Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2010 by the Stratosphere project (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package eu.stratosphere.nephele.discovery;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import eu.stratosphere.nephele.configuration.GlobalConfiguration;
import eu.stratosphere.nephele.util.StringUtils;

 * The discovery service allows task managers to discover a job manager
 * through an IPv4 broadcast or IPv6 multicast. The service has two components:
 * A server component that runs at the job manager and listens for incoming
 * requests and a client component a task manager can use to issue discovery
 * requests.
 * <p>
 * The discovery service uses the <code>discoveryservice.magicnumber</code> configuration parameter. It needs to be set
 * to any number. Task managers discover the job manager only if their magic number matches. This allows running two
 * Nephele setups on the same cluster without interference of the {@link DiscoveryService}s.
 * @author warneke
 * @author Dominic Battre
public class DiscoveryService implements Runnable {

     * Number of retries before discovery is considered to be failed.
    private static final int DISCOVERFAILURERETRIES = 10;

     * Timeout (in msec) for the client socket.
    private static final int CLIENTSOCKETTIMEOUT = 1000;

     * The IPv6 multicast address for link-local all-nodes.
    private static final String IPV6MULTICASTADDRESS = "FF02::1";

     * The key to retrieve the discovery service's magic number from the configuration.
    private static final String MAGICNUMBER_KEY = "discoveryservice.magicnumber";

     * The default magic number.
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAGICNUMBER = 0;

     * The key to retrieve the network port the discovery service listens on for incoming connections from the
     * configuration.
    public static final String DISCOVERYPORT_KEY = "discoveryservice.port";

     * The default network port the discovery service listens on for incoming connections.
    private static final int DEFAULT_DISCOVERYPORT = 7001;

     * Flag indicating whether to use IPv6 or not.
    private static final boolean USE_IPV6 = "true".equals(System.getProperty("")) ? false
            : true;

     * ID for job manager lookup request packets.
    private static final int JM_LOOKUP_REQUEST_ID = 0;

     * ID for job manager lookup reply packets.
    private static final int JM_LOOKUP_REPLY_ID = 1;

     * ID for task manager address request packets.
    private static final int TM_ADDRESS_REQUEST_ID = 2;

     * ID for task manager address reply packets.
    private static final int TM_ADDRESS_REPLY_ID = 3;

     * The default size of response datagram packets.
    private static final int RESPONSE_PACKET_SIZE = 64;

     * The offset inside a packet to the magic number field.
    private static final int MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET = 0;

     * The offset inside a packet to the packet ID field.
    private static final int PACKET_ID_OFFSET = 4;

     * The offset inside a packet to the packet type ID field.
    private static final int PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET = 8;

     * The offset inside a packet to the actual payload.
    private static final int PAYLOAD_OFFSET = 12;

     * The log object used for debugging.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DiscoveryService.class);

     * Singleton instance of the discovery service.
    private static DiscoveryService discoveryService = null;

     * The network port the discovery service listens on for incoming connections.
    private final int discoveryPort;

     * The magic number used to identify this instance of the discovery service.
    private final int magicNumber;

     * The network address the IPC is bound to, possibly <code>null</code>.
    private final InetAddress ipcAddress;

     * The network port that is announced for the job manager's IPC service.
    private final int ipcPort;

     * The thread executing the receive operation on the discovery port.
    private Thread listeningThread = null;

     * The datagram socket of the discovery server.
    private DatagramSocket serverSocket = null;

     * Flag to check whether the service is running
    private volatile boolean isRunning = false;

     * Constructs a new {@link DiscoveryService} object and stores
     * the job manager's IPC port.
     * @param ipcAddress
     *        the network address the IPC is bound to, possibly <code>null</code>
     * @param ipcPort
     *        the network port that is announced for the job manager's IPC service
    private DiscoveryService(final InetAddress ipcAddress, final int ipcPort) {

        this.discoveryPort = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(DISCOVERYPORT_KEY, DEFAULT_DISCOVERYPORT);
        this.magicNumber = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(MAGICNUMBER_KEY, DEFAULT_MAGICNUMBER);

        this.ipcAddress = ipcAddress;
        this.ipcPort = ipcPort;

     * Starts a new discovery service.
     * @param ipcAddress
     *        the network address the IPC is bound to, possibly <code>null</code>
     * @param ipcPort
     *        the network port that is announced for the job manager's IPC service.
     * @throws DiscoveryException
     *         thrown if the discovery service could not be started because
     *         of network difficulties
    public static synchronized void startDiscoveryService(final InetAddress ipcAddress, final int ipcPort)
            throws DiscoveryException {

        if (discoveryService == null) {
            discoveryService = new DiscoveryService(ipcAddress, ipcPort);

        if (!discoveryService.isRunning()) {

     * Checks whether the discovery service is running.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the service is running, <code>false</code> otherwise
    public boolean isRunning() {

        return this.isRunning;

     * Stops the discovery service.
    public static synchronized void stopDiscoveryService() {

        if (discoveryService != null) {
            if (discoveryService.isRunning()) {


     * Auxiliary method to start the discovery service.
     * @throws DiscoveryException
     *         thrown if the discovery service could not be started because
     *         of network difficulties
    private void startService() throws DiscoveryException {

        try {
            this.serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(this.discoveryPort, this.ipcAddress);
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            throw new DiscoveryException(e.toString());
        }"Discovery service socket is bound to " + this.serverSocket.getLocalSocketAddress());

        this.isRunning = true;

        this.listeningThread = new Thread(this, "Discovery Service Thread");

     * Auxiliary method to stop the discovery service.
    private void stopService() {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Stopping discovery service on port" + this.discoveryPort);

        this.isRunning = false;


        // Close the server socket

     * Creates a new job manager lookup request packet.
     * @param magicNumber
     *        the magic number to identify this discovery service
     * @return a new job manager lookup request packet
    private static DatagramPacket createJobManagerLookupRequestPacket(final int magicNumber) {

        final byte[] bytes = new byte[12];
        integerToByteArray(magicNumber, MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(generateRandomPacketID(), PACKET_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(JM_LOOKUP_REQUEST_ID, PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET, bytes);

        return new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length);

     * Creates a new job manager lookup reply packet.
     * @param ipcPort
     *        the port of the job manager's IPC server
     * @param magicNumber
     *        the magic number to identify this discovery service
     * @return a new job manager lookup reply packet
    private static DatagramPacket createJobManagerLookupReplyPacket(final int ipcPort, final int magicNumber) {

        final byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
        integerToByteArray(magicNumber, MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(generateRandomPacketID(), PACKET_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(JM_LOOKUP_REPLY_ID, PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(ipcPort, PAYLOAD_OFFSET, bytes);

        return new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length);

     * Creates a new task manager address request packet.
     * @param magicNumber
     *        the magic number to identify this discovery service
     * @return a new task manager address request packet
    private static DatagramPacket createTaskManagerAddressRequestPacket(final int magicNumber) {

        final byte[] bytes = new byte[12];
        integerToByteArray(magicNumber, MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(generateRandomPacketID(), PACKET_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(TM_ADDRESS_REQUEST_ID, PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET, bytes);

        return new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length);

     * Creates a new task manager address reply packet.
     * @param taskManagerAddress
     *        the address of the task manager which sent the request
     * @param magicNumber
     *        the magic number to identify this discovery service
     * @return a new task manager address reply packet
    private static DatagramPacket createTaskManagerAddressReplyPacket(final InetAddress taskManagerAddress,
            final int magicNumber) {

        final byte[] addr = taskManagerAddress.getAddress();
        final byte[] bytes = new byte[20 + addr.length];
        integerToByteArray(magicNumber, MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(generateRandomPacketID(), PACKET_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(TM_ADDRESS_REPLY_ID, PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET, bytes);
        integerToByteArray(addr.length, PAYLOAD_OFFSET, bytes);
        System.arraycopy(addr, 0, bytes, PAYLOAD_OFFSET + 4, addr.length);

        return new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length);

     * Returns the network address with which the task manager shall announce itself to the job manager. To determine
     * the address this method exchanges packets with the job manager.
     * @param jobManagerAddress
     *        the address of the job manager
     * @return the address with which the task manager shall announce itself to the job manager
     * @throws DiscoveryException
     *         thrown if an error occurs during the packet exchange
    public static InetAddress getTaskManagerAddress(final InetAddress jobManagerAddress) throws DiscoveryException {

        final int magicNumber = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(MAGICNUMBER_KEY, DEFAULT_MAGICNUMBER);
        final int discoveryPort = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(DISCOVERYPORT_KEY, DEFAULT_DISCOVERYPORT);

        InetAddress taskManagerAddress = null;
        DatagramSocket socket = null;

        try {

            socket = new DatagramSocket();
            LOG.debug("Setting socket timeout to " + CLIENTSOCKETTIMEOUT);

            final DatagramPacket responsePacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[RESPONSE_PACKET_SIZE],

            for (int retries = 0; retries < DISCOVERFAILURERETRIES; retries++) {

                final DatagramPacket addressRequest = createTaskManagerAddressRequestPacket(magicNumber);

                LOG.debug("Sending Task Manager address request to " + addressRequest.getSocketAddress());

                try {
                } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
                    LOG.warn("Timeout wainting for task manager address reply. Retrying...");

                if (!isPacketForUs(responsePacket, magicNumber)) {
                    LOG.warn("Received packet which is not destined to this Nephele setup");

                final int packetTypeID = getPacketTypeID(responsePacket);
                if (packetTypeID != TM_ADDRESS_REPLY_ID) {
                    LOG.warn("Received response of unknown type " + packetTypeID + ", discarding...");

                taskManagerAddress = extractInetAddress(responsePacket);

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new DiscoveryException(StringUtils.stringifyException(ioe));
        } finally {
            if (socket != null) {

        if (taskManagerAddress == null) {
            throw new DiscoveryException("Unable to obtain task manager address");

        return taskManagerAddress;

     * Attempts to retrieve the job managers address in the network through an
     * IP broadcast. This method should be called by the task manager.
     * @return the socket address of the job manager in the network
     * @throws DiscoveryException
     *         thrown if the job manager's socket address could not be
     *         discovered
    public static InetSocketAddress getJobManagerAddress() throws DiscoveryException {

        final int magicNumber = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(MAGICNUMBER_KEY, DEFAULT_MAGICNUMBER);
        final int discoveryPort = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(DISCOVERYPORT_KEY, DEFAULT_DISCOVERYPORT);

        InetSocketAddress jobManagerAddress = null;
        DatagramSocket socket = null;

        try {

            final Set<InetAddress> targetAddresses = getBroadcastAddresses();

            if (targetAddresses.isEmpty()) {
                throw new DiscoveryException("Could not find any broadcast addresses available to this host");

            socket = new DatagramSocket();

            LOG.debug("Setting socket timeout to " + CLIENTSOCKETTIMEOUT);

            final DatagramPacket responsePacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[RESPONSE_PACKET_SIZE],

            for (int retries = 0; retries < DISCOVERFAILURERETRIES; retries++) {

                final DatagramPacket lookupRequest = createJobManagerLookupRequestPacket(magicNumber);

                for (InetAddress broadcast : targetAddresses) {
                    LOG.debug("Sending discovery request to " + lookupRequest.getSocketAddress());

                try {
                } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
                    LOG.debug("Timeout wainting for discovery reply. Retrying...");

                if (!isPacketForUs(responsePacket, magicNumber)) {
                    LOG.debug("Received packet which is not destined to this Nephele setup");

                final int packetTypeID = getPacketTypeID(responsePacket);
                if (packetTypeID != JM_LOOKUP_REPLY_ID) {
                    LOG.debug("Received unexpected packet type " + packetTypeID + ", discarding... ");

                final int ipcPort = extractIpcPort(responsePacket);

                // Replace port from discovery service with the actual RPC port
                // of the job manager
                if (USE_IPV6) {
                    // TODO: No connection possible unless we remove the scope identifier
                    if (responsePacket.getAddress() instanceof Inet6Address) {
                        try {
                            jobManagerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(
                                    InetAddress.getByAddress(responsePacket.getAddress().getAddress()), ipcPort);
                        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                            throw new DiscoveryException(StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
                    } else {
                        throw new DiscoveryException(responsePacket.getAddress() + " is not a valid IPv6 address");
                } else {
                    jobManagerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(responsePacket.getAddress(), ipcPort);
                LOG.debug("Discovered job manager at " + jobManagerAddress);

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new DiscoveryException(ioe.toString());
        } finally {
            if (socket != null) {

        if (jobManagerAddress == null) {
            LOG.debug("Unable to discover Jobmanager via IP broadcast");
            throw new DiscoveryException("Unable to discover JobManager via IP broadcast!");

        return jobManagerAddress;

     * Extracts an IPC port from the given datagram packet. The datagram packet must be of the type
     * <code>JM_LOOKUP_REPLY_PACKET_ID</code>.
     * @param packet
     *        the packet to extract the IPC port from.
     * @return the extracted IPC port or <code>-1</code> if the port could not be extracted
    private static int extractIpcPort(DatagramPacket packet) {

        final byte[] data = packet.getData();

        if (data == null) {
            return -1;

        if (packet.getLength() < (PAYLOAD_OFFSET + 4)) {
            return -1;

        return byteArrayToInteger(data, PAYLOAD_OFFSET);

     * Extracts an {@link InetAddress} object from the given datagram packet. The datagram packet must be of the type
     * <code>TM_ADDRESS_REPLY_PACKET_ID</code>.
     * @param packet
     *        the packet to extract the address from
     * @return the extracted address or <code>null</code> if it could not be extracted
    private static InetAddress extractInetAddress(DatagramPacket packet) {

        final byte[] data = packet.getData();

        if (data == null) {
            return null;

        if (packet.getLength() < PAYLOAD_OFFSET + 8) {
            return null;

        final int len = byteArrayToInteger(data, PAYLOAD_OFFSET);

        final byte[] addr = new byte[len];
        System.arraycopy(data, PAYLOAD_OFFSET + 4, addr, 0, len);

        InetAddress inetAddress = null;

        try {
            inetAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(addr);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            return null;

        return inetAddress;

     * Returns the set of broadcast addresses available to the network interfaces of this host. In case of IPv6 the set
     * contains the IPv6 multicast address to reach all nodes on the local link. Moreover, all addresses of the loopback
     * interfaces are added to the set.
     * @return (possibly empty) set of broadcast addresses reachable by this host
    private static Set<InetAddress> getBroadcastAddresses() {

        final Set<InetAddress> broadcastAddresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>();

        // get all network interfaces
        Enumeration<NetworkInterface> ie = null;
        try {
            ie = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            LOG.error("Could not collect network interfaces of host", e);
            return broadcastAddresses;

        while (ie.hasMoreElements()) {
            NetworkInterface nic = ie.nextElement();
            try {
                if (!nic.isUp()) {

                if (nic.isLoopback()) {
                    for (InterfaceAddress adr : nic.getInterfaceAddresses()) {
                } else {

                    // check all IPs bound to network interfaces
                    for (InterfaceAddress adr : nic.getInterfaceAddresses()) {

                        if (adr == null) {

                        // collect all broadcast addresses
                        if (USE_IPV6) {
                            try {
                                final InetAddress interfaceAddress = adr.getAddress();
                                if (interfaceAddress instanceof Inet6Address) {
                                    final Inet6Address ipv6Address = (Inet6Address) interfaceAddress;
                                    final InetAddress multicastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(IPV6MULTICASTADDRESS
                                            + "%" + Integer.toString(ipv6Address.getScopeId()));

                            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                        } else {
                            final InetAddress broadcast = adr.getBroadcast();
                            if (broadcast != null) {

            } catch (SocketException e) {
                LOG.error("Socket exception when checking " + nic.getName() + ". " + "Ignoring this device.", e);

        return broadcastAddresses;

     * Server side implementation of Discovery Service.
    public void run() {

        final DatagramPacket requestPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[64], 64);

        final Map<Integer, Long> packetIDMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();

        while (this.isRunning) {

            try {

                if (!isPacketForUs(requestPacket, this.magicNumber)) {
                    LOG.debug("Received request packet which is not destined to this Nephele setup");

                final Integer packetID = Integer.valueOf(extractPacketID(requestPacket));
                if (packetIDMap.containsKey(packetID)) {
                    LOG.debug("Request with ID " + packetID.intValue() + " already answered, discarding...");
                } else {

                    final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                    // Remove old entries
                    final Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Long>> it = packetIDMap.entrySet().iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {

                        final Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry =;
                        if ((entry.getValue().longValue() + 5000L) < currentTime) {

                    packetIDMap.put(packetID, Long.valueOf(currentTime));

                final int packetTypeID = getPacketTypeID(requestPacket);
                if (packetTypeID == JM_LOOKUP_REQUEST_ID) {

                    LOG.debug("Received job manager lookup request from " + requestPacket.getSocketAddress());
                    final DatagramPacket responsePacket = createJobManagerLookupReplyPacket(this.ipcPort,


                } else if (packetTypeID == TM_ADDRESS_REQUEST_ID) {
                    LOG.debug("Received task manager address request from " + requestPacket.getSocketAddress());
                    final DatagramPacket responsePacket = createTaskManagerAddressReplyPacket(
                            requestPacket.getAddress(), this.magicNumber);


                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Received packet of unknown type " + packetTypeID + ", discarding...");

            } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
                LOG.debug("Discovery service: socket timeout");
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                if (this.isRunning) { // Ignore exception when service has been stopped
                    LOG.error("Discovery service stopped working with IOException:\n" + ioe.toString());

        // Close the socket finally

     * Serializes and writes the given integer number to the provided byte array.
     * @param integerToSerialize
     *        the integer number of serialize
     * @param offset
     *        the offset at which to start writing inside the byte array
     * @param byteArray
     *        the byte array to write to
    private static void integerToByteArray(final int integerToSerialize, final int offset, final byte[] byteArray) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            final int shift = i << 3; // i * 8
            byteArray[(offset + 3) - i] = (byte) ((integerToSerialize & (0xff << shift)) >>> shift);

     * Reads and deserializes an integer number from the given byte array.
     * @param byteArray
     *        the byte array to read from
     * @param offset
     *        the offset at which to start reading the byte array
     * @return the deserialized integer number
    private static int byteArrayToInteger(final byte[] byteArray, final int offset) {

        int integer = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            integer |= (byteArray[(offset + 3) - i] & 0xff) << (i << 3);

        return integer;

     * Extracts the datagram packet's magic number and checks it matches with the local magic number.
     * @param packet
     *        the packet to check
     * @param magicNumber
     *        the magic number identifying the discovery service
     * @return <code>true</code> if the packet carries the magic number expected by the local service, otherwise
     *         <code>false</code>
    private static boolean isPacketForUs(final DatagramPacket packet, final int magicNumber) {

        final byte[] data = packet.getData();

        if (data == null) {
            return false;

        if (packet.getLength() < (MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET + 4)) {
            return false;

        if (byteArrayToInteger(data, MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET) != magicNumber) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Extracts the packet type ID from the given datagram packet.
     * @param packet
     *        the packet to extract the type ID from
     * @return the extracted packet type ID or <code>-1</code> if the ID could not be extracted
    private static int getPacketTypeID(final DatagramPacket packet) {

        final byte[] data = packet.getData();

        if (data == null) {
            return -1;

        if (packet.getLength() < (PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET + 4)) {
            return -1;

        return byteArrayToInteger(data, PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET);

     * Generates a random packet ID.
     * @return a random packet ID
    private static int generateRandomPacketID() {

        return (int) (Math.random() * (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE);

     * Extracts the packet ID from the given packet.
     * @param packet
     *        the packet to extract the ID from
     * @return the extracted ID or <code>-1</code> if the ID could not be extracted
    private static int extractPacketID(final DatagramPacket packet) {

        final byte[] data = packet.getData();

        if (data == null) {
            return -1;

        if (data.length < (PACKET_ID_OFFSET + 4)) {
            return -1;

        return byteArrayToInteger(data, PACKET_ID_OFFSET);