Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package gamlss.algorithm;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.BlockRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

import gamlss.distributions.DistributionSettings;
import gamlss.distributions.GAMLSSFamilyDistribution;
import gamlss.utilities.Controls;
import gamlss.utilities.MakeLinkFunction;
import gamlss.utilities.WLSMultipleLinearRegression;

 * 01/08/2012
 * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby

public class CGAlgorithm {

    private ArrayRealVector dr;
    private ArrayRealVector eta;
    private ArrayRealVector etaOld;
    private ArrayRealVector wMuSigma;
    private ArrayRealVector wMuNu;
    private ArrayRealVector wMuTau;
    private ArrayRealVector w;
    private ArrayRealVector z;
    private ArrayRealVector wSigmaNu;
    private ArrayRealVector wSigmaTau;
    private ArrayRealVector u2MuSigma;

    private int nCyc;
    Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector> bettas = new Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector>();

    private GlimFitCG glimfitCG;
    private MakeLinkFunction makelink;

    Hashtable<String, ArrayRealVector> cgData = new Hashtable<String, ArrayRealVector>();
    /** identifier of distribution parameter */
    private int whichDistParameter;

    public CGAlgorithm(int size) {

        nCyc = Controls.GAMLSS_NUM_CYCLES;
        glimfitCG = new GlimFitCG(Controls.COPY_ORIGINAL, size);

        makelink = new MakeLinkFunction();

        //eta.old.tau<-eta.tau<-rep(0,N) #???
        eta = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        etaOld = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        wMuNu = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        wMuTau = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        //      w = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        wSigmaNu = new ArrayRealVector(size);
        wSigmaTau = new ArrayRealVector(size);

        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
            cgData.put("eta" + i, eta);
            cgData.put("etaOld" + i, etaOld);

        cgData.put("wMuNu", wMuNu);
        cgData.put("wMuTau", wMuTau);
        cgData.put("wSigmaNu", wSigmaNu);
        cgData.put("wSigmaTau", wSigmaTau);

    public Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector> CGfunction(GAMLSSFamilyDistribution distr, ArrayRealVector response,
            Hashtable<Integer, BlockRealMatrix> X, ArrayRealVector weights) {

        //iter <- control$iter
        double iter = Controls.ITERATIONS;

        //conv <- FALSE
        boolean conv = false;

        // <- eval(                  
        // <- sum(w*
        double gDev = weights.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));

        // <-  
        double gDevOld = gDev + 1;

        //while ( abs( > c.crit && iter < n.cyc )
        while (FastMath.abs(gDevOld - gDev) > Controls.GAMLSS_CONV_CRIT && iter < nCyc) {

            for (int i = 1; i < distr.getNumberOfDistribtionParameters() + 1; i++) {
                switch (i) {
                case DistributionSettings.MU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.MU;
                case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.SIGMA;
                case DistributionSettings.NU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.NU;
                case DistributionSettings.TAU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.TAU;

                // <- <- family$mu.linkfun(mu)    
                etaOld =,
                cgData.put("etaOld" + whichDistParameter, etaOld);

                eta = etaOld;
                cgData.put("eta" + whichDistParameter, eta);

                // <- mu.object$dldp(mu=mu)
                ArrayRealVector u = distr.firstDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

                // <- mu.object$d2ldp2(mu=mu)
                ArrayRealVector u2 = distr.secondDerivative(whichDistParameter, response);

                if (whichDistParameter == DistributionSettings.SIGMA) {
                    u2MuSigma = distr.secondCrossDerivative(DistributionSettings.MU, DistributionSettings.SIGMA,


                // <- family$mu.dr(
                dr = makelink.distParameterEta(distr.getDistributionParameterLink(whichDistParameter), eta);

                // <- 1/
                dr = drInverse(dr);
                cgData.put("dr" + whichDistParameter, dr);
                // <- mu.object$who
                // <- mu.object$smooth.frame
                // <- if(first.iter) mu.object$smooth else       

                // <-*
                w = wtSet(u2, dr);
                cgData.put("w" + whichDistParameter, w);

                if (whichDistParameter == DistributionSettings.SIGMA) {
                    wMuSigma = wMUSIGMAset(u2MuSigma, cgData.get("dr" + DistributionSettings.MU), dr);
                    cgData.put("wMuSigma", wMuSigma);
                // <- (**
                z = wvSet(etaOld, Controls.STEP[whichDistParameter - 1], Controls.OFFSET[whichDistParameter - 1], u,
                        dr, w);
                cgData.put("z" + whichDistParameter, z);

            for (int i = 1; i < distr.getNumberOfDistribtionParameters() + 1; i++) {
                switch (i) {
                case DistributionSettings.MU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.MU;
                case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.SIGMA;
                case DistributionSettings.NU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.NU;
                case DistributionSettings.TAU:
                    whichDistParameter = DistributionSettings.TAU;

                //if  (family$parameter$mu==TRUE & mu.fix==FALSE){
                glimfitCG.setWLSnoIntercept(Controls.NO_INTERCEPT[whichDistParameter - 1]);

                        glimfitCG.glimFitFunctionCG(distr, response, X,
                                distr.getDistributionParameter(whichDistParameter), weights, whichDistParameter,
                                Controls.STEP[whichDistParameter - 1], Controls.OFFSET[whichDistParameter - 1],
                                gDev, cgData, makelink));


            gDevOld = gDev;

            // <- eval(   
            // <- sum(w*
            gDev = weights.dotProduct(distr.globalDevianceIncreament(response));

            //if ( < break
            //   if (gDev < gDevOld)
            //   { 
            //      break;
            //   }

            //iter <- iter+1  
            iter = iter + 1;

            if (Controls.GAMLSS_TRACE) {
                //cat("GAMLSS-CG iteration ", iter, ": Global Deviance = ", format(round(, 4)), " \n", sep = "")
                System.out.println("GAMLSS-CG iteration " + iter + " : Global Deviance = " + gDev);
            //if ( > ( && iter >1 )
            if (gDev > (gDevOld + Controls.GLOB_DEVIANCE_TOL) && iter > 1) {
                //stop(paste("The global deviance is increasing in CG-algorithm ", "\n",  "Try different steps for the parameters or the model maybe inappropriate"))
                        "The global deviance is increasing in CG-algorithm, Try different steps for the parameters or the model maybe inappropriate");

            //if ( abs( < c.crit ) conv <- TRUE else FALSE 
            if (FastMath.abs(gDevOld - gDev) < Controls.GAMLSS_CONV_CRIT) {

                conv = true;
            } else {
                conv = false;
            // if (!conv)   
            if (!conv && iter == nCyc) {
                //warning("Algorithm CG has not yet converged");
                System.out.println("Algorithm CG has not yet converged");
        return bettas;

    public void setnCyc(int nCyc) {
        this.nCyc = nCyc;

     *  Calculates inverse of dr vector values (1/dr)
     * @param dr - vector of 1/(link function of the linear pridictoor) values
     * @return 1/dr
    private ArrayRealVector drInverse(ArrayRealVector dr) {
        double[] out = new double[dr.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
            out[i] = 1 / dr.getEntry(i);
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

     * Calculates values of wt vector
     * @param d2ldp2 - vector of second derivative values with respect to the fitted distribution parameter
     * @param dr - vector of 1/(link function of the linear pridictoor) values
     * @return wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr))
    private ArrayRealVector wtSet(ArrayRealVector d2ldp2, ArrayRealVector dr) {
        double[] out = new double[d2ldp2.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
            out[i] = -(d2ldp2.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * dr.getEntry(i)));
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

     * Calculates values of wv vector
     * @param eta - vector of linear predictor values
     * @param os - offset value
     * @param dldp - vector of the first derivative values with respect to the fitted distribution parameter
     * @param dr = vector of 1/(link function of the linear pridictoor) values
     * @param wt = vectr f -(second derivative values with respect to the fitted distribution parameter/(dr*dr)) values
     * @return wv = vector of values (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
    private ArrayRealVector wvSet(ArrayRealVector etaOldMU, double muStep, double os, ArrayRealVector dldp,
            ArrayRealVector dr, ArrayRealVector wt) {
        double[] out = new double[etaOldMU.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
            out[i] = (etaOldMU.getEntry(i) - os) + muStep * dldp.getEntry(i) / (dr.getEntry(i) * wt.getEntry(i));
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

     * Calculates values of wt vector
     * @param d2ldp2 - vector of second derivative values with respect to the fitted distribution parameter
     * @param dr - vector of 1/(link function of the linear pridictoor) values
     * @return wt = -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr))
    private ArrayRealVector wMUSIGMAset(ArrayRealVector u2MUSIGMA, ArrayRealVector drMU, ArrayRealVector drSIGMA) {
        double[] out = new double[u2MUSIGMA.getDimension()];
        for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
            out[i] = -(u2MUSIGMA.getEntry(i) / (drMU.getEntry(i) * drSIGMA.getEntry(i)));
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);
