Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) NetStruxr, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the NetStruxr
 * Public Software License version 0.5, a copy of which has been
 * included with this distribution in the LICENSE.NPL file.  */
package er.directtoweb.pages;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.NDC;

import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse;
import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WContext;
import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel;
import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WPage;
import com.webobjects.directtoweb.InspectPageInterface;
import com.webobjects.directtoweb.NextPageDelegate;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODataSource;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject;

import er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer;
import er.directtoweb.ERDirectToWeb;
import er.directtoweb.delegates.ERDBranchDelegate;
import er.directtoweb.delegates.ERDBranchDelegateInterface;
import er.directtoweb.delegates.ERDBranchInterface;
import er.directtoweb.interfaces.ERDUserInfoInterface;
import er.extensions.ERXExtensions;
import er.extensions.appserver.ERXComponentActionRedirector;
import er.extensions.components.ERXClickToOpenSupport;
import er.extensions.components.ERXComponentUtilities;
import er.extensions.eof.ERXGuardedObjectInterface;
import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer;
import er.extensions.statistics.ERXStats;
import er.extensions.validation.ERXExceptionHolder;
import er.extensions.validation.ERXValidation;
import er.extensions.validation.ERXValidationException;

 * Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage).
 * Has tons of extra functionality:<br />
 * <li>Debugging support.<br />
 * Special handlers add extra info in the request-response loop
 * <li>Workflow extensions.<br />
 * If your NextPageDelegate is a {@link ERDBranchDelegate}, then all of the
 * code for actions can be handled in your delegate.
 * <li>Display key extensions. We support tab and sectioned pages via the
 * d2wContext array.<br />
 * In the case of a non-tab page, we expect d2wContext.sectionsContents to
 * return one of the three following formats: (( section1, key1, key2, key4 ), (
 * section2, key76, key 5, ..) .. ) OR with the sections enclosed in "()" - this
 * is most useful with the WebAssistant ( "(section1)", key1, key2, key3,
 * "(section2)", key3, key4, key5... ) OR with normal displayPropertyKeys array
 * in fact if sectionContents isn't found then it will look for
 * displayPropertyKeys ( key1, key2, key3, ... )
 * In the case of a TAB page, we expect d2wContext.tabSectionsContents to return
 * one of the two following formats: ( ( tab1, key1, key2, key4 ), ( tab2,
 * key76, key 5, ..) .. ) OR with sections ( ( tab1, ( section1, key1, key2 ..),
 * (section3, key4, key..) ), ... ) OR with the alternate syntax, which ist most
 * useful with the WebAssistant ( "[tab1]", "(section1)", key1, key2, ...
 * "[tab2]", "(section3)", key4, key..... )
 * @d2wKey object
 * @d2wKey localContext
 * @d2wKey keyPathsWithValidationExceptions
 * @d2wKey shouldPropagateExceptions
 * @d2wKey shouldCollectionValidationExceptions
 * @d2wKey shouldSetFailedValidationValue
 * @d2wKey errorMessages
 * @d2wKey componentName
 * @d2wKey customComponentName
 * @d2wKey propertyKey
 * @d2wKey sectionKey
 * @d2wKey sectionContents
 * @d2wKey tabKey
 * @d2wKey displayNameForTabKey
 * @d2wKey isEntityEditable
 * @d2wKey pageConfiguration
 * @d2wKey displayPropertyKeys
 * @d2wKey tabSectionsContents
 * @d2wKey displayVariant
 * @d2wKey displayNameForEntity
 * @d2wKey nextPageDelegate
 * @d2wKey pageController
 * @d2wKey pageWrapperName
 * @d2wKey inlineStyle
public abstract class ERD2WPage extends D2WPage implements ERXExceptionHolder, ERDUserInfoInterface,
        ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable, ERDBranchInterface {
     * Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
     * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the 
     * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** interface for all the keys used in this pages code */
    public static interface Keys {
        public static final String object = "object";

        public static final String localContext = "localContext";

        public static final String d2wContext = "d2wContext";

        public static final String keyPathsWithValidationExceptions = "keyPathsWithValidationExceptions";

        public static final String shouldPropagateExceptions = "shouldPropagateExceptions";

        public static final String shouldCollectValidationExceptions = "shouldCollectValidationExceptions";

        public static final String shouldSetFailedValidationValue = "shouldSetFailedValidationValue";

        public static final String errorMessages = "errorMessages";

        public static final String componentName = "componentName";

        public static final String customComponentName = "customComponentName";

        public static final String pageConfiguration = "pageConfiguration";

        public static final String propertyKey = "propertyKey";

        public static final String sectionKey = "sectionKey";

        public static final String sectionsContents = "sectionsContents";

        public static final String tabKey = "tabKey";

        public static final String tabIndex = "tabIndex";

        public static final String tabCount = "tabCount";

        public static final String displayNameForTabKey = "displayNameForTabKey";

        public static final String displayPropertyKeys = "displayPropertyKeys";

        public static final String tabSectionsContents = "tabSectionsContents";

        public static final String alternateKeyInfo = "alternateKeyInfo";

        public static final String displayVariant = "displayVariant";

        public static final String clickToOpenEnabled = "clickToOpenEnabled";

        // The propertyKey whose form widget gets the focus upon loading an edit page.
        public static final String firstResponderKey = "firstResponderKey";


    /** logging support */
    public final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERD2WPage.class);

    public static final Logger validationLog = Logger.getLogger("er.directtoweb.validation.ERD2WPage");

    private String _statsKeyPrefix;

     * Default public constructor.
     * @param c
     *            current context.
    public ERD2WPage(WOContext c) {

     * Overridden to lock the page's editingContext, if there is any present.
    public void awake() {
        if (_context != null) {

     * Returns whether or not click-to-open should be enabled for this component.  By
     * default this returns ERXClickToOpenSupport.isEnabled().
     * @param response the response
     * @param context the context
     * @return whether or not click-to-open is enabled for this component
    public boolean clickToOpenEnabled(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {
        return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.clickToOpenEnabled),

     * Utility method to get a value from the user prefs.
     * @param key
    protected Object userPreferencesValueForKey(String key) {
        Object result = null;
        NSKeyValueCoding userPreferences = (NSKeyValueCoding) d2wContext().valueForKey("userPreferences");
        if (userPreferences != null) {
            result = userPreferences.valueForKey(key);
        return result;

     * Utility method to get a value for the current page configuration from the
     * user prefs.
     * @param key
    protected Object userPreferencesValueForPageConfigurationKey(String key) {
        key = ERXExtensions.userPreferencesKeyFromContext(key, d2wContext());
        return userPreferencesValueForKey(key);

     * Overridden to unlock the page's editingContext, if there is any present.
    public void sleep() {
        if (_context != null) {
        // Make sure the property key is cleared out.  In some embedded page configurations, invoking an action in the embedded component 
        // interrupts the repetition over the property keys, preventing the nullification of the value at the end of the repetition.  This causes
        // weird stuff to happen.
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(null, "propertyKey");

     * Sets the page's editingContext, automatically locking/unlocking it.
     * @param newEditingContext
     *            new EOEditingContext
    public void setEditingContext(EOEditingContext newEditingContext) {
        if (newEditingContext != _context) {
            if (_context != null) {
            _context = newEditingContext;
            if (_context != null) {

    public EOEditingContext editingContext() {
        return _context;

     * Returns true if the EC has "real" changes (processRecentChanges was called)
    public boolean hasActualChanges() {
        EOEditingContext ec = editingContext();
        boolean hasChanges = ec.hasChanges();
        if (hasChanges) {
            hasChanges = ec.insertedObjects().count() > 0;
            hasChanges |= ec.updatedObjects().count() > 0 && ((NSArray) ec.updatedObjects()
                    .valueForKeyPath("changesFromCommittedSnapshot.allValues.@flatten")).count() > 0;
            hasChanges |= ec.deletedObjects().count() > 0;
        return hasChanges;

     * Implementation of the {@link er.extensions.appserver.ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable}
     * interface. This implementation creates an URL with the name of the
     * current pageConfiguration as a direct action, which assumes a
     * {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WDirectAction} as the default direct action. Subclasses need
     * to implement more sensible behaviour.
     * @return url for the current page
    public String urlForCurrentState() {
        return context().directActionURLForActionNamed(d2wContext().dynamicPage(), null).replaceAll("&amp;", "&");

    /** {@link EOEditingContext} for the current object */
    protected EOEditingContext _context;

    /** Implementation of the {@link InspectPageInterface} */
    public void setObject(EOEnterpriseObject eo) {
        setEditingContext((eo != null) ? eo.editingContext() : null);

         * Storing the EO in the D2WComponent field prevents serialization. The
         * ec must be serialized before the EO. So we store the value in the
         * context instead.
         * also, for SmartAssignment
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(eo, Keys.object);

     * Return the object from the d2wContext.
    public EOEnterpriseObject object() {
        return (EOEnterpriseObject) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.object);

    public void setDataSource(EODataSource eodatasource) {
        setEditingContext(eodatasource != null ? eodatasource.editingContext() : null);

    /** Can be used to get this instance into KVC */
    public final WOComponent self() {
        return this;

     * {@link D2WContext} for this page. Checks if there is a "d2wContext"
     * binding, too.
     * @return d2wContext
    public D2WContext d2wContext() {
        if (super.d2wContext() == null) {
            if (hasBinding(Keys.localContext)) {
                setLocalContext((D2WContext) valueForBinding(Keys.localContext));
        return super.d2wContext();

    /** Key-Value-Coding needs this method. It should not be called */
    public void setD2wContext(D2WContext newValue) {

    /** Sets the d2wContext for this page */
    public void setLocalContext(D2WContext newValue) {
        if (ObjectUtils.notEqual(newValue, _localContext)) {
            // HACK ALERT: this next line is made necessary by the
            // brain-damageness of
            // D2WComponent.setLocalContext, which holds on to the first non
            // null value it gets.
            // I swear if I could get my hands on the person who did that.. :-)
            _localContext = newValue;
            log.debug("SetLocalContext: " + newValue);
        if (newValue != null)
            newValue.takeValueForKey(keyPathsWithValidationExceptions, Keys.keyPathsWithValidationExceptions);
            log.warn("D2WContext was null!");

    // **************************************************************************
    // Error handling extensions
    // **************************************************************************

    protected NSMutableDictionary errorMessages = new NSMutableDictionary();

    protected NSMutableArray errorKeyOrder = new NSMutableArray();

    protected NSMutableArray<String> keyPathsWithValidationExceptions = new NSMutableArray<String>();

    protected String errorMessage = "";

    protected ValidationDelegate validationDelegate;

    protected boolean validationDelegateInited;

    public NSMutableDictionary errorMessages() {
        return errorMessages;

    public void setErrorMessages(NSMutableDictionary value) {
        errorMessages = value;

    public String errorMessage() {
        return errorMessage;

    public void setErrorMessage(String message) {
        errorMessage = message == null ? "" : message;

    public boolean hasErrors() {
        return (errorMessages != null && errorMessages.count() > 0)
                || (errorMessage != null && errorMessage.trim().length() > 0);

    public NSArray errorKeyOrder() {
        return errorKeyOrder;

     * Should exceptions be propagated through to the parent page. If false, the
     * validation errors are not shown at all.
    public boolean shouldPropagateExceptions() {
        return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.shouldPropagateExceptions));

    /** Should exceptions also be handled here or only handled by the parent. */
    public boolean shouldCollectValidationExceptions() {
        return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.shouldCollectValidationExceptions));

     * Clears all of the collected validation exceptions. Implementation of the
     * {@link ERXExceptionHolder} interface.
    public void clearValidationFailed() {
        if (validationDelegate() != null) {

     * Should incorrect values still be set into the EO. If not set, then the
     * user must re-enter them.
    public boolean shouldSetFailedValidationValue() {
        return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.shouldSetFailedValidationValue));

    /** Used to hold a cleaned-up validation key and message. */
    private NSMutableDictionary<String, String> _temp = new NSMutableDictionary<String, String>();

    /** Handles validation errors. */
    public void validationFailedWithException(Throwable e, Object value, String keyPath) {
        if (validationLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    .debug("Validation failed with exception: " + e + " value: " + value + " keyPath: " + keyPath);
        if (shouldCollectValidationExceptions()) {
            if (validationDelegate() != null) {
                validationDelegate().validationFailedWithException(e, value, keyPath);
            if (e instanceof ERXValidationException) {
                ERXValidationException erv = (ERXValidationException) e;

                // DT: if we are using the ERXValidation dictionary in the
                // EOModel to define validation rules AND
                // if we are using keyPaths like person.firstname instead of
                // firstname because we have something like:
                // user <<-> person and are editing an user instance then
                // without this fix here the ERD2WPropertyKey
                // would not recognize that 'his' value failed.
                if ("value".equals(keyPath)) {
                    keyPath = "" + d2wContext().propertyKey();
                if (d2wContext().propertyKey() != null) {
                    if (!errorKeyOrder.containsObject(d2wContext().displayNameForProperty())) {
                    errorMessages.setObjectForKey(erv.getMessage(), d2wContext().displayNameForProperty());
                    // DT: the propertyKey from the validationException is
                    // important because keyPath might only be
                    // saveChangesExceptionKey
                    // which is not enough
                    String key = erv.propertyKey();
                    if (key == null) {
                        key = d2wContext().propertyKey();
                    if (erv.eoObject() != null && erv.propertyKey() != null && shouldSetFailedValidationValue()) {
                        try {
                            erv.eoObject().takeValueForKeyPath(value, erv.propertyKey());
                        } catch (NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException ex) {
                            // AK: as we could have custom components that have
                            // non-existant keys
                            // we of course can't push a value, so we discard
                            // the resulting exception
                        } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
                            // AK: as we could have custom components that have
                            // non-existant keys
                            // we of course can't push a value, so we discard
                            // the resulting exception
                if (("saveChangesExceptionKey".equals(keyPath) || "queryExceptionKey".equals(keyPath))
                        && erv.propertyKey() != null) {
                    // AK: this is for combined keys like company,taxIdentifier
                            .addObjectsFromArray(NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(erv.propertyKey(), ","));
            } else {
                ERXValidation.validationFailedWithException(e, value, keyPath, _temp, propertyKey(),
                        ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer(), d2wContext().entity(), shouldSetFailedValidationValue());
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(errorMessages, Keys.errorMessages);
            if (keyPath != null) {
                // this is set when you have multiple keys failing
                // your keyPath should look like "foo,bar.baz"
                if (keyPath.indexOf(",") > 0) {
                            .addObjectsFromArray(NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(keyPath, ","));
                } else {
        } else if (parent() != null && shouldPropagateExceptions()) {
            parent().validationFailedWithException(e, value, keyPath);

    public ValidationDelegate validationDelegate() {
        if (!validationDelegateInited && _localContext != null && shouldCollectValidationExceptions()) {
            // initialize validation delegate
            String delegateClassName = (String) _localContext.valueForKey("validationDelegateClassName");
            if (delegateClassName != null) {
                try {
                    Class<? extends ValidationDelegate> delegateClass = _NSUtilities
                    if (delegateClass != null) {
                        Constructor<? extends ValidationDelegate> constructor = delegateClass
                        validationDelegate = constructor.newInstance(this);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                    throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
            validationDelegateInited = true;
        return validationDelegate;

    public void setValidationDelegate(ValidationDelegate delegate) {
        validationDelegate = delegate;

    public static abstract class ValidationDelegate implements Serializable {
         * Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
         * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the 
         * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected final ERD2WPage _page;

        public ValidationDelegate(ERD2WPage page) {
            _page = page;

        protected NSMutableDictionary errorMessages() {
            return _page.errorMessages;

        protected NSMutableArray errorKeyOrder() {
            return _page.errorKeyOrder;

        protected String errorMessage() {
            return _page.errorMessage;

        protected void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {

        public abstract boolean hasValidationExceptionForPropertyKey();

        public abstract void validationFailedWithException(Throwable e, Object value, String keyPath);

        public abstract void clearValidationFailed();

        public abstract String errorMessageForPropertyKey();

     * @return the validation exception message for the current property key
    public String errorMessageForPropertyKey() {
        if (validationDelegate() != null) {
            return validationDelegate().errorMessageForPropertyKey();
        return propertyKey() != null && keyPathsWithValidationExceptions.containsObject(propertyKey())
                ? (String) errorMessages().objectForKey(propertyKey())
                : null;

    /** Checks if the current object can be edited. */
    public boolean isObjectEditable() {
        boolean result = !isEntityReadOnly();
        Object o = object();
        if (o instanceof ERXGuardedObjectInterface) {
            result = result && ((ERXGuardedObjectInterface) o).canUpdate();
        return result;

    /** Checks if the current object can be deleted. */
    public boolean isObjectDeleteable() {
        boolean result = !isEntityReadOnly();
        Object o = object();
        if (o instanceof ERXGuardedObjectInterface) {
            result = result && ((ERXGuardedObjectInterface) o).canDelete();
        return result;

    /** Checks if the current object can be viewed. */
    public boolean isObjectInspectable() {
        return true;

     * True if the entity is read only. Returns
     * <code>!(isEntityEditable()) </code>
    public boolean isEntityReadOnly() {
        return !isEntityEditable();

     * If the key <code>isEntityEditable</code> is set, then this value is
     * used, otherwise the value from the super implementation, which checks if
     * the entity is not in the list of <code>readOnlyEntityNames</code>.
    public boolean isEntityEditable() {
        return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(d2wContext().valueForKey("isEntityEditable"),

     * Checks if there is a validation exception in the D2WContext for the
     * current property key.
    public boolean hasValidationExceptionForPropertyKey() {
        if (validationDelegate() != null) {
            return validationDelegate().hasValidationExceptionForPropertyKey();
        return d2wContext().propertyKey() != null && keyPathsWithValidationExceptions.count() != 0
                ? keyPathsWithValidationExceptions.containsObject(d2wContext().propertyKey())
                : false;

    // **************************************************************************
    // Debugging extensions
    // **************************************************************************

    /** Holds the user info. */
    protected NSMutableDictionary _userInfo = new NSMutableDictionary();

    /** Implementation of the {@link ERDUserInfoInterface} */
    public NSMutableDictionary userInfo() {
        return _userInfo;

    /** Checks if basic debugging is on */
    public boolean d2wDebuggingEnabled() {
        return ERDirectToWeb.d2wDebuggingEnabled(session());

    /** Checks is component names should be shown. */
    public boolean d2wComponentNameDebuggingEnabled() {
        return ERDirectToWeb.d2wComponentNameDebuggingEnabled(session());

     * Helper to return the actual current component name, even when wrapped in
     * a custom component.
    public String d2wCurrentComponentName() {
        String name = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.componentName);
        if (name.indexOf("CustomComponent") >= 0) {
            name = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.customComponentName);
        return name;

     * This will allow d2w pages to be listed on a per configuration basis in
     * stats collecting.
    public String descriptionForResponse(WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext) {
        String descriptionForResponse = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.pageConfiguration);
         * if (descriptionForResponse == null)"Unable to find
         * pageConfiguration in d2wContext: " + d2wContext());
        return descriptionForResponse != null ? descriptionForResponse
                : super.descriptionForResponse(aResponse, aContext);

     * Overridden from the parent for better logging. Also clears validation
     * errors
    public void takeValuesFromRequest(WORequest r, WOContext c) {
        // Need to make sure that we have a clean plate, every time
        NDC.push("Page: " + getClass().getName()
                + (d2wContext() != null ? (" - Configuration: " + d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.pageConfiguration))
                        : ""));
        try {
            super.takeValuesFromRequest(r, c);
        } finally {

    /** Overridden from the parent for better logging. */
    public WOActionResults invokeAction(WORequest r, WOContext c) {
        WOActionResults result = null;
        NDC.push("Page: " + getClass().getName()
                + (d2wContext() != null ? (" - Configuration: " + d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.pageConfiguration))
                        : ""));
        try {
            result = super.invokeAction(r, c);
        } finally {
        return result;

    protected static final NSMutableSet<String> _allConfigurations = new NSMutableSet<String>();

     * Collects the names of all page configurations as you walk through your
     * application.
    public static NSArray<String> allConfigurationNames() {
        synchronized (_allConfigurations) {
            return _allConfigurations.allObjects();

     * Overridden from the parent for better logging. Reports exceptions in the
     * console for easier debugging.
    public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {
        String info = "(" + d2wContext().dynamicPage() + ")";
        // String info = "(" + getClass().getName() + (d2wContext() != null ? ("/" + d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.pageConfiguration)) : "") + ")";
        if (d2wContext() != null && !WOApplication.application().isCachingEnabled()) {
            synchronized (_allConfigurations) {
                if (d2wContext().dynamicPage() != null) {
                //"" + NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(_allConfigurations));

        boolean clickToOpenEnabled = clickToOpenEnabled(response, context);
        ERXClickToOpenSupport.preProcessResponse(response, context, clickToOpenEnabled);
        super.appendToResponse(response, context);
        ERXClickToOpenSupport.postProcessResponse(getClass(), response, context, clickToOpenEnabled);


    // **************************************************************************
    // Workflow extensions (Branches)
    // **************************************************************************

    /** holds the chosen branch */
    protected NSDictionary _branch;

     * Cover method for getting the choosen branch.
     * @return user choosen branch.
    public NSDictionary branch() {
        return _branch;

     * Sets the user chosen branch.
     * @param branch
     *            chosen by user.
    public void setBranch(NSDictionary branch) {
        _branch = branch;
        // Propagate the branchName to the D2WContext.
        Object branchValue = _branch != null ? _branch.valueForKey(ERDBranchDelegate.BRANCH_NAME)
                : NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue;
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(branchValue, ERDBranchDelegate.BRANCH_NAME);

     * Implementation of the {@link ERDBranchDelegate ERDBranchDelegate}. Gets
     * the user selected branch name.
     * @return user selected branch name.
    // ENHANCEME: Should be localized
    public String branchName() {
        if (branch() != null) {
            return (String) branch().valueForKey(ERDBranchDelegate.BRANCH_NAME);
        return null;

     * Calculates the branch choices for the current page. This method is just a
     * cover for calling the method <code>branchChoicesForContext</code> on
     * the current {@link er.directtoweb.delegates.ERDBranchDelegate ERDBranchDelegate}.
     * @return array of branch choices
    public NSArray branchChoices() {
        NSArray branchChoices = null;
        if (nextPageDelegate() != null && nextPageDelegate() instanceof ERDBranchDelegateInterface) {
            branchChoices = ((ERDBranchDelegateInterface) nextPageDelegate()).branchChoicesForContext(d2wContext());
        } else if (pageController() != null && pageController() instanceof ERDBranchDelegateInterface) {
            branchChoices = pageController().branchChoicesForContext(d2wContext());
        } else {
            branchChoices = NSArray.EmptyArray;
            //log.error("Attempting to call branchChoices on a page with a delegate: " + nextPageDelegate() + " that doesn't support the ERDBranchDelegateInterface!");
        return branchChoices;

     * Determines if this message page should display branch choices.
     * @return if the current delegate supports branch choices.
    public boolean hasBranchChoices() {
        return nextPageDelegate() != null && nextPageDelegate() instanceof ERDBranchDelegateInterface;

    // **************************************************************************
    // Display property key extensions (Sections)
    // **************************************************************************

    /** Holds the current section of display keys. */
    private ERD2WContainer _currentSection;

    /** The current section of display keys. */
    public ERD2WContainer currentSection() {
        return _currentSection;

    /** Sets the current section of display keys. */
    public void setCurrentSection(ERD2WContainer value) {
        _currentSection = value;
        if (value != null) {
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(, Keys.sectionKey);
            // we can fire rules from the WebAssistant when we push it the
            // -remangled sectionName into the context
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey("(" + + ")", Keys.propertyKey);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Setting sectionKey: " +;

     * The display keys for the current section. You bind to this method.
     * @return array of {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer} holding the keys for the current
     *         section
    public NSArray currentSectionKeys() {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        NSArray keys = (NSArray) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.alternateKeyInfo);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("currentSectionKeys (from alternateKeyInfo):" + keys);
        keys = keys == null ? (NSArray) currentSection().keys : keys;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Setting sectionKey and keys: " + + keys);
        return keys;

    /** Holds the section info */
    private NSMutableArray _sectionsContents;

     * The array of sections. You bind to this method.
     * @return array of arrays of {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer} holding the keys.
    public NSArray sectionsContents() {
        if (_sectionsContents == null) {
            NSArray sectionsContentsFromRule = (NSArray) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.sectionsContents);
            if (sectionsContentsFromRule == null) {
                sectionsContentsFromRule = (NSArray) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.displayPropertyKeys);
            if (sectionsContentsFromRule == null)
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Could not find sectionsContents or displayPropertyKeys in " + d2wContext());
            _sectionsContents = ERDirectToWeb.convertedPropertyKeyArray(sectionsContentsFromRule, '(', ')');

        return _sectionsContents;

    // **************************************************************************
    // Display property key extensions (Tabs)
    // **************************************************************************

    /** Holds the array of {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer} defining the tabs. */
    private NSArray _tabSectionsContents;

     * Returns the array of {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer} defining the tabs. A tab is a
     * key and an array of sections
    public NSArray<ERD2WContainer> tabSectionsContents() {
        if (_tabSectionsContents == null) {
            NSArray tabSectionContentsFromRule = (NSArray) d2wContext().valueForKey("tabSectionsContents");
            if (tabSectionContentsFromRule == null)
                tabSectionContentsFromRule = (NSArray) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.displayPropertyKeys);

            if (tabSectionContentsFromRule == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not find tabSectionsContents in " + d2wContext());

            String statsKey = makeStatsKey("ComputeTabSectionsContents");
            ERXStats.markStart("D2W", statsKey);
            _tabSectionsContents = tabSectionsContentsFromRuleResult(tabSectionContentsFromRule);
            ERXStats.markEnd("D2W", statsKey);

            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(tabSectionContentsFromRule, "tabSectionsContents");
            // Once calculated we then determine any displayNameForTabKey
            String currentTabKey = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.tabKey);
            for (Enumeration e = _tabSectionsContents.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                ERD2WContainer c = (ERD2WContainer) e.nextElement();
                if ( > 0) {
                    d2wContext().takeValueForKey(, Keys.tabKey);
                    c.displayName = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.displayNameForTabKey);
                if (c.displayName == null)
                    c.displayName =;
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(currentTabKey, Keys.tabKey);
        return _tabSectionsContents;

     * If you switch the context out from under a wizard page it will hold onto the keys in the tab
     * sections and blow up the next time you use it if the entity has changed. This allows you to 
     * clear the array so it rebuilds.
    protected void clearTabSectionsContents() {
        _tabSectionsContents = null;

    /** Dummy denoting to sections. */
    private final static NSArray _NO_SECTIONS = new NSArray("");

    /** Returns the sections on the current tab. */
    public NSArray sectionsForCurrentTab() {
        return currentTab() != null ? currentTab().keys : _NO_SECTIONS;

    /** Holds the current tab. */
    private ERD2WContainer _currentTab;

    /** Returns the {@link er.directtoweb.ERD2WContainer} defining the current tab. */
    public ERD2WContainer currentTab() {
        if (_currentTab == null && tabSectionsContents() != null && tabSectionsContents().count() > 0) {
            //If firstTab is not null, then try to find the tab named firstTab
            Integer tabIndex = (Integer) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.tabIndex);
            if (tabIndex != null && tabIndex.intValue() <= tabSectionsContents().count()) {
            if (_currentTab == null)
        return _currentTab;

    /** Sets the current tab. */
    public void setCurrentTab(ERD2WContainer value) {
        _currentTab = value;
        if (value != null && != null && !"")) {
            NSArray<ERD2WContainer> tabs = tabSectionsContents();
            Integer count = Integer.valueOf(tabs.count());
            Integer index = Integer.valueOf(tabs.indexOf(value));
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(, Keys.tabKey);
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(count, Keys.tabCount);
            d2wContext().takeValueForKey(index, Keys.tabIndex);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Setting tabKey: " +;
                log.debug("Setting tabCount: " + count);
                log.debug("Setting tabIndex: " + index);

    /** Helper method to calculate the tab key array */
    protected static NSArray tabSectionsContentsFromRuleResult(NSArray tabSectionContentsFromRule) {
        NSMutableArray tabSectionsContents = new NSMutableArray();

        if (tabSectionContentsFromRule.count() > 0) {
            Object firstValue = tabSectionContentsFromRule.objectAtIndex(0);
            if (firstValue instanceof NSArray) {
                for (Enumeration e = tabSectionContentsFromRule.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    NSArray tab = (NSArray) e.nextElement();
                    ERD2WContainer c = new ERD2WContainer();
           = (String) tab.objectAtIndex(0);
                    c.keys = new NSMutableArray();
                    Object testObject = tab.objectAtIndex(1);
                    if (testObject instanceof NSArray) { // format #2
                        for (int i = 1; i < tab.count(); i++) {
                            NSArray sectionArray = (NSArray) tab.objectAtIndex(i);
                            ERD2WContainer section = new ERD2WContainer();
                   = (String) sectionArray.objectAtIndex(0);
                            section.keys = new NSMutableArray(sectionArray);
                    } else { // format #1
                        ERD2WContainer fakeTab = new ERD2WContainer();
               = "";
                        fakeTab.keys = new NSMutableArray(tab);
            } else if (firstValue instanceof String) {
                tabSectionsContents = ERDirectToWeb.convertedPropertyKeyArray(tabSectionContentsFromRule, '[', ']');
                for (Enumeration e = tabSectionsContents.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    ERD2WContainer tab = (ERD2WContainer) e.nextElement();
                    if (tab.displayName == null) {
                        tab.displayName = "Main";
                    if ( == 0) {
               = "Main";
                    tab.keys = ERDirectToWeb.convertedPropertyKeyArray(tab.keys, '(', ')');
        return tabSectionsContents;

    // (ak) these actually belong to CompactEdit and PrinterFriendlyInspect
    // moved them here to avoid too much subclassing
    public boolean isEmbedded() {
        return ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "isEmbedded", false);

     * Gets the <code>displayVariant</code> for the current property key.  The intention is that the display variant
     * allows variation in the display method of property keys without needing different, slightly varying,
     * <code>displayPropertyKeys</code> or <code>tabSectionsContents</code> rules.  Template support has been added for
     * the <code>omit</code> and <code>blank</code> variants.  One could imagine others, such as <code>collapsed</code>,
     * <code>ajax</code>, etc.
     * @return the display variant, if specified
    public String displayVariant() {
        return (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(Keys.displayVariant);

     * Determines if display of the current property key should be <code>omitted</code>.
     * @return true if key should be omitted
    public boolean isKeyOmitted() {
        return "omit".equals(displayVariant());

     * // FIXME: Should be dynamic public String pageTitle() { return "NetStruxr -
     * "+d2wContext().valueForKey("displayNameForEntity")+" View"; }
    public NSTimestamp now() {
        return new NSTimestamp();

    protected WOComponent _nextPage;

    protected NextPageDelegate _nextPageDelegate;

    public WOComponent nextPage() {
        return _nextPage;

    public void setNextPage(WOComponent wocomponent) {
        _nextPage = wocomponent;

     * Checks if the delegate is present and can be invoked, then returns the
     * page from it.
    protected WOComponent nextPageFromDelegate() {
        WOComponent result = null;
        NextPageDelegate delegate = nextPageDelegate();
        if (delegate != null) {
            if (!((delegate instanceof ERDBranchDelegate) && (branchName() == null))) {
                // AK CHECKME: we assume here, because nextPage() in
                // ERDBranchDelegate is final,
                // we can't do something reasonable when none of the branch
                // buttons was selected.
                // This allows us to throw a branch delegate at any page, even
                // when no branch was taken
                result = delegate.nextPage(this);
        return result;

     * Returns the page's {@link NextPageDelegate NextPageDelegate},
     * if any, checking for a "nextPageDelegate" binding if no delegate
     * has been explicitly set.
     * @return The page's next page delegate.
    public NextPageDelegate nextPageDelegate() {
        if (_nextPageDelegate == null) {
            _nextPageDelegate = (NextPageDelegate) d2wContext().valueForKey("nextPageDelegate");
        return _nextPageDelegate;

    public void setNextPageDelegate(NextPageDelegate nextpagedelegate) {
        _nextPageDelegate = nextpagedelegate;

     * Holds the page controller for this page.
    protected ERDBranchDelegateInterface _pageController;

     * Returns the pageController for this page. If there is none given yet,
     * tries to create one by querying the key "pageController" from the
     * d2wContext. The most convenient way to set and use a pageController is
     * via the rule system:<code><pre>
     *  100: ('WebSite') and (task = 'list') =&gt; pageController = &quot;ListWebSiteController&quot; [er.directtoweb.ERDDelayedObjectCreationAssignment]
     *  100: ('WebSite') =&gt; actions = {left = (editAction, controllerAction);}
     *  100: (propertyKey = 'controllerAction') =&gt; componentName = &quot;ERDControllerButton&quot;
     * </pre></code> Then ListWebSiteController would be:<code><pre>
     * public class ListWebSiteController extends ERDBranchDelegate {
     *     private WOComponent _sender;
     *     private WOComponent sender() {
     *         return _sender;
     *     }
     *     private void setSender(WOComponent aSender) {
     *         _sender = aSender;
     *     }
     *     private D2WContext d2wContext() {
     *         return (D2WContext) sender().valueForKey(&quot;d2wContext&quot;);
     *     }
     *     private EOEnterpriseObject object() {
     *         return (EOEnterpriseObject) d2wContext().valueForKey(&quot;object&quot;);
     *     }
     *     // first action, show up as &quot;Copy Web Site&quot;
     *     public WOComponent copyWebSite(WOComponent sender) {
     *        setSender(sender);
     *        WOComponent result = ....
     *        return result;
     *     }
     *     // second action, show up as &quot;Delete Web Site&quot;
     *     public WOComponent deleteWebSite(WOComponent sender) {
     *        setSender(sender);
     *        WOComponent result = ....
     *        return result;
     *     }
     * }
     * </pre></code> The nice thing about this is that this allows you to keep your
     * logic confined to just a handful of classes, without the need to
     * constantly create new components that just handle one action.
    public ERDBranchDelegateInterface pageController() {
        if (_pageController == null) {
            _pageController = (ERDBranchDelegateInterface) d2wContext().valueForKey("pageController");
        return _pageController;

    public void setPageController(ERDBranchDelegateInterface aPageController) {
        _pageController = aPageController;

    public boolean showCancel() {
        return _nextPageDelegate != null || _nextPage != null;

    public NSDictionary settings() {
        String pc = d2wContext().dynamicPage();
        if (pc != null) {
            return new NSDictionary(pc, "parentPageConfiguration");
        return null;

     * Gets the name of the page wrapper component. Overrides the superclass' implementation which caches the 
     * name too aggressively.  This method allows you to drive the page wrapper component via the rules.
     * Defaults to <code>PageWrapper</code> if a value is not found from the D2W rules.
     * @return the name of the page wrapper
    public String pageWrapperName() {
        String name = (String) d2wContext().valueForKey(D2WModel._PageWrapperNameKey);

        if (null == name) {
            name = "PageWrapper";

        return name;

     * This variant of pageWithName provides a Java5 genericized version of the
     * original pageWithName. You would call it with:
     * MyNextPage nextPage = pageWithName(MyNextPage.class);
     * @param <T>
     *            the type of component to create
     * @param componentClass
     *            the Class of the component to load
     * @return an instance of the requested component class
    public <T extends WOComponent> T pageWithName(Class<T> componentClass) {
        return (T) super.pageWithName(componentClass.getName());

    public boolean isTopLevelPage() {
        return this == topLevelPage();

     * Gets the top level D2WPage.
     * @return the page
    private ERD2WPage topLevelPage() {
        ERD2WPage page = this;
        boolean hasParentPage = true;
        while (hasParentPage) {
            WOComponent component = page.parent();
            // Try to get the next ERD2WPage up the chain.
            while (component != null && !(component instanceof ERD2WPage)) {
                component = component.parent();

            if (null == component) {
                hasParentPage = false;
            } else {
                page = (ERD2WPage) component;
        return page;

     * Determines whether the component should display the detailed "inline" page metrics.
     * @return true if should show the detailed metrics
    public boolean shouldDisplayDetailedPageMetrics() {
        return ERDirectToWeb.pageMetricsEnabled() && ERDirectToWeb.detailedPageMetricsEnabled();

     * Determines whether the component should display the page metrics summary.  On display the summary for the
     * top-level page by default, and for all pages when showing detailed metrics.
     * @return true if should show metrics summary
    public boolean shouldDisplayPageMetricsSummary() {
        boolean metricsEnabled = ERDirectToWeb.pageMetricsEnabled();
        return isTopLevelPage() ? metricsEnabled : (metricsEnabled && shouldDisplayDetailedPageMetrics());

     * Creates a stats key to identify stats to the current property key.
     * @return the stats key
    public String statsKeyForCurrentPropertyKey() {
        return makeStatsKey(propertyKey());

     * Makes the stats key, prepending a prefix to identify the stats to the originating page.
     * @param key to format
     * @return the formatted key
    protected String makeStatsKey(String key) {
        return statsKeyPrefix() + key;

     * A stats key prefix that guarantees the stats will be identifiable to this instance.
     * @return the key prefix
    public String statsKeyPrefix() {
        if (null == _statsKeyPrefix) {
            _statsKeyPrefix = d2wContext().dynamicPage() + "_0x" + hashCode() + ".";
        return _statsKeyPrefix;

     * Gets the latest metrics event for the current property key.
     * @return the event
    public ERXStats.LogEntry latestEntryForCurrentPropertyKey() {
        return ERXStats.logEntryForKey(ERXStats.Group.Component, statsKeyForCurrentPropertyKey());

     * Gets the aggregate duration of events sharing the current property key.
     * @return the duration
    public long aggregateEventDurationForCurrentPropertyKey() {
        return ERXStats.logEntryForKey(ERXStats.Group.Component, statsKeyForCurrentPropertyKey()).sum();

     * Gets the stats for the current page.
     * @return the stats
    public NSDictionary statsForPage() {
        NSMutableDictionary result = new NSMutableDictionary();
        NSDictionary statsDict = ERXStats.statistics();
        for (Enumeration keysEnum = statsDict.keyEnumerator(); keysEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            String key = (String) keysEnum.nextElement();
            if (key.contains(statsKeyPrefix())) {
                String statsGroup = ERXStringUtilities.firstPropertyKeyInKeyPath(key);
                NSMutableArray events = (NSMutableArray) result.objectForKey(statsGroup);
                if (null == events) {
                    events = new NSMutableArray();
                    result.setObjectForKey(events, statsGroup);
        return result;

     * Gets the CSS class(es) for the container element, based on the current entity and task.
     * @return the css classes
    public String cssClassForPageContainerElement() {
        NSMutableArray classes = new NSMutableArray();
        D2WContext d2wContext = d2wContext();
        String task = d2wContext.task();
        String subTask = (String) d2wContext.valueForKey("subTask");
        String elementClassPrefix = ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(task) + "Table";
        if (subTask != null) {
                    ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(task) + ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(subTask) + "Table");
        if (d2wContext.dynamicPage() != null && d2wContext.dynamicPage().indexOf("Embedded") > -1) {
            classes.addObject(ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(task) + "Embedded");
        if (entityName() != null) {
            classes.addObject(elementClassPrefix + entityName());
        classes.addObject(elementClassPrefix + d2wContext.dynamicPage());
        return classes.componentsJoinedByString(" ");

     * Gets the CSS class(es) that should be applied to the current property name container element.
     * @return the css classes
    public String cssClassForPropertyName() {
        return _cssClassForTemplateForCurrentPropertyKey("cssClassForPropertyName");

     * Gets the CSS class(es) that should be applied to the current property key container element.
     * @return the css classes
    public String cssClassForPropertyKey() {
        return _cssClassForTemplateForCurrentPropertyKey("cssClass");

     * Gets the CSS class(es) that should be applied to the current container element.
     * @param cssKey from the d2wContext that defines the CSS for this element
     * @return the css classes
    private String _cssClassForTemplateForCurrentPropertyKey(String cssKey) {
        NSMutableArray classes = new NSMutableArray();
        D2WContext d2wContext = d2wContext();
        String propertyKey = d2wContext.propertyKey();
        if (propertyKey != null) {
            classes.addObject(propertyKey.replaceAll("\\.", "_"));

            // Required?
            if (ERXValueUtilities.booleanValue(d2wContext.valueForKey("displayRequiredMarker"))
                    && !"query".equals(task())) {

            // Has error?
            if (hasValidationExceptionForPropertyKey()) {

            // Explicitly defined class(es).
            NSArray explicitClasses = ERXValueUtilities.arrayValueWithDefault(d2wContext.valueForKey(cssKey),
            if (explicitClasses.count() > 0) {
        return classes.componentsJoinedByString(" ");

     * Gets any inline style declarations for the current property name container element.
     * @return the inline style declarations
    public String inlineStyleDeclarationForPropertyName() {
        return (String) d2wContext().valueForKey("inlineStyleForPropertyName");

     * Gets any inline style declarations for the current property key container element.
     * @return the inline style declarations
    public String inlineStyleDeclarationForPropertyKey() {
        return (String) d2wContext().valueForKey("inlineStyle");

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(in.readObject(), Keys.tabKey);
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(in.readObject(), Keys.tabCount);
        d2wContext().takeValueForKey(in.readObject(), Keys.tabIndex);