Source code

Java tutorial


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 * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone}               
 * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package edu.utexas.cs.tactex;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.ConfiguratorFactoryService;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.subscriptionspredictors.LWRCustNewEjml;
import edu.utexas.cs.tactex.subscriptionspredictors.LWRCustOldAppache;

public class LWRCustomerPredictionTests {

    private ConfiguratorFactoryService configuratorFactoryService;

    private LWRCustNewEjml lwrCustNewEjml;
    private LWRCustOldAppache lwrCustOldAppache;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {

        configuratorFactoryService = mock(ConfiguratorFactoryService.class);

        lwrCustNewEjml = new LWRCustNewEjml(configuratorFactoryService);
        lwrCustOldAppache = new LWRCustOldAppache();

     * testing LWR predictions - 
     * based on matlab code for LWR
    public void testLWR() {

        // Ejml, with intercept

        SimpleMatrix X;
        SimpleMatrix y;
        SimpleMatrix x0;
        X = new SimpleMatrix(3, 2);
        y = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1);
        x0 = new SimpleMatrix(2, 1); // (with intercept)
        // initialize examples
        X.setColumn(0, 0,
                // X-column 1: (intercept)
                1, 1, 1);
        X.setColumn(1, 0,
                // X-column 2:
                -1, 0, 1);
        y.setColumn(0, 0,
                // Y-column 
                3, 2, 4);
        x0.set(1); // initialize to 1s (will override non-intercept terms later)
        double tau = 0.5;

        // testing based on matlab results
        x0.set(1, 0, -1.5);
        double expected = 3.43855279053977;
        double actual = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(X, y, x0, tau);
        assertEquals("Matlab based expected value 1", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        x0.set(1, 0, -0.5);
        expected = 2.62107459906727;
        actual = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(X, y, x0, tau);
        assertEquals("Matlab based expected value 2", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        x0.set(1, 0, 0);
        expected = 2.63582467285126;
        actual = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(X, y, x0, tau);
        assertEquals("Matlab based expected value 3", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        x0.set(1, 0, 0.5);
        expected = 3.12107459906727;
        actual = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(X, y, x0, tau);
        assertEquals("Matlab based expected value 4", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        x0.set(1, 0, 1.5);
        expected = 4.93855279053977;
        actual = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(X, y, x0, tau);
        assertEquals("Matlab based expected value 5", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        // No intercept - should be same pred. between Ejml and Appache

        // build Ejml matrix with no intercept
        SimpleMatrix Xejml = X.extractMatrix(0, X.numRows(), 1, X.numCols());
        // build appache matrix with no intercept
        ArrayRealVector Xappache = new ArrayRealVector(Xejml.numRows());
        for (int i = 0; i < Xejml.numRows(); ++i) {
            Xappache.setEntry(i, Xejml.get(i, 0));
        ArrayRealVector yappache = new ArrayRealVector(y.numRows());
        for (int i = 0; i < y.numRows(); ++i) {
            yappache.setEntry(i, y.get(i, 0));
        // initialize x0
        x0 = new SimpleMatrix(1, 1);
        double x0val;
        double actualEjml;
        double actualAppache;

        x0val = -1.5;
        x0.set(0, 0, x0val);
        expected = 4.47403745685534;
        actualEjml = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(Xejml, y, x0, tau);
        actualAppache = lwrCustOldAppache.LWRPredict(Xappache, yappache, x0val, tau);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 1, Ejml", expected, actualEjml, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 1, Appache", expected, actualAppache, 1e-6);

        x0val = -0.5;
        x0.set(0, 0, x0val);
        expected = 1.08278977292259;
        actualEjml = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(Xejml, y, x0, tau);
        actualAppache = lwrCustOldAppache.LWRPredict(Xappache, yappache, x0val, tau);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 2, Ejml", expected, actualEjml, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 2, Appache", expected, actualAppache, 1e-6);

        x0val = 0;
        x0.set(0, 0, x0val);
        expected = 0;
        actualEjml = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(Xejml, y, x0, tau);
        actualAppache = lwrCustOldAppache.LWRPredict(Xappache, yappache, x0val, tau);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 3, Ejml", expected, actualEjml, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 3, Appache", expected, actualAppache, 1e-6);

        x0val = 0.5;
        x0.set(0, 0, x0val);
        expected = 1.58278977292259;
        actualEjml = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(Xejml, y, x0, tau);
        actualAppache = lwrCustOldAppache.LWRPredict(Xappache, yappache, x0val, tau);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 4, Ejml", expected, actualEjml, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 4, Appache", expected, actualAppache, 1e-6);

        x0val = 1.5;
        x0.set(0, 0, x0val);
        expected = 5.97403745685534;
        actualEjml = lwrCustNewEjml.LWRPredict(Xejml, y, x0, tau);
        actualAppache = lwrCustOldAppache.LWRPredict(Xappache, yappache, x0val, tau);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 5, Ejml", expected, actualEjml, 1e-6);
        assertEquals("NoIcpt - Matlab based - value 5, Appache", expected, actualAppache, 1e-6);


     * currently tests only for Ejml based customer prediction 
    public void testCreateXMatrixAndYVector() {

        boolean origValUseIcpt = configuratorFactoryService.isUseIcpt();

        // first tests with intercept

        // Test X

        Set<Double> xVals = new TreeSet<Double>();
        double min = 1.0;
        double max = 3.0;

        SimpleMatrix X = lwrCustNewEjml.createXMatrix(xVals, min, max);

        // test matrix size
        assertEquals("X.numRows()", 3, X.numRows());
        assertEquals("X.numCols()", 2, X.numCols());

        // first column should be intercept
        double expected = 1;
        double actual = X.get(0, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(0,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 1;
        actual = X.get(1, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(1,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 1;
        actual = X.get(2, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(2,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        // normalized values with offset and squeeze of 0.1 and 0.8
        expected = 0.1;
        actual = X.get(0, 1);
        assertEquals("Matrix(0,1)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 0.5;
        actual = X.get(1, 1);
        assertEquals("Matrix(1,1)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 0.9;
        actual = X.get(2, 1);
        assertEquals("Matrix(2,1)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        // Test Y

        Set<Double> yVals = new TreeSet<Double>();
        SimpleMatrix Y = lwrCustNewEjml.createYVector(yVals);

        // matrix size
        assertEquals("Y.numRows()", 3, Y.numRows());
        assertEquals("Y.numCols()", 1, Y.numCols());

        // matrix values
        assertEquals("Y(1)", 1000, Y.get(0, 0), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("Y(2)", 2000, Y.get(1, 0), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("Y(3)", 3000, Y.get(2, 0), 1e-6);

        // Tests with no intercept

        xVals = new TreeSet<Double>();
        min = 1.0;
        max = 3.0;

        X = lwrCustNewEjml.createXMatrix(xVals, min, max);

        // test matrix size
        assertEquals("X.numRows()", 3, X.numRows());
        assertEquals("X.numCols()", 1, X.numCols()); // <= no intercept this time

        // normalized values with offset and squeeze of 0.1 and 0.8
        expected = 0.1;
        actual = X.get(0, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(0,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 0.5;
        actual = X.get(1, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(1,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        expected = 0.9;
        actual = X.get(2, 0);
        assertEquals("Matrix(2,0)", expected, actual, 1e-6);

        // restore original value


     * currently tests only for Ejml based customer prediction 
    public void testCrossValidation() {
        // building a linear data so CV error should be 0 for any tau
        SimpleMatrix X = new SimpleMatrix(3, 2);
        SimpleMatrix y = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1);
        // intercept
        X.set(0, 0, 1);
        X.set(1, 0, 1);
        X.set(2, 0, 1);
        // x values
        X.set(0, 1, 1);
        X.set(1, 1, 2);
        X.set(2, 1, 3);
        // y values
        y.set(0, 0, 2);
        y.set(1, 0, 3);
        y.set(2, 0, 4);
        // any tau should work
        double tau = 0.1;
        double actual = lwrCustNewEjml.CrossValidationError(tau, X, y);
        double expected = 0.0;
        assertEquals("Cross Validation on linear data", expected, actual, 1e-6);