustomPlugin(URL pluginId) {
        try {
            return customPlugins.remove(pluginId.toURI());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error converting to uri: " + pluginId, e);

    SorterTableColumnModel getStarterTable() {
        if (starterTable != null) {
            return starterTable;

        if (useDefault || sortColumns == null) {
            starterTable = new SorterTableColumnModel(GUISaveState.DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADERS);
        } else {
            starterTable = new SorterTableColumnModel(sortColumns);

        return starterTable;