Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 The Planets Project Partners.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying 
 * materials are made available under the terms of the 
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 which accompanies 
 * this distribution, and is available at 
package eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIPanel;
import javax.faces.component.UIParameter;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities;

import eu.planets_project.tb.api.TestbedManager;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.BasicProperties;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.Experiment;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ExperimentEvaluation;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ExperimentExecutable;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ExperimentPhase;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ExperimentReport;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ExperimentSetup;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.benchmark.BenchmarkGoal;
import eu.planets_project.tb.api.model.ontology.OntologyProperty;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.UserBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.DigitalObjectBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.EvaluationPropertyResultsBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.ExpTypeBackingBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.ExperimentStageBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.MeasurementPropertyResultsBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.NewExpWizardController;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.exp.ResultsForDigitalObjectBean;
import eu.planets_project.tb.gui.util.JSFUtil;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.AdminManagerImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.chart.ExperimentChartServlet;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.exceptions.InvalidInputException;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.ExperimentImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.ExperimentReportImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.PropertyEvaluationRecordImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.PropertyRunEvaluationRecordImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.exec.BatchExecutionRecordImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.exec.ExecutionRecordImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.exec.ExecutionStageRecordImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.finals.DigitalObjectTypesImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.measure.MeasurementImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.ontology.OntologyHandlerImpl;
import eu.planets_project.tb.impl.model.ontology.util.OntoPropertyUtil;

 * @author <a href="">Andrew Lindley</a>
 * @since 03.04.2009
public class ExperimentBean {

    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_1 = 1;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_2 = 2;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_3 = 3;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTAPPROVAL = 4;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTEXECUTION = 5;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTEVALUATION = 6;
    public static final int PHASE_EXPERIMENTFINALIZED = 7;

    // To avoid the data held here falling out of date, store the experiment:
    Experiment exp = null;

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExperimentBean.class);
    private long id;
    private boolean formality = true;
    private String ename = new String();
    private String esummary = new String();
    private String econtactname = new String();
    private String econtactemail = new String();
    private String econtacttel = new String();
    private String econtactaddress = new String();
    private String epurpose = new String();
    private String efocus = new String();
    private String eparticipants = new String();

    private String exid = new String();
    private ArrayList<String> eref = new ArrayList<String>();
    private String erefFinder = new String();

    private ArrayList<String> litrefdesc = new ArrayList<String>();
    private ArrayList<String> litrefuri = new ArrayList<String>();
    private ArrayList<String> litreftitle = new ArrayList<String>();
    private ArrayList<String> litrefauthor = new ArrayList<String>();

    private String escope = new String();
    private String eapproach = new String();
    private String econsiderations = new String();
    //the selected TBServiceTemplate's ID
    private TestbedServiceTemplate selSerTemplate;
    private String sSelSerTemplateID = "";
    private String sSelSerOperationName = "";
    private UIComponent panelAddedSerTags = new UIPanel();
    private UIComponent panelAddedFiles = new UIPanel();
    private boolean bOperationSelectionCompleted = false;

    //contains the overall experiment Benchmarks. Map<BMGoal.ID, BenchmarkBean>
    private Map<String, BenchmarkBean> experimentBenchmarks = new HashMap<String, BenchmarkBean>();
    private String intensity = "0";

    //contains the benchmarks per file basis. Map<InputFileURI+BMGoalID, BenchmarkBean>
    private Map<String, BenchmarkBean> fileBenchmarks = new HashMap<String, BenchmarkBean>();
    boolean bAnyAutoEvalConfigured = false;

    //The input file refs with Map<Position+"",localFileRef>
    private Map<String, String> inputData = new HashMap<String, String>();
    //distinguish between migration and characterisation output results
    //output in the form of localInputFile Ref and localFileRef/String
    private Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>> outputData = new Vector<Map.Entry<String, String>>();
    //the external file refs provided for step evaluate experiment
    private List<String> evaluationData = new ArrayList<String>();

    private int currStage = ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_1;
    private boolean approved = false;

    private List<String> dtype = new ArrayList<String>();
    private List<SelectItem> dtypeList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    private DigitalObjectTypesImpl dtypeImpl = new DigitalObjectTypesImpl();
    private List<String[]> fullDtypes = new ArrayList<String[]>();

    private ExecutionRecordImpl selectedExecutionRecord = null;
    private BatchExecutionRecordImpl selectedBatchExecutionRecord = null;
    private String selectedDigitalObject = null;
    private ExperimentStageBean selectedStage;

    private String ereportTitle;
    private String ereportBody;

    private int expRating = 0;
    private int serviceRating = 0;

    //a list of added annotationTagNames to restrict the displayed services
    private Map<String, ServiceTag> mapAnnotTagVals = new HashMap<String, ServiceTag>();
    //triggers the XMLResponds in case of an error for stage6
    private boolean bRenderXMLResponds = false;

    private long numExecutions;

    public ExperimentBean() {
        /*experimentBenchmarks = new HashMap<String,BenchmarkBean>();
        Iterator iter = BenchmarkGoalsHandlerImpl.getInstance().getAllBenchmarkGoals().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
           BenchmarkGoal bm = (BenchmarkGoal);
           experimentBenchmarks.put(bm.getID(), new BenchmarkBean(bm));

        fullDtypes = dtypeImpl.getAlLDtypes();

        for (int i = 0; i < fullDtypes.size(); i++) {

            String[] tmp = fullDtypes.get(i);

            SelectItem option = new SelectItem(tmp[0], tmp[1]);

        // Add in default data:
        UserBean user = (UserBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("UserBean");

        // Default spaces:
        // log"New ExperimentBean constructed.");

    public void setUserData(UserBean user) {
        if (user != null) {
            this.eparticipants = user.getUserid();
            this.econtactname = user.getFullname();
            this.econtactemail = user.getEmail();
            this.econtacttel = user.getTelephone();
            this.econtactaddress = user.getAddress();
        } else {
            log.error("Attempted to re-fill user data with a null user.");

    public void fill(Experiment exp) {"Filling the ExperimentBean with experiment: "
                + exp.getExperimentSetup().getBasicProperties().getExperimentName() + " ID:" + exp.getEntityID());
        log.debug("Experiment Phase Name = " + exp.getPhaseName());
        log.debug("Experiment Current Phase " + exp.getCurrentPhase());
        if (exp.getCurrentPhase() != null)
            log.debug("Experiment Current Phase Stage is " + exp.getCurrentPhase().getState());

        this.exp = exp;
        ExperimentSetup expsetup = exp.getExperimentSetup();
        BasicProperties props = expsetup.getBasicProperties(); = exp.getEntityID();
        this.ename = (props.getExperimentName());
        this.escope = (props.getScope());
        this.econsiderations = (props.getConsiderations());
        this.econtactaddress = (props.getContactAddress());
        this.econtactemail = (props.getContactMail());
        this.econtacttel = (props.getContactTel());
        this.econtactname = (props.getContactName());

        // references
        this.exid = props.getExternalReferenceID();

        List<String[]> lit = props.getAllLiteratureReferences();
        if (lit != null && !lit.isEmpty()) {
            this.litrefdesc = new ArrayList<String>(lit.size());
            this.litrefuri = new ArrayList<String>(lit.size());
            this.litreftitle = new ArrayList<String>(lit.size());
            this.litrefauthor = new ArrayList<String>(lit.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < lit.size(); i++) {
                this.litrefdesc.add(i, lit.get(i)[0]);
                this.litrefuri.add(i, lit.get(i)[1]);
                this.litreftitle.add(i, lit.get(i)[2]);
                this.litrefauthor.add(i, lit.get(i)[3]);

        List<Long> refs = props.getExperimentReferences();
        if (refs != null && !refs.isEmpty()) {
            this.eref = new ArrayList<String>(refs.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < refs.size(); i++)
                this.eref.add(i, "" + refs.get(i));
        List<String> involvedUsers = props.getInvolvedUserIds();
        String partpnts = " ";
        for (int i = 0; i < involvedUsers.size(); i++) {
            partpnts += involvedUsers.get(i);
            if (i < involvedUsers.size() - 1)
                partpnts += ", ";

        this.eparticipants = partpnts;

        String Test = props.getExternalReferenceID();

        this.exid = (Test);

        this.efocus = (props.getFocus());

        this.epurpose = (props.getPurpose());
        this.esummary = (props.getSummary());
        this.formality = props.isExperimentFormal();

        //get already added TestbedServiceTemplate data
        log.debug("fill expBean: executable = " + exp.getExperimentExecutable());
        if (exp.getExperimentExecutable() != null) {
            ExperimentExecutable executable = exp.getExperimentExecutable();
            this.selSerTemplate = executable.getServiceTemplate();
            if (selSerTemplate != null)
                this.sSelSerTemplateID = selSerTemplate.getUUID();
            this.sSelSerOperationName = executable.getSelectedServiceOperationName();
            this.bOperationSelectionCompleted = true;
            if (executable.isExecutionSuccess()) {
                //uses the executable to get the data
                this.outputData = exp.getExperimentExecutable().getOutputDataEntries();

        //fill the file benchmarks"Looking for BMGs... ");
        try {
            if (exp.getCurrentPhase() instanceof ExperimentEvaluation) {
                if (this.inputData != null) {

                    //iterate over all input files
                    for (String localFileRef : this.inputData.values()) {
                        // Clean up the localFileRef, so that the TB can cope with it's data store being moved.
                        //store a set of file BMGoals for every record item
                        DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();
                        DigitalObjectRefBean dorb = dh.get(localFileRef);
                        if (dorb != null) {
                            URI inputFileURI = dorb.getDownloadUri();
                            Collection<BenchmarkGoal> colFileBMGoals = exp.getExperimentEvaluation()
                            if (colFileBMGoals == null)
                                throw new Exception(
                                        "Exception while setting file benchmarks for record: " + inputFileURI);

                            for (BenchmarkGoal bmg : colFileBMGoals) {
                      "Found fileBMG: " + bmg.getName());
                      "Found " + bmg.getID());
                                //now crate the bmb out of the bmg
                                BenchmarkBean bmb = new BenchmarkBean(bmg);
                                if ((bmb.getSourceValue() == null) || (bmb.getSourceValue().equals("")))
                                if ((bmb.getTargetValue() == null) || (bmb.getTargetValue().equals("")))

                                //now add the file bmbs for this experimentbean
                                fileBenchmarks.put(inputFileURI + bmb.getID(), bmb);

            //fill the experiment overall benchmarks
            Collection<BenchmarkGoal> lbmbs;
            if (exp.getCurrentPhase() instanceof ExperimentEvaluation) {
                //get the data from the evaluation phase
                lbmbs = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getEvaluatedExperimentBenchmarkGoals();
      "Found eval #BMGs = " + lbmbs.size());
      "Found pre-eval #BMGs = " + exp.getExperimentSetup().getAllAddedBenchmarkGoals().size());
                // if none, get the data from the setup phase
                if (lbmbs.size() == 0)
                    lbmbs = exp.getExperimentSetup().getAllAddedBenchmarkGoals();
            } else {
                //get the data from the setup phase
                lbmbs = exp.getExperimentSetup().getAllAddedBenchmarkGoals();
      "Found pre-eval #BMGs = " + lbmbs.size());
            for (BenchmarkGoal bmg : lbmbs) {
      "Found BMG: " + bmg.getName());
      "Found " + bmg.getID());
                BenchmarkBean bmb = new BenchmarkBean(bmg);
                experimentBenchmarks.put(bmg.getID(), bmb);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception during attempt to create ExperimentBean for: " + e.toString());
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

        String intensity = Integer.toString(exp.getExperimentSetup().getExperimentResources().getIntensity());
        if (intensity != null && intensity != "-1")
            this.intensity = intensity;
        // determine current Stage
        ExperimentPhase currPhaseObj = exp.getCurrentPhase();
        if (currPhaseObj != null) {
            String currPhase = currPhaseObj.getPhaseName();
            if (currPhase.equals(ExperimentPhase.PHASENAME_EXPERIMENTSETUP)) {
                this.currStage = exp.getExperimentSetup().getSubStage();
            } else if (currPhase.equals(ExperimentPhase.PHASENAME_EXPERIMENTAPPROVAL)) {
                this.currStage = ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTAPPROVAL;
            } else if (currPhase.equals(ExperimentPhase.PHASENAME_EXPERIMENTEXECUTION)) {
                this.currStage = ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTEXECUTION;
            } else if (currPhase.equals(ExperimentPhase.PHASENAME_EXPERIMENTEVALUATION)) {
                this.currStage = ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTEVALUATION;
            } else if (currPhase.equals(ExperimentPhase.PHASENAME_EXPERIMENTFINALIZED)) {
                this.currStage = ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTFINALIZED;
        if (currStage > ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_3) {
            approved = true;
        } else {
            approved = false;

        this.dtype = props.getDigiTypes();

        // Set the report up:
        this.ereportTitle = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentReport().getHeader();
        this.ereportBody = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentReport().getBodyText();
        this.evaluationData = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getExternalEvaluationDocuments();

        //deal with ratings
        this.expRating = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentRating();
        this.serviceRating = exp.getExperimentEvaluation().getServiceRating();

    public String redirectToCurrentStage() {
        return "success";

    public Map<String, BenchmarkBean> getExperimentBenchmarks() {
        return experimentBenchmarks;

     * Please note the String (key) is composed by the Input file's URI+BMGoalID
     * @return
    public Map<String, BenchmarkBean> getFileBenchmarkBeans() {
        return this.fileBenchmarks;

    public List<BenchmarkBean> getExperimentBenchmarkBeans() {
        return new ArrayList<BenchmarkBean>(experimentBenchmarks.values());

     * It's only possible to add/remove experiment overall benchmark beans.
     * File BMBs are identically and are cloned from them
     * @param bmb
    public void addBenchmarkBean(BenchmarkBean bmb) {
        this.experimentBenchmarks.put(bmb.getID(), bmb);

     * It's only possible to add/remove experiment overall benchmark beans.
     * File BMBs are identically and are cloned from them
     * @param bmb
    public void deleteBenchmarkBean(BenchmarkBean bmb) {

     * It's only possible to add/remove experiment overall benchmark beans.
     * File BMBs are identically and are cloned from them
     * @param bmb
    public void setBenchmarks(Map<String, BenchmarkBean> bms) {
        this.experimentBenchmarks = bms;

     * Returns the selected service template UUID
     * @return
    public String getSelectedServiceTemplateID() {
        if (selSerTemplate != null)
            return selSerTemplate.getUUID();
            return this.sSelSerTemplateID;

    public void setSelServiceTemplateID(String sID) {
        this.sSelSerTemplateID = sID;

    public void setSelectedServiceOperationName(String sName) {
        this.sSelSerOperationName = sName;

    public String getSelectedServiceOperationName() {
        return this.sSelSerOperationName;

     * Sets the selected object's id and also fetches the object from the registry
     * @param sID
    public void setSelectedServiceTemplate(String sID) {
        ServiceTemplateRegistry registry = ServiceTemplateRegistryImpl.getInstance();
        this.selSerTemplate = registry.getServiceByID(sID);

    public TestbedServiceTemplate getSelectedServiceTemplate() {
        return this.selSerTemplate;

    public void removeSelectedServiceTemplate() {
        this.selSerTemplate = null;
        this.sSelSerTemplateID = null;
        this.sSelSerOperationName = null;

    public ServiceOperation getSelectedServiceOperation() {
        if (this.selSerTemplate != null) {
            TestbedServiceTemplate template = this.getSelectedServiceTemplate();
            List<String> allOpNames = template.getAllServiceOperationNames();
            String selOpName = this.getSelectedServiceOperationName();
            //template contains no operations
            if (allOpNames.size() == 0)
                return null;
            //template is being changed - select first op as selected
            if (!allOpNames.contains(selOpName)) {

            return template.getServiceOperation(this.getSelectedServiceOperationName());
        return null;

     * Get a copy of the experiment underneath this bean.
     * @return The Experiment this Bean wraps.
    public Experiment getExperiment() {
        return exp;

    public void setExperiment(Experiment exp) {
        this.exp = exp;

     * Returns a Map of added file Refs
     * Map<position+"",fileRef>
     * @return
    public Map<String, String> getExperimentInputData() {
        log.debug("getting experiment input data: " + this.inputData);
        return this.inputData;

    //public Map<String,String> getExperimentEvaluationData() {
    //    log.debug("getting experiment evaluation data: "+this.evaluationData);
    //    return this.evaluationData;

     * fetches a jsf usable list of the experimentInputData values 
     * @return
    public List<DigitalObjectBean> getExperimentInputDataValues() {
        List<DigitalObjectBean> ret = new ArrayList<DigitalObjectBean>();
        for (String val : this.getExperimentInputData().values()) {
            DigitalObjectBean digoBean = new DigitalObjectBean(val);
        return ret;

    //public List<DigitalObjectBean> getExperimentEvaluationDataValues(){
    //   List<DigitalObjectBean> ret = new ArrayList<DigitalObjectBean>();
    //   for(String val : this.getExperimentEvaluationData().values()){
    //      DigitalObjectBean digoBean = new DigitalObjectBean(val);
    //      ret.add(digoBean);
    //   }
    //   return ret;

     * Get the list of files as a simple String collection.
     * @return
    public Collection<String> getExperimentInputDataFiles() {
        return this.inputData.values();

    //public Collection<String> getExperimentEvaluationDataFiles() {
    //    return this.evaluationData.values();

     * Returns a map containing the input data's uri as key and its corresponding
     * original logical file name as value
     * e.g. Collection<Map<"http://../planets-testbed/inputdata/fdsljfsdierw.doc,"data1.doc">>
     * This is used to render as dataTable within the GUI
     * @return
    public Collection<Map<String, String>> getExperimentInputDataNamesAndURIs() {
        return helperGetDataNamesAndURIS("design experiment");

     * Returns a map containing the evaluation data's uri as key and its corresponding
     * original logical file name as value
     * e.g. Collection<Map<"http://../planets-testbed/inputdata/fdsljfsdierw.doc,"data1.doc">>
     * This is used to render as dataTable within the GUI
     * @return
    public Collection<Map<String, String>> getExperimentEvaluationDataNamesAndURIs() {
        return helperGetDataNamesAndURIS("evaluate expeirment");

    private Collection<Map<String, String>> helperGetDataNamesAndURIS(String expStage) {
        Collection<Map<String, String>> ret = new Vector<Map<String, String>>();
        DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();

        //when we're calling this in design experiment -> fetch the input data refs
        if (expStage.equals("design experiment")) {
            Map<String, String> localFileRefs = this.getExperimentInputData();
            for (String key : localFileRefs.keySet()) {
                boolean found = false;
                try {
                    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    //retrieve URI
                    String fInput = localFileRefs.get(key);
                    DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(fInput);
                    if (dobr != null) {
                        URI uri = dobr.getDownloadUri();
                        map.put("uri", uri.toString());
                        map.put("name", this.createShortDoName(dobr));
                        map.put("inputID", key);
                        found = true;
                    } else {
                        log.error("Digital Object " + key + " could not be found!");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                // Catch lost items...
                if (!found) {
                    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    String fInput = localFileRefs.get(key);
                    map.put("uri", fInput);
                    map.put("name", "ERROR: Digital Object Not Found: " + getLeafnameFromPath(fInput));
                    map.put("inputID", key);
        //when we're calling this in evaluate experiment -> fetch the external eval data refs
        if (expStage.equals("evaluate expeirment") && this.getEvaluationExternalDigoRefs() != null) {
            for (String digoRef : this.getEvaluationExternalDigoRefs()) {
                try {
                    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(digoRef);
                    if (dobr != null) {
                        URI uri = dobr.getDownloadUri();
                        map.put("uri", uri.toString());
                        map.put("name", this.createShortDoName(dobr));
                        map.put("inputID", dobr.getDomUri() + "");
                    } else {
                        log.error("Digital Object " + digoRef + " could not be found!");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        return ret;

     * returns the digital objects that are uploaded in step: evaluate experiment
     * @return
    public List<String> getEvaluationExternalDigoRefs() {
        return this.evaluationData;

    public void removeEvaluationExternalDigoRef(String digoRef) {

    public void addEvaluationExternalDigoRef(String digoRef) {

    //public Collection<Map<String,String>> getExperimentEvaluationDataNamesAndURIs(){
    //   Collection<Map<String,String>> ret = new Vector<Map<String,String>>();
    //   DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();
    //   Map<String, String> localFileRefs = this.getExperimentEvaluationData();
    //   for( String key : localFileRefs.keySet() ) {
    //      try {
    //         Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
    //         //retrieve URI
    //          String fInput = localFileRefs.get(key);
    //          DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(fInput);
    //          if(dobr != null ) {
    //         URI uri = dobr.getDownloadUri();
    //         map.put("uri", uri.toString()) ;
    //         map.put("name", this.createShortDoName(dobr) );
    //         map.put("inputID", key);
    //         ret.add(map);
    //          } else {
    //             log.error("Digital Object "+key+" could not be found!");
    //          }
    //      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    //         log.error(e.toString());
    //      }
    //   }
    //   return ret;

     * @param name
     * @return
    private String createShortDoName(DigitalObjectRefBean dobr) {
        String name = dobr.getName();
        if (name == null)
            return dobr.getDomUri().getPath();
        if (name == null)
            return "no-name";
        return this.getLeafnameFromPath(name);

    private String getLeafnameFromPath(String name) {
        int lastSlash = name.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (lastSlash != -1) {
            return name.substring(lastSlash + 1, name.length());
        return name;

     * Used to package execution results by digital object.
     * @return
    public List<ResultsForDigitalObjectBean> getExperimentDigitalObjectResults() {"Looking for results...");
        List<ResultsForDigitalObjectBean> results = new Vector<ResultsForDigitalObjectBean>();
        Collection<String> runOnes = new HashSet<String>();
        // Populate using the results:
        Set<BatchExecutionRecordImpl> records = getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                .getBatchExecutionRecords();"Found batch list: " + records);
        if (records != null && records.size() > 0) {
  "Found batches: " + records.size());
            BatchExecutionRecordImpl batch = records.iterator().next();
            for (ExecutionRecordImpl exr : batch.getRuns()) {
      "Found result: " + exr.getResultType());
                ResultsForDigitalObjectBean res = new ResultsForDigitalObjectBean(
                // Collate successes:
      "Recorded result for: " + exr.getDigitalObjectReferenceCopy());
        // Patch in any input files which are not represented. 
        for (String file : getExperimentInputData().values()) {
            file = normaliseDataReference(file);
  "Checking for results for " + file);
            if (!runOnes.contains(file)) {
                ResultsForDigitalObjectBean res = new ResultsForDigitalObjectBean(file);
      "Adding missing result for: " + file);

        // Now return the results:
        return results;

    private static String normaliseDataReference(String inUri) {
        URI uri;
        try {
            uri = new URI(inUri);
            return uri.normalize().toASCIIString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not normalise: " + inUri);
        return inUri;

     * Returns the position where this item has been added
     * @param localFileRef
     * @return
    public String addExperimentInputData(String localFileRef) {
        log.debug("Adding input file: " + localFileRef);
        String key = getNextInputDataKey();
        if (!this.inputData.values().contains(localFileRef)) {
            this.inputData.put(key, localFileRef);
            // Also add to UI component:
            UIComponent panel = this.getPanelAddedFiles();
            this.helperCreateRemoveFileElement(panel, localFileRef, key);
            return key;
        } else {
  "InputData contains " + localFileRef);
            return null;

    public void removeExperimentInputData(String key) {
        if (this.inputData.containsKey(key)) {
  "Removed input data matching key: " + key + " : " + this.inputData.get(key));
        } else {
            log.warn("Could not remove input data, no matching key for " + key);

    //public String addExperimentEvaluationData(String localFileRef) {
    //    log.debug("Adding evaluation file: "+localFileRef);
    //   String key = getNextEvaluationDataKey();
    //   if(!this.evaluationData.values().contains(localFileRef)){
    //      this.evaluationData.put(key, localFileRef);
    //      this.exp.getExperimentExecutable().addEvaluationData(localFileRef);
    //      this.updateExperiment();
    // Also add to UI component:
    //      UIComponent panel = this.getPanelAddedFiles();
    //      this.helperCreateRemoveFileElement(panel, localFileRef, key);
    //        return key;
    //   } else {
    //"EvaluationData contains "+localFileRef);
    //       return null;
    //    }

    //public void removeExperimentEvaluationData(String key){
    //   if(this.inputData.containsKey(key)){
    //       this.exp.getExperimentExecutable().removeInputData(this.inputData.get(key));
    //"Removed evaluation data matching key: "+key+" : "+this.inputData.get(key));
    //        this.inputData.remove(key);
    //   } else {
    //       log.warn("Could not remove input data, no matching key for "+key);
    //   }

    public void removeAllExperimentInputData() {
        this.inputData = new HashMap<String, String>();
        //remove all added delete-link GUI elements

     * As the InputData HashMap should be filled up with IDs without any 
     * gap, this method is used to find the next possible key
     * @return
    private String getNextInputDataKey() {
        boolean bFound = true;
        int count = 0;
        while (bFound) {
            // Check if the current key is already in use: 
            if (this.inputData.containsKey(count + "")) {
            } else {
                bFound = false;
        log.debug("Returning input data key: " + count + " / " + inputData.size());
        return count + "";

    //private String getNextEvaluationDataKey(){
    //   boolean bFound = true;
    //   int count = 0;
    //   while(bFound){
    //      // Check if the current key is already in use: 
    //      if(this.evaluationData.containsKey(count+"")){
    //           count++;
    //      }
    //      else{
    //            bFound = false;
    //      }
    //   }
    //   log.debug("Returning input data key: "+count+" / "+evaluationData.size());
    //   return count+"";

    public void setOutputData(Collection<Entry<String, String>> data) {
        this.outputData = data;

     * Returns the data used in the experiment's input-output data table
     * @return
    public Collection<Map<String, Object>> getIOTableDataForGUI() {
        //Entry of inputComponent, outputComponent
        Collection<Map<String, Object>> ret = new Vector<Map<String, Object>>();
        Iterator<Entry<String, String>> itData = this.outputData.iterator();

        DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();
        while (itData.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, String> entry =;
            String input = entry.getKey();
            String output = entry.getValue();

            //mixing different objects within this map
            HashMap<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            //For the Input:
            try {
                //test: convert input to URI
                DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(input);
                URI uriInput = dobr.getDownloadUri();
                //add "inputURI" and "inputName" into ret hashmap
                hm.put("input", uriInput.toString());
                hm.put("inputName", dobr.getName());
                hm.put("inputTypeURI", "URI");

            } catch (Exception e) {
                //this input was not a file or fileRef not readable  - display as text
                hm.put("input", input);
                hm.put("inputName", null);
                hm.put("inputTypeURI", null);

            //For the Output:
            try {
                //test: convert output to URI
                DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(output);
                URI uriOutput = dobr.getDownloadUri();
                //add "outputURI" and "outputName" "outputType" into ret hashmap
                hm.put("output", uriOutput.toString());
                hm.put("outputName", dobr.getName());
                hm.put("outputTypeURI", "URI");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //this input was not a file or fileRef not readable  - display as text
                hm.put("output", output);
                hm.put("outputName", null);
                hm.put("outputType", null);

            //panel control, only first item is displayed as opened
            if (ret.size() < 1) {
                hm.put("panelOpened", "true");
            } else {
                hm.put("panelOpened", "false");

            //add the fileBenchmarkBeans (as List) for evaluation
            List<BenchmarkBean> lFileBMGs = new ArrayList<BenchmarkBean>();
            for (String key : this.fileBenchmarks.keySet()) {
            hm.put("fileBMGoals", lFileBMGs);

        return ret;

    public void processFileBMGoalTargetValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce) {
        processFileBMGoalValueChange(vce, "tar");

    public void processFileBMGoalSrcValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce) {
        processFileBMGoalValueChange(vce, "src");

    public void processFileBMGoalEvalValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce) {
        processFileBMGoalValueChange(vce, "eval");

     * Sets a new src,target or evaluation value for a given File-BenchmarkGoal 
     * @param vce
    private void processFileBMGoalValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce, String sSrcOrTarget) {
        String sInputFile = null, sBMGoalID = null;
        for (UIComponent comp : ((List<UIComponent>) vce.getComponent().getChildren())) {
            try {
                UIParameter param = (UIParameter) comp;
                if (param.getName().equals("forInputFile")) {
                    sInputFile = param.getValue().toString();
                if (param.getName().equals("forBMgoalID")) {
                    sBMGoalID = param.getValue().toString();
            } catch (Exception ex) {

        //now set the new values
        try {
            if ((sInputFile != null) && (sBMGoalID != null)) {
                BenchmarkBean fbmb = this.fileBenchmarks.get(sInputFile + sBMGoalID);

                if (sSrcOrTarget.equals("src")) {
                    if (fbmb.checkInputValueValid(vce.getNewValue().toString())) {
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(vce.getNewValue().toString());
                if (sSrcOrTarget.equals("tar")) {
                    if (fbmb.checkInputValueValid(vce.getNewValue().toString())) {
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(vce.getNewValue().toString());
                if (sSrcOrTarget.equals("eval"))
            } else {
                throw new Exception();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //can't use the standard renderResponse life-cycle with Ajax within a JSF Table
            /*FacesMessage fmsg = new FacesMessage();
             fmsg.setDetail("value:"+e.toString()+" not a valid!");
             fmsg.setSummary("value:"+e.toString()+" not a valid!");
             FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            log.error("entered data: "+e.toString()+" not validated properly");*/

    public String getNumberOfOutput() {
        return this.outputData.size() + "";

    public int getNumberOfInputFiles() {
        return this.inputData.values().size();

    //public int getNumberOfEvaluationFiles(){
    //   return this.evaluationData.values().size();

    public void setIntensity(String intensity) {
        this.intensity = intensity;

    public String getIntensity() {
        return this.intensity;

    public void setID(long id) { = id;

    public long getID() {

    public void setFormality(boolean formality) {
        this.formality = formality;

    public boolean getFormality() {
        return formality;

    public void setEname(String ename) {
        this.ename = ename;

    public String getEname() {
        return ename;

    public void setEsummary(String esummary) {
        this.esummary = esummary;

    public String getEsummary() {
        return esummary;

    public String getEcontactname() {
        return econtactname;

    public void setEcontactname(String econtactname) {
        this.econtactname = econtactname;

    public String getEcontactemail() {
        return econtactemail;

    public void setEcontactemail(String econtactemail) {
        this.econtactemail = econtactemail;

    public String getEcontacttel() {
        return econtacttel;

    public void setEcontacttel(String econtacttel) {
        this.econtacttel = econtacttel;

    public String getEcontactaddress() {
        return econtactaddress;

    public void setEcontactaddress(String econtactaddress) {
        this.econtactaddress = econtactaddress;

    public String getEpurpose() {
        return epurpose;

    public void setEpurpose(String epurpose) {
        this.epurpose = epurpose;

    public String getEfocus() {
        return efocus;

    public void setEfocus(String efocus) {
        this.efocus = efocus;

    public String getEscope() {
        return escope;

    public void setEscope(String escope) {
        this.escope = escope;

    public String getEapproach() {
        return eapproach;

    public void setEapproach(String eapproach) {
        this.eapproach = eapproach;

    public String getEconsiderations() {
        return econsiderations;

    public void setEconsiderations(String econsiderations) {
        this.econsiderations = econsiderations;

    public void setEtype(String type) {"Setting experiment type to: " + type);
        try {
        } catch (InvalidInputException e) {

    public void setMigrationType() {

    public void setPlanType() {

    public void setEmulationType() {

    public String getEtype() {
        if (this.exp != null && this.exp.getExperimentSetup() != null) {
  "Getting EtypeID:" + this.exp.getExperimentSetup().getExperimentTypeID());
  "Also EtypeName:" + this.exp.getExperimentSetup().getExperimentTypeName());
            return this.exp.getExperimentSetup().getExperimentTypeID();
        return "";

    public String getEtypeName() {
        return this.exp.getExperimentSetup().getExperimentTypeName();

    public int getCurrentStage() {
        return this.currStage;

    public void setCurrentStage(int cs) {
        this.currStage = cs;

    public boolean getApproved() {
        return approved;

    public void setApproved(boolean approved) {
        this.approved = approved;

    public void setExid(String exid) {
        this.exid = exid;

    public String getExid() {
        return this.exid;

    public void setLitRefDesc(ArrayList<String> litref) {
        this.litrefdesc = litref;

    public ArrayList<String> getLitRefDesc() {
        return this.litrefdesc;

    public void setLitRefURI(ArrayList<String> uri) {
        this.litrefuri = uri;

    public ArrayList<String> getLitRefURI() {
        return this.litrefuri;

    public void setLitRefAuthor(ArrayList<String> author) {
        this.litrefauthor = author;

    public ArrayList<String> getLitRefAuthor() {
        return this.litrefauthor;

    public void setLitRefTitle(ArrayList<String> title) {
        this.litreftitle = title;

    public ArrayList<String> getLitRefTitle() {
        return this.litreftitle;

    public void addLitRefSpot() {
        // Add space for another lit ref:

    public void setEparticipants(String eparticipants) {
        this.eparticipants = eparticipants;

    public String getEparticipants() {
        return this.eparticipants;

    public ArrayList<String> getEref() {
        return eref;

    public ArrayList<Experiment> getErefBeans() {
        ArrayList<Experiment> ert = new ArrayList<Experiment>();
        TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");
        for (int i = 0; i < this.eref.size(); i++) {
            Experiment erp = testbedMan.getExperiment((Long.parseLong(this.eref.get(i))));
            ert.add(i, erp);
        return ert;

    public void setEref(ArrayList<String> eref) {
        this.eref = eref;

    public Collection<SelectItem> getAllExperimentsSelectItems() {
        TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");

        ArrayList<SelectItem> expList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        Collection<Experiment> allExps = testbedMan.getAllExperiments();
        for (Experiment exp : allExps) {
            SelectItem item = new SelectItem();
            item.setValue("" + exp.getEntityID());
            if (exp.getEntityID() != this.getID())
        return expList;

    public List<String> getDtype() {
        return dtype;

    public void setDtype(List<String> dtype) {
        this.dtype = dtype;

    public List<SelectItem> getDtypeList() {
        if (dtypeList == null)
            return new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        return dtypeList;

    public void setDtypeList(List<SelectItem> dtypeList) {
        this.dtypeList = dtypeList;

     * Gets a list of all the phases of this experiment.
     * @return List of ExperimentPhaseBean, one for each possible Phase.
    public List<ExperimentPhaseBean> getPhaseBeans() {
        return java.util.Arrays.asList(getPhaseBeanArray());

    private ExperimentPhaseBean[] getPhaseBeanArray() {
        // TODO ANJ Surely there is a better way of organising this:
        log.debug("Building array of ExperimentPhaseBeans");
        ExperimentPhaseBean[] phaseBeans = new ExperimentPhaseBean[7];
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_1] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_2] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_3] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTAPPROVAL] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTEXECUTION] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        phaseBeans[ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTEVALUATION] = new ExperimentPhaseBean(this,
        return phaseBeans;

    public String getCurrentPhaseName() {
        return exp.getCurrentPhase().getPhaseName();

    public boolean isFinished() {
        if (this.currStage == ExperimentBean.PHASE_EXPERIMENTFINALIZED) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public String getReportHeader() {
        log.debug("get Report Header: " + this.ereportTitle);
        return this.ereportTitle;

    public void setReportHeader(String text) {
        this.ereportTitle = text;
        ExperimentReport exReport = this.getExperiment().getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentReport();

    public String getReportBody() {
        return this.ereportBody;

    public void setReportBody(String text) {
        ExperimentReport exReport = this.getExperiment().getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentReport();
        this.ereportBody = text;

    private void initExpReport() {
        if (this.getExperiment().getExperimentEvaluation().getExperimentReport() == null) {
            ExperimentReport exReport = new ExperimentReportImpl();


    public int getExpRating() {
        return this.expRating;

    public void setExpRating(int rating) {

        this.expRating = rating;
        //set the rating for this experiment
        //also treat the experimenter's rating as first user vote
        UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("UserBean");
        this.getExperiment().setUserRatingForExperiment(currentUser.getUserid(), (double) this.expRating);

    public int getServiceRating() {
        return this.serviceRating;

    public void setServiceRating(int rating) {

        this.serviceRating = rating;

     * Helper to load already entered input data from the experiment's executable
     * into this backing bean
     * @param fileRefs
    private void helperLoadInputData(Collection<String> fileRefs) {
        // Use a new, empty panel:
        this.panelAddedFiles = new UIPanel();
        Iterator<String> itFileRefs = fileRefs.iterator();
        int i = 0;
        while (itFileRefs.hasNext()) {
            log.debug("helperLoadInputData: adding file: " + i);
            String fileRef =;
            this.inputData.put(i + "", fileRef);
            // Also add an item to the panel:
            helperCreateRemoveFileElement(this.panelAddedFiles, fileRef, i + "");

    public boolean isOperationSelectionCompleted() {
        if (this.currStage <= PHASE_EXPERIMENTSETUP_2)
            return this.bOperationSelectionCompleted;
        return true;

     * Marks the process of selecting service + operation as completed
     * Note: selecting an other service or operation after this step leads to
     * loosing all added input data
     * @param b
    public void setOpartionSelectionCompleted(boolean b) {
        this.bOperationSelectionCompleted = b;

     * The panel to render all added file inputs
     * @return
    public UIComponent getPanelAddedFiles() {
        return this.panelAddedFiles;

    public void setPanelAddedFiles(UIComponent panel) {
        this.panelAddedFiles = panel;

     * The panel to restrict service selection by available tags
     * @param panel
    public void setAddedSerTags(UIComponent panel) {
        this.panelAddedSerTags = panel;

    public UIComponent getAddedSerTags() {
        return this.panelAddedSerTags;

     * Creates the JSF Elements to render a given fileRef as CommandLink within the given UIComponent
     * @param panel
     * @param fileRef
     * @param key
    public void helperCreateRemoveFileElement(UIComponent panel, String fileRef, String key) {"Looking for fileRef: " + fileRef + " w/ key: " + key);
        try {
            FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();
            //file ref
            HtmlOutputText outputText = (HtmlOutputText) facesContext.getApplication()
            DigitalObjectRefBean dobr = dh.get(fileRef);
            outputText.setValue(" " + dobr.getName());
            outputText.setId("fileName" + key);
            //file name
            HtmlOutputLink link_src = (HtmlOutputLink) facesContext.getApplication()
            link_src.setId("fileRef" + key);
            URI URIFileRef = dobr.getDownloadUri();

            //CommandLink+Icon allowing to delete this entry
            HtmlCommandLink link_remove = (HtmlCommandLink) facesContext.getApplication()
            //set the ActionMethod to the method: "commandRemoveAddedFileRef(ActionEvent e)"
            Class<?>[] parms = new Class<?>[] { ActionEvent.class };
            ExpressionFactory ef = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
            MethodExpression mb = ef.createMethodExpression(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(),
                    "#{NewExp_Controller.commandRemoveAddedFileRef}", null, parms);
            link_remove.setId("removeLink" + key);
            link_remove.setTitle("Remove this file."); // FIXME Localise this!
            //send along an helper attribute to identify which component triggered the event
            link_remove.getAttributes().put("IDint", key);
            HtmlGraphicImage image = (HtmlGraphicImage) facesContext.getApplication()
            image.setId("graphicRemove" + key);

            //add all three components

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("error building components for file removal " + e.toString());

    /*---------for step2 popup overlay-----------*/

     * Method adds a given service annotation tag and its value. Tags are
     * used to restrict the list of displayed services
    public void addAnnotationTag(ServiceTag tag) {
        if (tag != null) {
            this.mapAnnotTagVals.put(tag.getName(), tag);

     * Method removes a given service annotation tag and its value. Tags are
     * used to restrict the list of displayed services
     * @param name
    public void removeAnnotationTag(String name) {
        if (name != null) {
            if (this.mapAnnotTagVals.containsKey(name)) {
                //remove tag

     * Method removes all service annotation tags and their values, which are
     * used to restrict the list of displayed services
    public void removeAllAnnotationTags() {
        this.mapAnnotTagVals = new HashMap<String, ServiceTag>();

     * Returns a list of maps containing the selected annotation tag names and values
     * e.g. list<map<"name","author">,<"value","val1 or ""><"description","description1">..
     * @return
    public Collection<ServiceTag> getSelectedAnnotationTags() {
        return this.mapAnnotTagVals.values();

    public String getServiceXMLResponds() {
        return this.exp.getExperimentExecutable().getServiceXMLResponds();

     * Triggers: display xml responds in case of an error on page 6
     * @param b
    public void setViewXMLRespondsTrue() {
        this.bRenderXMLResponds = true;

    public void setViewXMLRespondsFalse() {
        this.bRenderXMLResponds = false;

    public boolean isViewXMLResponds() {
        return this.bRenderXMLResponds;

    private String sSelBMGoalCategoryValueToFilter = "";

     * The filter on stage3 for selecting which BMGoals to display
     * Please note the selection is already predetermined by the
     * experiment digital object type from page 1
     * @param catname
    public void setBMGoalCategoryFilterValue(String catname) {
        sSelBMGoalCategoryValueToFilter = catname;

    public String getBMGoalCategoryFilterValue() {
        return this.sSelBMGoalCategoryValueToFilter;

     * Please note the selection is already predetermined by the
     * experiment digital object type from page 1
     * @return
    public List<SelectItem> getAllBMGoalCategoriesForFilter() {
        List<SelectItem> ret = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        Iterator<String> selDigObjTypes = this.getDtype().iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (selDigObjTypes.hasNext()) {
            String SDTypeID =;
            ret.add(new SelectItem(dtypeImpl.getDtypeName(SDTypeID)));
            if (count == 0)
        ret.add(new SelectItem("disable highlighting"));
        return ret;

    public boolean isOldExperiment() {
        if (AdminManagerImpl.getInstance().isDeprecated(this.getEtype())) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public String getBGExperimentText() {
        if (this.getEtypeName() == null)
            return "";

        //would prefer to read the returned text from the backed resource file
        if (this.getEtypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("simple characterisation"))
            return "Correct Characterisation Of... ";
        if (this.getEtypeName().equalsIgnoreCase("simple migration"))
            return "Preservation Of... ";
            return "";

    /* Auto complete and ajax hooks */

     * @param query
     * @return
    public List<User> autocompleteUsers(Object query) {
        if (query == null)
            return null;
        // look for matching users:
        String qs = (String) query;
        log.debug("Looking for users that match " + qs);
        // Get all users:
        UserManager um = UserBean.getUserManager();
        // Filter this into a list of matching users:
        ArrayList<User> matches = new ArrayList<User>();
        for (User u : um.getUsers()) {
            if (u.getUsername().startsWith(qs) || u.getFirstName().startsWith(qs)
                    || u.getLastName().startsWith(qs)) {
        return matches;

     * @param query
     * @return
    public List<Experiment> autocompleteExperiments(Object query) {
        if (query == null)
            return null;
        // look for matching users:
        String qs = (String) query;
        log.debug("Looking for experiments that match " + qs);
        TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");
        List<Experiment> allExps = testbedMan.searchAllExperiments(qs);
        log.debug("Found " + allExps.size() + " matching experiment(s).");
        return allExps;

    * @return the erefFinder
    public String getErefFinder() {
        return erefFinder;

     * @param erefFinder the erefFinder to set
    public void setErefFinder(String erefFinder) {
        this.erefFinder = erefFinder;

     * @return
    public String addAnotherExpRefAction() {
        ExperimentBean expBean = (ExperimentBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("ExperimentBean");"Looking for matches.");
        List<Experiment> matches = this.autocompleteExperiments(expBean.erefFinder);"Found " + matches.size() + " matches.");
        if (matches != null && matches.size() == 1) {
            if (!expBean.eref.contains("" + matches.get(0).getEntityID())) {
                expBean.eref.add("" + matches.get(0).getEntityID());
      "Added ID:" + matches.get(0).getEntityID());
            this.erefFinder = "";
        return "success";

     * @param exp
    public String removeExpRef() {"Attempting to remove: " + expToRemove);
        if (expToRemove == null)
            return "success";"Attempting to remove: "
                + expToRemove.getExperimentSetup().getBasicProperties().getExperimentName());
        ExperimentBean expBean = (ExperimentBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("ExperimentBean");
        if (expBean.eref.contains("" + expToRemove.getEntityID()))
            expBean.eref.remove("" + expToRemove.getEntityID());
        return "success";

    private Experiment expToRemove;

     * @return the expToRemove
    public Experiment getExpToRemove() {
        return expToRemove;

     * @param expToRemove the expToRemove to set
    public void setExpToRemove(Experiment expToRemove) {
        this.expToRemove = expToRemove;

     * Indicates if an FacesMessage (e.g. error or info message) was added for the current context
     * Used for displaying source/target validation errors
     * @return
    public boolean isHasErrMessages() {
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getMessages().hasNext();

    public void setHasErrMessages(boolean b) {

    private boolean bEvalWFRunning = false;
    private Calendar cEvalWFRunningStart = new GregorianCalendar();

    public void setExecuteAutoEvalWfRunning(boolean b) {
        this.bEvalWFRunning = b;
        if (b)
            cEvalWFRunningStart = new GregorianCalendar();
        if (!b) {
            FacesMessage fmsg = new FacesMessage();
            fmsg.setDetail("auto evaluation completed");
            fmsg.setSummary("auto evaluation completed");
            FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ctx.addMessage("evalWFProgress:autoEvalButton", fmsg);

     * Indicates if/not an autoEvaluation workflow is within the process of execution
     * @return
    public boolean isExecuteAutoEvalWfRunning() {
        return this.bEvalWFRunning;

     * Indicates how long the autoEvalWF is already running
     * @return
    public String getAutoEvalWFRunningSeconds() {
        Calendar cEvalWFRunningSec = new GregorianCalendar();
        return ((cEvalWFRunningSec.getTimeInMillis() - cEvalWFRunningStart.getTimeInMillis()) / 1000) + "";

     * @return the selectedExecutionRecord
    public ExecutionRecordImpl getSelectedExecutionRecord() {
        return selectedExecutionRecord;

     * @param selectedExecutionRecord the selectedExecutionRecord to set
    public void setSelectedExecutionRecord(ExecutionRecordImpl selectedExecutionRecord) {
        if (selectedExecutionRecord != null)
  "Setting exec record: " + selectedExecutionRecord.getDigitalObjectSource());
        this.selectedExecutionRecord = selectedExecutionRecord;

     * @return the selectedBatchExecutionRecord
    public BatchExecutionRecordImpl getSelectedBatchExecutionRecord() {
        if (selectedExecutionRecord != null) {
  "Getting exec record: " + selectedBatchExecutionRecord.getRuns().size());
        } else {
            this.selectedBatchExecutionRecord = this.exp.getExperimentExecutable().getBatchExecutionRecords()
        }"Getting exec record: " + selectedBatchExecutionRecord);
        return selectedBatchExecutionRecord;

     * @param selectedBatchExecutionRecord the selectedBatchExecutionRecord to set
    public void setSelectedBatchExecutionRecord(BatchExecutionRecordImpl selectedBatchExecutionRecord) {"Setting batch record: " + selectedBatchExecutionRecord);
        if (selectedBatchExecutionRecord != null) {
  "Setting batch record runs: " + selectedBatchExecutionRecord.getRuns().size());
        }"Setting batch record: " + selectedBatchExecutionRecord);
        this.selectedBatchExecutionRecord = selectedBatchExecutionRecord;

     * @return the selectedDigitalObject
    public String getSelectedDigitalObject() {
        return selectedDigitalObject;

     * @param selectedDigitalObject the selectedDigitalObject to set
    public void setSelectedDigitalObject(String selectedDigitalObject) {
        this.selectedDigitalObject = selectedDigitalObject;

     * @return
    public List<ExperimentStageBean> getStages() {
        ExpTypeBackingBean exptype = ExpTypeBackingBean.getExpTypeBean(getEtype());
        if (exptype != null) {
            return exptype.getStageBeans();
        } else {
            log.warn("Got experiment type NULL: " + this.getEtype());
            return null;

     * @param stage
    public void setSelectedStage(ExperimentStageBean stage) {
        this.selectedStage = stage;

     * @return the selectedStage
    public ExperimentStageBean getSelectedStage() {
        if (selectedStage == null) {
            if (getStages() != null && getStages().size() > 0) {
                selectedStage = getStages().get(0);
        return selectedStage;

    public void setNumExecutions(long numExecutions) {
        this.numExecutions = numExecutions;

     * @return the number of executions
    public long getNumExecutions() {
        return this.numExecutions;

     * @param expBean
    public static boolean saveExperimentFromSession(ExperimentBean expBean) {
        // create message for name error message
        FacesMessage fmsg = new FacesMessage();
        fmsg.setDetail("Experiment name was not valid and could not be stored!");
        fmsg.setSummary("Experiment name could not be stored!");
        // Flag to catch new/existing state:
        log.debug("Checking if this is a new experiment.");
        Experiment exp = expBean.getExperiment();
        // if not yet created, create new Experiment object and new Bean
        if ((expBean.getID() <= 0)) {
            // Create new Experiment if necessary
            if (exp == null)
                exp = new ExperimentImpl();
            // Get userid info from managed bean
            UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("UserBean");
            // set current User as experimenter
            try {
                log.debug("New experiment, setting name: " + expBean.getEname());
            } catch (InvalidInputException e) {
                // add message-tag for duplicate name
                FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                ctx.addMessage("ename", fmsg);
                return false;
  "Creating a new experiment.");
            TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");
            long expId = testbedMan.registerExperiment(exp);
        log.debug("Created experiment if necessary, now passing it back.");
        return true;

    public long persistExperiment() {
        TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");
        long eid = testbedMan.registerExperiment(this.getExperiment());"Created experiment eid = " + eid);
        return eid;

    public void updateExperiment() {
        TestbedManager testbedMan = (TestbedManager) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("TestbedManager");

    private String selDigORefStep5OverviewTable = null;

    public void setSelDigitalObjectRefInStep5OverviewTable(String inputDigObjRef) {
        this.selDigORefStep5OverviewTable = inputDigObjRef;

    public String getSelDigitalObjectRefPageInStep5OverviewTable() {
        if (this.selDigORefStep5OverviewTable == null) {
            if (!this.getExperimentInputDataValues().isEmpty()) {
                selDigORefStep5OverviewTable = this.getExperimentInputDataValues().iterator().next()
        return this.selDigORefStep5OverviewTable;

    public void processDigitalObjectRefInStep5OverviewTable(ActionEvent e) {
        for (UIComponent c : e.getComponent().getChildren()) {
            if (c instanceof UIParameter) {
                UIParameter p = (UIParameter) c;
                if (p.getName().equals("selInputDataRef")) {
                    this.setSelDigitalObjectRefInStep5OverviewTable((String) p.getValue());

    //TODO continue when time, fetch digital object and use ImageThumbnail class to generate a thumbnail
    /*public String getDigitalObjectRefInStep5OverviewTableThumbnail(){
       try {
     DigitalObject digo = new DataHandlerImpl().getDigitalObject(this.getSelDigitalObjectRefPageInStep5OverviewTable());
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       return null;

     * Gathers all manual experiment results over all experiment runs for a given measurement property and a selected inputDigitalObject (selDigORefStep5OverviewTable)
     * and groups this data by the stage name  
     * @param
     * @return
    public HashMap<String, List<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean>> getAllManualExecutionRecords() {
        HashMap<String, List<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean>> ret = new HashMap<String, List<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean>>();
        for (ExperimentStageBean stage : this.getStages()) {
            ret.put(stage.getName(), this.getAllManualExecutionRecordsHelper(
                    this.getSelDigitalObjectRefPageInStep5OverviewTable(), stage.getName(), true));
        return ret;

    private List<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean> getAllManualExecutionRecordsHelper(String inputDigoRef,
            String stageName, boolean manualProps) {
        List<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean> ret = new ArrayList<MeasurementPropertyResultsBean>();
        String etype = this.getEtype();

        //1. get all measurement property IDs
        Vector<String> propertyIDs = null;
        if (manualProps) {
            //fetch the manual properties
            propertyIDs = this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable().getManualProperties(stageName);
        } else {
            //fetch the automatically measured properties
            //FIXME: not correct: still need to find out stage information for automatically measured properties
            propertyIDs = this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable().getProperties();

        //2. build the results on a per property basis
        for (String propertyID : propertyIDs) {

            MeasurementPropertyResultsBean resBean = new MeasurementPropertyResultsBean(inputDigoRef, propertyID,

            //2a. now iterate over the results and filter out the relevant ones for this property
            for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchr : this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                    .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
                Calendar runDate = batchr.getEndDate();
                for (ExecutionRecordImpl execRec : batchr.getRuns()) {
                    //filter out by the selected inputDigitalObject
                    if (execRec.getDigitalObjectReferenceCopy().equals(inputDigoRef)) {

                        for (ExecutionStageRecordImpl execStageRec : execRec.getStages()) {
                            //filter out the selected stage
                            if (execStageRec.getStage().equals(stageName)) {
                                List<MeasurementImpl> mRecords = null;
                                if (manualProps) {
                                    //fetch the manual properties
                                    mRecords = execStageRec.getManualMeasurements();
                                } else {
                                    //fetch the automatically measured properties
                                    mRecords = execStageRec.getMeasurements();
                                for (MeasurementImpl mr : mRecords) {
                                    if (mr.getIdentifier().equals(propertyID)) {
                                        //"adding "+inputDigoRef+ " "+runDate.getTimeInMillis()+" "+execStageRec.getStage()+" "+mr.getIdentifier() +" "+ mr.getValue());
                                        //found the measurementRecord for this property in this run
                                        resBean.addResult(runDate, mr);

            //finally add the MeasurementInfo data (name, description, for the propertyID etc.
            if (manualProps) {
                OntologyProperty ontop = OntologyHandlerImpl.getInstance().getProperty(propertyID);
                //create a MeasurementImpl from the OntologyProperty
                try {
                    MeasurementImpl measurementinfo = OntoPropertyUtil.createMeasurementFromOntologyProperty(ontop);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.debug("Could not retrieve Ontology Property information for propertyID: " + propertyID);
            } else {
                //TODO: still need to request this information from the workflow authority
        return ret;

     * Returns a list of all experiment run dates
     * @return
    public List<Calendar> getAllRunDates() {
        List<Calendar> ret = new ArrayList<Calendar>();
        for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchr : this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
        return ret;

    public int getAllRunDatesSize() {
        return this.getAllRunDates().size();

    public boolean isRunDateBatchRunSucceeded(Calendar runDate) {
        boolean b = false;
        for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchr : this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
            if (batchr.getEndDate().getTime().equals(runDate.getTime())) {
                b = batchr.isBatchRunSucceeded();
        return b;

     * Returns a single list with manual and automatically measured properties for an in the evaluation table usable form
     * Fetches information for a pre-selected inputDigitalObject Ref
     * @return
    public List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeans() {
        return getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeans(this.selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable);

    public List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeans(String inputDigoRef) {
        String etype = this.getEtype();
        String[] stagesToCompare = null;

         * Decides which stages are connected for evaluation and determines a common set of properties
         * . e.g. within an migration experiment we're evaluating a common set of properties pre and post migration process.
        if (etype.equals(AdminManagerImpl.IDENTIFY)) {
            stagesToCompare = new String[] { IdentifyWorkflow.STAGE_IDENTIFY };
        } else if (etype.equals(AdminManagerImpl.MIGRATE)) {
            stagesToCompare = new String[] { MigrateWorkflow.STAGE_PRE_MIGRATE,
                    MigrateWorkflow.STAGE_POST_MIGRATE };
        } else if (etype.equals(AdminManagerImpl.EMULATE)) {
            stagesToCompare = new String[] { ViewerWorkflow.STAGE_CREATEVIEW };
        //get the manual property results
        List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> manualProps = this.getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeansHelper(inputDigoRef,
                stagesToCompare, true);

        //get the service extracted property results
        List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> autoMProps = this.getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeansHelper(inputDigoRef,
                stagesToCompare, false);

        //merge the two - we're doing joint evaluation

        return manualProps;

     * Gathers all records that are used for evaluation for a given measurement property and a selected inputDigitalObject
     * and groups them according to the experiment type's evaluation rules in a EvaluationPropertyResultsBean which contains the table line's information
     * TODO AL: split this method up into sub-methodds and share common parts with getAllManualExecutionRecordsHelper
     * TODO AL: Implementation for manualProps = false : automatically measured properties still missing
     * @param
     * @return
    private List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeansHelper(String inputDigoRef,
            String[] comparedStageNames, boolean manualProps) {

        List<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean> ret = new ArrayList<EvaluationPropertyResultsBean>();

        //1. get all measurement property IDs
        Vector<String>[] lpropertyIDs = new Vector[comparedStageNames.length];
        if (manualProps) {
            //fetch the manual properties
            int count = 0;
            for (String stageName : comparedStageNames) {
                lpropertyIDs[count] = this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable().getManualProperties(stageName);
        } else {
            //fetch the automatically measured properties
            //FIXME: not correct: still need to find out stage information for automatically measured properties
            //propertyIDs = expBean.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable().getProperties();
            int count = 0;
            for (String stageName : comparedStageNames) {
                lpropertyIDs[count] = helperBuildAutoPropertyPerStage().get(stageName);

        //1b) determine a common set of property IDs that are available in all requested stages
        List<String> commonPropIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < lpropertyIDs.length; i++) {
            Vector<String> propertyIDs = lpropertyIDs[i];
            if (i == 0) {
                if (propertyIDs != null) {
                    commonPropIDs = propertyIDs;
            } else {
                List<String> propsForRemoval = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (String propID : commonPropIDs) {
                    if (propertyIDs != null && !propertyIDs.contains(propID)) {
                        //property not contained in all requested stages - remove

        //2. build the results on a per property basis
        if (commonPropIDs != null) {
            for (String propertyID : commonPropIDs) {

                EvaluationPropertyResultsBean evalPropResBean = new EvaluationPropertyResultsBean(inputDigoRef,
                        propertyID, this.getAllRunDates(), comparedStageNames);
                List<String> lStageNames = Arrays.asList(comparedStageNames);

                //2a. now iterate over the results and filter out the relevant ones for this property
                for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchr : this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                        .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
                    Calendar runDate = batchr.getEndDate();
                    for (ExecutionRecordImpl execRec : batchr.getRuns()) {
                        //filter out by the selected inputDigitalObject
                        if (execRec.getDigitalObjectReferenceCopy().equals(inputDigoRef)) {

                            for (ExecutionStageRecordImpl execStageRec : execRec.getStages()) {
                                //filter out the selected stage
                                if (lStageNames.contains(execStageRec.getStage())) {

                                     * FIXME: change this code - as a MeasurementImpl m 
                                     * from execStageRec.getMeasuredObservables() 
                                     * already has the value contained - accessible through m.getValue
                                    List<MeasurementImpl> mRecords = null;
                                    if (manualProps) {
                                        //fetch the manual properties
                                        mRecords = execStageRec.getManualMeasurements();
                                    } else {
                                        //fetch the automatically measured properties
                                        mRecords = execStageRec.getMeasurements();
                                    for (MeasurementImpl mr : mRecords) {
                                        if (mr.getIdentifier().equals(propertyID)) {
                                            //found the measurementRecord for this property in this run
                                            evalPropResBean.addMeasurementResult(runDate, execStageRec.getStage(),

                //2b. now iterate over the evaluation results and filter out the relevant ones
                List<PropertyEvaluationRecordImpl> propEvalRecordords = this.getExperiment()
                if (propEvalRecordords != null) {
                    for (PropertyEvaluationRecordImpl propEvalRecordImpl : propEvalRecordords) {
                        //filter by the propertyID we're looking for
                        if (propEvalRecordImpl.getPropertyID().equals(evalPropResBean.getMeasurementPropertyID())) {
                            //set the line evaluation value
                            for (Calendar runDate : this.getAllRunDates()) {
                                PropertyRunEvaluationRecordImpl propRunEvalRecImpl = propEvalRecordImpl
                                if (propRunEvalRecImpl != null) {
                                    //set the per run evaluation value
                                    evalPropResBean.setEvalResultValue(runDate, comparedStageNames,

                //3.finally add the MeasurementInfo data (name, description, for the propertyID etc.
                if (manualProps) {
                    OntologyProperty ontop = OntologyHandlerImpl.getInstance().getProperty(propertyID);
                    //create a MeasurementImpl from the OntologyProperty
                    try {
                        MeasurementImpl measurementinfo = OntoPropertyUtil
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.debug("Could not retrieve Ontology Property information for propertyID: " + propertyID);
                } else {
                    //TODO: still need to request this information from the workflow authority
                    MeasurementImpl measurementinfo = helperQueryAutoMeasurementAuthority(propertyID);

                //Finally: check requirements if to add this evalProp item
        return ret;

     * Builds a map of all measured property IDs per stage, which isn't explicitly stored.
     * Map<StageName,List<PropertyID>
     * @return
    private HashMap<String, Vector<String>> helperBuildAutoPropertyPerStage() {
        HashMap<String, Vector<String>> ret = new HashMap<String, Vector<String>>();
        Iterator<String> it = helperBuildAutoPropertyAuthority().keySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String stageName =;
            Vector<String> propIDs = new Vector<String>();
            for (MeasurementImpl m : helperBuildAutoPropertyAuthority().get(stageName)) {
                propIDs.add(m.getIdentifier() + "");
            ret.put(stageName, propIDs);
        return ret;

     * A dirty workaround 
     * @param propertyID
     * @return
    private MeasurementImpl helperQueryAutoMeasurementAuthority(String propertyID) {
        Iterator<String> it = helperBuildAutoPropertyAuthority().keySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String stageName =;
            for (MeasurementImpl m : helperBuildAutoPropertyAuthority().get(stageName)) {
                if ((m.getIdentifier() + "").equals(propertyID)) {
                    return m.clone();
        return null;

    HashMap<String, Vector<MeasurementImpl>> tempAutoPropAuthority = null;

    private HashMap<String, Vector<MeasurementImpl>> helperBuildAutoPropertyAuthority() {
        if (tempAutoPropAuthority == null) {
            HashMap<String, Vector<MeasurementImpl>> ret = new HashMap<String, Vector<MeasurementImpl>>();
            for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchr : this.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                    .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
                //filter out the inputDigo's we're looking for
                for (ExecutionRecordImpl execRec : batchr.getRuns()) {
                    for (ExecutionStageRecordImpl stage : execRec.getStages()) {
                        Vector<MeasurementImpl> propIDs = new Vector<MeasurementImpl>();
                        for (MeasurementImpl measurement : stage.getMeasuredObservables()) {
                            //copy to avaid any cross refs and add copy for authority
                            MeasurementImpl m = measurement.clone();
                        ret.put(stage.getStage(), propIDs);
            tempAutoPropAuthority = ret;
        return tempAutoPropAuthority;

     * Checks if the requirements for this bean have been met through the population process
     * 1.checks if at least one value for all measured stages has been submitted
     * 2.if the property is contained in all requested stages
     * @return
    /*private boolean checkIfToAddEvaluationPropertyBean(EvaluationPropertyResultsBean evalPropResBean, String[] comparedStageNames){
       boolean atLeastOneFound = false;
       for(Calendar runDate : this.getAllRunDates()){
      HashMap<String,EvalRecordBean> evalResults = evalPropResBean.getAllEvalResults().get(runDate.getTimeInMillis());
      if(evalResults != null){
         //c2. check property is contained in all requested stages
           //property not measured in all requested stages
           return false;
         //c1. check if a record value for a certain run date was submitted or extracted
         boolean bOK = true;
         for(String compStageName : comparedStageNames){
            String recordValue = evalResults.get(compStageName).getRecordValue();
               //ok - this record is fine - check the other stages for this property
               bOK = false;
            atLeastOneFound = true;
       return atLeastOneFound;

    private String selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable = null;

    public void setSelDigitalObjectRefInStep6DigoEvalTable(String inputDigObjRef) {
        this.selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable = inputDigObjRef;

    public String getSelDigitalObjectRefInStep6DigoEvalTable() {
        if (this.selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable == null) {
            if (!this.getExperimentInputDataValues().isEmpty()) {
                selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable = this.getExperimentInputDataValues().iterator().next()
        return this.selDigORefStep6DigoEvalTable;

    public void processDigitalObjectRefInStep6DigoEvalTable(ActionEvent e) {
        for (UIComponent c : e.getComponent().getChildren()) {
            if (c instanceof UIParameter) {
                UIParameter p = (UIParameter) c;
                if (p.getName().equals("selInputDataRef")) {
                    this.setSelDigitalObjectRefInStep6DigoEvalTable((String) p.getValue());

    List<MeasurementImpl> propertyIDsForExperimentEvaluation = new ArrayList<MeasurementImpl>();

     * Returns a list of all propertyIDs (in form of MeasurementImpl with Name, etc) we're evaluating in step6 of an experiment
     * @return
    public List<MeasurementImpl> getPropertyIDsForOverallExperimentEvaluation() {
        if (propertyIDsForExperimentEvaluation.size() < 1)
            for (EvaluationPropertyResultsBean b : this.getEvaluationPropertyResultsBeans()) {
        return propertyIDsForExperimentEvaluation;

    PropertyDnDTreeBean simpleTreeDndBean = null;

     * Get the DnD Ontology Bean, creating it if required.
     * @return
    public PropertyDnDTreeBean getOntologyDnDBean() {
        if (simpleTreeDndBean == null)
            simpleTreeDndBean = new PropertyDnDTreeBean();
        return simpleTreeDndBean;

    /* ----------------- Chart stuff ------------------- */

    JFreeChart chart = null;
    String graphId = null;
    String graphImageMap = null;
    String graphUrl = null;

    public String getResultChartUrl() {
        try {
            ExperimentChartServlet ec = new ExperimentChartServlet();
            chart = ec.createWallclockChart("" + this.getExperiment().getEntityID());
            // Pick into the session...
            HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext()
            HttpSession session = request.getSession();
            //  Write the chart image to the temporary directory
            ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
            this.graphId = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 600, 500, info, session);
            this.graphImageMap = ChartUtilities.getImageMap(graphId, info);
            this.graphUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/servlet/DisplayChart?filename=" + graphId;
            return this.graphUrl;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Failure while generating graph: " + e);
            return null;

    public String getResultChartImageMap() {
        return this.graphImageMap;

    public String getResultChartIdentifier() {
        return this.graphId;
    /*---------------------end Chart stuff ------------------*/

    private List<String> lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults = new ArrayList<String>();;

     * Get download links for all BatchExecutionRecordImpl - in future we're only
     * gonna have one batchRecord anyway.
     * @return
    public List<String> getTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults() {
        ExperimentBean expBean = (ExperimentBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("ExperimentBean");
        if (expBean.getExperiment() == null) {
            //this is the case when the 'new experiment' hasn't been persisted
            return new ArrayList<String>();
        //check if we need to update the cache
        if (expBean.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable().getBatchExecutionRecords()
                .size() != lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults.size()) {
            lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (BatchExecutionRecordImpl batchRec : expBean.getExperiment().getExperimentExecutable()
                    .getBatchExecutionRecords()) {
                if ((batchRec.getWorkflowExecutionLog() != null)
                        && (batchRec.getWorkflowExecutionLog().getSerializedWorkflowResult() != null)) {
                    //create a temp file for this.
                    DataHandler dh = new DataHandlerImpl();
                    try {
                        //get a temporary file
                        File f = dh.createTempFileInExternallyAccessableDir();
                        Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f), "UTF-8"));
                        lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults.add("" + dh.getHttpFileRef(f));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.debug("Error getting getTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults " + e);
                        return new ArrayList<String>();
                } else {
                    return new ArrayList<String>();
        } else {
            //just return the cached object
            return lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults;
        return lTempFileDownloadLinkForWEEWFResults;

     * @return
    public boolean isCurrentUserAnExperimenter() {
        UserBean user = (UserBean) JSFUtil.getManagedObject("UserBean");
        if (user == null || user.getUserid() == null)
            return false;
        // Admins can always edit:
        if (user.isAdmin())
            return true;
        // Check if this user is authorised:
        if (this.getExperiment() == null)
            return false;"Exp not null");
        if (this.getExperiment().getExperimentSetup() == null)
            return false;"Setup not null");
        if (this.getExperiment().getExperimentSetup().getBasicProperties() == null)
            return false;"BasicProp not null");
        if (this.getExperiment().getExperimentSetup().getBasicProperties().getInvolvedUserIds() == null)
            return false;"InvolvedUsers not null");
        for (String authUser : this.getExperiment().getExperimentSetup().getBasicProperties()
                .getInvolvedUserIds()) {
            if (user.getUserid().equals(authUser))
                return true;
        return false;

     * @return
    public boolean isStage1ReadOnly() {
        if (!this.isCurrentUserAnExperimenter())
            return true;
        if (this.getApproved() == true)
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean isStage2ReadOnly() {
        // As stage 1
        return this.isStage1ReadOnly();

    public boolean isStage3ReadOnly() {
        if (!this.isCurrentUserAnExperimenter())
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean isStage4ReadOnly() {
        if (!this.isCurrentUserAnExperimenter())
            return true;
        if (this.isFinished())
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean isStage5ReadOnly() {
        // As stage 4
        return this.isStage4ReadOnly();

    public boolean isStage6ReadOnly() {
        // As stage 4
        return this.isStage4ReadOnly();
