evaluation.simulator.plugins.outputStrategy.StopAndGoMessage.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for evaluation.simulator.plugins.outputStrategy.StopAndGoMessage.java


 * gMix open source project - https://svs.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/gmix/
 * Copyright (C) 2014  SVS
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package evaluation.simulator.plugins.outputStrategy;

import java.security.SecureRandom;

import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.ExponentialDistributionImpl;

import evaluation.simulator.Simulator;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.plugin.Plugin;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.DoubleSimulationProperty;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.FloatSimulationProperty;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.IntSimulationProperty;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.requirements.SgMixMaxClientMixDelayRequirement;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.requirements.SgMixMaxInterMixDelayRequirement;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.requirements.SgMixMinClientMixDelayRequirement;
import evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.requirements.SgMixMinInterMixDelayRequirement;
import evaluation.simulator.core.message.BasicMixMessage;
import evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.AbstractClient;
import evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.NetworkNode;

// This is an example of how to manually cap a plugin
// by providing the pluginLayerKay. If the pluginLayer
// is not present, the SimPropRegistry tries to find a superclass!
@Plugin(pluginKey = "STOP_AND_GO", pluginName = "Stop And Go", pluginLayerKey = "OUTPUT_STRATEGY")
public class StopAndGoMessage extends BasicMixMessage {

    private long[] tsMin; // 0: first mix; 1: second mix...
    private long[] tsMax;
    public int[] delay;
    private int tsMinCounter = 0;
    private int tsMaxCounter = 0;
    private int delayCounter = 0;
    private ExponentialDistributionImpl expDist;
    private static SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
    private int identifier;
    private static int idCounter = 0;

    @DoubleSimulationProperty(name = "Security parameter mu", key = "SGMIX_SECURITY_PARAMETER_MU")
    private double securityParameterMu;

    @IntSimulationProperty(name = "Minimum inter mix delay (ms)", key = "SGMIX_MIN_INTER_MIX_DELAY", min = 0, value_requirements = SgMixMinInterMixDelayRequirement.class)
    private int minInterMixDelay;

    @IntSimulationProperty(name = "Maximum inter mix delay (ms)", key = "SGMIX_MAX_INTER_MIX_DELAY", min = 0, value_requirements = SgMixMaxInterMixDelayRequirement.class)
    private int maxInterMixDelay;

    @IntSimulationProperty(name = "Minimum client mix delay (ms)", key = "SGMIX_MIN_CLIENT_MIX_DELAY", value_requirements = SgMixMinClientMixDelayRequirement.class, min = 0)
    private int minClientMixDelay;

    @IntSimulationProperty(name = "Maximum client mix delay (ms)", key = "SGMIX_MAX_CLIENT_MIX_DELAY", value_requirements = SgMixMaxClientMixDelayRequirement.class, min = 0)
    private int maxClientMixDelay;

    @IntSimulationProperty(name = "Maximum clock deviation (ms)", key = "SGMIX_MAX_CLOCK_DEVITION", min = 0)
    private int maxClockDeviation;

    public StopAndGoMessage(boolean isRequest, NetworkNode source, NetworkNode destination, AbstractClient owner,
            long creationTime, boolean isDummy) {

        super(isRequest, source, destination, owner, creationTime, isDummy);

        this.identifier = idCounter++;

        // generate delays
        securityParameterMu = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsDouble("SGMIX_SECURITY_PARAMETER_MU");
        Simulator simulator = Simulator.getSimulator();
        int numberOfMixes = simulator.getMixes().size();
        this.delay = new int[numberOfMixes];
        this.expDist = new ExponentialDistributionImpl(1d / securityParameterMu);
        boolean useTimeStamps = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsBoolean("SGMIX_USE_TIMESTAMPS");

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMixes; i++) {

            try {
                delay[i] = (int) Math.round(expDist.sample() * 1000d);
            } catch (MathException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: could not draw sample from exponential distribution!");


        if (useTimeStamps) {

            minInterMixDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("SGMIX_MIN_INTER_MIX_DELAY");
            maxInterMixDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("SGMIX_MAX_INTER_MIX_DELAY");
            minClientMixDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("SGMIX_MIN_CLIENT_MIX_DELAY");
            maxClientMixDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("SGMIX_MAX_CLIENT_MIX_DELAY");
            maxClockDeviation = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("SGMIX_MAX_CLOCK_DEVITION");

            tsMin = new long[numberOfMixes];
            tsMax = new long[numberOfMixes];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMixes; i++) {
                if (isRequest) {
                    tsMin[i] = getMinTimestampForRequest(i, maxClockDeviation, delay, minInterMixDelay,
                    tsMax[i] = getMaxTimestampForRequest(i, maxClockDeviation, delay, maxInterMixDelay,
                } else {
                    tsMin[i] = getMinTimestampForReply(i, maxClockDeviation, delay, minInterMixDelay,
                    tsMax[i] = getMaxTimestampForReply(i, maxClockDeviation, delay, maxInterMixDelay,




    // mixNumer: 0,1,...,numberOfMixes
    public static long getMinTimestampForRequest(int mixNumber, int maxClockDeviation, int[] sgDelays,
            int minInterMixDelay, int minClientMixDelay) {

        int sumOfSgDelays = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mixNumber; i++)
            sumOfSgDelays += sgDelays[i];

        int minDelay = minClientMixDelay + mixNumber * minInterMixDelay;
        int maxClockDev = (mixNumber + 1) * maxClockDeviation;

        return Simulator.getNow() + sumOfSgDelays + minDelay - maxClockDev;


    public static long getMaxTimestampForRequest(int mixNumber, int maxClockDeviation, int[] sgDelays,
            int maxInterMixDelay, int maxClientMixDelay) {

        int sumOfSgDelays = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mixNumber; i++)
            sumOfSgDelays += sgDelays[i];

        int maxDelay = maxClientMixDelay + mixNumber * maxInterMixDelay;
        int maxClockDev = (mixNumber + 1) * maxClockDeviation;

        return Simulator.getNow() + sumOfSgDelays + maxDelay + maxClockDev;


    public static long getMinTimestampForReply(int mixNumber, int maxClockDeviation, int[] sgDelays,
            int minInterMixDelay, int minClientMixDelay) {

        if (mixNumber == 0)
            return Long.MIN_VALUE;

        int sumOfSgDelays = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mixNumber; i++)
            sumOfSgDelays += sgDelays[i];

        int minDelay = mixNumber * minInterMixDelay;
        int maxClockDev = mixNumber * maxClockDeviation;

        if (mixNumber == sgDelays.length - 1)
            minDelay = minDelay - minInterMixDelay + minClientMixDelay;

        return Simulator.getNow() + sumOfSgDelays + minDelay - maxClockDev;


    public static long getMaxTimestampForReply(int mixNumber, int maxClockDeviation, int[] sgDelays,
            int maxInterMixDelay, int maxClientMixDelay) {

        if (mixNumber == 0)
            return Long.MAX_VALUE;

        int sumOfSgDelays = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mixNumber; i++)
            sumOfSgDelays += sgDelays[i];

        int maxDelay = mixNumber * maxInterMixDelay;
        int maxClockDev = mixNumber * maxClockDeviation;

        if (mixNumber == sgDelays.length - 1)
            maxDelay = maxDelay - maxInterMixDelay + maxClientMixDelay;

        return Simulator.getNow() + sumOfSgDelays + maxDelay - maxClockDev;


    // call only once per mix!
    public long getTsMin() {
        return tsMin[tsMinCounter++];

    // call only once per mix!
    public long getTsMax() {
        return tsMax[tsMaxCounter++];

    // call only once per mix!
    public int getDelay() {
        return delay[delayCounter++];

    public String toString() {

        String replyOrRequest = super.isRequest() ? "Request" : "Reply";

        String timeInfo = " ";
        for (int i = 0; i < tsMin.length; i++)
            timeInfo += "" + i + ": [min:" + tsMin[i] + ", expected: " + delay[i] + ", max: " + tsMax[i] + "] ";

        return "MixMessage (" + replyOrRequest + ", owner: " + owner + ", id: " + identifier + timeInfo + ")";

