Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Schools
Copyright Markus Hohenwarter and GeoGebra Inc.,
This file is part of GeoGebra.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation.

package geogebra.kernel;

//import geogebra.kernel.AlgoElement;
import geogebra.euclidian.EuclidianView;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Function;
import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootAdapter;
import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootUtil;
import geogebra.main.Application;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;

//import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;

 * Command:   Roots[ <function>, <left-x>, <right-x>]                  (TYPE 0)
 * and
 * Command: Intersect[ <function>, <function>, <left-x>, <right-x>]   (TYPE 1)
 *          (just uses difference-function instead of one function)
 * Can be used elsewhere:
 *    public static final double[] findRoots(GeoFunction f,double l,double r,int samples)
 *    public static final double[] calcSingleRoot(GeoFunction f, double l, double r);
 * Extends AlgoGeoPointsFunction (abstract), with the label methods, 
 * which again extens AlgoElement.
 * @author    Hans-Petter Ulven
 * @version 2011-03-08

public class AlgoRoots extends AlgoGeoPointsFunction {

    // Constants
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final int TYPE_ROOTS = 0;
    private static final int TYPE_INTERSECTIONS = 1;
    private static final int PIXELS_BETWEEN_SAMPLES = 5; // Open for empirical adjustments
    private static final int MAX_SAMPLES = 400; // -"- (covers a screen up to 2000 pxs if 5-pix-convention)
    private static final int MIN_SAMPLES = 50; // -"- (covers up to 50 in a 250 pxs interval if 5-pix-convention)

    //      private GeoFunctionable    function;          // input
    private GeoFunction f, f1, f2, diff;
    private NumberValue left; // input
    private GeoElement geoleft;
    private NumberValue right; // input
    private GeoElement georight;

    // Vars
    private int type = TYPE_ROOTS;

     * Computes "all" Roots of f in <l,r>
     * TYPE_ROOTS 
    public AlgoRoots(Construction cons, String[] labels, GeoFunction function, NumberValue left,
            NumberValue right) {
        super(cons, labels, !cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(), function); //Ancestor gets first function for points!
        this.f = function;
        this.left = left;
        this.geoleft = left.toGeoElement();
        this.right = right;
        this.georight = right.toGeoElement();

        type = TYPE_ROOTS;



        showOneRootInAlgebraView(); // Show at least one root point in algebra view

    }//Constructor TYPE_ROOTS

    public AlgoRoots(Construction cons, GeoFunction function, NumberValue left, NumberValue right) {
        super(cons, function); //Ancestor gets first function for points!
        this.f = function;
        this.left = left;
        this.geoleft = left.toGeoElement();
        this.right = right;
        this.georight = right.toGeoElement();

        type = TYPE_ROOTS;


    }//Constructor TYPE_ROOTS

     * Computes "all" Roots of f in <l,r>
    public AlgoRoots(Construction cons, String[] labels, GeoFunction function, GeoFunction function2,
            NumberValue left, NumberValue right) {
        super(cons, labels, !cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(), function); //Ancestor gets first function for points!
        this.f1 = function;
        this.f2 = function2;
        this.left = left;
        this.geoleft = left.toGeoElement();
        this.right = right;
        this.georight = right.toGeoElement();

        type = TYPE_INTERSECTIONS;



        showOneRootInAlgebraView(); // Show at least one root point in algebra view

    }//Constructor TYPE_INTERSECTIONS    

    public String getClassName() {
        return "AlgoRoots";

    public GeoPoint[] getRootPoints() {
        return getPoints(); //Points in ancestor

    protected void setInputOutput() {
        switch (type) {
        case TYPE_ROOTS:
            input = new GeoElement[3];
            input[0] = f.toGeoElement();
            input[1] = geoleft;
            input[2] = georight;
            input = new GeoElement[4];
            input[0] = f1.toGeoElement();
            input[1] = f2.toGeoElement();
            input[2] = geoleft;
            input[3] = georight;

        output = getPoints(); //Points in ancestor


        setDependencies(); // done by AlgoElement

    protected final void compute() {
        boolean ok = false;
        switch (type) {
        case TYPE_ROOTS:
            ok = f.toGeoElement().isDefined() && geoleft.isDefined() && georight.isDefined();
            ok = f1.toGeoElement().isDefined() && f2.toGeoElement().isDefined() && geoleft.isDefined()
                    && georight.isDefined();
        if (!ok) {
            setPoints(new double[1], 0); //debug("error in args");
        } else {
            if (type == TYPE_INTERSECTIONS) {
                diff = new GeoFunction(cons);
                diff = GeoFunction.subtract(diff, f1, f2); //Make a difference geofunction for intersections
            } else {
            } //if type
        } //if ok input

    private final void compute2(GeoFunction f) {

        double l = left.getDouble();
        double r = right.getDouble();
        double[] roots = new double[0];
        int numberofroots = 0;

         if (    !f.toGeoElement().isDefined() || !geoleft.isDefined()    ||   
          !georight.isDefined()             // || (right.getDouble()<=left.getDouble() )    
         ) {
            setPoints(new double[1],0);      //0 flags no root=>undefined
         }else {      

        if (l > r) {
            double tmp = l;
            l = r;
            r = tmp;
        } //Correct user input

        /// ---  Algorithm --- ///
        int n = findNumberOfSamples(l, r);
        int m = n;
        try { //To catch eventual wrong indexes in arrays...
            //Adjust samples. Some research needed to find best factor in if(numberofroots<m*factor...
            do { //debug("doing samples: "+m);
                roots = findRoots(f, l, r, m);

                if (roots == null) {
                    numberofroots = 0;
                } else {
                    numberofroots = roots.length;
                } //debug("found xvalues: "+roots);
                if (numberofroots < m / 2) {
                } else {
                    m = m * 2;
                } //
            } while (m < MAX_SAMPLES);
            if (m > MAX_SAMPLES)
                Application.debug("We have probably lost some roots...");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Application.debug("Exception in compute() " + e.toString());
        } //try-catch    


        if (numberofroots == 0) {
            setPoints(new double[1], 0); //0 flags no root=>undefined
        } else {
            setPoints(roots, roots.length);
        } //if

     * Main algorithm, public for eventual use by other commands
     * Finds a samplesize n depending on screen coordinates
     * Samples n intervals
     * Collects roots in intervals where y(l)*y(r)>0
    public static final double[] findRoots(GeoFunction f, double l, double r, int samples) {

        double[] y = new double[samples + 1]; //
        ArrayList<Double> xlist = new ArrayList<Double>();
        double x, xval, yval;
        double deltax = (r - l) / samples;

        for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) {
            x = l + i * deltax;
            y[i] = f.evaluate(x);
            //if left endpoint is root by pure luck...
            if ((Math.abs(y[i]) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) && (signChanged(f, x))) { //if left endpoint is root by pure luck...
            } //if
            if (i > 0) {
                if (((y[i - 1] < 0.0d) && (y[i] > 0.0d)) || //or just y[i-1]*y[i]<0...
                        ((y[i - 1] > 0.0d) && (y[i] < 0.0d))) {
                    xval = calcSingleRoot(f, x - deltax, x);
                    if (Math.abs(f.evaluate(xval)) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) { //=1E-5: Quite large, but less doesn't work in Apache lib...
                    } //if check
                } //if possible root
            } //if both ends of interval
        } //for all endpoints
        if (xlist.size() > 0) {
            double[] res = new double[xlist.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < xlist.size(); i++) {
                res[i] = xlist.get(i);
            } //for all x in xlist
            removeDuplicates(res); //new 08.03.11 to avoid (1,0.00000x) and (1,-0.00000x) ...
            return res;
        } else {
            return null;
        } //if valid

    /// --- Private methods --- ///
    //  Make all private after testing...

    /** Brent's algo
     * Copied from
    public final static double calcSingleRoot(GeoFunction f, double left, double right) {
        UnivariateRealSolver rootFinder = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance().newBrentSolver(); //Apache lib

        if (!f.isDefined())
            return Double.NaN;

        double root = Double.NaN;
        Function fun = f.getFunction();

        try {
            // Brent's method
            root = rootFinder.solve(new RealRootAdapter(fun), left, right);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                // Let's try again by searching for a valid domain first
                double[] borders = RealRootUtil.getDefinedInterval(fun, left, right);
                root = rootFinder.solve(new RealRootAdapter(fun), borders[0], borders[1]);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                root = Double.NaN;
            } //try-catch
        } //try-catch

        return root;

    public final int findNumberOfSamples(double l, double r) {
        //Find visible area of graphic screen: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax

        EuclidianView ev = app.getEuclidianView();
        double visiblemax = ev.getXmax();
        double visiblemin = ev.getXmin();
        double visiblepixs = ev.toScreenCoordXd(visiblemax) - ev.toScreenCoordXd(visiblemin);
        //debug("Visible pixels: "+visiblepixs);
        double pixsininterval = visiblepixs * (r - l) / (visiblemax - visiblemin);
        //debug("Pixels in interval: "+pixsininterval);
        int n = (int) Math
                .round(Math.max(Math.min(pixsininterval / PIXELS_BETWEEN_SAMPLES, MAX_SAMPLES), MIN_SAMPLES));

        //debug("Samples: "+n);    
        return n;


    private static final boolean signChanged(GeoFunction f, double x) {
        double delta = Kernel.MIN_PRECISION * 10; //Used in AlgoRootsPolynomial
        double left, right, lefty, righty;
        boolean signChanged;
        left = x - delta;
        right = x + delta;
        int count = 0;
        while (Math.abs(lefty = f.evaluate(left)) < delta && count++ < 100)
            left = left - delta;
        count = 0;
        while (Math.abs(righty = f.evaluate(right)) < delta && count++ < 100)
            right = right + delta;
        signChanged = lefty * righty < 0.0d;
        return signChanged;

    // * //--- SNIP (after debugging and testing) -------------------------   
    /// --- Test interface --- ///
    //  Running testcases from external testscript Test_Extremum.bsh from plugin scriptrunner.
    //  algo=new AlgoRoots(cons)
    //  listArray(double[])
    //  listLabels(String[])
    //  listPoints(GeoPoint[])

    /* Constructor for externel test of static functions */
    public AlgoRoots(Construction cons) {
    }//Test Constructor

    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;

    private final static void debug(String s) {
        if (DEBUG) {
        } //if()

    public final static void listArray(double[] a) {
        if (a != null) {
            int l = a.length;
            System.out.println("Length: " + l);
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                System.out.println("a[" + i + "]: " + a[i]);
            } //for
        } else {
            debug("array was null!");
        } //if not null

    public final static void listLabels(String[] a) {
        if (a != null) {
            int l = a.length;
            System.out.println("Length: " + l);
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                System.out.println("Label[" + i + "]: " + a[i]);
            } //for
        } else {
            debug("labels was null!");
        } //if not null

    public final static void listPoints(GeoPoint[] gpts) {
        if (gpts != null) {
            int n = gpts.length;
            System.out.println("Length: " + n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        "Label: " + gpts[i].getLabel() + "     pt[" + i + "]: (" + gpts[i].x + "," + gpts[i] + ")");
            } //for
        } else {
            debug("gpts was null!");
        } //if not null

    public final static String testGeoPointX(GeoPoint geo, double answer) {
        double value;
        boolean ok = false;
        value = geo.getX();
        if (Math.abs(value - answer) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION) {
            return " === GOOD ===";
        } else {
            return " ****************** WRONG *******************\n" + " ERROR: " + Math.abs(value - answer)
                    + "  for: " + geo.getNameDescription() + "\n"
                    + " ********************************************\n";
        } //if near enough...

    // */ //--- SNIP end ---------------------------------------    

}//class AlgoRoots