Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2009 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * This file is part of GDA.
 * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation.
 * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with GDA. If not, see <>.



import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.FileConfiguration;


 * Singleton object which, given the location on a image of the sample in pixels, returns where an xyz stage supporting
 * the sample should move to so that whatever was at that pixel location is now in the beam.
 * <p>
 * This relies on the data file and objects use by the BeamDataComponent class working properly.
 * <p>
 * This also relies on a correct calibration file.
 * <p>
 * NOT IN USE AT THE MOMENT!! This is for a possible upgrade to sample viewing camera calibrations only
public class PixelToMicronConvertor {

    static final String CONFIGFILENAME = "sampleDisplayConfiguration";

    static final double IMAGEPIXELWIDTH = 1024;

    static final double IMAGEPIXELHEIGHT = 768;

    static PixelToMicronConvertor theInstance = null;

    BeamDataComponent beamDataStore = BeamDataComponent.getInstance();

     * @return the singleton PixelToMicronConvertor object
    public static PixelToMicronConvertor getInstance() {

        if (theInstance == null) {
            theInstance = new PixelToMicronConvertor();

        return theInstance;


     * Given a pixel location, returns the three element array of the microglide move required to move an object at that
     * point into the beam.
     * @param xPixel
     * @param yPixel
     * @return the micron movement required
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ConfigurationException
    public double[] movePointToBeam(int xPixel, int yPixel) throws ConfigurationException, IOException {

        // reread the file in case the GUI panel has updated it

        // get the current beam data
        BeamData currentBeamData = beamDataStore.getCurrentBeamData();
        String zoomLevelString = currentBeamData.zoomLevel.toString();

        // determine the calibration vectors for this zoom level and the beam's
        // location in pixels
        FileConfiguration configFile = LocalParameters.getXMLConfiguration(CONFIGFILENAME);

        // get the xyz coordinates of the top-left, top-right and bottom-left
        // corners of the image.
        // The movement will be based on those vectors, but normalised by the
        // size of the image in pixels.
        int tlX = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".tlX");
        int tlY = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".tlY");
        int tlZ = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".tlZ");
        int trX = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".trX");
        int trY = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".trY");
        int trZ = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".trZ");
        int blX = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".blX");
        int blY = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".blY");
        int blZ = configFile.getInt(zoomLevelString + ".blZ");

        // calculate the micron move in each axis:
        double x = ((currentBeamData.xCentre - xPixel) / IMAGEPIXELWIDTH) * (trX - tlX)
                + ((currentBeamData.yCentre - yPixel) / IMAGEPIXELHEIGHT) * (blX - tlX);
        double y = ((currentBeamData.xCentre - xPixel) / IMAGEPIXELWIDTH) * (trY - tlY)
                + ((currentBeamData.yCentre - yPixel) / IMAGEPIXELHEIGHT) * (blY - tlY);
        double z = ((currentBeamData.xCentre - xPixel) / IMAGEPIXELWIDTH) * (trZ - tlZ)
                + ((currentBeamData.yCentre - yPixel) / IMAGEPIXELHEIGHT) * (blZ - tlZ);

        return new double[] { x, y, z };
