Engine.Projectile.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for Engine.Projectile.java


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package Engine;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;

 * @author Tomus
public class Projectile implements IRenderableGameObject {
    Vector3D forces[] = null;
    Vector3D intialPosition = null;
    Vector3D actualPosition = null;
    Vector3D velocities[] = null;
    Vector3D size = null;
    public double time = 0;
    public static Vector3D gravity = new Vector3D(0, 0, -10);
    public static double magicMultiplayer = 1;
    public Screen screen = null;
    public boolean Remove = false;

    public Vector3D moveDirection = Vector3D.NaN;
    IProjectileFunction projectileFunction = null;

    //public BoundingSphere boundingSphere = null;
    public BoundingBox boundingBox = null;
    public Object[] ownerId = null;

    public Projectile(Vector3D[] forces, Vector3D size, Vector3D intialPosition, Vector3D velocities[],
            boolean affectedByGravity, Screen screen, IProjectileFunction projectileFunction,
            double magicMultiplayer, Object[] ownserId) {
        this.ownerId = ownserId;
        this.magicMultiplayer = magicMultiplayer;
        this.intialPosition = new Vector3D(intialPosition.getX(), intialPosition.getY(), intialPosition.getZ());
        this.actualPosition = new Vector3D(intialPosition.getX(), intialPosition.getY(), intialPosition.getZ());

        //this. boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(actualPosition.getX(),actualPosition.getY(), actualPosition.getZ(), Math.max(Math.max(size.getX(), size.getY()), size.getZ()));
        this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(intialPosition.getX() - (size.getX() / 2.0),
                intialPosition.getY() - (size.getY() / 2.0), intialPosition.getZ() - (size.getZ() / 2.0),
                intialPosition.getX() + (size.getX() / 2.0), intialPosition.getY() + (size.getY() / 2.0),
                intialPosition.getZ() + (size.getZ() / 2.0), true);

        this.screen = screen;
        this.size = size;
        this.projectileFunction = projectileFunction;
        if (velocities != null) {
            this.velocities = new Vector3D[velocities.length];
            for (int a = 0; a < velocities.length; a++)
                this.velocities[a] = new Vector3D(velocities[a].getX(), velocities[a].getY(), velocities[a].getZ());
        int forcesCount = 0;
        if (forces != null) {
            forcesCount += forces.length;
            if (affectedByGravity)
            this.forces = new Vector3D[forcesCount];
            for (int a = 0; a < forces.length; a++)
                this.forces[a] = new Vector3D(forces[a].getX(), forces[a].getY(), forces[a].getZ());
            if (affectedByGravity)
                this.forces[forcesCount - 1] = new Vector3D(gravity.getX(), gravity.getY(), gravity.getZ());
        } else {
            if (affectedByGravity) {
                this.forces = new Vector3D[forcesCount];
                this.forces[forcesCount - 1] = new Vector3D(gravity.getX(), gravity.getY(), gravity.getZ());

    private IRenderableGameObject CoolideWithGameObjectsOnMap(Screen screen) {
        int x = (int) (actualPosition.getX() / GenerateTerrain.Size);
        int y = (int) (actualPosition.getY() / GenerateTerrain.Size);
        for (int a = x - Configurations.MaximalObjectSize; a <= x + Configurations.MaximalObjectSize; a++)
            for (int b = y - Configurations.MaximalObjectSize; b <= y + Configurations.MaximalObjectSize; b++) {
                int a1 = a;
                int b1 = b;
                int aCorrection = 0;
                int bCorrection = 0;
                if (a1 < 0) {
                    a1 = screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length + a1;
                    aCorrection = a;
                if (a1 >= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length) {
                    a1 -= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length;
                    aCorrection = a;
                if (b1 < 0) {
                    b1 = screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[0].length + b1;
                    bCorrection = b;
                if (b1 >= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[0].length) {
                    b1 -= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[0].length;
                    bCorrection = b;
                if (a1 < screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length) {
                    //System.out.println(a + " " + b + "," + screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length + " " + screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[0].length);

                    if (b1 < screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1].length) {
                        for (int c = 0; c < screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].size(); c++) {
                            if (screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].get(c) != this
                                    && !isOwner(screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].get(c))) {
                                BoundingBox bb = screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].get(c).getBoundingBox();
                                IRenderableGameObject rgo = screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].get(c);
                                //if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap.length || b >= screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[0].length)
                                if (aCorrection != 0 || bCorrection != 0) {
                                    bb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3D(
                                            bb.bottomLeftFront.getX() + (aCorrection * GenerateTerrain.Size),
                                            bb.bottomLeftFront.getY() + (bCorrection * GenerateTerrain.Size),
                                            new Vector3D(
                                                    bb.topRightBack.getX() + (aCorrection * GenerateTerrain.Size),
                                                    bb.topRightBack.getY() + (bCorrection * GenerateTerrain.Size),
                                if (Collide(bb))
                                    return screen.worldMap.ObjectsMap[a1][b1].get(c);
        return null;

    private boolean isOwner(Object object) {
        if (ownerId == null)
            return false;
        else {
            for (int a = 0; a < ownerId.length; a++)
                if (ownerId[a] == object)
                    return true;
        return false;

    public IRenderableGameObject CalculatePosition(double dt, Screen screen) {
        IRenderableGameObject iRenderableGameObject = null;
        iRenderableGameObject = CoolideWithGameObjectsOnMap(screen);
        if (iRenderableGameObject != null) {
            Remove = true;
            return iRenderableGameObject;
        dt *= magicMultiplayer;
        Vector3D acc = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
        if (forces != null)
            for (int a = 0; a < forces.length; a++) {
                acc = acc.add(forces[a]);

        Vector3D vel = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
        if (velocities != null)
            for (int a = 0; a < velocities.length; a++) {
                vel = vel.add(velocities[a]);
        time += dt;
        acc = acc.scalarMultiply(0.5 * time * time);
        vel = vel.scalarMultiply(time);
        moveDirection = acc.add(vel);

        Vector3D oldActualPosition = new Vector3D(1, actualPosition);
        BoundingBox oldBoundingBox = boundingBox;
        actualPosition = intialPosition.add(acc).add(vel);
        actualPosition = screen.worldMap.CorrectPosition(actualPosition, screen);

        this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(actualPosition.getX() - (size.getX() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getY() - (size.getY() / 2.0), actualPosition.getZ() - (size.getZ() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getX() + (size.getX() / 2.0), actualPosition.getY() + (size.getY() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getZ() + (size.getZ() / 2.0), true);
        iRenderableGameObject = CoolideWithGameObjectsOnMap(screen);
        if (iRenderableGameObject != null) {
            actualPosition = oldActualPosition;
            boundingBox = oldBoundingBox;
            Remove = true;
            return iRenderableGameObject;

        if (projectileFunction != null && screen != null) {
            if (actualPosition.getZ() < screen.worldMap.GetGroundPosition(actualPosition, screen.worldMap)) {
        //this. boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(actualPosition.getX(),actualPosition.getY(), actualPosition.getZ(), Math.max(Math.max(size.getX(), size.getY()), size.getZ()));
        this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(actualPosition.getX() - (size.getX() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getY() - (size.getY() / 2.0), actualPosition.getZ() - (size.getZ() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getX() + (size.getX() / 2.0), actualPosition.getY() + (size.getY() / 2.0),
                actualPosition.getZ() + (size.getZ() / 2.0), true);
        return null;

    public DPolygon[] GetPolygons() {
        Cube nc = null;
        if (size != null) {
            nc = new Cube(actualPosition.getX() - (size.getX() / 2.0), actualPosition.getY() - (size.getY() / 2.0),
                    actualPosition.getZ() - (size.getZ() / 2.0), size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ(), Color.PINK,
        } else {
            nc = new Cube(actualPosition.getX() - 0.5, actualPosition.getY() - 0.5, actualPosition.getZ() - 0.5, 1,
                    1, 1, Color.PINK, null);
        return nc.GetPolygons();

    public double getX() {
        return actualPosition.getX();

    public double getY() {
        return actualPosition.getY();

    public double getDistance(double fromX, double fromY, double fromz, double x, double y, double z) {
        //correct size - instead of 1.0 use actual size
        double xx = (x - (1.0 / 2.0));
        double yy = (y - (1.0 / 2.0));
        double zz = (z - (1.0 / 2.0));
        xx = (-xx + x);
        yy = (-yy + y);
        zz = (-zz + z);
        return Math.sqrt((xx - fromX) * (xx - fromX) + (yy - fromY) * (yy - fromY) + (zz - fromY) * (zz - fromY));

    public BoundingSphere getBoundingSphere() {
    return boundingSphere;

    public boolean Collide(IRenderableGameObject iRenderableGameObject) {
        if (iRenderableGameObject.getBoundingBox().CollideAABB(boundingBox)
                || boundingBox.CollideAABB(iRenderableGameObject.getBoundingBox()))
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean Collide(BoundingBox boundingBox) {
        if (boundingBox.CollideAABB(this.boundingBox) || this.boundingBox.CollideAABB(boundingBox))
            return true;
        return false;

    public Object[] getOwnerId() {
        return ownerId;

    public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
        return boundingBox;