Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2017 wetransform GmbH
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
 * available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution. If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     wetransform GmbH <>


import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;

import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALogger;
import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALoggerFactory;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.geometry.CRSProvider;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Filter;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceReference;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceResolver;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.ext.InstanceIterator;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.FilteredInstanceCollection;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.impl.IndexInstanceReference;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition;
import eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeIndex;

 * Instance collection based on a GML input stream from WFS requests.<br>
 * <br>
 * The {@link InstanceIterator} created by {@link #iterator()} will
 * transparently issue multiple requests to the WFS. When all features that
 * match the request have been retrieved from the WFS (possibly via multiple
 * requests), the iterator will be closed and subsequent calls to hasNext() will
 * return false.<br>
 * <br>
 * The number of features to retrieve per request must be provided when creating
 * the instance collection.
 * For WFS 2.0.0/2.0.2 a starting offset can be provided by adding a
 * <code>STARTINDEX</code> parameter to the source location. The maximum overall
 * number of features to retrive can be set for by adding a
 * <code>MAXFEATURES</code> (WFS 1.1.0) or <code>COUNT</code> (WFS 2.0.0/2.0.2)
 * parameter to the source location or programmatically via
 * {@link #setMaxNumberOfFeatures(int)}.
 * @author Florian Esser
public class WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection implements InstanceCollection {

     * Constant indicating unlimited feature retrieval.
    public static final int UNLIMITED = -1;

    private final ALogger log = ALoggerFactory.getLogger(WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection.class);

    // Original source location
    private final URI primordialUri;
    // Key/value pairs of the query part of the primordial URI. Keys are stored
    // in uppercase by convention.
    private final Map<String, String> primordialQueryParams = new HashMap<>();

    // URI used by iterator to create follow-up requests
    private final URI baseUri;

    // XXX Use WFSVersion instead. To resolve dependency cycle, create
    // e.e.h.common.wfs project?
    private final String wfsVersion;

    // Absolute limit for the amount of features to retrieve (default:
    // unlimited)
    private int maxNumberOfFeatures = UNLIMITED;

    // Number of features to retrieve at most with one WFS GetFeature request
    private final int featuresPerRequest;

    private final int size;

    // Parameters needed for instantiation of GmlInstanceCollection
    private final TypeIndex sourceSchema;
    private final boolean restrictToFeatures;
    private final boolean ignoreRoot;
    private final boolean strict;
    private final CRSProvider crsProvider;
    private final boolean ignoreNamespaces;
    private final IOProvider ioProvider;

     * Create a GML instance collection based on the given WFS source.
     * @param source the source
     * @param sourceSchema the source schema
     * @param restrictToFeatures if only instances that are GML features shall
     *            be loaded
     * @param ignoreRoot if the root element should be ignored for creating
     *            instances even if it is recognized as an allowed instance type
     * @param strict if associating elements with properties should be done
     *            strictly according to the schema, otherwise a fall-back is
     *            used trying to populate values also on invalid property paths
     * @param ignoreNamespaces if parsing of the XML instances should allow
     *            types and properties with namespaces that differ from those
     *            defined in the schema
     * @param crsProvider CRS provider in case no CRS is specified, may be
     *            <code>null</code>
     * @param provider the I/O provider to get values
     * @param featuresPerRequest Number of features to retrieve at most with one
     *            WFS GetFeature request, or {@value #UNLIMITED} to disable
     *            pagination
     * @throws URISyntaxException thrown if the WFS request URL cannot be
     *             generated from the source location URI
    public WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection(LocatableInputSupplier<? extends InputStream> source,
            TypeIndex sourceSchema, boolean restrictToFeatures, boolean ignoreRoot, boolean strict,
            boolean ignoreNamespaces, CRSProvider crsProvider, IOProvider provider, int featuresPerRequest)
            throws URISyntaxException {

        this.sourceSchema = sourceSchema;
        this.restrictToFeatures = restrictToFeatures;
        this.ignoreRoot = ignoreRoot;
        this.strict = strict;
        this.crsProvider = crsProvider;
        this.ignoreNamespaces = ignoreNamespaces;
        this.ioProvider = provider;

        this.primordialUri = source.getLocation();

        // Build base URI from original location by removing STARTINDEX and
        // MAXFEATURES/COUNT parameters if present
        URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(primordialUri);
                .forEach(qp -> primordialQueryParams.put(qp.getName().toUpperCase(), qp.getValue()));

        wfsVersion = primordialQueryParams.get("VERSION");
        if (wfsVersion == null || wfsVersion.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("WFS URL must contain VERSION parameter");

        List<NameValuePair> params = builder.getQueryParams();
        params.removeIf(nvp -> nvp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("STARTINDEX"));
        params.removeIf(nvp -> nvp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getMaxFeaturesParameterName(wfsVersion)));
        this.baseUri =;

        // If a MAXFEATURES/COUNT parameter is present in the primordial URI,
        // set maxNumberOfFeatures accordingly
        if (primordialQueryParams.containsKey(getMaxFeaturesParameterName(wfsVersion))) {
            // Allow possible NumberFormatException to be thrown up to prevent
            // unintended retrieval of too many features
            maxNumberOfFeatures = Integer

            if (maxNumberOfFeatures < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        MessageFormat.format("Parameter \"{0}\" must be a non-negative integer.",

        // Use primordial URI and issue "hits" request to check if the WFS will
        // return anything at all
        int hits;
        try {
            hits = requestHits(primordialUri);
        } catch (WFSException e) {
            log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Failed to perform hits query (REQUESTTYPE=hits): {0}", e.getMessage()),
            hits = UNKNOWN_SIZE;

        switch (wfsVersion) {
        case "1.1.0":
            // The "numberOfFeatures" reported by a 1.1.0 WFS may be smaller
            // than the actual number of features matches by the query if the
            // number of features returned per query is limited on the server
            // side. Therefore do not rely on it as a size information here.
            this.size = UNKNOWN_SIZE;
        case "2.0.0":
        case "2.0.2":
            // The "numberMatched" reported by a 2.0.0/2.0.2 WFS should be
            // number of features matched by the query. If hits equals
            // UNKNOWN_SIZE then size is also set to that value
            this.size = isLimited() ? Math.min(maxNumberOfFeatures, hits) : hits;
            this.size = UNKNOWN_SIZE;

        if (featuresPerRequest != UNLIMITED && featuresPerRequest <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
                    "featuresPerRequest must be a positive integer or {0} to disable pagination", UNLIMITED));
        this.featuresPerRequest = featuresPerRequest;

     * Set an absolute limit for the amount of features to be retrieved.
     * @param maxNumberOfFeatures valid values are -1 for unlimited retrieval or
     *            a positive integer (or zero) to impose an absolute feature
     *            limit.
    public void setMaxNumberOfFeatures(int maxNumberOfFeatures) {
        if (maxNumberOfFeatures < -1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid maximum: must be either -1 (unlimited) or a non-negative integer.");
        this.maxNumberOfFeatures = maxNumberOfFeatures;

     * @see InstanceCollection#hasSize()
    public boolean hasSize() {
        return size != UNKNOWN_SIZE;

     * @see InstanceCollection#size()
    public int size() {
        return size;

     * @see Iterable#iterator()
    public WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator iterator() {
        return new WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator();

     * @see InstanceCollection#isEmpty()
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size == 0;

     * @return true if pagination is enabled
    public boolean isPaged() {
        return featuresPerRequest != UNLIMITED;

     * @return true if an absolute limit of features to be retrieved is set
    public boolean isLimited() {
        return maxNumberOfFeatures != UNLIMITED;

     * @see InstanceCollection#select(Filter)
    public InstanceCollection select(Filter filter) {
        return FilteredInstanceCollection.applyFilter(this, filter);

     * @see InstanceResolver#getReference(Instance)
    public InstanceReference getReference(Instance instance) {
        if (instance instanceof StreamGmlInstance) {
            // XXX Possible improvement: return reference based on feature ID if
            // source WFS supports a GetFeatureById query
            return new IndexInstanceReference(instance.getDataSet(),
                    ((StreamGmlInstance) instance).getIndexInStream());

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reference can only be determined based on a StreamGmlInstance");

     * @see InstanceResolver#getInstance(InstanceReference)
    public Instance getInstance(InstanceReference reference) {
        IndexInstanceReference ref = (IndexInstanceReference) reference;

        WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator it = iterator();
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < ref.getIndex(); i++) {
                // skip all instances before the referenced instance
            return; // return the referenced instance
        } finally {

    private int requestHits(URI requestUri) throws WFSException {
        URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(requestUri);
        builder.addParameter("RESULTTYPE", "hits");

        InputStream in;
        try {
            in =;
        } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new WFSException(MessageFormat.format("Unable to execute WFS request: {0}", e.getMessage()), e);

        return FeatureCollectionHelper.getNumberOfFeatures(in);

    private String getMaxFeaturesParameterName(String version) {
        // XXX Use WFSVersion
        switch (version) {
        case "1.1.0":
            return "MAXFEATURES";
        case "2.0.0":
        case "2.0.2":
            return "COUNT";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported WFS version");

     * Iterates over {@link Instance}s in the GML stream retrieved from the WFS.
     * The iterator will not load more features per WFS GetFeature request than
     * specified in the {@link WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection}. If the WFS query
     * yields more results, multiple GetFeature request will be issued
     * transparently to the WFS until all results have been retrieved or the
     * maximum number of features as specified in the
     * {@link WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection} was reached.
     * @author Florian Esser
    public class WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator implements InstanceIterator {

        private GmlInstanceCollection currentCollection;
        private GmlInstanceIterator iterator;
        private int totalFeaturesProcessed;

         * Create the iterator
        public WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator() {

         * Closes the iterator of the currently active GmlInstanceCollection and
         * creates a new one for the next WFS request. If the new request yields
         * no result, this {@link WfsBackedGmlInstanceIterator} is closed.
        private void proceedOrClose() {

            if (!isPaged() || isFeatureLimitReached()) {
            } else {

                if (!iterator.hasNext()) {

        private void createNextIterator() {
            URI nextUri;
            try {
                nextUri = calculateNextUri();
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);

            log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Creating new iterator for URL \"{0}\"", nextUri.toString()));

            currentCollection = new GmlInstanceCollection(new DefaultInputSupplier(nextUri), sourceSchema,
                    restrictToFeatures, ignoreRoot, strict, ignoreNamespaces, crsProvider, ioProvider);
            iterator = currentCollection.iterator();

            // Make sure root element is processed by the iterator

        private URI calculateNextUri() throws URISyntaxException {
            URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(baseUri);

            // Use STARTINDEX value in primordial URI as offset
            int offset = 0;
            if (primordialQueryParams.containsKey("STARTINDEX")) {
                try {
                    offset = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(primordialQueryParams.get("STARTINDEX")));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // Ignore if invalid

            if (isPaged() || offset > 0) {
                // Add STARTINDEX; is 0-based
                builder.addParameter("STARTINDEX", Integer.toString(offset + totalFeaturesProcessed));

            final int maxFeatures;
            if (isPaged()) {
                maxFeatures = WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection.this.featuresPerRequest;
            } else {
                maxFeatures = WfsBackedGmlInstanceCollection.this.maxNumberOfFeatures;
            if (maxFeatures >= 0) {
                builder.addParameter(getMaxFeaturesParameterName(wfsVersion), Integer.toString(maxFeatures));


         * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (isClosed()) {
                return false;

            if (isFeatureLimitReached()) {
                return false;

            if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
                // If all features from the current request have been read, try
                // to retrieve a new batch from the WFS and continue. If the new
                // request does not yield new results this iterator will be
                // closed.

            if (!isClosed() && iterator.hasNext()) {
                return true;

            return false;

         * @return true if the number of features processed is equal to (or
         *         exceeds) the maximum number of features to processed or the
         *         number of results reported by the WFS.
        protected boolean isFeatureLimitReached() {
            return (maxNumberOfFeatures != UNLIMITED && totalFeaturesProcessed >= maxNumberOfFeatures)
                    || (size != UNKNOWN_SIZE && totalFeaturesProcessed >= size);

         * @see java.util.Iterator#next()
        public Instance next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            Instance instance =;
            return new StreamGmlInstance(instance, totalFeaturesProcessed++);

         * @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.ResourceIterator#close()
        public void close() {
            if (iterator != null) {
                iterator = null;
                currentCollection = null;

         * @return true if all results from the original WFS request have been
         *         retrieved
        public boolean isClosed() {
            return iterator == null;

         * @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.ext.InstanceIterator#typePeek()
        public TypeDefinition typePeek() {
            if (hasNext()) {
                return iterator.typePeek();

            return null;

         * @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.ext.InstanceIterator#supportsTypePeek()
        public boolean supportsTypePeek() {
            return true;

         * @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.ext.InstanceIterator#skip()
        public void skip() {
            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            } else {
                if (hasNext()) {

