Source code

Java tutorial


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Copyright 2014 Profesores y alumnos de la asignatura Informtica Mvil de la EPI de Gijn
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package es.uniovi.imovil.fcrtrainer.highscores;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import es.uniovi.imovil.fcrtrainer.R;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;

 * Clase para leer y guardar las puntuaciones
public class HighscoreManager {
    private static final String TAG = "HigscoreManager";
    private static final String PREFERENCES_FILENAME = "Highscores";
    private static final String HIGHSCORE_PREFERENCE = "Highscores";
    private static final String HIGHSCORE_SCORE_TAG = "Highscore";
    private static final String HIGHSCORE_EXERCISE_TAG = "Exercise";
    private static final String HIGHSCORE_DATE_TAG = "Date";
    private static final String HIGHSCORE_USERNAME_TAG = "Username";
    private static final int MAX_NUMBER_HIGHSCORES = 10;

    private static SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences;

     * Lee la lista de mejores puntuaciones
     * @param context
     *            Contexto para gestionar recursos
     * @return Un array con la lista de todas las mejores puntuaciones
     *         almacenadas
     * @throws JSONException
    public static ArrayList<Highscore> loadHighscores(Context context) throws JSONException {
        mSharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES_FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        String highscoreJson = mSharedPreferences.getString(HIGHSCORE_PREFERENCE, "");

        return jsonToHighscoreList(context, highscoreJson);

    private static ArrayList<Highscore> jsonToHighscoreList(Context context, String highscoreJson)
            throws JSONException {
        ArrayList<Highscore> highscores = new ArrayList<Highscore>();

        JSONArray array;
        array = new JSONArray(highscoreJson);

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject object;
            object = array.getJSONObject(i);
            int score = object.getInt(HIGHSCORE_SCORE_TAG);
            int exercise = object.getInt(HIGHSCORE_EXERCISE_TAG);
            String dateString = object.getString(HIGHSCORE_DATE_TAG);
            String userName = object.getString(HIGHSCORE_USERNAME_TAG);
            if (userName == null) {
                userName = context.getString(R.string.default_user_name);

            highscores.add(new Highscore(score, exercise, dateString, userName));

        return highscores;

     * Aade una puntuacin a los datos de mejores puntuaciones
     * @param context
     *            Contexto para gestionar recursos
     * @param score
     *            Puntos obtenidos
     * @param exercise
     *            Ejercicio donde se han obtenido. Debe ser una de las
     *            constantes usadas en FragmentFactory para lanzar el fragmento,
     *            por ejemplo, R.string.logic_gate
     * @param date
     *            Fecha en la que se obtuvo la puntuacin
     * @param userName
     *            Nombre del usuario que obtuvo la puntuacin. Si se pasa null,
     *            ser el nombre de usuario por defecto
     * @throws JSONException
     *             Cuando no se puede pasar a JSON o de JSON una puntuacin
    public static void addScore(Context context, int score, int exercise, Date date, String userName)
            throws JSONException {
        if (userName == null) {
            userName = context.getString(R.string.default_user_name);
        Highscore highscore = new Highscore(score, exercise, date, userName);

        ArrayList<Highscore> highscores = new ArrayList<Highscore>();
        try {
            highscores = loadHighscores(context);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Error al leer las puntuaciones para aadir una nueva: " + e.getMessage());
        highscores = trim(highscores, MAX_NUMBER_HIGHSCORES);
        saveHighscores(context, highscores);

    private static ArrayList<Highscore> trim(ArrayList<Highscore> highscores, int maxNumberHighscores) {
        ArrayList<Highscore> trimmedHighscores = new ArrayList<Highscore>();
        SparseIntArray highscoresPerExercise = new SparseIntArray();


        for (int i = 0; i < highscores.size(); i++) {
            int exercise = highscores.get(i).getExercise();
            if (highscoresPerExercise.get(exercise) != 0) {
                int numHighscores = highscoresPerExercise.get(exercise);
                if (numHighscores < maxNumberHighscores) {
                    highscoresPerExercise.put(exercise, numHighscores + 1);
            } else {
                highscoresPerExercise.put(exercise, 1);

        return trimmedHighscores;

     * Aade un array de puntuaciones. Est pensado para ser utilizado
     * inicialmente cuando se rellenan con las puntuaciones iniciales para ser
     * ms rpido que aadirlas una a una
     * @param activity
     * @param highscores
     * @throws JSONException
    public static void addAllHighscores(Context context, ArrayList<Highscore> newHighscores) throws JSONException {
        ArrayList<Highscore> highscores = new ArrayList<Highscore>();
        try {
            highscores = loadHighscores(context);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Error al leer las puntuaciones para aadir una nueva: " + e.getMessage());
        highscores = trim(highscores, MAX_NUMBER_HIGHSCORES);
        saveHighscores(context, highscores);

    private static void saveHighscores(Context context, ArrayList<Highscore> highscores) throws JSONException {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
        String json = highscoresToJsonString(highscores);
        editor.putString(HIGHSCORE_PREFERENCE, json);

    private static String highscoresToJsonString(ArrayList<Highscore> highscores) throws JSONException {
        JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
        for (Highscore highscore : highscores) {
            JSONObject jsonHighscore = new JSONObject();
            jsonHighscore.put(HIGHSCORE_SCORE_TAG, highscore.getScore());
            jsonHighscore.put(HIGHSCORE_EXERCISE_TAG, highscore.getExercise());
            jsonHighscore.put(HIGHSCORE_DATE_TAG, highscore.getDate());
            jsonHighscore.put(HIGHSCORE_USERNAME_TAG, highscore.getUserName());
        return array.toString();
