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Copyright 2013 Universidad Politcnica de Madrid - Center for Open Middleware (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;
import org.jdom2.filter.Filters;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom2.util.IteratorIterable;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.XML;


import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.XSDInferenceConfiguration;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.exceptions.JSONInferenceException;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.AttributeListInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.SimpleTypeInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.TypesExtractor;

 * {@link TypesExtractor} implementation intended to work with JSON input files. 
 * It transforms them into XML files by means of {@link XML} methods provided by the 
 * Java JSON library and applies to those XML files the same processing 
 * than its parent {@link TypesExtractorImpl}. 
 * @author Pablo Alonso Rodriguez (Center for Open Middleware) 
public class JSONTypesExtractorImpl extends TypesExtractorImpl {

     * Comparator for {@link Element} objects which first looks at the namespace URI 
     * (prefixes are ignored) and then at the name.
    public static final Comparator<Element> NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_COMPARATOR = Comparator

     * Given either a {@link JSONArray} or a {@link JSONObject}, a key ending and a prefix to add, 
     * it looks for keys at any object inside the provided JSON ending with the key ending and adds 
     * the given prefix to that ending.
     * This method calls itself recursively to traverse inner parts of {@link JSONObject}s.
     * @param jsonRoot The root {@link JSONObject} or {@link JSONArray}. If an object of any other type is provided, 
     *                the method just does nothing.
     * @param oldKeyEnding the ending to look for.
     * @param prefixToAdd the prefix to add to that ending.
    private void addPrefixToJSONKeysEndingsRecursive(Object jsonRoot, String oldKeyEnding, String prefixToAdd) {
        if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonRoot;
            SortedSet<String> keys = ImmutableSortedSet.<String>naturalOrder().addAll(jsonObject.keySet()).build();
            for (String key : keys) {
                Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
                addPrefixToJSONKeysEndingsRecursive(value, oldKeyEnding, prefixToAdd);
                if (key.endsWith(oldKeyEnding)) {
                    String newKey = key.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(oldKeyEnding) + "$", prefixToAdd + oldKeyEnding);
                    jsonObject.put(newKey, value);
        } else if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonRoot;
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                Object value = jsonArray.get(i);
                addPrefixToJSONKeysEndingsRecursive(value, oldKeyEnding, prefixToAdd);
        } else {

     * This method adds additional quotes to any String value inside a JSON. 
     * This helps to distinguish whether values come from strings or other 
     * primitive types when the JSON is converted to XML. 
     * @param jsonRoot
    private void quoteStringsAtJSON(Object jsonRoot) {
        if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonRoot;
            ImmutableSet<String> jsonObjectKeys = ImmutableSet.copyOf(jsonObject.keys());
            for (String key : jsonObjectKeys) {
                Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    String valueStr = (String) value;
                    jsonObject.put(key, "\"" + valueStr + "\"");
                } else if (value instanceof JSONObject || value instanceof JSONArray) {
        } else if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonRoot;
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                Object value = jsonArray.get(i);
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    String valueStr = (String) value;
                    jsonArray.put(i, "\"" + valueStr + "\"");
                } else if (value instanceof JSONObject || value instanceof JSONArray) {
        } else {

     * This method looks recursively for arrays and encapsulates each of them into another array. 
     * So, anything like this:<br/>
     * <code>
     * {"myKey":["stuff1","stuff2"]}
     * </code><br/>
     * would become this:<br/>
     * <code>
     * {"myKey":[["stuff1","stuff2"]]}
     * </code><br/>
     * We do this strange preprocessing because structures like the first example are  
     * converted to XML producing this result:<br/>
     * <code>
     * &lt;myKey&gt;stuff1&lt;/myKey&gt;&lt;myKey&gt;stuff2&lt;/myKey&gt;
     * </code><br/>
     * Which makes impossible to distinguish single-element arrays from an element 
     * outside any array, because, both this:
     * <code>
     * {"singleElement":["stuff"]}
     * </code><br/>
     * and this:<br/>
     * <code>
     * {"singleElement":"stuff"}
     * </code><br/>
     * Would be converted to:<br/>
     * <code>
     * &lt;singleElement&gt;stuff&lt;/singleElement&gt;
     * </code><br/>
     * By doing this, we allow distingushing a single-element array from an non-array element, because 
     * the first one would be converted to:<br/>
     * <code>
     * &lt;singleElement&gt;&lt;array&gt;stuff&lt;/array&gt;&lt;/singleElement&gt;
     * @param jsonRoot The {@link JSONObject} or {@link JSONArray} which is the root of our JSON document.
    private void encapsulateArraysAtJSONRecursive(Object jsonRoot) {
        if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonRoot;
            Set<String> keys = ImmutableSet.copyOf(jsonObject.keySet());
            for (String key : keys) {
                Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
                if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
                    JSONArray encapsulatingJsonArray = new JSONArray();
                    encapsulatingJsonArray.put(0, value);
                    jsonObject.put(key, encapsulatingJsonArray);
        } else if (jsonRoot instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonRoot;
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                Object value = jsonArray.get(i);
                if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
                    JSONObject encapsulatingJsonObject = new JSONObject();
                    encapsulatingJsonObject.put(XSDInferenceConfiguration.ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME, value);
                    jsonArray.put(i, encapsulatingJsonObject);
        } else {

     * This method sets a given namespace to the given element and any of its descendants whose 
     * name is a provided one and have no namespace.
     * @param name the name of the searched elements
     * @param rootElement the root element to begin the search at
     * @param namespace the namespace to set
    private void setNamespaceToElementsByName(String name, Element rootElement, Namespace namespace) {
        IteratorIterable<Element> descendants = rootElement
                .getDescendants(Filters.element(name, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE));
        for (Element descendant : descendants) {
        if (rootElement.getName().equals(name) && rootElement.getNamespace().equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) {

     * This method undoes what addPrefixToJSONKeysEndingsRecursive method did at the original JSON: It looks 
     * for elements whose name ends at a desired key ending preceeded by a prefix to remove and removes it.
     * @param rootElement the root element.
     * @param desiredKeyEnding the desired ending.
     * @param prefixToRemove the prefix to remove.
    private void removePrefixToElementNameEndings(Element rootElement, String desiredKeyEnding,
            String prefixToRemove) {
        String keyToSearch = prefixToRemove + desiredKeyEnding;
        for (Element element : rootElement.getDescendants(Filters.element())) {
            if (!(element.getName().endsWith(keyToSearch)
                    && element.getNamespace().equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE))) {
            String name = element.getName();
            String newName = name.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(keyToSearch) + "$", desiredKeyEnding);

     * This mehod sorts all the {@link Element} descendants of an element 
     * by calling {@link Element#sortChildren(Comparator)} recursively.
     * @param rootElement the element to start at.
     * @param comparator the comparator used.
    private void sortElementsRecursive(Element rootElement, Comparator<Element> comparator) {
        for (Element element : rootElement.getChildren()) {
            sortElementsRecursive(element, comparator);

     * This mehod sorts all the {@link Element} descendants of an element 
     * by calling {@link Element#sortChildren(Comparator)} recursively.
     * We use a comparator which first compares namespace URIs and then names.
     * @param rootElement the element to start at.
    private void sortElementsRecursive(Element rootElement) {
        sortElementsRecursive(rootElement, NAMESPACE_AND_NAME_COMPARATOR);

     * Constructor. It internally transforms input documents to XML and builds the data structures of the parent.
     * Note that documents whose root is an array and whose root is an object must be provided in 
     * separated lists, because {@link JSONObject} and {@link JSONArray} objects of the Java JSON library 
     * do not share any base class or interface.
     * @param jsonDocumentWithRootObjects JSON input documents whose root is a JSON object.
     * @param jsonDocumentWithRootArrays  JSON input documents whose root is a JSON array.
     * @param configuration the inference configuration
     * @param inferencersFactory {@link InferencersFactory} used to build {@link AttributeListInferencer} and {@link SimpleTypeInferencer} objects used.
     * @throws JSONInferenceException if there are problems at JSON parsing.
    public JSONTypesExtractorImpl(List<JSONObject> jsonDocumentWithRootObjects,
            List<JSONArray> jsonDocumentWithRootArrays, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration,
            InferencersFactory inferencersFactory) throws JSONInferenceException {
        try {
            List<Document> xmlTranslatedDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>(
                    jsonDocumentWithRootArrays.size() + jsonDocumentWithRootObjects.size());
            for (Object jsonRoot : jsonDocumentWithRootObjects) {
                Namespace namespaceRoot = XSDInferenceConfiguration.NAMESPACE_ROOT_OBJECT;
                Document xmlDocument = convertJSONToXML(jsonRoot, namespaceRoot);
            for (Object jsonRoot : jsonDocumentWithRootArrays) {
                Namespace namespaceRoot = XSDInferenceConfiguration.NAMESPACE_ROOT_ARRAY;
                Document xmlDocument = convertJSONToXML(jsonRoot, namespaceRoot);
            //CODE SNIPPET to print internal XMLs to stderr (it may be uncomfortable to watch this from the debugger). Uncomment to use.
            //         XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
            //         for(int i=0;i<xmlTranslatedDocuments.size();i++){
            //            Document document = xmlTranslatedDocuments.get(i);
            //            System.err.println("Document "+i+":");
            //            outputter.output(document, System.err);
            //            System.err.println();
            //         }
            initializeData(xmlTranslatedDocuments, configuration, inferencersFactory);
        } catch (JSONException | JDOMException | IOException e) {
            throw new JSONInferenceException("Error during extraction from JSON documents", e);

     * Method that performs the conversion between JSON and XML
     * @param jsonRoot the root of the JSON document. It must be either a {@link JSONObject} or a {@link JSONArray}
     * @param namespaceRoot the namespace of the resulting root element
     * @return a JDOM2 {@link Document} representing the obtained XML.
     * @throws JDOMException
     * @throws IOException
    protected Document convertJSONToXML(Object jsonRoot, Namespace namespaceRoot)
            throws JDOMException, IOException {
        if (!(jsonRoot instanceof JSONArray || jsonRoot instanceof JSONObject)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'jsonRoot' must be either a JSONObject or a JSONArray");
        addPrefixToJSONKeysEndingsRecursive(jsonRoot, XSDInferenceConfiguration.ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME,
        String xmlString = "<" + XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_ROOT_NAME + ">" + XML.toString(jsonRoot) + "</"
                + XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_ROOT_NAME + ">";
        SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
        Document xmlDocument = StringReader(xmlString));
        setNamespaceToElementsByName(XSDInferenceConfiguration.ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME, xmlDocument.getRootElement(),
        removePrefixToElementNameEndings(xmlDocument.getRootElement(), XSDInferenceConfiguration.ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME,
        return xmlDocument;

     * Constructor. It internally transforms input documents to XML and builds the data structures of the parent.
     * Note that documents whose root is an array and whose root is an object must be provided in 
     * separated lists, because {@link JSONObject} and {@link JSONArray} objects of the Java JSON library 
     * do not share any base class or interface.
     * This constructor uses the default {@link InferencersFactory} returned by {@link InferencersFactory#getInstance()}
     * @param jsonDocumentWithRootObjects JSON input documents whose root is a JSON object.
     * @param jsonDocumentWithRootArrays  JSON input documents whose root is a JSON array.
     * @param configuration the inference configuration
     * @throws JSONInferenceException if there are problems at JSON parsing.
    public JSONTypesExtractorImpl(List<JSONObject> jsonDocumentWithRootObjects,
            List<JSONArray> jsonDocumentWithRootArrays, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration)
            throws JSONInferenceException {
        this(jsonDocumentWithRootObjects, jsonDocumentWithRootArrays, configuration,
