Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright SAIC
 *  Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 *  See for details.

package gov.nih.nci.ispy.ui.graphing.chart.plot;

import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.application.graphing.PlotPoint;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.annotation.protein.bean.ProteinBiomarker;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.finding.bean.Finding;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.finding.protein.ihc.bean.IHCFinding;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.finding.protein.ihc.bean.LevelOfExpressionIHCFinding;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.domain.finding.protein.ihc.bean.LossOfExpressionIHCFinding;
import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.enumeration.AxisType;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.annotation.SampleInfo;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.ClinicalResponseType;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.ClinicalStageType;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.ContinuousType;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.PatientData;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.common.TimepointType;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.ihc.LevelOfExpressionIHCService;
import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.ihc.LossOfExpressionIHCService;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemSource;
import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYShapeAnnotation;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle;

public class ISPYCorrelationScatterPlot {

    private Collection<ISPYPlotPoint> dataPoints;
    private JFreeChart corrChart = null;
    private String xLabel;
    private String yLabel;
    private ContinuousType ct1;
    private ContinuousType ct2;
    private Double corrValue;
    private NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
    private static final double glyphSize = 8.0;
    private ColorByType colorBy = ColorByType.CLINICALRESPONSE;
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ISPYCorrelationScatterPlot.class);
    private Map<String, List<IHCFinding>> ihcData;
    private IHCBiomarkerType ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.NONE;

    public ISPYCorrelationScatterPlot(Collection<ISPYPlotPoint> dataPoints, String xLabel, String yLabel,
            ContinuousType contType1, ContinuousType contType2, Double correlationValue, ColorByType colorBy) {
        this.dataPoints = dataPoints;
        this.xLabel = xLabel;
        this.yLabel = yLabel;
        this.ct1 = contType1;
        this.ct2 = contType2;
        this.corrValue = correlationValue;
        this.colorBy = colorBy;


    private void createChart() {

        String title = "Correlation Scatter Plot  correlationCoefficient=" + nf.format(corrValue) + " N="
                + dataPoints.size();

        corrChart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot(title, xLabel, yLabel, null, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true,
                true, false);

        XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) corrChart.getPlot();

        XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
        renderer.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator());

        //        XYShapeAnnotation annotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(new Rectangle2D.Double(25.0, 25.0, 5, 5));
        //        plot.addAnnotation(annotation);

        NumberAxis domainAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getDomainAxis();
        NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis();

        //should determine axis range using datapoints.
        List<PlotPoint> plotPoints = new ArrayList<PlotPoint>(dataPoints);
        DataRange Xrange = PlotPoint.getDataRange(plotPoints, AxisType.X_AXIS);
        DataRange Yrange = PlotPoint.getDataRange(plotPoints, AxisType.Y_AXIS);

        //        Double xAbsMax = Math.max(Math.abs(Xrange.getMaxRange()), Math.abs(Xrange.getMinRange()));
        //        Double yAbsMax = Math.max(Math.abs(Yrange.getMaxRange()), Math.abs(Yrange.getMinRange()));
        //        Double maxAbsVal = Math.max(xAbsMax, yAbsMax);


        double xTick = 10.0;
        double yTick = 10.0;

        double xdist = Math.abs(Xrange.getMaxRange() - Xrange.getMinRange());
        double ydist = Math.abs(Yrange.getMaxRange() - Yrange.getMinRange());
        if (xdist < 10.0) {
            xTick = 1.0;

        if (ydist < 10.0) {
            yTick = 1.0;

        //        if (maxAbsVal <= 25.0) {
        //          tickUnit =5.0;
        //        }
        //        else if (maxAbsVal <= 50.0) {
        //          tickUnit = 10.0;
        //        }

        domainAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(xTick));
        rangeAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(yTick));

        //double glyphScaleFactor = (maxAbsVal*2.0)/600.0;   //assuming 600 pixels for the graph
        double xScale = xdist / 600.0;
        //double glyphScaleFactor = 1.0;
        double yScale = ydist / 600.0;

        //double adjAbsVal = Math.ceil(maxAbsVal + (glyphScaleFactor*8.0));

        //domainAxis.setRange(-maxAbsVal, maxAbsVal);
        double xMin = Xrange.getMinRange() - xScale * glyphSize;
        double xMax = Xrange.getMaxRange() + xScale * glyphSize;
        double yMin = Yrange.getMinRange() - yScale * glyphSize;
        double yMax = Yrange.getMaxRange() + yScale * glyphSize;

        domainAxis.setRange(xMin, xMax);

        //rangeAxis.setRange(-maxAbsVal, maxAbsVal);
        rangeAxis.setRange(yMin, yMax);
        Set<SampleInfo> infoSet = new HashSet<SampleInfo>();

        if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) || (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y)) {
            String geneName = null;
            if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) && (ct1 != ContinuousType.GENE)) {
      "User attempted to color by ihc x on non gene continuous type.");
                //need to show validation error
            } else if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y) && (ct2 != ContinuousType.GENE)) {
      "User attempted to color by ihc y on non gene continuous type.");
                //need to show validation error
            } else {
                if (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) {
                    //parse the gene name from the xLabel
                    geneName = xLabel.substring(0, xLabel.indexOf('_'));
                } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y) {
                    //parse the gene name from the yLabel
                    geneName = yLabel.substring(0, yLabel.indexOf('_'));

            //Get the IHC data for the samples to be graphed   
            LevelOfExpressionIHCService loeService = LevelOfExpressionIHCService.getInstance();
            LossOfExpressionIHCService lossService = LossOfExpressionIHCService.getInstance();
            Set<String> sampleIds = new HashSet<String>();
            String labtrackId;
            SampleInfo info;
            for (ISPYPlotPoint corrPoint : dataPoints) {
                info = corrPoint.getSampleInfo();
                if (info != null) {
                    labtrackId = corrPoint.getSampleInfo().getLabtrackId();
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Point id=" + corrPoint.getId() + " has no sample info. Skipping point");

            Collection<? extends Finding> loeFindings = loeService.getFindingsFromSampleInfo(infoSet);
            Collection<? extends Finding> lossFindings = lossService.getFindingsFromSampleInfo(infoSet);

            List<IHCFinding> findings = new ArrayList<IHCFinding>();

            for (Finding f : loeFindings) {
                findings.add((IHCFinding) f);

            for (Finding f : lossFindings) {
                findings.add((IHCFinding) f);

            //        Need to handle mapping names to IHC biomarker names.
            //EGFR (ok), FAK (PTK2), HER2 (ERBB2), Ki-67, P53, bcl2 (ok), p27, CYCLIN_D1 (CCND1)
            //Translate the gene names into the biomarker names 
            //used by ihc. This code should be removed once protein biomarker
            //alias is implmented.
            String ihcBiomarker = geneName;
            if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("PTK2")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "FAK";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.FAK;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("ERBB2")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "HER2";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.HER2;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("MKI67")) {
                //need to check this one
                ihcBiomarker = "Ki-67";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.KI67;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("TP53")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "P53";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.P53;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("Cdkn1b")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "P27";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.P27;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("BCL2")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "BCL2";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.BCL2;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("EGFR")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "EGFR";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.EGFR;
            } else if (geneName.equalsIgnoreCase("CCND1")) {
                ihcBiomarker = "CYCLIN_D1";
                ihcBiomarkerType = IHCBiomarkerType.CYCLIN_D1;

            List<IHCFinding> filteredList = getIHCFindingsForBiomarker(findings, ihcBiomarker);

            //TEST Case
            //          Set<String> testIds = new HashSet<String>();
            //          testIds.add("212833");
            //          testIds.add("213152");

            //Collection<? extends Finding> loeFindings = loeService.getFindingsFromSampleIds(testIds);

            //Collection<? extends Finding> lossFindings = lossService.getFindingsFromSampleIds(sampleIds);

            ihcData = new HashMap<String, List<IHCFinding>>();
            IHCFinding loeFinding;
            List<IHCFinding> findingList;
            Specimen specimen = null;
            String patientDID = null;
            for (Finding finding : filteredList) {
                loeFinding = (IHCFinding) finding;
                specimen = loeFinding.getSpecimen();
                if ((specimen != null) && (specimen.getPatientDID() != null)) {
                    patientDID = specimen.getPatientDID();
                    findingList = ihcData.get(patientDID);

                    if (findingList == null) {
                        findingList = new ArrayList<IHCFinding>();
                        ihcData.put(patientDID, findingList);

                } else {
                            "loeFinding id=" + loeFinding.getId() + " has null specimen or patientDID. Skipping..");

            //          IHCFinding lossFinding;
            //          for (Finding finding : lossFindings) {
            //           lossFinding = (IHCFinding) finding;
            //            ihcData.put(lossFinding.getId(), lossFinding);
            //          }


        createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(plot, xScale, yScale);

        // Paint p = new GradientPaint(0, 0, Color.white, 1000, 0,;
        //try and match the UI e9e9e9
        Paint p = new Color(233, 233, 233);




     * @param ihcFindings
     * @param biomarkerName
     * @return
    private List<IHCFinding> getIHCFindingsForBiomarker(Collection<? extends Finding> ihcFindings,
            String biomarkerName) {
        String name = null;
        ProteinBiomarker protBM = null;
        IHCFinding ihcFinding;
        List<IHCFinding> returnList = new ArrayList<IHCFinding>();

        for (Finding finding : ihcFindings) {
            ihcFinding = (IHCFinding) finding;
            protBM = ihcFinding.getProteinBiomarker();
            name = protBM.getName();
            if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(biomarkerName)) {

        return returnList;


    private void buildLegend() {
        LegendTitle legend = corrChart.getLegend();
        LegendItemSource[] sources = new LegendItemSource[1];
        CorrLegendItemSource legendSrc = new CorrLegendItemSource();
        LegendItem item = null;

        //Rect=survival less than 10 months

        GeneralPath downtriangle = new GeneralPath();
        downtriangle.moveTo(-4.0f, -4.0f);
        downtriangle.lineTo(4.0f, -4.0f);
        downtriangle.lineTo(0.0f, 4.0f);
        item = new LegendItem("Tumor size reduced by 30% or more (MRI)", null, null, null, downtriangle,

        item = new LegendItem("Tumor size reduced less than 30% or no change (MRI)", null, null, null,
                new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 8), Color.BLACK);

        GeneralPath uptriangle = new GeneralPath();
        uptriangle.moveTo(0.0f, -4.0f);
        uptriangle.lineTo(4.0f, 4.0f);
        uptriangle.lineTo(-4.0f, 4.0f);
        item = new LegendItem("Tumor size increased (MRI)", null, null, null, uptriangle, Color.BLACK);

        item = new LegendItem("Tumor size change N/A", null, null, null, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 8),

        if (colorBy == ColorByType.CLINICALRESPONSE) {

            for (ClinicalResponseType cr : ClinicalResponseType.values()) {
                item = new LegendItem(cr.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                        new BasicStroke(3.0f), cr.getColor());

        } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.DISEASESTAGE) {

            for (ClinicalStageType ds : ClinicalStageType.values()) {
                if (!"ALL")) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ds.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ds.getColor());
        } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.TIMEPOINT) {
            for (TimepointType tp : TimepointType.values()) {
                item = new LegendItem(tp.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                        new BasicStroke(3.0f), tp.getColor());
        } else if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) || (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y)) {
            //         for (CorrScatterColorByIHCType ihcType : CorrScatterColorByIHCType.values()) {
            //          item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0,0,6,6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            //         legendSrc.addLegendItem(item);  
            //         }
            if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.BCL2) {
                for (BCL2ihcType ihcType : BCL2ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.EGFR) {
                for (EGFRihcType ihcType : EGFRihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.FAK) {
                for (FAKihcType ihcType : FAKihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.HER2) {
                for (HER2ihcType ihcType : HER2ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.KI67) {
                for (Ki67ihcType ihcType : Ki67ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.P27) {
                for (P27ihcType ihcType : P27ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.P53) {
                for (P53ihcType ihcType : P53ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());
            } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.CYCLIN_D1) {
                for (CCND1ihcType ihcType : CCND1ihcType.values()) {
                    item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6),
                            new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor());


        sources[0] = legendSrc;


    private void createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(XYPlot plot, double xScale, double yScale) {
        XYShapeAnnotation glyph;
        Shape glyphShape = null;
        Color glyphColor;

        //double glyphSize = 8.0;   //pixels

        double glyphIncrementX = (glyphSize * xScale) / 2.0;
        double glyphIncrementY = (glyphSize * yScale) / 2.0;
        float gi_x = (float) glyphIncrementX;
        float gi_y = (float) glyphIncrementY;

        PatientData pd;

        double x, y;
        Double mriPctChange = null;
        for (ISPYPlotPoint corrPoint : dataPoints) {

            x = corrPoint.getX();
            y = corrPoint.getY();

            mriPctChange = corrPoint.getMRITumorPctChange();

            if (mriPctChange == null) {
                //data is missing
                Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double();
                //rect.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+1.25,y+1.25);
                rect.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + glyphIncrementX, y + glyphIncrementY);
                glyphShape = rect;
            } else if (mriPctChange <= -30.0) {

                //tumor shrank by more than 30% (down arrow)
                GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
                float xf = (float) x;
                float yf = (float) y;

                //make a triangle
                gp.moveTo(xf, yf);
                gp.lineTo(xf - gi_x, yf + gi_y);
                gp.lineTo(xf + gi_x, yf + gi_y);
                glyphShape = gp;
            } else if (mriPctChange > 0.0) {
                //tumor size increased (up arrow)

                GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
                float xf = (float) x;
                float yf = (float) y;
                //make a triangle
                gp.moveTo(xf, yf);
                gp.lineTo(xf + gi_x, yf - gi_y);
                gp.lineTo(xf - gi_x, yf - gi_y);
                glyphShape = gp;

                //            Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double();
                //            circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2);

            } else if ((mriPctChange > -30.0) && (mriPctChange <= 0.0)) {
                //no change or reduction in tumor size but less than 30% reduction
                Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double();
                circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + gi_x, y + gi_y);
                glyphShape = circle;


            //glyphColor = Color.BLUE; 
            //later can set color based on 
            glyphColor = getColorForDataPoint(corrPoint);

            glyph = new XYShapeAnnotation(glyphShape, new BasicStroke(1.0f), Color.BLACK, glyphColor);

            String tooltip = corrPoint.getTag();



    private Color getColorForDataPoint(ISPYPlotPoint plotPoint) {
        Color defaultColor = Color.GRAY;
        Color retColor = null;
        ClinicalResponseType clinResp = null;
        ClinicalStageType clinStage = null;
        TimepointType timepoint = null;
        PatientData pd = plotPoint.getPatientData();

        if (pd == null) {
            return defaultColor;

        if (colorBy == ColorByType.CLINICALRESPONSE) {
            clinResp = plotPoint.getClinicalResponse();
            if (clinResp != null) {
                retColor = clinResp.getColor();
        } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.DISEASESTAGE) {
            clinStage = plotPoint.getClinicalStage();
            if (clinStage != null) {
                retColor = clinStage.getColor();
        } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.TIMEPOINT) {
            timepoint = plotPoint.getTimepoint();
            if (timepoint != null) {
                retColor = timepoint.getColor();
        } else if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) || (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y)) {
            SampleInfo info = plotPoint.getSampleInfo();
            //       //get the IHC expression for the point
            //       String labtrakId = info.getLabtrackId();
            //"geting ihc info for labtrakId=" + labtrakId);

            String patientDID = info.getISPYId();
            String tp = info.getTimepoint().name();

            List<IHCFinding> ihcfList = ihcData.get(patientDID);
            IHCFinding theFinding = null;
            if (ihcfList != null) {
                //the list could be null if there are no ihc findings for the patientDID
                for (IHCFinding ihcf : ihcfList) {
                    if (ihcf.getSpecimen().getTimePoint().equalsIgnoreCase(tp)) {
                        theFinding = ihcf;

                if (theFinding != null) {
                    //figure out the color to use
                    if (theFinding instanceof LossOfExpressionIHCFinding) {
                        LossOfExpressionIHCFinding lossf = (LossOfExpressionIHCFinding) theFinding;
                        String result = lossf.getLossResult();
                        if (result != null) {
                            result = result.replace(' ', '_');
                            retColor = getColorForIHCResult(result, ihcBiomarkerType);

                    } else if (theFinding instanceof LevelOfExpressionIHCFinding) {
                        LevelOfExpressionIHCFinding levf = (LevelOfExpressionIHCFinding) theFinding;
                        String result = levf.getOverallExpression();
                        if (result != null) {
                            result = result.replace(' ', '_');
                            retColor = getColorForIHCResult(result, ihcBiomarkerType);
            } else {
      "PatientDID: " + patientDID + " has no ihc findings. Using default color.");

        if (retColor == null) {
            retColor = defaultColor;

        return retColor;

    public JFreeChart getChart() {
        return corrChart;

    private Color getColorForIHCResult(String result, IHCBiomarkerType biomarkerType) {
        switch (biomarkerType) {
        case BCL2:
            return BCL2ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case EGFR:
            return EGFRihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case FAK:
            return FAKihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case HER2:
            return HER2ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case KI67:
            return Ki67ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case P27:
            return P27ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case P53:
            return P53ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        case CYCLIN_D1:
            return CCND1ihcType.valueOf(result).getColor();
        return Color.GRAY;

    private Color getColorForIHCLevelResult(String result) {

        String res = result.trim();

        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("OVEREXPRESSED") || res.equalsIgnoreCase("POSITIVE")
                || res.equalsIgnoreCase("HIGH")) {
            return Color.GREEN;

        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("INTERMEDIATE") || res.equalsIgnoreCase("BORDERLINE")
                || res.equalsIgnoreCase("LOW") || res.equalsIgnoreCase("WEAK OVEREXPRESSED")) {
            return Color.YELLOW;

        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("NEGATIVE") || res.equalsIgnoreCase("NO OVEREXPRESSION")
                || res.equalsIgnoreCase("ZERO")) {
            return Color.RED;

        return Color.GRAY;

    private Color getColorForIHCLossResult(String result) {

        String res = result.trim();

        //NO LOSS
        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("NO LOSS")) {
            return Color.GREEN;

        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("PARTIAL LOSS")) {
            return Color.YELLOW;
        //PARTIAL LOSS

        //TOTAL LOSS
        if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("TOTAL LOSS")) {
            return Color.BLUE;

        return Color.GRAY;


    private class CorrLegendItemSource implements LegendItemSource {

        private LegendItemCollection items = new LegendItemCollection();

        public void addLegendItem(LegendItem item) {

        public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems() {
            return items;

