flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.Array.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.Array.java


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 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package flex2.compiler.mxml.rep;

import flex2.compiler.mxml.gen.CodeFragmentList;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.reflect.Type;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.init.ArrayElementInitializer;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.init.Initializer;
import flex2.compiler.util.IteratorList;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.commons.collections.iterators.FilterIterator;

 * TODO this shouldn't really subclass Model. Either detach it, or
 * block other Model methods like setProperty() below
 * This class represents an Array of MXML document nodes.
public class Array extends Model {
    protected Collection<ArrayElementInitializer> list;
    protected Type elementType;

    public Array(MxmlDocument document, int line, Type elementType) {
        this(document, null, line, elementType);

    public Array(MxmlDocument document, Model parent, int line, Type elementType) {
        this(document, document.getTypeTable().arrayType, parent, line, elementType);

    protected Array(MxmlDocument document, Type type, Model parent, int line, Type elementType) {
        super(document, type, parent, line);
        this.list = new ArrayList<ArrayElementInitializer>();
        this.elementType = elementType;

    public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
        assert false : "Array may not have properties";

    public void addEntry(Model entry) {
        ArrayElementInitializer initializer = new ArrayElementInitializer(elementType, list.size(), entry,
                entry.getXmlLineNumber(), standardDefs);

    public void addEntry(Object entry, int line) {
        list.add(new ArrayElementInitializer(elementType, list.size(), entry, line, standardDefs));

    public void addEntries(Collection entries, int line) {
        for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            addEntry(iter.next(), line);

    public void setEntries(Collection<ArrayElementInitializer> entries) {
        this.list = entries;

    public Collection<ArrayElementInitializer> getEntries() {
        return list;

    public int size() {
        return list.size();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return list.isEmpty();

     * Note that we do *not* filter out bindings for element initializers.
    public final Iterator<ArrayElementInitializer> getElementInitializerIterator() {
        return new FilterIterator(list.iterator(), new Predicate() {
            public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
                return (!(((ArrayElementInitializer) object).getValue() instanceof Reparent));

     *  iterator containing definitions from our initializers
    public Iterator<CodeFragmentList> getSubDefinitionsIterator() {
        IteratorList iterList = new IteratorList();

        addDefinitionIterators(iterList, getElementInitializerIterator());

        return iterList.toIterator();

     *  iterator containing our initializers
    public Iterator<Initializer> getSubInitializerIterator() {
        IteratorList iterList = new IteratorList();


        return iterList.toIterator();

     * override hasBindings to check entries
    public boolean hasBindings() {
        return bindingsOnly(getEntries().iterator()).hasNext() || super.hasBindings();