Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2013 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * This file is part of GDA.
 * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation.
 * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with GDA. If not, see <>.

package gda.device.detector.mythen;

import static gda.device.detector.mythen.client.Trigger.NONE;
import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO;
import gda.device.DeviceException;
import gda.device.Scannable;
import gda.device.detector.DetectorBase;
import gda.device.detector.Mythen;
import gda.device.detector.mythen.client.AcquisitionParameters;
import gda.device.detector.mythen.client.MythenClient;
import gda.device.detector.mythen.client.Trigger;
import gda.device.detector.mythen.tasks.AtPointEndTask;
import gda.device.detector.mythen.tasks.ScanTask;
import gda.factory.FactoryException;
import gda.jython.InterfaceProvider;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;

 * Implementation of the GDA Mythen interface.
public class MythenDetectorImpl extends DetectorBase implements Mythen, InitializingBean {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MythenDetectorImpl.class);

    public boolean isLocal() {
        return true;

     * Exposure time in seconds.
    protected BigDecimal exposureTime;

    protected volatile int status = IDLE;

    protected String detectorID = "unknown";

    protected NumTracker scanNumTracker;

    protected volatile long collectionNumber;

     * The Mythen client that actually interacts with the Mythen controller hardware.
    protected MythenClient mythenClient;

    protected Scannable deltaScannable;

     * The converter that converts raw Mythen data (channel and count) to processed data (angle and count).
    protected DataConverter dataConverter;

     * The directory below the main data collection directory in which Mythen data files are saved.
    protected String subDirectory = "";

     * Creates a new Mythen detector with a default collection time of 1s.
    public MythenDetectorImpl() {

    public void configure() throws FactoryException {
        try {
            if (LocalProperties.isScanSetsScanNumber()) {
                this.scanNumTracker = new NumTracker("scanbase_numtracker");
            } else if (LocalProperties.check(LocalProperties.GDA_BEAMLINE_NAME)) {
                this.scanNumTracker = new NumTracker(LocalProperties.get(LocalProperties.GDA_BEAMLINE_NAME));
            } else {
                this.scanNumTracker = new NumTracker("tmp");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new FactoryException("Couldn't create NumTracker for Mythen detector", e);
        //      try {
        //         setCollectionTime(1);
        //      } catch (DeviceException e) {
        //         logger.error("MythenDetectorImpl caught DeviceException during instantiation: ", e);
        //      }


     * Sets the detector ID.
     * @param detectorID
     *            the detector ID
    public void setDetectorID(String detectorID) {
        this.detectorID = detectorID;

     * Sets the Mythen client used by this Mythen detector object.
     * @param mythenClient
     *            the Mythen client
    public void setMythenClient(MythenClient mythenClient) {
        this.mythenClient = mythenClient;

     * Sets the {@link Scannable} representing the delta circle.
     * @param deltaScannable
     *            the delta scannable
    public void setDeltaScannable(Scannable deltaScannable) {
        this.deltaScannable = deltaScannable;

     * Sets the Mythen data converter used by this Mythen detector object.
     * @param dataConverter
     *            the data converter
    public void setDataConverter(DataConverter dataConverter) {
        this.dataConverter = dataConverter;

    public DataConverter getDataConverter() {
        return dataConverter;

    public void setSubDirectory(String subDirectory) {
        this.subDirectory = subDirectory;

    public synchronized String getSubDirectory() {
        return this.subDirectory;

     * Returns the data directory into which Mythen data files will be written.
     * @return the data directory
    public synchronized File getDataDirectory() {
        return new File(PathConstructor.createFromDefaultProperty() + this.subDirectory);

    protected int numberOfModules;

     * Sets the number of modules in the detector.
    public void setNumberOfModules(int numberOfModules) {
        this.numberOfModules = numberOfModules;

    protected List<ScanTask> atScanStartTasks = new Vector<ScanTask>();

     * Sets the list of tasks that will be executed at the start of the scan.
    public void setAtScanStartTasks(List<ScanTask> tasks) {
        this.atScanStartTasks = tasks;

    protected List<AtPointEndTask> atPointEndTasks = new Vector<AtPointEndTask>();

     * Sets the list of tasks that will be executed after each point in the scan.
    public void setAtPointEndTasks(List<AtPointEndTask> tasks) {
        this.atPointEndTasks = tasks;

    protected List<ScanTask> atScanEndTasks = new Vector<ScanTask>();

     * Sets the list of tasks that will be executed at the end of the scan.
    public void setAtScanEndTasks(List<ScanTask> tasks) {
        this.atScanEndTasks = tasks;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        if (detectorID == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("You have not set the detector ID");

        if (mythenClient == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("You have not set a Mythen client to be used when collecting data");

        if (dataConverter == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "You have not set a data converter; this is needed for converting raw data to processed data");

    /** The most recently collected raw dataset. */
    protected volatile MythenRawDataset rawData;

    /** File containing the most recently collected raw dataset. */
    protected volatile File rawFile;

    /** The most recently collected processed dataset. */
    protected volatile MythenProcessedDataset processedData;

    /** File containing the most recently collected processed dataset. */
    protected volatile File processedFile;

    protected volatile long scanNumber;

    public int getStatus() throws DeviceException {
        return status;

    public void atScanStart() throws DeviceException {
        collectionNumber = 0;
        this.scanNumber = scanNumTracker.getCurrentFileNumber();

        for (ScanTask task : atScanStartTasks) {

    public String getCurrentFilename() {
        // long scanNumber = scanNumTracker.getCurrentFileNumber() + 1;
        return buildFilenameWithoutSuffix((int) collectionNumber);

    protected String buildFilenameWithoutSuffix(int number) {
        return buildFilenameWithoutSuffix(String.format("%04d", number));

    protected String buildFilenameWithoutSuffix(String s) {
        return String.format("%d-mythen-%s", this.scanNumber, s);

    protected String buildFilename(int number, FileType type) {
        return buildFilename(String.format("%04d", number), type);

     * rebuild Raw data file name added for Jython use as Jython does not support enum Java type yet.
     * @param number
     * @return filename
    public String buildRawFilename(int number) {
        return buildFilename(String.format("%04d", number), FileType.RAW);

    protected String buildFilename(String s, FileType type) {
        final String suffix = (type == FileType.PROCESSED) ? "dat" : "raw";
        return String.format("%d-mythen-%s.%s", this.scanNumber, s, suffix);

    protected String collectionFilename;
    protected double delta;

    private boolean hasChannelInfo = true;

    protected void beforeCollectData() throws DeviceException {

     * this method is developed for external scripting where the script control collection number.
     * @param collectionNumber
     * @throws DeviceException
    protected void beforeCollectData(long collectionNumber) throws DeviceException {
        status = BUSY;

        if (!getDataDirectory().exists()) {
            if (!getDataDirectory().mkdirs()) {
                throw new DeviceException("Unable to create data directory: " + getDataDirectory());

        this.collectionNumber = collectionNumber;
        collectionFilename = getCurrentFilename();
        rawFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilename + ".raw");"Mythen data will be written to " + rawFile);


    protected void updateDeltaPosition() throws DeviceException {
        if (deltaScannable != null) {
            delta = (Double) deltaScannable.getPosition();

    public void collectData() throws DeviceException {
        Thread mythenAcquire = new Thread(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                // do data acquisition into the file
                AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder()
                try {
                    logger.debug("starting acquire, expecting to collect for " + exposureTime + "s");
                    logger.debug("finished acquire");
                    logger.debug("finished after collect data");
                } catch (DeviceException e) {
                    logger.error("{}: error text client acquisition failed.", e);
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to collect data", e);
                } finally {
                    status = IDLE;
        while (mythenAcquire.isAlive()) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    protected void afterCollectData() {
        // read data and process it
        rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
        processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);
        processedFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilename + ".dat");, isHasChannelInfo());
        if (InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter() != null) {
            InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter().print("Save to file " + processedFile.getAbsolutePath());
                .registerFiles(new String[] { rawFile.getAbsolutePath(), processedFile.getAbsolutePath() });

        status = IDLE;

    public Object readout() throws DeviceException {
        String filename = processedFile.getName();
        return filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'));

    public MythenProcessedDataset readoutProcessedData() {
        return processedData;

    public void atPointEnd() throws DeviceException {
        for (AtPointEndTask task : atPointEndTasks) {
  , processedData);

    public void atScanEnd() throws DeviceException {
        for (ScanTask task : atScanEndTasks) {

    public void stop() throws DeviceException {
        for (ScanTask task : atScanEndTasks) {
        status = IDLE;

    public boolean createsOwnFiles() throws DeviceException {
        return true;

    public String getDescription() throws DeviceException {
        return "Mythen";

    public String getDetectorID() throws DeviceException {
        return detectorID;

    public String getDetectorType() throws DeviceException {
        return "Mythen";

    public void setCollectionTime(double collectionTime) throws DeviceException {
        exposureTime = BigDecimal.valueOf(collectionTime);

     * Captures multiple frames using a software trigger.
    public void multi(int numFrames, double delayBeforeFrames, double exposureTime, double delayAfterFrames)
            throws DeviceException {
        _multi(Trigger.NONE, numFrames, delayBeforeFrames, exposureTime, delayAfterFrames);

     * Captures multiple frames using a single trigger to start acquisition of all frames.
    public void smulti(int numFrames, double exposureTime, double delayAfterFrames) throws DeviceException {
        _multi(Trigger.SINGLE, numFrames, 0, exposureTime, delayAfterFrames);

     * Captures multiple frames using one trigger per frame.
    public void cmulti(int numFrames, double delayBeforeFrames, double exposureTime) throws DeviceException {
        _multi(Trigger.CONTINUOUS, numFrames, delayBeforeFrames, exposureTime, 0);

    private void _multi(Trigger trigger, int numFrames, double delayBeforeFrames, double exposureTime,
            double delayAfterFrames) throws DeviceException {
        long scanNumber = scanNumTracker.incrementNumber();

        final File dataDirectory = getDataDirectory();

        // Client uses the template "%s_%d.raw" when writing raw data files; this template includes a
        // placeholder the "raw" or "dat" suffix
        final String filenameTemplate = "%s_%d.%s";

        // This is the prefix for all the raw/processed files
        final String prefix = String.format("%d_mythen", scanNumber);

        final File baseFilename = new File(dataDirectory, prefix);


        // do acquisition
        AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder().frames(numFrames)
                .delayBeforeFrames(new BigDecimal(delayBeforeFrames)).exposureTime(new BigDecimal(exposureTime))
                .delayAfterFrames(new BigDecimal(delayAfterFrames)).filename(baseFilename.getAbsolutePath())
                .startIndex(1).trigger(trigger).build();"Acquiring data");

        // process data"Processing data");
        for (int frame = 1; frame <= numFrames; frame++) {
            File rawFile = new File(dataDirectory, String.format(filenameTemplate, prefix, frame, "raw"));
            MythenRawDataset rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
            MythenProcessedDataset processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);
            File processedFile = new File(dataDirectory, String.format(filenameTemplate, prefix, frame, "dat"));
  , isHasChannelInfo());

    public void gated(int numFrames, int numGates) throws DeviceException {
        long scanNumber = scanNumTracker.incrementNumber();
        final File dataDirectory = getDataDirectory();
        final String rawFilename = String.format("%d_mythen.raw", scanNumber);
        final File rawFile = new File(dataDirectory, rawFilename);
        final String processedFilename = String.format("%d_mythen.dat", scanNumber);
        final File processedFile = new File(dataDirectory, processedFilename);


        AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder().delayBeforeFrames(ZERO)
                .filename(rawFile.getAbsolutePath()).trigger(Trigger.NONE).build();"Acquiring data");
        mythenClient.acquire(params);"Processing data");
        MythenRawDataset rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
        MythenProcessedDataset processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);, isHasChannelInfo());

    public void gated(int numGates) throws DeviceException {
        gated(1, numGates);

    public void gated(int numFrames, int numGates, long scanNumber, File dataDirectory, int collectionNumber)
            throws DeviceException {
        final String rawFilename = String.format("%d_mythen_%d.raw", scanNumber, collectionNumber);
        final File rawFile = new File(dataDirectory, rawFilename);
        final String processedFilename = String.format("%d_mythen_%d.dat", scanNumber, collectionNumber);
        final File processedFile = new File(dataDirectory, processedFilename);


        AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder().delayBeforeFrames(ZERO)
                .filename(rawFile.getAbsolutePath()).trigger(Trigger.NONE).build();"Acquiring data");
        mythenClient.acquire(params);"Processing data");
        MythenRawDataset rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
        MythenProcessedDataset processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);, isHasChannelInfo());

     * gated multiple frames collection - one frame per file - where Mythen detector controls the frame number increment
     * starting from 0. It launches only single textclient to collect multiple frames
     * @param numFrames
     * @param numGates
     * @param scanNumber
     * @throws DeviceException
    public void gated(final int numFrames, int numGates, long scanNumber) throws DeviceException {
        final String collectionFilenameRoot = String.format("%d_mythen", scanNumber);
        File rawFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilenameRoot);"Mythen data will be written to files with root name " + rawFile);

        AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder().delayBeforeFrames(ZERO)
                .filename(rawFile.getAbsolutePath()).trigger(Trigger.NONE).startIndex(0) // comment out to save to
                // single file, remove
                // comment to save to
                // multiple files
                .build();"Acquiring data");

        Thread processing = new Thread(new Runnable() { // post process raw data so it does not block acquisition

            public void run() {
      "Processing all frames");
                afterCollectData(collectionFilenameRoot, numFrames);
        }, "DataProcessing");

     * post processes of multiple frames collection and plotting them. this method is developed for external scripting
     * use in which the collection file name is settable
     * @param collectionFilenameRoot
    protected void afterCollectData(String collectionFilenameRoot, int numFiles) {
        boolean clearFirst;
        for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
            collectionFilename = collectionFilenameRoot + "_" + i;
            rawFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilename + ".raw");
            // read data and process it
            rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
            processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);
            processedFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilename + ".dat");
  , isHasChannelInfo());
            if (InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter() != null) {
                InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter().print("Save to file " + processedFile.getAbsolutePath());
                    .registerFiles(new String[] { rawFile.getAbsolutePath(), processedFile.getAbsolutePath() });

            status = IDLE;
            if (i == 0) {
                clearFirst = true;
            } else {
                clearFirst = false;
            atPointEnd(collectionFilename, processedData, clearFirst);

     * plotting processed data.
     * @param filename
     * @param processedData
     * @param clearFirst
    public void atPointEnd(String filename, MythenProcessedDataset processedData, boolean clearFirst) {
        for (AtPointEndTask task : atPointEndTasks) {
  , processedData, clearFirst);

     * gated multiple or single frame collection - one or more frames per file - where GDA controls the collection
     * number increment.
     * @param numFrames
     * @param numGates
     * @param scanNumber
     * @param collectionNumber
     * @throws DeviceException
    public void gated(final int numFrames, int numGates, long scanNumber, int collectionNumber)
            throws DeviceException {
        // must set scanNumber when operate outside GDA Scan command, e.g. in a for loop. This is normally set
        // atScanStart() in a scan
        this.scanNumber = scanNumber;
        // must set collection number when operate outside GDA Scan command, e.g. in a for loop. This is normally
        // initialised atScanStart() in a scan
        this.collectionNumber = collectionNumber;
        final String rawfilenameroot = rawFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(".raw", "");
        AcquisitionParameters params = new AcquisitionParameters.Builder().delayBeforeFrames(ZERO)
                .filename(rawfilenameroot).trigger(Trigger.NONE).startIndex(0).build();"Acquiring data");

        Thread processing = new Thread(new Runnable() { // post process raw data so it does not block acquisition

            public void run() {
      "Processing data");
                for (int i = 1; i < numFrames + 1; i++) {
                    File newrawFile = new File(rawfilenameroot + "_" + i + ".raw");
                    afterCollectData(newrawFile, i);
        }, "DataProcessing");

    protected void afterCollectData(File rawFile, int num) {
        // read data and process it
        rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
        processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);
        processedFile = new File(rawFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(".raw", ".dat"));, isHasChannelInfo());
        if (InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter() != null) {
            InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter().print("Save to file " + processedFile.getAbsolutePath());
                .registerFiles(new String[] { rawFile.getAbsolutePath(), processedFile.getAbsolutePath() });

        status = IDLE;
        plot(processedFile.getName(), processedData, num);

    public void plot(String filename, MythenProcessedDataset processedData, int num) {

        try {
            if (num == 1) {
                atPointEnd(filename, processedData, true);
            } else {
                atPointEnd(filename, processedData);
        } catch (DeviceException e) {
            logger.error("Plot collected data failed at point " + num, e);

     * this method is developed for external scripting use in which the collection file name is settable
     * @param collectionFilename
    protected void afterCollectData(File rawFile, String collectionFilename) {
        // read data and process it
        rawData = new MythenRawDataset(rawFile);
        processedData = dataConverter.process(rawData, delta);
        processedFile = new File(getDataDirectory(), collectionFilename + ".dat");, isHasChannelInfo());
        if (InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter() != null) {
            InterfaceProvider.getTerminalPrinter().print("Save to file " + processedFile.getAbsolutePath());
                .registerFiles(new String[] { rawFile.getAbsolutePath(), processedFile.getAbsolutePath() });

        status = IDLE;
        try {
            atPointEnd(collectionFilename, processedData);
        } catch (DeviceException e) {
            logger.error("failed to perform atPointEnd tasks", e);

    public void atPointEnd(String filename, MythenProcessedDataset processedData) throws DeviceException {
        for (AtPointEndTask task : atPointEndTasks) {
  , processedData);

    public boolean isHasChannelInfo() {
        return hasChannelInfo;

    public void setHasChannelInfo(boolean hasChannelInfo) {
        this.hasChannelInfo = hasChannelInfo;
