Source code

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import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Convert;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFound;
import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFoundAction;

 * @author CWDS CALS API Team
 *         All licensed and nonlicensed substitute care homes in which a child may potentially be
 *         placed. This entity includes definitions for both PLACEMENT_HOMEs and Foster Family
 *         Agencies (FFA). Attributes for each of these entities are almost identical, with the
 * of Backup Contact Person information and Unit Number for FFA.
 *         PLACEMENT_HOMEs may be licensed homes, certified foster family homes and relative homes,
 *         as well as those homes which have been certified pending licensure. The street name, city
 *         and county of the PLACEMENT_HOME must be known before the entity can be created. Once
 *         created, additional information may be added such as the phone number, capacity
 *         information, information regarding other residents in the home, and backup contact
 *         information specific to the home. A Foster Family Agency (FFA) is a CCL licensed
 *         organization which recruits foster family homes to operate under its license. The
 *         recruited foster family homes must undergo a certification process to ensure licensing
 *         standards are met, and that child placements can be successfully made at the home. The
 *         FFA is the point of contact with the social worker assigned to the child, and is often
 *         times the one to actually find the most suitable home for the child and place them in
 *         that home. In order to create an FFA in the CWS system, the agency name, street name,
 *         city, and state must be known. The remaining items in the address of the agency, contact
 *         name and phone number can be entered at a later date. Each PLACEMENT_HOME will have a
 *         Designated Payee as will the FFA. Before any payment can be established for a particular
 *         OUT_OF_HOME_PLACEMENT at a specific PLACEMENT_HOME or an FFA home, all the Payee mailing
 *         address information must be entered.
@SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S00104", "squid:S3437" })
// Entity can't be splited , LocalDate is serializable
 * @author CWDS CALS API Team
public class BasePlacementHome extends CmsPersistentObject {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8516376534560115438L;

     * PLACEMENT_FACILITY_TYPE - The system generated number assigned to each type of placement
     * facility which can be used for OUT OF HOME PLACEMENT (e.g., Foster Family Agency, Licensed
     * Foster Family Home, Relative Home, Small Family Home, Group Home, etc.).
    @Column(name = "PLC_FCLC", nullable = false)
    private Short facilityType;

     * GOVERNMENT_ENTITY_TYPE - The system generated number which represents the specific county
     * (e.g., Yolo, Butte, Fresno, etc.) within the state of California where the PLACEMENT HOME is
     * located.
    @Column(name = "GVR_ENTC", nullable = false)
    private Short gvrEntc;

     * STATE_CODE_TYPE - The system generated number which identifies the State where the PLACEMENT
     * HOME is located (e.g., California, Texas, Nevada, etc.).
    @Column(name = "F_STATE_C", nullable = false)
    private Short stateCode;

    @Column(name = "P_STATE_C")
    private Short payeeStateCode = 0;

     * LICENSE_STATUS_TYPE - The system generated number assigned to each type of license status for a
     * specific PLACEMENT HOME (e.g., Expired, Pending, Application Denied, Licensed, etc.).
    @Column(name = "LIC_STC", nullable = false)
    private Short licStc;

     * ID - A system generated number used to uniquely identify each PLACEMENT_HOME. This ID is
     * composed of a base 62 Creation Timestamp and the STAFF_PERSON ID (a sequential 3 digit base 62
     * number generated by the system). This value eliminates the need for an additional set of
     * Creation Timestamp and Creation User ID which is needed to satisfy the Audit Trail requirement.
    @Column(name = "IDENTIFIER", nullable = false, length = 10)
    private String identifier;

     * Placement Home Profiles
    @JoinColumn(name = "FKPLC_HM_T")
    private List<PlacementHomeProfile> placementHomeProfiles;

     * Additional notes for a Placement Home
    @JoinColumn(name = "FKPLC_HM_T")
    private List<PlacementHomeNotes> placementHomeNotes;

     * Historic information on when a Placement Home Facility Type is changed and the dates the
     * Placement Home Facility type was of a specific type
    @JoinColumn(name = "FKPLC_HM_T")
    private List<PlacementFacilityTypeHistory> placementFacilityTypeHistory;

     * LICENSE_NUMBER - The number identifying a specific License issued by either the State of
     * California (CCL) or a county to a specific PLACEMENT HOME. This number is at times referred to
     * as the facility number.
    @Column(name = "LICENSE_NO", nullable = true, length = 9)
    private String licenseNo;

     * ACCEPTED_AGE_RANGE_FROM_NUMBER - This indicates the lower age range requirement in years for
     * child(ren) to be accepted for placement in a particular PLACEMENT HOME (e.g., a child must be
     * at least this age or older).
    @Column(name = "AGE_FRM_NO", nullable = false)
    private Short ageFrmNo;

     * ACCEPTED_AGE_RANGE_TO_NUMBER - This indicates the upper age range requirement in years for
     * child(ren) to be accepted for placement in a particular PLACEMENT HOME (e.g., a child must be
     * at this age or younger).
    @Column(name = "AGE_TO_NO", nullable = false)
    private Short ageToNo;

     * AT_CAPACITY_IND - This indicator is activated by the maintenance worker when the SUBSTITUTE
     * CARE PROVIDER informs them that all beds in the home are filled.
    @Column(name = "AT_CAP_IND", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String atCapInd;

     * BACKUP_CONTACT_PERSON_NAME - The name of the facility's backup contact person for those
     * facilities with 24 hour emergency response, or the name of the group home contact person.
    @Column(name = "BCK_PERSNM", nullable = false, length = 35)
    private String bckPersnm;

     * BACKUP_PHONE_EXTENSION_NUMBER - The extension number associated with the phone number of the
     * backup contact person for the PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "BCK_EXT_NO")
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredIntegerConverter.class)
    private String bckExtNo;

     * BACKUP_PHONE_NUMBER - A phone number for the backup contact person for the PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "BCK_TEL_NO", nullable = false, precision = 0)
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredLongConverter.class)
    private String bckTelNo;

     * CERTIFIED_PENDING_LICENSURE_DATE - The date upon which a not yet licensed PLACEMENT HOME has
     * been certified meeting all licensing requirements, but awaiting formal License approval. This
     * process is performed when a suitable placement match has been found, but the home is not yet
     * licensed.
    @Column(name = "CERTF_PNDT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate certfPndt;

     * CHILD_CARE_PLAN_CODE - Indicates whether the PLACEMENT HOME has a child care plan developed.
    @Column(name = "CHLCR_PLCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String chlcrPlcd;

     * CITY_NAME - The name of the city where the PLACEMENT HOME is located.
    @Column(name = "CITY_NM", nullable = false, length = 20)
    private String cityNm;

     * CLIENT_SERVED_TYPE - The system generated number assigned to each category of client served by
     * a PLACEMENT HOME (e.g., Children/Toddler, Infant, Medically Fragile, etc.).
    @Column(name = "CL_SRVDC", nullable = false)
    private Short clSrvdc;

     * CONFIDENTIALITY_IN_EFFECT_IND - This indicates whether or not confidentiality has been
     * requested and is currently in effect for all of the SUBSTITUTE CARE PROVIDERs in this PLACEMENT
     * HOME.
    @Column(name = "CONF_EFIND", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String confEfind;

     * CURRENT_OCCUPANCY_NUMBER - The system maintained current occupancy number for each
     * PLACEMENT_HOME. It is incremented or decremented as a placement is established or terminated.
     * This number equates to the number of CWS children currently placed in the home.
    @Column(name = "CUR_OCP_NO", nullable = false)
    private Short curOcpNo;

     * EMERGENCY_SHELTER_CODE - Indicates whether the PLACEMENT HOME can be used for emergency
     * placements (Y).
    @Column(name = "EMR_SHLTCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String emrShltcd;

     * FAX_NUMBER - A fax number associated with the PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "FAX_NO", nullable = false, precision = 0)
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredLongConverter.class)
    private String faxNo;

     * FOREIGN_ADDRESS_IND_VAR - This indicator variable is used to indicate if there are any
     * occurrences of FOREIGN_ADDRESSs related to this PLACEMENT_HOME. This will save unnecessary
     * processing time from searching for information that does not exist in the database.
    @Column(name = "FRG_ADRT_B", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String frgAdrtB;

     * GENDER_ACCEPTED_CODE - Indicates if the home accepts only males (M), only females (F), or
     * either gender (B) of children. This information can be entered by the maintenance worker once
     * it becomes known.
    @Column(name = "GNDR_ACPCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String gndrAcpcd;

     * GEOGRAPHIC_REGION_TEXT_CODE - Represents the geographical region (e.g., NW, SE, NE, etc.) in
     * which the PLACEMENT HOME is located. The geographic regions are county specific within each
     * county.
    @Column(name = "GEO_RGNTCD", nullable = false, length = 2)
    private String geoRgntcd;

     * friends/family to visit the children residing in the home.
    @Column(name = "INHM_VSTCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String inhmVstcd;

     * KNOWN_MAX_CAPACITY_NUMBER - The known maximum number of placement beds for CWS children. This
     * must be equal to or less than the maximum number stated on the license. This number may be
     * changed by the county after consulting with the SUBSTITUTE CARE PROVIDER. The number is the
     * result of a joint decision between the worker and the SUBSTITUTE CARE PROVIDER.
    @Column(name = "MAX_CAP_NO", nullable = false)
    private Short maxCapNo;

     * LA_VENDOR_ID - A vendor id assigned by Los Angeles county (and unique within the county) to a
     * PLACEMENT HOME. This is only used for the APPS interface program.
    @Column(name = "LA_VNDR_ID", nullable = false, length = 6)
    private String laVndrId;

     * LICENSE_APPLICATION_RECEIVE_DATE - The date that the License application for a specific
     * PLACEMENT HOME was received at the licensing office.
    @Column(name = "LIC_APL_DT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate licAplDt;

     * LICENSE_CAPACITY_NUMBER - The maximum number of children which may be placed within the
     * licensed facility (one of the PLACEMENT HOME).
    @Column(name = "LIC_CAP_NO", nullable = false)
    private Short licCapNo;

     * LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_DATE - The date that a PLACEMENT HOME License first becomes effective.
    @Column(name = "LIC_EFCTDT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate licEfctdt;

     * LICENSE_EXPIRATION_DATE - The date on which the License expires and is no longer valid for this
    @Column(name = "LIC_EXP_DT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate licExpDt;

     * LICENSE_STATUS_LAST_UPDATED_DATE - The date that the License status was changed to its current
     * value for a specific PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LIC_STATDT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate licStatdt;

     * LICENSED_BUSINESS_TYPE - The system generated number assigned to each kind of business entity a
     * PLACEMENT HOME License was authorized to operated (e.g., Private for Profit, Individual, County
     * Owned, etc.).
    @Column(name = "LIC_BSNC", nullable = false)
    private Short licBsnc;

     * LICENSEE_ORGANIZATION_NAME - The complete name (normally the name of an organization) of a
     * FOSTER FAMILY AGENCY licensee.
    @Column(name = "LICNSEE_NM", nullable = false, length = 50)
    private String licnseeNm;

     * LICENSER_CODE - This indicates whether this specific PLACEMENT HOME was licensed by the
     * location county (CT), or the by the CCL (CL), or is not licensed (NA).
    @Column(name = "LICENSR_CD", nullable = false, length = 2)
    private String licensrCd;

     * NAME - The name of the PLACEMENT HOME, if applicable (e.g., the name of a group home).
    @Column(name = "FACLTY_NM", nullable = false, length = 50)
    private String facltyNm;

     * OPERATED_BY_ID - The logical foreign key representing the ID from the source entity to which a
     * PLACEMENT HOME is being operated by (e.g., the ID from the PLACEMENT HOME, or the GROUP HOME
     * ORGANIZATION entity type).
    @Column(name = "OPRTD_BYID", nullable = true, length = 10)
    private String oprtdByid;

     * OPERATED_BY_CODE - This code defines each type of source entity to which a specific PLACEMENT
     * is being operated by (e.g., F = Foster Family Agency (from PLACEMENT HOME), G = GROUP HOME
    @Column(name = "OPRTD_BYCD", nullable = true, length = 1)
    private String oprtdBycd;

     * PAYEE_CITY_NAME - The city name on the mailing address of the Designated Payee for a particular
    @Column(name = "P_CITY_NM", length = 20)
    private String pCityNm;

     * PAYEE_FIRST_NAME - The first name of the Designated Payee for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "PYE_FSTNM", length = 20)
    private String pyeFstnm;

     * PAYEE_LAST_NAME - The last name of the Designated Payee for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "PYE_LSTNM", length = 25)
    private String pyeLstnm;

     * PAYEE_MIDDLE_INITIAL_NAME - The middle initial of the Designated Payee for a particular
    @Column(name = "PYE_MIDNM", length = 1)
    private String pyeMidnm;

     * PAYEE_STREET_NAME - The actual name of the street associated with the Designated Payee's
     * address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "PSTREET_NM", length = 40)
    private String pstreetNm;

     * PAYEE_STREET_NUMBER - The street or house number associated with the Street Name as part of the
     * Designated Payee's address. This may include the fractional or alphabetic modifier, e.g. A-17,
     * 119-10, 39.2, 100 1/2, etc.
    @Column(name = "PSTREET_NO", length = 10)
    private String pstreetNo;

     * PAYEE_ZIP_NUMBER - The first five digits of the zip code for the Designated Payee's mailing
     * address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "P_ZIP_NO")
    @Convert(converter = ZipCodeConverter.class)
    private String pZipNo;

     * PRIMARY_CONTACT_PERSON_NAME - The name of the facility's primary contact person for the
     * placement home, the Foster Family Agency, or the name of the group home contact person.
    @Column(name = "PRM_CNCTNM", nullable = false, length = 35)
    private String prmCnctnm;

     * PRIMARY_PHONE_EXTENSION_NUMBER - The primary phone extension number of the PLACEMENT HOME or
     * Foster Family Agency.
    @Column(name = "PRM_EXT_NO")
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredIntegerConverter.class)
    private String prmExtNo;

     * PRIMARY_SUBS_CARE_PROVIDER_ID - The logical foreign key representing the ID from the source
     * entity of the Primary Care Provider for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * &#64;Basic
     * &#64;Column(name = "PRM_SUBSID", nullable = true, length = 10)
     * private String prmSubsid;
     * </pre>
     * </blockquote>
    @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "PRM_SUBSID", referencedColumnName = "IDENTIFIER")
    private SubstituteCareProvider primarySubstituteCareProvider;

     * PRIMARY_SUBS_CARE_PROVIDER_NAME - The full name of the Primary Care Provider for a particular
    @Column(name = "PRM_SUBSNM", nullable = false, length = 54)
    private String prmSubsnm;

     * PRIMARY_PHONE_NUMBER - The primary phone number including area code of the PLACEMENT HOME or
     * Foster Family Agency.
    @Column(name = "PRM_TEL_NO", nullable = false, precision = 0)
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredLongConverter.class)
    private String prmTelNo;

     * PROVIDES_TRANSPORT_CODE - Indicates whether the home is willing to provide transportation for
     * children in the home.
    @Column(name = "PVD_TRNSCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String pvdTrnscd;

     * PUBLIC_TRANSPORTN_AVAILABLE_CODE - Indicates whether the home is easily accessible via public
     * transportation.
    @Column(name = "PUB_TRNSCD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String pubTrnscd;

     * STREET_NAME - The actual name of the street associated with the PLACEMENT HOME's address. Do
     * not abbreviate if at all possible for matching purposes.
    @Column(name = "STREET_NM", nullable = false, length = 40)
    private String streetNm;

     * STREET_NUMBER - The street or house number associated with the street name as part of the
     * PLACEMENT HOME's address. This may include the fractional or alphabetic modifier, e.g., A-17,
     * 119-10, 39.2, 100 1/2, etc.
    @Column(name = "STREET_NO", nullable = false, length = 10)
    private String streetNo;

     * ZIP_NUMBER - The first five digits of the zip code for the PLACEMENT HOME's address.
    @Column(name = "ZIP_NO", nullable = false)
    @Convert(converter = ZipCodeConverter.class)
    private String zipNo;

     * ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION - Any additional information pertaining to the PLACEMENT HOME's address
     * which may include directions for getting to the PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "ADDR_DSC", nullable = false, length = 120)
    private String addrDsc;

     * CHILDREN_SPECIAL_CHARSTC_DESC - The freeform text field that can be used to document any other
     * special characteristics and/or conditions for all children residing in the PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "SPCHAR_DSC", nullable = false, length = 120)
    private String spcharDsc;

     * COUNTY_PREFERENCE_DESCRIPTION - A short description text for any County specific information
     * pertaining to the PLACEMENT HOME's preferences.
    @Column(name = "CTYPRF_DSC", nullable = false, length = 240)
    private String ctyprfDsc;

     * EDUCATION_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION - The free form text field which describes the schools servicing
     * the home. These schools can be elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and/or
     * others. This information may be used to find a suitable placement for a child when the social
     * worker determines that it is desirable to keep the child in the school he/she currently
     * attends.
    @Column(name = "ED_PVR_DSC", nullable = false, length = 120)
    private String edPvrDsc;

     * ENVIRONMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION - Significant environmental factors that may affect the
     * placement of a child at a facility participating in vacancy match. Examples include a facility
     * located in an area with an overabundance of pollen. This could be critical in the placement of
     * an asthmatic child.
    @Column(name = "ENV_FCTDSC", nullable = false, length = 60)
    private String envFctdsc;

     * HAZARDS_DESCRIPTION - Describes whether the PLACEMENT HOME has a swimming pool, spa, pond, or
     * any other significant body of water or objects which may pose a hazard.
    @Column(name = "HAZRDS_DSC", nullable = false, length = 120)
    private String hazrdsDsc;

     * LIS_PREFERENCE_DESCRIPTION - A short description text which provides placement preferences
     * summary information downloaded from the LIS interface. This is read only information and cannot
     * be modified. Any county specific comments regarding such preferences should be documented in
     * the License Waiver Description field. Many times, this preference information includes an age
     * range, or the level of care (1-4) provided by the home if the home is a Small Family Home.
     * Automated vacancy match cannot use this field. However, this information may be utilized after
     * the number of facilities has been minimized with the first cut of an automated vacancy match.
    @Column(name = "LIS_PRFDSC", nullable = false, length = 210)
    private String lisPrfdsc;

     * PETS_DESCRIPTION - Identifies and describes whether the home allows pets or currently has pets.
    @Column(name = "PETS_DSC", nullable = false, length = 60)
    private String petsDsc;

     * RELIGIOUS_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION - Description of the religious activity in the home(e.g., how
     * often the people in the home attends bible study).
    @Column(name = "RLG_ACTDSC", nullable = false, length = 60)
    private String rlgActdsc;

     * PAYEE_ZIP_SUFFIX_NUMBER - The last four digits of the zip code for the Designated Payee's
     * mailing address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "PY_ZIP_SFX", nullable = false)
    @Convert(converter = ZipExtConverter.class)
    private String pyZipSfx;

     * ZIP_SUFFIX_NUMBER - The last four digits of the zip code for a PLACEMENT HOME's address.
    @Column(name = "ZIP_SFX_NO", nullable = false)
    @Convert(converter = ZipExtConverter.class)
    private String zipSfxNo;

     * APPLICATION_STATUS_TYPE - The system generated number which identifies the current status of
     * the application to license a PLACEMENT_HOME.
    @Column(name = "AP_STAT_TP", nullable = false)
    private Short apStatTp;

     * CERTIFICATION_FORM_COMPLETED_IND - Indicates whether the Social Worker has completed
     * certification of the home (Y), or has not completed certification (N) for a County Licensed
     * Care.
    @Column(name = "CERT_CMPLT", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String certCmplt;

     * LA_PAYEE_CITY_NAME - The LA city name on the mailing address of the Designated Payee for a
     * particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_CTYNM", nullable = false, length = 20)
    private String laPCtynm;

     * LA_PAYEE_FIRST_NAME - The first name of the Designated LA Payee for a particular PLACEMENT
     * HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_FSTNM", nullable = false, length = 20)
    private String laPFstnm;

     * LA_PAYEE_LAST_NAME - The last name of the Designated Payee for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_LSTNM", nullable = false, length = 25)
    private String laPLstnm;

     * LA_PAYEE_MIDDLE_INITIAL_NAME - The middle initial of the Designated Payee for a particular
    @Column(name = "LA_P_MIDNM", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String laPMidnm;

     * LA_PAYEE_STATE_CODE_TYPE - The system generated number which identifies the State for the
     * Designated Payee's mailing address (e.g., California, Nevada, Texas, etc.).
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * &#64;Basic
     * &#64;Column(name = "LP_STATE_C", nullable = false)
     * private Short lpStateC;
     * </pre>
     * </blockquote>
    @Column(name = "LP_STATE_C")
    private Short laPayeeState;

     * LA_PAYEE_STREET_NAME - The actual name of the street associated with the Designated Payee's
     * address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_STNM", nullable = false, length = 40)
    private String laPStnm;

     * LA_PAYEE_STREET_NUMBER - The street or house number associated with the Street Name as part of
     * the Designated Payee's address. This may include the fractional or alphabetic modifier, e.g.
     * A-17, 119-10, 39.2, 100 1/2, etc.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_STNO", nullable = false, length = 10)
    private String laPStno;

     * LA_PAYEE_ZIP_NUMBER - The first five digits of the zip code for the Designated Payee's mailing
     * address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_ZIPNO", nullable = false)
    @Convert(converter = ZipCodeConverter.class)
    private String laPZipno;

     * LA_PAYEE_ZIP_SUFFIX_NUMBER - The last four digits of the zip code for the Designated Payee's
     * mailing address for a particular PLACEMENT HOME.
    @Column(name = "LA_P_ZPSFX", nullable = false)
    @Convert(converter = ZipExtConverter.class)
    private String laPZpsfx;

     * LA_PAYEE_BUSINESS - LA payee business
    @Column(name = "LA_P_BSNSS", nullable = false, length = 30)
    private String laPBsnss;

     * APP_STATUS_UPDATE_DATE - This attribute holds the date that the application status was last
     * changed. It is set by the system.
    @Column(name = "AP_STAT_DT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate apStatDt;

     * LA_PAYEE_PHONE_NUMBER - LA phone number
    @Column(name = "LA_P_PH_NO", nullable = false, precision = 0)
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredLongConverter.class)
    private String laPPhNo;

     * LA_PAYEE_PHONE_EXT - LA phone number extention
    @Column(name = "LA_P_PH_EX")
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredIntegerConverter.class)
    private String laPPhEx;

     * ADOPTION_HOME_ONLY_IND - This indicates whether this home is only available to adoption workers
     * for adoptive placements and can not be viewed by social workers (Y), or it is a foster home
     * (and possible also an adoption home) and can be viewed by both social workers and adoption
     * workers (N).
    @Column(name = "ADHMONLY", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String adhmonly;

     * PAYEE_PHONE_EXT - Payee phone number extension.
    @Column(name = "PYE_EXT_NO")
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredIntegerConverter.class)
    private String pyeExtNo;

     * PAYEE_PHONE_NUMBER - Payee phone number.
    @Column(name = "PYE_TEL_NO", nullable = false, precision = 0)
    @Convert(converter = StringToRequiredLongConverter.class)
    private String pyeTelNo;

     * ARCHIVE_ASSOCIATION_IND - Indicates if the PLACEMENT_HOME is part of something that is
     * archived.
    @Column(name = "ARCASS_IND", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String arcassInd;

     * COMMUNITY_TREATMENT_FACILITY_IND - Indicates whether this is a Community Treatment Facility (Y)
     * or a Group Home (N). Code Values: Y = Yes and N = No
    @Column(name = "COMFAC_IND", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String comfacInd;

     * TRANSITIONAL_HOUSING_PLACEMENT_P - Indicates whether this is a Transitional Housing Placement
     * Program (Y) or a Foster Family Agency (N). Code Values: Y = Yes and N = No. Default to N.
     * Mandatory attribute.
    @Column(name = "TRNHSG_IND", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String trnhsgInd;

     * TRANSITIONAL_HOUSING_PLACEMENT - Indicates whether this is a Transitional Housing Placement
     * Program Facility (Y) or a Foster Family Agency Certified Home (N). Code Values: Y = Yes and N =
     * No. Default to N. Mandatory attribute.
    @Column(name = "TRNHSG_FAC", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String trnhsgFac;

     * NEW_LICENSE_NUMBER - This field is populated when a change of ownership or location takes place
     * for a specific Placement Facility. It identifies what the license number of the new facility
     * will be. The new License Number is issued by the State of California (CCL) or can be entered by
     * the user when processing a Placement Home Move online. After both the old facility is closed
     * and the new facility has been added to the system, any active links to the closed facility
     * (e.g. FFA-Certified Homes, SCPs, and placements) will be ended and links to the facility with
     * the new license number will be established. This field works in conjunction with
     * Process_Placement_Home_Move_Ind to show when the new license number has been added and the
     * reconnections are complete. Both the LIS Interface and the online application will set this
     * attribute.
    @Column(name = "NEWLIC_NO", nullable = true, length = 9)
    private String newlicNo;

     * PROCESS_PLACEMENT_HOME_MOVE_IND - This field is used internally in conjunction with
     * New_License_Number for licensed homes to show when a facility has a new license number and that
     * any necessary pointers for homes and/or providers have been reset. For non licensed homes this
     * indicator is set once the Placement. Home is moved via the Process Placement Home Move
     * function. It also indicates all active out-of-home and adoptive placements have been re-pointed
     * to the new version of the home, when applicable. It will be set to Y on the old facility after
     * the updates are complete. Both the LIS Interface and the online application will set this
     * attribute.
    @Column(name = "NEWLIC_UPD", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String newlicUpd;

     * OLD_FACILITY_ID - This attribute is populated when a user performs a Process Placement Home
     * Move or when an FFA/Placement Home changes ownership or location. This is a foreign key to the
     * old placement home. Both the LIS Interface and the online application will set this attribute.
    @Column(name = "OLDFAC_ID", nullable = true, length = 10)
    private String oldfacId;

     * EMERGENCY_CONTACT_IND_VAR - This indicator variable indicates whether there are any occurrences
     * of EMERGENCY CONTACT related to this PLACEMENT HOME. This will save unnecessary processing time
     * from searching for information that does not exist in the database. The valid values are Yes
     * (Y) and No (N).
    @Column(name = "EM_CNT_B", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String emCntB;

     * END_DATE - The Date the placement home was end dated.
    @Column(name = "END_DT", nullable = true)
    private LocalDate endDt;

     * END_REASON_TYPE - The system generated number assigned to record why a placement home was end
     * dated. The selection choices will be provided by the Placement Home End Reason Type code table,
     * therefore this attribute will store the SysId of the chosen value.
    @Column(name = "PH_ENDC", nullable = true)
    private Short phEndc;

     * END_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION - The field contains any comments used to describe the reason a
     * placement home was end dated.
    @Column(name = "END_COMDSC", nullable = true, length = 254)
    private String endComdsc;

    @JoinColumn(name = "FKPLC_HM_T")
    private List<OtherAdultsInPlacementHome> otherAdultsInPlacementHomes;

    @JoinColumn(name = "FKPLC_HM_T")
    private List<OtherChildrenInPlacementHome> otherChildrenInPlacementHomes;

    @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "FKCNTY_CST", referencedColumnName = "IDENTIFIER", nullable = true)
    private CountyLicenseCase countyLicenseCase;

    public CountyLicenseCase getCountyLicenseCase() {
        return countyLicenseCase;

    public void setCountyLicenseCase(CountyLicenseCase countyLicenseCase) {
        this.countyLicenseCase = countyLicenseCase;

    public Short getFacilityType() {
        return facilityType;

    public void setFacilityType(Short facilityType) {
        this.facilityType = facilityType;

    public Short getStateCode() {
        return stateCode;

    public void setStateCode(Short stateCode) {
        this.stateCode = stateCode;

    public Short getPayeeStateCode() {
        return payeeStateCode;

    public void setPayeeStateCode(Short payeeStateCode) {
        this.payeeStateCode = payeeStateCode;

    public Short getLicStc() {
        return licStc;

    public void setLicStc(Short licStc) {
        this.licStc = licStc;

    public String getIdentifier() {
        return identifier;

    public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {
        this.identifier = identifier;

    public List<PlacementHomeProfile> getPlacementHomeProfiles() {
        return placementHomeProfiles;

    public void setPlacementHomeProfiles(List<PlacementHomeProfile> placementHomeProfiles) {
        this.placementHomeProfiles = placementHomeProfiles;

    public List<PlacementHomeNotes> getPlacementHomeNotes() {
        return placementHomeNotes;

    public void setPlacementHomeNotes(List<PlacementHomeNotes> placementHomeNotes) {
        this.placementHomeNotes = placementHomeNotes;

    public List<PlacementFacilityTypeHistory> getPlacementFacilityTypeHistory() {
        return placementFacilityTypeHistory;

    public void setPlacementFacilityTypeHistory(List<PlacementFacilityTypeHistory> placementFacilityTypeHistory) {
        this.placementFacilityTypeHistory = placementFacilityTypeHistory;

    public String getLicenseNo() {
        return licenseNo;

    public void setLicenseNo(String licenseNo) {
        this.licenseNo = licenseNo;

    public Short getAgeFrmNo() {
        return ageFrmNo;

    public void setAgeFrmNo(Short ageFrmNo) {
        this.ageFrmNo = ageFrmNo;

    public Short getAgeToNo() {
        return ageToNo;

    public void setAgeToNo(Short ageToNo) {
        this.ageToNo = ageToNo;

    public String getAtCapInd() {
        return atCapInd;

    public void setAtCapInd(String atCapInd) {
        this.atCapInd = atCapInd;

    public String getBckPersnm() {
        return bckPersnm;

    public void setBckPersnm(String bckPersnm) {
        this.bckPersnm = bckPersnm;

    public String getBckExtNo() {
        return bckExtNo;

    public void setBckExtNo(String bckExtNo) {
        this.bckExtNo = bckExtNo;

    public String getBckTelNo() {
        return bckTelNo;

    public void setBckTelNo(String bckTelNo) {
        this.bckTelNo = bckTelNo;

    public LocalDate getCertfPndt() {
        return certfPndt;

    public void setCertfPndt(LocalDate certfPndt) {
        this.certfPndt = certfPndt;

    public String getChlcrPlcd() {
        return chlcrPlcd;

    public void setChlcrPlcd(String chlcrPlcd) {
        this.chlcrPlcd = chlcrPlcd;

    public String getCityNm() {
        return cityNm;

    public void setCityNm(String cityNm) {
        this.cityNm = cityNm;

    public Short getClSrvdc() {
        return clSrvdc;

    public void setClSrvdc(Short clSrvdc) {
        this.clSrvdc = clSrvdc;

    public String getConfEfind() {
        return confEfind;

    public void setConfEfind(String confEfind) {
        this.confEfind = confEfind;

    public Short getCurOcpNo() {
        return curOcpNo;

    public void setCurOcpNo(Short curOcpNo) {
        this.curOcpNo = curOcpNo;

    public String getEmrShltcd() {
        return emrShltcd;

    public void setEmrShltcd(String emrShltcd) {
        this.emrShltcd = emrShltcd;

    public String getFaxNo() {
        return faxNo;

    public void setFaxNo(String faxNo) {
        this.faxNo = faxNo;

    public String getFrgAdrtB() {
        return frgAdrtB;

    public void setFrgAdrtB(String frgAdrtB) {
        this.frgAdrtB = frgAdrtB;

    public String getGndrAcpcd() {
        return gndrAcpcd;

    public void setGndrAcpcd(String gndrAcpcd) {
        this.gndrAcpcd = gndrAcpcd;

    public String getGeoRgntcd() {
        return geoRgntcd;

    public void setGeoRgntcd(String geoRgntcd) {
        this.geoRgntcd = geoRgntcd;

    public String getInhmVstcd() {
        return inhmVstcd;

    public void setInhmVstcd(String inhmVstcd) {
        this.inhmVstcd = inhmVstcd;

    public Short getMaxCapNo() {
        return maxCapNo;

    public void setMaxCapNo(Short maxCapNo) {
        this.maxCapNo = maxCapNo;

    public String getLaVndrId() {
        return laVndrId;

    public void setLaVndrId(String laVndrId) {
        this.laVndrId = laVndrId;

    public LocalDate getLicAplDt() {
        return licAplDt;

    public void setLicAplDt(LocalDate licAplDt) {
        this.licAplDt = licAplDt;

    public Short getLicCapNo() {
        return licCapNo;

    public void setLicCapNo(Short licCapNo) {
        this.licCapNo = licCapNo;

    public LocalDate getLicEfctdt() {
        return licEfctdt;

    public void setLicEfctdt(LocalDate licEfctdt) {
        this.licEfctdt = licEfctdt;

    public LocalDate getLicExpDt() {
        return licExpDt;

    public void setLicExpDt(LocalDate licExpDt) {
        this.licExpDt = licExpDt;

    public LocalDate getLicStatdt() {
        return licStatdt;

    public void setLicStatdt(LocalDate licStatdt) {
        this.licStatdt = licStatdt;

    public Short getLicBsnc() {
        return licBsnc;

    public void setLicBsnc(Short licBsnc) {
        this.licBsnc = licBsnc;

    public String getLicnseeNm() {
        return licnseeNm;

    public void setLicnseeNm(String licnseeNm) {
        this.licnseeNm = licnseeNm;

    public String getLicensrCd() {
        return licensrCd;

    public void setLicensrCd(String licensrCd) {
        this.licensrCd = licensrCd;

    public String getFacltyNm() {
        return facltyNm;

    public void setFacltyNm(String facltyNm) {
        this.facltyNm = facltyNm;

    public String getOprtdByid() {
        return oprtdByid;

    public void setOprtdByid(String oprtdByid) {
        this.oprtdByid = oprtdByid;

    public String getOprtdBycd() {
        return oprtdBycd;

    public void setOprtdBycd(String oprtdBycd) {
        this.oprtdBycd = oprtdBycd;

    public String getpCityNm() {
        return pCityNm;

    public void setpCityNm(String pCityNm) {
        this.pCityNm = pCityNm;

    public String getPyeFstnm() {
        return pyeFstnm;

    public void setPyeFstnm(String pyeFstnm) {
        this.pyeFstnm = pyeFstnm;

    public String getPyeLstnm() {
        return pyeLstnm;

    public void setPyeLstnm(String pyeLstnm) {
        this.pyeLstnm = pyeLstnm;

    public String getPyeMidnm() {
        return pyeMidnm;

    public void setPyeMidnm(String pyeMidnm) {
        this.pyeMidnm = pyeMidnm;

    public String getPstreetNm() {
        return pstreetNm;

    public void setPstreetNm(String pstreetNm) {
        this.pstreetNm = pstreetNm;

    public String getPstreetNo() {
        return pstreetNo;

    public void setPstreetNo(String pstreetNo) {
        this.pstreetNo = pstreetNo;

    public String getpZipNo() {
        return pZipNo;

    public void setpZipNo(String pZipNo) {
        this.pZipNo = pZipNo;

    public String getPrmCnctnm() {
        return prmCnctnm;

    public void setPrmCnctnm(String prmCnctnm) {
        this.prmCnctnm = prmCnctnm;

    public String getPrmExtNo() {
        return prmExtNo;

    public void setPrmExtNo(String prmExtNo) {
        this.prmExtNo = prmExtNo;

    public SubstituteCareProvider getPrimarySubstituteCareProvider() {
        return primarySubstituteCareProvider;

    public void setPrimarySubstituteCareProvider(SubstituteCareProvider primarySubstituteCareProvider) {
        this.primarySubstituteCareProvider = primarySubstituteCareProvider;

    public String getPrmSubsnm() {
        return prmSubsnm;

    public void setPrmSubsnm(String prmSubsnm) {
        this.prmSubsnm = prmSubsnm;

    public String getPrmTelNo() {
        return prmTelNo;

    public void setPrmTelNo(String prmTelNo) {
        this.prmTelNo = prmTelNo;

    public String getPvdTrnscd() {
        return pvdTrnscd;

    public void setPvdTrnscd(String pvdTrnscd) {
        this.pvdTrnscd = pvdTrnscd;

    public String getPubTrnscd() {
        return pubTrnscd;

    public void setPubTrnscd(String pubTrnscd) {
        this.pubTrnscd = pubTrnscd;

    public String getStreetNm() {
        return streetNm;

    public void setStreetNm(String streetNm) {
        this.streetNm = streetNm;

    public String getStreetNo() {
        return streetNo;

    public void setStreetNo(String streetNo) {
        this.streetNo = streetNo;

    public String getZipNo() {
        return zipNo;

    public void setZipNo(String zipNo) {
        this.zipNo = zipNo;

    public String getAddrDsc() {
        return addrDsc;

    public void setAddrDsc(String addrDsc) {
        this.addrDsc = addrDsc;

    public String getSpcharDsc() {
        return spcharDsc;

    public void setSpcharDsc(String spcharDsc) {
        this.spcharDsc = spcharDsc;

    public String getCtyprfDsc() {
        return ctyprfDsc;

    public void setCtyprfDsc(String ctyprfDsc) {
        this.ctyprfDsc = ctyprfDsc;

    public String getEdPvrDsc() {
        return edPvrDsc;

    public void setEdPvrDsc(String edPvrDsc) {
        this.edPvrDsc = edPvrDsc;

    public String getEnvFctdsc() {
        return envFctdsc;

    public void setEnvFctdsc(String envFctdsc) {
        this.envFctdsc = envFctdsc;

    public String getHazrdsDsc() {
        return hazrdsDsc;

    public void setHazrdsDsc(String hazrdsDsc) {
        this.hazrdsDsc = hazrdsDsc;

    public String getLisPrfdsc() {
        return lisPrfdsc;

    public void setLisPrfdsc(String lisPrfdsc) {
        this.lisPrfdsc = lisPrfdsc;

    public String getPetsDsc() {
        return petsDsc;

    public void setPetsDsc(String petsDsc) {
        this.petsDsc = petsDsc;

    public String getRlgActdsc() {
        return rlgActdsc;

    public void setRlgActdsc(String rlgActdsc) {
        this.rlgActdsc = rlgActdsc;

    public String getPyZipSfx() {
        return pyZipSfx;

    public void setPyZipSfx(String pyZipSfx) {
        this.pyZipSfx = pyZipSfx;

    public String getZipSfxNo() {
        return zipSfxNo;

    public void setZipSfxNo(String zipSfxNo) {
        this.zipSfxNo = zipSfxNo;

    public Short getApStatTp() {
        return apStatTp;

    public void setApStatTp(Short apStatTp) {
        this.apStatTp = apStatTp;

    public String getCertCmplt() {
        return certCmplt;

    public void setCertCmplt(String certCmplt) {
        this.certCmplt = certCmplt;

    public String getLaPCtynm() {
        return laPCtynm;

    public void setLaPCtynm(String laPCtynm) {
        this.laPCtynm = laPCtynm;

    public String getLaPFstnm() {
        return laPFstnm;

    public void setLaPFstnm(String laPFstnm) {
        this.laPFstnm = laPFstnm;

    public String getLaPLstnm() {
        return laPLstnm;

    public void setLaPLstnm(String laPLstnm) {
        this.laPLstnm = laPLstnm;

    public String getLaPMidnm() {
        return laPMidnm;

    public void setLaPMidnm(String laPMidnm) {
        this.laPMidnm = laPMidnm;

    public String getLaPStnm() {
        return laPStnm;

    public void setLaPStnm(String laPStnm) {
        this.laPStnm = laPStnm;

    public String getLaPStno() {
        return laPStno;

    public void setLaPStno(String laPStno) {
        this.laPStno = laPStno;

    public String getLaPZipno() {
        return laPZipno;

    public void setLaPZipno(String laPZipno) {
        this.laPZipno = laPZipno;

    public String getLaPZpsfx() {
        return laPZpsfx;

    public void setLaPZpsfx(String laPZpsfx) {
        this.laPZpsfx = laPZpsfx;

    public String getLaPBsnss() {
        return laPBsnss;

    public void setLaPBsnss(String laPBsnss) {
        this.laPBsnss = laPBsnss;

    public LocalDate getApStatDt() {
        return apStatDt;

    public void setApStatDt(LocalDate apStatDt) {
        this.apStatDt = apStatDt;

    public String getLaPPhNo() {
        return laPPhNo;

    public void setLaPPhNo(String laPPhNo) {
        this.laPPhNo = laPPhNo;

    public String getLaPPhEx() {
        return laPPhEx;

    public void setLaPPhEx(String laPPhEx) {
        this.laPPhEx = laPPhEx;

    public String getAdhmonly() {
        return adhmonly;

    public void setAdhmonly(String adhmonly) {
        this.adhmonly = adhmonly;

    public String getPyeExtNo() {
        return pyeExtNo;

    public void setPyeExtNo(String pyeExtNo) {
        this.pyeExtNo = pyeExtNo;

    public String getPyeTelNo() {
        return pyeTelNo;

    public void setPyeTelNo(String pyeTelNo) {
        this.pyeTelNo = pyeTelNo;

    public String getArcassInd() {
        return arcassInd;

    public void setArcassInd(String arcassInd) {
        this.arcassInd = arcassInd;

    public String getComfacInd() {
        return comfacInd;

    public void setComfacInd(String comfacInd) {
        this.comfacInd = comfacInd;

    public String getTrnhsgInd() {
        return trnhsgInd;

    public void setTrnhsgInd(String trnhsgInd) {
        this.trnhsgInd = trnhsgInd;

    public String getTrnhsgFac() {
        return trnhsgFac;

    public void setTrnhsgFac(String trnhsgFac) {
        this.trnhsgFac = trnhsgFac;

    public String getNewlicNo() {
        return newlicNo;

    public void setNewlicNo(String newlicNo) {
        this.newlicNo = newlicNo;

    public String getNewlicUpd() {
        return newlicUpd;

    public void setNewlicUpd(String newlicUpd) {
        this.newlicUpd = newlicUpd;

    public String getOldfacId() {
        return oldfacId;

    public void setOldfacId(String oldfacId) {
        this.oldfacId = oldfacId;

    public String getEmCntB() {
        return emCntB;

    public void setEmCntB(String emCntB) {
        this.emCntB = emCntB;

    public LocalDate getEndDt() {
        return endDt;

    public void setEndDt(LocalDate endDt) {
        this.endDt = endDt;

    public Short getPhEndc() {
        return phEndc;

    public void setPhEndc(Short phEndc) {
        this.phEndc = phEndc;

    public String getEndComdsc() {
        return endComdsc;

    public void setEndComdsc(String endComdsc) {
        this.endComdsc = endComdsc;

    public List<OtherAdultsInPlacementHome> getOtherAdultsInPlacementHomes() {
        return otherAdultsInPlacementHomes;

    public void setOtherAdultsInPlacementHomes(List<OtherAdultsInPlacementHome> otherAdultsInPlacementHomes) {
        this.otherAdultsInPlacementHomes = otherAdultsInPlacementHomes;

    public List<OtherChildrenInPlacementHome> getOtherChildrenInPlacementHomes() {
        return otherChildrenInPlacementHomes;

    public void setOtherChildrenInPlacementHomes(List<OtherChildrenInPlacementHome> otherChildrenInPlacementHomes) {
        this.otherChildrenInPlacementHomes = otherChildrenInPlacementHomes;

    public Short getGvrEntc() {
        return gvrEntc;

    public void setGvrEntc(Short gvrEntc) {
        this.gvrEntc = gvrEntc;

    public Short getLaPayeeState() {
        return laPayeeState;

    public void setLaPayeeState(Short laPayeeState) {
        this.laPayeeState = laPayeeState;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, o);

    public int hashCode() {
        return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this, "otherChildrenInPlacementHomes",
                "otherAdultsInPlacementHomes", "placementFacilityTypeHistory", "placementHomeNotes",

    public Serializable getPrimaryKey() {
        return getIdentifier();