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// Copyright 2016 The Nomulus Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.

package google.registry.util;

import static;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Class representing an RFC 1519 CIDR IP address block.
 * <p>When creating a CidrAddressBlock from an IP string literal
 * without a specified CIDR netmask (i.e. no trailing "/16" or "/64")
 * or an InetAddress with an accompanying integer netmask, then the
 * maximum length netmask for the address famiy of the specified
 * address is used (i.e. 32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6).  I.e. ""
 * is automatically treated as "" and, similarly,
 * "2001:db8::1" is automatically treated as "2001:db8::1/128".
// TODO(b/21870796): Migrate to Guava version when this is open-sourced.
public class CidrAddressBlock implements Iterable<InetAddress>, Serializable {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CidrAddressBlock.class.getName());

    private final InetAddress ip;

     * The number of block or mask bits needed to create the address block
     * (starting from the most-significant side of the address).
    private final int netmask;

     * Attempts to parse the given String into a CIDR block.
     * <p>If the string is an IP string literal without a specified
     * CIDR netmask (i.e. no trailing "/16" or "/64") then the maximum
     * length netmask for the address famiy of the specified address is
     * used (i.e. 32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6).
     * <p>The specified IP address portion must be properly truncated
     * (i.e. all the host bits must be zero) or the input is considered
     * malformed. For example, "" is accepted but ""
     * is not. Similarly, for IPv6, "2001:db8::/32" is accepted whereas
     * "2001:db8::1/32" is not.
     * <p>If inputs might not be properly truncated but would be acceptable
     * to the application consider constructing a {@code CidrAddressBlock}
     * via {@code create()}.
     * @param s a String of the form "" or "2001:db8::/32".
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if s is malformed or does not
     *         represent a valid CIDR block.
    public CidrAddressBlock(String s) {
        this(parseInetAddress(s), parseNetmask(s), false);

     * Attempts to parse the given String and int into a CIDR block.
     * <p>The specified IP address portion must be properly truncated
     * (i.e. all the host bits must be zero) or the input is considered
     * malformed. For example, "" is accepted but ""
     * is not. Similarly, for IPv6, "2001:db8::/32" is accepted whereas
     * "2001:db8::1/32" is not.
     * <p>An IP address without a netmask will automatically have the
     * maximum applicable netmask for its address family.  I.e. ""
     * is automatically treated as "", and "2001:db8::1" is
     * automatically treated as "2001:db8::1/128".
     * <p>If inputs might not be properly truncated but would be acceptable
     * to the application consider constructing a {@code CidrAddressBlock}
     * via {@code create()}.
     * @param ip a String of the form "" or "2001:db8::".
     * @param netmask an int between 0 and 32 (for IPv4) or 128 (for IPv6).
     *        This is the number of bits, starting from the big end of the IP,
     *        that will be used for network bits (as opposed to host bits)
     *        in this CIDR block.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the params are malformed or do not
     *         represent a valid CIDR block.
    public CidrAddressBlock(String ip, int netmask) {
        this(InetAddresses.forString(ip), checkNotNegative(netmask), false);

    public CidrAddressBlock(InetAddress ip) {
        this(ip, AUTO_NETMASK, false);

    public CidrAddressBlock(InetAddress ip, int netmask) {
        this(ip, checkNotNegative(netmask), false);

     * Attempts to construct a CIDR block from the IP address and netmask,
     * truncating the IP address as required.
     * <p>The specified IP address portion need not be properly truncated
     * (i.e. all the host bits need not be zero); truncation will be silently
     * performed. For example, "" is accepted and returns the
     * same {@code CidrAddressBlock} as "". Similarly, for IPv6,
     * "2001:db8::1/32" is accepted and returns the same
     * {@code CidrAddressBlock} as "2001:db8::/32".
     * @param ip {@link InetAddress}, possibly requiring truncation.
     * @param netmask an int between 0 and 32 (for IPv4) or 128 (for IPv6).
     *        This is the number of bits, starting from the big end of the IP,
     *        that will be used for network bits (as opposed to host bits)
     *        when truncating the supplied {@link InetAddress}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the params are malformed or do not
     *         represent a valid CIDR block.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a parameter is null.
    public static CidrAddressBlock create(InetAddress ip, int netmask) {
        return new CidrAddressBlock(ip, checkNotNegative(netmask), true);

     * Attempts to construct a CIDR block from the IP address and netmask
     * expressed as a String, truncating the IP address as required.
     * <p>The specified IP address portion need not be properly truncated
     * (i.e. all the host bits need not be zero); truncation will be silently
     * performed. For example, "" is accepted and returns the
     * same {@code CidrAddressBlock} as "". Similarly, for IPv6,
     * "2001:db8::1/32" is accepted and returns the same
     * {@code CidrAddressBlock} as "2001:db8::/32".
     * @param s {@code String} representing either a single IP address or
     *        a CIDR netblock, possibly requiring truncation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the params are malformed or do not
     *         represent a valid CIDR block.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a parameter is null.
    public static CidrAddressBlock create(String s) {
        return new CidrAddressBlock(parseInetAddress(s), parseNetmask(s), true);

    private static final int AUTO_NETMASK = -1;

     * The universal constructor.  All public constructors should lead here.
     * @param ip {@link InetAddress}, possibly requiring truncation.
     * @param netmask the number of prefix bits to include in the netmask.
     *     This is between 0 and 32 (for IPv4) or 128 (for IPv6).
     *     The special value {@code AUTO_NETMASK} indicates that the CIDR block
     *     should cover exactly one IP address.
     * @param truncate controls the behavior when an address has extra trailing
     *     bits.  If true, these bits are silently truncated, otherwise this
     *     triggers an exception.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if netmask is out of range, or ip has
     *     unexpected trailing bits.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a parameter is null.
    private CidrAddressBlock(InetAddress ip, int netmask, boolean truncate) {
        // A single IP address is always truncated, by definition.
        if (netmask == AUTO_NETMASK) {
            this.ip = ip;
            this.netmask = ip.getAddress().length * 8;

        // Determine the truncated form of this CIDR block.
        InetAddress truncatedIp = applyNetmask(ip, netmask);

        // If we're not truncating silently, then check for trailing bits.
        if (!truncate && !truncatedIp.equals(ip)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("CIDR block: " + getCidrString(ip, netmask)
                    + " is not properly truncated, should have been: " + getCidrString(truncatedIp, netmask));

        this.ip = truncatedIp;
        this.netmask = netmask;

    private static String getCidrString(InetAddress ip, int netmask) {
        return ip.getHostAddress() + "/" + netmask;

     * Attempts to parse an {@link InetAddress} prefix from the given String.
     * @param s a String of the form "" or "2001:db8::/32".
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if s does not begin with an IP address.
    private static InetAddress parseInetAddress(String s) {
        int slash = s.indexOf('/');
        return InetAddresses.forString((slash < 0) ? s : s.substring(0, slash));

     * Attempts to parse a netmask from the given String.
     * <p>If the string does not end with a "/xx" suffix, then return AUTO_NETMASK
     * and let the constructor handle it.  Otherwise, we only verify that the
     * suffix is a well-formed nonnegative integer.
     * @param s a String of the form "" or "2001:db8::/32".
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if s is malformed or does not end with a
     *     valid nonnegative integer.
    private static int parseNetmask(String s) {
        int slash = s.indexOf('/');
        if (slash < 0) {
            return AUTO_NETMASK;
        try {
            return checkNotNegative(Integer.parseInt(s.substring(slash + 1)));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid netmask: " + s.substring(slash + 1));

    private static int checkNotNegative(int netmask) {
        checkArgument(netmask >= 0, "CIDR netmask '%s' must not be negative.", netmask);
        return netmask;

    private static InetAddress applyNetmask(InetAddress ip, int netmask) {
        byte[] bytes = ip.getAddress();
        checkArgument((netmask >= 0) && (netmask <= (bytes.length * 8)),
                "CIDR netmask '%s' is out of range: 0 <= netmask <= %s.", netmask, (bytes.length * 8));

        // The byte in which the CIDR boundary falls.
        int cidrByte = (netmask == 0) ? 0 : ((netmask - 1) / 8);
        // The number of mask bits within this byte.
        int numBits = netmask - (cidrByte * 8);
        // The bitmask for this byte.
        int bitMask = (-1 << (8 - numBits));

        // Truncate the byte in which the CIDR boundary falls.
        bytes[cidrByte] = (byte) (bytes[cidrByte] & bitMask);

        // All bytes following the cidrByte get zeroed.
        for (int i = cidrByte + 1; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
            bytes[i] = 0;

        try {
            return InetAddress.getByAddress(bytes);
        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Error creating InetAddress from byte array '%s'.", Arrays.toString(bytes)), uhe);

     * @return the standard {@code String} representation of the IP portion
     * of this CIDR block (a.b.c.d, or a:b:c::d)
     * <p>NOTE: This is not reliable for comparison operations. It is
     * more reliable to normalize strings into {@link InetAddress}s and
     * then compare.
     * <p>Consider:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code ""} is equivalent to {@code ""}
     * <li>{@code "2001:db8::"} is equivalent to
     *     {@code "2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"}
     * </ul>
    public String getIp() {
        return ip.getHostAddress();

    public InetAddress getInetAddress() {
        return ip;

     * Returns the number of leading bits (prefix size) of the routing prefix.
    public int getNetmask() {
        return netmask;

     * Returns {@code true} if the supplied {@link InetAddress} is within
     * this {@code CidrAddressBlock}, {@code false} otherwise.
     * <p>This can be used to test if the argument falls within a well-known
     * network range, a la GoogleIp's isGoogleIp(), isChinaIp(), et alia.
     * @param ipAddr {@link InetAddress} to evaluate.
     * @return {@code true} if {@code ipAddr} is logically within this block,
     *         {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean contains(@Nullable InetAddress ipAddr) {
        if (ipAddr == null) {
            return false;

        // IPv4 CIDR netblocks can never contain IPv6 addresses, and vice versa.
        // Calling getClass() is safe because the Inet4Address and Inet6Address
        // classes are final.
        if (ipAddr.getClass() != ip.getClass()) {
            return false;

        try {
            return ip.equals(applyNetmask(ipAddr, netmask));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

            // Something has gone very wrong. This CidrAddressBlock should
            // not have been created with an invalid netmask and a valid
            // netmask should have been successfully applied to "ipAddr" as long
            // as it represents an address of the same family as "this.ip".
            return false;

     * Returns {@code true} if the supplied {@code CidrAddressBlock} is within
     * this {@code CidrAddressBlock}, {@code false} otherwise.
     * <p>This can be used to test if the argument falls within a well-known
     * network range, a la GoogleIp's isGoogleIp(), isChinaIp(), et alia.
     * @param cidr {@code CidrAddressBlock} to evaluate.
     * @return {@code true} if {@code cidr} is logically within this block,
     *         {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean contains(@Nullable CidrAddressBlock cidr) {
        if (cidr == null) {
            return false;

        if (cidr.netmask < netmask) {
            // No block can contain a network larger than it
            // (in CIDR larger blocks have smaller netmasks).
            return false;

        return contains(cidr.getInetAddress());

     * Returns {@code true} if the supplied {@code String} is within
     * this {@code CidrAddressBlock}, {@code false} otherwise.
     * <p>This can be used to test if the argument falls within a well-known
     * network range, a la GoogleIp's isGoogleIp(), isChinaIp(), et alia.
     * @param s {@code String} to evaluate.
     * @return {@code true} if {@code s} is logically within this block,
     *         {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean contains(@Nullable String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return false;

        try {
            return contains(create(s));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            return false;

     * Returns the address that is contained in this {@code CidrAddressBlock}
     * with the most bits set.
     * <p>This can be used to calculate the upper bound address of the address
     * range for this {@code CidrAddressBlock}.
    public InetAddress getAllOnesAddress() {
        byte[] bytes = ip.getAddress();

        // The byte in which the CIDR boundary falls.
        int cidrByte = (netmask == 0) ? 0 : ((netmask - 1) / 8);
        // The number of mask bits within this byte.
        int numBits = netmask - (cidrByte * 8);
        // The bitmask for this byte.
        int bitMask = ~(-1 << (8 - numBits));

        // Set all non-prefix bits where the CIDR boundary falls.
        bytes[cidrByte] = (byte) (bytes[cidrByte] | bitMask);

        // All bytes following the cidrByte get set to all ones.
        for (int i = cidrByte + 1; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
            bytes[i] = (byte) 0xff;

        try {
            return InetAddress.getByAddress(bytes);
        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Error creating InetAddress from byte array '%s'.", Arrays.toString(bytes)), uhe);

    public Iterator<InetAddress> iterator() {
        return new AbstractSequentialIterator<InetAddress>(ip) {
            protected InetAddress computeNext(InetAddress previous) {
                if (InetAddresses.isMaximum(previous)) {
                    return null;

                InetAddress next = InetAddresses.increment(previous);
                return (contains(next)) ? next : null;

    public int hashCode() {
        return InetAddresses.coerceToInteger(ip);

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof CidrAddressBlock)) {
            return false;

        CidrAddressBlock cidr = (CidrAddressBlock) o;
        return ip.equals(cidr.ip) && (netmask == cidr.netmask);

    public String toString() {
        return getCidrString(ip, netmask);