Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Davide Steduto
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package eu.davidea.flexibleadapter;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;

 * This class is responsible to animate items. Bounded items are animated initially and also
 * when user starts to scroll the list.
 * <p>Animations can be customized for each items applying different logic based on item position
 * and beyond.</p>
 * This class is extended by {@link FlexibleAdapter}.
 * @author Davide Steduto
 * @see FlexibleAdapter
 * @see SelectableAdapter
 * @since 10/01/2016
 * <br/>30/01/2016 Class now extends {@link SelectableAdapter}
public abstract class FlexibleAnimatorAdapter extends SelectableAdapter {

    protected static final String TAG = FlexibleAnimatorAdapter.class.getSimpleName();

    private Interpolator mInterpolator = new LinearInterpolator();
    private AnimatorAdapterDataObserver mAnimatorNotifierObserver;

    private enum AnimatorEnum {

     * The active Animators. Keys are hash codes of the Views that are animated.
    private final SparseArray<Animator> mAnimators = new SparseArray<>();

     * The position of the last item that was animated.
    private int mLastAnimatedPosition = -1;

     * Max items RecyclerView displays
    private int mMaxChildViews = -1;

     * Contains type of animators already added
    private EnumSet<AnimatorEnum> animatorsUsed = EnumSet.noneOf(AnimatorEnum.class);

    private boolean isReverseEnabled = false, shouldAnimate = true, isFastScroll = false;

    private long mInitialDelay = 500L, mStepDelay = 100L, mDuration = 300L;


     * Simple Constructor for Animator Adapter.
    public FlexibleAnimatorAdapter() {

        //Get notified when an item is changed (should skip animation)
        mAnimatorNotifierObserver = new AnimatorAdapterDataObserver();


     * Customize the initial delay for the first item animation.
     * <p>Default value is 0ms.</p>
     * @param initialDelay any non negative delay
    public void setAnimationInitialDelay(long initialDelay) {
        mInitialDelay = initialDelay;

     * Customize the step delay between an animation and the next to be added to the initial delay.
     * <p>The delay is added on top of the previous delay.</p>
     * Default value is 100ms.
     * @param delay Any positive delay
    public void setAnimationDelay(@IntRange(from = 0) long delay) {
        mStepDelay = delay;

     * Customize the duration of the animation for ALL items.
     * <p>Default value is 300ms.</p>
     * @param duration any positive time
    public void setAnimationDuration(@IntRange(from = 1) long duration) {
        mDuration = duration;

     * Define a custom interpolator for ALL items.
     * <p>Default value is {@link LinearInterpolator}.</p>
     * @param interpolator any valid non null interpolator
    public void setAnimationInterpolator(@NonNull Interpolator interpolator) {
        mInterpolator = interpolator;

     * Define an initial start animation adapter position.
     * <p>Default value is 0 (1st position).</p>
     * @param start non negative minimum position to start animation.
    public void setAnimationStartPosition(@IntRange(from = 0) int start) {
        mLastAnimatedPosition = start;

     * Enable/Disable item animation while scrolling and on loading.
     * <p>Disabling scrolling will disable also reverse scrolling!</p>
     * Default enabled.
     * @param enabled true to enable item animation, false to disable them all.
     * @see #setAnimationOnReverseScrolling(boolean)
    public void setAnimationOnScrolling(boolean enabled) {
        shouldAnimate = enabled;

    public boolean isAnimationOnScrollingEnabled() {
        return shouldAnimate;

     * Enable reverse scrolling animation if AnimationOnScrolling is also enabled!<br/>
     * Default disabled (only forward).
     * @param enabled false to animate items only forward, true to also reverse animate
     * @see #setAnimationOnScrolling(boolean)
    public void setAnimationOnReverseScrolling(boolean enabled) {
        isReverseEnabled = enabled;

    public boolean isAnimationOnReverseScrolling() {
        return isReverseEnabled;

    public void onFastScrollerStateChange(boolean scrolling) {
        isFastScroll = scrolling;

    /* MAIN METHODS */

     * Build your custom list of {@link Animator} to apply on the ItemView.<br/>
     * Write the logic based on the position and/or viewType and/or the item selection.
     * <p><b>Suggestions:</b>
     * <br/>- A simple boolean for <i>isSelected</i> is preferable instead of {@link #isSelected(int)}
     * <br/>- You can also use {@link #getItemViewType(int)} to apply different Animation for
     * each view type.
     * <br/>- If you want to apply same animation for all items, create new list at class level
     * and initialize it in the constructor, not inside this method!</p>
     * @param itemView   the bounded ItemView
     * @param position   position can be used to differentiate the list of Animators
     * @param isSelected boolean to be used to differentiate the list of Animators
     * @return The list of animators to animate all together.
     * @see #animateView(View, int, boolean)
     * @see #getItemViewType(int)
    public List<Animator> getAnimators(View itemView, int position, boolean isSelected) {
        return new ArrayList<Animator>();

     * Cancels any existing animations for given View. Useful when fling.
    private void cancelExistingAnimation(@NonNull final View itemView) {
        int hashCode = itemView.hashCode();
        Animator animator = mAnimators.get(hashCode);
        if (animator != null)

     * Animates the view based on the custom animator list built with {@link #getAnimators(View, int, boolean)}.
    public final void animateView(final View itemView, int position, boolean isSelected) {
        //FIXME: first completed visible item on rotation gets high delay

        //      if (DEBUG)
        //         Log.v(TAG, "shouldAnimate=" + shouldAnimate
        //               + " isFastScroll=" + isFastScroll
        //               + " isNotified=" + mAnimatorNotifierObserver.isPositionNotified()
        //               + " isReverseEnabled=" + isReverseEnabled
        //               + (!isReverseEnabled ? " Pos>AniPos=" + (position > mLastAnimatedPosition) : "")
        //         );

        if (shouldAnimate && !isFastScroll && !mAnimatorNotifierObserver.isPositionNotified()
                && (isReverseEnabled || (!isReverseEnabled && position > mLastAnimatedPosition))) {

            //Cancel animation is necessary when fling

            //Retrieve user animators
            List<Animator> animators = getAnimators(itemView, position, isSelected);

            //Add Alpha animator if not yet
            ViewCompat.setAlpha(itemView, 0);
            if (!animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.ALPHA))
                addAlphaAnimator(animators, itemView, 0f);
            //Clear animators since the new item might have different animations

            //Execute the animations all together
            AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();
            //TODO: Animate with Solution 1 or 2?
            set.addListener(new HelperAnimatorListener(itemView.hashCode()));
            if (DEBUG)
                Log.v(TAG, "Started Animation on position " + position + " animatorsUsed=" + animatorsUsed);
            mAnimators.put(itemView.hashCode(), set);

        if (mAnimatorNotifierObserver.isPositionNotified())

        mLastAnimatedPosition = position;

     * Solution 1.
     * Reset stepDelay.
    private long calculateAnimationDelay1(int position) {

        int lastVisiblePosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager())
        int firstVisiblePosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager())

        //Use always the max child count reached
        if (mMaxChildViews < mRecyclerView.getChildCount())
            mMaxChildViews = mRecyclerView.getChildCount();

        if (mLastAnimatedPosition > lastVisiblePosition)
            lastVisiblePosition = mLastAnimatedPosition;

        int visibleItems = lastVisiblePosition - firstVisiblePosition;

        //      if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Position=" + position +
        //            " FirstVisible=" + firstVisiblePosition +
        //            " LastVisible=" + lastVisiblePosition +
        //            " LastAnimated=" + mLastAnimatedPosition +
        //            " VisibleItems=" + visibleItems +
        //            " ChildCount=" + mRecyclerView.getChildCount());

        //Stop stepDelay when screen is filled
        if (mLastAnimatedPosition > visibleItems || //Normal Forward scrolling
                (firstVisiblePosition > 1 && firstVisiblePosition <= mMaxChildViews)) { //Reverse scrolling
            if (DEBUG)
                Log.v(TAG, "Reset AnimationDelay on position " + position);
            mInitialDelay = 0L;

        return mInitialDelay += mStepDelay;

     * Solution 2.
     * Returns the delay in milliseconds after which, the animation for next ItemView should start.
    private long calculateAnimationDelay2(int position) {
        long delay;

        int lastVisiblePosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager())
        int firstVisiblePosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager())

        if (mLastAnimatedPosition > lastVisiblePosition)
            lastVisiblePosition = mLastAnimatedPosition;

        int numberOfItemsOnScreen = lastVisiblePosition - firstVisiblePosition;
        int numberOfAnimatedItems = position - 1;

        //Save max child count reached
        if (mMaxChildViews < mRecyclerView.getChildCount())
            mMaxChildViews = mRecyclerView.getChildCount();

        if (numberOfItemsOnScreen < numberOfAnimatedItems || //Normal Forward scrolling after max itemOnScreen is reached
                (firstVisiblePosition > 1 && firstVisiblePosition <= mMaxChildViews) || //Reverse scrolling
                (position > mMaxChildViews && firstVisiblePosition == -1 && mRecyclerView.getChildCount() == 0)) { //Reverse scrolling and click on FastScroller
            delay = mStepDelay;
            mInitialDelay = 0L;

            if (mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager() instanceof GridLayoutManager) {
                int numColumns = ((GridLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager()).getSpanCount();
                delay = mStepDelay * (position % numColumns);

        } else {//forward scrolling before max itemOnScreen is reached
            delay = mInitialDelay + (position * mStepDelay);

        //      if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Delay[" + position + "]=" + delay +
        //            " FirstVisible=" + firstVisiblePosition +
        //            " LastVisible=" + lastVisiblePosition +
        //            " LastAnimated=" + mLastAnimatedPosition +
        //            " VisibleItems=" + numberOfItemsOnScreen +
        //            " ChildCount=" + mRecyclerView.getChildCount());

        return delay;

    /* ANIMATORS */

     * This is the default animator.<br/>
     * Alpha animator will be always automatically added.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Only 1 animator of the same compatible type can be added.<br/>
     * Incompatible with ALPHA animator.</p>
     * @param animators user defined list
     * @param view      itemView to animate
     * @param alphaFrom starting alpha value
    private void addAlphaAnimator(@NonNull List<Animator> animators, @NonNull View view,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float alphaFrom) {
        if (animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.ALPHA))
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "alpha", alphaFrom, 1f));

     * Item will slide from Left to Right.<br/>
     * Ignored if LEFT, RIGHT or BOTTOM animators were already added.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Only 1 animator of the same compatible type can be added per time.<br/>
     * Incompatible with LEFT, BOTTOM animators.<br/>
     * @param animators user defined list
     * @param view      itemView to animate
     * @param percent   any % multiplier (between 0 and 1) of the LayoutManager Width
    public void addSlideInFromLeftAnimator(@NonNull List<Animator> animators, @NonNull View view,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.5, to = 1.0) float percent) {
        if (animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_LEFT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_RIGHT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_BOTTOM))
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationX",
                -mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager().getWidth() * percent, 0));

     * Item will slide from Right to Left.<br/>
     * Ignored if LEFT, RIGHT or BOTTOM animators were already added.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Only 1 animator of the same compatible type can be added per time.<br/>
     * Incompatible with RIGHT, BOTTOM animators.<br/>
     * @param animators user defined list
     * @param view      ItemView to animate
     * @param percent   Any % multiplier (between 0 and 1) of the LayoutManager Width
    public void addSlideInFromRightAnimator(@NonNull List<Animator> animators, @NonNull View view,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.5, to = 1.0) float percent) {
        if (animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_LEFT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_RIGHT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_BOTTOM))
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationX",
                mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager().getWidth() * percent, 0));

     * Item will slide from Bottom of the screen to its natural position.<br/>
     * Ignored if LEFT, RIGHT or BOTTOM animators were already added.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Only 1 animator of the same compatible type can be added per time.<br/>
     * Incompatible with LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM animators.</p>
     * @param animators user defined list
     * @param view      itemView to animate
    public void addSlideInFromBottomAnimator(@NonNull List<Animator> animators, @NonNull View view) {
        if (animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_LEFT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_RIGHT)
                || animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SLIDE_IN_BOTTOM))
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationY", mRecyclerView.getMeasuredHeight() >> 1, 0));

     * Item will scale.<br/>
     * Ignored if SCALE animator was already added.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> Only 1 animator of the same compatible type can be added per time.<br/>
     * Incompatible with LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM animators.<br/>
     * @param animators user defined list
     * @param view      itemView to animate
     * @param scaleFrom initial scale value
    public void addScaleInAnimator(@NonNull List<Animator> animators, @NonNull View view,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float scaleFrom) {
        if (animatorsUsed.contains(AnimatorEnum.SCALE))
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleX", scaleFrom, 1f));
        animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "scaleY", scaleFrom, 1f));


     * Observer Class responsible to skip animation when items are notified to avoid
     * double animation with {@link}.
     * <p>Also, some items at the edge, are rebounded by Android and should not be animated.</p>
    private class AnimatorAdapterDataObserver extends RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver {
        private boolean isNotified;
        private Handler mAnimatorHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper(), new Handler.Callback() {
            public boolean handleMessage(Message message) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    Log.v(TAG, "Clear notified for binding Animations");
                isNotified = false;
                return true;

        public boolean isPositionNotified() {
            return isNotified;

        public void clearNotified() {
            mAnimatorHandler.sendMessageDelayed(Message.obtain(mAnimatorHandler), 200L);

        private void markNotified(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            isNotified = true;

        public void onItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            markNotified(positionStart, itemCount);

        public void onItemRangeInserted(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            markNotified(positionStart, itemCount);

        public void onItemRangeRemoved(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
            markNotified(positionStart, itemCount);

     * Helper Class to clear Animators List used to avoid multiple Item animation on same
     * position when fling.
    private class HelperAnimatorListener implements Animator.AnimatorListener {
        int key;

        HelperAnimatorListener(int key) {
            this.key = key;

        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {


        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {


        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {

