Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
 * Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
 * for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.crypt;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.DSAParameters;

import java.math.BigInteger;

 * This class contains global public keys used by Freenet.  These 
 * include the Diffie-Hellman key exchange modulus, DSA groups, and 
 * any other future values
 * @author Scott 
public final class Global {
    public static final int GROUP_INDEX_BIG_A = 1;
     * 2048-bit DSA group.
     * SEED: 315a9f1fa8000fbc5aba458476c83564b5927099ddb5a3df58544e37b996fdfa9e644f5d35f7d7c8266fc485b351ace2b06a11e24a17cc205e2a58f0a4147ed4
     * COUNTER: 1653
     * Primality of q, 2q+1, and p is assured 2^200:1.
    public static final DSAGroup DSAgroupBigA = new DSAGroup(new BigInteger( /* p */
            new BigInteger( /* q */
                    "00b143368abcd51f58d6440d5417399339a4d15bef096a2c5d8e6df44f52d6d379", 16),
            new BigInteger( /* g */

    /* NB: for some reason I can't explain, we're signing truncated hashes...
       So we need to keep that code around
       Ever since 567bf11a954edc31f3b6d4348782792fe7d5bae5 we are truncating all hashes
        (in Freenet's case, we are always using a single group: q is constant - see above)
       @see InsertableClientSSK
       Ever since 2ffce6060b346c3a671887b51849f88482b882a9 we are verifying using both
       the truncated and non-truncated version (wasting CPU cycles in the process)
       @see SSKBlock
       I guess it's not too bad since in most cases the signature will match on the first try:
       Anything inserted post 2007 is signed using a truncated hash.
    static final BigInteger SIGNATURE_MASK = Util.TWO.pow(255).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);

    public static byte[] truncateHash(byte[] message) {
        BigInteger m = new BigInteger(1, message);
        m = m.and(SIGNATURE_MASK);
        return m.toByteArray();

    public static final DSAParameters getDSAgroupBigAParameters() {
        return new DSAParameters(DSAgroupBigA.getP(), DSAgroupBigA.getQ(), DSAgroupBigA.getG());