Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (c) 2014, Paul L. Snyder <>,
 * Daniel Dubois, Nicolo Calcavecchia.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * Any later version. It may also be redistributed and/or modified under the
 * terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package fungus;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;

import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.SpringLayout;

import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;

public class VisualizerTransformers {

    protected MycoGraph graph;

    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VisualizerTransformers.class.getName());

    public static Shape createRegularPolygon(int sides, int radius) {
        Polygon p = new Polygon();
        double a = 2 * Math.PI / sides;
        for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++)
            p.addPoint((int) (radius * Math.sin(a * i)), (int) (radius * -Math.cos(a * i)));
        return p;

    public Transformer<MycoNode, String> idNodeLabeller = new Transformer<MycoNode, String>() {
        public String transform(MycoNode n) {
            return Long.toString(n.getID());

    public Transformer<MycoNode, String> getNodeLabeller() {
        return idNodeLabeller;

    protected static final Shape biomassShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(-5.0f, -5.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
    //final Shape hyphaCircle = new Ellipse2D.Float(-5.0f,-5.0f,10.0f,10.0f);
    protected final Shape extendingShape = createRegularPolygon(3, 10);
    protected final Shape branchingShape = createRegularPolygon(4, 10);
    protected final Shape immobileShape = createRegularPolygon(5, 10);

    Transformer<MycoNode, Shape> fixedShapeTransformer = new Transformer<MycoNode, Shape>() {
        public Shape transform(MycoNode n) {
            HyphaData data = n.getHyphaData();
            if (data.isExtending()) {
                return extendingShape;
            } else if (data.isBranching()) {
                return branchingShape;
            } else if (data.isImmobile()) {
                return immobileShape;
            } else {
                return biomassShape;

    private double scale;
    private double smallest;
    private double logMin;
    private boolean rangeScaled = false;

    private double logScale(int cap) {
        // FIXME: Doesn't update if node capacity distribution changes
        if (!rangeScaled) {
            double logMax = Math.log(StateObserver.getMaxCapacity());
            logMin = Math.log(StateObserver.getMinCapacity());
            if (logMax == 0.0) {
                logMax = 1.0;
                logMin = 0.0;
            } // Avoid / 0
            double preRange = logMax - logMin;
            double preScale = preRange / logMax;

            double largest = 15.0;
            smallest = 7.0;

            double rangeScale = largest - smallest;

            scale = preScale * rangeScale;
            rangeScaled = true;

        double logCap = Math.log(cap);

        return ((logCap - logMin) * scale) + smallest;

    public Shape makeShape(int sides, int cap) {
        return createRegularPolygon(sides, (int) logScale(cap));

    public Shape makeBiomassShape(int cap) {
        float sc = (float) logScale(cap);
        //System.out.println((new Float(sc)).toString());
        return (new Ellipse2D.Float(-sc / 2, -sc / 2, sc, sc));

    public Shape makeExtendingShape(int cap) {
        return makeShape(3, cap);

    public Shape makeBranchingShape(int cap) {
        return makeShape(4, cap);

    public Shape makeImmobileShape(int cap) {
        return makeShape(5, cap);

    private class ShapeKey extends SimpleImmutableEntry<Integer, HyphaType> {
        public ShapeKey(Integer i, HyphaType t) {
            super(i, t);

    public abstract class CachingTransformer<I, O> implements Transformer<I, O> {
        public abstract void clear();

    public final CachingTransformer<MycoNode, Shape> scaledShapeTransformer = new CachingTransformer<MycoNode, Shape>() {
        Map<ShapeKey, Shape> shapeMap = new HashMap<ShapeKey, Shape>();

        public void clear() {
            shapeMap = new HashMap<ShapeKey, Shape>();

        public Shape transform(MycoNode n) {
            try {
                HyphaData data = n.getHyphaData();
                int cap = data.getCapacity();
                ShapeKey k = new ShapeKey(new Integer(cap), data.getState());
                if (shapeMap.containsKey(k)) {
                    return shapeMap.get(k);

                Shape ret;

                if (data.isExtending()) {
                    ret = makeExtendingShape(cap);
                } else if (data.isBranching()) {
                    ret = makeBranchingShape(cap);
                } else if (data.isImmobile()) {
                    ret = makeImmobileShape(cap);
                } else {
                    ret = makeBiomassShape(cap);
                shapeMap.put(k, ret);
                return ret;
            } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                return biomassShape;

    protected boolean scaleShapes = false;

    public Transformer<MycoNode, Shape> getShapeTransformer(boolean scaleShapes) {
        if (scaleShapes) {
            this.scaleShapes = true;
            return scaledShapeTransformer;
        } else {
            return fixedShapeTransformer;

    // Default to not scaled
    public Transformer<MycoNode, Shape> getShapeTransformer() {
        return getShapeTransformer(false);

    public final Transformer<MycoNode, Paint> nodeStatePaintTransformer = new Transformer<MycoNode, Paint>() {
        public Paint transform(MycoNode n) {
            HyphaData data = n.getHyphaData();
            if (data.isBiomass()) {
                return Color.BLUE;
            } else if (data.isExtending()) {
                return Color.RED;
            } else if (data.isBranching()) {
                return Color.YELLOW;
            } else {
                return Color.GREEN;

    public Transformer<MycoNode, Paint> getNodeFillRenderer() {
        return nodeStatePaintTransformer;

    final Stroke biomassStroke = new BasicStroke(0.25f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
    final Stroke hyphalStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);

    public final Transformer<MycoEdge, Stroke> basicEdgeStrokeTransformer = new Transformer<MycoEdge, Stroke>() {
        public Stroke transform(MycoEdge e) {
            Pair<MycoNode> vertices = graph.getEndpoints(e);
            HyphaData firstData = vertices.getFirst().getHyphaData();
            HyphaData secondData = vertices.getSecond().getHyphaData();
            if (firstData.isBiomass()) {
                return biomassStroke;
            } else {
                return hyphalStroke;

    public final Transformer<MycoNode, Paint> blackPaintTransformer = new Transformer<MycoNode, Paint>() {
        public Paint transform(MycoNode n) {
            return Color.BLACK;

    public Transformer<MycoNode, Paint> getVertexDrawPaintTransformer() {
        return blackPaintTransformer;

    public final Transformer<MycoNode, Stroke> thinStrokeTransformer = new Transformer<MycoNode, Stroke>() {
        Stroke thinStroke = new BasicStroke(0.5f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);

        public Stroke transform(MycoNode n) {
            return thinStroke;

    public Transformer<MycoNode, Stroke> getVertexStrokeTransformer() {
        return thinStrokeTransformer;

    public Transformer<MycoEdge, Stroke> getEdgeStrokeTransformer() {
        return basicEdgeStrokeTransformer;

    final Color transparent = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

    public final Transformer<MycoEdge, Paint> basicEdgePaintTransformer = new Transformer<MycoEdge, Paint>() {
        public Paint transform(MycoEdge e) {
            try {
                Pair<MycoNode> vertices = graph.getEndpoints(e);
                HyphaData firstData = vertices.getFirst().getHyphaData();
                HyphaData secondData = vertices.getSecond().getHyphaData();
                if (secondData.isBiomass()) {
                    return transparent;
                } else {
                    return Color.BLACK;
            } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                log.fine("Null pointer caught");
                return Color.RED;

    public Transformer<MycoEdge, Paint> getEdgeDrawPaintTransformer() {
        return basicEdgePaintTransformer;

    // Edge length hints for SpringLayout
    public final Transformer<MycoEdge, Integer> basicEdgeLengthTransformer = new Transformer<MycoEdge, Integer>() {
        public Integer transform(MycoEdge e) {
            Pair<MycoNode> vertices = graph.getEndpoints(e);
            HyphaData firstData = vertices.getFirst().getHyphaData();
            HyphaData secondData = vertices.getSecond().getHyphaData();
            if (firstData.isBiomass() || secondData.isBiomass()) {
                return 50;
            } else {
                return 100;

    public Transformer<MycoEdge, Integer> getEdgeLengthTransformer() {
        return basicEdgeLengthTransformer;

    public void setGraph(MycoGraph g) {
        graph = g;

    public Layout<MycoNode, MycoEdge> makeLayout(MycoGraph graph) {
        SpringLayout<MycoNode, MycoEdge> springLayout = new SpringLayout<MycoNode, MycoEdge>(graph,
        springLayout.setSize(new Dimension(650, 650));

        return springLayout;

    public boolean execute() {
        rangeScaled = false; // FIXME: Ugly...breaks if sizes change,
        // lots of unnecessary recalc otherwise
        if (scaledShapeTransformer != null) {
            scaledShapeTransformer.clear(); // FIXME: ICK!

        return false;
