Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014 by Ernesto Carrella
 * Licensed under MIT license. Basically do what you want with it but cite me and don't sue me. Which is just politeness, really.
 * See the file "LICENSE" for more information


import agents.EconomicAgent;
import agents.firm.Department;
import agents.firm.GeographicalFirm;
import financial.Bankruptcy;
import financial.utilities.ActionsAllowed;
import financial.utilities.PurchaseResult;
import financial.utilities.Quote;
import goods.Good;
import goods.GoodType;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap;
import model.MacroII;
import model.utilities.dummies.GeographicalCustomer;
import model.utilities.ActionOrder;
import model.utilities.scheduler.Priority;
import sim.engine.SimState;
import sim.engine.Steppable;

import java.util.*;

 * <h4>Description</h4>
 * <p/> Basically accepts quotes from buyers and sellers, but clears them only with the lowest priority of TRADE one by one by asking the buyer to choose
 * <p/>
 * <p/>
 * <h4>Notes</h4>
 * Created with IntelliJ
 * <p/>
 * <p/>
 * <h4>References</h4>
 * @author carrknight
 * @version 2013-11-03
 * @see
public class GeographicalMarket extends Market implements Steppable {

    private boolean isActive = true;

     * call the super method and then schedule itself (also registers among the deactivables)
     * @param model
    public void start(MacroII model) {
        //now schedule yourself
        model.registerDeactivable(this); //so that we get deactivated directly by the model when simulation is over!

        //schedule yourself already!
        model.scheduleSoon(ActionOrder.TRADE, this, Priority.FINAL);

     * here we store both all the firms that made a quote and their quotes if multiples. It's handy because
     * it keeps the iteration order steady
    private final Multimap<GeographicalFirm, Quote> sellersWhoPlacedAQuote;

     * the multimap "buyersWhoPlacedAQuote" uses this map as the workhorse. I am keeping it as a separate field that is observable
     * so that it takes care of all the listeners blah blah
    private final ObservableMap<GeographicalCustomer, Collection<Quote>> buyerBackerMap;

     * here we store both all the firms that made a quote and their quotes if multiples. It's handy because
     * it keeps the iteration order steady                     -
    private final Multimap<GeographicalCustomer, Quote> buyersWhoPlacedAQuote;

     * this is set to false when we are going through the quotes to clear them, and set to true whenever
    private boolean changedMap = false;

     * this is used to cycle through the buyers
    private int indexToLoopTo = 0;

    public GeographicalMarket(GoodType goodType) {

        //the buyers quote are kept in a priority queue from the highest to the lowest
        //but because these are oilCustomers only, I can "cheat" and order the keys too by
        TreeMap<GeographicalCustomer, Collection<Quote>> backingBuyerTreeMapPOJO = new TreeMap<>(
                new Comparator<GeographicalCustomer>() {
                    public int compare(GeographicalCustomer o1, GeographicalCustomer o2) {
                        int priceComparison =, o2.getMaxPrice());
                        if (priceComparison != 0)
                            return priceComparison;
                            return, o2.hashCode()); //otherwise just order them by hash

        //now we are going to encase the treemap in an observable property so that I don't have to write a million listeners there
        buyerBackerMap = FXCollections.observableMap(backingBuyerTreeMapPOJO);

        buyersWhoPlacedAQuote = Multimaps.newMultimap(buyerBackerMap, new Supplier<PriorityQueue<Quote>>() {
            public PriorityQueue<Quote> get() {
                return new PriorityQueue<>(1, new Comparator<Quote>() {
                    public int compare(Quote o1, Quote o2) {
                        return, o2.getPriceQuoted());



        //sellers quote are sorted from lowest to highest
        sellersWhoPlacedAQuote = Multimaps.newMultimap(new LinkedHashMap<>(),
                () -> new PriorityQueue<>(1, (o1, o2) ->, o2.getPriceQuoted())));

        //make sure the buyers and sellers were initialized
        assert getBuyers() != null;
        assert getBuyers() != null;

        //you'll schedule yourself in the start


     * Only accept hasLocation buyers!
    public void registerBuyer(EconomicAgent buyer) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(buyer instanceof GeographicalCustomer, "only geographical agents accepted!");


     * Add a seller to the registry as they enter the market
     * @param seller buyer entering the market
    public void registerSeller(EconomicAgent seller) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(seller instanceof GeographicalFirm, "only geographical agents accepted!");

     * Sellers are supposed to quote

    public ActionsAllowed getSellerRole() {
        return ActionsAllowed.QUOTE;

     * Buyers are supposed to quote
    public ActionsAllowed getBuyerRole() {
        return ActionsAllowed.QUOTE;

     * Submit a sell quote on a specific good
     * @param seller the agent making the sale
     * @param price  the price at/above which the agent is willing to sell
     * @param good   the good to sell
     * @return the quote made

    public Quote submitSellQuote(EconomicAgent seller, int price, Good good) {
        return submitSellQuote(seller, price, good, null);


     * Submit a sell quote on a specific good
     * @param seller     the agent making the sale
     * @param price      the price at/above which the agent is willing to sell
     * @param good       the good to sell
     * @param department the department making the order or null if it's done by the agent himself
     * @return the quote made

    public Quote submitSellQuote(EconomicAgent seller, int price, Good good, Department department) {
        assert getSellers().contains(seller);
        assert seller instanceof GeographicalFirm;
        if (MacroII.SAFE_MODE) //double check the good isn't already on sale
        Preconditions.checkArgument(price >= 0);

        //ignore the quote
        GeographicalFirm sellerCast = (GeographicalFirm) seller;
        //put the quote in the collection and return it
        Quote quoteMade = Quote.newSellerQuote(seller, price, good);
        if (department != null)
        sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.put(sellerCast, quoteMade);
        assert quoteMade.getPriceQuoted() >= 0;

        //map has changed!
        changedMap = true;

        return quoteMade;

     * If the seller changes its mind and wants to remove its sell quote, call this
     * @param q quote to cancel
    public void removeSellQuote(Quote q) {

        boolean removedCorrectly = sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(q.getAgent(), q);
        Preconditions.checkState(removedCorrectly, "failed to remove correctly");

        //either you have been removed from the multimap or you had another quote!
        assert !sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(q.getAgent())
                || (!sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalFirm) q.getAgent()).isEmpty()
                        && !sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalFirm) q.getAgent()).contains(q));

        //map has changed!
        changedMap = true;


    public void removeSellQuotes(Collection<Quote> quotes) {
        for (Quote q : quotes) {
            boolean removedCorrectly = sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(q.getAgent(), q);
            if (removedCorrectly) {
                assert !sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(q.getAgent())
                        || (!sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalFirm) q.getAgent()).isEmpty()
                                && !sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalFirm) q.getAgent()).contains(q));

                //map has changed!
                changedMap = true;


     * Submit a buy quote
     * @param buyer      the agent trying to buy
     * @param price      the price at/below which the agent is willing to buy
     * @param department the department making the order or null if it was done by the economic agent himself
     * @return quote made

    public Quote submitBuyQuote(EconomicAgent buyer, int price, Department department) {
        assert getBuyers().contains(buyer);
        assert buyer instanceof GeographicalCustomer;
        if (MacroII.SAFE_MODE) //double check the good isn't already on sale

        Preconditions.checkArgument(price >= 0);

        //ignore the quote
        GeographicalCustomer buyerCast = (GeographicalCustomer) buyer;
        //put the quote in the collection and return it
        Quote quoteMade = Quote.newBuyerQuote(buyer, price, goodType);
        if (department != null)
        buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.put(buyerCast, quoteMade);
        assert quoteMade.getPriceQuoted() >= 0;

        //map has changed!
        changedMap = true;

        return quoteMade;

    public void removeBuyQuotes(Collection<Quote> quotes) {
        for (Quote q : quotes) {
            boolean removedCorrectly = buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(q.getAgent(), q);

            if (removedCorrectly) {
                //either you have been removed from the multimap or you had another quote!
                assert !buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(q.getAgent())
                        || (!buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalCustomer) q.getAgent()).isEmpty()
                                && !buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalCustomer) q.getAgent()).contains(q));

                //map has changed!
                changedMap = true;

     * Submit a buy quote
     * @param buyer the agent trying to buy
     * @param price the price at/below which the agent is willing to buy
     * @return quote made

    public Quote submitBuyQuote(EconomicAgent buyer, int price) {
        return this.submitBuyQuote(buyer, price, null);


     * If the buyer changes its mind and wants to remove its purchase quote, call this
     * @param q quote to cancel
    public void removeBuyQuote(Quote q) {
        boolean removedCorrectly = buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(q.getAgent(), q);
        Preconditions.checkState(removedCorrectly, "failed to remove buy quote correctly");

        //either you have been removed from the multimap or you had another quote!
        assert !buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(q.getAgent())
                || (!buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalCustomer) q.getAgent()).isEmpty()
                        && !buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.get((GeographicalCustomer) q.getAgent()).contains(q));

        //map has changed!
        changedMap = true;

     * Remove all these quotes by the buyer
     * @param buyer the buyer whose quotes we want to clear
     * @return the set of quotes removed
    public Collection<Quote> removeAllBuyQuoteByBuyer(EconomicAgent buyer) {

        if (buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(buyer)) {
            changedMap = true;
            return buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.removeAll(buyer);

        } else
            return new HashSet<>();

     * Remove all these quotes by the seller
     * @param seller the seller whose quotes we want to clear
     * @return the set of quotes removed
    public Collection<Quote> removeAllSellQuoteBySeller(EconomicAgent seller) {
        if (sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.containsKey(seller)) {
            changedMap = true;
            return sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.removeAll(seller);

        } else
            return new HashSet<>();


     * asks the market if users are allowed to see the best price for a good on sale
    public boolean isBestSalePriceVisible() {
        return true;

     * Asks the market to return the best (lowest) price for a good on sale at the market
     * @return the best price or -1 if there are none
     * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown by markets that do not allow such information.
    public int getBestSellPrice() throws IllegalAccessException {
        if (sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.isEmpty())
            return -1;

        //go through all the quotes and find the cheapest

        Quote lowestQuote = getLowestSellerQuote();
        assert lowestQuote.getPriceQuoted() >= 0;

        return lowestQuote.getPriceQuoted();


    private Quote getLowestSellerQuote() {
        return Collections.min(sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.values(), new Comparator<Quote>() {
            public int compare(Quote o1, Quote o2) {
                return, o2.getPriceQuoted());


    private Quote getHighestBuyerQuote() {
        return Collections.max(buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.values(), new Comparator<Quote>() {
            public int compare(Quote o1, Quote o2) {
                return, o2.getPriceQuoted());


     * Asks the market to return the owner of the best ask price in the market
     * @return the best seller or null if there are none
     * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown by markets that do not allow such information.

    public EconomicAgent getBestSeller() throws IllegalAccessException {
        if (sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.isEmpty())
            return null;

        //go through all the quotes and find the cheapest

        Quote lowestQuote = getLowestSellerQuote();
        return lowestQuote.getAgent();

     * asks the market if users are allowed to see the best offer to buy a good
    public boolean isBestBuyPriceVisible() {
        return true;

     * Asks the market to return the best (highest) offer for buying a good at the market
     * @return the best price or -1 if there are none
     * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown by markets that do not allow such information.
    +     */
    public int getBestBuyPrice() throws IllegalAccessException {

        if (buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.isEmpty())
            return -1;

        //go through all the quotes and find the cheapest

        Quote highestQuote = getHighestBuyerQuote();
        assert highestQuote.getPriceQuoted() >= 0;

        return highestQuote.getPriceQuoted();


     * Asks the market to return the owner of the best offer in the market
     * @return the best buyer or NULL if there is none
     * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown by markets that do not allow such information.
    public EconomicAgent getBestBuyer() throws IllegalAccessException {

        if (buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.isEmpty())
            return null;

        //go through all the quotes and find the cheapest

        Quote highestQuote = getHighestBuyerQuote();
        assert highestQuote.getPriceQuoted() >= 0;

        return highestQuote.getAgent();


     * Can I get an iterator to cycle through all the quotes?
     * @return true if it's possible
    public boolean areAllQuotesVisibile() {
        return false;

     * Get an iterator to cycle through all the bids
     * @return the iterator
     * @throws IllegalAccessException if not all the quotes aren't visible
    public Iterator<Quote> getIteratorForBids() throws IllegalAccessException {
        throw new IllegalAccessError();

     * Get an iterator to cycle through all the bids
     * @return the iterator
     * @throws IllegalAccessException if not all the quotes aren't visible
    public Iterator<Quote> getIteratorForAsks() throws IllegalAccessException {
        throw new IllegalAccessError();

     * this happens at FINAL priority, so all quotes have been settled.
     * It keeps rescheduling itself to iterate one more buyer
     * @param state
    public void step(SimState state) {

        if (!isActive)

        MacroII model = (MacroII) state;
         * if the map has changed since the last step, reset the iterator
        if (changedMap) {
            indexToLoopTo = 0;
            changedMap = false;

        //let's go!
        Iterator<GeographicalCustomer> buyerIterator = buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.keySet().iterator();
        for (int i = 0; i < indexToLoopTo; i++) {
            assert buyerIterator.hasNext(); //should never fail, because we have been here before!
  ; //already processed
        //if there are no more buyers or sellers, we are done!
        if (!buyerIterator.hasNext() || sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.isEmpty()) {
            //restart this tomorrow
            indexToLoopTo = 0;
            model.scheduleTomorrow(ActionOrder.TRADE, this, Priority.FINAL);

        //okay, then there is another buyer to process, let's do this
        GeographicalCustomer currentBuyer =;
        //make him choose among all the possible buyers
        GeographicalFirm sellerChosen = currentBuyer

        if (sellerChosen != null) {
            //remove the seller quote
            Quote sellerQuoteChosen = sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.get(sellerChosen).iterator().next();

            //remove the buyer quote
            Quote buyerQuoteToRemove = buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.get(currentBuyer).iterator().next();

            //make them trade!
            int finalPrice = pricePolicy.price(sellerQuoteChosen.getPriceQuoted(),
            //make them trade!
            Good goodBought = sellerQuoteChosen.getGood();
            PurchaseResult result = trade(currentBuyer, sellerChosen, goodBought, finalPrice, sellerQuoteChosen,
            if (result == PurchaseResult.BUYER_HAS_NO_MONEY)
                throw new Bankruptcy(currentBuyer);
            assert result == PurchaseResult.SUCCESS;

            //remove the two crossing quotes
            boolean removedCorrectly = sellersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(sellerChosen, sellerQuoteChosen);
            assert removedCorrectly;
            removedCorrectly = buyersWhoPlacedAQuote.remove(currentBuyer, buyerQuoteToRemove);
            assert removedCorrectly;

            currentBuyer.reactToFilledBidQuote(buyerQuoteToRemove, goodBought, finalPrice, sellerChosen);
            sellerChosen.reactToFilledAskedQuote(sellerQuoteChosen, goodBought, finalPrice, currentBuyer);

        } else {
            //move on!

        //reschedule yourself the same day!
        model.scheduleSoon(ActionOrder.TRADE, this, Priority.FINAL);


    public void turnOff() {
        isActive = false;

    public ObservableMap<GeographicalCustomer, Collection<Quote>> getBuyerBackerMap() {
        return buyerBackerMap;