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 * This file is part of CRISIS, an economics simulator.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Ross Richardson
 * Copyright (C) 2015 John Kieran Phillips
 * CRISIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * CRISIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with CRISIS.  If not, see <>.
package eu.crisis_economics.abm.algorithms.statistics;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.UnivariateInterpolator;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

  * Unit tests for the class {@link FloorInterpolator}.
  * @author phillips
public class TestFloorInterpolator {

    public void setUp() {
        System.out.println("Testing " + getClass().getSimpleName() + "...");

      * Test whether an instance of {@link FloorInterpolator} interpolates
      * a simple discrete input series as expected. This unit test operates
      * as follows:<br><br>
      * {@code (a)}
      *    A short discrete subsequence of the function {@code f(T) = T**2}
      *    is generated;<br>
      * {@code (b)}
      *    An instance of {@link FloorInterpolator} is used to create a
      *   {@link UnivariateFunction}, {@code U}, from this sequence;<br>
      * {@code (c)}
      *    {@code U} is sampled repeatedly for a number of points in the domain
      *    of the input sequence. The results of this operation are compared
      *    to correct, expected outputs.
    public void testFloorInterpolatorOutput() {
        final double[] x = new double[] { 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., }, y = new double[] { 4., 9., 16., 25., 36., };
        final double[] expectedResults = { -Double.MAX_VALUE, 4.000000000, Double.MIN_VALUE, 4.000000000,
                1.000000000, 4.000000000, 1.111111111, 4.000000000, 1.222222222, 4.000000000, 1.333333333,
                4.000000000, 1.444444444, 4.000000000, 1.555555556, 4.000000000, 1.666666667, 4.000000000,
                1.777777778, 4.000000000, 1.888888889, 4.000000000, 2.000000000, 4.000000000, 2.111111111,
                4.000000000, 2.222222222, 4.000000000, 2.333333333, 4.000000000, 2.444444444, 4.000000000,
                2.555555556, 4.000000000, 2.666666667, 4.000000000, 2.777777778, 4.000000000, 2.888888889,
                4.000000000, 3.000000000, 9.000000000, 3.111111111, 9.000000000, 3.222222222, 9.000000000,
                3.333333333, 9.000000000, 3.444444444, 9.000000000, 3.555555556, 9.000000000, 3.666666667,
                9.000000000, 3.777777778, 9.000000000, 3.888888889, 9.000000000, 4.000000000, 16.00000000,
                4.111111111, 16.00000000, 4.222222222, 16.00000000, 4.333333333, 16.00000000, 4.444444444,
                16.00000000, 4.555555556, 16.00000000, 4.666666667, 16.00000000, 4.777777778, 16.00000000,
                4.888888889, 16.00000000, 5.000000000, 25.00000000, 5.111111111, 25.00000000, 5.222222222,
                25.00000000, 5.333333333, 25.00000000, 5.444444444, 25.00000000, 5.555555556, 25.00000000,
                5.666666667, 25.00000000, 5.777777778, 25.00000000, 5.888888889, 25.00000000, 6.000000000,
                36.00000000, 6.111111111, 36.00000000, 6.222222222, 36.00000000, 6.333333333, 36.00000000,
                6.444444444, 36.00000000, 6.555555556, 36.00000000, 6.666666667, 36.00000000, 6.777777778,
                36.00000000, 6.888888889, 36.00000000, 7.000000000, 36.00000000, 7.111111111, 36.00000000,
                7.222222222, 36.00000000, 7.333333333, 36.00000000, 7.444444444, 36.00000000, 7.555555556,
                36.00000000, 7.666666667, 36.00000000, 7.777777778, 36.00000000, 7.888888889, 36.00000000,
                8.000000000, 36.00000000, 8.111111111, 36.00000000, 8.222222222, 36.00000000, 8.333333333,
                36.00000000, 8.444444444, 36.00000000, 8.555555556, 36.00000000, 8.666666667, 36.00000000,
                8.777777778, 36.00000000, 8.888888889, 36.00000000, 9.000000000, 36.00000000, 9.111111111,
                36.00000000, 9.222222222, 36.00000000, 9.333333333, 36.00000000, 9.444444444, 36.00000000,
                9.555555556, 36.00000000, 9.666666667, 36.00000000, 9.777777778, 36.00000000, 9.888888889,
                36.00000000, 10.00000000, 36.00000000, 10.11111111, 36.00000000, 10.22222222, 36.00000000,
                10.33333333, 36.00000000, 10.44444444, 36.00000000, 10.55555556, 36.00000000, 10.66666667,
                36.00000000, 10.77777778, 36.00000000, 10.88888889, 36.00000000, 11.00000000, 36.00000000,
                11.11111111, 36.00000000, 11.22222222, 36.00000000, 11.33333333, 36.00000000, 11.44444444,
                36.00000000, 11.55555556, 36.00000000, 11.66666667, 36.00000000, 11.77777778, 36.00000000,
                11.88888889, 36.00000000, 12.00000000, 36.00000000, Double.MAX_VALUE, 36.00000000 };
        final UnivariateInterpolator interpolator = new FloorInterpolator();
        final UnivariateFunction f = interpolator.interpolate(x, y);
        for (int i = 0; i < expectedResults.length; i += 2) {
            final double t = expectedResults[i], f_t_Observed = f.value(t), f_t_Expected = expectedResults[i + 1];
            System.out.printf("t: %16.10g observed: %16.10g expected: %16.10g\n", t, f_t_Observed, f_t_Expected);
            Assert.assertEquals(f_t_Observed, f_t_Expected, 1.e-12);

    public void tearDown() {
        System.out.println(getClass().getSimpleName() + " tests pass.");

     * Manual entry point.
    static public void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
            final TestFloorInterpolator test = new TestFloorInterpolator();
        } catch (final Exception e) {